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Brucellae are gram-negative, facultative intracellular bacteria which are one of the most common causes of abortion in animals. In addition, they are the source of a severe zoonosis. In this trial, we evaluated the effect of oral inoculation of Brucella abortus RB51 in mice against a challenge infection with B. abortus 2308. First, we showed that a gastric acid neutralization prior to the oral inoculation contributed to a more homogeneous and consistent infection with both vaccine strain B. abortus RB51 and virulent strain B. abortus 2308. Successively, we assessed the clearance and the immune response following an oral infection with B. abortus RB51. Oral inoculation gave a mild infection which was cleared 42 days after infection, and it induced a delayed humoral and cell-mediated immune response. Finally, we immunized mice by oral inoculation with B. abortus RB51, and we challenged them with the virulent strain B. abortus 2308 by an oral or intraperitoneal route 42 days after vaccination. Oral inoculation of B. abortus RB51 was able to give protection to mice infected with the virulent strain B. abortus 2308 by the oral route but not to mice infected intraperitoneally. Our results indicate that oral inoculation of mice with B. abortus RB51 is able to give a protective immunity against an oral infection with virulent strains, and this protection seems to rely on an immune response at the mucosal level.  相似文献   

The study compared the immune and protective responses induced in BALB/c mice vaccinated with six salt-extractable periplasmic protein fractions (Brucella cell surface proteins [BCSP]) of Brucella abortus 19 and later challenge exposed with B. abortus 2308. BCSP70 was precipitated with ammonium sulfate at 70% saturation, and BCSP100 was precipitated with ammonium sulfate at 100% saturation by use of supernatant fluid of BCSP70 that had been precipitated with 70% ammonium sulfate. Four subfractions were separated from BCSP100 by anion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Monophosphoryl lipid A (MPL) from Salmonella typhimurium Re mutant strain was used as a potential immune response modifier in some vaccines. Reduced or increased numbers of CFU and increased spleen size in the principal groups of mice relative to that of the nonvaccinated control group were considered protectiveness or virulence (survival) criteria. Results indicated that vaccines prepared from BCSP70 and BCSP100 were moderately protective and immunogenic. The subfractions designated BCSP100-A through BCSP100-D purified by anion-exchange HPLC were not protective when MPL was not used as an immune response modifier. However, two subfractions were associated with significant (P < 0.05) increases in CFU per spleen and splenomegaly in vaccinated mice compared with those in nonvaccinated challenge-exposed mice. MPL enhanced protection or was neutral when used with BCSP70, BCSP100, BCSP100-C, and BCSP100-D. Serologic results of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay indicated that MPL modulated the immunoglobulin G responses induced by BCSP70, BCSP100, and subfraction BCSP100-B vaccines only. The overall results suggest that certain proteinaceous periplasmic fractions might serve as virulence or survival factors in B. abortus infections.  相似文献   

Cattle vaccinated with Brucella abortus rough strain RB51 (SRB51) produced small amounts of serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) but no IgM antibody to smooth strain 2308 (S2308) bacteria and produced no IgG or IgM antibody to S2308 lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Western immunoblot analysis revealed that antiserum from SRB51-vaccinated cattle contained IgG antibody that reacted with S2308 proteins of 84 to <20 kDa. However, antiserum from the vaccinated cattle did not contain agglutinating B. abortus antibody in the tube agglutination test for brucellosis. These results suggest that SRB51-vaccinated cattle produced no antibody to S2308 LPS, although they did produce nonagglutinating IgG antibody that reacted with S2308 bacteria and bacterial proteins of 84 to <20 kDa.  相似文献   

