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<正>临床输血医学的迅速发展,给我们带来严峻的挑战!即如何保证输血质量,确保输血安全[1]。对拥有650张病床,年用血量6 000U的二等甲级综合医院的输血科来说,如何管理、提高输血质量是我们的工作重点。下面是我科近几年里实践探索和积累的部分经验,现报告如下。1积极开展创建活动,参加室间质评,提高输血质量2011年我院输血科申报了创建湖北省临床输血重点专科[2],参加了湖北省临检中心室间质量控制,从参加室间质控以来,每次质评(ABO正定型;  相似文献   



Pre-operative donation of autologous blood is a practice that is now being abandoned. Alternative methods of transfusing autologous blood, other than predeposited blood, do however play a role in limiting the need for transfusion of allogeneic blood. This survey of autologous blood transfusion practices, promoted by the Italian Society of Transfusion Medicine and Immunohaematology more than 2 years after the publication of national recommendations on the subject, was intended to acquire information on the indications for predeposit in Italy and on some organisational aspects of the alternative techniques of autotransfusion.

Materials and methods

A structured questionnaire consisting of 22 questions on the indications and organisational methods of autologous blood transfusion was made available on a web platform from 15 January to 15 March, 2013. The 232 Transfusion Services in Italy were invited by e-mail to complete the online survey.


Of the 232 transfusion structures contacted, 160 (69%) responded to the survey, with the response rate decreasing from the North towards the South and the Islands. The use of predeposit has decreased considerably in Italy and about 50% of the units collected are discarded because of lack of use. Alternative techniques (acute isovolaemic haemodilution and peri-operative blood salvage) are used at different frequencies across the country.


The data collected in this survey can be considered representative of national practice; they show that the already very limited indications for predeposit autologous blood transfusion must be adhered to even more scrupulously, also to avoid the notable waste of resources due to unused units.Users of alternative autotransfusion techniques must be involved in order to gain a full picture of the degree of use of such techniques; multidisciplinary agreement on the indications for their use is essential in order for these indications to have an effective role in “patient blood management” programmes.  相似文献   

目的:评析本院实施每月量化考核制度对提高临床输血申请单质量的作用。方法:分别统计实施量化考核前后各6个月内的临床输血申请单,分析比较其中不规范或不合格(统称不规范)的临床输血申请单。结果:实施量化考核前6个月内共有输血申请单1235份,其中不规范申请单482份,占39.0%;实施量化考核制度后6个月内共有输血申请单1564份,其中不规范的有124份,占7.9%。实施量化考核制度后不规范输血申请单比率明显低于实施量化考核制度前,两者比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论:实施每月量化考核制度对提高临床输血申请单质量作用明显,有利于安全输血,可减少因不合理输血及因输血而产生的各种风险及法律纠纷,此项考核制度值得推广。  相似文献   

Current status of blood substitute research: towards a new paradigm   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
For many reasons, haemoglobin, modified to prolong its circulation time, seems to be the optimal choice for a cell-free O2 carrier (blood substitute) because of its capacity to reversibly bind O2 in the lung and release it in tissue. After refining methods to prepare highly purified haemoglobin solutions and to chemically or genetically modify haemoglobin to overcome renal toxicity and to prolong retention time, a number of unwanted effects were observed in human clinical trials. These included symptoms referable to the GI tract, elevated pancreatic enzymes and hypertension, presumed to be the result of vasoconstriction. Studies on the mechanism of vasoconstriction induced by haemoglobin, using new techniques to investigate the microcirculation have led to a surprising new paradigm for the design of safe and effective solutions. These include increased O2 affinity (low P50) and increased viscosity and oncotic pressure. These second-generation solutions hold greater promise for clinical development.  相似文献   

Almost 150 years after the first autologous blood transfusion was reported, intraoperative blood salvage has become an important method of blood conservation. The primary goal of autologous transfusion is to reduce or avoid allogeneic red blood cell transfusion and the associated risks and costs. Autologous salvaged blood does not result in immunological challenge and its consequences, provides a higher quality red blood cell that has not been subjected to the adverse effects of blood storage, and can be more cost‐effective than allogeneic blood when used for carefully selected surgical patients. Cardiac, orthopaedic and vascular surgery procedures with large anticipated blood loss can clearly benefit from the use of cell salvage. There are safety concerns in cases with gross bacterial contamination. There are theoretical safety concerns in obstetrical and cancer surgery; however, careful cell washing as well as leucoreduction filters makes for a safer autologous transfusion in these circumstances. Further studies are needed to determine whether oncologic outcomes are impacted by transfusing salvaged blood during cancer surgery. In this new era of patient blood management, where multimodal methods of reducing dependence on allogeneic blood are becoming commonplace, autologous blood salvage remains a valuable tool for perioperative blood conservation. Future studies will be needed to best determine how and when cell salvage should be utilized along with newer blood conservation measures.  相似文献   

A patient blood management (PBM) strategy can be applied to the process of intraoperative cell salvage for re-infusion during surgery. Stoneham et al. describe an effective PBM strategy applied to abdominal aortic aneurysm repair and emphasise the importance of a qualified and experienced intraoperative cell salvage practitioner to improve the safety and effectiveness of the approach. Commentary on: Stoneham et al. Intraoperative cell salvage using swab wash and serial thromboelastography in elective abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery involving massive blood loss. Br J Haematol 2023;200:652-659.  相似文献   

