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Background: The objective structured clinical examination is commonly referred to as an ‘OSCE’ and is a way of assessing a student's competency with clinical skills. The OSCE involves the student demonstrating a skill during a simulated clinical situation in a controlled environment instead of using real patients in the practice setting. Post‐registered nursing courses are now beginning to use the OSCE as a form of summative assessment either as replacement for or in addition to skills assessed by a mentor in practice. Aim: This paper aims to reflect back on a recent experience of introducing an OSCE into a post‐registered, degree level intensive care nursing programme. Methods: The process of reflection will be used throughout the analysis following the Six Thinking Hats tool. Conclusions: Organizing and implementing an OSCE for an intensive care nursing programme required a great deal of preparation and time of the teacher but also offered various benefits and advantages compared with other forms of assessment. Disadvantages and limitations of the OSCE are also identified in this article along with recommendations and practical advice for other teachers, examiners and students participating in OSCEs.  相似文献   

目的:通过专家咨询确定本科护生客观结构化临床考试中标准化病人培训大纲。方法:运用德尔菲法对省内外30位护理专家进行初步咨询。结果:专家对于本科护生学生标准化病人培训大纲的设计总认可率较高,α值=0.756>0.7,信度、效度检验可信度较高。结论:该大纲的设计在整体结构上完整,可信度较高。  相似文献   

刘敏  李颖 《中华护理教育》2011,8(8):348-349
目的 采用客观结构化临床考试(objective structured clinical examination,OSCE)评价护理本科毕业生的临床能力.方法 设置OSCE考站,对2010届护理本科145名毕业生进行考核和成绩分析.结果 在本次考试中毕业生成绩分布均匀,分数在合理范围内,考试的信度及效度较好.结论 OSCE能够客观地反映毕业生的临床能力,但其考站的设置有待于进一步完善.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present the findings that emerged from a qualitative study which explored nurse educators’ experiences and perspectives of assessing students’ clinical competence using an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE), and to address the challenges pertaining to the assessment. OSCEs have been researched internationally; however, exploration within an Irish context is limited. The current study is timely as the findings are relevant in light of the ongoing debate about OSCEs. The data for this study was collected using two focus groups in one institution in the Republic of Ireland. Two main themes emerged: OSCE preparation and assessment process. It is envisaged that the outcome of this study will enable nurse educators to recognise both the potential and the contribution of OSCEs to the curriculum and motivate nurse educators to increase students’ exposure to this assessment strategy. The need to adapt and become cognisant of the major changes in the ‘real’ healthcare world will continue to challenge nurse educators.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨护理本科毕业生在客观结构化临床考试(0SCE)中学生沟通能力的评价方法。[方法]通过采用嘟多站点考试,设置考察护生沟通能力的考试站点。[结果]考试成绩呈正态分布。[结论]OSCE多站点考试能够科学、客观地评价护生沟通能力,对教学改革和培养学生的沟通能力有重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

王斌全  王磊  商临萍  金瑞华  郑洁 《护理研究》2007,21(30):2727-2728
[目的]探讨护理本科毕业生在客观结构化临床考试(OSCE)中学生沟通能力的评价方法。[方法]通过采用OSCE多站点考试,设置考察护生沟通能力的考试站点。[结果]考试成绩呈正态分布。[结论]OSCE多站点考试能够科学、客观地评价护生沟通能力,对教学改革和培养学生的沟通能力有重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

陈雪  崔香淑 《循证护理》2020,(3):199-204
[目的]评价高仿真模拟教学法对于护生自我效能感的影响。[方法]通过检索the Cochrane Library、PubMed、Web of Science、Science Direct、Nurimedia、万方、中国知网数据库,收集自建库至2019年6月1日发表的关于高仿真模拟教学法(试验组)和传统教学法(对照组)对护生自我效能感影响的随机对照试验研究以及类实验研究,用RevMan 5.3软件对所纳入的文献进行Meta分析。[结果]共纳入相关文献6篇,Meta分析结果显示,试验组护生的自我效能感高于对照组[SMD=0.29,95%CI(0.16,0.42),P<0.0001];亚组分析显示,无论是在亚洲还是欧美,高仿真模拟教学法均可提高护生的自我效能感[亚洲:SMD=0.32,95%CI(0.12,0.52),P<0.001;欧美:SMD=0.27,95%CI(0.09,0.44),P=0.003]。高仿真模拟教学法对护生的学业自我效能感的影响结果差异无统计学意义[SMD=0.09,95%CI(-0.13,0.32),P=0.42],对一般自我效能感的影响结果差异有统计学意义[SMD=0.39,95%CI(0.23,0.55),P<0.00001]。[结论]现有证据表明,高仿真模拟教学法可以提高护生的自我效能感,其中对护生的一般自我效能感影响更加显著。本研究纳入文献较少,未来仍需更多高质量的研究加以证实。  相似文献   

