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在现代战争条件下,心理战对参战人员所造成的心理杀伤呈现出全时空、高强度、全方位、高技术的杀伤趋势,参战人员心理损伤的发生率亦急剧增长,心理损伤伤员的救治已成为信息化战争条件下卫勤保障关注的问题之一。因此,为了加快战时心理损伤人员的信息资源在医疗后送链上的流动,提高救治效率,必须着眼“时效救治”观点,借助信息优势,将其信息进行数字化编码,提高信息资源在卫勤保障中的作用,保障心理损伤伤员救治的需求。  相似文献   

战伤是战斗减员的主要原因。伤员的资料对战伤救治、卫勤保障和上级决策都非常重要。对未来高技术战争 ,伤员的信息管理尤其如此。目前我军还缺少伤员的信息管理软件 ,为此 ,我们编制了“战伤伤员信息管理系统”软件 ,并在南京军区联勤部15分部组织的卫勤演练中试用。报告如下。1 程序编制1 1 编程工具 该系统采用可视Foxpro 6 0 (VFP6 0 )编程。1 2 战伤伤员信息管理系统的结构 该系统由如下模块组成 :其中数据录入窗口包括伤票、医嘱、监测、损伤、手术和后方医院等数据录入窗口 ,其数据分别进入数据库中相应表文件的字段。…  相似文献   

战伤诊断数字化方法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:研究战伤诊断数字化方法。方法:将战伤诊断编码定为28位,第1~8序位:战伤伤部;第9~16序位:解剖结构类别;第17~20序位:战伤伤型;第21~26序位:战伤伤类;第27~28序位:战伤严重性分级。结果:参照临床疾病诊断名称将2000余种不同类型战伤进行细化并予以编码。结论:本研究可操作性强,稳定可靠,符合编码规律和信息化要求。  相似文献   

战伤诊断数字化方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 研究战伤诊断数字化方法,以提高战伤救治的时效性。方法 将战伤诊断编码定为28位,第1~8序位,战伤伤部;第9~16序位:解剖结构类别;第17~20序位:战伤伤型;第21~26序位:战伤伤类;第27~28序位:战伤严重性分级。结果 参照临床疾病诊断名称,对2000余种不同类型战伤进行了细化并予以编码。结论 本方法可操作性强,稳定可靠,符合编码规律和信息化要求。  相似文献   

眼战伤数字化分类的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:为在现代高技术战争中对眼战伤做到迅速、准确的诊断和救治,研究和制定统一的眼战伤数字化分类标准。方法:用科学的战伤分类标准,在总结战时眼伤材料的基础上,依据收容分类、后送分类和救治分类的需求,伤情、伤因、伤势和致伤部位,以及救治、后送等进行数字化分类研究。结果:通过数字化处理,将眼战伤分为眼附属器损伤和眼球损伤、眼眶损伤3大类,按眼战伤的伤势分为轻伤、中度伤和重伤,救治措施分为紧急非手术、紧急手术和专科非手术、专科手术等。结论:通过数字化分类,使眼战伤的救治、分类及后送等卫勤保障更科学、快捷,以减少眼战伤的致残率。  相似文献   

目的:将标准化伤员(standardized wounded soldier, SWS)分级评价指标体系分别应用于我海军部队和海军院校,以检验其有效性。方法:培训15个海军部队的30名战士担任基础级SWS,培训1所海军院校的6名学员担任专业级SWS。将指标体系转换为理论试卷和调查问卷2个部分进行验证。采用方便抽样法,选取救护员、课程导师及SWS 3类人群作为调查对象。结果:试卷的信度和区分度较好,难度适中。调查问卷整体具有较好的信效度。学员担任的专业级SWS总体评价优于战士扮演的基础级SWS。结论:SWS分级评价指标体系适宜可行,为合理评价SWS模拟质量、提高我军实战化训练效果提供了依据,有利于SWS在军事医学模拟领域中的推广和应用。  相似文献   

美军医科大学于1997年建立了创伤外科研究院,重点研究战伤伤员的救治方法。现将有关情况作一介绍。  相似文献   

战伤伤员信息链式运动研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
信息链式运动是指“数字化信息由信源经信道的传输,到达信宿的完整运动过程”〔1〕。在军事领域,该过程主要是指信息被数字化为信息因子经传感器接收后,通过各级数据链、网络信息平台,到达并作用于“武器射手”之间的往复运动过程。我们在对伤员信息相关理论研究中认为,伤员信息作为战时信息的组成部分,同样具有链式运动的性质和规律。1战伤伤员信息“链”战伤伤员信息是对伤员发生、发展状态以及该状态运动、变化方式的表达和描述。其主要内容包括:伤部信息、伤势信息、伤型信息、伤类信息、并发症信息以及诊断信息、分类信息和后送信息等…  相似文献   

美国防部公共事务办公室曾宣布,在沙漠风暴行动(1991年1月22日至3月11日)中,美军发生的战斗伤员有353名。本文将对其中204名伤员的调查研究结果进行介绍。1 伤情分析 204名伤员总共有472处伤。平均每个人有2.3处伤。本文评判伤处多少的标准是,几次伤及一个解剖部位,只算1处伤。如某伤员股部软组织有10次碎片伤,只算1处伤,而股部和足部各有1次碎片伤,则算2处伤,因为伤及的两个解剖部位不同。用这种方法计算  相似文献   

 灾难救援已成为武警部队一项重要的非战争军事任务。突发的高风险、高强度的救援任务会使官兵产生应激反应,甚至发生应激障碍。心理干预是救援官兵应激障碍发生的保护性因素,在预防、缓解、治疗应激反应及障碍中起着至关重要的专业性作用。本研究在对相关文献进行回顾性研究的基础上,结合自身对救援官兵心理服务的实践工作经验,在“大干预”概念下,提出“两结合、三阶段的综合心理干预工作模式”,即预防性心理干预与反应性心理干预相结合、心理治疗性干预与教育发展性干预相结合的任务前、任务中、任务后三阶段干预模式,并对每个阶段的干预目标、内容及策略方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

