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Summary Bovine bone chips (Surgibone®) were used in occipito-cervical fusion in nine patients with atlanto-axial instability due to rheumatoid arthritis. The patients were examined with CT 12–15 months after surgery.Graft resorbtion was observed in one patient. The other 8 patients showed preserved grafts, in most cases the grafts appeared to be in contact with the underlying bone. One patient was revised, and at the grafted site a bony bridge was found.In conclusion, the use of bovine chips in posterior occipitocervical fusion will not lead to predictable bone union. However, there seem to be exceptions to that rule.  相似文献   

This study investigated the bony ankylosis of the upper cervical spine facet joints in patients with a cervical spine involvement due to rheumatoid arthritis (RA) using computed tomography (CT) and then examined the characteristics of the patients showing such ankylosis. Forty-six consecutive patients who underwent surgical treatment for RA involving the cervical spine were reviewed. The radiographic diagnoses included atlanto-axial subluxation in 30 cases, vertical subluxation (VS) in 10 cases, VS + subaxial subluxation in 3 cases and cervical spondylotic myelopathy in 3 cases. The patients were classified into two groups, those developing bony ankylosis or not and then the differences in the patient characteristics between the two groups was investigated. Furthermore, cervical spine disorders and surgeries were also evaluated in patients who demonstrated such bony ankylosis. The CT reconstruction image demonstrated bony ankylosis in 12 patients (group BA), and the remaining 34 cases (group NB) showed no bony ankylosis. The level at which bony ankylosis occurred was atlanto-occipital joint (AOJ) in eight cases, atlanto-axial joint (AAJ) in two cases and AOJ, AAJ in two cases. No differences were observed between the two groups (age P > 0.54, gender P > 0.39, duration of RA P > 0.72). There was a significant difference between two groups in the patients showing obvious neurological impairment (P = 0.017). In BA group, arthrodesis or decompression was adapted for a caudal region of bony ankylosis. In conclusion, bony ankylosis of the facet joint of the upper cervical spine was detected in 12 of 46 RA patients with involvement of the cervical spine who thus required surgery. These findings showed that the patients demonstrating such ankylosis showed severe cervical myelopathy. In addition, we suggest that the occurrence of bony ankylosis was a risk factor for instability of AAJ, and subaxial instability or stenosis.  相似文献   

This study investigated the preoperative morphology and postoperative fusion of the atlanto-axial joint (AAJ) in patients with atlanto-axial subluxation (AAS) due to rheumatoid arthritis (RA) using computed tomography (CT). Furthermore, we examined the relationship between the preoperative morphology of AAJ and other radiographic results. Thirty patients with AAS due to RA treated by C1–2 transarticular screw fixation (TSF) were reviewed. The morphology of the AAJ was evaluated using sagittal reconstruction views on CT before and 1 year after surgery. Thereafter, the atlanto-dental interval (ADI) value at the neutral and maximal flexion position and atlanto-axial angle (AAA) at the neutral position was assessed in preoperative lateral cervical radiographs. The preoperative morphology of the AAJ on CT reconstruction views was graded as follows: Grade 1 showed maintenance of the joint space, Grade 2 showed the joint space narrowing and Grade 3 showed the destructive abnormality of subchondral bone. After surgery, the ADI value at the neutral position was assessed in lateral cervical radiographs. Furthermore, the fusion in the AAJ was investigated using CT sagittal reconstruction views taken 1 year after surgery. The preoperative CT image of the AAJ demonstrated Grade 1 in 12 cases (Group A), Grade 2 in 9 cases (Group B) and Grade 3 in 9 cases (Group C). There was no significant difference in age, gender and duration of RA among the three groups. The average ADI value at the flexion position was 11.0 mm in Group A, 12.3 mm in Group B and 12.7 mm in Group C (p > 0.313). The average ADI value at the neutral position before surgery was 4.5 mm in Group A, 7.3 mm in Group B and 11.4 mm in Group C (p < 0.003). The mean AAA value was 20.8° in Group A, 21.8° in Group B and 8.4° in Group C (p < 0.033). The average ADI value after TSF was 1.7 mm in Group A, 2.1 mm in Group B and 3.0 mm in Group C (p > 0.144). Fusion in the AAJ 1 year after surgery was demonstrated in 14 cases (46.7%; Group A, 0 case; Group B, 5 cases; Group C, 9 cases). According to the preoperative grading of the AAJ, the postoperative fusion in the AAJ was demonstrated in 0 of 32 joints (0%) in Grade 1, 7 of 18 joints (38.9%) in Grade 2 and all of 10 joints (100%) in Grade 3. In conclusion, this study showed that a destructive abnormality of subchondral bone in the AAJ induced an enlargement of the ADI and anterior inclination of the atlas in patients with AAS due to RA. The current study also showed that fusion in the AAJ was demonstrated in 14 of 30 patients after C1/2 TSF. This was easy to recognize in AAS patients whose joint destruction extended to the subchondral bone.  相似文献   

