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目前肺结核患者耐药情况较严重,为肺结核的治疗带来了巨大挑战。大量临床报道表明,中西医结合治疗耐多药肺结核具有促进痰菌转阴率、减少全身中毒症状、保护肝功能、减轻抗痨药物的副作用等优点。  相似文献   

新中国成立初期制定的卫生工作三大方针之一——“团结中西医”,既是基于当时医疗卫生资源的考量做出的政策选择,也是前此20余年中国共产党的革命遗产之一。从最初“中西医并用”的无奈,到逐步形成“中西医合作”、“团结中西医”方针,都与中国革命的具体环境密切关联。延安时期不同阶段的革命卫生工作方针,带有浓厚的新民主主义革命的色彩,是毛泽东深思熟虑的结果而不是医务人员提出的职业诉求;1950年确立的“团结中西医”方针,也是在《共同纲领》确立的新民主主义革命框架的指导下做出的调整,因而更加适合当时的国情。  相似文献   

刘昌孝院士认为中药研究不仅带动中医药走向世界,更使得中西医结合事业的发展生机盎然.但在中药发展中也存在质量标准亟待确立、资源匮乏、人才紧缺、需建立有效平台等诸多问题.刘院士认为,可以药为始,在国家政策的支持和帮助下,努力解决上述问题,提出质量标志物的新概念,规范中药质量和发展,推动中医走向世界,进而促进中西医结合事业的...  相似文献   

Background Previous studies have noted that there is a high utilization rate of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) services in Taiwan, China and in western countries, but few studies investigated factors associated with the utilization of TCM in Taiwan. This study analyzes the utilization rate and the factors associated with the utilization of TGM in Taiwan. Methods Data for this study were from the 2002 HPKAP Survey that conducted the face-to-face questionnaire interviews of people aged 15 years and over from October 2002 to March 2003 in Taiwan. This study analyzed the utilization of TCM outpatient services, including admission to the hospital and clinic visits. Results A total of 26 755 participants completed the survey in the six-month period. The data revealed that 10.4% of participants had utilized TCM services in the past one month while 4.2% of participants utilized TCM only (without using Western medicine outpatient services (WM) or Folk therapy (F'I')). The average visits of TCM services per patient was higher among people who had utilized TCM and FT services (2.68 visits) than among those who had utilized WM and FT services (2.15 visits) or TCM services alone (2.15 visits) during the previous one month. Younger people (odds ratio OR= 1.78, 95%C/= 1.47-2.16), women (compared with men), and people with higher education levels (OR = 1.58, 95%CI =1.25-1.98) were more likely to visit TCM than compared groups. People with self-reported poor health status (OR = 2.07,95%CI = 1.76-2.44) and people who exercise regularly (OR = 1.17, 95%CI = 1.07-1.27) had higher ORs to visit TCM service than comparison group.Conclusions There is a high utilization of TCM in Taiwan. Further studies are needed to investigate the related factors and determinants between the utilization of TCM and the utilization of FT in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Background Previous studies have noted that there is a high utilization rate of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) services in Taiwan, China and in western countries, but few studies investigated factors associated with the utilization of TCM in Taiwan. This study analyzes the utilization rate and the factors associated with the utilization of TGM in Taiwan. Methods Data for this study were from the 2002 HPKAP Survey that conducted the face-to-face questionnaire interviews of people aged 15 years and over from October 2002 to March 2003 in Taiwan. This study analyzed the utilization of TCM outpatient services, including admission to the hospital and clinic visits. Results A total of 26 755 participants completed the survey in the six-month period. The data revealed that 10.4% of participants had utilized TCM services in the past one month while 4.2% of participants utilized TCM only (without using Western medicine outpatient services (WM) or Folk therapy (F'I')). The average visits of TCM services per patient was higher among people who had utilized TCM and FT services (2.68 visits) than among those who had utilized WM and FT services (2.15 visits) or TCM services alone (2.15 visits) during the previous one month. Younger people (odds ratio OR= 1.78, 95%C/= 1.47-2.16), women (compared with men), and people with higher education levels (OR = 1.58, 95%CI =1.25-1.98) were more likely to visit TCM than compared groups. People with self-reported poor health status (OR = 2.07,95%CI = 1.76-2.44) and people who exercise regularly (OR = 1.17, 95%CI = 1.07-1.27) had higher ORs to visit TCM service than comparison group.Conclusions There is a high utilization of TCM in Taiwan. Further studies are needed to investigate the related factors and determinants between the utilization of TCM and the utilization of FT in Taiwan.  相似文献   

