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目的比较8点及12点前列腺穿刺活检诊断前列腺癌的价值,分析前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)、前列腺特异性抗原密度(PSAD)及前列腺体积(PV)对前列腺癌检出率(PCDR)的影响。方法回顾性分析260例因PSA异常增高而接受首次直肠超声引导下前列腺穿刺活检的患者相关资料,其中132例患者接受8点穿刺,128例患者接受12点穿刺。结果依据PSA、PV、PSA与PV及PSAD,患者被进一步分组。8点及12点的总的PCDR没有显著的差异,在PV≥45mL、PSA≥10ng/mL且PV≥45mL及0.15ng/(mL·cm3)≤PSAD≤0.25ng/(mL·cm3)组中,12点的PCDR明显高于8点。结论 8点及12点前列腺穿刺总的PCDR没有显著区别(P0.05),但在PV较大同时PSA较高或者PSAD处于中等大小时(0.15~0.25)ng/(mL·cm3),12点的PCDR明显高于8点(P均0.05)。 相似文献
目的:评价直肠指检(DRE)、经直肠超声(TRUS)、游离前列腺特异性抗原/总前列腺特异性抗原(fPSA/t-PSA)、前列腺特异性抗原密度(PSAD)对前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)≤4.0μg/L PCa的诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析1996年4月至2012年12月解放军总医院超声科PSA≤4.0μg/L的前列腺穿刺患者共343例,年龄30~91岁。将患者按PSA含量0.0~1.0μg/L、1.1~2.0μg/L、2.1~3.0μg/L、3.1~4.0μg/L分为4组,评价DRE、TRUS、f-PSA/t-PSA、PSAD在不同PSA水平下PCa患者中的诊断价值,同时按年龄分为5组:≤49岁、50~59岁、60~69岁、70~79岁、≥80岁,评价不同PSA水平下不同年龄患者PCa的检出率。结果:343例患者中,共检出PCa 65例,检出率19.0%。PSA含量0.0~1.0μg/L、1.1~2.0μg/L、2.1~3.0μg/L、3.1~4.0μg/L时PCa的检出率分别为16.28%(21/129)、17.17%(17/99)、21.82%(12/55)、25.00%(15/60)。PSA≤2.0μg/L时,f-PSA/t-PSA比值在PCa和非PCa患者中没有明显差异(P0.05),而PSA2.0μg/L时有明显差异(P0.05)。而PSAD值在PCa组与非PCa组中分别为(0.09±0.16)μg/L/ml、(0.06±0.07)μg/L/ml,没有明显差异(P0.05)。随着PSA含量的升高,PCa的检出率相应升高,各年龄段的检出率没有明显差异(P0.05)。结论:当PSA含量在2.1~4.0μg/L时,若DRE/TRUS异常,则应引起重视,定期随访,监测PSA变化;若f-PSA/t-PSA≤0.15,伴或不伴DRE/TRUS异常,均应该行前列腺穿刺活检,以明确诊断。而对于PSA在0.0~2.0μg/L时,DRE、TRUS、f-PSA/t-PSA比值和PSAD均不能有效诊断PCa。 相似文献
SOO-JEON PARK HIDEAKI MIYAKE ISAO HARA HIROSHI ETO 《International journal of urology》2003,10(2):68-71
BACKGROUND: We analyzed the outcome of repeated transrectal ultrasound (TRUS)-guided systematic prostate biopsy in Japanese men whose clinical findings were suspected of prostate cancer after previous negative biopsies. METHODS: Between January 1993 and March 2002, 1045 patients underwent TRUS-guided prostate biopsy. Among them, 104 patients underwent repeat biopsy due to indications of persistent elevated serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA), abnormal digital rectal examination (DRE) or TRUS, increased PSA velocity, and/or previous suspicious biopsy findings. Several clinicopathological factors were evaluated for their ability to predict the detection of prostate cancer on repeat biopsy. RESULTS: Prostate cancer was detected in 22 of 104 patients (21.2%) who underwent repeat biopsies. PSA concentration and PSA density at both the initial and repeat biopsies, and PSA velocity in men with positive repeat biopsy were significantly greater than those in men with negative repeat biopsy. The incidence of abnormal findings in DRE and TRUS at initial biopsy in men with positive repeat biopsy was also significantly higher than that in men with negative repeat biopsy. However, neither the presence of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia nor number of biopsy cores at initial biopsy had a significant association with the results of the repeat biopsy. Furthermore, multivariate analysis revealed that PSA and PSA density at both the initial and repeat biopsies, PSA velocity, and DRE and TRUS findings at initial biopsy were independent predictors of malignant disease on repeat biopsy. CONCLUSION: Despite an initial negative biopsy, repeat TRUS-guided biopsy should be carried out to exclude prostate cancer in cases of suspicious clinical findings, such as elevated PSA or PSA-related parameters, or abnormal findings of DRE or TRUS. 相似文献
Seiichi Saito 《International journal of urology》2007,14(8):709-712
