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目的探讨硫酸钙对骨折修复活动的影响。方法建立兔骨质疏松胫骨平台塌陷骨折模型,用硫酸钙填充植骨,进行一般观察、大体X线及骨密度fBMD)分析。结果普通X线观察提示骨折区填充的硫酸钙逐渐降解吸收,被新生的骨组织替代。骨水泥治疗组兔硫酸钙骨水泥填充后1、2、3、4、6、8、12周骨折处样本BMD明显高于空白对照组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01),8周时骨折区骨密度下降,低于正常胫骨平台:12周时较8周时增高接近正常胫骨平台。结论骨质疏松兔胫骨平台骨折填充硫酸钙骨水泥早期能增加骨密度,硫酸钙体内能够降解吸收,不干扰新骨的形成,能有效修复骨质疏松状态下的骨缺损。  相似文献   

背景:骨缺损修复一直是骨科临床面临的难题之一。近年来,骨组织工程学的发展为骨缺损修复开辟了新的途径,但骨髓基质细胞体外培养回植入体内修复骨缺损还仅限于实验研究。目的:评价临床上应用自体富血小板血浆(PRP)与人工骨混合物治疗胫骨平台骨折合并骨缺损的临床疗效。方法:2006年7月至2010年7月收治胫骨平台骨折合并骨缺损患者(SchatzkerⅡ~Ⅴ型)36例。随机分成:A组(17例)采用自体PRP与人工骨复合物填充骨缺损;B组(19例)采用自体髂骨填充。所有患者于术后1.5、3、6、12个月复查植骨部位的X线片观察骨折愈合时间,采用Rasmussen评分标准评价胫骨平台骨折复位及固定效果,Hss评分评价膝关节术后功能恢复情况,NRS分级法对疼痛进行量化评分,配对T检验对两组数据进行比较。结果:36例全部获得随访,随访时间11-36个月,平均16个月。A组患者平均手术时间、术中出血量及术后疼痛评分(不包括供骨区)明显低于B组(P〈0.05),而Rasmussen评分、HSS评分及骨折平均愈合时间与B组无明显差异(P〉0.05)。结论:自体PRP与人工骨混合物填充治疗胫骨平台骨折合并骨缺损较传统自体髂骨填充显著缩短手术时间,减少术中出血,减轻术后疼痛,避免供骨区并发症,修复效果理想,为胫骨平台骨折合并骨缺损的治疗提供了一个新的方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨扩髓灌洗并更换成含抗生素骨水泥涂层髓内钉内固定治疗胫骨骨折髓内钉内固定术后感染的临床疗效。方法回顾性分析自2012-06—2018-12诊治的10例胫骨骨折髓内钉内固定术后感染,术中扩大髓腔进行髓腔灌洗、彻底清创,然后更换成含抗生素骨水泥涂层髓内钉一期内固定胫骨骨折。3例经窦道清创切除感染骨后用抗生素骨水泥填充骨缺损,8周后取出骨水泥并行自体松质骨颗粒植骨。结果 10例术后均获得随访,随访时间平均28(12~48)个月。所有患者术后感染均未复发,未再次骨折。7例无骨缺损者胫骨骨折愈合时间平均5(4.0~5.5)个月。3例骨缺损取自体髂骨植骨者骨折愈合时间分别为4、5、6个月,平均5个月。3例术后1年内出现髌前疼痛,经康复治疗后痊愈。结论扩髓灌洗并更换成含抗生素骨水泥涂层髓内钉内固定是胫骨骨折髓内钉内固定术后感染的有效治疗方法,治疗周期短,感染治愈率高,同时还有利于骨折愈合。  相似文献   

