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Apolipoprotein (apo) E has been discussed as a marker for cardiovascular risk, but information about lipid traits in healthy individuals having one of the rare apoE genotypes (ε4/ε2, ε2/ε2 or ε4/ε4) is scarce. Our work was designed to answer the following questions: 1. Are the allelic effects of ε2 and ε4 on lipid traits additive or dominant? 2. If there is additivity, do the allelic effects of ε2 and ε4 have the same magnitude? 3. Are the allelic effects neutralised in ε4/ε2 individuals who are under the influence of both rare alleles? Allelic effects on apoB and apoE serum levels were codominant. Allelic models are thus not adequate to study the influence of apoE polymorphism on these traits. Allelic effects were additive for total cholesterol, LDL-C, HDL-C and apoAI, with ε2 having a greater impact than ε4. Serum levels differed significantly between ε4/ε2 and ε3/ε3 individuals only for apoE (p < 0ε001) and for apoB (p < 0ε05).  相似文献   

The common apolipoprotein E (APOE) alleles ε2, ε3, and ε4 are associated with the risk of dementia and cardiovascular disease. Recently, two functional variants (? 219G/T and ?491A/T) were identified in the promoter of the APOE gene that enable a further characterization of the role of the APOE locus in disease. We investigated the contribution of these APOE gene variants to dementia and cardiovascular mortality in old age using a population‐based cohort of 648 subjects aged 85 years and over (Leiden 85‐Plus Study). Genotypes containing an APOE ε4 allele were associated with a 4.1‐fold (95% CI, 2.2–7.7) increased risk of dementia as compared to the ε3/ε3 genotype in old subjects. Moreover, homozygosity for the ?219T allele was found to be associated with a 2.4‐fold (95% CI, 1.0–5.8) increased risk independently of ε2 and ε4; the ?491A/T variant was not associated with dementia. Over a 10‐year follow‐up period, the risk of cardiovascular mortality was not increased among ε4 carriers (RR, 0.6; 95% CI, 0.4–1.0) or ?219T homozygous subjects (RR, 1.1; 95% CI, 0.7–1.7), nor did it decrease among ?491T homozygous subjects (RR, 1.4; 95% CI, 0.6–3.1). In conclusion, both the APOE ε2/ε3/ε4 and the ?219G/T variant were identified as risk factors for dementia but not cardiovascular mortality in old age. Our results support the hypothesis that both the isoform and the amount of APOE may influence the risk of dementia. Furthermore, they emphasize that variation at the APOE locus has a higher impact on the risk of dementia than on the risk of cardiovascular disease in old age. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper is a review of a recent findings on the pathology of hippocampal interneurons in schizophrenia, with specific emphasis on a protein expressed by these cells, the α7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit. Convergent information indicates that interneurons in the hippocampus and other forebrain structures are decreased in number and function in subjects with schizophrenia. Among the neurochemical markers that are decreased in the hippocampus are synapsin I, cholecystokinin, somatostatin, glutamic acid decarboxylase, and nitric oxide synthase. GABA uptake sites and the GABA synthetic enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase are also diminished. Included among these findings is decreased binding of α-bungarotoxin, which binds to low-affinity nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, such as the α7-nicotinic receptor. Co-labeling experiments in rodents indicate that these markers are expressed on overlapping populations of hippocampal interneurons. Thus, the finding of decreased neurochemical function of hippocampal interneurons is a widely replicated finding, with different groups reporting markedly similar findings using independent post mortem samples and different neurochemical strategies. Decreased α-bungarotoxin binding or decreased α7-nicotinic receptor immunoreactivity has also been found in the frontal cortex and in the nucleus reticularis thalami of schizophrenic subjects. The α7-nicotinic receptor subunit gene on chromosome 15q14 is a site of heritability for schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder, and in, particular, for a deficit in inhibitory neuronal function associated with these illnesses. Thus, the post mortem data are further supported by psychophysiologic and genetic investigations that indicate a deficit in inhibitory interneuronal function, involving the α7-nicotinic receptor. The α7-receptor is a ligand-gated ion channel that admits calcium ions into cells, and it has been proposed to have various developmental roles. Its malfunction may be part of the developmental pathogenesis of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