AIM: There is a trend for the cut-off point of Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) to be lower and the number of biopsies to be increased for detecting prostate cancer. I divided patients who visited my institution for prostate biopsy into 3 groups based on the time of examination. The results were evaluated retrospectively. METHODS: The three groups were: group A, PSA cut-off point of 4.0 ng/mL and sextant biopsy; group B, 2.5 ng/mL and 12 core biopsies; and group C, 2.5 ng/mL and saturation biopsy. I evaluated the rates of cancer detection, localized cancer, T1c, high grade cancer, major complications, insignificant cancer and the pain scores, and compared biopsy number and cancer detection rates with PSA range. Only the patients with T1c and PSA 2.6-10.0 ng/mL were evaluated about high grade cancer and insignificant cancer rates. RESULTS: Cancer detection rates, localized cancer rates and T1c rates were significantly high in group C. There were no significant differences in the high grade cancer rates, major complication rates and the insignificant cancer rates. A comparison between biopsy number and cancer detection rates was significantly high in the saturation biopsy group with PSA 4.1-10.0 ng/mL. CONCLUSION: A PSA cut-off point of 2.5 ng/mL and increasing the number of biopsies results in the increased detection of localized prostate cancer. The insignificant cancer rate, the high grade cancer rate and the complication rate were not significantly different among the groups. I recommend a PSA cut-off point of 2.5 ng/mL and an increased number of biopsies, saturation biopsy particularly in cases with PSA 4.1- 10.0 mg/mL. 相似文献
超声引导下前列腺6点活检诊断早期前列腺癌 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
目的探讨前列腺癌(PCa)的超声影像与超声引导下6点系统活检病理学检查的关系,提高早期PCa检出率。方法研究对象为PCa集团普查发现的血清PSA>4.0ng/ml的329例经直肠超声引导下前列腺活检受检者,每位受检者均行血清PSA检测及前列腺活检病理诊断。结果(1)329例接受前列腺活检病例中PCa患者93例(28.3%),其中前列腺腺癌88例,其他类型癌5例。(2)93例PCa患者的超声影像中见低回声反射区组为56例(60.2%),其余37例为无异常回声组(39.8%)。(3)88例前列腺腺癌中,53例低回声反射区组PSA平均值为(60.50±39.79)ng/ml,35例无异常回声组PSA平均值为(12.74±8.25)ng/ml,两组比较差异显著(P<0.001)。PSA含量4.0 ̄10.0ng/ml区间者17例,无低回声反射区者15例,占88.2%。(4)早期病例(A,B期)中无异常回声组占82.9%。结论在超声影像学无异常的血清PSA增高的人群中,经超声引导下前列腺活检能够发现早期PCa。 相似文献
目的:分析经直肠前列腺穿刺活检前列腺癌阳性率的预测因素。方法:总结2006年1月至2014年4月进行经直肠超声引导下前列腺穿刺活检患者的资料,包括年龄(age)、体质指数(BMI)、症状(syptoms)、直肠指检(DRE)、血清总PSA(t PSA)、游离PSA(f PSA)、游离PSA与总PSA比值(f/t PSA)、前列腺体积(PV)、PSA密度(PSAD)。通过单因素方差分析和多因素回归模型,筛选与活检阳性率相关的危险因素。在此基础上构建一个评分系统作为在活检前预测前列腺癌阳性率的工具,并通过受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线计算假阳性率,以检测评分系统的敏感性。结果:在385例经直肠超声引导下穿刺活检患者中,共139例患者被诊断为前列腺癌,阳性率36.1%。单因素分析显示,在活检阳性组和阴性组之间,年龄(P<0.01)、DRE(P<0.01)、t PSA(P<0.01)、f PSA(P<0.01)、f/t PSA(P<0.01)、PV(P<0.01)和PSAD(P<0.01)在前列腺癌患者中比例均高于活检阴性人群。将单因素回归有意义的因素纳入多因素逐步Logistic分析,结果显示,年龄、t PSA、f/t PSA、PV和PSAD是经直肠反复前列腺活检阳性的独立影响因素,其比值比(ORs)及其相应的95%可信区间(95%CIs)分别为1.07(1.05~1.16)、1.05(1.02~1.15)、0.97(0.86~0.99)、0.98(0.87~0.96)和1.79(1.48~2.06)。根据其OR值,设定年龄>71岁(中位数)、t PSA>14.1μg/L(中位数)、f/t PSA<14.07(中位数)、PV<42.8 ml(中位数)、PSAD>0.31μg/L/ml(中位数)分别各计1分,总分为5分。将385例患者的资料通过评分系统计算前列腺癌的检出率,发现评分为0、1、2、3、4、5分的患者前列腺癌的检出率分别为7.69%、8.98%、15.19%、39.39%、54.55%和72.15%。ROC曲线提示曲线下面积为0.82(95%CI:0.80~0.84,P<0.01)。另外,评分3~5分的患者比0~2分的患者前列腺癌的检出率高50%以上(64%vs 11%,P<0.01)。结论:该评分系统可以帮助泌尿科医师确定需要行前列腺活检的患者。 相似文献
目的探讨前列腺特异性抗原密度(PSAD)在前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)值介于4~10ng之间患者前列腺腺癌诊断中的应用价值。方法回顾性分析183例血清PSA值介于4~10ng之间疑似前列腺癌患者的临床资料,所有患者均经直肠B超测得前列腺体积后再行经直肠超声引导下前列腺穿刺术,通过接受者工作特征曲线分析法评价PSAD在预测诊断前列腺癌中的应用价值。结果 183例患者中36例经直肠超声下前列腺活检的患者被诊断为前列腺癌,占19.7%。良性前列腺增生组与前列腺癌患者之间,PSA(0.681 5)与PSAD(0.721 4)的曲线下方面积比较相似,而游离前列腺特异性抗原与总前列腺特异性抗原比值(f/tPSA)的曲线下面积只有0.318 2,相比PSA,PSAD值将是一个更好的预测前列腺癌的指标。结论 PSAD对于PSA值介于4~10ng/mL的中国患者是一项更好的预测前列腺癌的指标。 相似文献
