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The present study aimed to assess the molecular bases of cortical compensatory mechanisms following spinal cord injury in primates. To accomplish this, comprehensive changes in gene expression were investigated in the bilateral primary motor cortex (M1), dorsal premotor cortex (PMd), and ventral premotor cortex (PMv) after a unilateral lesion of the lateral corticospinal tract (l‐CST). At 2 weeks after the lesion, a large number of genes exhibited altered expression levels in the contralesional M1, which is directly linked to the lesioned l‐CST. Gene ontology and network analyses indicated that these changes in gene expression are involved in the atrophy and plasticity changes observed in neurons. Orchestrated gene expression changes were present when behavioral recovery was attained 3 months after the lesion, particularly among the bilateral premotor areas, and a large number of these genes are involved in plasticity. Moreover, several genes abundantly expressed in M1 of intact monkeys were upregulated in both the PMd and PMv after the l‐CST lesion. These area‐specific and time‐dependent changes in gene expression may underlie the molecular mechanisms of functional recovery following a lesion of the l‐CST.  相似文献   

We placed injections of anatomical tracers into representations of the tongue, teeth, and face in the primary somatosensory cortex (area 3b) of macaque monkeys. Our injections revealed strong projections to representations of the tongue and teeth from other parts of the oral cavity responsive region in 3b. The 3b face also provided input to the representations of the intraoral structures. The primary representation of the face showed a pattern of intrinsic connections similar to that of the mouth. The area 3b hand representation provided little to no input to either the mouth or the face representations. The mouth and face representations of area 3b received projections from the presumptive oral cavity and face regions of other somatosensory areas in the anterior parietal cortex and the lateral sulcus, including areas 3a, 1, 2, the second somatosensory area (S2), the parietal ventral area (PV), and cortex that may include the parietal rostral (PR) and ventral somatosensory (VS) areas. Additional inputs came from primary motor (M1) and ventral premotor (PMv) areas. This areal pattern of projections is similar to the well‐studied pattern revealed by tracer injections in regions of 3b representing the hand. The tongue representation appeared to be unique in area 3b in that it also received inputs from areas in the anterior upper bank of the lateral sulcus and anterior insula that may include the primary gustatory area (area G) and other cortical taste‐processing areas, as well as a region of lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) lining the principal sulcus. J. Comp. Neurol. 522:546–572, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Cortical area 1 is a non‐primary somatosensory area in the primate anterior parietal cortex that is critical to tactile discrimination. The corticocortical projections to area 1 in squirrel monkeys were determined by placing multiple injections of anatomical tracers into separate body part representations defined by multiunit microelectrode mapping in area 1. The pattern of labeled cells in the cortex indicated that area 1 has strong intrinsic connections within each body part representation and has inputs from somatotopically matched regions of areas 3b, 3a, 2 and 5. Somatosensory areas in the lateral sulcus, including the second somatosensory area (S2), the parietal ventral area (PV), and the presumptive parietal rostral (PR) and ventral somatosensory (VS) areas, also project to area 1. Topographically organized projections to area 1 also came from the primary motor cortex (M1), the dorsal and ventral premotor areas (PMd and PMv), and the supplementary motor area (SMA). Labeled cells were also found in cingulate motor and sensory areas on the medial wall of the hemisphere. Previous studies revealed a similar pattern of projections to area 1 in Old World macaque monkeys, suggesting a pattern of cortical inputs to area 1 that is common across anthropoid primates.  相似文献   

