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经肛门拖出术治疗先天性巨结肠23例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来采用Soave手术治疗小儿先天性巨结肠[1] ,近来我们采用不开腹 ,经肛门一期根治术治疗 ,创伤小 ,术后恢复快 ,并发症少。1 材料与方法小儿先天性巨结肠 2 3例 ,男 15例 ,女 8例 ,年龄 2 6天~ 4岁。以病史、体征、肛诊和钡灌肛等初步诊断 ,选择其降结肠无明显扩张的病儿 ,常规消毒腹部及会阴皮肤 ,插尿管。肛门扩张后 ,缝 4针牵引线。在齿状线上 4cm处直肠后壁取全层活检进一步确诊。齿状线以上粘膜下注入肾上腺素盐水 ,以利于止血和剥离。在齿线上 0 2cm处环行切开直肠粘膜 ,剥离直肠粘膜 6~ 8cm ,见直肠肌层随粘膜牵…  相似文献   

经肛门拖出标本的全腹腔镜直肠癌全系膜切除术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨腹腔镜直肠癌全系膜切除术中切除标本自肛门内拖出的可行性。方法 2007年1月~2010年5月,对30例肿块5 cm的直肠癌施行全腹腔镜直肠癌全系膜切除术,手术标本自肛门拖出,肠断端腔镜下荷包缝合及管型吻合器结直肠吻合。结果 30例在腹腔镜下顺利完成手术,无中转开腹。无腹腔、盆腔脏器的损伤。手术时间120~240min,平均150 min;术中出血20~80 ml,平均35 ml。发生吻合口漏4例,均经保守治疗治愈(18~30 d)。术后随访3~40个月,平均24.3月,2例1年后吻合口复发。结论直径5 cm的标本自肛门拖出的全腹腔镜直肠癌全系膜切除术是可行的,避免腹部辅助切口,创伤更小。  相似文献   

目的总结腹腔镜辅助经肛门直肠内拖出术(laparoscopic-assisted transanal endorectal pull-through,LATEP)治疗先天性巨结肠(Hirschsprung’s disease,HD)的中长期随访疗效。方法回顾性分析2000年1月~2010年1月我中心单个手术小组完成的随访资料完整的165例LATEP。术前行钡剂灌肠、直肠肛门测压和直肠黏膜活检确诊。LATEP应用3个trocar;腹腔探查找到移行和扩张的肠段;多处浆肌层活检确定诊断和病变肠段范围;腹腔镜辅助彻底游离巨结肠,经肛门直肠内拖出彻底切除,近端与肛门吻合。临床问卷式调查随访患儿肛门功能评分、生长发育和生活质量评分。结果术后7 d吻合口感染1例。165例随访10个月~9年,(60.2±2.0)月,其中〈1年1例,1~3年15例,〉3~5年50例,〉5年99例。采用李正等肛门功能临床评分标准评定:术后3个月、1年和3年肛门排便优良率分别为59.4%(98/165)、92.1%(151/164)和97.3%(145/149)。术后3个月、1年和3年肛门静息压力依次为(20.2±6.4)、(23.8±10.4)、(26.8±9.0)mm Hg,与同年龄组20例儿童志愿者肛门静息压力(27.9±9.6)mm Hg比较,术后3个月肛门静息压力明显降低(t=-4.781,P=0.000),术后1、3年肛门静息压力与对照组比较无明显差异性(t=-1.677,P=0.095;t=0.509,P=0.611)。术后1年146例(89.0%)患儿钡剂结肠造影示结肠扩张和痉挛段消失,肛管直肠角正常。患儿均生长发育正常。结论 LATEP是一种安全、有效、更为全面的治疗HD手术方式,术后肠功能恢复快,中长期随访肛门功能和生活质量良好。  相似文献   

目的 比较完全经肛门拖出术和腹腔镜辅助拖出术治疗先天性巨结肠(HD)的疗效.方法 检索PubMed、EMBASE、The Cochrane Library、中国知网、万方数据库和维普信息资源系统,筛选出1998年1月至2020年5月期间发表的有关完全经肛门拖出术与腹腔镜辅助拖出术治疗HD的对比研究.由两名评价员独立完成...  相似文献   