借助VIP中文科技期刊数据库、CNKI中国期刊全文数据库等检索工具收集2001年6月—2013年6月间的期刊文献50余篇入录"慢性间质性肾炎现代期刊文献数据库",其中涉及中医药、中西医结合的文献约占60%。在此基础上,对近10年发表的相关文献进行了初步的脉络梳理和分析,认为慢性间质性肾炎治疗主要是控制炎症反应,补肾活血,防止纤维化的发生。中医辨证多为脾肾两虚、肝肾气阴两虚、气滞血瘀等证。临床报道中治疗本病使用频率较高的中药可归纳为3类:1健脾益气类。如黄芪、山药等;2滋阴、补肝肾类。如熟地黄、黄精、淫羊藿、山茱萸、冬虫夏草制剂、蝉花等;3活血化瘀、通络类。如丹参、当归、益母草、桃仁、红花、莪术、地龙等。  相似文献   

Background Previous studies have noted that there is a high utilization rate of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) services in Taiwan, China and in western countries, but few studies investigated factors associated with the utilization of TCM in Taiwan. This study analyzes the utilization rate and the factors associated with the utilization of TGM in Taiwan. Methods Data for this study were from the 2002 HPKAP Survey that conducted the face-to-face questionnaire interviews of people aged 15 years and over from October 2002 to March 2003 in Taiwan. This study analyzed the utilization of TCM outpatient services, including admission to the hospital and clinic visits. Results A total of 26 755 participants completed the survey in the six-month period. The data revealed that 10.4% of participants had utilized TCM services in the past one month while 4.2% of participants utilized TCM only (without using Western medicine outpatient services (WM) or Folk therapy (F'I')). The average visits of TCM services per patient was higher among people who had utilized TCM and FT services (2.68 visits) than among those who had utilized WM and FT services (2.15 visits) or TCM services alone (2.15 visits) during the previous one month. Younger people (odds ratio OR= 1.78, 95%C/= 1.47-2.16), women (compared with men), and people with higher education levels (OR = 1.58, 95%CI =1.25-1.98) were more likely to visit TCM than compared groups. People with self-reported poor health status (OR = 2.07,95%CI = 1.76-2.44) and people who exercise regularly (OR = 1.17, 95%CI = 1.07-1.27) had higher ORs to visit TCM service than comparison group.Conclusions There is a high utilization of TCM in Taiwan. Further studies are needed to investigate the related factors and determinants between the utilization of TCM and the utilization of FT in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Background Previous studies have noted that there is a high utilization rate of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) services in Taiwan, China and in western countries, but few studies investigated factors associated with the utilization of TCM in Taiwan. This study analyzes the utilization rate and the factors associated with the utilization of TGM in Taiwan. Methods Data for this study were from the 2002 HPKAP Survey that conducted the face-to-face questionnaire interviews of people aged 15 years and over from October 2002 to March 2003 in Taiwan. This study analyzed the utilization of TCM outpatient services, including admission to the hospital and clinic visits. Results A total of 26 755 participants completed the survey in the six-month period. The data revealed that 10.4% of participants had utilized TCM services in the past one month while 4.2% of participants utilized TCM only (without using Western medicine outpatient services (WM) or Folk therapy (F'I')). The average visits of TCM services per patient was higher among people who had utilized TCM and FT services (2.68 visits) than among those who had utilized WM and FT services (2.15 visits) or TCM services alone (2.15 visits) during the previous one month. Younger people (odds ratio OR= 1.78, 95%C/= 1.47-2.16), women (compared with men), and people with higher education levels (OR = 1.58, 95%CI =1.25-1.98) were more likely to visit TCM than compared groups. People with self-reported poor health status (OR = 2.07,95%CI = 1.76-2.44) and people who exercise regularly (OR = 1.17, 95%CI = 1.07-1.27) had higher ORs to visit TCM service than comparison group.Conclusions There is a high utilization of TCM in Taiwan. Further studies are needed to investigate the related factors and determinants between the utilization of TCM and the utilization of FT in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Background Previous studies have noted that there is a high utilization rate of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) services in Taiwan, China and in western countries, but few studies investigated factors associated with the utilization of TCM in Taiwan. This study analyzes the utilization rate and the factors associated with the utilization of TGM in Taiwan. Methods Data for this study were from the 2002 HPKAP Survey that conducted the face-to-face questionnaire interviews of people aged 15 years and over from October 2002 to March 2003 in Taiwan. This study analyzed the utilization of TCM outpatient services, including admission to the hospital and clinic visits. Results A total of 26 755 participants completed the survey in the six-month period. The data revealed that 10.4% of participants had utilized TCM services in the past one month while 4.2% of participants utilized TCM only (without using Western medicine outpatient services (WM) or Folk therapy (F'I')). The average visits of TCM services per patient was