Context: The purpose of this report is to describe the clinical decision-making process for a patient with rheumatoid arthritis with neck pain with underlying atlantoaxial instability.Findings: The patient was evaluated for worsening upper neck pain that began insidiously 1 year prior. The patient denied numbness or tingling in her upper or lower extremities, dizziness or lightheadedness, difficulty maintaining balance with walking, or muscle weakness. Cervical spine range of motion was limited in all planes due to pain and apprehension. The patient’s neurological examination was unremarkable. Prior flexion and extension radiographs of the cervical spine were interpreted as unremarkable with alignment preserved in flexion and extension. However, upon further inspection, the cervical spine flexion radiograph was concerning for inadequate cervical motion, which may have limited the diagnostic utility of these radiographs. Additionally, a Sharp-Purser test was performed, which was positive for excessive motion. Flexion and extension radiographs of the cervical spine were then repeated ensuring the patient adequately flexed and extended during the imaging. Severe anterior subluxation of C1 relative to C2 with cervical flexion was noted, as C1 moved as much as 8–9 mm anterior to C2 with cervical flexion. Given the degree of atlantoaxial instability, the patient subsequently underwent successful posterior fusion from the occiput to C2.Conclusion/Clinical Relevance: This case report demonstrates the importance of properly screening for upper cervical spine instability in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and neck pain and understanding the importance of obtaining adequate and appropriate diagnostic imaging.  相似文献   

Aim of the workThis study analysed the prevalence of cervical spine instability in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) patients following at a single centre in Basrah.Patients and methodsData were collected directly from patients through cervical spine examinations. Each patient was sent for dynamic (flexion and extension) lateral cervical radiographic imaging to assess the presence of atlantoaxial subluxation (AAS), superior migration of the odontoid (SMO) and sub-axial subluxation (SAS). Patients with positive radiographic findings were sent for MRI scans of the cervical spine to assess neurological compression.ResultsThe prevalence rate of cervical spine instability in RA was 15/203 (7.4%) of the total sample, occurring primarily in patients of 37–65 years old (mean: 48 ± 8.9 years), were 3/15 (20%) aymptomatic. The majority (60%) being at the moderate stage of the disease activity (using a Clinical Disease Activity Index [CDAI). In terms of type of cervical spine involvement, isolated AAS was found to have the highest occurrence (73.3%), followed by combined SAS and SMO (13.3%), combined AAS and SMO (6.7%), and combined AAS and SAS (6.7%). A significant relationship was found between the type of cervical spine involvement in RA and a disease onset duration, disease activity, body mass index and peripheral erosion with P value < 0.05.ConclusionCervical spine subluxation in RA patients may be asymptomatic It is therefore essential to obtain a dynamic radiographic image of the cervical spine in order to diagnose cervical spine involvement and protect the patient from severe outcomes.The clinical trial registration number included in a the official document from Ministry of Higher Education and Science Research/Basrah University/Faculty of Medicine to Basrah Health Directorate/Research and Development Division is 72/3588 in 7 Jan 2017.  相似文献   

Summary We present our clinical experience and the results of surgical treatment of 13 patients with rheumatoid involvement of the cervical spine, namely severe atlanto-axial dislocation. A posterior fusion was carried out using a bicortical H-shaped iliac crest bone graft and steel wire. Postoperatively all patients were immobilized for 8 weeks in a Halo cast.There were no postoperative complications and all patients showed a stable fusion confirmed by radiography.Complete pain relief was obtained in 9 patients, partial in 4.  相似文献   

