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RhoB has been reported to exert positive and negative effects on cancer pathophysiology but an understanding of its role in breast cancer remains incomplete. Analysis of data from the Oncomine database showed a positive correlation between RhoB expression and positivity for both estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) and progesterone receptor (PR).


This finding was validated by our analysis of a tissue microarray constructed from a cohort of 113 patients and then investigated in human cell models.


We found that RhoB expression in tissue was strongly correlated with ERα and PR expression and inversely correlated with tumor grade, tumor size and count of mitosis. In human breast cancer cell lines, RhoB attenuation was associated with reduced expression of both ERα and PR, whereas elevation of RhoB was found to be associated with ERα overexpression. Mechanistic investigations suggested that RhoB modulates ERα expression, controlling both its protein and mRNA levels, and that RhoB modulates PR expression by accentuating the recruitment of ERα and other major co-regulators to the promoter of PR gene. A major consequence of RhoB modulation was that RhoB differentially regulated the proliferation of breast cancer cell lines. Interestingly, we documented crosstalk between RhoB and ERα, with estrogen treatment leading to RhoB activation.


Taken together, our findings offer evidence that in human breast cancer RhoB acts as a positive function to promote expression of ERα and PR in a manner correlated with cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Estrogens, by binding to and activating two estrogen receptors (ERalpha and ERbeta), are critically involved in the development of the mammary gland and breast cancer. An isoform of ERbeta, ERbeta2 (also called ERbetacx), with an altered COOH-terminal region, is coexpressed with ERalpha in many human breast cancers. In this study, we generated a stable cell line from MCF7 breast cancer cells expressing an inducible version of ERbeta2, along with endogenous ERalpha, and examined the effects of ERbeta2 on the ERalpha protein levels and function. We showed that ERbeta2 inhibited ERalpha-mediated transactivation via estrogen response element and activator protein-1 sites of reporter constructs as well as the endogenous genes pS2 and MMP-1. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays revealed that ERbeta2 expression caused a significant reduction in the recruitment of ERalpha to both the pS2 and MMP-1 promoters. Furthermore, ERbeta2 expression induced proteasome-dependent degradation of ERalpha. The inhibitory effects of ERbeta2 on ERalpha activity were further confirmed in HEK293 cells that lack functional endogenous ERs. We also showed that ERbeta2 can interact with ERalpha both in vitro and in mammalian cells, which is compatible with a model where ERbeta2/ERalpha heterodimers are targeted to the proteasome. Finally, in human breast cancer samples, we observed that expression of ERbeta2 significantly correlated with ERalpha-negative phenotype. Our data suggest that ERbeta2 could influence ERalpha-mediated effects relevant for breast cancer development, including hormone responsiveness.  相似文献   

Postmenopausal hormone therapy (HT) may increase breast cancer risk and influence tumor characteristics. We investigated 321 postmenopausal women aged 50-65 years, with breast cancer, diagnosed and treated at Radiumhemmet, Karolinska Hospital, during 1993-1997. In women using HT (n =90) estrogen receptor concentration (ER) at diagnosis were lower than in non-users (n =135) (1.17 vs 1.70 fmol/microg; p <0.05). HT users also had a tendency to less multifocal (5 vs 12%) (p <0.05) and metastatic disease (5% vs 2%) however this was not statistically significant. The estrogen receptor expression is always considered in the judgement on hormone dependency and the clinical decision on adjuvant endocrine therapy. A suppression of ER during HT could tentatively influence the treatment decisions in breast cancer patients and maybe disregard patients from endocrine treatment.  相似文献   

In recent years, new therapeutic approaches have reshaped the overall strategy of breast cancer (BC) treatment and have markedly improved patient survival. This is, in part, due to novel therapies for estrogen receptor (ER)-positive BC. Unfortunately, many patients present de novo resistance to these therapies or develop an acquired resistance over time. Therefore, research is now focused on discovering new molecular targets to overcome these resistances. Interestingly, preclinical and clinical studies have shown a critical role for the cross-talk between androgen receptor (AR) and ER in luminal-like BC. AR is expressed in >60% of BC and in up to 90% of ERα-positive tumors. Multiple studies suggest that AR is associated with a favorable prognosis. However, AR overexpression and, in particular, the high AR:ER ratio, seem to be involved in resistance to hormonal treatment. In this setting, a group of BCs could benefit from AR-inhibitors; nevertheless, some ER-positive BC patients do not seem to benefit from this strategy. Therefore, it is crucial to identify biomarkers that would enable the selection of patients who might benefit from combination treatment with ER and AR inhibitors.  相似文献   

