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目的通过对海绵窦外侧壁冠状断层观察,了解海绵窦外侧壁的毗邻关系。方法选择30个成人尸颅,采用火棉胶包埋技术制作海绵窦冠状薄层切片,利用数码相机获取数字资料,观察其内部结构和毗邻结构。结果①海绵窦外侧壁为两层结构,外层是硬脑膜,内层是动眼神经、滑车神经和三叉神经分支的神经鞘膜;②56%海绵窦外侧壁的内层不完整,发生在Parkinson三角后部或Mullan三角前部。结论冠状断面能清晰显示海绵窦外侧壁的毗邻结构,对该区域的神经外科手术和影像诊断具有重要意义。  相似文献   

海绵窦的巨微冠状断层解剖及其临床意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:为海绵窦的影像诊断学和神经外科学提供解剖学资料。方法:采用火棉胶包埋技术制作海绵窦冠状薄层切片并进行观察和测量。结果:两侧海绵窦间距为(12.90±1.28)mm;海绵窦外侧壁为两层结构,外层是硬脑膜,内层是动眼神经、滑车神经和三叉神经分支的神经鞘膜;海绵窦内侧壁为薄层的结缔组织,与颈内动脉之间有纤维小梁连接;海绵窦的静脉间隙出现率表现各异。结论:冠状断面能清晰显示海绵窦的详细解剖,对该区域的神经外科手术和影像诊断具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的:了解鼻内镜手术后修复各阶段筛窦黏膜的组织学转归情况,探讨术后筛窦黏膜转归过程的组织形态学规律,为完善治疗、提高手术治愈率提供科学的依据。方法:采用Messerklinger术式治疗22例成年慢性鼻窦炎(CS)及慢性鼻窦炎鼻息肉(CSNP)患者,分别在术后恢复的3个阶段进行形态学观察和光镜、电镜检查。结果:(1)术腔清洁阶段术腔分泌物潴留,光镜下上皮缺失、黏膜缺损,水肿,炎性细胞浸润,黏膜下出血;(2)黏膜转归竞争阶段可有囊泡、小息肉和肉芽生长,光镜下上皮细胞增生,部分杯状细胞增生,黏膜下腺体增生或减少;(3)上皮化完成阶段见术腔清洁,镜下大部分黏膜基本恢复正常,部分固有层为致密结缔组织取代,可见不典型腺体。结论:鼻内镜术后筛窦黏膜可以再生,鼻内镜术中、术后筛窦黏膜的正确保护和处理对黏膜再生修复有重要作用。  相似文献   

The absence of a maxillary or sphenoid sinus in an adult is an extremely rare condition. We investigated maxillary and sphenoid sinus aplasia in adult Turkish individuals using computed tomography (CT). We examined CT scans in the axial and coronal planes of the paranasal sinuses in 1,526 patients. The CT scans of a 21-year-old male were notable for bilateral maxillary sinus aplasia. Another patient, a 20-year-old female, had CT scans that showed the unilateral absence of a maxillary sinus. Two additional cases showed the unilateral absence of one sphenoid sinus. Bilateral absence of the sphenoid sinuses was not observed in our study. The clinical implications of maxillary and sphenoid sinus aplasia will be further discussed.  相似文献   

Major orbital complications after the endoscopic sinus surgeries are rare and of these, optic nerve injury is one of the most serious. This study was to undertaken to analyze 3 cases of optic nerve injury after endoscopic sinus surgery. The three cases included one patient with a loss of visual acuity and visual field defect, and two patients with total blindness. In all cases, no improvement of visual acuity was observed despite treatment. It is important to frequently check the location and direction of the endoscope during surgery to avoid optic nerve injury. In addition, surgeons must have a precise knowledge of the detailed anatomy through cadaver dissections, an ability to interpret the PNS CT scan and experienced procedural surgical skills.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: An association between bronchial asthma and sinusitis has long been suspected. Our aim is to study the clinical features of chronic sinusitis associated with bronchial asthma as two manifestations of one airway disease. METHODS: We conducted a prospective analysis of the outcome of 88 patients, with or without bronchial asthma, who underwent endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) for chronic sinusitis. Patients were divided into two groups by the presence or absence of asthma and were evaluated. One surgeon performed the ESS, and the same postoperative treatment was given to both groups. The postoperative outcomes of symptoms and objective findings related to sinusitis were evaluated numerically, with a maximum score of 2 points for each examination item. Twenty-eight patients with asthma symptoms were assessed before and after surgery, using peak flow (liter/second) and medication scores (according to US Food and Drug Administration) to determine whether bronchial asthma was improved by first-time ESS. RESULTS: The outcomes of ESS were significantly worse in the asthma group, especially the endonasal findings. Patients suffering from chronic sinusitis and bronchial asthma showed improvement following ESS in terms of their asthma symptoms, peak flow and medication score. Patients with a good ESS result tended to have the greatest improvement in their asthma. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that sinusitis and asthma are closely related to each other, acting as two manifestations of one airway disease. We recommend treating cases of sinusitis complicated by asthma as a single disease of the entire respiratory tract.  相似文献   