Shingo Kimura;Hiromichi Katayama;Eiichiro Ohara;Hiroshi Aoki;Rie Shibuya;Hiroshi Naganuma;Shigeto Ishidoya;Akihiro Ito; 《International journal of urology》2024,31(1):82-87
To investigate who needs a careful postoperative monitoring for prostate cancer (PCa) after holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP). We examined characteristics and oncological outcomes of HoLEP-related PCa. 相似文献
Jeremy YC Teoh Steffi KK Yuen James HL Tsu Charles KW Wong Brian SH Ho Ada TL Ng Wai-Kit Ma Kwan-Lun Ho Ming-Kwong Yiu 《Asian journal of andrology》2015,17(5):821-825
We investigated the prostate cancer detection rates upon transrectal ultrasound (TRUS)-guided biopsy in relation to digital rectal examination (DRE) and prostate-specific antigen (PSA), and risk factors of prostate cancer detection in the Chinese population. Data from all consecutive Chinese men who underwent first TRUS-guided prostate biopsy from year 2000 to 2013 was retrieved from our database. The prostate cancer detection rates with reference to DRE finding and PSA level of < 4, 4–10, 10.1–20, 20.1–50 and > 50 ng ml−1 were investigated. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to investigate for potential risk factors of prostate cancer detection. A total of 2606 Chinese men were included. In patients with normal DRE, the cancer detection rates were 8.6%, 13.4%, 21.8%, 41.7% and 85.2% in patients with PSA < 4, 4–10, 10.1–20, 20.1–50 and > 50 ng ml−1 respectively. In patients with abnormal DRE, the cancer detection rates were 12.4%, 30.2%, 52.7%, 80.6% and 96.4% in patients with PSA < 4, 4–10, 10.1–20, 20.1–50 and > 50 ng ml−1 respectively. Older age, smaller prostate volume, larger number of biopsy cores, presence of abnormal DRE finding and higher PSA level were associated with increased risk of prostate cancer detection upon multivariate logistic regression analyses (P < 0.001). Chinese men appeared to have lower prostate cancer detection rates when compared to the Western population. Taking the different risk factors into account, an individualized approach to the decision of TRUS-guided biopsy can be adopted. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Recently there has been considerable interest in complexed prostate-specific antigen (cPSA) as an alternative to total PSA (tPSA). Data regarding the variations of cPSA are limited. We performed a prospective study using different forms of prostate manipulation to demonstrate and compare variations between cPSA and tPSA. METHODS: The study included 113 men, 34 of whom had a digital rectal examination, 28 had a flexible cystoscopy, 17 had a rigid cystoscopy, 21 had a prostate biopsy, and 13 underwent a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). Blood samples were taken before and after manipulation for measurement of tPSA and cPSA. RESULTS: There was a statistically significant difference in the cPSA and tPSA before and after manipulation, with the exception of cystoscopy. On review of the data, it was clear that not all changes were clinically significant. The mean differences were greater for tPSA than for cPSA for all procedures. This was most apparent following prostate biopsy and TURP. Regression analysis also showed that cPSA and tPSA were affected differently by prostate manipulation. CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate that cPSA is less prone to variations when compared to tPSA. 相似文献
