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浅谈如何开展本科生临床肿瘤学教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医学发展及医学模式的转换,迫切需要开展医学生临床肿瘤学教学,制定合理的教学大纲,编写适合本科生的教材是搞好教学工作的前提。在教学实施过程中,注重提高授课质量,充实见习内容,采取多样性的考评 办法是提高教学质量的关键环节。  相似文献   

目前随着医学模式的转变,我国医学教育体制正从应试教育向素质教育转变,要求未来的医生不仅具备广泛、扎实的医学基础理论、临床实践技能,还必须同时具备很好的人文精神和崇高的职业道德。肿瘤专业医学教育是医学教育领域的重要分支,面对全球恶性肿瘤的高发趋势,对高素质肿瘤专业医学人才的迫切需求,本文分析肿瘤学临床实习阶段医学生人文教育的现状,探讨如何在临床实习阶段融入人文教育,以培养出适应社会及肿瘤治疗新模式的合格的医学人才。  相似文献   

李洪涛  刘元  陈晨  高威 《中国卫生产业》2020,(3):159-160,163
目的探讨Sandwich教学法在临床肿瘤学中的教学效果以及应用价值。方法按照分层整群抽样原则选取164名学生,按照班级随机分组,其中82名学生作为观察组,应用Sandwich教学法方式进行临床肿瘤学教学,另外82名学生利用传统教学方式进行临床肿瘤学教学,作为对照组。定期考核两组学生学习和掌握情况。结果观察组82例学生理论成绩与对照组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),总体考核分数上明显优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组82名学生综合能力考核中具体评分明显优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 Sandwich教学法在临床肿瘤学教学中对提高学生的学习效率有显著作用,值得推广。  相似文献   

1加强医德教育 培养人文精神 1.1医德教育的重要性医学是维护生命和促进健康的科学。随着市场化进程加快,人们对效益原则的片面追求和科学技术的急剧膨胀,挤占了人性的伸展,医学人文精神在流失,如果医学失去道德本质,违背治病救人的准则,医学就不成其为医学。因此,必须大力加强医德教育,要树立以病人为中心,热爱生命,抛弃唯技术至上的观点,注重人文精神的培养。医务工作者必须具备人文素质,尤其在肿瘤学教育中,这种人文精神培养尤为重要^[1]。  相似文献   

目的:分析肿瘤学专业学生的人文素养及教育现状,探索肿瘤学专业学生医学人文素养的培养路径。方法:结合医疗卫生服务的现实需求,分析提升肿瘤学专业学生医学人文素养的必要性,探讨培养肿瘤学专业医学生的医学人文能力的路径。结果:鉴于肿瘤学专业的特殊性和复杂性,对肿瘤学专业医学人才开展人文教育提出了更高的要求。结论:提升肿瘤学专业学生人文素养的路径主要包括:1.拓展课程设置,转变教学理念;2.改变考核方式,教学课程考核中引入实践内容;3.调整教学模式,改善教学环境;4.营造具有人文气息的实习环境;5.在临床实践中,融入医学人文理念。  相似文献   

为配合我国肿瘤防治工作的快速发展,为从事临床肿瘤医疗、科研、教学和预防工作的医务人员和相关专业的学者提供肿瘤诊治的规范参考书,由中南大学和清华大学为主的肿瘤专家、学者集体编著的《临床肿瘤学教程》已由湖南科技出版社出版。此书以审视前沿的视角,跟踪临床肿瘤学研究的主要领域和各种治疗手段与方法的进展,同时,突出了临床常见肿瘤的诊疗路径和诊疗规范。  相似文献   

1987年,姑息医学在英国被认为是临床医学的一个分支。当时的定义是:“姑息医学的对象是进展的和预后不佳的晚期肿瘤患者,处理目标主要是提高患者的生活质量。”此后,由于姑息医学并不仅仅是医师进行“治疗”,而是需要包括医师、护士、社会工作者、自愿工作者等组成的团队完成,所以称为“处理”  相似文献   

