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多通道输液器可以同时多通道输液、多通道推药,它既可以缩短病人的输液时间,又可以同时应用其他药物,使病人得到及时治疗,还大大减少了医疗纠纷。我们课题组对2005年1月~2006年6月在我院各科需多次静脉输液的病人使用了多通道输液器,共计1680人次,现将临床应用情况报告如下。  相似文献   

分散注意力减轻疼痛 输液过程中.分散自己的注意力,对减轻疼痛非常重要。如可以与周围的病友聊天、听收音机、看电视或杂志,也可由家人在输液部位轻轻抚摩。给予心里支持和安慰。  相似文献   

静脉输液治疗常规流程中,请领药品和液体、治疗室摆药和配药、多次查对、病房输液和更换液体、回收输液用垃圾等,会形成大量的人员、物品的交叉流动,增加医院感染机会。我院在静脉输液管理中,实施药品集中配送、应用全密闭输液系统的方式,在临床使用中取得了较好效果。  相似文献   

介绍了一种医用输液调控网络系统,从机既可与主机通过异步串行口通讯构成监护网,也可单机独立工作,按预定值控制输液速度,并能对输液完毕和输液过程中偶然出现的故障自动报警并切断输液通路。  相似文献   

依托HIS数据库平台实现输液标签和输液观察卡打印   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
书写输液标签和输液观察卡是护士在执行输液医嘱中必不可少的准备工作。传统工作中,护士通常用手工抄写方法从医嘱单上转抄长期输液医嘱或临时输液医嘱,制作出输液标签和输液观察卡,其上分别显示病人基本信息和用药信息,标签粘贴到输液瓶(袋)上,输液观察卡夹到床头输液夹上。长期以来存在护士抄写时间长、药名简写、书写字迹不清楚、查对不易辨认、容易发生差错等问题。依托医院信息系统(Hospital Information Systems,HIS)数据库,利用实验室信息管理系统(LIS)的条形码打印机设备,我院开发了输液标签和输液观察卡打印软件,结束了建院以来手工抄写输液标签和输液观察卡的模式,使护理人员从繁琐的手工劳动中解脱出来。  相似文献   

静脉输液签字卡的临床应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
静脉输液是临床上重要的治疗、抢救措施,而执行静脉输液的依据,则是医生开具的输液医嘱单。在以往的工作中,输液执行单上仅需由执行输液操作的护士签字来表示当日输液治疗已执行,并无其他要求。为确保输液流程中每一个环节的质量,有效杜绝输液各环节的漏洞和安全隐患,我设计了“静脉输液签字卡”,由每一个环节的执行者在输液卡上履行签字手续,  相似文献   

徐风忠  陈桂涛 《医疗装备》2023,(4):17-19+27
根据红外光透射原理设计制作一款输液报警器,对输液器墨菲氏滴液管内液体滴数和间隔时间进行监测;其通过光电传感器将这些液体滴数的变化间接转变成电信号的变化,当出现异常时,电信号就会触发设备内的报警电路报警,报警信号通过红色发光二极管闪烁提示,同时接通病房内的床头呼叫器及时通知医护人员进行现场处理。通过临床科室测试,该输液报警器可以准确对患者输液过程进行监测,减轻了患者家属的照顾负担及医护人员的巡视压力,提高了患者输液的安全性和满意度;该输液报警器体积小、耗电量低、操作简单,可广泛用于临床科室。  相似文献   

在输液过程中,输液部位的疼痛主要分为两类,如果处理得好,可以大大减轻痛苦。  相似文献   

李素巧 《现代保健》2012,(14):63-64
静脉输液的合理方式和方法以及如何制定输液计划,为临床护理提供可靠的依据。本文通过对186例患者临床资料的回顾与观察,从病史、临床症状、输液过程和输液计划等方面进行观察和记录。系统回顾本组患者的临床资料,通过制定护理计划,使患者的依从性有较大的提高,输液差错率得到有效降低。由此说明,有效的护理评估是实现输液计划和提高护理治疗的保证。  相似文献   

目的:评价输液号牌在门诊患者中的应用。方法:观察和分析来我院就诊的1000例输液患者的差错机率,分为观察组(500例)和对照组(500例)。对照组采用常规输液,对患者性别,姓名,年龄进行查对。观察组在对照组的基础上使用了输液号牌这种查对方式。结果:随机抽取共1000例输液患者,常规输液患者500例(对照组)差错事故47.5例,准确率95%。在常规输液基础上使用输液号牌的患者500例(观察组)差错事故0例,准确率100%。结论:使用输液号牌可以有效避免门诊输液患者发生差错事故,值得推广。  相似文献   

目的为解决患儿输液排队等候时间长的问题,设计了一套输液药物传送带。方法利用可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)控制电机的启动、停止,实现对传送带状态的控制。结果按照实地情况安装输液药物传送带,采用不锈钢转弯机实现了输液配制室与穿刺室之间的无缝链接,所有输液药物配制完成后放置传送带自动将其按照先后顺序传送到输液穿刺区。结论通过输液传送带的应用,使护理人员分工更加合理,大大降低了护理人员的工作量,从而缩短了患儿的输液等候时间。  相似文献   

