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Administering moderate (milligram) amounts of antigen to a guinea pig immunized with thatntigen leads to a transient loss of all delayed hypersensitivity (DH) responses in that animal. In this study, we demonstrate that this "desentization" can be prolonged for 10 days by repeated injection of antigen. At this time, tolerance to the desensitizing antigen develops in both the humoral and cellular systems of the immune response and DH responsiveness to other antigens returns. Repeated cycles of sensitization and desensitization produce repeated episodes of generalized anergy. Neither cells nor serum from desensitized animals could be shown to exert a suppressor effect when transferred to immunized animals and the cells responded normally to antigen and mitogen in tissue culture. The best generalized depression of DH was seen in those animals producing the best DH before desensitization. The inability of antigen to react with tolerant cells to produce desensitization suggests that this phenomenon is an active rather than a passive one and may represent an exaggeration of a normal regulatory mechanism for DH triggered by a regimen of antigen administration that activates suppressor cells to produce a systemic effect.  相似文献   

The effect of therapeutic range ultrasound (1 MHz) on skin permeation of D-mannitol, a highly polar sugar alcohol, inulin, a high molecular weight polysaccharide and physostigmine, a lipophilic anticholinesterase drug was studied in rats and guinea pigs. D-Mannitol and inulin are totally and rapidly excreted, once they have penetrated through the skin into the blood stream, permitting direct in vivo monitoring. For evaluating skin penetration of physostigmine the decrease of whole blood cholinesterase was measured. Ultrasound nearly completely eliminated the lag time usually associated with transdermal delivery of drugs. 3-5 min of ultrasound irradiation (1.5 W/cm2 continuous wave or 3 W/cm2 pulsed wave) increased the transdermal permeation of inulin and mannitol in rats by 5-20-fold within 1-2 h following ultrasound application. Ultrasound treatment also significantly increased (P less than 0.05) the inhibition of cholinesterase during the first hour after application in both physostigmine treated rats and guinea pigs: while in control guinea pigs no significant inhibition of cholinesterase could be detected during the first 2 h after application of physostigmine, the ultrasound treated group showed a 15 +/- 5% (mean +/- SEM) decrease in blood cholinesterase 1 h after ultrasound application. For physostigmine-treated rats the level of cholinesterase inhibition 1 h after ultrasound application was 53 +/- 5% in the ultrasound-treated group and 35 +/- 5% in the controls.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of purified rabbit antiguinea pig eosinophil-derived major basic protein (MBP) Ig on antigen-induced bronchial hyperreactivity to inhaled acetylcholine in aerosol-sensitized guinea pigs. Ovalbumin inhalation by sensitized guinea pigs induced a rise in the numbers of eosinophils and in the levels of MBP in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, which peaked at 24 h and resolved at 72 h. Antigen-challenged animals exhibited bronchial hyperreactivity to inhale acetylcholine at 72 h, but not at 6 or 24 h. The intranasal administration of 200 microliter of purified rabbit anti-guinea pig MBP Ig, at 2.5 mg/ml, but not of the control preimmune rabbit Ig, 1 h before and 5 h after ovalbumin inhalation suppressed bronchial hyperreactivity to acetylcholine at 72 h without affecting the number of eosinophils accumulating in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. These findings indicate that antigen challenge in sensitized guinea pigs is followed by early eosinophil infiltration and activation within the airways and by late bronchial hyperreactivity. Neutralization of endogenously secreted MBP by a specific antiserum prevented antigen-induced bronchial hyperreactivity, suggesting that eosinophil degranulation plays an important role in the alterations of bronchopulmonary function in the guinea pig.  相似文献   