患者女 ,2 8岁。腹胀、便秘、腹痛 2 0余年。排便后症状缓解。经常大量服用泻剂 ,明显消瘦 ,体重 4 4kg。体格检查示腹部平软 ,肠鸣音活跃。钡灌肠显示乙状结肠、降结肠远端明显扩张 ,乙状结肠冗长。入院诊断 :先天性巨结肠 ,乙状结肠冗长症不能排除。小儿外科与普外科合作 ,行腹腔镜辅助经肛门拖出术 ,切除直肠黏膜及乙状结肠。硬膜外麻醉下 ,膀胱截石位 ,插尿管 ,肛门扩张后缝牵引线四针。直肠后壁齿状线上 3cm取全层活检 ,送快速冰冻 ,病理报告未见神经节细胞 ,符合先天性巨结肠。于齿状线上0 4cm处环行切开直肠黏膜 ,向近端剥离 ,针状…  相似文献   

经肛门结肠拖出术治疗小儿先天性巨结肠--附57例报告   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 探讨单纯经肛门结肠拖出术治疗小儿先天性巨结肠的可行性。方法 2001年7月—2002年5月,57例巨结肠患儿行经肛门结肠拖出术。结果 53例顺利完成单纯经肛门结肠拖出术,手术时间(1—2)小时,平均1.5小时,出血5m1—10m1。51例术后1天开始自行排便、进食,2例术后3天予开塞露灌肠后排便。4例长段型巨结肠,病变累及横结肠,在腹腔镜辅助下完成,手术时间(2—3.5)小时,平均3小时,术后(2—3)天开始排便、进食。随访(2—9)月,57例患儿排便功能均正常良好。结论 单纯经肛门结肠拖出巨结肠根治术治疗小儿先天性巨结肠可行,此术式损伤小、出血少、术后恢复快、住院时间短,术后排便功能恢复良好。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜辅助结肠次全切除、经肛门取出标本治疗慢传输型便秘的临床应用价值。方法回顾性分析2013年2-11月间行腹腔镜辅助结肠次全切除、经肛门取出标本并进行升结肠直肠吻合术的8例慢传输型便秘患者的临床资料。采用Wexner便秘与失禁评分来评估术后便秘情况,采用胃肠生活质量评分来评估术后生活质量。结果全组患者手术完成顺利,无肠瘘、盆腔感染、吻合口狭窄、术后肠梗阻和肛门失禁等并发症发生。手术时间(287.6±21.5) min,术中出血量(109.7±41.1) ml,术后肛门排气时间(2.5±0.9) d。患者术后便秘症状评分为4.7±1.9,较术前的15.1±2.8明显降低(P<0.05)。术后胃肠生活质量评分为97.3±15.7,较术前的71.5±14.7明显提高(P<0.05);术后Wexner便秘与失禁评分为8.8±3.7,较术前20.4±5.7明显降低(P<0.05)。结论腹腔镜辅助结肠次全切除、经肛门取出标本并进行升结肠直肠吻合术治疗慢传输型便秘,近期疗效满意,生活质量改善明显。  相似文献   

目的 探讨单纯经肛门直肠黏膜及内括约肌切除术治疗新生儿及儿童先天性巨结肠的效果. 方法 本组101例,在齿状线水平将直肠黏膜与肛管皮肤交界处环形切开,切开略大于直肠1/2周径的前壁肌层至黏膜下层,沿黏膜下层向上分离;后壁沿直肠纵肌向上分离,前后壁共同分离直达腹膜反折水平进入腹腔,切除大部分内括约肌及直肠后壁肌鞘行巨结肠根治术. 结果 101例均手术顺利,手术时间45~190 min,平均90 min.术中出血<10 ml,无术后尿潴留,无伤口感染、肛门回缩及肛门狭窄.术后肠炎发生率2.3%(2/86),污粪的发生率由术后2个月的27%(22/82)下降至术后6个月的4%(3/82).78例肛门直肠测压,手术后1、2、3、6个月肛管静息压力比手术前明显减低(P<0.05). 结论 经肛门内括约肌及直肠后壁肌鞘切除治疗巨结肠安全易行,可有效预防术后并发症的发生,同样适合在基层医院推广应用.  相似文献   

