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Recently, there has been an increased interest in the importance of family meals on children''s health and nutrition. This study aims to examine if the eating habits and eating behaviors of children are different according to the frequency of family dinners.


The subjects were third-grade students from 70 elementary schools in 17 cities nationwide. A two-stage stratified cluster sampling was employed. The survey questionnaire was composed of items that examined the general characteristics, family meals, eating habits, eating behaviors, and environmental influence on children''s eating. The subjects responded to a self-reported questionnaire. Excluding the incomplete responses, the data (n = 3,435) were analyzed using χ2-test or t-test.


The group that had more frequent family dinners (≥ 5 days/week, 63.4%), compared to those that had less (≤ 4 days/week, 36.6%), showed better eating habits, such as eating meals regularly, performing desirable behaviors during meals, having breakfast frequently, having breakfast with family members (P < 0.001), and not eating only what he or she likes (P < 0.05). Those who had more frequent family dinners also consumed healthy foods with more frequency, including protein foods, dairy products, grains, vegetables, seaweeds (P < 0.001), and fruits (P < 0.01). However, unhealthy eating behaviors (e.g., eating fatty foods, salty foods, sweets, etc.) were not significantly different by the frequency of family dinners.


Having dinner frequently with family members was associated with more desirable eating habits and with healthy eating behaviors in young children. Thus nutrition education might be planned to promote family dinners, by emphasizing the benefits of having family meals on children''s health and nutrition and making more opportunities for family meals.  相似文献   

目的 了解沈阳市中小学生日光暴露行为情况及其影响因素,为学校健康教育的开展提供参考。方法 采用自行设计的调查问卷,对沈阳市4所中小学的1 689名学生进行日光暴露知识、行为和影响因素调查,计算个体日光暴露行为评分。结果 不同性别年级学生中,初中女生的日光暴露行为得分最低(27.21±5.47),小学男生和初中男生的得分最高(分别为30.15±5.33和30.17±5.75)。各组人群在非夏季上学日的户外活动时间最少,而在夏季休息日最多。将妨碍户外活动的原因归为学业压力的学生占31.5%,归因为空气质量差的占12.2%。结论 沈阳中小学生在非夏季上学日的日光暴露少于其它时间,课业负担重和环境问题是影响学生户外活动的主要原因。  相似文献   

目的了解中部贫困地区中小学生超重肥胖状况及饮食行为,为有针对性制定相应措施提供科学依据。方法采用分层整群随机抽样方法,于2014年5—6月从鄂东北、鄂中、鄂西北、鄂西南贫困农村地区抽取8个县(市)共32所中小学的5 942名中小学生作为研究对象,进行身高、体重测量;同时从研究对象中抽取所有小学四、五年级和初中一、二年级学生共计2 569人进行问卷调查。结果小学生和初中生超重肥胖检出率分别为8.18%、7.20%,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),其中小学生肥胖检出率(2.89%)高于初中生(1.84%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。男生和女生超重肥胖检出率分别为9.32%、6.33%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。中小学生甜点、汽水饮料、油炸食物、西式快餐的年均食用频次均较高;通常食用的零食中,以蔬菜水果,纯牛奶、酸奶等,饼干、面包等,面制小食品,干脆面、方便面等,各种饮料,膨化食品和糖果、巧克力等所占比例较高,分别为71.87%、69.22%、77.78%、57.73%、65.23%、52.08%、52.01%和50.99%;中小学生中几乎不喝饮料的比例为26.33%,所饮用的饮料中,碳酸饮料饮用比例为43.40%。结论中部贫困地区中小学生超重和肥胖检出率呈上升趋势,应予以关注,同时采取积极措施控制贫困地区学生超重肥胖的进一步流行。  相似文献   

In this study, 342 grade 4-6 elementary school students in Gyeonggi-do were recruited to determine their readiness to change food safety behavior and to compare their food safety knowledge and practices by the stages of change. The subjects were divided into three stages of change; the percentage of stage 1 (precontemplation) was 10.1%, the percentage of stage 2 (contemplation and preparation) was 62.4%, and that of stage 3 (action and maintenance) was 27.5%. Food safety knowledge scores in stage 3 (4.55) or stage 2 (4.50) children were significantly higher than those in stage 1 children (4.17) (P < 0.05). The two food safety behavior items "hand washing practice" and "avoidance of harmful food" were significantly different among the three groups (P < 0.05). Stages of change were significantly and positively correlated with food safety knowledge and practice. Age was significantly and negatively correlated with the total food safety behavior score (r = -0.142, P < 0.05). The most influential factor on the stage of change was a mother''s instruction about food safety (P < 0.01).  相似文献   



Calcium is important but deficient in diets of young adult women. This study aimed to examine if cognitive factors and eating behaviors differ according to calcium intake based on the Social Cognitive Theory.