Immune and pathologic responses were measured for 20 weeks after infection of mice with Brucella abortus 19, RB51, or 2308. Live bacteria and bacterial antigens of 19 and RB51 persisted in spleens for 10 and 4 weeks after infection, respectively, whereas 2308 bacteria and bacterial antigens persisted for at least 20 weeks. Small germinal centers and profound lymphoid depletion occurred in spleens of mice during the first 4 weeks of infection with strain 19 or 2308; however, mice infected with strain RB51 had much larger germinal centers but no lymphoid depletion. At 4 weeks, only spleen cells from RB51-infected mice proliferated when incubated with 2308 bacteria. Large germinal centers in the spleen and spleen cell proliferative responses to 2308 did not appear in strain 19-infected mice until 6 weeks or in strain 2308-infected mice until 10 weeks. Similar proliferative responses to 2308 occurred in mice infected with strain 19 or RB51 at 6 weeks and in mice infected with strain 19, RB51, or 2308 at 10 weeks. However, at 20 weeks, spleen cell proliferative responses to 2308 occurred in mice infected with strain 19 or 2308 but not in mice infected with strain RB51. Mice infected with strain RB51 had lower and less persistent antibody titers to 2308 than did mice infected with strain 19 or 2308. Collectively, these results indicate that RB51-infected mice have less persistent immune responses to 2308 than do mice infected with 19 or 2308. The shorter duration of the responses probably resulted because RB51 is considerably less pathogenic and is cleared more rapidly from mice than are 19 and 2308.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte proliferation in response to proteins from the Brucella abortus strain 2308 (S2308) and the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) O-antigen-deficient mutant of S2308, strain RB51 (SRB51), was measured in S2308-infected cattle following abortion. Supramammary and superficial cervical lymph node lymphocytes from infected cattle proliferated most when incubated with 27- to 18-kDa proteins of S2308 or SRB51. Proteins of SRB51, which contained no LPS O antigens, induced lymphocyte proliferation similar to that induced by S2308 proteins, which contained LPS O antigens. These results indicate that 27- to 18-kDa proteins, but not LPS O antigens, of S2308 and SRB51 are immunodominant in S2308-infected cattle as assessed by lymphocyte proliferation assays.  相似文献   

M G Stevens  S C Olsen    G W Pugh  Jr 《Infection and immunity》1994,62(10):4659-4663
Lymphocyte proliferation to 22 protein fractions (106 to 18 kDa) of Brucella abortus 2308 or the lipopolysaccharide O-antigen-deficient mutant of 2308, strain RB51, was measured for 20 weeks after infection of mice with strain 2308, RB51, or 19. Throughout the 20-week study, the 22 protein fractions of 2308 and RB51 induced a similar pattern of proliferation when they were incubated with lymphocytes from the infected mice. In addition, during the 20 weeks, lymphocytes from all groups of infected mice exhibited the highest proliferation when the lymphocytes were incubated with 18-kDa or smaller proteins from either 2308 or RB51. Lymphocytes obtained from mice at 6 weeks after infection with strain RB51 or 19 exhibited similar proliferation to the 18-kDa proteins of S2308 or SRB51. Lymphocytes from strain 2308-infected mice did not proliferate to these proteins until 10 weeks after infection, and the responses were similar to those in strain RB51-infected mice but lower than those in strain 19-infected mice. Lymphocytes obtained from mice at 20 weeks after infection with strain 19 or 2308 proliferated to most of the 22 fractions of 2308 or RB51, which contained 106- to 18-kDa proteins. However, lymphocytes obtained from strain RB51-infected mice at 20 weeks did not proliferate to any of these fractions. These results indicate that mice infected with RB51 have less-persistent lymphocyte proliferative responses to 2308 proteins than do mice infected with 2308 or 19. In addition, all 2308 proteins that stimulate lymphocyte proliferation appear to be present in RB51.  相似文献   

Natural killer cells may play a significant role in virus infections. Virus-induced interferon activates these cells to become highly cytotoxic, and viral infections may also affect the proliferation of such cells. Non-immune mice have an apparently cellular defense mechanism which rapidly lyses implanted virus-infected cells. The evidence for NK cell involvement in viral disease is reviewed.Presented at the Fifth International congress of Virology, Strasbourg, France, 1981.  相似文献   

Cells producing antibody to brucella lipopolysaccharide were detected in spleens of mice infected with Brucella abortus 19 by a hemolytic plaque assay. The appearance of immunoglobulin M-producing cells preceded humoral antibodies. The primary plaques were observed 5 days after inoculation, and they were still present by day 70.  相似文献   

Increased resistance to infection with Brucella abortus 2308 resulted when recombinant murine gamma interferon (rMuIFN-gamma) was given to mice both before and during infection but not when given only before infection. Mice given rMuIFN-gamma had enhanced peritoneal and splenic macrophage bactericidal activity against B. abortus. Treatment of mice with rMuIFN-gamma plus indomethacin did not further enhance resistance to infection or macrophage bactericidal activity compared with that after treatment of mice with rMuIFN-gamma alone.  相似文献   