The present study describes the pattern of connections of the ventral premotor cortex (PMv) with various cortical regions of the ipsilateral hemisphere in adult squirrel monkeys. Particularly, we 1) quantified the proportion of inputs and outputs that the PMv distal forelimb representation shares with other areas in the ipsilateral cortex and 2) defined the pattern of PMv connections with respect to the location of the distal forelimb representation in primary motor cortex (M1), primary somatosensory cortex (S1), and supplementary motor area (SMA). Intracortical microstimulation techniques (ICMS) were used in four experimentally naïve monkeys to identify M1, PMv, and SMA forelimb movement representations. Multiunit recording techniques and myelin staining were used to identify the S1 hand representation. Then, biotinylated dextran amine (BDA; 10,000 MW) was injected in the center of the PMv distal forelimb representation. After tangential sectioning, the distribution of BDA‐labeled cell bodies and terminal boutons was documented. In M1, labeling followed a rostrolateral pattern, largely leaving the caudomedial M1 unlabeled. Quantification of somata and terminals showed that two areas share major connections with PMv: M1 and frontal areas immediately rostral to PMv, designated as frontal rostral area (FR). Connections with this latter region have not been described previously. Moderate connections were found with PMd, SMA, anterior operculum, and posterior operculum/inferior parietal area. Minor connections were found with diverse areas of the precentral and parietal cortex, including S1. No statistical difference between the proportions of inputs and outputs for any location was observed, supporting the reciprocity of PMv intracortical connections. J. Comp. Neurol. 495:374–390, 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In primates the primary motor cortex (M1) forms a topographic map of the body, whereby neurons in the medial part of this area control movements involving trunk and hindlimb muscles, those in the intermediate part control movements involving forelimb muscles, and those in the lateral part control movements of facial and other head muscles. This topography is accompanied by changes in cytoarchitectural characteristics, raising the question of whether the anatomical connections also vary between different parts of M1. To address this issue, we compared the patterns of cortical afferents revealed by retrograde tracer injections in different locations within M1 of marmoset monkeys. We found that the entire extent of this area is unified by projections from the dorsocaudal and medial subdivisions of premotor cortex (areas 6DC and 6M), from somatosensory areas 3a, 3b, 1/2, and S2, and from posterior parietal area PE. While cingulate areas projected to all subdivisions, they preferentially targeted the medial part of M1. Conversely, the ventral premotor areas were preferentially connected with the lateral part of M1. Smaller but consistent inputs originated in frontal area 6DR, ventral posterior parietal cortex, the retroinsular cortex, and area TPt. Connections with intraparietal, prefrontal, and temporal areas were very sparse, and variable. Our results demonstrate that M1 is unified by a consistent pattern of major connections, but also shows regional variations in terms of minor inputs. These differences likely reflect requirements for control of voluntary movement involving different body parts. J. Comp. Neurol. 522:811–843, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Corticocortical projections to the caudal and rostral areas of dorsal premotor cortex (6DC and 6DR, also known as F2 and F7) were studied in the marmoset monkey. Both areas received their main thalamic inputs from the ventral anterior and ventral lateral complexes, and received dense projections from the medial premotor cortex. However, there were marked differences in their connections with other cortical areas. While 6DR received consistent inputs from prefrontal cortex, area 6DC received few such connections. Conversely, 6DC, but not 6DR, received major projections from the primary motor and somatosensory areas. Projections from the anterior cingulate cortex preferentially targeted 6DC, while the posterior cingulate and adjacent medial wall areas preferentially targeted 6DR. Projections from the medial parietal area PE to 6DC were particularly dense, while intraparietal areas (especially the putative homolog of LIP) were more strongly labeled after 6DR injections. Finally, 6DC and 6DR were distinct in terms of inputs from the ventral parietal cortex: projections to 6DR originated preferentially from caudal areas (PG and OPt), while 6DC received input primarily from rostral areas (PF and PFG). Differences in connections suggest that area 6DR includes rostral and caudal subdivisions, with the former also involved in oculomotor control. These results suggest that area 6DC is more directly involved in the preparation and execution of motor acts, while area 6DR integrates sensory and internally driven inputs for the planning of goal‐directed actions. They also provide strong evidence of a homologous organization of the dorsal premotor cortex in New and Old World monkeys. J. Comp. Neurol. 