The results of the current study demonstrate that relaxin inhibits histamine release by mast cells. This effect is related to the peptide concentrations, and could be observed in both isolated rat serosal mast cells stimulated with compound 48/80 or calcium ionophore A 23187, and in serosal mast cells isolated from sensitized guinea pigs and challenged with the antigen. The morphological findings agree with the functional data, revealing that relaxin attenuates calcium ionophore-induced granule exocytosis by isolated rat serosal mast cells. Similar effects of relaxin have also been recognized in vivo by light microscopic and densitometric analysis of the mesenteric mast cells of rats which received the hormone intraperitoneally 20 min before local treatment of the mesentery with calcium ionophore. Moreover, evidence is provided that relaxin stimulates endogenous production of nitric oxide and attenuates the rise of intracellular Ca2+ concentration induced by calcium ionophore. The experiments with drugs capable of influencing nitric oxide production also provide indirect evidence that the inhibiting effect of relaxin on mast cell histamine release is related to an increased generation of nitric oxide. It is suggested that relaxin may have a physiological role in modulating mast cell function through the L-arginine-nitric oxide pathway.  相似文献   

Cocaine (COC) abuse during pregnancy may be a factor in the development of neonatal breathing abnormalities. To examine this possibility, pregnant Dunkin-Hartley guinea pigs were treated daily with s.c. injections of saline or 2, 6 or 12 mg/kg of COC during the second half of gestation. Treatments were assigned randomly to pregnant dams. Neonatal weight, breathing, ECG and EEG were recorded in unsedated animals using noninvasive techniques at intervals for 3 weeks after birth. Neonatal weight on Day 1 was decreased by exposure to the two highest doses of COC (P less than .05). The effects of drug treatment, day of study and response to inhalation of 5% CO2 were analyzed by repeated measures analysis of variance. A significant drug-, day- and CO2-effect on tidal volume (VT) and inspiratory minute volume (VI) was observed (P less than .01). COC exposure in utero increased the weight-normalized neonatal VT and VI on room air and 5% CO2 during the first 2 weeks of life in the absence of a measurable effect of drug exposure upon breathing frequency, heart rate or EEG power. The increase in VT and VI may be caused by an increase in metabolic rate (hyperpnea) or an alteration of ventilatory control (hyperventilation). Either mechanism could represent functional teratogenesis and either results in a greater ventilatory effort which increases the work of breathing and the consumption of oxygen. An increase in oxygen demand due to an increase in metabolism or an increase in ventilatory effort might compromise some neonates and contribute to an increased incidence of sudden-infant-death.  相似文献   

Prodrugs of the antiviral agent 9-beta-D-arabinofuranosyladenine (araA), which were more effective than the parent compound in penetrating vaginal membranes in vitro, were synthesized and examined for efficacy in the topical treatment of genital infections with herpes simplex virus type 2 in female guinea pigs. Treatment with 10% araA-5'-monophosphate or 10% araA-5'-monovalerate twice a day for 7 days, starting 6 h after intravaginal inoculation with virus, completely aborted the primary infection. When initiation of treatment was delayed until 24 h postinfection, araA-5'-monophosphate and araA-5'-monovalerate were no longer effective in reducing the mean lesion scores or mean vaginal virus titers. Treatment with 5% acyclovir, starting at 24 h postinfection, failed to prevent genital lesion development but significantly reduced the peak mean lesion score (approximately 50%). Topical therapy with 10% araA-2',3'-diacetate, initiated at 24 h postinfection, was as effective as, if not more effective than, acyclovir in reducing the severity of herpes genitalis in guinea pigs. Treatment with 10% araA-2',3'-dipropionate or 10% araA-2',3'-dibutyrate was without benefit. Among a series of 5'-monoesters of araA, araA-5'-monobutyrate appeared to be the most effective but was less active than araA-2',3'-diacetate. These data indicate that araA-2',3'-diacetate may be an effective antiviral agent for topical use against genital herpesvirus infections.  相似文献   

The study and optimization of tattoo removal continues to be of importance in the dermatology community. Robust animal models whose skin is physiologically similar to humans and who are easily handled are desirable. To this end, we report on our experience with the hairless guinea pig as a model for tattoo research. This research was conducted as part of a larger study toward increased efficacy of laser tattoo removal. Here we report on procedures for both placement and aftercare of tattoos which result in superior tattoo quality and retention.  相似文献   

