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目的探讨护士站前移模式对病区护理质量的作用。方法在五个病区实施护士站前移,比较实施前后病区护理质量的变化。结果护士站前移前后病区病房管理、基础护理、健康教育、护理安全、患者满意度比较,差异均有统计学意义(均P0.01)。结论采用护士站前移的护理模式,有利于全面提高病区护理质量。  相似文献   

刘建萍 《护理研究》2012,26(18):1699-1700
"优质护理示范工程"并不只是强调基础护理的重要性,而是改革护理管理与加强临床护理同步,其中管理的重要性更为突出[1]。其目的是使护理工作在真正意义上实施责任制整体护理。为此,首先要改革的是临床护理工作模式,即实行护士管床、管病人的"大包干责任制",这也是卫生部今年为护理改革确  相似文献   

目的探讨护士站前移的实施对护理服务质量的影响。方法根据科室病房设置及责任分组情况设计可移动护士站3个,比较实施护士站前移前后患者平均每日加液呼叫次数、护士每日为患者直接服务时间、患者健康知识掌握程度、患者对护理服务的满意度、办公护士缺陷发生次数。结果护士站前移后护士直接服务患者时间为(425±2)min/d、患者加液呼叫次数(2±0.5)次/d、患者满意度99.2%及患者健康知识掌握96.5%、办公护士执行医嘱缺陷次数为1次,与实施前相比差异有统计学意义[(390±5)min/d,(40±1.5)次/d,87.5%,95.6%,5次;u值分别为3.54,11.33,X2值分别为9.64,4.11,12.3,P〈0.01或P〈0.05]。结论护士站前移缩短了护士与患者的生理和心理距离,让护士有更多的时间实施治疗、护理和健康宣教,有效地减少了加液呼叫,提升了患者的健康知识水平,提高了护理质量及患者的满意度。  相似文献   

试行护士对护士长工作评估的做法和体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

优质护理服务是2010年以来卫生部的工作重点之一。人性化、专业化、科学化的护理服务是优质护理服务的重要内涵[1]。浙江省人民医院与时俱进,在护理部的领导下,浙江省人民医院肝胆外科率先开展了优质护理服务示范病房的工作,通过两年  相似文献   

滕四莲 《全科护理》2013,11(22):2079-2080
[目的]探讨护士站前移工作模式在神经内科病区中的应用效果。[方法]在护士长指导下设立护理组长及辅助护士,配备流动的护士站的工作车,护理组长落实人车合一工作制,辅助护士负责后勤输送工作,落实责任包干,实行分组负责、包干到人、护士站前移工作模式。[结果]提升了专科护理内涵,提高了护理工作满意度,确保了护理安全。[结论]护士站前移工作模式的实施使护士分工更加明确,护患、医护关系更加融洽,减轻了护士工作量、提高了护士工作质量和效率、提高了健康教育效果及病人满意度、提升了护士的整体素质。  相似文献   

合同护士公开竞聘护士长的做法和体会   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 大胆启用合同护士担任护士长 ,发挥人才优势 ,充实护理管理队伍。方法 通过面试、理论考试、操作考核等程序选拔合格的护理管理人才。结果 经过层层筛选、民意测评、自我评价、评委打分等评选出合同护士担任护士长。所聘护士长责任心强 ,工作认真负责 ,效率高。结论 合同制护士竞聘护士长方法可行 ,同时使正式护士、护士长产生了危机感和强烈的竞争意识 ,对我院护理工作起着积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

王剑 《中国护理杂志》2004,1(3):167-168
随着聘用护士在临床上逐渐增加,聘用管理中存在的问题影响着临床护理、教学质量和科研发展。通过制定聘用护士管理条例、系统化、规范化、制度化培训管理,使聘用护士基本素质、环境适应,工作能力明显提高,从而提高临床护理的整体素质。  相似文献   

ICU护士与病房护士对工作满意度的调查与分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:了解二级医院ICU护士与病房护士对护理工作的满意度,从而找出护理管理工作中存在的不足,制定改进措施,调动护士的积极性,更好地为患者服务。方法:采用问卷调查法,分别对病房和ICU各42名护士进行了调查。结果:①两组在每日工作时间长短、对周末工作的补偿、专业提升机会、对工作环境的支配和控制等方面存在着显著差异,P<0.05。②84名护士总体满意度低于均数指标3.03。体现在家庭与工作平衡、工作中的控制和决策、福利待遇、排班制度、专业发展机会5个方面。建议:①合理编制护理人员,合理排班,设立奖励机制。②重视专业发展,提高整体素质。③建立激励机制,提高福利待遇。  相似文献   

县级医院病房护士工作满意度调查与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:了解县级医院病房护士对工作的满意度,提出医院管理工作中存在的不足,制定改进措施。方法:采用Mueller/Mccloskey满意度量表(MMSS)对320名病房护士的工作满意度进行调查。结果:病房护士的工作满意度水平较低,其主要原因是福利待遇低,排班制度缺乏灵活性,护理专业发展机会少等。结论:医院及护理管理者应采取有效措施,提高病房护士的工作满意度,提高护士工作的积极性,从而提高护理质量水平。  相似文献   