Kazuto Ito Takumi Yamamoto Masaru Ohi Yutaka Kubota Yoshitatsu Fukabori Kohei Kurokawa Kazuhiro Suzuki Hidetoshi Yamanaka 《International journal of urology》2002,9(6):316-321
BACKGROUND: The cut-off value of prostate-specific antigen velocity (PSAV) was investigated in relation to the initial prostate-specific antigen (PSA) value in subjects with initial values of 1.0-4.0 ng/mL, and the usefulness and limitations of PSAV as a screening test for prostate cancer were examined. METHODS: In this study, 4883 men who underwent mass screening for prostate cancer two or more times between 1987 and 1998 and had initial PSA levels of 1.0-4.0 ng/mL were investigated. The subjects ranged in age from 42 to 96 years (mean: 68.0 +/- 6.6 years). The cut-off value of PSAV was set at 0.1-1.5 ng/mL per year, and the sensitivity, specificity, efficiency and positive predictive value (PPV) of PSAV for detecting prostate cancer were determined according to the initial PSA value. A similar examination of the average PSAV was carried out in 2888 subjects with three or more visits for mass screening for prostate cancer. RESULTS: The diagnostic efficiency of PSAV was optimal with cut-off values of 0.3 and 0.75 ng/mL per year in those subjects with initial PSA levels of 1.0-1.9 and 2.0-4.0 ng/mL, respectively, but the PPV was low at 1.8% in subjects with initial PSA levels of 1.0-1.9 ng/mL. When the cutoff value of PSAV was set at 1.2 ng/mL per year in individuals with initial PSA levels of 1.0-1.9 ng/mL, the PPV increased to 7.3% and the sensitivity was 40%. The diagnostic efficiency of the average PSAV was optimal at the cut-off values of 0.2 and 0.4 ng/mL per year in subjects with initial PSA levels of 1.0-1.9 and 2.0-4.0 ng/mL, respectively, but the PPV was low at 2.2% in the subjects with initial PSA values of 1.0-1.9 ng/mL. When the cut-off value of PSAV was set at 0.75 ng/mL per year in individuals with initial PSA levels of 1.0-1.9 ng/mL, the PPV was 9.8% and the sensitivity was 46%. CONCLUSION: It is possible to improve the diagnostic accuracy of prostate cancer screening using the cut-off value of PSAV and average PSAV in subjects with initial PSA levels of 1.0-4.0 ng/mL. The cut-off values of PSAV should be set at 1.2 and 0.75 ng/mL per year in individuals with initial PSA levels of 1.0-1.9 and 2.0-4.0 ng/mL, respectively. The cut-off values of the average PSAV should be set at 0.75 and 0.4 ng/mL per year in individuals with initial PSA levels of 1.0-1.9 and 2.0-4.0 ng/mL, respectively. 相似文献
目的:探讨正常血清PSA进展期前列腺癌患者的诊断及治疗方法,提高前列腺癌的诊疗水平。方法:回顾性分析2010年收治的1例正常血清PSA进展期前列腺癌患者临床资料,结合相关文献,讨论正常血清PSA进展期前列腺癌的诊断及治疗方法。结果:患者血清PSA水平一直处于正常水平,经病理学检查证实为前列腺癌,临床分期为T4N0M0,行前列腺去势术+抗雄激素治疗,现已无进展生存15个月。结论:正常血清PSA进展期前列腺癌多系特殊病理类型的前列腺癌,预后相对较差。在进行PSA筛查时,需综合考虑f/tPSA比值;术后随诊时需定期进行影像学检查,以了解有无疾病进展;治疗上除采取内分泌治疗外,必要时宜早期采用放疗及化疗。 相似文献
Horinaga M Nakashima J Ishibashi M Oya M Ohigashi T Marumo K Murai M 《The Journal of urology》2002,168(3):986-990
PURPOSE: To our knowledge the indications for repeat prostate needle biopsy in men whose previous transrectal ultrasound guided biopsy results revealed no evidence of cancer have not yet been defined. We identified the most effective method for detecting prostate cancer on repeat biopsy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One or more systematic repeat prostate biopsies were performed in 144 consecutive patients, including 86 with prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels between 4 and 10 ng./ml. at repeat biopsy. Men in whom