靶控输注是通过调节目标(血浆或效应室)的药物浓度来控制或维持麻醉深度的一种给药方式,具有麻醉维持平稳、血流动力学反应小、术后清醒快、不良反应少等特点,已在临床广泛使用。在介绍靶控输注的分类、优越性、麻醉的实施、常用药物及输注系统的基础上,对开放回路式靶控输注的优缺点进行了深入探讨,对闭合回路式靶控输注的目前现状和研制方向进行了总结。  相似文献   

门诊输液现代化管理模式的尝试   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
阐述了传统输液流程存在的问题和隐患。介绍了一种新的门诊输液管理系统的组成和应用流程,为输液管理提供了一种技术先进、安全可靠、切实可行的解决方案,开创了门诊输液管理系统的新模式,真正实现了患者"手动"、信息移动、医患互动的新格局。  相似文献   

《Health devices》2004,33(12):417-425
This study updates ECRI's previous Evaluations of general-purpose infusion pumps, most notably those published in the October 2002 and October 2003 Health Devices. It features the results of our findings for the new dose error reduction system now included with the Hospira (formerly Abbott) Plum A+ with MedNet, and it includes updated information for the previously evaluated models that also include this safety feature. General-purpose infusion pumps allow the controlled delivery of liquid medications and other solutions to patients through intravenous (i.v.) or epidural routes. Dose error reduction systems, which are now available on several pump models, represent a significant advancement in infusion pump technology. ECRI believes that such systems can help hospitals reduce potentially fatal pump programming errors, and we recommend that hospitals purchasing new general-purpose infusion pumps consider only those models that offer a dose error reduction system.  相似文献   

体温输液的目的是将要输液的液体温度加热至人体温度后,再输入人体。而常规输液由于输入液体温度低于人体血液温度,致使病人出现肢体发冷、发麻、全身发冷等不良反应。采用的方法是,通过变压器将市电220V电压,变为安全电压,再经STC12C5A60S2单片机自动控制,调节输出电压,通过电加热板,对输液液体进行加热。加热温度在36.5OC以下,输液液体温度由温度传感器检测,反馈至单片机,并由显示电路进行温度指示,同时通过单片机改变加热电流的大小,达到自动恒温输液的要求。使用中温度稳定,使用方便。在输液过程中改变液体的流速,加热的温度也能自动限制在要求范围内。  相似文献   

The administration of a single mixture of the components of total parenteral nutrition (TPN) constitutes total nutritional admixture (TNA), the safety and efficacy of which in a variety of clinical settings have been confirmed by controlled trials. According to the nitrogen balance and stable isotope methods, TNA is as efficacious as the old system of three bottles with piggyback intravenous fat emulsion in maintaining body nitrogen mass, visceral protein, and liver function. Also, serum concentrations of electrolytes, trace elements, and vitamins can be maintained adequately using the TNA system. The other advantages are the timesaving to the nursing staff, with its hidden savings in cost; the avoidance of a peripheral catheter solely for the infusion of lipid emulsion in addition to the central catheter for TPN in hospitalized patients; and the facility of use in home nutrition programs. The ease of home use has resulted in a greater degree of patient compliance; thus patients receive a mixed-fuel system while avoiding the hazards of a piggyback infusion, with all its potential complications. Among the perceived disadvantages of TNA are a supposed higher frequency of catheter-related sepsis, a view based on in vitro studies that is not borne out by in vivo studies; catheter occlusion by precipitation of calcium salts; and enhanced ability to clear fat and thus fat tolerance with continuous infusion of lipids. Numerous studies have shown that these concerns are unwarranted.  相似文献   

一种输液检测报警装置的研制   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文介绍了一种输液检测报警装置的设计思想、结构和软件编制流程。该装置用单片机控制,成本低,使用安全、简便,并提供485总线可实现护士站中心控制。  相似文献   

麻醉给药研究的关键问题之一是如何保证麻醉药品在人体效应室中的理想浓度。以药代动力学为基础的靶控输注(TCI)是一种可实现的方法,基于BIS指数的实时闭环麻醉给药系统实时控制靶控输注给药可以获得理想的麻醉效果。本文对这一麻醉给药系统的研究提出临床工程设计方案,并加以实现。  相似文献   

Mauritia flexuosa, a palm tree native of Latin America, is an excellent source of carotenes. The natural habitats are swamps; nevertheless, with sufficient water supply, it can grow in other soils. Buriti is the richest natural source of beta carotene known (152,000 µg RAE/100g in the oil). Animal studies showed an extremely high bioavailability, probably due to its oily composition. The effectiveness of buriti in treating and preventing xerophthalmia was demonstrated in a controlled community trial with 44 children in Brazil. In conclusion, this fruit has an enormous potential in preventing vitamin A deficiency in Latin America and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Mauritia flexuosa, a palm tree native of Latin America, is an excellent source of carotenes. The natural habitats are swamps; nevertheless, with sufficient water supply, it can grow in other soils. Buriti is the richest natural source of beta carotene known (152,000 µg RAE/100g in the oil). Animal studies showed an extremely high bioavailability, probably due to its oily composition. The effectiveness of buriti in treating and preventing xerophthalmia was demonstrated in a controlled community trial with 44 children in Brazil. In conclusion, this fruit has an enormous potential in preventing vitamin A deficiency in Latin America and elsewhere.  相似文献   

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