higher among people who had utilized TCM and FT services (2.68 visits) than among those who had utilized WM and FT services (2.15 visits) or TCM services alone (2.15 visits) during the previous one month. Younger people (odds ratio OR= 1.78, 95%C/= 1.47-2.16), women (compared with men), and people with higher education levels (OR = 1.58, 95%CI =1.25-1.98) were more likely to visit TCM than compared groups. People with self-reported poor health status (OR = 2.07,95%CI = 1.76-2.44) and people who exercise regularly (OR = 1.17, 95%CI = 1.07-1.27) had higher ORs to visit TCM service than comparison group.Conclusions There is a high utilization of TCM in Taiwan. Further studies are needed to investigate the related factors and determinants between the utilization of TCM and the utilization of FT in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Background Previous studies have noted that there is a high utilization rate of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) services in Taiwan, China and in western countries, but few studies investigated factors associated with the utilization of TCM in Taiwan. This study analyzes the utilization rate and the factors associated with the utilization of TGM in Taiwan. Methods Data for this study were from the 2002 HPKAP Survey that conducted the face-to-face questionnaire interviews of people aged 15 years and over from October 2002 to March 2003 in Taiwan. This study analyzed the utilization of TCM outpatient services, including admission to the hospital and clinic visits. Results A total of 26 755 participants completed the survey in the six-month period. The data revealed that 10.4% of participants had utilized TCM services in the past one month while 4.2% of participants utilized TCM only (without using Western medicine outpatient services (WM) or Folk therapy (F'I')). The average visits of TCM services per patient was higher among people who had utilized TCM and FT services (2.68 visits) than among those who had utilized WM and FT services (2.15 visits) or TCM services alone (2.15 visits) during the previous one month. Younger people (odds ratio OR= 1.78, 95%C/= 1.47-2.16), women (compared with men), and people with higher education levels (OR = 1.58, 95%CI =1.25-1.98) were more likely to visit TCM than compared groups. People with self-reported poor health status (OR = 2.07,95%CI = 1.76-2.44) and people who exercise regularly (OR = 1.17, 95%CI = 1.07-1.27) had higher ORs to visit TCM service than comparison group.Conclusions There is a high utilization of TCM in Taiwan. Further studies are needed to investigate the related factors and determinants between the utilization of TCM and the utilization of FT in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Background Previous studies have noted that there is a high utilization rate of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) services in Taiwan, China and in western countries, but few studies investigated factors associated with the utilization of TCM in Taiwan. This study analyzes the utilization rate and the factors associated with the utilization of TGM in Taiwan. Methods Data for this study were from the 2002 HPKAP Survey that conducted the face-to-face questionnaire interviews of people aged 15 years and over from October 2002 to March 2003 in Taiwan. This study analyzed the utilization of TCM outpatient services, including admission to the hospital and clinic visits. Results A total of 26 755 participants completed the survey in the six-month period. The data revealed that 10.4% of participants had utilized TCM services in the past one month while 4.2% of participants utilized TCM only (without using Western medicine outpatient services (WM) or Folk therapy (F'I')). The average visits of TCM services per patient was higher among people who had utilized TCM and FT services (2.68 visits) than among those who had utilized WM and FT services (2.15 visits) or TCM services alone (2.15 visits) during the previous one month. Younger people (odds ratio OR= 1.78, 95%C/= 1.47-2.16), women (compared with men), and people with higher education levels (OR = 1.58, 95%CI =1.25-1.98) were more likely to visit TCM than compared groups. People with self-reported poor health status (OR = 2.07,95%CI = 1.76-2.44) and people who exercise regularly (OR = 1.17, 95%CI = 1.07-1.27) had higher ORs to visit TCM service than comparison group.Conclusions There is a high utilization of TCM in Taiwan. Further studies are needed to investigate the related factors and determinants between the utilization of TCM and the utilization of FT in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Background Previous studies have noted that there is a high utilization rate of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) services in Taiwan, China and in western countries, but few studies investigated factors associated with the utilization of TCM in Taiwan. This study analyzes the utilization rate and the factors associated with the utilization of TGM in Taiwan. Methods Data for this study were from the 2002 HPKAP Survey that conducted the face-to-face questionnaire interviews of people