522:3683–3716, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In order to compare connections of premotor cortical areas of New World monkeys with those of Old World macaque monkeys and prosimian galagos, we placed injections of fluorescent tracers and wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) in dorsal (PMD) and ventral (PMV) premotor areas of owl monkeys. Motor areas and injection sites were defined by patterns of movements electrically evoked from the cortex with microelectrodes. Labeled neurons and axon terminals were located in brain sections cut either in the coronal plane or parallel to the surface of flattened cortex, and they related to architectonically and electrophysiologically defined cortical areas. Both the PMV and PMD had connections with the primary motor cortex (M1), the supplementary motor area (SMA), cingulate motor areas, somatosensory areas S2 and PV, and the posterior parietal cortex. Only the PMV had connections with somatosensory areas 3a, 1, 2, PR, and PV. The PMD received inputs from more caudal portions of the cortex of the lateral sulcus and more medial portions of the posterior parietal cortex than the PMV. The PMD and PMV were only weakly interconnected. New World owl monkeys, Old World macaque monkeys, and galagos share a number of PMV and PMD connections, suggesting preservation of a common sensorimotor network from early primates. Comparisons of PMD and PMV connectivity with the cortex of the lateral sulcus and posterior parietal cortex of owl monkeys, galagos, and macaques help identify areas that could be homologous.  相似文献   

The ipsilateral cortical connections of primary motor cortex (M1) of owl monkeys were revealed by injecting WGA-HRP and fluorescent tracers into M1 sites identified by intracortical microstimulation. In some of the same animals, the extent and somatotopic organization of M1 was determined by making detailed microstimulation movement maps and relating the results to cortical architectonics. Thus, delineation of M1 was based on a combination of physiological and anatomical characteristics. M1 comprised most, but not all, of the cortex rostral to area 3a where movements were evoked at low levels of current (40 μA or less). Analysis of somatotopic patterns and architectonics placed some of the low-threshold sites in a ventral premotor field (PMV) and the dorsomedially situated supplementary motor area (SMA). Movements were also reliably elicited from a dorsal premotor area (PMD) at higher currents. M1 was characterized by a somatotopic global organization, representing hindlimb, trunk, forelimb, and face movements in a mediolateral sequence, and a mosaic local organization, with a given movement typically represented at several different sites. Architectionically, M1 was characterized by the absence of a granular layer IV and the presence of very large layer V pyramidal cells. However, M1 was not uniform in structure: pyramidal cells were larger caudally than rostrally, a feature we used to distinguish caudal (M1c) and rostral (M1r) subdivisions of the area. M1 resembles Brodmann's area 4, although the rostral subdivision has probably been considered as part of area 6 by some workers. Tracer injections of M1 revealed somatotopically distributed connections with motor areas PMD, PMV, and SMA, as well as in somatosensory areas 3a, 1, 2, and S2. Weaker connections were with area 3b, posterior parietal cortex, the parietal ventral area (PV), and cingulate cortex. M1r and M1c differed connectionally as well as architectonically, M1c being connected primarily with somatosensory areas, while M1r was strongly connected with both non-primary motor cortex and somatosensory cortex. These results indicate that M1 interacts directly with at least three non-primary motor areas and at least six somatosensory areas.  相似文献   

We studied the afferent connections of two cytoarchitectural subdivisions of the caudolateral frontal cortex, areas 6Va and 8C, in marmoset monkeys. These areas received connections from the same set of thalamic nuclei, including main inputs from the ventral lateral and ventral anterior complexes, but differed in their patterns of corticocortical connections. Areas 8C and 6Va had reciprocal interconnections, and received similar proportions of afferents from premotor areas 6M and 6DC, and from the prefrontal cortex. However, area 8C received stronger inputs from frontal areas that have been implicated in oculomotor functions, whereas area 6Va received stronger projections from the primary motor area. Somatosensory projections to area 6Va were generally stronger than those to area 8C, and originated from several areas; in contrast, only the second somatosensory area (S2) sent major inputs to area 8C. Finally, although both 6Va and 8C received major inputs from the rostral posterior parietal cortex (putative homologs of areas PE, PF, and PFG), area 8C also received a variety of smaller connections from posterior midline, caudal posterior parietal, and extrastriate areas. Statistical analyses revealed that the pattern of connections of area 8C is more akin to that characterizing a premotor area, rather than a prefrontal area. We conclude that cytoarchitectural area 6Va in the marmoset is similar to ventral premotor areas identified in other simian primates, and that area 8C corresponds to a specialized subdivision of the caudal premotor complex where visual information for the guidance of movements is likely to be emphasized. J. Comp. Neurol. 523:1222–1247, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