Transdermal naltrexone delivery is desirable in the treatment of narcotic dependence and alcoholism. The purpose of this study was to increase the delivery rate of naltrexone (NTX) across human skin by using a novel prodrug. A duplex "gemini" prodrug of naltrexone was synthesized and evaluated. In vitro human skin permeation rates of naltrexone and prodrug were measured using a flow-through diffusion cell system. Drug concentrations in the skin were quantitated at the end of the diffusion experiment. The prodrug was hydrolyzed on passing through the skin and appeared mainly as naltrexone in the receiver compartment. The prodrug provided a significantly higher naltrexone equivalent flux across human skin in vitro than naltrexone base. The naltrexone equivalent solubilities of naltrexone and the prodrug in the donor solution were not significantly different. No significant increase in drug concentration in the skin after prodrug treatment, as compared to naltrexone, was observed. The naltrexone equivalent permeability from the prodrug exceeded the permeability of naltrexone base by two-fold. Due to the design of this prodrug, toxicities associated with this compound should be nonexistent, because only naltrexone and carbon dioxide (carbonic acid) are released when the prodrug is cleaved.  相似文献   

Application of low-frequency ultrasound has been shown to enhance transdermal drug transport of large molecules such as insulin. In this study, we investigated the dependence of ultrasound-induced transdermal delivery of insulin on ultrasound parameters. Insulin was delivered in vivo to hairless rats using 20 kHz ultrasound applied over a range of ultrasound intensity, application time and pulse length. Change in blood glucose levels of the animals was monitored to assess insulin transport. The results showed a threshold below which no detectable changes in blood glucose level was observed for each ultrasound parameter. Moreover, our findings indicated that sonophoretic enhancement is dependent on energy dose and length of ultrasound pulse that is consistent with a cavitation-based mechanism. The more significant effect of lowering glycemia was obtained with application of less than 15 min ultrasound and was similar to subcutaneous injection of 0.5 U of insulin. Pretreatment of hairless rat skin with ultrasound followed by application of insulin resulted in no significant modification in blood glucose level, indicating that transdermal transport of insulin mainly occurred during sonication. Sonophoresis may therefore potentially be applied for non-invasive and painless delivery of insulin in the treatment of insulin-dependent diabetes.  相似文献   

A series of novel aminomethyl tetrahydrofuranyl (THF)-1 beta-methylcarbapenems which have excellent broad-spectrum antibacterial activities exhibit modest efficacies against acute lethal infections (3.8 mg/kg of body weight against Escherichia coli and 0.9 mg/kg against Staphylococcus aureus) in mice when they are administered orally. In an effort to improve the efficacies of orally administered drugs through enhanced absorption by making use of a peptide-mediated transport system, several different amino acids were added at the aminomethyl THF side chains of the carbapenem molecules. The resulting peptidic prodrugs with L-amino acids demonstrated improved efficacy after oral administration, while the D forms were less active than the parent molecules. After oral administration increased (3 to 10 times) efficacy was exhibited with the alanine-, valine-, isoleucine-, and phenylalanine-substituted prodrugs against acute lethal infections in mice. Median effective doses (ED50s) of < 1 mg/kg against infections caused by S. aureus, E. coli, Enterobacter cloacae, or penicillin-susceptible Streptococcus pneumoniae were obtained after the administration of single oral doses. Several of the peptidic prodrugs were efficacious against Morganella morganii, Serratia marcescens, penicillin-resistant S. pneumoniae, extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae, and E. coli infections, with ED50s of 1 to 14 mg/kg by oral administration compared with ED50s of 14 to > 32 mg/kg for the parent molecules. In general, the parent molecules demonstrated greater efficacy than the prodrugs against these same infections when the drugs were administered by the subcutaneous route. The parent molecule was detectable in the sera of mice after oral administration of the peptidic prodrugs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The efficacy of different formulations of the naphthoquinone buparvaquone and two phosphate prodrugs in in vivo models of both visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis is described. METHODS: Several topical formulations of buparvaquone containing acceptable excipients were tested in vivo against Leishmania major cutaneous lesions in BALB/c mice. In vivo studies against Leishmania donovani investigated whether the prodrugs had improved efficacy when compared with buparvaquone. RESULTS: Both a hydrous gel and water-in-oil emulsion of buparvaquone significantly reduced cutaneous parasite burden (P < 0.05, 22 days post-infection) and lesion size, compared with the untreated control (P < 0.0001, 16 days post-infection). The prodrug 3-phosphonooxymethyl-buparvaquone was formulated into an anhydrous gel and this also significantly reduced parasite burden and lesion size (P < 0.0001, 16 days post-infection). Histology confirmed this efficacy. In the visceral model, both prodrugs were significantly more effective at reducing liver parasite burden than the parent drug, buparvaquone. Buparvaquone-3-phosphate was shown to be the most effective antileishmanial (P = 0.0003, 50 mg buparvaquone molar equivalent/kg/day five times), reducing the liver parasite burden by approximately 34% when compared with the untreated control. CONCLUSIONS: The introduction of a topical formulation, such as buparvaquone (or its prodrug), would be a significant advance for the treatment of simple cutaneous lesions. In particular, the avoidance of the parenteral antimonials would greatly increase patient compliance and reduce treatment costs.  相似文献   

