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It is vital for nurses to publish in order to provide evidence of their practice and to increase the knowledge base of their discipline. This paper is one of two that reports on an investigation of the nursing research published by Australian authors from 1995-2000 in 11 nursing journals based in Australia, the UK and the USA. The focus of this article is on the researchers drawn from a total of 509 articles that were content analysed and categorised according to topics of research, paradigm, methods used and funding acknowledgment. The researchers were analysed on the basis of gender, discipline, employment base and location. Publications had from one to 10 authors, averaging two, with 26 authors claiming 23.6% of research articles. The most common discipline area was nursing and universities were the leading area of employment. Authorship was not limited to capital cities reflecting the spread of university campuses in rural areas. Research papers made up 12.5% of possible articles, supporting the notion that few nurses publish research papers in the refereed general nursing journals we focused on.  相似文献   

目的:探讨2006-2015年科学引文索引(science citation index,SCI)收录护理学期刊的论文刊出情况.方法2016年1月,检索SCI数据库,以2014年期刊引用报告(journal citation reports,JCR)中所有护理学期刊的ISSN号作为检索对象,时间限定为2006-2015年,论文类型为Article 和Review.采用Web of Science自带软件及Excel 2007、TDA 等软件进行定量分析.结果2006-2015年,SCI收录护理学期刊共刊出论文57640篇,刊出论文数量前三位的是美国、澳大利亚、英国.中国刊出的论文中,按刊出量从高到低依次为中国台湾地区(1812篇)、中国大陆地区(722篇)、中国香港地区(623篇),其中:中国大陆地区论文刊出年均增长率最高(50.02%);中国台湾地区论文总被引频次最高(10951次,57.14%),篇均被引6.04次;中国大陆地区论文总被引频次为3341次,篇均被引4.63次;中国香港地区论文总被引频次为4949次,篇均被引频次最高(7.94次).结论 SCI收录护理学期刊的论文刊出最多的仍为美国等西方发达国家,中国护理学研究在国际上的影响力逐渐上升,中国大陆地区的影响力越来越大,但与中国台湾地区相比仍有较大的上升空间,且高质量研究不及中国香港地区.  相似文献   

Objective:To review and analyze the basic information and distribution of core articles in the global research frontier of nursing,so as to ascertain the current trend in the field.Methods:A total of 37 highly cited essential science indicator(ESI)papers in the nursing discipline were retrieved,which were compared with the core article collection of the ESI research frontier in January 2019 to understand the current nursing research frontiers.Subsequently,a statistical analysis of the core articles that constituted the nursing research frontiers was performed using a bibliometric method.The analysis was conducted with multiple aspects including the number of core articles,total number of citations,average publication year,issuing country,participating institution,citing paper,journal distribution,and core researcher.Results:At present,the two international research frontiers of nursing are patient-centered care(Research Frontier 1)and missed care(Research Frontier 2).These two frontiers include a total of 12 core articles,6 of which are highly cited Web of Scienceindexed nursing papers.Research Frontier 1 includes three core articles that were cited 389 times.Research Frontier 2 includes nine core articles that were cited 841 times.Articles in the two frontiers were cited by 454 and 841 papers,respectively,most of which are in the United States.In addition,the 12 core articles were published across eight journals,the impact factors of which are all relatively high.Lastly,Research Frontier 1 involves 11 authors,whereas Research Frontier 2 involves 49 authors,of which seven authors have published more than two articles.Conclusions:The core articles in the frontier of international nursing research demonstrate distinctive features in their issuing country/region,journal distribution,and participating institution.Review and analysis of the core articles of international nursing research frontiers can help nursing staff understand the current research hotspots and consequently perform corresponding scientific research to promote the development of the nursing discipline.  相似文献   

Citation analysis of the maternal/child nursing literature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Few bibliometric studies have been done of the nursing literature; however, much can be learned about nursing and specialty areas of clinical practice by examining the articles published in nursing journals. The purposes of this study were to describe the extent of research, clinical, and evidence-based practice articles published in maternal/child nursing journals and the information sources used to develop that literature. A total of 112 articles and 2571 citations from three randomly selected maternal/child nursing journals were analyzed. Nearly half (n=51, 46%) of all articles were reports of original research studies. Research publications were cited most frequently including research studies published in medical journals (n=687, 26.7% of all the cited documents), followed by research studies published in nursing journals (n=371, 14.4%) and journals in other disciplines. The maternal/child nursing journals examined in this study are disseminating research findings to nurses for use in clinical practice.  相似文献   