cancer was detected on repeat biopsies were compared with their counterparts in terms of digital rectal examination findings, PSA based parameters and an atypical prostate on initial prostate biopsy. RESULTS: Prostate cancer was detected on repeat biopsy in 39 of the 144 patients and in 19 on subset analysis of 86. Serum PSA levels at repeat biopsy did not differ significantly in patients with and without prostate cancer. According to receiver operating characteristics analysis the alpha1-antichymotrypsin-PSA complex adjusted for transition zone volume had the greatest area under the curve values, that is 0.756 for all 144 patients and 0.768 for the subset analysis of 86. Multiple logistic regression analysis of the subset of 86 patients showed that alpha1-antichymotrypsin-PSA complex adjusted for transition zone volume was the only significant independent predictor of cancer. CONCLUSIONS: alpha1-Antichymotrypsin-PSA complex adjusted for transition zone volume was the most powerful predictor of cancer in men who had undergone previous negative prostate biopsies. This parameter may be used to avoid more unnecessary repeat biopsies with an acceptable decrease in sensitivity. 相似文献
经会阴B型超声引导下前列腺穿刺活检的临床价值研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的:探讨经会阴扇型B型超声引导下前列腺6针穿刺活检术诊断前列腺癌的临床价值。方法:对经直肠指检或经腹部B超检查发现前列腺结节、血清总前列腺特异性抗原(tPSA)在4μg/L以上或游离PSA(fPSA)/tP-SA<0.16的可疑前列腺癌104例患者,经会阴扇型B超引导下18G自动穿刺活检针行双侧叶6点法穿刺,对穿刺的阳性率和并发症及影响穿刺阳性率的因素进行分析。结果:经病理诊断,检出前列腺癌24例,检出率23%,前列腺癌分级评分中位数为7分,高分化癌(2~4分)、中分化癌(5~7分)和低分化癌(8~10分)分别为12.5%(3/24)、62.5%(15/24)和25%(6/24);其余80例为良性前列腺增生(BPH)。术后短暂和轻度的肉眼血尿5例(4.8%),均在1~3 d后缓解,4例(3.8%)发热37.2℃~38.0℃,术后会阴部轻度不适5例(4.8%)。术后无1例出现血便、血精、前列腺脓肿、高热、败血症、急性尿潴留等严重并发症。经分析发现tPSA、fPSA、fPSA/tPSA、前列腺抗原密度(PS-AD)和前列腺体积是影响前列腺穿刺阳性率的重要因素(P<0.05),经会阴穿刺优势主要反映在tPSA≥10μg/L、fP-SA≥2μg/L、fPSA/tPSA<0.16、PSAD≥0.2和前列腺体积<40 m l时提示应行会阴穿刺术。结论:经会阴扇型B型超声引导下6针前列腺穿刺活检,是一种安全准确的前列腺癌检出方法。 相似文献
Ohigashi T Kanao K Kikuchi E Nakagawa K Nakashima J Marumo K Murai M 《The Journal of urology》2005,173(5):1541-1545
PURPOSE: The indications for repeat prostate biopsy for persistently increased prostate specific antigen (PSA) in men with prostate cancer never detected on previous biopsy are not clear. In this study we determined that PSA adjusted for transition zone (TZ) epithelial volume is the most powerful predictor for detecting prostate cancer on repeat biopsy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Repeat prostate biopsies including additional TZ cores were performed in 75 men with PSA between 4.0 and 10.0 ng/ml. TZ epithelial volume was calculated by multiplying TZ volume by the percent of epithelium, which was measured by morphometric analysis using image analysis computer software. RESULTS: Prostate cancer was detected on repeat biopsy in 19 of the 75 patients. Patients with prostate cancer had a significant smaller percent area of epithelium or glandular lumen than those without cancer. In patients without prostate cancer TZ epithelial volume significantly correlated with total PSA. According to ROC analysis PSA adjusted for TZ epithelial volume had the greatest AUC for cancer detection (0.879). This parameter was able to avoid more than 90% of unnecessary repeat biopsies with 90% sensitivity. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that PSA complex adjusted for TZ epithelial volume was the significant independent predictor of cancer. CONCLUSIONS: PSA adjusted for TZ epithelial volume is the most powerful predictor of cancer in men who have undergone previous negative prostate biopsies and in whom PSA remains between 4.0 and 10.0 ng/ml. 相似文献