BackgroundPatients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and asthma (CRSwAS) are highly heterogenous in severity and prognosis. The clinical phenotypes and inflammatory endotypes of CRSwAS and their association with outcomes of endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) have not been fully studied yet.ObjectiveWe aimed to find out the clinical phenotypes of CRSwAS and explore their relationship with ESS outcomes using cluster analysis.MethodsWe recruited 103 consecutive adult patients with CRSwAS who had undergone ESS and been followed up for more than 1 year. For cluster analysis, we collected the data from 63 variables pertaining to demographic characteristics, preoperative disease status, surgical techniques, postoperative medical treatment, and outcomes. Eosinophilic CRS was defined as greater than or equal to 10 eosinophils/high-power field, and sinus computed tomography was evaluated by Lund-Mackay sinus computed tomography score (LM score).ResultsWe screened 92 eligible patients and 13 preoperative variables for balanced iterative reducing and clustering using hierarchies cluster analysis. Patients with CRSwAS were divided into 4 clusters with distinct ESS outcomes: (1) cluster 1, characterized by aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease, eosinophilic CRS, high preoperative LM score, moderate-to-severe asthma, and uncontrolled CRS after ESS; (2) cluster 2, characterized as having female dominance (66.67%), non–aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease, eosinophilic CRS, high preoperative LM score, moderate-to-severe asthma, and uncontrolled CRS after ESS; (3) cluster 3, characterized as having female dominance (95.83%), noneosinophilic CRS, low preoperative LM score, moderate asthma, and controlled CRS after ESS; and (4) cluster 4, characterized as men-only, smoker, noneosinophilic CRS, low preoperative LM score, mild asthma, and controlled CRS after ESS.ConclusionCRSwAS has distinct clusters, each corresponding to unique clinical and inflammatory characteristics and ESS outcomes.  相似文献   

经鼻腔内窥镜蝶窦鞍区手术解剖及其临床应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:为经鼻内窥镜蝶窦鞍区手术提供解剖学参数和临床经验。方法:在20个尸头标本上观测蝶窦及周围重要解剖结构。结果:77.5%的蝶窦口内窥镜直接窥见,窦口距离蝶窦顶壁、外壁、蝶腭动脉孔、鞍前壁、鼻中隔后端分别为 8. 6±3. 1mm、9. 2±1. 8 mm、 11. 1±1. 6 mm、 14. 7±3. 6 mm、3. 6±0. 5mm,距离鼻小柱根部前缘 61.6 ± 3.7 mm,与鼻底夹角 31.8° ± 5. 2°。视神经管和颈内动脉在蝶窦外侧上隆起率分别为25%和72.5%。69%蝶窦中隔非正中位。海绵窦前、下、后间窦出现率分别是80%、55%、35%。结论:进行内窥镜蝶窦鞍区手术时注意蝶窦口、蝶窦外侧壁和蝶鞍底壁与周围结构关系,避免损伤重要血管神经。  相似文献   

目的为侧颅底病变的影像诊断及手术入路提供解剖学基础。方法选取成人尸体头颈部40例,分别作矢、冠状断层解剖。在经颈动脉管垂直段、卵圆孔矢状层面上和经卵圆孔、茎突根部冠状层面上,观察侧颅底结构的解剖学关系,利用游标卡尺测量侧颅底内重要结构的径线及结构之间的距离。结果侧颅底的矢、冠状断层可清晰显示卵圆孔、颈静脉孔、颈动脉管垂直段、颈静脉窝、颞下颌关节、茎突等侧颅底结构及其毗邻关系和咽旁间隙内的结构,颈动脉管外口、卵圆孔和茎突根部至颈静脉孔的距离分别为(16.60±2.34)、(22.70±1.64)、(21.14±2.05)mm。茎突是侧颅底影像诊断及手术入路时观察各结构间的位置关系和寻找神经、血管的骨性标志。两侧侧颅底结构呈对称性分布,重要结构的径线及结构之间的距离均无显著性差异。结论侧颅底的矢、冠状断层是分别显示内耳道内结构和颞下间隙的最佳断层影像方式,对侧颅底病变的影像诊断和设计手术入路等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Sphenoid sinus accessory septations and their possible insertion on internal carotid artery (ICA) may represent a risk for endoscopic sinus surgical procedures. However, scarce data on this variant for children are available so far. This retrospective study included 220 maxillofacial CT-scans equally divided among males (13.4 ± 2.1 years) and females (13.9 ± 2.2 years). On each CT-scan, prevalence of accessory septations, number of septations in sphenoid sinuses, and their possible insertion onto ICA bone walls were recorded. Significant differences in protrusion and insertion of septations onto the ICA bone walls according to sex were assessed through Chi-square test (p < .05). Possible correlations between the prevalence of accessory septations, ICA insertion, and number of accessory septations and age were assessed by means of Pearson's regression (p < .05). On average, 66% of males and 71% of females had at least one accessory septation, without significant differences according to sex or age (p > .05): septal insertion on ICA was found in 13% of subjects, without any significant difference for sex or age (p > .05). The number of septations was significantly increased with age (p < .05). The present study showed that the prevalence of accessory septations and insertion onto the ICA are independent of age and these results are similar to those reported in adults. Results will be useful for the management of endoscopic sinus surgery.  相似文献   