The specific role of dietary fat in breast cancer progression is unclear, although a low-fat diet was associated with decreased recurrence of estrogen receptor alpha negative (ER) breast cancer. ER basal-like MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-436 breast cancer cell lines contained a greater number of cytoplasmic lipid droplets compared to luminal ER+ MCF-7 cells. Therefore, we studied lipid storage functions in these cells. Both triacylglycerol and cholesteryl ester (CE) concentrations were higher in the ER cells, but the ability to synthesize CE distinguished the two types of breast cancer cells. Higher baseline, oleic acid- and LDL-stimulated CE concentrations were found in ER compared to ER+ cells. The differences corresponded to greater mRNA and protein levels of acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase 1 (ACAT1), higher ACAT activity, higher caveolin-1 protein levels, greater LDL uptake, and lower de novo cholesterol synthesis in ER cells. Human LDL stimulated proliferation of ER MDA-MB-231 cells, but had little effect on proliferation of ER+ MCF-7 cells. The functional significance of these findings was demonstrated by the observation that the ACAT inhibitor CP-113,818 reduced proliferation of breast cancer cells, and specifically reduced LDL-induced proliferation of ER cells. Taken together, our studies show that a greater ability to take up, store and utilize exogenous cholesterol confers a proliferative advantage to basal-like ER breast cancer cells. Differences in lipid uptake and storage capability may at least partially explain the differential effect of a low-fat diet on human breast cancer recurrence.  相似文献   

Lee SO  Nadiminty N  Wu XX  Lou W  Dong Y  Ip C  Onate SA  Gao AC 《Cancer research》2005,65(8):3487-3492
Cancer prevention studies suggest that selenium is effective in reducing the incidence of cancers including prostate, colon, and lung cancers. Previous reports showed that selenium inhibits premalignant human breast MCF-10AT1 and MCF10AT3B cell growth in vitro and reduces mammary tumor incidence after exposure to carcinogens in tumor models. Because estrogen is critical to the development and differentiation of estrogen target tissues, including the breast, the present study was designed to examine the effect of selenium on estrogen receptor (ER) expression and activation using methylseleninic acid (MSA), an active form of selenium in vitro. Selenium decreased the levels of expression of ERalpha mRNA and protein and reduced the binding of labeled estradiol to estrogen receptor in MCF-7 cells. Selenium inhibited the trans-activating activity of estrogen receptor in MCF-7 cells expressing functional estrogen receptor using a luciferase reporter construct linked to estrogen responsive element. Selenium decreased the binding of estrogen receptor to the estrogen responsive element site using an electrophoretic mobility gel shift assay. Selenium suppressed estrogen induction of the endogenous target gene c-myc. In contrast to the effect on ERalpha in MCF-7 cells, selenium increased ERbeta mRNA expression in MDA-MB231 human breast cancer cells. Thus, differential regulation of ERalpha and ERbeta in breast cancer cells may represent a novel mechanism of selenium action and provide a rationale for selenium breast cancer prevention trial.  相似文献   

