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BackgroundUsing the theory of planned behavior (TPB), Haegele et al.1 created the beliefs of individuals with visual impairments about physical activity scale (BIVIPA-1) to examine individuals with visual impairments’ (VI) motivation toward physical activity (PA). The overall factorial tenability of the BIVIPA-1 remains unclear due to its item configuration.Objective/hypothesisThe purposes of this cross-sectional study were to: (a) use confirmatory factor analysis to explore the structure of the expanded BIVIPA-2 and (b) test the predictive utility of TPB constructs on PA among adults with VI.MethodsAdults with VI (n = 236) completed the BIVIPA-2 and a multi-item PA recall instrument. A CFA was performed on the BIVIPA-2, and structural equation modeling was used to explore the relationship between theory constructs and PA.ResultsThe CFA results showed that the underlying structure of BIVIPA-2 was tenable for adults with VI based on TPB. Structural equation modeling showed limited support for the theorized predictive roles of theory variables on PA, as attitude predicted physical activity intention. Interestingly, subjective norm was a direct predictor for PA among adults with VI (β = 0.145).ConclusionsTPB had limited predictive utility for physical activity among individuals with VI. The predictive relationship of subjective norms on PA may be somewhat unique to this population. Researchers may consider expanding the model to examine social support and subjective norms constructs and PA among individuals with VI.  相似文献   

目的了解中国视力障碍青少年日常身体活动模式和久坐行为时间,为指导学生科学合理安排作息时间提供参考。方法采用加速度计对中国西部地区某特殊教育学校78名7~23岁视力障碍青少年的身体活动水平和模式进行测量。结果男女生相比,男生身高略高、身体略重(t值分别为2.81,2.46,P值均<0.05)。基于Puyan等加速度计切点值,学生平均每天进行轻度身体活动(light physical activity,LPA)时间为(285.18±47.29) min,中等强度身体活动(moderate physical activity,MPA)时间为(141.92±57.63) min,高强度身体活动(vigorous PA,VPA)时间为(17.66±14.83) min,中高强度身体活动(moderate-to-vigorous-intensity physical activity,MVPA)时间为(159.58±69.83) min,久坐时间为(988.38±110.18)min。98.7%的受试者达到了WHO关于青少年每天应至少进行60 min中等及以上强度的身体活动的推荐量。结论中国...  相似文献   

Development occurs according to the rhythm that is established by the genetic potential and the influence of environmental factors. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the child's residence area and maternal education on child's motor development. Eight hundred children (384 boys and 416 girls, aged 37-72 months), randomly selected from daycare centres and kindergartens of rural and urban areas of Northern Greece, were tested on the two motor subscales (A, locomotor; and D, eye-hand coordination) of the Griffiths Test No II. With respect to their residence, 610 children lived in urban and 190 lived in rural areas. In terms of education, 530 mothers were formally educated and 270 were highly educated. The results of this study suggest that motor development of preschool-aged children is associated with both factors examined. Children who lived in urban areas had better performance on fine motor abilities than children who lived in rural areas. In contrast, rural children had a higher developmental quotient than urban children on the locomotor scale. With regard to mother's education, children of highly educated mothers had a higher mean developmental quotient on both scales. The findings reinforce the need for a safe and opportunity-rich environment, which ensures that children reach their full developmental potential.  相似文献   

BackgroundPractitioners and researchers often adapt tools, practices, and programs to meet the needs of culturally diverse population groups, but do not consider populations with disability. While there is some research on guidelines for adapting evidence-based programs, there is no systematic process for adapting survey instruments. Rather than creating separate instruments for people with physical disabilities (PWD), it is critical that instruments are designed to capture data on people with and without disabilities for comparison purposes. Given the disproportionately high rates of physical inactivity and obesity in PWD, we developed a methodology to adapt an evidence-based physical activity instrument.ObjectiveTo create a methodology to adapt surveys to be inclusive of PWD and use the methodology to adapt an evidence-based physical activity survey.MethodsA framework was developed to adapt a physical activity survey instrument (International Physical Activity Questionnaire, IPAQ) to be inclusive of PWD. The framework, referred to as SAVe-IT, includes five steps: Step 1) Select survey instrument to adapt; Step 2) Adapt the survey instrument; Step 3) Verify adaptations with experts; Step 4) Implement pilot test; Step 5) Test the tool to confirm reliability.ResultsThe adapted IPAQ passed review by the expert panels and the pilot test (n = 20). Assessment of test-retest reliability (n = 30) yielded strong intraclass correlation coefficients of 0.950 for the total score for the whole sample, 0.950 for PWD (n = 15) and 0.952 for people without disability (n = 15).ConclusionsThe SAVe-IT framework resulted in the successful adaptation of the IPAQ and can be used in populations with and without physical disabilities.  相似文献   



Limited population-based data is available in the United States (US) examining physical activity engagement, weight status, and health status among youth with visual impairments.