目的 :评估后路内固定融合节段对治疗类风湿性寰枢椎不稳临床疗效的影响。方法 :2008年1月~2015年3月收治类风湿性寰枢椎不稳患者24例,其中女15例,男9例;年龄37~64岁(50.8±4.3岁)。21例患者入院前已经诊断为类风湿性关节炎(RA),病程2~30年(15.6±7.8年);3例患者本次入院确诊为RA并且伴有寰枢椎不稳。侧位X线片示寰枢椎脱位(AAS)13例;寰枢椎垂直脱位(VS)5例;AAS+VS 2例;AAS+下颈椎半脱位(SAS)1例;后路钢丝固定术后3年钢丝断裂合并下颈椎SAS 1例;寰枢关节破坏无脱位表现2例。均行后路固定融合手术,13例AAS患者10例行后路寰枢椎(C1-2)融合内固定术,2例因C2椎弓根细小行C1-C3固定融合,1例因寰椎后弓细小及骨质疏松行枕颈融合术(O-C2);7例VS/AAS+VS患者及2例严重枕颈部疼痛的患者行枕颈融合术,O-C2融合3例,O-C3融合6例,其中1例行寰椎后弓切除减压;2例合并SAS的患者行枕颈椎/胸椎(O-C7 1例,O-T1 1例)固定融合,包括1例翻修手术。比较患者术前、术后及末次随访时的Ranawat神经功能分级、VAS和JOA评分。结果 :24例患者手术均顺利完成,无术中并发症;术后伤口浅表感染2例,经换药和使用敏感抗菌素治愈。24例患者均获得随访,随访时间12~45个月(24.1±10.3个月)。VAS评分由术前的6.6±1.2分下降到术后的2.6±0.9分,末次随访时1.8±0.7分(P0.05)。JOA评分由术前的平均11.5±1.9分增加到术后的平均13.6±2.0分,末次随访时14.5±1.1分(P0.05)。Ranawat神经损伤分级:3例术前Ⅰ级无恢复;5例Ⅱ级者4例恢复至Ⅰ级,1例无恢复;15例Ⅲa级恢复至Ⅰ级13例,Ⅱ级2例;1例Ⅲb级恢复至Ⅲa级。术后3个月植骨融合率为29%(7例),术后6个月为79%(19例),术后12个月为100%(24例)。术后继发SAS 3例,脱位部位:C3/4 2例,C4/5 1例。结论:类风湿性寰枢椎不稳患者行后路内固定融合手术治疗效果满意,应根据病变累及范围、脱位类型、骨密度和钉道情况选择固定融合范围。  相似文献   

Summary There are few reports in the literature of the surgical treatment of cervical myelopathy secondary to rheumatoid arthritis below the level of the axis. Three cases are presented. All had severe motor and sensory loss in the upper and lower extremities. The cause of myelopathy differed in each case: in the first, the dura mater was infiltrated with rheumatoid material; the second was due to a stenotic spinal canal narrowed by a fixed subluxation of the cervical spine; in the third, traction myelopathy resulted from sub-axial subluxation and posterior angulation combined with cervical instability.Neurological assessment is particularly difficult in patients with rheumatoid arthritis of the cervical spine. Skull or halo traction is useful to gauge neurological improvement, to reduce the dislocation and to immobilise the cervical spine before, during and after surgery. Surgery is considered where conservative treatment is either ineffective or not tolerated, and is indicated if severe myelopathy is evident or progressive. Anterior interbody fusion is the operation of choice for mobile subluxation. Laminectomy is recommended in fixed subluxation where compression of the cord is demonstrated on myelography.
Résumé Il n'existe qu'un petit nombre de publications concernant le traitement chirurgical des myélopathies secondaires à une polyarthrite rhumatoïde siégeant audessous de l'axis. Les auteurs en rapportent trois cas. Tous les malades présentaient un déficit sensitivomoteur sévère au niveau des membres supérieurs et inférieurs. Dans chacun des cas la cause de la myélopathie était différente: chez le premier malade, la duremère était infiltrée de productions rhumatoïdes; chez le second, il existait une sténose du canal rachidien due à une subluxation permanente des vertèbres cervicales; chez le troisième, une myélopathie par élongation résultait d'une subluxation sous-axoïdienne et d'une angulation postérieure, associées à une instabilité cervicale.Le bilan neurologique est particulièrement difficile à établir chez les malades atteints d'une polyarthrite rhumatoïde du rachis cervical. La traction crânienne ou par halo est utile pour apprécier l'amélioration neurologique, pour réduire la luxation et pour immobiliser le rachis cervical, avant, pendant et après l'intervention. Le recours à la chirurgie doit être envisagé lorsque le traitement conservateur est inefficace ou mal toléré, et il est indiqué si une myélopathie sévère est évidente ou évolutive. L'intervention de choix, en présence d'une subluxation mobile, est l'arthrodèse corporéale antérieure. La laminectomie est préconisée dans les cas de subluxation fixée, quand la myélographie met en évidence une compression médullaire.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic inflammation, with cervical spine instability being one of the consequences. The instability may lead to myelopathy and even death of the patient due to compression on the spinal vessels and nerve structures of the cervical section. Sagittal balance is one of the issues that has recently contributed to deepening the understanding of spine pathology. As regards RA, sagittal balance is of particular importance due to the nature of the disease, which naturally leads to damage in the physiological joints stabilisers. Joints damaged in the course of the disease become particularly vulnerable to biomechanical balance disorders. Managing patients suffering from RA with cervical spine instability is a serious issue. The literature pays little attention to the sagittal balance in patients suffering from RA. The goal of this paper is to draw attention to the selected parameters of sagittal balance and their mutual relations, as regards cervical spine.  相似文献   