Subjects were female college students in Seoul, Korea. Three hundred students completed the questionnaire regarding calcium intake, nutrition knowledge, outcome expectations, self-efficacy and eating behaviors. Data on 240 students were analyzed using t-test or χ2-test. Subjects were categorized into two groups, high calcium intake (HC, ≥ 650 mg/day) and low calcium intake (LC, < 650 mg/day), according to recommended intakes of calcium for women aged 19-29 years.


The LC group constituted 77.9% of total subjects. Nutrition knowledge was not different according to calcium intake. Three out of 12 outcome expectations items were significantly different between the HC and LC groups. Subjects in the HC group agreed more strongly with the practical benefits of consuming calcium-rich foods, including ''taste'' (P < 0.01) and ''going well with other snacks'' (P < 0.05), compared to those in the LC group. Negative expectations of ''indigestion'' were stronger in the LC group than HC group (P < 0.001). Among self-efficacy items, perceived ability of ''eating dairy foods for snacks'' (P < 0.001), ''eating dairy foods every day'' (P < 0.01), and ''eating calcium-rich side dishes at meals'' (P < 0.05) differed significantly between the HC and LC groups. Eating behaviors including more frequent consumption of dairy foods, fruits or fruit juice (P < 0.001), anchovy, seaweeds, green vegetables, protein-rich foods (P < 0.05), and less frequent consumption of sweets or soft drinks (P < 0.01) were significantly related to calcium intake.


This study found that outcome expectations, self-efficacy in consuming calcium-rich foods, and eating behaviors are important in explaining calcium intake. Nutrition education needs to address practical benefits, reduce negative expectations of calcium-rich foods, increase self-efficacy, and modify eating behaviors contributing to calcium intake.  相似文献   

目的 探讨学龄前儿童照护人喂养行为与儿童饮食行为间的相关性,为学龄前期儿童饮食行为干预提供参考依据。方法 2016年4-7月,使用《学龄前儿童照护人喂养行为量表》(CPCFBS)和《学龄前儿童饮食行为量表》(CPEBQ)对912名学龄前儿童照护人进行调查,采用典型相关分析探讨家庭人口学特征、照护人喂养行为与儿童饮食行为间的相关性。结果 典型相关分析得到两组具有统计学意义的典型相关变量和典型结构,组间均呈正相关关系(CRU1-V1=0.703,P<0.001;CRU2-V2=0.342,P<0.001),能够解释原始变量变异的比例分别为16.5%、32.3%和11.3%、20.0%。第一对典型结构主要体现了年龄较大儿童家庭的喂养行为中,责任喂养、限制喂养、监督喂养与儿童主动进食能力的正相关和体重担忧与儿童主动进食能力的负相关关系;第二对典型结构则主要体现了受教育程度和月总收入较低家庭的喂养行为中,逼迫喂养与儿童外因性进食之间的正相关关系。结论 在控制了家庭人口学特征后,照护人的喂养行为会对儿童的饮食行为产生重要影响。  相似文献   

目的 探索学龄前儿童饮食行为与生存质量间的相关性,为改善学龄前儿童生存质量提供科学依据.方法 2016年4至6月间,采用第四军医大学儿童健康相关行为研究团队自主研制的学龄前儿童饮食行为量表及PedsQLTM4.0生存质量量表中文版,对319例3~6岁儿童进行调查.采用多元线性回归分析儿童饮食行为与生存质量间的相关性.结果 不同性别儿童挑食行为得分差异有统计学意义(=3.087,P <0.05);是否独生子女、母亲教育程度间食物响应维度得分差异均有统计学意义(t独生子女=3.817、F母亲教育程度=3.732,均P<0.05);不同性别、母亲教育程度、家庭人均月收入及家庭人口数间不良进食习惯得分差异均有统计学意义(t不同性别=2.943、F母亲教育程度 =4.091、F家庭月收入=4.160、F家庭人口数=4.987,均P<0.05).不同年龄、是否独生子女、母亲不同教育程度、不同家庭经济收入及家庭人口数间儿童生存质量得分差异均有统计学意义(t不同年龄=3.736、t独生子女=4.985、F母亲教育程度=3.890、F家庭经济收入=3.787、F家庭人口数=5.982,均P<0.05).在控制了家庭人口学特征后,儿童生存质量总分与儿童饮食行为中挑食、食物响应、不良进食习惯、过饱响应及情绪性进食呈负相关关系,不同饮食行为对生存质量各维度影响不同.结论 学龄前儿童饮食行为与其生存质量存在一定关系,不良饮食行为会降低儿童生存质量.  相似文献   

