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加强院内感染管理保证医疗质量减少医疗纠纷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯燕  赵炜  安晓燕 《新疆医学》2007,37(4):245-246
我院作为新疆维吾尔自治区防盲办公室所在地、各级残疾人联合会白内障复明手术定点医院,承担着国家卫生部、自治区各级残联、乌鲁木齐市红十字会残疾人免费白内障手术任务,每年都圆满的完成了此项工作。2006年6月,按乌鲁木齐市残联要求,经过大量的病例筛选,我院为全市45例残疾人施行了免费白内障复明手术(手术患者均系门诊手术),手术均非常成功。[第一段]  相似文献   

毕经香 《河北医学》2012,18(9):1328-1330
目的:通过调查同一地区不同职业人群白内障发病情况,探讨白内障的发病原因.方法:配合残疾人协会资助开展的"万人复明"工程,对2008年10月至2011年10月唐山市丰南区白内障筛查人群按职业进行分类,比较分析各职业人群白内障患病情况.结果:共检查22565例,其中矿工3751例,筛查出白内障病人2288例,患病率为61%;农民8223例,白内障病人1726例,患病率为21%;工人(不包括矿工)6229例,白内障病人,2180例,患病率为35%;渔民4362例,白内障病人,348例,患病率为8%.结论:本区白内障患病率矿工最高,渔民最低,农民与以往报道资料相比有所降低[1],工人差异不明显.适当的职业防护和合理的饮食能降低白内障的发病率.  相似文献   

朱晓红 《河北医学》1996,2(4):364-366
人工晶体植入术的现状和展望(067000)河北省承德医学院附属医院眼科朱晓红综述周亮审校1前言凡是晶状体混浊,视力低于0.7者都称作白内障。白内障占世界失明原因的第一位。在我国1987年全国残疾人调查每年因各种眼病而失明者约400万人以上,而因白内障...  相似文献   

白内障是眼科常见病。据调查,我国约有500万白内障失明患者。白内障复明手术已列为残疾人三项康复任务之一[1]。白内障囊外摘除人工晶体植入术是目前治疗白内障行之有效的手术方法,它克服了以往白内障手术后服配戴眼镜、视物狭窄等缺点,具有易被自身组织吸收不产生排斥的特点。我科自1995年10月至1998年10月开展此项手术共46例68只眼,由于我们对术前后各项护理工作认真、细致,患者对治疗护理效果满意,现将体会总结如下。1临床资料本组共46例68只眼,男27例,女19例,最小年龄1岁半,最大年龄81岁,45~81岁39例,占总数85%。其中外伤…  相似文献   

浙江省1987至2006年白内障患病趋势评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 评价浙江省1987至2006年白内障患病趋势及防盲治盲效果.方法 采用浙江省1987年、2006年残疾人普查数据、浙江省残疾人联合会防盲治盲数据库、浙江省防盲治盲办公室1987-2006年有关初级眼保健和防盲治盲工作的规划、计划、总结报告及会议纪要等资料进行统计分析.结果 2006年浙江省范围内对双眼盲与低视力者进行的流行病学分层随机抽样调查结果显示,共调查95 392人,其中盲人255例,患病率2.67%o;低视力患者567例,患病率5.94‰.白内障患病率为7.35‰,女性高于男性(x2=81.66,P<0.01).由白内障致盲占盲人的58.86%,低视力患者中63.79%为白内障所致.与1987年第一次残疾人调查结果比较显示,盲患病率略有降低,但差异无统计学意义(x2=0.384,P=0.535),而低视力患病率却显示明显增加(x2=32.434,P<0.01).两次调查结果都显示了白内障占致残原因的第一位.结论 白内障仍是导致盲与低视力的主要原因,防盲治盲工作虽然取得一定成效,但随着我省人口老龄化的加剧,白内障患者将继续增加,防盲治盲任务更加艰巨.  相似文献   

白内障是视力障碍和致盲的主要眼病之一。我国白内障致盲占25.8%。我省盲目和低视力流行病学调查结果,白内障双眼盲有17万人。按我省现有力量为他们之一眼施行复明手术,需要43年。加上现有双眼低视力患者的一只盲眼中的30万例白  相似文献   