aged 15 years and over from October 2002 to March 2003 in Taiwan. This study analyzed the utilization of TCM outpatient services, including admission to the hospital and clinic visits. Results A total of 26 755 participants completed the survey in the six-month period. The data revealed that 10.4% of participants had utilized TCM services in the past one month while 4.2% of participants utilized TCM only (without using Western medicine outpatient services (WM) or Folk therapy (F'I')). The average visits of TCM services per patient was higher among people who had utilized TCM and FT services (2.68 visits) than among those who had utilized WM and FT services (2.15 visits) or TCM services alone (2.15 visits) during the previous one month. Younger people (odds ratio OR= 1.78, 95%C/= 1.47-2.16), women (compared with men), and people with higher education levels (OR = 1.58, 95%CI =1.25-1.98) were more likely to visit TCM than compared groups. People with self-reported poor health status (OR = 2.07,95%CI = 1.76-2.44) and people who exercise regularly (OR = 1.17, 95%CI = 1.07-1.27) had higher ORs to visit TCM service than comparison group.Conclusions There is a high utilization of TCM in Taiwan. Further studies are needed to investigate the related factors and determinants between the utilization of TCM and the utilization of FT in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Background Previous studies have noted that there is a high utilization rate of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) services in Taiwan, China and in western countries, but few studies investigated factors associated with the utilization of TCM in Taiwan. This study analyzes the utilization rate and the factors associated with the utilization of TGM in Taiwan. Methods Data for this study were from the 2002 HPKAP Survey that conducted the face-to-face questionnaire interviews of people aged 15 years and over from October 2002 to March 2003 in Taiwan. This study analyzed the utilization of TCM outpatient services, including admission to the hospital and clinic visits. Results A total of 26 755 participants completed the survey in the six-month period. The data revealed that 10.4% of participants had utilized TCM services in the past one month while 4.2% of participants utilized TCM only (without using Western medicine outpatient services (WM) or Folk therapy (F'I')). The average visits of TCM services per patient was higher among people who had utilized TCM and FT services (2.68 visits) than among those who had utilized WM and FT services (2.15 visits) or TCM services alone (2.15 visits) during the previous one month. Younger people (odds ratio OR= 1.78, 95%C/= 1.47-2.16), women (compared with men), and people with higher education levels (OR = 1.58, 95%CI =1.25-1.98) were more likely to visit TCM than compared groups. People with self-reported poor health status (OR = 2.07,95%CI = 1.76-2.44) and people who exercise regularly (OR = 1.17, 95%CI = 1.07-1.27) had higher ORs to visit TCM service than comparison group.Conclusions There is a high utilization of TCM in Taiwan. Further studies are needed to investigate the related factors and determinants between the utilization of TCM and the utilization of FT in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Background Previous studies have noted that there is a high utilization rate of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) services in Taiwan, China and in western countries, but few studies investigated factors associated with the utilization of TCM in Taiwan. This study analyzes the utilization rate and the factors associated with the utilization of TGM in Taiwan. Methods Data for this study were from the 2002 HPKAP Survey that conducted the face-to-face questionnaire interviews of people aged 15 years and over from October 2002 to March 2003 in Taiwan. This study analyzed the utilization of TCM outpatient services, including admission to the hospital and clinic visits. Results A total of 26 755 participants completed the survey in the six-month period. The data revealed that 10.4% of participants had utilized TCM services in the past one month while 4.2% of participants utilized TCM only (without using Western medicine outpatient services (WM) or Folk therapy (F'I')). The average visits of TCM services per patient was higher among people who had utilized TCM and FT services (2.68 visits) than among those who had utilized WM and FT services (2.15 visits) or TCM services alone (2.15 visits) during the previous one month. Younger people (odds ratio OR= 1.78, 95%C/= 1.47-2.16), women (compared with men), and people with higher education levels (OR = 1.58, 95%CI =1.25-1.98) were more likely to visit TCM than compared groups. People with self-reported poor health status (OR = 2.07,95%CI = 1.76-2.44) and people who exercise regularly (OR = 1.17, 95%CI = 1.07-1.27) had higher ORs to visit TCM service than comparison group.Conclusions There is a high utilization of TCM in Taiwan. Further studies are needed to investigate the related factors and determinants between the utilization of TCM and the utilization of FT in Taiwan.  相似文献   