In this study, demethylchlortetracycline was used as a prototype of exogenous phototoxic substances. In vitro, exposure of serum containing demethylchlortetracycline to ultraviolet-A irradiation resulted in the diminution of total complement hemolytic activity and C4, C2, C3, and C5 activities. In addition, chemotactic activity for human polymorphonuclear cells was generated, which was thermostable and antigenically related to human C5 but not human C3. In vivo, phototoxic lesions were induced in guinea pigs upon intradermal injections of demethylchlortetracycline solution, followed by ultraviolet-A irradiation. On a scale of 0-3+, the animals developed a maximal response of 2.5 at 20 h. This clinical response was associated with cellular infiltrate in the dermis, consisting of 29 +/- 2% of neutrophils at 24 h. The participation of the polymorphonuclear cells was evaluated in guinea pigs rendered neutropenic by treatment with cyclophosphamide. In these guinea pigs, demethylchlortetracycline and ultraviolet-A induced a maximal response of 0.75 +/- 0.5, which was associated histologically with 1.2 +/- 0.5% neutrophils in the dermis. The role of complement in this process was studied in guinea pigs congenitally deficient in C4, and in guinea pigs decomplemented by treatment with cobra venom factor. In contrast to normal guinea pigs, C4-deficient animals exhibited a maximal reaction of 0.83 +/- 0.16 at 6 h, which subsided within 24 h. Cobra venom factor-treated guinea pigs developed a maximal response of 0.5 at 0.5 and at 6 h. These clinical changes were associated with the development of an increased vascular permeability, as demonstrated by studies using guinea pigs injected intravenously with Evans blue solution. In animals with a normal complement system, there was intense localized bluing at the sites of phototoxic lesion. In contrast, only minimal bluing was observed in decomplemented guinea pigs. These data indicate that a normal number of polymorphonuclear cells and an intact complement system are required for the full development of demethylchlortetracycline-induced phototoxic lesions.  相似文献   

Sonophoretic drug transport with low-frequency (41-445 kHz) and low-intensity (60-240 mW/cm2) ultrasound was characterized using hydrophilic calcein and deuterium oxide (D2O) as a solvent vehicle in excised hairless rat skin. The excised skin was mounted in vertical diffusion chambers for measurement of skin resistance and sonophoretic transport of calcein and D2O. The calcein content of the skin was also measured after ultrasound application. When the stratum corneum (sc) side was exposed to ultrasound at an intensity of 60 mW/cm2 for 30 min, the calcein flux in the sc-to-dermis direction was increased by 22.3-, 6.3-, and 3.8-fold from a baseline of 0.0088+/-0.0100 nmol/(cm2 x h) at frequencies of 41, 158, and 445 kHz, respectively, without significant changes in skin resistance. The ultrasonically-enhanced fluxes returned to baseline following cessation of the ultrasound application. At 41 kHz, there was a further increase in the magnitude of enhancement and a significant decrease in skin resistance (by 50% of the baseline resistance) on increasing the intensity from 60 to 120 mW/cm2, whereas no further enhancement was observed at 158 and 445 kHz up to 240 mW/cm2. Comparison of the calcein content in the skin before, during, and after ultrasound application at 41 kHz, 120 mW/cm2, was consistent with a transient ultrasonically-induced increase in calcein flux. In the sonophoretic transport experiments at 41 kHz, 120 mW/cm2, calcein transport correlated well with D2O transport. When 41-kHz ultrasound was applied to the sc side at 120 mW/cm2, the calcein and D2O fluxes in the sc-to-dermis direction were 13.7- and 5.2-fold higher than those in the dermis-to-sc direction. Similar directionality was also observed in tape-stripped skin, suggesting possible induction of convection in the direction of sound propagation. However, dermal application under the same ultrasound conditions induced neither an increase in calcein and D2O transport nor a decrease in skin resistance. These results demonstrate that low frequency sonophoresis is a potentially useful technique for controlling transdermal drug transport. Convective solvent flow as well as structural alteration of the skin induced by ultrasound are likely to be responsible for the observed sonophoretic transport enhancement.  相似文献   