The Australian Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Management 2010 represents an update of the Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Rehabilitation and Recovery (2005) and the Clinical Guidelines for Acute Stroke Management (2007). For the first time, they cover the whole spectrum of stroke, from public awareness and prehospital response to stroke unit and stroke management strategies, acute treatment, secondary prevention, rehabilitation and community care. The guidelines also include recommendations on transient ischaemic attack. The most significant changes to previous guideline recommendations include the extension of the stroke thrombolysis window from 3 to 4.5 h and the change from positive to negative recommendations for the use of thigh-length antithrombotic stockings for deep venous thrombosis prevention and the routine use of prolonged positioning for contracture management.  相似文献   

临床输血病历管理与临床输血医疗纠纷的防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨在临床输血工作管理中,通过对临床输血病历的管理,达到提高临床输血安全性,防范因输血导致的医疗纠纷。方法:以《中华人民共和国献血法》及卫生部《医疗机构临床用血管理办法》、《临床输血技术规范》、《医院感染管理规范》为依据,制定医院临床输血病历的管理办法。对我院2005年1月~2006年9月临床住院患者输血病历进行检查分析。结果:2005年1月~2006年9月住院患者输血病历为2650例,检查了输血病历2321例,占总输血病历的87.6%,合格输血病历2109例,占检查输血病历90.9%,不合格输血病历212例,占检查输血病历9.1%。结论:通过对临床输血病历的检查,医护人员对临床输血管理相关的法律法规的认识,风险意识有所增加,提高了临床输血的安全性,起到了防范临床用血管理不善及输血传播病毒性疾病引起的医疗纠纷。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate pain management satisfaction in elderly postoperative patients; to define pain management strategies documented in the medical record (MR) that predict patient satisfaction. DESIGN: Prospective cohort. SETTING: Eight urban hospitals. PARTICIPANTS: Three hundred twenty-two postsurgical patients aged 65 and older. MEASUREMENTS: Patients were surveyed regarding satisfaction with pain management in the first 24 hours postsurgery and the survey results summarized in a score. Pain management variables (patient education, pharmacological and nonpharmacological interventions, demographic variables, and surgery and anesthesia information) were abstracted from their MR. The correlation between the satisfaction score and MR variables was assessed using linear regression. RESULTS: Sixty-two percent of patients experienced severe postoperative pain, yet 87% reported being satisfied with the treatment. The mean satisfaction score+/-standard deviation was 59.3+/-10.8 (range 10.6-84.3; potential range 0-100, higher score=higher satisfaction). MR variables explained 14% of the satisfaction score variation. The worst pain intensity in the first 24 hours postsurgery as documented in the MR was the most powerful predictor of satisfaction. Other predictors associated with satisfaction were younger age, male sex, preoperative education, surgery type (laparotomy/thoracotomy patients were more satisfied than orthopedic patients), shorter recovery room stay, analgesic given through oral route, and morphine (compared with other opioids). CONCLUSION: Pain in elderly surgical patients remains undermanaged. Simple strategies such as emphasizing preoperative education may have a large effect in pain management. This study developed a validated patient satisfaction score and a MR instrument to assist in monitoring pain management quality.  相似文献   



Blood loss during total joint arthroplasty strongly influences the time to recover after surgery and the quality of the recovery. Blood conservation strategies such as pre-operative autologous blood donation and post-operative cell salvage are intended to avoid allogeneic blood transfusions and their associated risks. Although widely investigated, the real effectiveness of these alternative transfusion practices remains controversial.

Materials and methods

The surgery reports of 600 patients undergoing total joint arthroplasty (312 hip and 288 knee replacements) were retrospectively reviewed to assess transfusion needs and related blood management at our institute. Evaluation parameters included post-operative blood loss, haemoglobin concentration measured at different time points, ASA score, and blood transfusion strategies.


Autologous blood donation increased the odds of receiving a red blood cell transfusion. Reinfusion by a cell salvage system of post-operative shed blood was found to limit adverse effects in cases of severe post-operative blood loss. The peri-operative net decrease in haemoglobin concentration was higher in patients who had predeposited autologous blood than in those who had not.


The strengths of this study are the high number of cases and the standardised procedures, all operations having been performed by a single orthopaedic surgeon and a single anaesthesiologist. Our data suggest that a pre-operative autologous donation programme may often be useless, if not harmful. Conversely, the use of a cell salvage system may be effective in reducing the impact of blood transfusion on a patient’s physiological status. Basal haemoglobin concentration emerged as a useful indicator of transfusion probability in total joint replacement procedures.  相似文献   

Summary Orthopaedic patients undergoing mainly hip and knee replacement surgery and who were transfused with autologous blood which they had donated prior to surgery, were compared with similar patients who had been transfused only with homologous blood, with respect to rates of wound and other infections, need for therapeutic antibiotics, and length of post-operative hospital stay. Participants in the autologous scheme spent significantly less time in hospital than the control group (mean 16 vs 21 days), and there was a trend in favour of autologous transfusion in rates of infection and antibiotic usage.  相似文献   

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