“中西医结合”已有五十余年,迄今仍遭质疑。中医、西医究竟该怎样结合?文中提出必须立足中医,开展中西医结合,并围绕这一问题进行了阐述。  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,党和政府高度重视中医药工作,中医药事业迎来了重要的发展机遇,迈入高质量发展阶级,同时也面临新的挑战,肩负新的历史使命。过去十年间,中医药服务能力不断增强,现代化和产业化持续推进;中医药进一步走出国门、走向世界,在国内和国际上的地位和影响力得到显著提升;中医药学术研究亦取得重要进展。回首过去,展望未来,张伯礼院士立足近十年中医药的发展情况,针对发展过程中的关键问题提出了个人见解,并对中医药未来的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

就近年来中医药在肺结核中西医结合治疗研究方面的文献进行系统综述。认为中医药结合抗结核药是治疗肺结核的理想途径,尤其在缓解抗结核药的毒副作用,迅速改善肺结核症状等方面具有独特功效。  相似文献   

本研究通过对北京中医药大学学生课外阅读中医书刊的现况进行调查和分析,了解学生对课外阅读中医书刊重要性的认知,阅读的兴趣、阶段、场所、期望的指导形式、阅读能力和效果的自我评价等方面的特点,探索有针对性地对高等中医院校学生课外中医书刊阅读进行指导的方法和策略。  相似文献   

中医和中西医结合临床指南制定的现状与问题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着临床循证指南的广泛应用及中医药规范化工作的开展,各类中医或中西医临床指南也在逐渐增多。借助指南质量评估工具对2008年10月前公开发表的11个中医和中西医结合临床指南进行初步评价,大部分指南未描述证据收集和综合证据的方法,仅1篇说明推荐意见的证据分级标准,存在指南制作不够规范,编写人员专业背景单一,缺乏高级别的证据等问题。建议成立多学科组成的指南制定小组,注重证据并严格遵循循证指南制订的原则和流程,建立符合中医文献自身特点的证据评价和分级方法,注重中医指南的适用性与指导性,并加强对指南质量的评估。  相似文献   

传统文化教育与高等中医人才培养   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
李俊 《医学与社会》2008,21(12):58-60
中国传统文化是中医学赖以生存和发展的土壤,是衡量中医学术定位和科学价值的文化坐标。坚持传统文化特色才能体悟中医学说之真谛,把握中医理论之精髓。传统文化教育的缺失,致使中医学与其母体文化出现断裂,严重影响了高素质中医药人才的培养。中医教育必须立足中医特色,培植中医传统文化土壤,注重中医特色思维模式的养成,以培养真正具备传统医学理论和技能的创新型人才为宗旨。  相似文献   

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