目的深入了解和探讨高职护生应用高仿真模拟技术学习急危重症护理学的真实体验。方法采取立意抽样的方法,应用半结构式深度访谈法,对12名参与急危重症护理高仿真模拟学习且自愿参加本次研究的全日制高职护生进行相关资料收集,应用Colaizzi资料分析法对资料进行科学分析和提炼主题。结果提炼出正性和负性两个方面共7个主题,正性体验包括仿真、机会、自信、期许4个方面;负性体验包括焦虑、挫败、暴露3个方面。结论高职护生应用高仿真模拟技术学习急危重症护理效果明显,但需有效应对护生在学习过程中可能存在的负性体验,使之适应急危重症护理高仿真模拟教学。  相似文献   

目的 探讨简易客观结构化临床考试(OSCE)在大专护生健康评估能力评价中的应用效果.方法 根据临床调研、访谈、专题研讨会等界定临床对大专护士健康评估知识、能力、态度的基本要求,在探讨大专护生应具备的评估能力内涵的基础上,构建基于OSCE的多站式考核方案,对05~09级3 404名护理大专生进行考核、成绩分析及问卷调查.结果 简易OSCE考试方案难度适中,有较好的信度与效度,与相关课程考试成绩显著相关,考生对考试满意度高.结论 简易OSCE能客观有效地评价大专护生的健康评估能力.  相似文献   

许瑜  苏静  李珏  陈瑞玲  黄华兰  施楚君 《全科护理》2016,(28):2995-2996
临床能力考核是衡量临床护理学教育的重要内容,介绍汕头大学医学院护理学专业2008年以来采用客观结构化临床考试(OSCE)的方法,在护理学专业毕业生中进行临床综合能力考核,评价护理学生各项临床实践能力及解决处理实际问题的能力,总结并逐步形成完整的量化考核体系,将其应用于护理学教学实践,促进护理学教学工作的改进。  相似文献   

培养中专护生沟通能力的体会   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
沟通能力是临床护士全面获得病人信息不可缺少的技能。培养护生的沟通能力是素质教育的重要组成部分。在临床带教中,通过培养护生热爱护理专业;定期举行沟通知识与技巧讲座;加强护生的临床沟通训练;培养护生良好的情绪;争取病人合作等方法,提高了护生的沟通能力。  相似文献   

蔡颖菁 《全科护理》2014,(13):1164-1166
护患沟通能力是护生在实习过程中必须掌握的基本技能之一。从实习护生沟通能力测评工具、沟通能力现状、沟通能力影响因素、沟通能力培养实践等方面阐述实习护生护患沟通能力培养的现状,讨论在临床实习过程中如何提高护生的护患沟通水平。  相似文献   

Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) has been widely and increasingly used since it was developed. Research has shown that it is an effective evaluation tool to assess practical skills (Sloan et al. 1995). In many instances the OSCE process has been adapted to test trainees from different healthcare related disciplines. In nursing education, as presented in this paper, principles of OSCE can also be used in a formative way to enhance skill acquisition through simulation. The aim of this approach to teaching is safely to help students gain more confidence when confronted by technical instruments present in the hospital environment, and to encourage them to reflect on a range of skills and competences they need to acquire. The OSCE stations can be designed in the form of small scenarios where students have to set-up or interact with technical instruments, or communicate with patients. This type of simulation exercise can be varied as a whole and specifically within each station at the same time. The use of this hybrid formative OSCE is being assessed by nursing students and lecturers. The feedback received regarding this teaching method and the results of this study are useful and show that OSCE are favourably perceived.  相似文献   

LIMOGES J. Nursing Inquiry 2010; 17 : 58–64
An exploration of ruling relations and how they organize and regulate nursing education in the high-fidelity patient simulation laboratory
Recently, schools of nursing have adopted the use of high-fidelity human patient simulators in laboratory settings to teach nursing. Although numerous articles document the benefits of teaching undergraduate nursing students in this way, little attention has been paid to the discourses and texts organizing this approach. This institutional ethnography uses the critical feminist sociology of Dorothy E. Smith to examine the literature and interviews with Practical and Bachelor of Science in Nursing students, and their faculty about this experience. The research shows how discourses rationalize and sustain certain processes at the expense of others. For example, ruling discourses such as biomedicine, efficiency, and the relational ontology are activated to construct the simulation lab as part of nursing and nursing education. The analysis also highlights the intended and unintended effects of these discourses on nursing education and discusses how emphasizing nursing knowledges can make the simulation lab a positive place for learning.  相似文献   

介绍了客观结构化临床考试(OSCE)产生及其发展,重点综述了OSCE在护理教育中的应用和研究现状,从教育测量理论的观点出发,评述了OSCE的信度、效度和安全性等问题,并指出OSCE在护理教育领域的发展方向.  相似文献   

对客观结构化临床考试从概念、应用现状、操作程序及人员组成(尤其是标准化病人的使用)等方面进行了阐述,对其在护理教育评价中的应用进行综述,并探索其在护理学科理论及技能考核中的应用。  相似文献   

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