AIMS: To analyse the research published in refereed nursing journals by Australian authors from 1995 to 2000. BACKGROUND: Analysis of the research topics and types of methodologies used by Australian nurse researchers has not been recently undertaken. The study was similar to an analysis of United Kingdom (UK) nursing research between 1988 and 1995 to allow comparison between the two countries. DESIGN: A quantitative approach analysed the research abstracts for the topic researched, source of data, location of data collection, paradigm and methodology used and funding source. RESULTS: A total of 509 articles from 11 generalist Australian and UK nursing journals were analysed. The highest numbers of articles were published in Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing and Journal of Advanced Nursing. The most popular topics were education of nurses (18.7%, n=95) and practice issues relating to patient care (15.3%, n=78). However, scant attention was paid to major Australian health issues. Most research was undertaken in the hospital setting (55.8%, n=247). Data were most often drawn from nurses themselves (40.7%, n=206), followed by patients (25.5%, n=129). Both quantitative (41%, n=203) and qualitative approaches (47%, n=230) were employed. A minority of studies acknowledged any funding (14.9%, n=76). CONCLUSIONS: Research findings need to be applied in practice to improve patient care. Nurse researchers need to publish their findings and align their research interests to meet national health priorities. They need to be involved in setting these health priorities to ensure that nursing has a place in health research.  相似文献   

The journal impact factor (JIF), and how best to rate the performance of a journal and the articles they contain, are areas of great debate. The aim of this paper was to assess various ranking methods of journal quality for mental health nursing journals, and to list the top 10 articles that have received the most number of citations to date. Seven mental health nursing journals were chosen for the analysis of citations they received in 2010, as well as their current impact factors from two sources, and other data for ranking purposes. There was very little difference in the top four mental health nursing journals and their overall rankings when combining various bibliometric indicators. That said, the International Journal of Mental Health Nursing is currently the highest ranked mental health nursing journal based on JIF, but publishes fewer articles per year compared to other journals. Overall, very few articles received 50 or more citations. This study shows that researchers need to consider more than one ranking method when deciding where to send or publish their research.  相似文献   

我院护理科研及论文发表情况的调查分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的了解目前我院护理科研队伍整体实力和科研水平,为护理科研管理决策提供参考。方法根据国家科技部中国科技信息研究所论文统计分析中心提供的我院2007年在统计源期刊发表的论文数据资料,进行统计分析。随机选取了来自3个病房的50名护士进行科研课题和论文撰写的访谈,对访谈结果进行分析。结果2007年护理人员论文产出量偏少,一定数量的文章可以发表在高水平的专业期刊上,对具体情况分析表明,第一作者以高学历、高职称人员为主。结论我院护理人员现在已经具有向高水平期刊投稿的能力,但仍有部分护理人员存在畏惧情绪。  相似文献   

背景:镁合金作为骨科植入材料,已经引起国内外越来越多研究者的关注。目的:利用SCI数据库检索镁合金植入物在骨科应用的10年文献,进行多层次探讨分析。设计:文献计量学分析。资料提取:以"magnesiumalloy(镁合金),rod(镁合金棒),screwornail(螺钉),boneplate(接骨板)"为关键词,检索SCI数据库2002-01/2011-12的相关文献,以文字和图表的形式进行统计和计量分析,描述其分布特征。入选标准:纳入标准:检索与镁合金植入物,镁合金棒、镁合金螺钉、镁合金接骨板在骨科应用的相关文献。文献类型包括:①论著。②综述。③会议记录及摘要。④快报。⑤社论。⑥信件。排除标准:①与文章目的无关的文献。②大于10年较陈旧的文献。③未发表的文章。④需电话追踪和手工检索逐一分析的文章。主要数据判定指标:镁合金植入物在骨科应用文献的出版时间、来源期刊、文献的类型、学科类别、文献被引情况、国家地区分布、机构分布、发表文献的作者分布,基金资助情况进行相关分析。结果:SCI数据库2002/2011收录的文献中共检索到388篇镁合金植入物在骨科应用的相关文献,论著位居首位,其中6篇可以确定为经典文献。文献数量2002/2011呈总体上升趋势,MaterialsScienceForum《材料科学论坛》杂志发表文献量最多,42篇,占全部文献的10.83%。结论:对来源于SCI数据库镁合金植入物在骨科应用的文献进行文献计量学分析,可为了解该领域的概貌、现状和研究者进一步确定热点难点提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To analyze the trend of global peritoneal dialysis (PD) publications, especially of publications in Peritoneal Dialysis International (PDI), from 1991 to 2005 according to the Institute for Scientific Information databases of the Thomson Corporation. METHODS: Data were downloaded from the Web of Science, which includes the databases of Science Citation Index Expanded and Social Sciences Citation Index. The searching strategies were key-in of "peritoneal dialysis" in general search and of "SO=Peritoneal Dialysis International" in advanced search. Only articles and reviews were included in the analysis. The analysis was stratified by publication year, journal, author, country of each author's affiliation, and citation count of each paper. RESULTS: There were 7618 PD papers (6991 articles and 627 reviews) in 887 journals; 15.8% of them (n = 1204) were published in PDI. The annual outputs of global PD publications has been more than 500 papers since 1996, with a peak of 665 articles in 2003. In total, 18531 authors from 102 countries and areas contributed to PD publications. Authors from the USA were present in 30.6% of all papers although their global share decreased with time. A PD paper received an average of 12.7 citations. A review received more citations than an article (17.0 vs 12.3 on average), yet statistical significance was not reached (p = 0.216, Mann-Whitney U test). CONCLUSIONS: The number of PD research societies in the world has been growing during the past 15 years. More and more research is from countries other than the USA and the United Kingdom. Papers on PD have thus been published in many journals other than PDI, the leading journal in PD. However, the growth rate of PD publications in the world is diminishing. We present here the most likely reasons for the decrease in PD publications and propose suggestions for PDI to keep its leading role in the development of PD.  相似文献   