刘兰 《现代保健》2008,(34):130-130
检验医学是临床诊断的重要组成部分,它对疾病的诊断,疗效、预后判断和健康评价有着十分重要的意义。如何加强临床实验生物安全管理是近年来检验医学领域的一个重要课题。笔者所在科室为了加强实验室生物管理,结合科室实际情况具体做了以下工作。  相似文献   

近年来,恶性肿瘤已经呈现出迅猛发展的趋势。尽管目前我国肿瘤专业的基础和临床研究取得了前所未有的进步,但是,在临床教学和人才培养工作上却存在严重滞后和不足的现象。因此,培养一位能够担当或者挑战肿瘤诊疗领域的合格医生,需要教师不懈的努力和探索。本文将对临床肿瘤学教育的重要性以及肿瘤学研究生教学的多方面问题进行一一阐述。1临床肿瘤学教育的重要性2014年2月3日,世界卫生组织发表了《全球癌症报告  相似文献   

随着医学模式转变为生物-心理-社会医学模式,健康观念、医学观念发生了改变,要求医学体系和医学教育模式发生转变,临床研究生的培养也就临着严峻挑战。人文素质、科学素养的培育以及循证医学等资源有效整合成为解决问题的关键。  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Undergraduate medical education in the UK has changed considerably over the last decade. One development has involved the creation of teaching-specific posts for junior doctors by medical schools. These posts are generally termed 'clinical teaching fellowships', but it is not known how many of them exist, or whether they are similar in terms of educational activities, professional development, and research and clinical experience opportunities. METHODS: Teaching deans in all UK medical schools were sent a questionnaire relating to clinical teaching fellowships, and were asked to distribute a second set of different questionnaires to their clinical teaching fellows, which were to be returned to the authors separately. RESULTS: A total of 28 deans and 46 fellows responded. Fifteen medical schools had clinical teaching fellows and there appeared to be a total of 77 such posts in the UK. There was little uniformity in the activities undertaken within the posts. Deans who employed clinical teaching fellows were unanimously positive regarding the posts. Fellows were generally positive but expressed reservations relating to approval for postgraduate training, career development, deterioration in clinical skills, financial disincentives, credibility within one's own specialty, and provision of training and support. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical teaching fellow posts are generally enjoyed by fellows and valued by deans. Fellows carry out differing duties and their training in medical education is variable. The posts can be unstructured and may lack credibility to doctors outside medical education. Providing specific structured training in medical education, recognised at a national level, would help deal with these concerns.  相似文献   

新形势下,我国高等医学院校的医德教育面临困境.文章从分析当前高等医学院校医德教育面临的困境入手,分析其原因,并结合实际,探索将“无形”渗透与“有声”教育结合起来,形成“大医精诚无形,医德教育有声”的医德教育新局面.  相似文献   

The teaching of communication skills in United Kingdom medical schools   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A survey was carried out of the teaching of communication skills in medical schools in the United Kingdom during the academic year 1989/90. Comparison with previous surveys shows a considerable development over the last 10 years. Departments of psychiatry and general practice continue to play a major part in such teaching. There was wide variation in educational objectives and in the curricular time available. Concern is expressed about the methods of assessment and the degree of integration between departments. Future plans and the perceived barriers are reported and the implications discussed.  相似文献   

医学是一门实践性很强的科学,临床见习是临床教学中的重要组成部分,是医学生接触病人、从单纯课堂教学步入临床实践的重要环节。南通大学附属肿瘤医院是全国范围内较早地开展了肿瘤学教学的医院,肿瘤内科学临床实习教学工作对于学生提高肿瘤内科学理论知识与实践能力具有重要意义。本文就实习前的准备、知识积累、能力及医德素质培养几个方面浅谈体会。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although doctor--patient communication is important in health care, medical specialists are generally not well trained in communication skills. Conventional training programmes are generally time consuming and hard to fit into busy working schedules of medical specialists. A computer-assisted instruction (CAI) programme was developed -- 'Interact-Cancer' -- which is a time-efficient learning method and easily accessible at the workplace. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of the CAI training, 'Interact-Cancer', on the communication behaviour of medical specialists, and on satisfaction of patients about their physician interaction. DESIGN: Consultations of medical specialists with cancer outpatients were videotaped at 4 specific stages, 2 before and 2 after Interact-Cancer, with intervals of 4 weeks. PATIENTS/PARTICIPANTS: Participants were 21 medical specialists, mainly internists, working in 7 hospitals, and 385 cancer outpatients. METHODS: Communication behaviour was assessed on 23 observation categories derived from the course content. Frequencies were rated as well as judgements about the quality of the performance of each target skill. Satisfaction was measured by the Medical Interview Satisfaction Scale. Data were analyzed by means of multilevel statistical methods. RESULTS: The behavioural assessment showed course effects on ratings of the physicians' quality of performance. No course effects were found on the frequencies of physicians' behaviours and on the patient satisfaction ratings. CONCLUSIONS: CAI is a promising method to supply medical specialists with postgraduate training of communication skills. The application of judgement ratings of communication behaviour proved to be valuable to evaluate course effects in real-life patient encounters.  相似文献   