云南边疆与越南、老挝、缅甸接壤,地处亚热带山岳丛林地区,雨量充沛,气温高,无明显季节差异,植物繁茂,有害昆虫动物多,素有“植物王国”、“动物王国”的美称。在这一地区发生战争,气候地理特征对作战部队的影响也十分突出,其战伤救治有其自身规律和特征。在1979年以来进行的自卫反击战,几次战役和近期的训练均在亚热带地区,卫勤保障工作有一定的特殊性。为适应未来战争的作战方式。现就做好亚热带山岳丛林地战伤救治工作的体会报道如下:1战伤救治工作必须思想上重视实战很容易重视,演习也要象实战一样。亚热带山岳丛林地的传染病和常见病发…  相似文献   

Bacterial skin infections are very common and trigger destruction of the skin integrity. Impetigo is a consequence of group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus or Staphylococcus aureus infection. The clinical presentation in general is very typical and empiric treatment is usually successful. In cases of close contacts such as between classmates, athletes, or soldiers, the prompt recognition and appropriate treatment of the infection may stop an epidemic. We report a group of six soldiers who shared the same military equipment (physical shields) during hand-to-hand combat training. All of the soldiers had skin lesions and two of them suffered from systemic symptoms. Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus and S. aureus were cultured from the impetiginous lesions. All patients recovered after systemic and/or local antibiotic treatments. These cases emphasize the need for the maintenance of proper hygiene throughout the training program to prevent spread of the disease and the importance of rapid diagnosis by bacteriological identification.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This 1-year prospective study compared 125 construction engineers and 188 combat artillery soldiers to determine whether there were differences in injury occurrences/ types because of their diverse occupational tasks and training requirements. Also, intrinsic factors were studied to establish any associations with a soldier's risk for injury. METHODS: Prestudy height, weight, and body mass index and fitness (3.2-km run, sit-ups, push-ups) data were collected prior to the injury medical records review. Approximately 30% of each battalion was studied. RESULTS: For engineers and artillery, 86.0% and 66.0% incurred at least one injury, respectively. Of total soldiers, 64.0% of engineers and 56.4% of artillerymen had injuries associated with limited duty profiles. Total injuries resulted in 743 days of limited duty time (5.9 days per soldier) in engineers and 1,078 days (5.7 days per soldier) in artillery. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were also calculated. The odds of traumatic fractures were (OR = 6.5, 95% CI = 1.8-23.7) 6 times higher in engineers than artillery, but strains/sprains and abrasions/lacerations were (OR = 2.3, 95% CI = 1.5-3.7; OR = 2.5, 95% CI = 1.2-5.0) two times higher in artillery than engineers. The number of limited duty days associated with knee injuries was significantly higher in engineers than artillery (p < 0.0001), and number of days for low back injuries was significantly higher in the artillerymen (p < 0.0001). Greater body mass was a risk factor for lower back pain and the body mass index was > or = 25 for strains/sprains in both units. CONCLUSIONS: Significant differences in injuries were reported between the two units. It is plausible that the differences were related to the diverse training exposures of the units. However, it is beyond the scope of this study to make conclusions about the causes of the injury differences. The data also indicate that body mass and body mass index were identified as modifiable injury risk factors for both units, which suggests that these injuries are preventable.  相似文献   

This study examined 100 randomly selected medical charts of Israeli psychiatric casualties of the 1982 Lebanon War in order to determine the clinical picture of combat stress reaction as recorded by clinicians on the battlefield. We found nine categories of symptoms. The most prevalent clinical picture (48% of cases) was polymorphic, followed by anxiety (13%) and labile states (11%). Only 41% of cases were mono-symptomatic and stable. Examination of the polymorphic and labile clinical pictures revealed that the most prominent symptomatology was anxiety and depression. In the labile states, the most widespread beginning symptom was anxiety and the most prevalent end state was found to be depression. These findings are discussed in light of reports from other wars.  相似文献   

Wound healing, being a dynamic process consisting of hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling, involves the complicated interplay of various growth mediators and the cells associated repair system. Current wound healing therapies usually fail to completely regain skin integrity and functionality. Traditionally, curcumin is considered a potent natural wound healing agent as it possesses antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also known that zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles (NPs) have photocatalytic properties, including the generation of reactive oxygen species. ZnO nanoaprticles are also Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved as safe substances. While ZnO oxide requires illumination with ultraviolet light to become photocatalytically active, dye-sensitized ZnO can be activated by illumination with visible light. In the present study, we explored the wound healing potential of ZnO nanoparticles sensitized with curcumin (Cu+ZnO Nps) and illuminated with visible (blue) light generated by an array of high power LEDs. We studied the antibacterial effect of our conjugates by percentage reduction in bacterial growth and biofilm formation. The wound healing potential was analyzed by percentage wound contraction, biochemical parameters, and histopathological analysis of the wounded site. Additionally, angiogenesis and wound associated cytokines was evaluated by immunohistochemistry of CD31 and gene expression analysis of IL-1β, TNF-α, and MMP-9 after 16 days of post-wound treatment, respectively. Our study suggests that the therapeutic effect of Cu+ZnO NPs with LED illumination increases its wound healing potential by producing an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Moreover, the treatment strategy of using a nano formulation in combination with LED illumination further increases its efficacy. It was concluded that the anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects of the LED illuminated Cu+ZnO Np showed accelerated wound healing with increased wound contraction, collagen deposition, angiogenesis, and re-epithelialization.  相似文献   

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