To compare parent-reported physical activity participation, weight status, and health status among a nationally representative sample of US children with and without severe visual impairments.


This observational, cross-sectional analysis utilized data from the 2011–2012 National Survey of Children's Health (NSCH). The NSCH data is composed of a cross-sectional probability sample of noninstitutionalized youth aged 0–17 years in the US. This study focused on 28,390 adolescents (aged 13–17 years); 106 with SVIs and 28,284 without severe visual impairments. Parent reported physical activity participation, height and weight, and overall health status were utilized in this study to understand nationally representative trends.


Adolescents with severe visual impairments participated in fewer days of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per week (Mean?=?2.40, SE?=?0.65) than those without impairments (Mean?=?3.93, SE?=?0.03), t?=?2.35, p?=?.02. Prevalence of obesity/overweight did not differ between youth with and without severe visual impairments, OR?=?1.032 (CI?=?0.45, 2.37), p?=?.94. Youth with severe visual impairments were more likely to have poor health (9.3%), compared to youth without impairments (3.4%), OR?=?2.89 (CI?=?1.13, 7.41), p?=?.03.


Participants with severe visual impairments engaged in less physical activity and had poorer health status than participants without impairments. Future interventions, tailored to this populations' unique needs, are needed to increase physical activity and improve health status.  相似文献   

目的分析北京市5~6岁幼儿基本动作技能与身体素质之间的关联性,为幼儿体育活动科研工作的进一步开展提供相应的理论依据。方法以北京市3所幼儿园107名5~6岁幼儿为研究对象,采用《儿童运动协调能力评估量表(第二版)》(M-ABC-2)对幼儿基本动作技能进行评估;以《国民体质测定标准手册》(幼儿部分)为标准,对幼儿身体素质进行评价;采用典型相关分析基本动作技能与身体素质之间的关联性。结果 5~6岁幼儿身体素质整体发展水平可正向预测其手部精细操作能力(B=0.24,P<0.05)。典型相关分析显示,在单项身体素质测试中,网球掷远和走平衡木的成绩与手部精细动作能力和动静态平衡能力的得分呈正相关(r=0.43,P<0.01),立定跳远与双脚连续跳也与手部精细操作能力呈正相关(r=0.35,P<0.05)。结论 5~6岁幼儿身体素质与基本动作技能之间存在一定的联系,其协调性、稳定性的良好发展会对动作技能的发展起到积极的促进作用。家长和老师应注重幼儿精细动作能力的发展,以促使其全面健康成长。  相似文献   



Emerging research demonstrates that light-intensity physical activity is favorably associated with numerous health outcomes among the general population, even independent of high-intensity physical activity.


To examine the association between accelerometer-assessed light-intensity physical activity and mortality in a national sample of American adults with mobility limitations.


Data from the 2003–2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey were utilized. Participants were followed through 2011. Based on self-report, analyzed participants included those with mobility limitations (N = 1369). Light-intensity physical activity was assessed via waist-mounted accelerometry.


For the sample, 108,010 person-months occurred with an all-cause mortality rate of 2.07 per 1000 person-months. After adjustments, for every 60 min/day increase in light-intensity physical activity, participants with mobility limitations had a 14% reduced risk of all-cause mortality (HR = 0.86; 95% CI: 0.75–0.98; P = 0.03).


These findings underscore the importance of promoting light-intensity physical activity to those with mobility limitations.  相似文献   

Twenty-five legally blind subjects were visited in their own homes in an attempt to make a preliminary assessment of their nutritional status. Standing heights and weights were taken. Twenty-four hour recalls of the previous day's dietary intake were taken on three different days and some demographic data was also collected. Not one of the subjects consumed a diet in accordance with that recommended by Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating. The poorest food group consumed was Milk Products with 96% of the subjects consuming less than the minimum recommended. Caloric values of the diets consumed appeared to be low yet body weights were very high. Physical inactivity is a possible contributing factor.  相似文献   