目的 探讨腹腔镜低位直肠癌经肛拖出切除吻合术的临床应用价值.方法 2009年6月~ 2011年9月,对45例低位直肠癌行腹腔镜经肛拖出切除吻合术,均行腹腔镜下全直肠系膜切除,并行预防性回肠造瘘.结果 45例均完成手术,无中转开腹,切割圈均完整,无输尿管损伤.手术时间185 ~ 260 min,平均215 min,术中出血量50 ~250 ml,平均110ml.切除淋巴结15 ~ 20枚,平均16.5枚,术后病理9例有阳性淋巴结.术后回肠造瘘排气时间3~5d,平均3.5d,留置导尿3~4d.术后无切口感染、肠粘连、切口裂开,术后住院时间12~ 17 d,平均15 d.随访15~28个月,平均23个月,未发现局部复发及远处转移.回肠造瘘回纳后,肛门控便、控气功能良好.结论 腹腔镜低位直肠癌经肛拖出切除吻合术安全可行,为瘤体较小、组织学分型好的早、中期的低位直肠癌提供一种较好的术式选择.  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜联合经肛门拖出适形切除术治疗极低位直肠癌的手术安全性、可行性和经验体会。方法:2013年6月至2014年6月对8例符合Rullier极低位直肠癌外科学分类标准中Ⅱ、Ⅲ型病人施行腹腔镜联合经肛门拖出适形切除术。结果:本研究8例病人均在腹腔镜下完成切除手术,平均手术时间为(168.4±27.3)min,术中出血量(47.0±13.0)m L,远切缘距离(0.6±0.3)cm,肠系膜淋巴结(14.9±2.8)枚。1例术后发生骶前感染,经抗感染及引流后治愈。术后随访未发现肿瘤局部复发及远处转移病人,3例回肠造口还纳术后病人肛门功能良好。结论:治疗极低位直肠癌的腹腔镜联合经肛门拖出适形切除术是一种极限位保肛技术,决定能否保肛的最重要因素不是肿瘤与齿线距离,而是肿瘤对肛管直肠环的侵犯及类型。  相似文献   

目的探讨腹腔镜下结肠部分或次全切除、直肠内拖出术治疗巨结肠类缘病的可行性。方法1999年10月-2006年5月,对保守治疗无效或复发的38例先天性巨结肠类缘病(Hirschsprung’s disease-allied disorder,HAD)和先天性巨结肠(Hirschsprung’s disease,HD)合并HAD的患儿在腹腔镜下行结肠部分或次全结肠切除、直肠内拖出术。分别在脐缘、右上、右下、左中腹刺入4个5mm trocar,行结肠次全切除时,左侧需建立2个操作孔,分别在左上及左中下腹。腹腔镜下分别游离降结肠、横结肠、升结肠及回盲部侧腹膜,肛门手术按改良Soave方法。结果38例均在腹腔镜下完成手术。9例行左半结肠切除,手术时问110—180min,平均135min;29例行结肠次全切除并按Deloyers法将升结肠逆时针转位270。下拖,保留的升结肠长度7—13cm,平均11.5cm,手术时间140—220min,平均175min。术中出血15~70ml,平均35ml。病理诊断肠神经元性发育异常10例,神经节细胞减少症3例,神经节细胞未成熟症4例,未分类型9例,HD合并IND6例,HD合并HG2例,HD合并IGC4例。38例术后随访6个月一7年,平均3年5个月,29例次全结肠切除患儿3个月内每日大便4—18次,6—10个月后渐转为每日2~3次,9例左半结肠切除患儿术后6个月后每13大便1—2次,无吻合口狭窄,无便秘复发。结论腹腔镜下结肠部分或次全切除经肛门拖出根治术治疗HAD安全、有效、可行,手术创伤较小,但需要一定的腹腔镜操作经验。  相似文献   