An anatomical approach to possible areas in the cerebral cortex involved in somatic motor behavior is to analyze the cortical areas containing neurons that connect directly to the primary motor cortex (MI). To define the cortical areas related to orofacial movements, we examined the distribution of cortical neurons that send their axons to the orofacial region of the MI in the macaque monkey. Injections of retrograde tracers into the electrophysiologically identified orofacial region of the MI revealed that labeled neurons were distributed in the following cortical areas: the orbital cortex (area 12), insular cortex, frontoparietal operculum (including the deep part of the cortical masticatory area and the secondary somatosensory cortex), ventral division of the premotor cortex (especially in its lateral part), orofacial region of the supplementary motor area, rostral division of the cingulate motor area (CMA), and CMA on the ventral bank. A number of labeled neurons were also seen in the MI around the injection sites and in the parietal cortex (including the primary somatosensory cortex and area 7b). No labeled neurons were found in the dorsal division of the premotor cortex. Fluorescent retrograde double labeling further revealed virtually no overlap of distribution between cortical neurons projecting to the orofacial and forelimb regions of the MI. Based on the present results, we discuss the functional diversity of the cortical areas related to orofacial motor behavior and the somatotopical organization in the premotor areas of the frontal cortex. J. Comp. Neurol. 389:34–48, 1997.© 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Corticospinal and corticobulbar descending pathways act in parallel with brainstem systems, such as the reticulospinal tract, to ensure the control of voluntary movements via direct or indirect influences onto spinal motoneurons. The aim of this study was to investigate the corticobulbar projections from distinct motor cortical areas onto different nuclei of the reticular formation. Seven adult macaque monkeys were analysed for the location of corticobulbar axonal boutons, and one monkey for reticulospinal neurons' location. The anterograde tracer BDA was injected in the premotor cortex (PM), in the primary motor cortex (M1) or in the supplementary motor area (SMA), in 3, 3 and 1 monkeys respectively. BDA anterograde labelling of corticobulbar axons were analysed on brainstem histological sections and overlapped with adjacent Nissl‐stained sections for cytoarchitecture. One adult monkey was analysed for retrograde CB tracer injected in C5‐C8 hemispinal cord to visualise reticulospinal neurons. The corticobulbar axons formed bilateral terminal fields with boutons terminaux and en passant, which were quantified in various nuclei belonging to the Ponto‐Medullary Reticular Formation (PMRF). The corticobulbar projections from both PM and SMA tended to end mainly ipsilaterally in PMRF, but contralaterally when originating from M1. Furthermore, the corticobulbar projection was less dense when originating from M1 than from non‐primary motor areas (PM, SMA). The main nuclei of bouton terminals corresponded to the regions where reticulospinal neurons were located with CB retrograde tracing. In conclusion, the corticobulbar projection differs according to the motor cortical area of origin in density and laterality.  相似文献   

We examined interconnections between a portion of the prefrontal cortex and the premotor areas in the frontal lobe to provide insights into the routes by which the prefrontal cortex gains access to the primary motor cortex and the central control of movement. We placed multiple injections of one retrograde tracer in the arm area of the primary motor cortex to define the premotor areas in the frontal lobe. Then, in the same animal, we placed multiple injections of another retrograde tracer in and around the principal sulcus (Walker's area 46). This double labeling strategy enabled us to determine which premotor areas are interconnected with the prefrontal cortex. There are three major results of this study. First, we found that five of the