目的 研究精细运动发育落后幼儿其视觉运动整合能力与视诱发电位潜伏期之间的相关性,为发育落后患儿的早期诊断和干预提供科学依据。方法 2015年1月-2016年12月选择71例经PDMS-Ⅱ测试精细运动发育落后并符合纳入标准的患儿,同时进行闪光视觉诱发电位检测,将闪光视诱发电位P100潜伏期(LP100)均值分别与视觉-运动整合能力(VMI)和精细运动发育商(FMQ)均值进行统计学检验及相关性分析。结果 精细运动发育落后幼儿视诱发电位潜伏期与视觉-运动整合及精细运动发育商存在相关关系(r=-0.859和-0.844,P<0.001),潜伏期越延迟,其视觉-运动整合标准分及精细运动发育商越低。结论 视知觉功能可影响精细运动发育落后幼儿视觉运动整合能力,视诱发电位可作为早期诊断、早期干预提供重要线索和电生理依据。  相似文献   

Objective: To determine physical activity (PA) self-efficacy correlates in breast cancer survivors. Methods: Mail survey of 192 breast cancer survivors. Results: Structural equation analyses demonstrated significant and direct associations for perceived PA barriers (beta=-.29), fatigue (beta=-.24), social support (beta=.12), enjoyment (beta=.12), and prediagnosis PA (beta=.11) with barriers self-efficacy. Prediagnosis PA (beta=.51), social support (beta=.26), and barriers self-efficacy (beta=.13) demonstrated direct associations with current leisure PA. Task self-efficacy analysis results were similar except perceived barriers and prediagnosis PA were not associated with task self-efficacy. Conclusions: Multiple potential efficacy correlates exist and may vary based on the aspect of self-efficacy examined.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine correlates of self-regulation (personal regulation of goal-directed behavior or performance) for physical activity (PA) in older adults. METHODS: A convenience sample (N=296) of older adults was surveyed (M age=70.4 years). RESULTS: Hierarchical regression analyses revealed current PA engagement and sets of sociodemographic, health-related, and theoretical variables as independent correlates of self-regulation (model R2 = 37%, P < 0.0001). In the final model, female gender, older age, social support, self-efficacy, and greater PA were positive, independent correlates. CONCLUSIONS: Self-regulatory strategies are vital to PA promotion across the life span. Therefore, it is important to understand factors associated with self-regulation and use this information for intervention design and implementation.  相似文献   

BackgroundDespite known benefits of engaging in recommended amounts of physical activity (PA), sleep, and sedentary behavior (SB), little is known about how adults with visual impairments (VIs) meet these guidelines in isolation or simultaneously.ObjectiveThis study estimated (a) the prevalence of US adults with VIs who are partially or fully meeting the 24-h movement guidelines, and (b) the differential contribution of work-related, leisure, and transportation to total time accrued for PA.MethodsA cross-sectional sample of adults with VIs (n = 466) was drawn from the National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES) 2015–2018 combined datasets. Guideline adherence was measured using self-report items for average time spent physically active, sitting and sleeping. Weighted prevalence estimates were produced for meeting guidelines separately and in combination. The average percent of PA minutes accrued across work-related, leisure and transportation were compared among those meeting PA guidelines.ResultsAn estimated 29.6% (SE = 3.6) of US adults with VIs met all three guidelines. An estimated 59.3% (SE = 3.5) adults with VIs met PA guidelines alone or in combination with SB and sleep. Within this group, the majority of weekly PA minutes (average 63.9%) was accrued at work.ConclusionsAn estimated two thirds of adults with VIs are not engaged in healthful 24-h movement behaviors. Targeted interventions for adults with VIs are warranted that may require a comprehensive approach to PA, SB, and sleep. Work emerged as an important location for adults with VIs to accrue PA, inviting future research to explore associations between employment and 24-h movements within this population.  相似文献   

BackgroundYoung children with developmental disabilities (DDs) often experience motor skill deficits. Although parents play an important role in developing their children’s motor skills, the association between parents of young children with DDs and those children’s motor skills has not been widely studied.ObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to cross-sectionally examine the pathway by which parental physical activity (PA) support, explicit modeling, and child’s PA are associated with motor skills in young children with DDs.MethodOne hundred and thirty-five parents of young children (5–7 years) with DDs completed an online questionnaire which included questions about parental PA support, parental explicit PA modeling, children’s PA behavior and children’s motor skill variables.ResultsPathway analysis was conducted to examine the pathways between parental tangible support and explicit modeling and motor skills in young children with DDs. The pathway analysis indicated that parental tangible support and explicit modeling are significantly associated with PA behaviors in young children with DDs, which in turn, are associated with their motor skills.ConclusionsThe results from this study suggest that young children with DDs may acquire motor skills by participating in PA. In addition, parents of young children with DDs can indirectly be associated with the motor skills of their children by supporting PA and becoming a PA role model. For parents of young children with DDs, increasing the PA behaviors of their children maybe away to improve their children’s motor skills.  相似文献   

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