During fetal development, early thymocyte progenitors transiently express low affinity Fc receptors for IgG (FcγR) of both FcγRII and III isoforms. Only the FcγRIII isoform requires association of an FcγRIII (CD16) α subunit with an FcϵRIγ homodimer for surface expression. To address the role of FcγR in ontogeny, we studied thymic development in FcϵRIγ−/− mice. We find that day 14.5 CD4CD8 double-negative (DN) fetal thymocytes of FcϵRIγ−/− mice express mRNA of both FcγRIIb1 and FcγRIII. Surface expression of FcγRII/III is readily detected on these cells. It appears that FcγRIIb1, whose surface expression is FcϵRIγ independent, replaces FcγRIII during thymic development in these animals. Moreover, subsequent development into CD4+CD8+ double-positive and CD4+CD8 and CD4CD8+ single-positive subsets appears normal even in the absence of FcϵRIγ. However, alterations were noted in adult animals among the DN αβ TCR+ thymocytes and peripheral splenic DN T cells as well as CD8αα+ intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (iIEL). In contrast to conventional T lymphocytes, which do not express either FcγRIII or FcϵRIγ, DN αβ TCR+ thymocytes and extrathymically derived αβ TCR+ and γδ TCR+ CD8αα+β iIEL express TCR which incorporate FcϵRIγ as one of their subunits. Consistent with this, the TCR levels of these cells are lower than the TCR levels on cells from wild-type C57BL/6 mice. Despite the reduction in the level of surface TCR, the development of these cells was unaltered by the absence of FcϵRIγ. Thus, we observed alterations in adult DN αβ TCR+ thymocytes, splenic DN αβ TCR+ and DN γδ TCR+ large granular lymphocytes (LGL), and αβ TCR+ and γδ TCR+ CD8αα+β iIEL, but no detectable changes in their major fetal thymic developmental pathways. Cultivation of peripheral DN αβ TCR+ and DN γδ TCR+ cells from FcϵRIγ−/− mice with interleukin-2 generates LGL which mediate natural killer activity. Unlike LGL from wild-type C57BL/6 mice, LGL from FcϵRIγ−/− mice lack FcγRIII expression and could not mediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity through FcγRIII.  相似文献   

Current models of lymphocyte traffic suggest that homing specificities of T cells to tissues such as skin are generated outside the thymus as a result of activation of naive T cells by antigen in lymph nodes. Virgin T cells are thought to home to high endothelial venules in lymph nodes, but are thought to be unable to home to extra-lymphoid tissues such as skin. We used the technique of in situ labeling of the thymus with fluorescein isothiocyanate to examine the homing specificities of authentically naive T cells in vivo, immediately after their export from the thymus. We report that homing specificities for skin as well as lymph node are imprinted on T cells inside the thymus, independent of antigen. We also show that both αβ and γδ emigrant T cells exhibit homing patterns to skin and lymph nodes which are identical to those of mature T cells. Our findings demonstrate a key role for the thymus in the induction of skin-homing specificities on T cells indicating that skin-homing specificities of T cells are not generated solely outside the thymus as a result of the activation of virgin T cells by antigen. The migration of thymic emigrants to extra-lymphoid tissues within a few hours of leaving the thymus may have implications for mechanisms of peripheral self-tolerance. This pathway provides an opportunity for direct virgin T cell interactions with self components only expressed in the periphery at a time when emigrants may be more susceptible to tolerance induction than mature circulating T cells.  相似文献   

γδ cells are attractive candidates for mediators of autoimmune disease. They can expand in germ-free mice, probably through recognition of autoantigens, and γδ-cell-deficient mice, unlike mice deficient in αβ T cells or B cells, show no severe defects in the immune response to foreign antigen challenge. A capacity of γδ cells to effect or regulate tissue damage is also plausible, given their ready localization to tissues, and their myriad of effector functions. Added to this, attempts to reconstruct the physiological course of autoimmune diseases with only autoreactive αβ T cells seem invariably to fall short for lack of other unidentified players. γδ cells and their putative ligands have been linked to autoimmune conditions, and recent experiments confirm that γδ cells play a significant role in autoimmune disease in vivo.  相似文献   