根据全国残疾人抽样调查手册全疆随机抽样调查了30 896人,包括儿童11391人,查出听力语言残疾471人,包括综合残疾110人,占调查总人数的1.52%(文中称现残率)。儿童78人,现残率0.68%。按1986年人口数推算,全疆仅听力语言残疾人16.2万,其中儿童2.2万。通过分析残疾人的民族、地区分布特点及致残病因表明:残疾人中维吾尔族、柯尔克孜族现残率明显高于其它民族;先天残疾中,因家族遗传/近亲结婚致残率高于其它病因,后天残疾中因高烧疾病、双中耳炎、药物中毒致残率高。  相似文献   

<正>白内障致盲目前在我国仍是致盲原因的首位,白内障盲的防治任重道远,特别是在经济欠发达地区白内障病人的复明手术更是一个重要的课题。本文随机选取2008-10Y2010-10我院与呼和浩特市残疾人联合会、赛罕区第二医院合作完成白内障复明手术100例,分别采取中切口非超声乳化白内障手术与无缝线带灌注白内障囊外摘除术(SLIMCE)联合人工晶体植入术各50例,对两种手术方式的效果进行比较,对其并发症进行分析,以  相似文献   

采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)对140例肢体残疾成年人和140例非残疾人进行了心理健康状况的配对调查研究,结果表明:肢体残疾成年人在总分和十个因子分均高于非残疾人,说明心理健康水平低于非残疾人。分年龄组比较发现这种差异随着年龄的增大而减小。按职业、婚姻分组婚姻和职业对残疾人心理健康有保护作用,可提高心理健康水平,减轻抑郁、恐怖等不良情绪。按人格特征分型比较显示,性格外向、情绪稳定者,心理健康水平  相似文献   

我国历来把提高人口素质、保证下一代健康成长,作为一件大事来抓。但由于种种原因,造成一些婴儿先天性残疾,严重影响了人口素质,给社会增添了负担,也给生养这些残疾儿的家庭背上了一个本来是可以避免的包袱。全国抽样调查结果推算,残疾人占总人口的4.9%,其中听力语言残疾人约为1770万,智力残疾人约为1017万,肢体残疾人约为755  相似文献   

近年来,随着社会的发展,民生问题的突显,我国政府越来越重视公众的医疗保障问题,且专门针对农村,城镇等地开展了不同规划适宜的医疗保障,医疗救助活动,成效甚好。然而,在医疗保障制度如火如荼的进行中,城市弱势群体的医疗保障活动却更加吸引了群众,学者,政府的关注。本文就职能定位及转变的视角来阐述城市弱势群体医疗保障中的政府职能。  相似文献   

As evidenced by the Latino Health Task Force Report, Latinos living in North Carolina face numerous challenges when seeking healthcare services. Those of us who have had the privilege to serve Latinos in clinics and hospitals have been witnesses to the drama that unfolds every day for these families. Navigating through our healthcare system can be a very taxing process for Latino immigrants. In order to fully understand these difficulties, sometimes it's best to let the people tell their story. It is with this thought in mind that we bring you this commentary piece. María and Jesús live in North Carolina. María tells her story to a nurse who speaks Spanish. Although these characters are entirely fictional, the events described here--and many others like them--have taken place all across the state and the country. Any similarities to actual people living or deceased is purely coincidental.  相似文献   

Driving and epilepsy. A review and reappraisal   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A Krumholz  R S Fisher  R P Lesser  W A Hauser 《JAMA》1991,265(5):622-626
Driving and epilepsy is a problem that involves physicians as both care providers to patients and consultants to regulatory authorities. Driving restrictions for people with seizure disorders are intended to ensure the public's safety, but such restrictions may unduly harm the welfare of many people with seizures. In the United States, all states now permit some people with epilepsy to drive. In general, only people whose seizures are adequately controlled are licensed to drive. Adequate control has been judged principally by the seizure-free interval, but individual state standards widely vary. There is a trend toward greater liberalization of driving standards for people with seizure disorders, but the appropriateness and application of these standards continue to raise questions, as does the role physicians should have in the licensing process. Our responsibilities to persons with disabilities and advances in our understanding of seizures and the nature of driving risks warrant a reappraisal of the current medical, legal, and social implications of driving and epilepsy.  相似文献   