Cattle vaccinated with Brucella abortus strain RB51 (SRB51) or infected with strain 2308 (S2308) had lymph node lymphocytes which proliferated most when incubated with 32-, 27-, 18-, or <18-kDa proteins of either SRB51 or S2308. Some S2308-infected cattle but no SRB51-vaccinated cattle had lymphocytes which proliferated in response to 80- and 49-kDa proteins of SRB51 and S2308. These results suggest that cattle vaccinated with SRB51 or infected with S2308 have lymphocytes which proliferate in response to most of the same S2308 proteins and that the immunodominant protein antigens of SRB51 and S2308 have similar molecular masses of 32, 27, 18, and <18 kDa.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested a possible role for natural killer (NK) cells in resistance to some fungal infections, including Cryptococcus neoformans infections. The role of NK cells in early clearance of C neoformans from tissues and in long-term survival was studied in mice following intravenous inoculations of the organism. Mice treated with anti-asialo GM1 antiserum to temporarily reduce NK activity demonstrated an increase in colony-forming units (CFU) of C neoformans in the lung 24 hours after an intravenous inoculation of the organism. CFU in liver, spleen, kidney, and brain were not different in anti-asialo GM1 antiserum-treated versus control mice. An NK-specific reagent, anti-NK 1.1 monoclonal antibody, was used to deplete mice of NK cells in vivo for at least 14 days without affecting other natural defenses. The number of C neoformans retained in the lungs 24 hours after inoculation of the organism was significantly greater in NK cell-depleted mice than in controls, although CFU in other organs were unaffected. Following the intravenous inoculation of C neoformans, the survival of anti-NK 1.1-treated mice was not different from control mice. The effect of NK cell activity on resistance to C neoformans was also determined after an intratracheal inoculation of the organism. Mice pretreated with anti-NK 1.1 demonstrated no increases in CFU in the lungs, spleen, or brain as compared with controls. These data indicate that NK cells can play a role in vivo in early resistance against C neoformans if the organism is delivered via the intravenous route. However, NK cells do not play a role in either determining survival after an intravenous inoculation nor in resistance during an infection acquired via the respiratory tract.  相似文献   

The gene designated BAB1_1460 in the Brucella abortus 2308 genome sequence is predicted to encode the manganese transporter MntH. Phenotypic analysis of an isogenic mntH mutant indicates that MntH is the sole high-affinity manganese transporter in this bacterium but that MntH does not play a detectable role in the transport of Fe2+, Zn2+, Co2+, or Ni2+. Consistent with the apparent selectivity of the corresponding gene product, the expression of the mntH gene in B. abortus 2308 is repressed by Mn2+, but not Fe2+, and this Mn-responsive expression is mediated by a Mur-like repressor. The B. abortus mntH mutant MWV15 exhibits increased susceptibility to oxidative killing in vitro compared to strain 2308, and a comparative analysis of the superoxide dismutase activities present in these two strains indicates that the parental strain requires MntH in order to make wild-type levels of its manganese superoxide dismutase SodA. The B. abortus mntH mutant also exhibits extreme attenuation in both cultured murine macrophages and experimentally infected C57BL/6 mice. These experimental findings indicate that Mn2+ transport mediated by MntH plays an important role in the physiology of B. abortus 2308, particularly during its intracellular survival and replication in the host.Brucella abortus is a gram-negative bacterium that is responsible for the zoonotic disease brucellosis. Brucellosis causes spontaneous abortion and sterility in ruminants (27) and a debilitating febrile illness in humans known as undulant fever (17). The ability of brucellae to cause disease is directly related to their capacity to establish and maintain intracellular infection in host macrophages (63). Within the phagosomal compartment in these host cells, brucellae must cope with oxidative stress, low pH, and nutrient deprivation. The availability of metal ions is restricted within this environment due in part to the activity of the host natural resistance-associated macrophage protein (NRAMP-1), which transports divalent cations out of the phagosome (40). Mn2+ serves as an important cofactor for a variety of bacterial enzymes, including those involved in carbon metabolism, induction of the stringent response, and detoxification of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (55). Consequently, the inability of brucellae to acquire sufficient levels of this divalent cation may compromise their ability to successfully adapt to the environmental conditions encountered during residence in their intracellular niche.Manganese uptake by bacteria is typically accomplished through the activity of either ABC-type transporters such as the SitABC complex (4, 42, 59, 65) or H+-dependent manganese transporters such as MntH (37, 41, 52, 60). Many bacteria possess both types of Mn2+ transporters (55), but a survey of the publicly available Brucella genome sequences (14, 20, 36, 57) suggests that these bacteria do not produce a SitABC-type transporter and rely solely on an MntH homolog for the high-affinity transport of Mn2+. Escherichia coli MntH was originally described as being able to transport both Mn2+ and Fe2+ (52), but subsequent studies indicated that this and other bacterial MntH proteins are highly selective Mn2+ transporters that play a minor, if any, role in Fe2+ transport under physiologically relevant conditions (41). To examine the role of Brucella MntH in Mn2+ transport and virulence, the gene annotated as BAB1_1460 in the B. abortus 2308 genome sequence was disrupted in this strain by gene replacement and the phenotype of the resulting mutant (MWV15) was examined. The results of these studies indicate that MntH plays a critical role in Mn2+ transport in B. abortus 2308 and that the presence of this manganese transporter is essential for the wild-type resistance of this strain to oxidative killing in vitro and its virulence in the mouse model.  相似文献   