Summary About 20% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis complain about neck problems based on instability and deformity. As a consequence, pain, myelopathy, and severe neurological deficit may occur. Results reported in the literature were not encouraging as regards surgical decompression and stabilization. However, new surgical techniques allow a more aggressive strategy towards the complex problem of the instable cervical spine in rheumatoid arthritis. The most frequent instability of C1/2 can be stabilized by a posterior atlantoaxial screw fixation, a three-dimensional multidirectional construct with few complications. For the inclusion of the occiput into the fusion and the extension of the fusion down to the lower cervical spine, a titanium Y-plate is presented as a successful implant. While through a posterior approach, stability may be achieved, decompression is preferably done by anterior diskectomy or vertebrectomy. Encouraging results with a significant recovery of neurological deficits justify an early intervention in cases of instability of the cervical spine in rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   



The natural history of cervical spine lesions in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is variable. We have actively performed occipito-thoracic fusion for severe destructive rheumatoid cervical disorders and reported its clinical results and complications. In our previous study, the most frequent complication was the adjacent-level failures caused by the fragile spine. The objective of this study was to determine risk factors for adjacent-level failures after occipito-thoracic fusion.

Materials and Methods

Subjects were 35 RA patients (31 females and 4 males) who underwent occipito-thoracic fusion using RRS Loop Spinal System® (Robert Reid Inc. Tokyo, Japan), and the incidence and characteristics of adjacent-level failures were investigated. Furthermore, the adjacent-level failures were divided into two types according to their levels, fracture at the lowest level of the fusion area and that at the level inferior to the fusion area, and the characteristics of each type were evaluated.

Results and Conclusion

Nine (26 %) of 35 patients suffered adjacent-level failures (10 vertebral fractures). Adjacent-level failures occurred when the distance of fixation was “O–T4” or longer. The long fusion might cause adjacent-level failures due to greater mechanical stress. Seven fractures occurred at the lowest level of the fusion area, and all of them were cured without symptoms by conservative treatment. Three fractures occurred at the level inferior to the fusion area, and one of them needed additional surgery due to sudden paraplegia resulting from collapse of the adjacent vertebra. After occipito-thoracic fusion, burst fractures at the level inferior to the fusion area might cause sudden paraplegia, and therefore a careful observation should be required for patients with these fractures.  相似文献   

A retroodontoid pseudotumor is a nonneoplastic mass arising posterior to the odontoid process. We describe a 67-year-old woman admitted to our hospital with numbness of the left upper extremity, dysbasia, and impairment of fine motor movement of the fingers. She was diagnosed with myelopathy due to a retroodontoid pseudotumor underlying rheumatoid arthritis. According to previously published reports, reduction of the pseudotumor was achieved by posterior fusion alone. However, in the present report, the tumor was very large, and there was no instability at the atlantoaxial segment. Therefore we managed the patient by resection of the mass through a high lateral cervical approach without fusion. The spinal cord symptoms diminished rapidly.  相似文献   