T‐cell development depends upon interactions between thymocytes and thymic epithelial cells (TECs). The engagement of delta‐like 4 (DL4) on TECs by Notch1 expressed by blood‐borne BM‐derived precursors is essential for T‐cell commitment in the adult thymus. In contrast to the adult, the earliest T‐cell progenitors in the embryo originate in the fetal liver and migrate to the nonvascularized fetal thymus via chemokine signals. Within the fetal thymus, some T‐cell precursors undergo programmed TCRγ and TCRδ rearrangement and selection, giving rise to unique γδ T cells. Despite these fundamental differences between fetal and adult T‐cell lymphopoiesis, we show here that DL4‐mediated Notch signaling is essential for the development of both αβ and γδ T‐cell lineages in the embryo. Deletion of the DL4 gene in fetal TECs results in an early block in αβ T‐cell development and a dramatic reduction of all γδ T‐cell subsets in the fetal thymus. In contrast to the adult, no dramatic deviation of T‐cell precursors to alternative fates was observed in the fetal thymus in the absence of Notch signaling. Taken together, our data reveal a common requirement for DL4‐mediated Notch signaling in fetal and adult thymopoiesis.  相似文献   

Two subpopulations of human T lymphocytes expressing different antigen receptors, α / β and γ / δ, emigrate into inflamed tissues in distinctive patterns. We compared the transmigration of α / β and γ / δ T cells to C-C and C-X-C chemokines using an in vitro transendothelial chemotaxis assay. The C-C chemokines monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, RANTES, macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1α and MIP-1β stimulated similar, dose-dependent chemotaxis of purified γ / δ T cells, whereas MCP-1, RANTES, and MIP-1α pro duced greater chemotaxis of purified α / β T cells than MIP-1β. In contrast, the C-X-C chemokines interleukin (IL)-8 and interferon-γ inducible protein-10 (IP-10) did not promote chemotaxis of either α / β or γ / δ T cells. Three γ / δ T cell clones with differing CD4 and CD8 phenotypes also migrated exclusively to C-C chemokines. Phenotypic analysis of mononuclear cells that transmigrated from an input population of unfractionated peripheral blood mono nuclear cells confirmed the results with purified γ / δ T cells. Our data demonstrate that human peripheral blood α / β and γ / δ T cells can transmigrate to MCP-1, RANTES, MIP-1α, and MIP-1β, and suggest that both T lymphocyte subpopulations share the capacity to emigrate in response to C-C chemokines during inflammation.  相似文献   

The effect of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) on the synthesis, assembly and processing of the components of the T cell receptor (TcR) was studied with special focus on the CD3ω chain. Treatment of the human leukemic T cell line Jurkat with PMA increased the synthesis of the Tiα, CD3γ and CD3ζ chains two-to threefold and the synthesis of Tiβ and CD35δεω complexes five- to sevenfold as assessed by metabolic labeling, immunoprecipitation and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by scanning densitometry. The amount of total assembled TcR complexes increased approximately threefold and the maturation of the TcR was not affected as determined by analysis of oligosaccharide side chain processing in the Golgi apparatus. Activation of Jurkat cells with anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody, calcium ionophore, or mitogenic lectins did not affect the synthesis of the TcR components. In other cells studied (the human leukemic T cell line CEM, a panel of variants of the Jurkat T cell line and peripheral blood mononuclear cells) PMA also increased the synthesis of the TcR components. However, for all cell lines studied the amount of TcR complexes expressed on the cell surface was decreased after 16 h of PMA treatment. Based on these results we propose a role of CD3ω in retention of TcR complexes. From PMA-treated CEM cells more than 50-fold the amount of CD3δεω complexes was immunoprecipitated as compared to the amount obtained from untreated Jurkat cells, and these observations indicate that the CEM cell line may be a qualified candidate for purification of CD3ω.  相似文献   

We have compared the expression of CD45RA on αβ and γδ T cells emigrating from the fetal and postnatal thymus. The fetal and postnatal thymus export both CD45RA+ and CD45RA- T cells. The number of γδ+CD45RA+ T cells was remarkably constant regardless of stage of ontogeny or T cell maturity. Around 5--8% of γδ thymic emigrants, thymocytes and peripheral blood lymphocytes expressed CD45RA in both fetal and postnatal animals. In contrast to γδ T cells, up to one quarter of both fetal and postnatal αβ emigrants expressed CD45RA. Post-thymic maturation of CD45RA expression on αβ emigrants, which occurred both before and after birth, appeared to be antigen independent.  相似文献   