全膝关节置换术中胫骨近端倾斜型骨缺损的重建   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
目的 通过对全膝关节置换术中腔骨近端倾斜型骨缺损的重建,介绍应用自体胫骨进行胫骨平台重建的方法和体会。方法 1992年11月~2000年9月.对22例(29膝)有胫骨近端倾斜型骨缺损的膝关节行全膝关节置换及自体胫骨移植术,男5例(5膝),女17例(24膝);年龄43~78岁,平均61.2岁。手术前诊断:骨关节炎13例(14膝),其中膝内翻12例(13膝),膝外翻1例(1膝);类风湿关节炎7例(12膝);滑膜软骨瘤病1例(1膝);大骨节病1例(2膝)。术中将胫骨平台倾斜型骨缺损修整成台阶状水平型骨缺损。将截下的胫骨平台骨块修整后使其厚度和形状与缺损处匹配,并将带有皮质骨的部分尽量放置在台阶状缺损的外缘,以承受平台的压力。术中植骨厚度为8~15mm,平均10mm在置入假体以及在骨水泥固化之前,应在植骨块侧方加压。所有膝关节假体均采用抗生素骨水泥固定。结果 术后随访1~9年,平均4.2年,除1例因迟发性感染和植骨吸收再次出现膝内翻畸形和假体松动而行Ⅰ B-Ⅱ楔形假体翻修外.其它病例未发现自体移植骨的不愈合、移位、骨折、骨吸收和胫骨假体松动,HSS膝关节评分由术前10~26分提高到术后76~94分。结论 在胫骨近端倾斜型骨缺损的全膝关节置换术中,采用自体胫骨移植可恢复胫骨平台的完整性.防止平台塌陷.并为假体提供良好的初始稳定性,提高手术的成功率。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨治疗老年胫骨平台塌陷骨折的新方法.[方法]对24例老年胫骨平台塌陷骨折行撬拨顶起复位,遗留的骨折空腔用骨水泥注入充填治疗.[结果]术后随访12~36个月,平均19.2个月.X线片示骨折解剖或近解剖复位,骨水泥充填良好.骨折愈合时间6~8周.切口无感染和裂开,无骨水泥渗漏关节腔.术后即刻与术后1年X线片测量胫骨平台塌陷高度比较无统计学意义(P>0.05).术后1年膝关节Rasmussen 临床评分,优良率92%.[结论]本方法治疗老年胫骨平台塌陷骨折能有效避免骨折再移位和关节面高度的丢失,使膝关节早期活动和负重,且创伤小、并发症少,病人恢复快,效果好.  相似文献   

目的探讨应用环式骨延长支架治疗胫骨大段骨缺损的术后护理体会。方法对9例骨缺损患者应用环式骨延长支架进行骨延长手术并术后给予心理护理、切口护理、钉道护理、血运观察和功能康复锻炼。结果 9例患者经过术后3~8个月的延长治疗,术后胫骨骨延长6~14 cm,骨折全部愈合。2例出现钉道感染,引流换药后治愈。结论应用环式骨延长支架治疗胫骨大段骨缺损,术后给予精心护理,可减少术后并发症,促进延长骨的生长、矿化、骨折愈合,改善预后。  相似文献   

目的探讨钢板内固定联合磷酸钙骨水泥治疗胫骨平台骨折的临床疗效。方法采用钢板内固定联合磷酸钙骨水泥填充关节面塌陷治疗38例胫骨平台骨折患者。结果患者均获得随访,时间15~24个月。术后6个月患者均可完全负重行走。骨折骨性愈合时间为6~8个月。末次随访时,膝关节活动度为115°~145°,无屈曲挛缩畸形;膝关节功能采用Rasmussen胫骨平台骨折评分评定疗效:优21例,良12例,可5例,优良率为86.8%。1例患者在术后3个月时发现关节面塌陷(下沉深度为1.5 mm),其余患者至末次随访时未发现关节面塌陷。结论采用钢板内固定联合磷酸钙骨水泥治疗胫骨平台骨折,能够有效阻止关节面复位再丢失,临床疗效和影像学结果满意,术后并发症发生率较低。  相似文献   