FiIteen years bave passed since the 8th National Surgical Conference convened iri 1963. These fifteen years have been very eventfulin China. VVe have gone through the unprecedented proletarian cultural revolu- tion, Lin Piao and the "gang of four's ciid immense damage to our culture, education, science and technology. However, the political consciousness of the Chinese people, surgical workers included, had been greatly heighterwd so that they were able tc) wage struggles successfully against these evil forces. At present, our situation is excellent. Millions of people rally closely round the Central Com- 'tnittee of the Chinese Communist Party, headed by Chairman Hua Kuo-feng, and are making every effort for tbP. realization of t.he general tasks of the new period. The 9th National Surgical Conference is being helci at an opportune time. Reviewing the past and summing Lip our experience at this juncturewill benefit the future development of our work in surgery.  相似文献   

黄连素治疗2型糖尿病机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
糖尿病作为当今世界严重威胁人类健康的非传染性疾病之一,及其随之带来的严重并发症,越来越受到人们的关注。在美国,糖尿病已被列入十大杀手之一,在我国,糖尿病患病率也逐年上升,加之中国庞大的人口基数,使我国背负着极大地糖尿病负担。而现有糖尿病药物多靶点单一,容易耐药,副作用比较大,不甚理想。因此,寻找一种安全有效、副作用小、多靶点治疗糖尿病的药物迫在眉睫,近年来发现中药黄连素有不错的降糖作用,因而很多学者把目光聚集在了黄连素上。  相似文献   

Australia is one of the healthiest countries in the world, although we have a long way to go before the health of Indigenous Australians matches that of the population as a whole. In 1999-2000, the Commonwealth Government spent 8.5% of GDP on healthcare, ranking our health spending among the highest in the world. By contrast, many people living in our region are burdened by emerging epidemics, such as HIV/AIDS, diseases associated with economic and industrial development, and problems of communicable disease and nutritional deficiencies. For decades, many Australians have been working towards improving health in these developing countries by providing their knowledge and expertise. While the financial resources for healthcare are largely the responsibility of individual national governments, the international system plays an important role in assisting developing countries to improve their health standards. From our own experiences of working with AusAID and the World Health Organization on two projects to eradicate iodine-deficiency disorders in China and Tibet, we illustrate how health professionals can work with international aid agencies to deliver healthcare and make a difference to the lives of people in developing countries.  相似文献   

The morbidity and mortality rates of car- diovascular diseases have been on steady increase in recent years in China. Much emphasis and effort have been instituted by our government and the medical profession since the First National Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases in 1959. The main targets of health measures and research have been focused on hypertension, coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke and pulmonary heart disease (PHD), as these are the main causes of cardiovascular mortality and morbidity of the people. Our main activities include the follow- ing aspects.  相似文献   

The importance of possible adverse effects on renal function of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs has been widely discussed. Elderly people have been thought to be particularly at risk. We therefore studied simple indices of renal function and plasma potassium in 54 patients with a mean age of 85 years, 27 taking these drugs and 27 controls. Twenty five of our 54 patients were also taking diuretics. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs did not affect renal function or plasma potassium in these patients.  相似文献   

General survey of hypertension has been carried out in our country for three times. The last time was in 1999,with the result showing that in our country the incidence of hypertension among people over 15 years old was 11.26%. The incidence has been raised by 25%in the recent decade, and from these data it was assumed that there are over one hundred million hypertensive patients in our country at present.  相似文献   

Each year, a large percentage of people change their physicians and other individual healthcare providers (IHPs). Many of these people have difficulty identifying a replacement they like. To help people find satisfactory IHPs who are likely to be good at managing their health issues and serve their needs well, in a previous paper we proposed a high-level framework for building a personalized search tool for IHPs. There are many issues regarding designing a personalized search tool for IHPs, of which only a small portion are mentioned in our previous paper. This paper surveys various such issues that are not covered in our previous paper. We include some preliminary thoughts on how to address these issues with the hope to stimulate future research work on the new topic of personalized search for IHPs.  相似文献   

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