目的:总结手术治疗类风湿性关节炎(rheumatoid arthritis,RA)继发寰枢椎脱位的临床疗效。方法:2010年1月~2018年12月收治57例RA继发寰枢椎脱位的患者,男14例,女43例;年龄46~79岁(61.8±12.4岁)。类风湿性关节炎病史2.5~36.8年(17.5±3.7年),诊断RA后出现上颈椎相关症状时间为1.5~19.4年(8.9±2.4年)。患者均有不同程度的枕颈部疼痛、颈部姿势异常和活动受限。术前神经功能ASIA分级:B级3例,C级12例,D级20例,E级22例;JOA评分4~14分(8.7±1.8分),VAS 4~10分(7.4±1.5分)。寰椎前向脱位44例,其中寰齿前间距(anterior atlantodental interval,AADI)>10mm者8例;寰椎后向脱位9例;寰椎前后向脱位4例。6例合并下颈椎不稳,10例合并枕颈部其他畸形。13例枕寰关节先天性融合及骨性融合无枕寰关节活动度者采用枕颈固定融合术治疗(A组);44例有枕寰关节活动度的患者采用寰枢椎融合固定融合术治疗,其中16例寰枢椎脱位牵引不能复位的患者先行前路经下颌下寰枢椎关节松解术再一期后路行寰枢椎融合术治疗(B组),28例寰枢椎脱位牵引能复位的患者直接采用后路寰枢椎融合内固定术治疗(C组)。定期随访患者的临床症状和神经功能改善情况,影像学观察寰枢椎复位和植骨融合情况。结果:患者均顺利完成手术,A组手术时间100~130min(118.2±13.5min),术中出血量100~300ml(190.5±42.8ml);B组手术时间180~240min(221.4±20.3min),术中出血量100~260ml(157.3±36.1ml);C组手术时间100~130min(109.4±12.1min),术中出血量100~200ml(124.1±32.7ml)。术中均未发生椎动脉和脊髓损伤。所有患者随访期间复查颈椎CT及MRI显示寰枢椎序列重建满意,齿状突区域脑脊液线清晰,脊髓无压迫,术后AADI为2~3mm(2.4±0.4mm)。患者均获随访,随访时间12~84个月(34.4±10.3个月),术后12个月随访时,2例ASIA分级B级患者恢复至C级,C级患者6例恢复至D级、3例恢复至E级,9例D级患者恢复至E级,其余患者无变化;JOA评分改善至10~17分(14.6±3.5分),VAS评分降至1~5分(3.6±1.4分),与术前比较均有显著性差异(P<0.05)。1例患者植骨块发生自发性部分吸收,随访1年半时植骨块吸收停止并部分融合,未再次行植骨术;其余患者植骨均融合。随访期间均未发现螺钉松动、移位、断裂和寰枢椎再脱位、失稳现象。结论:RA累及上颈椎时会造成寰枢椎脱位导致脊髓受压,依据枕寰关节活动度情况采用寰枢椎融合术或枕颈融合术治疗可获得良好的临床效果。  相似文献   

We analysed retrospectively 295 lateral roentgenograms of the cervical spine in 150 patients with classic or definite rheumatoid arthritis. In addition to measuring the atlantodental interval, measurements of the different vertical parameters described by McGregor, Ranawat and Redlund-Johnell and a new measurement method with high reproducibility were described and their results compared statistically. As a control group we analysed 100 lateral roentgenograms of the cervical spine in patients with no inflammatory disease, posttraumatic lesion, tumour or osseous deformity.  相似文献   