目的 探讨运用Masquelet膜诱导技术联合显微外科技术治疗胫骨开放粉碎性骨折伴骨缺损的临床疗效。方法 2018年1月-2021年1月,应用Masquelet膜诱导技术联合显微外科技术治疗胫骨开放粉碎性骨折伴骨缺损8例,根据具体伤情急诊予以清创、固定等对症治疗,待创面稳定,连续三次以上培养无细菌后,用含万古霉素的骨水泥占位器填充骨缺损部位,运用显微外科技术修复创面缺损。6~8周待诱导膜形成后取出骨水泥,取自体髂骨加同种异体骨植入诱导膜内修复骨缺损。骨折端予以髓内钉加锁定钢板或者单纯锁定钢板固定。观察术后骨折愈合、功能恢复及并发症发生情况。结果 所有患者均获得随访,随访时间16~30个月,平均(20.0±7.2)个月。所有病例骨缺损均得到骨性愈合,时间11~16个月,平均(11.7±4.2)个月。AOFAS踝-后足评分平均(80.5±4.2)分。2例皮瓣术后伤口周围脂肪液化渗出,行伤口换药后伤口愈合;1例皮瓣臃肿,骨折愈合后取出内固定装置时行皮瓣整形术。结论 运用Masquelet膜诱导技术联合显微外科技术治疗胫骨开放粉碎性骨折伴骨缺损疗效确切,操作相对简单易行,适合基层推广。  相似文献   

目的探讨后内侧及腓骨截骨双切口L形钢板内固定治疗胫骨平台后柱骨折的疗效。方法自2009-08—2012-09采用后内侧及腓骨截骨双切口L形钢板内固定治疗胫骨平台后柱骨折12例,塌陷骨块复位后造成的骨缺损区以人工骨或自体骨植骨充填,以恢复关节面的平整。L形钢板塑形后置于后外侧与腓骨小头之间,软骨下排钉技术支撑塌陷骨折块。结果本组获得12~38个月随访,平均22个月。骨折愈合时间10~16周,平均13.5周。Rasmussen放射评分14~17分,平均16分,根据标准均达到解剖复位。末次随访时膝关节活动度5°-0°-135°,平均运动范围123.5°。膝关节功能Rasmussen评分22~30分,平均25.3分。结论后内侧及腓骨截骨双切口L形钢板内固定治疗胫骨平台后柱骨折显露充分,复位及固定满意,不会出现血管神经损伤及膝关节屈曲挛缩畸形,术后膝关节稳定性及功能恢复良好。  相似文献   

目的 以新型可注射生物材料壳聚糖β-磷酸三钙为支架,负载骨髓间充质干细胞(MSCs)与富血小板血浆(PRP)构建成新型可注射组织工程骨,观察其体内成骨效应.方法 采用中国青山羊双侧胫骨平台下腔穴型骨缺损模型.30只中国青山羊随机分为五组:空白组:骨缺损部不植入任何组织工程材料;单纯材料组:单纯植入组织工程材料壳聚糖β-磷酸三钙;PRP组:植入单纯复合PRP组织工程材料:MSCs组:植入单纯复合MSCs的组织工程材料;PRP/MSCs组:植入复合PRP、MSCs的组织工程材料.于术后第4、8周取出骨缺损区标本进行大体观察和组织学切片观察,图像分析骨缺损区域骨小梁的生成数量.结果 术后8周,大体观察显示PRP/MSC组骨缺损区域表面新生骨连续,外观类似正常骨.术后4、8周,组织学显示PRP/MSCs组骨缺损边缘区域类骨质数量明显增多,骨缺损部多为点片状新生骨组织,其中大的片状新生骨组织明显增多.术后4周空白组、单纯材料组、PRP组、MSCs组、PRP/MSCs组的成骨面积百分比分别为8.79±3.63、14.49±3.72、24.18±5.38、24.42±5.10、31.10±3.49:8周时分别为15.41±4.21、25.36±5.37、30.71±4.39、33.97±4.45、48.60±5.97,4周、8周PRP/MSCs组骨修复效果均优于其他各组(P<0.05).结论 负载PRP和MSCs的新型可注射组织工程骨具有良好的骨修复作用.  相似文献   