目的建立消毒供应室细节问题管理前移机制,达到过程控制的目的。方法建立发现问题、记录细节问题、讨论细节问题及追溯效果的供应室细节问题管理前移模式,与经验式管理比较实施前后各功能区细节偏差情况、工作质量效率指标及临床满意度情况。结果细节问题管理前移模式实施前去污区偏差数78例,实施后12例,实施前管腔清洗合格数175例,实施后290例,两组比较差异有统计学意义(x2分别为56.94,25.29;P〈0.01);实施前临床服务满意度(94.26±1.22)分,实施后为(98.46±1.67)分,两组比较差异有统计学意义(t=42.10,P〈0.05)。结论消毒供应室建立细节问题管理前移运行机制,过程中的细节控制更有保证。  相似文献   

There are currently no studies available in the literature to highlight nurses' experiences of the assertive outreach (AO) engagement process. This study aimed to understand how AO nurses experience this process and what can be learned from it. The participants were five nurses working in a rural AO service in one county. Methodological considerations were rooted in the work of Martin Heidegger and the data analysed using the hermeneutic phenomenological thematic method. The data-gathering tool was semi-structured interviews. Seven major themes emerged to construct the nurses' understanding of their experience of assertive engagement. These were: (1) having time; (2) anticipatory persistence and tired dejection; (3) pressure, relief and satisfaction; (4) being the human professional confluence; (5) accepting anxiety and fear; (6) working and learning together; and (7) bringing the caring attitude. This paper focuses on the seven emerging themes and discusses the implications and recommendations for nurses practising in the AO setting.  相似文献   

护士奖金分配改革的做法与体会   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
为了充分调动护理人员工作积极性,体现多劳多得、奖勤罚懒、拉开分配档次的原则,将奖金分配制度改革引入科室护理管理中,建立以护理人员的奖金与工作数量、工作质量、职称系数、团结协作等指标综合考核相挂钩的奖金分配制度,从而调动各级护理人员的积极性和创造性,创造更大的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

Davies S 《Nursing times》1999,95(4):57-60
Practice nurses are involved in activities related to the prevention of cardiovascular disease and stroke. But the degree to which they use evidence-based practice in this area varies considerably. A Department of Health-funded study of 1,187 practice nurses in 11 health authorities identified significant links between individual and organisational factors and the use of research to guide practice. The study's authors discuss issues surrounding educational preparation, accessibility of research findings, the use of protocols and organisational influences.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Evidence indicates that, although nurses are increasingly using clinical guidelines to ensure higher quality of care, there is a wide variance in their adherence to them. The utility of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) has not been previously investigated in explaining this variance in community nursing. AIM: This paper reports a study whose primary aim was to examine the utility of the TPB in explaining variations in practice nurses' intentions to offer smoking cessation advice in accordance with coronary heart disease guidelines. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey using a postal questionnaire was carried out. A 52-item questionnaire was administered to 48 practice nurses in England. The questionnaire was designed to assess the components of the TPB, and included measures of intentions to offer smoking cessation advice, self-reported past behaviour, attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioural controls (PBCs), behavioural beliefs and evaluations, normative beliefs and motivation to comply, and control beliefs and evaluations. RESULTS: The TPB explained up to 40% of variance in intentions to offer smoking cessation advice. Attitudes and PBCs were the most important predictors of intention. Among other elements of the TPB, indirect attitudes and indirect PBCs made significant positive contributions to explaining variance in intention. DISCUSSION: Future trials of interventions to increase practice nurses' adherence to clinical guidelines could attempt to address the elements identified in this study as important factors. Further studies are required to examine the utility of the TPB in predicting practice nurses' behaviour.  相似文献   

YANG Y.‐N., XIAO L.D., CHENG H.‐Y., ZHU J.‐C. & ARBON P. (2010) Chinese nurses' experience in the Wenchuan earthquake relief. International Nursing Review 57 , 217–223 Aim: The purpose of this qualitative study is to provide an understanding of how Chinese nurses acted in response to the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Background: The literature has reported that Chinese nurses played a key role in the Wenchuan earthquake. Although these nurses' intentions were well meaning, and they made enormous efforts to save lives, they considered that disaster relief practice was beyond the scope of normal daily nursing practice and found the challenges they confronted overwhelming. China is a country prone to both natural and man‐made disasters that demand a good deal of preparedness for those involved in disaster nursing. However, few studies have been conducted to investigate the knowledge, skill, experience and attitudes required for nurses responding to disasters. Methods: Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics was used as a framework to underpin and interpret the qualitative accounts of the practice of the ten registered nurses in this study. Findings: Three themes were identified from semi‐structured interviews with the participants. These are described as (1) feeling under‐prepared; (2) perceived challenges and coping strategies; and (3) the rediscovery of the helping and caring role. By analysing these nurses' experiences in the Wenchuan earthquake relief operation, this study has identified the numerous roles and attributes required of nurses in response to disasters. Conclusion: Without education and training in disaster nursing, nurses may not be prepared to function in disaster relief, especially in a manner that is productive, efficient, collaborative and less stressful. Findings suggest that a systematic, educational approach to develop the skills required in disaster nursing is essential.  相似文献   

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