Summary In the process of skeletal changes in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) the lower cervical spine may characteristically be affected by subluxation, discoligamentous insufficiency and bone resorption. These may cause severe pain and important neurological deficit and necessitate surgical intervention. Out of a series of 122 RA patients who underwent surgery of the cervical spine, in 23 the subaxial cervical spine was operated on. Pain was the leading symptom in all patients. In only six were there no pathological neurological findings, and all showed marked kyphotic deformity of the cervical spine. Fourteen patients were operated by a posterior approach, one by a ventral approach, and in eight patients the surgical procedure consisted of anterior decompression and dorsal stabilization. A mean of 21.3 months after surgery, clinical and radiological evaluation was performed. In two patients the sensomotor deficit improved, and out of 16 patients with cervical myelopathy, nine improved. No pseudoarthrosis was noted, and moderate loss of correction was seen in only three patients. In a subjective evaluation, 14 patients rated their result as good, six as fair and none as poor. In conclusion, following decompression, we noted good recovery from myelopathic symptoms. Sufficient stability in patients with RA is achieved by a combined anterior and posterior approach, the main goal of the anterior approach being decompression by vertebrectomy and that of the posterior approach stabilization by plate and screw fixation.  相似文献   

Summary Symptoms, signs and neuroradiological findings of 15 cases with atlanto-axial dislocation (AAD) due to rheumatoid arthritis are presented. CT of the craniocervical region revealed the exact anatomical relationships between the dens, the subarachnoid space and the brain stem, especially after intrathecal contrast medium injection and different positions of the head. From the results of operative procedures to reduce AAD it was concluded that early diagnosis and treatment of AAD leads to prompt relief of painful symptoms within 3 months and protects from neurological deterioration.  相似文献   

To reconstruct highly destructed unstable rheumatoid arthritis (RA) cervical lesions, the authors have been using C1/2 transarticular and cervical pedicle screw fixations. Pedicle screw fixation and C1/2 transarticular screw fixation are biomechanically superior to other fixation techniques for RA patients. However, due to severe spinal deformity and small anatomical size of the vertebra, including the lateral mass and pedicle, in the most RA cervical lesions, these screw fixation procedures are technically demanding and pose the potential risk of neurovascular injuries. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy and safety of cervical pedicle screw insertion to the deformed, fragile, and small RA spine lesions using computer-assisted image-guidance systems. A frameless, stereotactic image-guidance system that is CT-based, and optoelectronic was used for correct screw placement. A total of 21 patients (16 females, 5 males) with cervical disorders due to RA were surgically treated using the image-guidance system. Postoperative computerized tomography and plane X-ray was used to determine the accuracy of the screw placement. Neural and vascular complications associated with screw insertion and postoperative neural recovery were evaluated. Postoperative radiological evaluations revealed that only 1 (2.1%; C4) of 48 screws inserted into the cervical pedicle had perforated the vertebral artery canal more than 25% (critical breach). However, no neurovascular complications were observed. According to Ranawat's classification, 9 patients remained the same, and 12 patients showed improvement. Instrumentation failure, loss of reduction, or nonunion was not observed at the final follow-up (average 49.5 months; range 24-96 months). In this study, the authors demonstrated that image-guidance systems could be applied safely to the cervical lesions caused by RA. Image-guidance systems are useful tools in preoperative planning and in transarticular or transpedicular screw placement in the cervical spine of RA patients.  相似文献   