In the treatment of displaced tibial plateau fractures, filling the resultant metaphyseal defect is essential for maintaining reduction. This study reports on 14 patients with an average age of 53 (range 34-63) years who sustained such a fracture and whose tibial defect was augmented with an injectable calcium phosphate cement under arthroscopic and fluoroscopic control. Eight fractures were treated with subcortical percutaneous screw fixation, plates were used in four cases and two fractures were treated with bone cement only. Full weight-bearing was allowed after 6-12 weeks. At the last follow-up which averaged 28 (range 18-47) months, the reduction achieved at the index operation was not altered in any of the patients except one. Most patients recorded little or no pain with an average VAS score of 1.2 (0-3.4). Ten patients had no limitation of their walking distance. Patient satisfaction was good or excellent in 12 cases. Flexion averaged 140 degrees (range 130-150 degrees ) and extension was unlimited in 13 patients. The Lysholm knee score averaged 80 and the Knee Society score 180 (range 127-195). In our opinion the injectable calcium phosphate cement used here is a promising alternative for filling metaphyseal defects in the treatment of displaced tibial plateau fractures.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Depression fractures of the tibial plateau are often managed with use of internal fixation and autologous bone-grafting to maintain an anatomical reduction. Bone-grafting, however, provides only limited stability. As calcium phosphate cements have appropriate mechanical properties, they may provide a more suitable alternative. The objective of this study was to compare the effect of a calcium phosphate cement with that of impacted cancellous autograft for maintaining an anatomical reduction in an experimental model of a tibial plateau fracture. METHODS: Standardized cylindrical subchondral defects that were 8 mm in diameter and 10 mm deep were created bilaterally beneath the subchondral bone of the articular cartilage in the lateral tibial plateau of goats. An osteotome was used to fracture the overlying subchondral plate and articular cartilage. The plateau fracture fragment was completely depressed into the subchondral defect and then was anatomically reduced. The defects were randomly filled with either calcium phosphate cement or cancellous autograft. No internal fixation was used. The tibiae were harvested at varying time-periods that ranged from twenty-four hours to eighteen months. The stiffness of the healing augmented plateau fractures was determined. Histological specimens were assigned a score for degenerative changes. Loss of anatomic reduction was demonstrated in photomicrographs, and the amount of subsidence of the osteochondral fragment was measured in whole-mount histological sections. RESULTS: The prevalence and degree of fracture subsidence was significantly reduced at all time-points in the defects treated with calcium phosphate cement compared with those filled with autograft (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences in fracture stiffness between the two treatment groups at any of the time-points examined. The calcium phosphate cement was rapidly resorbed, and the volume fraction of the calcium phosphate cement was decreased to 4% at six months. The trabecular bone volume in the defects was restored to that of the intact controls at six months in both treatment groups. CONCLUSIONS: Cancellous autograft did not maintain an anatomical reduction of the tibial plateau fractures in this model. In contrast, augmentation with calcium phosphate cement prevented subsidence of the fracture fragment and maintained articular congruency as the fracture healed. The improved articular congruency reduced the prevalence and severity of degenerative changes in the joint.  相似文献   