The estrogen receptor (ER) expression and HER2 amplification are important factors in determining the prognosis and therapy of breast cancer. Interactions between the two signaling pathways for example resulted in ERalpha-dependent regulation of HER2 expression in breast cancer cells. In this study, we investigated to what extent ERbeta is able to affect the HER2 expression. For this purpose, we analyzed HER2 levels in ERbeta1-overexpressing clones of the breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and SK-BR-3 and of the ovarian cancer cell lines SK-OV-3 and OVCAR-3 by both RT-PCR and Western blot analysis. Treatment with ligand 17-beta estradiol diminished the HER2 expression in MCF-7 wild-type cells, an effect partially inhibited by treatment with 4-OH tamoxifen. MCF-7 breast cancer cells stably overexpressing ERbeta1 exhibited elevated >5-fold HER2 mRNA levels and elevated >3-fold HER2 protein levels even in the absence of estradiol. In contrast, ERbeta1 overexpression did not affect HER2 protein levels in the ERalpha-positive OVCAR-3 ovarian cancer cells and in the HER2 overexpressing, hormone-independent SK-BR-3 and SK-OV-3 cells. By demonstrating the elevated HER2 expression in a hormone-dependent breast cancer cell line overexpressing ERbeta1, our data suggest the presence of cross-talk between the two receptors. This is one of the molecular mechanisms underlying the significant ERbeta/HER2 co-expression observed in recent clinical studies.  相似文献   



Previous studies suggested that estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) plays an important role in the chemoresistance of breast cancers. However, large random trials failed to demonstrate any benefit of the concurrent estrogen antagonist tamoxifen on the chemotherapy efficacy. Thus, in the present study, the importance of the role of ERα in the chemoresistance of breast cancer cells was investigated.


The ERα-transfected Bcap37 cells and natural ERα-positive T47D breast cancer cells were treated using chemotherapeutic agents with or without 17-beta estradiol (E2) pretreatment. Their viabilities were assessed using 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assays. The dead cell rates were determined using propidium iodide dye exclusion tests, and the expression levels of Bcl-2 and Bax were detected through Western blot analysis. The effects of E2 on the growth of breast cancer cells were also determined via cell growth curve and cell cycle analysis.


ERα activation by E2 increased the sensitivity of natural ERα-positive T47D breast cancer cells to chemotherapeutic agents. However, the increase in ERα expression in ERα-negative Bcap37 breast cancer cells also significantly increased their resistance. These phenomena cannot be explained by asserting that ERα mediated the chemoresistance of breast cancer cells by regulating the expression of Bcl-2 and Bax. Our findings show that ERα activation upregulated the expression of Bcl-2 in natural ERα-positive T47D breast cancer cells, whereas ERα activation by E2 downregulated and upregulated the Bcl-2 and Bax expression levels, respectively, in ERα-transfected Bcap37 cells. This phenomenon was due to the influence of ERα on the growth of breast cancer cells. Specifically, ERα activation enhanced the growth of natural ERα-positive breast cancer cells and thus increased their sensitivity to chemotherapeutic agents. However, ERα activation also inhibited the growth of ERα-transfected Bcap37 cells and increased the resistance of cancer cells to chemotherapeutic agents. Chemoresistance of ERα-transfected Bcap37 cells was only due to the specific growth inhibition by E2, which is not applicable to common ERα-positive breast cancer cells.


Although ERα was associated with chemoresistance of breast cancers, ERα itself did not mediate this resistance process.  相似文献   

To understand the relationship between CD44 gene expressionand an established variable associated with aggressive behaviourin human breast cancer, we have studied apanel of 6 breast cell lines and 40breast tumors selected primarily on the basis ofestrogen receptor (ER) status. CD44s (standard form) mRNAwas assessed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR, and CD44 variantsincorporating exon v7 or v10 were studied byRT-PCR and Southern blot. While CD44 expression wasnot influenced by estrogen in ER+ve MCF-7 cells,CD44s expression was slightly higher (up to 2fold) in ER–ve cells but there was amarked decrease in the range of CD44 variantsincorporating exons v7 or v10. In microdissected tumors,the levels of CD44s showed no correlation withER status but the pattern of expression oflarger forms of CD44 incorporating variant exons v7and v10 was significantly different (p=0.005and p=0.015, respectively) between ER+ve andER–ve tumors, reflecting the pattern seen in thecell lines. These findings suggest that the profileof CD44 expression in breast cancer may reflectcellular differentiation as indicated by the ER phenotype.The influence of these differences in CD44 expressionon the increased metastatic potential of ER negativebreast cancer remains to be determined.  相似文献   

雌激素受体(ER)阴性和ER表达下调是内分泌治疗失败及影响预后的原因,许多因素影响雌激素受体的表达。对ER表达调节机制的研究可以为乳腺癌的内分泌治疗提供新的途径。  相似文献   

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