目的 探讨侧颅底手术中乙状窦相关解剖标志的位置,为进一步提高侧颅底手术安全性提供解剖学基础。 方法 选取成人头颅标本40个,采用耳后切口行标准乳突根治术。充分暴露颅中窝及颅后窝硬脑膜、外半规管、面神经膝部、乙状窦、颈静脉球、乳突、茎乳孔、二腹肌嵴、外耳道后壁等重要解剖结构。使用双脚规测径器或电子数显游标卡尺分别测量相关解剖结构之间的距离。 结果 乙状窦前缘至外耳道后壁的距离是(1.41±0.32)cm,乙状窦外侧壁至乳突外侧壁的距离是(1.02±0.38)cm,面神经乳突段的长度是(1.28±0.13)cm,面神经乳突段起点(即面神经膝部)到乙状窦的距离是(0.56±0.20)cm,面神经乳突段终点(即茎乳孔部)到乙状窦的距离是(0.62±0.22)cm,二腹肌嵴至乙状窦的距离是(0.52±0.18) cm,茎乳孔至乙状窦的距离是(1.02±0.24)cm。 结论 面神经乳突段起点和终点至乙状窦的距离及乙状窦至二腹肌嵴和茎乳孔之间的距离均呈正相关;乙状沟的深浅、宽窄及骨壁的厚薄因乳突气化程度不同而各异。  相似文献   

目的 通过对成人第5掌骨CT三维重建数据进行测量,探讨人类第5掌骨形态学特点及临床意义,为临床手术和器械设计提供依据。方法 对医学影像工作站内留存的114例第5掌骨CT扫描进行三维重建,基于三维模型测量第5掌骨长度、掌骨头半径、掌骨弓半径和1/2掌骨弓圆心角、掌骨头偏心距和偏心比及髓腔狭部内径。结果 成人掌骨长度(51.55±3.01)mm,掌骨头半径(6.59±0.49)mm,掌骨弓半径(99.58±26.83)mm,1/2掌骨弓圆心角(15.90±3.36)°,掌骨头偏心距平均(0.49±0.26)mm,掌骨头偏心比平均(7.4±3.9)%,髓腔峡部内径平均(2.28±0.77)mm。结论 男性掌骨长度、掌骨头半径、掌骨头偏心距及髓腔峡部内径大于女性,其余指标性别间差异无显著性;左右手之间差异也无显著性。  相似文献   

Summary From February to November 1981 the diagnostic relevance of ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT) and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) was compared prospectively in 75 patients with suspected pancreatic disease. Final diagnosis was confirmed by autopsy, surgery, clinical course, and further laboratory data. Thus it was possible to exclude pancreatic disorders in 32 patients. By ERCP we diagnosed all tumors; sensitivity was 100%. Sensitivity of US and CT were 63% each. In five cases US made the false positive diagnosis pancreatic malignant tumor (specifity 93%), CT and ERCP in two cases (specifity 97% each). In chronic pancreatitis specifity of US and ERCP were 100% and specifity of CT was 98%. Sensitivity of ERCP amounted to 93%, CT and US revealed 74% and 52%, respectively. We conclude that ERCP is the best morphologic diagnostic tool in differentiating chronic pancreatitis from pancreatic carcinoma. US is a good screening method and CT reveals good diagnostic results in acute pancreatitis.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To compare the lateral pharyngoplasty procedure with uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS). DESIGN: Prospective randomized study. SETTING: Academic tertiary center. PATIENTS: Twenty-seven adults with OSAHS originally selected for treatment with UPPP. INTERVENTIONS: Patients were randomly assigned to 2 groups: in one group, we performed the lateral pharyngoplasty (15 cases), and in the other, we did the UPPP (12 cases). MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: We compared treatment outcomes through the evaluation of OSAHS-related symptoms and the analysis of polysomnographic tests and computed tomography measurements of pharyngeal airway. The lateral pharyngoplasty group achieved a statistically greater reduction in body weight, excessive daytime sleepiness, and apnea-hypopnea index. In addition, only in this group did we observe a statistically significant increase in the amount of deep sleep stages and improvement in morning headaches. Patients from the UPPP group did not present significant changes in the polysomnographic parameters. Pharyngeal airway measurement outcomes were similar in both groups and did not reflect the clinical and polysomnographic differences we observed. CONCLUSIONS: Lateral pharyngoplasty produces better clinical and polysomnographic outcomes in the treatment of OSAHS than does UPPP, without resultant differences in the cross-sectional measurements of the pharyngeal airway between these treatments.  相似文献   



Bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) is the most common procedure used to treat mandibular deformities. BSSO procedures include the Epker technique and the Dal Pont technique which are the most frequently used. Because of the intramandibular pathway of the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN), neurosensory disturbance of the lower lip and chin is the most common complication of BSSO. This study performed quantitative measurements from computed tomographic (CT) data obtained on dry human mandibles. The main aim of the study was to evaluate if mandibular divergence can predict the position of the IAN and the mylohyoid nerve (MHN) to prevent nerve injury.


After CT and 3D reconstruction of 65 dry mandibles, 30 measurements were made on 3 planes for each hemi-mandible. This allowed analysis of the IAN and MHN pathways. Three groups of hemi-mandibles were created depending on their divergence, and a statistical analysis was performed.


Eight out of the 30 measurements showed a significant difference among the 3 groups. There was no significant difference for the remaining 22 measurements.


The IAN seems to have a more superior position in the groups of mandibular hypo- and hyper-divergence. Orthognathic surgeons should use a more superficial retromolar bone incision in these cases. Finally, the Epker technique would be safer for preserving the MHN in normo- and hypo-divergent patients.  相似文献   

内窥镜下侧脑室后角手术入路的应用解剖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 :为临床开展神经内窥镜下的侧脑室手术提供解剖学资料。方法 :对 2 1例成人头部防腐标本进行经后角入路侧脑室的解剖观测 ,对 9具新鲜尸头在神经内窥镜下进行后角入路侧脑室的解剖学观察。结果 :侧脑室后角到前角、颞角及室间孔的距离分别为 (86.0± 6.9)mm、(5 9.5± 6.7)mm、(5 7.3±5 .4)mm ,侧脑室三角部脉络丛球到室间孔距离为 (4 0 .5± 2 .3 )mm ,脉络丛球与室间孔之间侧脑室底弓形隆起的高度为 (9.9± 1.6)mm ,三角部的最大宽度 (9.1± 2 .1)mm ,三角部上、下方宽度分别为 (8.5± 2 .0 )mm、(9.3± 1.8)mm。神经内窥镜进行侧脑室后角入路手术时 ,硬镜下可看清侧脑室三角部及体部的后半部分 ,而软镜甚至可看清室间孔及前角结构 ,颞角结构硬镜下观察困难 ,软镜可看清局部结构。结论 :内窥镜下后角入路侧脑室手术可有一个理想的侧脑室后半部分的操作空间。  相似文献   

PurposeTo evaluate the correlation between quality of the surgical field, intraoperative bleeding during endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) and the density of microvasculature of the nasal mucosa.Material/methodsNasal mucosa of 30 patients, operated for chronic rhinosinusitis, was biopsied to assess expression of CD34 antigen on vascular endothelium. Quality of surgical field was evaluated with Fromm-Boezaart scale at mean arterial pressure (MAP) of 70–80 mmHg. If at this MAP surgical field quality was not satisfactory further reduction of hemodynamic parameters was performed until ‘bloodless surgical field’ (grade 2 or lower) was achieved. The rate of intraoperative bleeding was calculated from the ratio of total blood loss and the operative time. The extent of the disease was assessed according to computed tomography findings using Lund-Mackay staging system.ResultsSignificant positive correlation (Spearman correlation test; p < 0.05) was found between CD34 antigen expression and quality of surgical field at MAP between 70 and 80 mmHg as well as the rate of intraoperative bleeding. More intense reduction of MAP was necessary to achieve ‘bloodless surgical field’ in patients with high CD34 expression than in those with moderate and low expression. Lund-Mackay score correlated with quality of surgical field but not with the rate of intraoperative bleeding.ConclusionDuring ESS, it is microvascular density of the nasal mucosa rather than the extent of the disease that contributes to the intensity of intraoperative bleeding, although both factors negatively influence the quality of surgical field.  相似文献   

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