目的 观察磷酸钙骨水泥在修复羊实验性外侧胫骨平台压缩性骨折中的吸收与成骨特点.方法 成年健康山羊10只,于双下肢外侧胫骨平台制作压缩性骨折伴骨缺损模型.一侧下肢缺损用磷酸钙骨水泥填充,对侧用自体骨填充.术后3个月和6个月分别处死5只动物,取双侧胫骨近端组织块,进行电镜观察;制备不脱钙切片进行组织学观察骨水泥吸收、自体骨吸收及新骨形成情况;测量骨形态计量学参数.结果 骨水泥表面可见大量重建陷窝锥形切割指向并穿入骨水泥,表面被无数破骨细胞和成骨细胞覆盖,骨水泥与表面的新生红色骨小梁结合紧密,无任何软组织层介入.骨形态计量学静态参数显示,骨水泥面积在3个月时为43.8%,6个月时仅剩29.9%;成骨细胞指数和破骨细胞指数在3个月时最大,至6个月时减小.动态参数显示,骨水泥组双标记线间的平均距离和矿化沉积速率与自体骨组接近,差异无统计学意义.结论 磷酸钙骨水泥在羊体内具有良好的降解成骨性能,骨水泥降解吸收高峰在3个月,植入6个月内骨水泥的吸收速度与骨形成速度基本持平,可作为合适的自体骨替代材料填充骨缺损.  相似文献   

The gold standard treatment for enchondroma in the hand is curettage and filling of the defect. The goal of this study was to evaluate the results when injectable calcium phosphate cement is used to fill the bone defect. Eight patients having a mean age of 44 years were operated through a minimally invasive skin incision. After a small bone window was made, curettage of the lesion was performed and verified by intraosseous endoscopy. The defect was filled with injectable calcium phosphate cement (JectOS/AREX®BONE, Kasios, L’Union France). The mean pain score (out of 10) decreased from 4.1 preoperatively to 1.6 postoperatively. The mean QuickDASH (out of 100) improved from 37.66 to 24.14. At the last follow-up (mean of 16 months), the range of motion in the operated hand had reached 89.3% of the contralateral hand. Based on radiographs, a mean of 69.3% calcium phosphate cement remained in the bone. There were two cases of extraosseous cement leakage, one of which required revision and resulted in a poor outcome. Overall, these results show that curettage of a hand enchondroma followed by filling of the defect with injectable calcium phosphate cement is a simple, reliable technique with no donor site morbidity, as long as cement does not leak out.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the effect of autograft bone,allograft bone,calcium sulfate bone cement,and calcium phosphate bone cement on the repair of tibial plateau defect in rabbits.Methods: We used autog...  相似文献   

SRS cancellous bone cement augmentation of calcaneal fracture fixation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: The proper treatment of intraarticular calcaneal fractures remains controversial. The goal of operative treatment is to achieve anatomic reduction with stable internal fixation. One method for stabilizing fracture constructs is the use of calcium phosphate bone cement. The goal of this study was to evaluate a series of patients who had open reduction and internal fixation of intra-articular calcaneal fractures with calcium phosphate bone cement augmentation. METHODS: Fifteen patients had open reduction and internal fixation through an extensile lateral approach with standard low-profile hardware. The walls of the bone defect beneath the posterior facet were impacted with a curette and the void filled with SRS bone cement. Preoperative and postoperative plain radiographs and computed tomography (CT) were obtained on each patient. The most recent radiographs were assessed for maintenance of reduction. RESULTS: Nine patients were followed for an average of 13 (6 to 60) months. Six patients had less than 6 months followup. There were five type IIA, five type IIB, four type IIC, and one type IIIB-C fractures. All 15 fractures were noted on postoperative CT to have less than 2-mm of step-off with complete cement fill of the bony void. None of the patients developed a soft-tissue reaction to the cement. The first six patients were allowed to bear weight 6 weeks after injury, and the following nine patients were allowed to bear weight at 3 weeks after injury. No patient had any visible loss of reduction on most recent radiographs. Followup CT at 7 months in one patient and 12 and 51 months in another patient revealed no change in the bone-cement interface or amount of cement remaining. One patient's CT at 12 months revealed apparent fragmentation of the cement mass without loss of reduction. There was one major wound complication necessitating cement and hardware removal and free flap coverage. CONCLUSION: In this small series, patients had no evidence of soft-tissue reaction or loss of reduction with early weightbearing after open reduction and internal fixation augmented with calcium phosphate bone cement.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the potential benefit of a new injectable mineral bone cement (Norian SRS, Cupertino, CA, USA) for the treatment of tibial plateau fractures OTA types 41.B2-B3 and C3. DESIGN: Prospective study with established protocol. SETTING: University hospital; university teaching hospital. PATIENTS: Twenty-six patients gave informed consent to participate in this study and were available for follow-up examinations. All patients had sustained intraarticular tibial plateau fracture types OTA B2-B3 and C3. All cases were followed with a mean follow-up time of 19.7 months (6 to 36 months, median eighteen months). INTERVENTION: Twenty-five cases were treated with open reduction, osteosynthesis with screws or plate, and injection of Norian SRS in the subchondral bone defect. One case had closed reduction, screw osteosynthesis, and percutaneous cement injection. MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS: Radiographs in two planes were evaluated prospectively at six, twelve, and twenty-six weeks postoperatively and at last follow-up using Rasmussen's radiologic score. Clinical parameters were measured at the same time intervals using Lysholm's and Tegner's knee scores. RESULTS: Two cases required early wound revisions because of sterile drainage. Two cases developed partial loss of reduction of the fracture between four and eight weeks after surgery, requiring revision surgery in one case (total complication rate 15.3 percent). No other patients had complications, and all other fractures healed without any displacement. The high mechanical strength of the cement allowed early weight bearing after a mean postoperative period of 4.5 weeks (1 to 6 weeks). CONCLUSIONS: An injectable mineral bone cement with high initial mechanical strength was used to fill bone defects in unstable tibial plateau fractures with good success. This material offers new perspectives in the treatment of tibial plateau fractures.  相似文献   