As pressure to publish increases in the academic nursing world, journal submission numbers and rejection rates are soaring. The review process is crucial to journals in publishing high quality, cutting‐edge knowledge development, and to authors in preparing their papers to a high quality to enable the nursing world to benefit from developments in knowledge that affect nursing practice and patient outcomes and the development of the discipline. This paper does not intend to contribute to the debate regarding the ethics of reviewing, but rather seeks to explore notions of how the quality of the reviewing process can be enhanced to benefit authors, the reviewers, and the state of nursing knowledge. Furthermore, a call is made to editors to devise strategies for aiding reviewers to attain higher validity and reliability within the reviewing process by establishing clear standards and expectations and to ensure published work is judged against industry norms for quality.  相似文献   

目的 分析胶质瘤护理研究的分布情况,为胶质瘤护理研究提供参考。方法 以Web of Science(WOS)数据库收录1985-2020年相关文献为对象,借助Web of Science数据库提供的文献分析功能和BICOMB软件,对胶质瘤护理相关研究的发表年度、国家和机构分布、来源出版物、作者、被引情况、研究方向及高频关键词进行文献计量分析。结果 共纳入84篇胶质瘤护理相关研究文献,分别发表在53种期刊上,其中护理专业刊物10种。整体发文量呈上升趋势。美国发文量最多。胶质瘤护理研究领域初步形成核心团队。高频关键词显示研究热点集中在姑息治疗、支持性护理干预、流行病学、生活质量、康复等方面。结论 胶质瘤护理研究正在不断发展,现有研究数量仍有待提升。护理人员应紧跟研究热点,针对胶质瘤患者的临床需求,积极开展支持性护理干预和姑息治疗,以指导临床实践。  相似文献   

The amount of published literature on adverse drug reactions is overwhelming; for example, the serial publication Side Effects of Drugs Annual lists and critically discusses over 3000 references each year. As a group, pharmacotherapeutics journals publish more papers on adverse drug reactions than journals that cover other fields, but even so they publish a minority of the total number of papers, and no single journal or group of journals can be highlighted as being a frequent source of primary information. Non-specialists must therefore rely on secondary literature (reviews) and tertiary literature (critical summaries) for information. Most of the primary published literature is in the form of anecdotal reports (30%) and formal studies or randomized controlled trials (35%). The anecdotal reports vary in quality; a new serial publication devoted to this type of article would bring some of the literature together and would improve the quality of reporting. Although many of the randomized controlled trials are of good quality and large enough to reveal benefit, most are too small to provide robust information about adverse drug reactions. Systematic reviews are too few in number (only 1.25% of publications on adverse drug reactions cited in Side Effects of Drugs Annual); more are needed.  相似文献   

《护理管理杂志》2004年文献计量学分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的分析《护理管理杂志》2004年刊载论文及其引文,以了解该刊的现状和地位,评价其学术水平和期刊质量。方法采用文献计量学方法,对《护理管理杂志》2004年刊载的论文进行载文和引文分析。结果载文量358篇;载文作者分布在30个省及直辖市,合著率为2.6人/篇;总引文量1725条,平均引文量4.82条/篇;中文引文率88.8%,英文引文率11.0%,日文引文率0.2%;期刊引文率76.5%,图书引文率21.6%;刊物自引率为4.1%;中文核心期刊共16种。结论《护理管理杂志》虽然创刊时间较短,但在护理领域已有一定影响力。它拥有一批优秀的作者群体,论文学术质量较高,已成为该学科的核心期刊。  相似文献   

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