Molecular basis of complement C3 deficiency in guinea pigs   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
In experiments to ascertain the biochemical basis of a genetically determined deficiency of the third component of complement (C3) in guinea pigs, we found that C3-deficient liver and peritoneal macrophages contain C3 messenger RNA of normal size (approximately 5 kb) and amounts, that this mRNA programs synthesis of pro-C3 in oocytes primed with liver RNA and in primary macrophage cultures. In each instance, heterodimeric native C3 protein was secreted with normal kinetics but the C3 protein product of the deficient cells failed to undergo autolytic cleavage and was unusually susceptible to proteolysis. These data and a selective failure of C3 in plasma of deficient animals to incorporate [14C]methylamine suggested either a mutation in primary structure of the C3 protein or a selective defect in co- or postsynthetic processing affecting the thiolester bridge, a structure important for C3 function. A mutation in the primary structure of C3 was ruled out by comparison of direct sequence analysis of C3 cDNA generated from two C3 deficient and two C3 sufficient guinea pig liver libraries. Three base pair differences, none resulting in derived amino acid sequence differences were identified. Finally, restriction fragment length polymorphisms were identified in the C3 gene that are independent of the deficiency phenotype. This marker of the C3 gene permits testing of these hypotheses using molecular biological and classical genetic methods.  相似文献   

In animals injected with a bolus of isoproterenol, beta-adrenergic receptors in both mononuclear leukocytes (MNL) and heart were sequestered away from the cell surface, and the time course (0-120 min) and dose-response patterns were similar in the two tissues. In guinea pigs given a constant infusion of isoproterenol, 0.15 mg/(kg.h), down-regulation of total receptor number occurred more quickly and to a greater extent in the MNL than in the heart. We also compared receptor sequestration after aortic constriction-induced acute heart failure. Negligible sequestration (9%) of beta-adrenergic receptors occurred in the MNL of animals treated in this manner, whereas the number of receptors in the sarcolemmal fraction decreased 61%. This selective sequestration of cardiac receptors may result from the action of high concentrations of norepinephrine (which is selective for beta 1 over beta 2 receptors) present at sympathetic nerve-cardiac cell synapses. We conclude that although receptor redistribution occurs similarly in MNL and heart in response to a circulating nonselective agonist, beta-adrenergic receptor redistribution may occur selectively in the heart in response to such stimuli as aortic constriction-induced acute heart failure that activate the sympathetic nervous system.  相似文献   