Clarke MJ  Cohen-Gadol AA  Ebersold MJ  Cabanela ME 《Surgical neurology》2006,66(2):136-40; discussion 140
OBJECTIVE: Cervical spine deformities are well-known complications of RA. A 5- to 20-year follow-up of 51 consecutive rheumatoid patients who underwent posterior cervical arthrodesis is presented to evaluate the recurrence of instability and need for further surgery. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective review of the clinical features of 11 men and 40 women with an established diagnosis of RA and associated cervical deformities who underwent cervical spine surgery at the Mayo Clinic (Rochester, MN) between 1979 and 1990. Their mean age was 61 +/- 10 years (SD), and their duration of RA averaged 21 +/- 8.9 years (SD). There were 22 patients who presented with myelopathy, 7 with radiculopathy, and 22 with instability/neck pain. There were 33 patients with AAS, 2 with SMO process into the foramen magnum, 8 with SAS, and 8 with combinations of these. Preoperative reduction was followed by decompression and fusion using wiring techniques and autologous bone graft. Postoperative halo orthosis was provided for at least 3 months. The mean follow-up was 8.3 +/- 6 years (SD). RESULTS: There were 31 patients (61%) who underwent atlantoaxial arthrodesis, 17 patients (33%) who underwent subaxial, and 3 patients (6%) who underwent occipitocervical arthrodesis. During follow-up, 39% (13/33) of patients with AAS developed nonsymptomatic (6) or symptomatic/unstable (7) SASs subsequent to C1-C2 fusion. The latter 7 patients (21%) subsequently required extension of their arthrodesis. Adjacent segment disease was most common at the C3-C4 interspace after atlantoaxial fusion in 62% (8/13). Among the 8 patients who underwent isolated cervical fusion for SAS, 1 patient (1/8, 12%) developed adjacent instability after a fall and required extension of the previous fusion. No secondary procedure was required for the 6 patients initially stabilized by C1-(C6-T1) fusions for combinations of AAS + SAS. None of the patients initially treated by C1-C2 arthrodesis for AAS progressed to SMO. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of subaxial instability in patients with rheumatoid disease who underwent cervical arthrodesis may be higher than previously reported, indicating the need for continued follow-up in these patients. Adjacent segment disease may be most common at the C3-C4 level following atlantoaxial fusion. Early stabilization of the C1-C2 complex in the patients with AAS may potentially prevent progression of SMO.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic systemic inflammatory disease that often affects the cervical spine.While it was initially thought that cervical involvement was innocuous,natural history studies have substantiated the progressive nature of untreated disease.Over the past 50 years,there has been further elucidation in the pathophysiology of the disease,as well as significant advancements in medical and surgical therapy.The introduction of disease modifying drugs and biologic agents has reduced the amount of patients with advanced stages of the disease needing surgery.Advancement in instrumentation techniques has improved patient outcomes and fusion rates.The introduction of endoscopic approaches for ventral decompression may further lower surgical morbidity.In this review,we give a brief overview of the pertinent positives of the disease.A discussion of historical techniques and the evolution of surgical therapy into the modern era is provided.With improved medical therapies and lessinvasive approaches,we will likely continue to see less advanced cases of disease and less surgical morbidity.Nonetheless,a thorough understanding of the disease is crucial,as its systemic involvement and need for continued medical therapy have tremendous impact on overall complications and outcomes even in patients being seen for standard degenerative disease with comorbid rheumatoid.  相似文献   

 目的回顾性分析上颈椎畸形不稳定患者后路手术复位固定前后的斜坡-枢椎角(clivus-axial angle,CAA)改善情况和临床效果。方法自2004年4月到2014年8月,按纳入及排除标准共32例存在临床症状的上颈椎畸形不稳定患者纳入研究,其中1例再手术者未纳入统计。游离齿突10例,齿突发育不良5例,Klipple-Feil综合征4例,寰枢椎半脱位4例,寰枢椎不稳定4例,类风湿性关节炎伴寰枢椎半脱位1例,陈旧齿突骨折1例,齿突不连伴枕骨大孔狭窄症1例,颅底凹陷症并Klipple-Feil综合征1例。均采用颈椎后路手术复位固定植骨融合手术,通过对CAA的改善来解除脊髓的压迫。按术中是否减压分为两组:未减压组17例(男8例,女9例;年龄13~65岁,平均50.1岁)和减压组14例(男7例,女7例;年龄19~68岁,平均49.6岁)。手术前后测量CAA,观察其变化。临床疗效评价采用颈椎功能障碍指数(neck disability index, NDI)和Nurick脊髓功能评分。结果所有患者均得到随访,未减压组随访时间0.7~10.7年,平均2.9年;减压组随访时间0.3~5.5年,平均2.9年。未减压组与减压组术后CAA均明显改善,差异均有统计学意义,但组间比较差异均无统计学意义。未减压组和减压组患者术后NDI评分和Nurick脊髓功能评分较术前均明显降低,差异均有统计学意义。术后1例出现恶心、呕吐,1例出现小腿肌间隙血栓,1例出现面部肿胀视物模糊,1例出现椎管减压综合征,经对症处理后均好转。未出现椎动脉损伤、感染及内固定松动等严重并发症。结论对于上颈椎畸形不稳定患者术中改善CAA能够缓解脊髓受压引起的症状,颈部功能和脊髓功能得到明显改善。  相似文献   

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