Sarli L  Costi R  Iusco D  Roncoroni L 《Surgery today》2003,33(11):823-827
Purpose. To evaluate the clinical role of subtotal colectomy with cecorectal anastomosis (CRA) and its postoperative results, based on our surgical experience. Methods. We retrospectively analyzed 26 patients who underwent subtotal colectomy with CRA during an 8-year period (1992–1999) in our university hospital. The indications for CRA were intractable constipation, colon tumors, diverticulitis, Crohns disease, and postactinic colitis. CRA was performed using a new technique of end-to-end antiperistaltic anastomosis. Postoperative and late complications, and functional results, defined as the number of bowel movements per day and quality of life, were evaluated. Results. None of the patients experienced postoperative or late complications. Two patients died from progression of colon cancer. The mean follow-up period was 4.5 years (range 1–8 years). By 1 month after surgery, 58% of the patients were passing frequent bowel movements, and by 1 year after surgery, only 23% of the patients were passing frequent bowel movements. The last follow-up revealed a mean 1.7 bowel movements per day, and only one patient was taking medication for diarrhea. All patients were satisfied with the results of their surgery and reported that their quality of life was good or improved, and even very good in six cases. Conclusions. Subtotal colectomy with our new CRA technique is appropriate for treating inflammatory diseases of the bowel, colon tumors, and intractable constipation in selected patients.  相似文献   

目的探讨保留扩张而不肥厚结肠的腹腔镜辅助下小儿先天性巨结肠根治术的疗效。方法 2006年5月~2008年11月15例先天性巨结肠小儿接受腹腔镜手术治疗,其中常见型13例,短段型2例。脐部、右上腹和右下腹各切口置5mmtrocar,腹腔镜辅助下用腔镜器械,腹腔内游离病变结肠,保留扩张而不肥厚结肠,然后经直肠将病变结肠拖出肛门外切除,将近端扩张而不肥厚的结肠断端与齿状线上直肠黏膜切缘处吻合。结果 15例患儿均经腹腔镜顺利完成手术,无中转开腹。手术时间100~180min,平均130.4min;术中出血量20~50ml。术后1~2d排气,术后第3天进食,7~9d出院。切除结肠组织病理诊断显示扩张但不肥厚或轻度肥厚的结肠含正常神经节细胞。15例随访6~12个月,平均9.5月,患儿6个月后每日大便1~2次,无便秘复发、污粪、狭窄,12例术后3~6个月复查钡灌肠显示扩张的肠管恢复正常。结论腹腔镜辅助下保留扩张但不肥厚或扩张伴轻度肥厚结肠的巨结肠根治术创伤小,安全、有效、可行。  相似文献   



Transanal endorectal pull-through (TEPT) has drastically changed the treatment of Hirschsprung's disease (HD). A short follow-up of children submitted to TEPT reveals results that are similar to the classic transabdominal pull-through procedures. However, few reports compare the late results of TEPT with transabdominal pull-through procedures with respect to complication rates and the fecal continence. The aims of the present work are to describe some technical refinements that we introduced in the procedure and to compare the short and long-term outcome of TEPT with the outcomes of a group of patients with HD who previously underwent the Duhamel procedure.


Thirty-five patients who underwent TEPT were prospectively studied and compared to a group of 29 patients who were treated with colostomy followed by a classical Duhamel pull-through. The main modifications introduced in the TEPT group were no preoperative colon preparation, operation conducted under general anesthesia in addition to regional sacral anesthesia, use of only one purse-string suture in the rectal mucosa before transanal submucosal dissection, and no use of retractors and electrocautery during the submucosal dissection.


The most frequent early complications of TEPT group were perineal dermatitis (22.8%) and anastomotic strictures (8.6%). The comparison with patients who underwent Duhamel procedure revealed no difference in the incidence of preoperative enterocolitis, the patients of the TEPT group were younger at the time of diagnosis and of surgery, they had shorter operating times, and they began oral feeding more quickly after the operation. The incidence of wound infection was lower in the TEPT group. Moreover, the TEPT and Duhamel groups showed no difference in the incidences of mortality, postoperative partial continence, and total incontinence. Although the incidences of complete continence and postoperative enterocolitis were not different, a tendency to the increased incidence in the TEPT group was observed.