目的了解青少年吸烟行为的影响因素,为干预提供依据。方法采用中国疾病预防控制中心设计的青少年烟草广告调查问卷对3824名中学生进行调查,并利用结构方程模型分析。结果单因素分析显示:影响青少年吸烟行为的有性别(χ2=328.37,P<0.01)、年龄(χ2=97.07,P<0.01)、家人吸烟比例(χ2=6.93,P<0.01)、朋友吸烟比例(χ2=582.19,P<0.01)、父母态度(χ2=229.05,P<0.01)、朋友态度(χ2=378.35,P<0.01)、班级成绩(χ2=81.54,P<0.01)、烟草广告暴露(χ2=16.79,P<0.01)。结构方程模型结果显示,对青少年吸烟行为有直接作用的有吸烟态度(β=0.10,P<0.05)、烟草广告暴露(β=0.08,P<0.05)、健康知识(β=-0.07,P<0.05)、吸烟环境(β=0.65,P<0.05),烟草健康知识(β=-0.005,P<0.05)和吸烟环境(β=0.08,P<0.05)对吸烟行为还有间接作用。最终模型的拟合指数结果显示模型的拟合优度效果较好,所有的路径系数、载荷系数及其他参数估计差异均有统计学意义。结论只有家庭、社会、学校以及各方面有机结合起来,才能有效的控制青少年的吸烟行为。  相似文献   

【目的】 调查西安市区初中生进食行为的现状,研究进食行为问题与家庭因素的关系,减少与进食障碍相关的进食行为问题对初中学生的危害。 【方法】 采用分层整群抽样方法,抽取西安市区631名初中学生作为调查对象,应用进食态度测试26项(EAT-26)、家庭亲密度和适应性量表Ⅲ(FACESⅢ)进行现场调查。 【结果】 西安市区13.47%的初中学生存在进食行为问题,其中女生占9.19%,多于男生;女生EAT-26总分明显高于男生,主要表现在节食维度;初三年级进食行为问题较严重,EAT-26总分显著高于初二年级,主要表现在口腔控制维度;初中男生家庭适应性与口腔控制维度呈正相关,而初中女生家庭亲密度与暴食维度呈正相关。 【结论】 家庭因素影响初中生的进食行为,对于存在进食行为问题的个体,应适当改变其家庭模式。  相似文献   

目的了解甘肃省兰州市7月龄~3岁儿童饮食行为问题及影响因素。方法分层随机整群抽取兰州市4 389名7月龄~3岁儿童, 完成《儿童饮食行为调查问卷》, 调查儿童的社会人口学资料、儿童饮食行为问题特点以及扶养人对饮食行为问题的应对。结果兰州市7月龄~3岁儿童饮食行为问题检出率为67.62%, 2~3岁儿童检出率达最高水平, 各年龄组儿童饮食行为问题最显著的均为“不良进食习惯”, 80.9%的抚养者选择用不当的行为去给予应对;多因素分析显示, 早产儿、低体重儿更容易产生饮食行为问题, 抚养者文化程度尤其是孩子母亲的文化程度及家庭经济收入水平是儿童饮食行为问题中的影响因素(P<0.05), 家长有不良喂养行为的儿童更易产生饮食行为问题(P<0.05)。结论兰州市7月龄~3岁儿童饮食行为问题较为突出, 临床医生应切实做好儿童的饮食行为早期干预。  相似文献   

北京市中学生校园躯体暴力行为影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 了解北京市不同性别中学生校园躯体暴力行为的流行状况及其影响因素.方法 采用多阶段整群随机抽样方法抽取北京市初一到高三学生5718名,匿名填写问卷,有效问卷5660份.采用logistic回归方法进行影响因素分析.结果 北京市中学生校园躯体暴力的报告率为14.3%,男生高于女生(男生25.2%、女生5.1%).无论男女生,学校亲密度差是校园躯体暴力发生的危险因素(男生OR=1.060、女生OR=1.065);父亲初中及以下文化程度(OR=1.653)、重组/单亲家庭(OR=1.834)、低年级(初一OR=5.291、高二OR=1.526)、学习成绩较差(OR=1.470)是男生躯体暴力发生的危险因素.家庭经济状况较好(OR=0.546)、同伴关系较好(OR=0.618)、与父亲沟通容易(OR=0.756)是男生躯体暴力发生的保护因素.与母亲沟通容易(OR=0.358)是女生躯体暴力发生的保护因素.结论 校园躯体暴力的流行状况及影响因素与性别有关,应充分考虑性别差异,从个人、家庭、学校等多方面采取干预措施,预防校园躯体暴力行为的发生.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of stage-matched nutrition counseling on stages of change and fat intake. DESIGN: Controlled clinical trial. SETTING: 9 family practices in a family medicine practice network. PARTICIPANTS: 143 patients at elevated cardiovascular risk, aged 40 to 70 years. INTERVENTION: Intervention patients received stage-matched counseling from their family physician and a dietitian. Control patients received usual care. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Stages of change and fat intake were measured at baseline and after 6 and 12 months. ANALYSIS: Chi-squared tests, t tests, and regression analyses (alpha = .05) were conducted. RESULTS: More patients in the intervention group than in the control group were in the postpreparation stage after 6 months (70% vs 35%; P < .01) but not after 12 months (70% vs 55%; P = .10). Between 0 and 12 months, the reduction in total fat intake (-5.6% kcal vs -2.4% kcal) was largest in the intervention group. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Stage-matched nutrition counseling promotes movement through stages of change, resulting in a reduced fat intake. Our results partly support stages of change as a tool for behavior change. Movement across stages of change was not an intermediating factor in the intervention effects. Research should focus on feasible ways to keep patients in the postpreparation stage.  相似文献   

