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浅谈医学社团与公共卫生建设   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
医学社团拥有医学界的精英。它在加强公共卫生建设中不仅有重要的历史使命 ,而且具有很大的优势。为此 ,应发挥医学、社团的作用 ,加强公共卫生建设现状与趋势研究 ,加强对国际传染病防治的前瞻性研究与监测。加强全民健康教育 ,开展应时性传染病的继续医学教育 ,运用远程会诊网络 ,实施公开卫生事业的防治指导和利用优质人力资源进行联合攻关。  相似文献   

A 1988 Institute of Medicine report, The Future of Public Health, characterized the current public health system as fragmented, particularly with regard to relationships between public health agencies and academic institutions. As one response to the report, the Health Resources and Services Administration established the Center for the Development of Public Health Practice at the University of Illinois to advance linkages between schools of public health and public health agencies. Surveys of schools of public health and of state health agencies were conducted in 1992 to collect baseline data on the practice links between the two. Responses reveal that there is a substantial amount of informal collaboration between them. Formalization of collaborative activities between schools and agencies is beginning to occur and is expected to expand owing to increased focus on public health practice at schools of public health.  相似文献   

For effective public health interventions in communitarian societies, public engagement must reflect cultural values that focus on preserving collectives, rather than individuals. The case of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa is used to reflect on the drivers and consequences of failure to incorporate local knowledge, local leaders and local ethical values in the adaption of programmes from elsewhere.  相似文献   

文章讨论了由突发公共卫生事件引发的对构建现代公共卫生和临床医学整合教育模式的反思及其对策措施.透过SARS危机,暴露出我国现行医学教育体制上存在的医防分离的严重性,提示我们应借鉴21世纪医学生培养目标与要求,改革医学教育模式,促进多学科、跨专业的合作,建立以社区为目标、以问题为中心的公共卫生与临床医学整合教育的全新综合化课程体系;积极推广计算机辅助教育(CAI),加强运用现代化教学手段;建设以社区实践为主要内容的公共卫生和临床医学整合教育基地,加强高职高专医学生实践技能的培养,以构建新型高职高专医学人才培养模式,培养防治结合的新型实用型医学人才.  相似文献   

高水平公共卫生学院建设的落脚点始终在于人才培养,要把培养什么人、怎么培养人、为谁培养人作为根本问题,对标世界一流高校,建设一流学科,培育一流人才,产出一流成果。要注重学科交叉融合,注重新发突发传染病和突发公共卫生事件应急处置的理论教学和实践训练,注重医疗机构和公共卫生机构融合,全链条培养公共卫生人才。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Recent policy initiatives in the United Kingdom (UK) have underlined the importance of public health education for health care professionals. We aimed to describe teaching inputs to medical undergraduate curricula, to identify perceived challenges in the delivery of public health teaching and strategies that may overcome them. METHODS: We undertook a cross-sectional survey; questionnaires were sent electronically to 28 teaching leads in academic departments of public health in UK medical schools. These were followed-up by telephone interviews. RESULTS: We obtained a 75% response rate. We found a great deal of variability between schools in teaching methods, curricular content and resources used. In 76% of medical schools, public health and clinical teaching were integrated to some extent. The proportion of teaching delivered as lectures is decreasing and that of self-directed learning is increasing. A range of methods is used to assess students and in 33% of schools these assessments contributed to final Medical School marks. More than half the medical schools had difficulty finding teachers and staffing levels had deteriorated in 55% of schools. Many interviewees felt that their contributions were undervalued. Few were aware of the level of funding received to support teaching. DISCUSSION: There is a need to increase the supply of well-trained and motivated teachers and combine the best traditional teaching methods with more innovative, problem-based approaches. Faculties need to share 'learning about what works' and teaching resources across medical schools as well as addressing a culture of neglect of teaching in some departments. Suggestions are made as to how undergraduate public health teaching can be strengthened.  相似文献   

This paper profiles the faculty in schools of public health, particularly in environmental health. There are approximately 1,650 faculty members in schools of public health; 300 of them are in environmental health. The future demand for personnel in environmental health appears to be for generalists, as well as specialists in toxicology, epidemiology, environmental chemistry and biology, industrial hygiene, vector control, and institutional environments. These demands will require new and updated programs and additional faculty. While PhD scientists and engineers (the pool of potential new faculty) are increasingly being drawn to industry rather than academia, new personnel for faculty positions are expected to be available in the market.  相似文献   

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