Although glucocorticoids are widely used in the treatment of immunohematologic disease, their relative efficacy is uncertain. We used an animal model, which has helped to elucidate the role of splenic macrophage Fc gamma receptors in the clearance of IgG-coated cells, to investigate whether each Fc gamma receptor is modulated by glucocorticoids to the same extent and to examine the relative potency of three commonly used glucocorticoids. Cortisol, prednisone, and dexamethasone all impaired the clearance of IgG-coated erythrocytes. However, dexamethasone was more effective than either prednisone or cortisol (P less than 0.001). Furthermore, splenic macrophages isolated from glucocorticoid-treated animals expressed impaired Fc gamma receptor function. This effect was greater in macrophages isolated from dexamethasone-treated animals, as compared to either cortisol- or prednisone-treated animals (P less than 0.001). To assess the effect of glucocorticoids on the two types of guinea pig splenic macrophage Fc gamma receptors, Fc gamma R1,2 and Fc gamma R2, specific immunoglobulin isotypes were used to measure macrophage binding of IgG-sensitized erythrocytes. Cortisol and prednisone primarily affected Fc gamma R2, whereas dexamethasone inhibited the function of both guinea pig Fc gamma receptors. Furthermore, dexamethasone was more effective (P less than 0.01) than either prednisone or cortisol in inhibiting the ability of both receptors to bind IgG-sensitized cells. Fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis and fluorescence microscopy with monoclonal antibodies specific for each of these two receptors demonstrated that essentially all splenic macrophages expressed both receptors, and that these glucocorticoids decreased the level of each Fc gamma receptor protein expressed, rather than altering receptor mobility and clustering in the macrophage membrane. The effect on both Fc gamma receptors was greatest with dexamethasone and least with cortisol. These studies demonstrate the significant role of guinea pig splenic macrophage Fc gamma R2 in immune clearance and in the binding of IgG-coated cells. They demonstrate a differential effect of glucocorticoid hormones on Fc gamma receptor function and on surface receptor protein. Furthermore, they suggest that dexamethasone may be a more effective glucocorticoid than either prednisone or cortisol in inhibiting the clearance of IgG-coated cells by its effect on splenic macrophage Fc gamma receptors.  相似文献   

The activities of fleroxacin against 22 clinical Legionella isolates were determined by agar and broth microdilution susceptibility testing. The fleroxacin MIC required to inhibit 90% of strains tested on buffered charcoal yeast extract agar medium supplemented with 0.1% alpha-ketoglutarate was 0.64 micrograms/ml and was 0.04 microgram/ml when testing was done with buffered yeast extract broth supplemented with 0.1% alpha-ketoglutarate. Fleroxacin (0.25 microgram/ml) reduced the bacterial counts of two L. pneumophila strains grown in guinea pig alveolar macrophages by 1 log10 CFU/ml, but regrowth occurred over a 3-day period; fleroxacin was significantly more active than erythromycin in this assay. Single-dose (10 mg/kg of body weight given intraperitoneally) pharmacokinetic studies performed in guinea pigs with L. pneumophila pneumonia revealed peak levels in plasma and lungs to be 3.3 micrograms/ml and 3.5 micrograms/g, respectively, at 0.5 h and 0.8 microgram/ml and 0.8 microgram/g, respectively, at 1 h. The half-life of the terminal phase of elimination from plasma and lung was approximately 2 h. All 17 infected guinea pigs treated with fleroxacin (10 mg/kg/day) for 2 days survived for 14 days post-antimicrobial therapy, as did all 16 guinea pigs treated with the same dose of fleroxacin for 5 days. Only 1 of 16 animals treated with saline survived. The animals treated with fleroxacin for 2 days lost more weight and had higher temperatures than those treated with the antibiotic for 5 days. Fleroxacin is effective against L. pneumophila in vitro and in a guinea pig model of Legionnaires' disease. Fleroxacin should be evaluated as a treatment for human Legionnaires' disease.  相似文献   