临床医学院开展医学伦理学教育的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在对医学伦理学概念及其内涵界定的基础上,立足于国内外医学伦理学教育的现状,分析了临床医学院开展医学伦理学教学的必要性,并进一步探讨了如何在临床医学院开展医学伦理学教育,认为临床医学院医学伦理学教育应结合医德教育有重点、分层次推进的模式进行。  相似文献   

借助现代信息技术促进教学工作,研制开发一套能体现临床医学院特点的教学管理信息系统,十分重要和必要。临床医学院教学管理信息系统的建立,旨在解决课程表、轮转表及其他教学文书的自动生成,对学生和任课老师的管理和考评更具有规范性、合理性和科学性,减少盲目性、随意性,有效控制误课、停课、调课,从而提高工作效率,更有效地保证和提高临床教学质量。  相似文献   

The examination for membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians has a high failure rate despite intensive clinical coaching provided by many postgraduate courses. One of the main difficulties appears to be the failure of candidates to identify specific shortcomings in their clinical behaviour. In this study videorecording was used as a method of self-appraisal enabling the candidate to identify strengths and weaknesses. The evidence from the study suggests that self-appraisal by videorecording should be used as an adjunct to clinical instruction.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Many medical schools have drawn up lists of basic clinical skills that students are required to have mastered at the end of medical training. To determine whether undergraduate students actually perform these basic clinical skills during clerkships and whether different approaches to skills training led to different results, we surveyed 365 final-year medical students in 1996 and 1997. METHOD: A questionnaire containing items on 265 skills in eight body systems was administered to students from two conventional medical schools (Ghent and Antwerp, Belgium), and one Dutch medical school, Maastricht, which offers a problem-based curriculum and systematic skills training. RESULTS: Although quite a few skills were not performed by Maastricht students, the results of this school compared favourably to those of the Ghent and Antwerp medical schools. Significant differences between Ghent and Antwerp were found for surgery, paediatrics and gynaecology/obstetrics. In the non-obligatory clerkships in dermatology, otorhinolaryngology and ophthalmology a great percentage of skills were not performed. CONCLUSIONS: The main conclusion is that all three medical schools cannot rely on clerkship experiences alone to provide adequate basic skills training. A problem-based learning environment and training in a skills laboratory appear to result in students performing more skills during clerkships. Assessment of clinical skills, obligatory clerkships in specialties and general practice, and continuous monitoring of the quality of clerkships may also be strong determinants of the present findings.  相似文献   

Recent perspectives on clinical teaching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Clinical teaching is part of a doctor's professional life, whether it takes place in surgeries, clinics or in hospitals, with undergraduates, postgraduate trainees or colleagues. Learning to teach well means questioning the effectiveness of some of the old teaching methods, exploring new ideas and trying out new methods in different situations. It means collaborating more closely with colleagues and learners about developing and implementing new approaches to medical education. This paper is the first of an occasional series of articles about the practical aspects of clinical teaching. The articles have the following characteristics: they explore contemporary themes in medical and health care education; they use up-to-date references; they are a quick and easy resource for busy teachers; they explore new ideas about teaching and learning, and they provide a reference list of relevant papers. This article deals with recent ideas about clinical teachers' knowledge and roles, teaching and organizational strategies, and the measurement of teaching effectiveness.  相似文献   

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