Singh H Canto EI Shariat SF Kadmon D Miles BJ Wheeler TM Slawin KM 《The Journal of urology》2004,171(5):1850-1854
PURPOSE: We determined the cancer detection rate at initial systematic 12 core (S12C) biopsy and identified features associated with cancer at repeat S12C biopsy after an initial negative S12C biopsy in patients with prostate specific antigen (PSA) parameters associated with a higher risk of prostate cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between February 1999 and June 2002, 841 patients underwent initial S12C biopsy. Of these patients 99 underwent repeat S12C biopsy after initial negative S12C because of a percent free-to-total PSA of 15.0 or less and/or a yearly PSA velocity of 0.75 ng/ml or greater. The association between parameters revealed by initial biopsy and cancer at repeat biopsy was assessed. RESULTS: Of the 99 patients 21 (21.2%) had cancer at repeat biopsy. Age (p = 0.01), PSA transitional zone density (p = 0.05), and high grade PIN at initial biopsy (p = 0.01) were associated with cancer at repeat biopsy. CONCLUSIONS: In this select group of patients with PSA parameters associated with a higher risk of prostate cancer the cancer detection rate after initially negative S12C biopsy was 21%. Patients with high grade PIN on initial biopsy, advanced age and higher PSA transition zone density are at increased risk for cancer at repeat biopsy. Larger prospective studies are required to confirm these results and construct a nomogram that determines the probability of finding prostate cancer at subsequent biopsy. 相似文献
PURPOSE: Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) guided systematic biopsy of the prostate is the gold standard diagnostic modality for prostate cancer. Consequently, the value of discrete hypoechoic lesions on TRUS lesions considered suspicious for cancer deserves meticulous reevaluation, specifically in the prostate specific antigen era when the majority of tumors diagnosed are nonpalpable. We studied whether the predictability of a biopsy core changes if the tissue comes from an isoechoic vs hypoechoic lesion. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Prospective data were collected on 3,912 consecutive patients referred to our medical center between 1993 and 1999 for biopsy of the prostate. A sextant technique (apex, mid gland and base) with an additional core biopsy from the transitional zone was used. If a hypoechoic lesion was identified, the biopsy was taken from the lesion. Correlation between hypoechoic lesions, isoechoic areas and cancer detection for each core was performed. RESULTS: A total of 31,296 cores were obtained from the cohort. Overall 2,642 (68%) cores had at least 1 hypoechoic lesion ultrasonographically. Cancer was detected in 675 (25.5%) and 323 (25.4%) patients with or without hypoechoic lesions (p = 0.97). The per core cancer detection was fairly uniform and averaged 9.3% and 10.4% for hypoechoic and isoechoic areas, respectively. The difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.3). Gleason scores were less than 7, 7 and greater than 7 in 46%, 34% and 20% of cases, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the higher prevalence of cancers discovered in prostates with hypoechoic areas, the hypoechoic lesion itself was not associated with increased cancer prevalence compared with biopsy cores from isoechoic areas. For impalpable tumors TRUS findings are not contributory for staging. 相似文献