six premotor areas in the frontal lobe are interconnected with the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Second, the major site for interactions between the prefrontal cortex and the premotor areas is the ventral premotor area. Third, the prefrontal cortex is interconnected with only a portion of the arm representation in three premotor areas (supplementary motor area, the caudal cingulate motor area on the ventral bank of the cingulate sulcus, and the dorsal premotor area), whereas it is interconnected with the entire arm representation in the ventral premotor area and the rostral cingulate motor area. These observations indicate that the output of the prefrontal cortex targets specific premotor areas and even subregions within individual premotor areas.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is thought to contribute to both neuroprotection and angiogenesis after stroke. While increased expression of VEGF has been demonstrated in animal models after experimental ischemia, these studies have focused almost exclusively on the infarct and peri-infarct regions. The present study investigated the association of VEGF to neurons in remote cortical areas at three days after an infarct in primary motor cortex (M1). Although these remote areas are outside of the direct influence of the ischemic injury, remote plasticity has been implicated in recovery of function. For this study, intracortical microstimulation techniques identified primary and premotor cortical areas in a non-human primate. A focal ischemic infarct was induced in the M1 hand representation, and neurons and VEGF protein were identified using immunohistochemical procedures. Stereological techniques quantitatively assessed neuronal-VEGF association in the infarct and peri-infarct regions, M1 hindlimb, M1 orofacial, and ventral premotor hand representations, as well as non-motor control regions. The results indicate that VEGF protein significantly increased association to neurons in specific remote cortical areas outside of the infarct and peri-infarct regions. The increased association of VEGF to neurons was restricted to cortical areas that are functionally and/or behaviorally related to the area of infarct. There was no significant increase in M1 orofacial region or in non-motor control regions. We hypothesize that enhancement of neuronal VEGF in these functionally related remote cortical areas may be involved in recovery of function after stroke, through either neuroprotection or the induction of remote angiogenesis.  相似文献   

The cellular distribution of SPP1, which we recently identified as a gene with greater expression in the macaque primary motor cortex than in the premotor or prefrontal cortices, was examined in rhesus macaque, common marmoset, and rat brains. In situ hybridization histochemistry revealed that SPP1 mRNA was expressed specifically in pyramidal neurons in layer V of the sensorimotor cortex of the rhesus macaque. These SPP1 mRNA‐positive neurons were most abundant in the primary motor area, followed by Brodmann area 5 and the supplementary motor area, in accordance with the distribution of corticospinal neurons. In addition, injection of a retrograde neuroanatomical tracer into the lateral corticospinal tract (CST) of the spinal cord caused labeling of SPP1 positive neurons, indicating the expression of SPP1 in corticospinal neurons. SPP1 was also expressed in the thalamus, brainstem, and spinal ventral horn of the rhesus macaque. Although SPP1 was also detected in the brainstem and spinal cord of the marmoset and the rat, it was not detected in their cerebral cortices. Selective expression in the corticospinal neurons of the sensorimotor cortex of the rhesus macaque suggests that SPP1 plays a critical role in the functional or structural specialization of highly developed corticospinal systems in certain primate species. J. Comp. Neurol. 518:2633–2644, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study describes the pattern of interhemispheric connections of the ventral premotor cortex (PMv) distal forelimb representation (DFL) in squirrel monkeys. Our objectives were to describe qualitatively and quantitatively the connections of PMv with contralateral cortical areas. Intracortical microstimulation techniques (ICMS) guided the injection of the neuronal tract tracers biotinylated dextran amine or Fast blue into PMv DFL. We classified the interhemispheric connections of PMv into three groups. Major connections were found in the contralateral PMv and supplementary motor area (SMA). Intermediate interhemispheric connections were found in the rostral portion of the primary motor cortex, the frontal area immediately rostral and ventral to PMv (FR), cingulate motor areas (CMAs), and dorsal premotor cortex (PMd). Minor connections