The activity of ABT-773 was studied against extracellular and intracellular Legionella pneumophila and for the treatment of guinea pigs with L. pneumophila pneumonia. The ABT-773 MIC at which 50% of isolates are inhibited (MIC(50)) for 20 different Legionella sp. strains was 0.016 microg/ml, whereas the MIC(50)s of clarithromycin and erythromycin were 0.032 and 0.125 microg/ml, respectively. ABT-773 (1 microg/ml) was bactericidal for two L. pneumophila strains grown in guinea pig alveolar macrophages. In contrast, erythromycin and clarithromycin had easily reversible static activity only. Therapy studies of ABT-773 and erythromycin were performed with guinea pigs with L. pneumophila pneumonia. When ABT-773 was given to infected guinea pigs by the intraperitoneal route (10 mg/kg of body weight), mean peak levels in plasma were 0.49 microg/ml at 0.5 h and 0.30 microg/ml at 1 h postinjection. The terminal half-life phase of elimination from plasma was 0.55 h, and the area under the concentration-time curve from 0 to 24 h (AUC(0-24)) was 0.65 microg. h/ml. For the same drug dose, mean levels in the lung were 15.9 and 13.2 microg/g at 0.5 and 1 h, respectively, with a half-life of 0.68 h and an AUC(0-24) of 37.0 microg. h/ml. Ten of 15 L. pneumophila-infected guinea pigs treated with ABT-773 (15 mg/kg/dose given intraperitoneally once daily) for 5 days survived for 9 days post-antimicrobial therapy, as did 14 of 15 guinea pigs treated with erythromycin (30 mg/kg given intraperitoneally twice daily) for 5 days. All of the ABT-773-treated animals that died appeared to do so because of drug-induced peritonitis rather than overwhelming pneumonia. None of 12 animals treated with saline survived. ABT-773 is as effective as erythromycin against L. pneumophila in infected macrophages and in a guinea pig model of Legionnaires' disease. These data support studies of the clinical effectiveness of ABT-773 for the treatment of Legionnaires' disease.  相似文献   

To evaluate 2-cyanoacrylates as surgical adhesives, the bond strength in vivo as well as the tissue reaction was investigated using methyl-, ethyl-, isobutyl-, and ethoxyethyl-2-cyanoacrylate. In addition, their set time and spreading on blood were studied. When the 2-cyanoacrylates were applied to an incised site of rabbit skin, they could maintain the skin closure without suturing during the first week and the bond strength increased during the second week. Significant inflammatory response was observed around the subcutaneous tissue glued with methyl- and ethoxyethyl-2-cyanoacrylate and persisted for approximately one week. All the 2-cyanoacrylate polymers were absorbed and the tissues treated were healed two weeks after the operation. There was a mild inflammatory reaction in the tissue treated with ethyl- and isobutyl-2-cyanoacrylate, and their polymers still remained at the wound site at the second week postoperatively. The disappearance rate of the 2-cyanoacrylate polymers was roughly in proportion to the inflammatory tissue response. Ethoxyethyl-2-cyanoacrylate spread more broadly on tissues than the other 2-cyanoacrylates, while its set time was shorter than that of methyl- and ethyl-2-cyanoacrylates.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of netilmicin, gentamicin, and tobramycin in plasma and in perilymph of guinea pigs were studied after a single intravenous injection of 40 mg/kg. Detailed pharmacokinetic analysis of the plasma drug concentration-time data up to 36 h after the intravenous dose revealed that the pharmacokinetics of the aminoglycoside antibiotics can be best described as a three-compartment open model. The disposition half-lives (t1/2) in plasma of the three antibiotics were comparable and within the following ranges: t1/2 alpha of 0.09 to 0.16 h; t1/2 beta of 0.88 to 1.01 h; and t1/2 gamma of 7.87 to 8.29 h. The volume of distribution in the central compartment and the total body clearance of netilmicin (294 ml/kg, 5.74 ml/min per kg) were greater than those of gentamicin (160 ml/kg, 3.40 ml/min per kg) and tobramycin (204 ml/kg, 4.63 ml/min per kg). Pharmacokinetic analysis of the perilymph drug concentration-time data indicated that all three antibiotics penetrated the perilymph readily, but netilmicin cleared from the perilymph compartment faster than gentamicin and tobramycin. The maximum perilymph drug concentrations were 4.17, 8.05, and 6.78 micrograms/ml and occurred at 1, 2, and 4 h for netilmicin, gentamicin, and tobramycin, respectively. The ratio of area under the curve of perilymph to plasma was lowest for netilmicin (0.27), followed by gentamicin (0.39) and tobramycin (0.57). These results suggest that the differences in pharmacokinetics and concentrations of netilmicin in the perilymph may account for less ototoxic liability of netilmicin compared with gentamicin and tobramycin.  相似文献   

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