By using mice infected with strains of Brucella abortus and Brucella melitensis we examined the histological responses to infection, the relationship of histology to persistence of organisms, and the relation of persistence of organisms to the acquisition of acquired cellular resistance (ACR). Infection with B. abortus resulted in well-formed granulomas in the livers, which persisted for more than 30 days. In contrast, infection with B. melitensis produced microabscesses in the livers which resolved before 30 days. The clearance of organisms from the tissues was also different. A total of 30 days after infection, large numbers of viable bacteria were recovered from the tissues of B. abortus-infected mice whereas bacteria were no longer recoverable from B. melitensis-infected animals. ACR to Listeria monocytogenes, another intracellular pathogen, persisted for more than 30 days in B. abortus-infected mice but waned rapidly in B. melitensis-infected animals. This disappearance of ACR due to B. melitensis paralleled the clearance of bacteria from the tissues.  相似文献   

Chlamydophila abortus, the aetiological agent of ovine enzootic abortion, induces a strong inflammatory reaction that leads to the T helper cell (Th1) specific immune response necessary for the clearance of infection. Because the role of natural killer (NK) cells during the first stages of this response has received little attention, this study focused on determining the function of these cells in a mouse model of infection. The location of NK cells in the liver and spleen of infected mice was examined immunohistochemically with an anti-Ly49G monoclonal antibody. The number of NK cells increased during the infection both in spleen and liver. In subsequent experiments, an anti-asialo GM1 polyclonal antibody was injected to deplete the NK cells. NK-depleted mice showed a substantial increase in their susceptibility to C. abortus infection, with high mortality rates and an increased burden of bacteria in the liver. Histopathological studies showed that inflammatory foci, composed mainly of neutrophils, were greater in size and number in depleted mice, while numerous chlamydial inclusions were associated with the foci. Serum concentrations of IFN-gamma, a key cytokine in the control of C. abortus infection, were substantially reduced in the NK-depleted mice. To establish the relationship between NK cells and other components of the innate immune response, neutrophils were depleted with the RB6-8C5 antibody. These cells were shown to be crucial in the recruitment of NK cells to the inflammatory foci.  相似文献   

Although much information is available for the function of circulating monocytes when signs of sepsis are apparent, little is known for natural killer (NK) cells. NK cells were isolated from 10 healthy controls and from 103 patients with sepsis within the first 24 h from diagnosis. NK cells were stimulated with lipopolysaccharide for cytokine production. Release of tumor necrosis factor‐alpha and of interleukin (IL)‐6 was below the limit of detection. Release of IL‐23 and of interferon‐gamma (IFNγ) was significantly greater among patients than among healthy volunteers. Release of IFNγ was pronounced in septic shock. Patients were divided into two subgroups based on the ratio of IFNγ to IL‐23 released by the NK cells after stimulation: those with ratio ≤5 and 28‐day survival 13.5%, and those with ratio >5 and 28‐day survival 29.4% (p: 0.048). It is concluded that early after clinical development of sepsis, NK cells remain active for the production of IFNγ. Their activity is associated with the final outcome.  相似文献   