were found inconsistently across cases in the anterior operculum (AO), posterior operculum/inferior parietal cortex (PO/IP), and posterior parietal cortex (PP), areas that consistently show connections with PMv in the ipsilateral hemisphere. Within-case comparisons revealed that the percentage of PMv connections with contralateral SMA and PMd are higher than the percentage of PMv connections with these areas in the ipsilateral hemisphere; percentages of PMv connections with contralateral M1 rostral, FR, AO, and the primary somatosensory cortex are lower than percentages of PMv connections with these areas in the ipsilateral hemisphere. These studies increase our knowledge of the pattern of interhemispheric connection of PMv. They help to provide an anatomical foundation for understanding PMv's role in motor control of the hand and interhemispheric interactions that may underlie the coordination of bimanual movements.  相似文献   

The efferent cortico-cortical projections of the motorcortical larynx area were studied in three rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta), using biotin dextranamine as anterograde tracer. Identification of the larynx area was made with the help of electrical brain stimulation and indirect laryngoscopy. Heavy projections were found into the surrounding ventral and dorsal premotor cortex (areas 6V and D), primary motor cortex (area 4), the homolog of Broca's area (mainly area 44), fronto- and parieto-opercular cortex (including secondary somatosensory cortex), agranular, dysgranular and granular insula, rostral-most primary somatosensory cortex (area 3a), supplementary motor area (area 6M), anterior cingulate gyrus (area 24c) and dorsal postarcuate cortex (area 8A). Medium projections could be traced to the ventrolateral prefrontal and lateral orbital cortex (areas 47L and O), the primary somatosensory areas 3b and 2, the agranular and dysgranular insula, and the posteroinferior parietal cortex (area 7; PFG, PG). Minor projections ended in the lateral and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (areas 46V and 8B), primary somatosensory area 1 and cortex within the intraparietal sulcus (PEa) and posterior sulcus temporalis superior (TPO). Due to its close spatial relationship to the insula on the one hand and the premotor cortex on the other, the larynx area shows projections which, in some respects, are not typical for classical primary motor cortex.  相似文献   

The functional role of reactive astrocytes after stroke is controversial. To elucidate whether reactive astrocytes contribute to neurological recovery, we compared behavioral outcome, axonal remodeling of the corticospinal tract (CST), and the spatio‐temporal change of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (CSPG) expression between wild‐type (WT) and glial fibrillary acidic protein/vimentin double knockout (GFAP–/–Vim–/–) mice subjected to Rose Bengal induced cerebral cortical photothrombotic stroke in the right forelimb motor area. A foot‐fault test and a single pellet reaching test were performed prior to and on day 3 after stroke, and weekly thereafter to monitor functional deficit and recovery. Biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) was injected into the left motor cortex to anterogradely label the CST axons. Compared with WT mice, the motor functional recovery and BDA‐positive CST axonal length in the denervated side of the cervical gray matter were significantly reduced in GFAP–/–Vim–/– mice (n = 10/group, P < 0.01). Immunohistological data showed that in GFAP–/–Vim–/– mice, in which astrocytic reactivity is attenuated, CSPG expression was significantly increased in the lesion remote areas in both hemispheres, but decreased in the ischemic lesion boundary zone, compared with WT mice (n = 12/group, P < 0.001). Our data suggest that attenuated astrocytic reactivity impairs or delays neurological recovery by reducing CST axonal remodeling in the denervated spinal cord. Thus, manipulation of astrocytic reactivity post stroke may represent a therapeutic target for neurorestorative strategies. GLIA 2014;62:2022–2033  相似文献   