A novel monoclonal antibody, 2E7, was shown by immunoprecipitation to be reactive with the αIELβ7 integrin and was employed to analyze the expression of this integrin in lymphocyte subsets and during T cell ontogeny. In adult lymph nodes, αIEL was expressed at low levels by 40–70% of CD8+ T cells and < 5% of CD4+ T cells. However, virtually all intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes and ?20% of lamina propria CD4+ T cells were 2E7+, indicating a preferential expression of this integrin on mucosal T cells. Examination of αIEL integrin expression during thymus ontogeny revealed that ?3–5% of fetal or adult thymocytes were 2E7+. Interestingly, early in fetal thymus ontogeny, ?40% of 2E7+ cells expressed T cell receptor (TcR)-γδ and this subset persisted through birth. A developmental switch occurred such that 2E7+ TcR? CD4?8+ cells detected on fetal day 19 were followed by 2E7+ TcR-αβ CD4?8+ cells in the neonatal thymus. The latter population persisted throughout thymus ontogeny into adulthood. Interestingly, a subset of TcR-γδ Vγ3+ day 16 fetal thymocyte dendritic epidermal cell (DEC) precursors were 2E7+, but all mature DEC expressed high levels of αIEL integrin, suggesting that the αIEL integrin was acquired late in DEC maturation. This possibility was strenghthened by immunohistochemical localization of the majority of 2E7+ γδ and αβ T cells to the medullary regions of the thymus. Overall, the results demonstrate a developmentally ordered expression pattern of the αIELβ7 integrin that suggests a common function for this integrin during TcR-γδ and -αβ CD4?8+ T cell thymocyte development or perhaps in effector functions for these subsets.  相似文献   

Copolycondensation of ε-caprolactone (CL) and δ-valerolactone (VL) was performed in the presence and absence of phosphoric acid, in order to clarify the competition between the ring-opening reaction of lactones and the polycondensation of linear compounds produced by this reaction. The gel permeation chromatography data showed that the monomer peaks remained in the system even after 7 h from start of the reaction when polymerized in the absence of phosphoric acid and, on the contrary, in the presence of phosphoric acid the peaks disappear perfectly within 1 h. The weight-average molecular weights (M?w) of poly(CL-co-VL), obtained by copolycondensation with and without phosphoric acid at 200°C for 1 h, were approximately 540 and 8900, suggesting that phosphoric acid markedly accelerates not only the rate of ring-opening but also the rate of copolycondensation. On the other hand, the biodegradation of the copolyesters obtained is characterized by the action of a lipase-type enzyme, showing a typical parabolic-type degradation pattern.  相似文献   

The thymus plays an essential role in the generation and selection of T cells and exports approximately 0.5–1% of thymocytes per day in young animals and considerably fewer in older animals. To date there have been no studies directly examining fetal thymic export in any species. Using the technique of intrathymic injection of fluorescein isothiocyanate, followed by an assay for green fluorescent cells in the periphery and for the expression of cell surface antigens on these cells, we have compared directly the export of T cells from the fetal and postnatal ovine thymus. While the thymus exports both αβ and γδ T cells, our results demonstrate that the proportion of thymic γδ T cells that are exported per day is much higher than that of thymic αβ T cells. Moreover, the export rate of γδ T cells increased from approximately 1 in every 60 γδ thymocytes per day emigrating from the fetal thymus to 1 in every 20 from the postnatal thymus. In addition, we identify a population of CD5+CD4?CD8?γδ? T cells emigrating from the fetal thymus but greatly reduced among thymic emigrants after birth. These findings have several implications regarding the mechanisms and control of selection of both γδ and αβ T cells.  相似文献   

γδT cells function as sentinels in early host responses to infections and malignancies. Previously, we found ectopically expressed human MutS homologue 2 (hMSH2), recognized by γδT cells, triggered a γδT cell‐mediated cytolysis to tumor cells. However, the characteristics of hMSH2‐specific γδ Τ cells are not fully understood. In this study, we investigated the complementary determinant region (CDR) 3δ diversity of hMSH2‐specific γδ T cells. We found that the CDR3δ sequences of hMSH2‐specific γδ T cells displayed limited diversity, while the length and germline gene usage showed no differences compared with whole CDR3δ immune repertoire. There are more hydrophilic amino acids in P/N insert of hMSH2‐specific γδ T cells including the more conserved amino acid at the position 97. Our results offer clues to understanding antigen recognition pattern of γδ T cells to stress‐induced hMSH2 of tumor cells and also the mechanism of γδT cell‐mediated tumor immune surveillance.  相似文献   