磷酸钙水泥降解成骨机制的研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
目的: 研究磷酸钙水泥 (CPC) 降解吸收成骨的机制。方法: 制备羊胫骨平台压缩性骨折模型, 植入CPC填充骨缺损。3个月时拍X线片、取材制作不脱钙切片, 观察CPC的组织学变化。结果: CPC吸收迅速, X线片可见 2只动物几乎吸收完毕, 另 3只已大部被吸收。组织学观察可见到许多骨水泥吸收骨形成单位, 吸收的骨水泥由新生骨填充, 未见纤维组织形成。结论: CPC吸收成骨机制与正常骨重建过程相类似, 骨水泥吸收与新生骨形成同步协调进行。  相似文献   

Outcome of tibial plateau fractures managed with calcium phosphate cement   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Simpson D  Keating JF 《Injury》2004,35(9):913-918
OBJECTIVES: To compare the use of an injectable calcium phosphate cement (Skeletal Repair System (SRS), Norian corporation, Cupertino, CA) and minimal internal fixation with buttress plating and bone grafting for lateral tibial plateau fractures. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective analysis with 13 age, sex and fracture matched pairs of tibial plateau fractures. METHODS: Thirteen patients with lateral tibial plateau fractures treated with buttress plating and bone grafting were matched with 13 patients treated using minimal internal fixation and an injectable calcium phosphate cement (SRS). All patients were followed for a minimum of one year. The operative time, quality of reduction, maintenance of reduction and development of post-traumatic osteoarthritis was compared in both groups. RESULTS: The mean duration of surgery was 101 min in patients treated with buttress plating and bone grafting and 55 min in patients treated with SRS (P < 0.0001). Nine patients in the internal fixation and bone graft group had excellent anatomical reductions as judged on post-operative radiographs but some loss of reduction was observed in 8 of the 13 (61%) cases. All 13 patients from the SRS group had an excellent reduction on post-operative radiographs but 3 (23%) demonstrated some loss of reduction of the plateau. The mean residual plateau depression at one year was 4mm in the buttress plate group and 0.7 mm in the SRS group (P < 0.005). Two patients (15%) in the buttress plate group developed post-traumatic osteoarthritis and required knee arthroplasty. CONCLUSIONS: The use of SRS was associated with more favourable anatomical results than conventional treatment with buttress plating and bone grafting for lateral tibial plateau fractures.  相似文献   

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