Force scaling in the sensorimotor network during generation and control of static or dynamic grip force has been the subject of many investigations in monkeys and human subjects. In human, the relationship between BOLD signal in cortical and subcortical regions and force still remains controversial. With respect to grip force, the modulation of the BOLD signal has been mostly studied for forces often reaching high levels while little attention has been given to the low range for which electrophysiological neuronal correlates have been demonstrated. We thus conducted a whole‐brain fMRI study on the control of fine‐graded force in the low range, using a power grip and three force conditions in a block design. Participants generated on a dynamometer visually guided repetitive force pulses (ca. 0.5 Hz), reaching target forces of 10%, 20%, and 30% of maximum voluntary contraction. Regions of interest analysis disclosed activation in the entire cortical and subcortical sensorimotor network and significant force‐related modulation in several regions, including primary motor (M1) and somatosensory cortex, ventral premotor and inferior parietal areas, and cerebellum. The BOLD signal, however, increased monotonically with force only in contralateral M1 and ipsilateral anterior cerebellum. The remaining regions were activated with force in various nonlinear manners, suggesting that other factors such as visual input, attention, and muscle recruitment also modulate the BOLD signal in this visuomotor task. These findings demonstrate that various regions of the sensorimotor network participate differentially in the production and control of fine‐graded grip forces. Hum Brain Mapp 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The two subdivisions of the supplementary motor area (SMA), the pre-SMA (rostrally) and SMA-proper (caudally), exhibit distinct functional properties and clear differences with respect to their connectivity with the spinal cord, the thalamus, and other homolateral motor cortical areas. The goal of the present study was to establish in monkeys whether these subdivisions also differ with regard to their callosal connectivity. Two fluorescent retrograde tracers (Fast Blue and Diamidino Yellow) were injected in each animal, one in the pre-SMA and the second in the SMA-proper. Tracer injections in the pre-SMA or in SMA-proper resulted in significant numbers of labeled neurons in the opposite SMA, premotor cortex (PM), cingulate motor areas (CMA), and cingulate gyrus. Labeled neurons in M1 were rare, being observed only after injection in the SMA-proper. The two subdivisions of the SMA differed in the proportion of labeled neurons found across areas providing their callosal inputs. The SMA-proper receives about half of its callosal inputs from its counterpart in the other hemisphere (42-65% across monkeys). A comparable proportion of neurons was found in the pre-SMA after injection in the opposite pre-SMA (32-47%). The pre-SMA receives more callosal inputs from the rostral halves of the dorsal PM, the ventral PM, and the CMA than from their caudal halves. In addition, the pre-SMA, but not the SMA-proper, receives callosal inputs from the prefrontal cortex. The SMA-proper receives more callosal inputs from the caudal halves of the dorsal PM and ventral PM than from their rostral halves. The two subdivisions of the SMA receive callosal inputs from the same cortical areas (except the prefrontal cortex and M1), but they differ with respect to the quantitative contribution of each area of origin. In conclusion, quantitative data now support the notion that pre-SMA receives more transcallosal inputs than the SMA-proper.  相似文献   

We studied cortical connections of functionally distinct movement zones of the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) in galagos identified by intracortical microstimulation with long stimulus trains (~500 msec). All these zones were in the anterior half of PPC, and each of them had a different pattern of connections with premotor (PM) and motor (M1) areas of the frontal lobe and with other areas of parietal and occipital cortex. The most rostral PPC zone has major connections with motor and visuomotor areas of frontal cortex as well as with somatosensory areas 3a and 1‐2 and higher order somatosensory areas in the lateral sulcus. The dorsal part of anterior PPC region representing hand‐to‐mouth movements is connected mostly to the forelimb representation in PM, M1, 3a, 1‐2, and somatosensory areas in the lateral sulcus and on the medial wall. The more posterior defensive and reaching zones have additional connections with nonprimary visual areas (V2, V3, DL, DM, MST). Ventral aggressive and defensive face zones have reciprocal connections with each other as well as connections with mostly face, but also forelimb representations of premotor areas and M1 as well as prefrontal cortex, FEF, and somatosensory areas in the lateral sulcus and areas on the medial surface of the hemisphere. Whereas the defensive face zone is additionally connected to nonprimary visual cortical areas, the aggressive face zone is not. These differences in connections are consistent with our functional parcellation of PPC based on intracortical long‐train microstimulation, and they identify parts of cortical networks that mediate different motor behaviors. J. Comp. Neurol. 517:783–807, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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