We have studied the in vitro activation of chicken γδ T cells. Both splenic αβ and γδ T cells obtained from complete Freund's adjuvant-primed chickens proliferated in vitro when stimulated with mycobacterial sonicate or purified protein derivative of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. When CD4+ cells or αβ T cell receptor (TcR)-positive cells were removed, both the proliferation and the blast formation of γδ T cells in response to mycobacterial antigens were abrogated. The response was restored if supernatant from concanavalin A (Con A)-activated lymphocyte cultures (CAS) as a source of helper factors was added together with the specific antigen purified protein derivative. The CD4- or αβ TcR-depleted cells still proliferated in response to Con A, although a decrease of the response was observed. To analyze the γδ T cell response more specifically we stimulated peripheral blood cells with immobilized monoclonal antibodies against T cell receptor. Anti-γδ TcR antibody alone did not induce significant proliferation. When CAS was added together with the anti-γδ TcR monoclonal antibody, a strong proliferation of γδ T cells was observed. In contrast, both Vβ1- and Vβ2-expressing αβ T cells proliferated in vitro in response to stimulation with the relevant anti-TcR monoclonal antibody alone. Depletion of either Vβ1+ or Vβ2+ T cell subset alone had no negative effect on the proliferation or blast formation of γδ T cells stimulated with mycobacterial antigens. Taken together our results suggest that CD4+ αβ T cells (both Vβl- and Vβ2-expressing) play a role in the activation and response of chicken γδ T cells.  相似文献   

Lymphomas with T-cell phenotype represent a heterogeneous group of diseases differing in histopathology, tumour site, and cell origin. They include peripheral T-cell lymphomas (PTCLs) derived from αβ cells, but also some recently recognized entities such as γδ hepatosplenic lymphomas and natural killer (NK) cell lymphomas. Only a few studies have investigated the possibility that at least some PTCLs could be derived from lymphocytes with cytotoxic potential. In order to investigate this possibility, 60 cases of PTCL, including 27 cases expressing the αβ T-cell receptor (TCRαβ), 15 TCRγδ cases and 18 cases expressing neither TCR (TCR silent), as well as 14 cases of NK-cell lymphomas, were studied by immunohistochemistry for the expression of TIA-1, perforin, and granzyme B proteins. Expression of TIA-1 is characteristic of cytotoxic cells regardless of their activation status, whereas expression of perforin and granzymes is highly increased in activated cytotoxic cells and correlates with the induction of cytolytic activity. All NK-cell lymphomas (11 sinonasal, three systemic cases) expressed TIA-1, perforin, and granzyme B in most tumour cells. All γδ PTCLs (15 cases) expressed TIA-1 protein in most tumour cells, with a different cytotoxic antigen profile in hepatosplenic γδ PTCL (TIA-1+, perforin−, granzyme B−) and in non-hepatosplenic γδ PTCLs (three nasal, one skin, one lung), the latter expressing the three cytotoxic proteins. Of the 45 cases of αβ and TCR silent PTCL, 15 (33 per cent) were considered to be derived from cytotoxic lymphocytes with expression of at least one cytotoxic protein (TIA-1, 15/45; perforin, 10/41; granzyme B, 14/38) in tumour cells. This cytotoxic protein expression appeared to be related to the site of localization, since 7/13 (54 per cent) extranodal and only 8/32 (25 per cent) nodal αβ and TCR silent PTCLs expressed TIA-1, and to histology, since this pattern was observed in a proportion of anaplastic (6/8, 75 per cent) and pleomorphic (8/17, 47 per cent) lymphomas, but not in AILD-type NHL (0/16). Taken together, our data suggest that NK-cell lymphomas and non-hepatosplenic γδ PTCLs represent tumours of activated cytotoxic NK cells and γδ T cells, respectively; that hepatosplenic γδ PTCLs represent tumours of non-activated cytotoxic γδ T cells; and that a small proportion of αβ and TCR silent PTCLs, mostly extranodal cases, or nodal anaplastic lymphomas, represent tumours of cytotoxic T cells. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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