This study further supports the technical advantages, the simplicity, and the decreased incidence of complications of a primary TEPT procedure when compared to a classical form of pull-through. Some technical refinements are described, and no preoperative colon preparation was necessary for the patients studied here. The results show that the long-term outcomes of the modified TEPT procedure are generally better than those obtained with classical approaches.  相似文献   

部分慢传输性便秘患者可通过结肠全或次全切除术获得良好临床疗效.传统开腹手术创伤较大,随着微创理念深入开展,腹腔镜辅助或全腹腔镜结肠全或次全切除术逐渐受到临床医师的广泛关注.2014年2-4月第三军医大学大坪医院对2例慢传输型便秘患者施行了单孔腹腔镜结肠次全切除联合盲肠直肠逆蠕动吻合术,近期疗效满意.  相似文献   



The transanal pull-through has become the standard operation for Hirschsprung's disease in many pediatric surgical centers. Over the past 8 years, we have modified our technique by leaving a short—rather than a long—rectal cuff and by doing routine intraabdominal colonic biopsies through an umbilical incision before beginning the anal dissection. The aim of this study was to determine if these modifications have changed the outcome for children undergoing this operation.


A retrospective cohort study of all patients who underwent transanal pull-through by a single surgeon between 1997 and 2005 was conducted.


There were 23 children who had a long cuff (10-15 cm) and 22 who had a short cuff (<2 cm). The short cuff group tended to be younger (25 ± 23 vs 139 ± 67 days; P < .05) and smaller (3.5 ± 0.7 vs 6.0 ± 2.7 kg; P < .05) at the time of surgery. The operating time was shorter (167 vs 186 minutes; P = .05) in the short cuff group. Outcomes were improved in the short cuff group, as evidenced by decreased hospital stay (1.9 ± 0.6 vs 2.7 ± 0.9; P < .05), decreased incidence of enterocolitis (9% vs 30%; P = .1), and lower incidence of narrowing requiring daily dilatations (5% vs 30%; P < .05). Preliminary colonic biopsy was performed on 18 of the 45 patients. This had no significant effect on narcotic use (66% vs 70%; P = .8) and did not increase operating time (174 ± 31 vs 179 ± 34 minutes; P = .6). Hospital stay was shorter in the umbilical biopsy group (1.9 ± 0.6 vs 2.6 ± 0.9 days; P = .006).


Results of the transanal pull-through have improved likely as a result of a combination of experience and use of a shorter rectal muscular cuff. The use of a preliminary colonic biopsy through an umbilical incision has not increased postoperative pain, prolonged operative time, or lengthened hospital stay.  相似文献   

A 41-year-old man with Cronkhite-Canada syndrome presented with multiple juvenile polyps with hyperplastic and adenomatous changes throughout his stomach and entire colorectum. Dysgeusia was recognized and the degree of hypoproteinemia was remarkable. A barium enema study and colonofiberscopy also revealed an advanced cancer in the rectum. Chronic hepatitis B and membranous glomerulonephritis were also present. It was difficult to design a conservative protocol using steroids for the treatment of protein-loosing enteropathy because the patient was a hepatitis B virus carrier. As a result, a subtotal colectomy while preserving the cecum with cecorectal anastomosis was performed. Pathologically, the ulcerated rectal tumor was a moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma with invasion into the muscularis propria. Most polyps showed cystically dilated glands without dysplasia or edematous stroma with inflammatory cell infiltration. A few polyps were juvenile-type polyps with adenoma components. Although no remarkable improvement was observed in the hypoproteinemia postoperatively, an α1-antitrypsin clearance test showed a significant decrease in protein loss from the gastrointestinal tract, which was only about one third of the loss seen preoperatively. These findings lead us to conclude that when improvement using conservative treatment can be neither obtained nor is expected, then the use of surgery should be considered when treating patients with Cronkhite-Canada syndrome. Received: February 16, 2000 / Accepted: November 20, 2000  相似文献   

We managed long-segment aganglionosis in two neonates by performing colonic irrigation through an indwelling transanal catheter for 65 and 30 days, respectively, until a laparoscopy-assisted primary pull-through operation could be performed. The catheter was fixed by tying it to the tubes, criss-crossed at the anus, and securing the opposite ends of the tubes away from the diaper. This form of management with our devised method of transanal catheter fixation and simple frequent tube washouts improved the preoperative quality of life of both the babies and their parents remarkably.  相似文献   

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