M G Stevens  S C Olsen    G W Pugh  Jr 《Infection and immunity》1995,63(8):3199-3205
Mice vaccinated with Brucella abortus 19 (S19) or RB51 (SRB51) had spleen cells which proliferated in response to proteins of 32, 27, 18, and < 18 kDa but not in response to proteins of 106, 80, and 49 kDa from B. abortus 2308 (S2308) following vaccination and challenge infection with S2308. Spleen cells from mice vaccinated with S19 but not with SRB51 had increased proliferation in response to S2308 lipopolysaccharide (LPS) following challenge infection with S2308. We previously reported that mice vaccinated with S19 or SRB51, which were analyzed in the current study, have increased resistance to infection with S2308 and that only mice vaccinated with S19 produce antibody to S2308 LPS (M. Stevens, S. Olsen, G. Pugh, Jr., and D. Brees, Infect. Immun. 63:264-270, 1995). The results from our current and previous studies support the contention that vaccination of mice with S19 or SRB51 induces protection from infection with S2308 by cell-mediated immune responses to the same immunodominant (32, 27, 18, and < 18 kDa) protein antigens of S2308. In addition, the absence of S2308 LPS-responsive spleen cells and antibody to S2308 LPS in mice vaccinated with SRB51 suggests that immune responses to LPS have no role in SRB51-induced protective immunity.  相似文献   

The active phase of primary and challenge oral infections of Toxoplasma gondii was investigated with respect to natural killer (NK) activity against YAC-1 tumour cell targets in vitro and serum interferon (IFN) titres. Primary (non-lethal) oral infection of BALB/c mice with Me49 oocysts resulted in a rapid increase of serum IFN titres, followed by augmented NK activity. NK levels became depressed, rising again by 15 days after infection to normal levels, again preceded by elevated IFN titres. In challenge infections NK was not augmented and IFN titres rose only if a high dose of oocysts was given. IFN activity was pH2-labile in all cases and considered to be due to IFN-gamma. Cold target inhibition studies indicated that T. gondii did not bind to NK cells. A bioassay for the effects of NK cells on T. gondii tachyzoites was developed and there was no evidence of killing in vitro by cells with NK function; T. gondii survived better when cultured with NK cells than when cultured alone. Studies using C57BL/6bg/bg,bg/+ and +/+ mice showed that there was no difference in mean time to death after administration of a lethal ME49 oocyst infection by mouth. Cytotoxicity against YAC-1 in both spleen and mesenteric lymph node (MLN) cell populations was highly augmented in bg/+ and +/+, but not in bg/bg mice. Genetic deficiency of NK activity had no effect on survival of mice after infection. Therefore NK has at best a minimal role to play in protection during the acute phase of Toxoplasma infection.  相似文献   

Brucella abortus, the causative agent of brucellosis, can survive and replicate within host cells. Understanding bacterial virulence factors and bacteria-host cell interactions is critical for controlling brucellosis. However, little is known regarding the pathogenic mechanisms of brucellosis. A lipoprotein mutant (Gene Bank ID: 3339351) of B. abortus showed a lower rate of intracellular replication than did the wild-type strain in HeLa cells and RAW 264.7 macrophages. The adherent activity of the lipoprotein mutant was slightly increased compared to that of the wild-type strain in HeLa cells. After infection into macrophages, the lipoprotein mutant co-localized with either late endosomes or lysosomes. In mice infected with the lipoprotein mutant, fewer lipoprotein mutants were recovered from the spleen at 8 weeks post-infection compared to the wild-type strain. The ability to protect the lipoprotein mutant against infection by the virulent B. abortus strain 544 was similar to that of strain RB51. Our results indicate that the B. abortus lipoprotein is an important factor for survival within phagocytes and mice, and the B. abortus lipoprotein mutant may help improve live vaccines used to control brucellosis.  相似文献   

In this study we demonstrated that combined inoculation of interleukin-12 (IL-12) and IL-18 reduced the number of bacteria in the spleens of mice infected with Brucella abortus 2308 and that the effect of the treatment was mediated by an increased capability of spleen cells to produce gamma interferon at the early phase of infection.  相似文献   

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