目的 描述柳州市中学生大强度、中等强度体育活动的频度分布,分析体育活动与危害健康行为之间的关系.方法 对4 386名城乡中学生进行无记名调查,计算大强度、中等强度体育活动在不同类型学生中的发生率,运用多因素非条件Logistic回归模型,分析2种强度的体育运动与14项危害健康行为之间的关联性.结果 大强度、中等强度体育活动发生率分别为53.47%、48.32%,并均与骑自行车违规、非安全场所游泳、喝酒等行为显著相关,情绪不良、节食减肥等行为是体育活动的制约因素.结论 体育活动与危害健康行为既有共存现象,又有互相制约的现象,以体育活动为平台开展健康行为干预值得进一步研究.  相似文献   

The hand hygiene behavior of 400 middle school students (grades 1-3) in Seoul and Gyeonggi-Do was studied to determine how stages of change were affected by food safety education, focusing on hand hygiene and general food safety. Subjects were 51.3% male and 44.3% of study subjects were first graders of middle school. Approximately 40% of subjects were at the stage of action, 42.7% were at the stage of contemplation, and 16.4% were at pre-contemplation. The most important factor that influenced proper hand washing was self efficacy (P < 0.001). Proper hand washing was also correlated significantly with positive belief (P < 0.01) and stages of change (P < 0.01). After food safety education by high-school mentors, middle-school students who were in the stages of pre-contemplation (11.1%) and contemplation (88.9%) showed significant progression toward the action stage (P < 0.001). Proper hand washing (P < 0.01) and food safety knowledge (P < 0.05) were also significantly increased after educational intervention.  相似文献   



Educational interventions targeted food selection perception, knowledge, attitude, and behavior. Education regarding irradiated food was intended to change food selection behavior specific to it.


There were 43 elementary students (35.0%), 45 middle school students (36.6%), and 35 high school students (28.5%). The first step was research design. Educational targets were selected and informed consent was obtained in step two. An initial survey was conducted as step three. Step four was a 45 minute-long theoretical educational intervention. Step five concluded with a survey and experiment on food selection behavior.


As a result of conducting a 45 minute-long education on the principles, actual state of usage, and pros and cons of irradiated food for elementary, middle, and high-school students in Korea, perception, knowledge, attitude, and behavior regarding the irradiated food was significantly higher after the education than before the education (P < 0.000).


The behavior of irradiated food selection shows high correlation with all variables of perception, knowledge, and attitude, and it is necessary to provide information of each level of change in perception, knowledge, and attitude in order to derive proper behavior change, which is the ultimate goal of the education.  相似文献   

目的探讨北京市海淀区中小学生伤害的现状及其相关因素,为伤害的预防提供科学依据。方法采用多阶段分层抽样方法对北京市海淀区1008名在册中小学生及其家长进行问卷回顾性调查。结果1008名中小学生中,1年期间共有153人发生伤害,伤害发生率为15.18%;伤害共发生230人次,次数发生率为22.82%;伤害发生者中仅发生1次伤害(单发伤害)的报告率为11.01%(111/1008),发生2次及以上伤害(多发伤害)的报告率为4.17%(42/1008);跌倒/跌落为首位发生伤害类型,操场、体育馆、游泳馆等为伤害发生主要地点,手部/脚部是最常见的伤害部位。负二项回归分析结果提示,性别、年龄、肥胖、闯红灯、打架次数、家庭类型和父亲文化程度等是伤害频次的影响因素。结论中小学生的伤害仍然是一个严重的公共卫生问题,应针对学生伤害的特点及其影响因素采取有效的干预措施,减少儿童伤害的发生,促进儿童健康成长。  相似文献   

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