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目的 :探讨氯沙坦 (Los)对自发性高血压大鼠 (SHR)左心室结构的影响。方法 :6周龄Los治疗组 (SHRlos)管饲法给予Los3 0mg kg天。治疗 17周后 ,观察 3组大鼠动脉收缩压 (SBP)、左心室 (LV)壁的厚度、左心室重量 体重 (LVW BW)以及左心室结构的变化 ;血浆放免法测肾素活性和AngⅡ含量。结果 :1 SBP :治疗结束后 ,SHRlos组血压 10 9 15± 11 3 1mmHg( 1mmHg =0 .13 3kPa) ,与对照组 (SHR)血压167 4± 13 0 1mmHg相比明显下降 (P <0 0 1)。 2 SHRlos组的LVW BW、LV壁厚度与SHR组相比明显减少 (P <0 0 1)。SHRlos心肌的超微结构与正常对照组 (WKY)相似。 3 血浆肾素活性在WKY组和SHR组之间无明显差异 (P >0 0 5 )。SHRlos组肾素活性及AngⅡ水平分别高于SHR组 (P <0 0 5 ,P <0 0 1)。结论 :Los能有效地降低SHR的血压 ,具有预防高血压LVH的作用。  相似文献   

目的探讨厄贝沙坦和咪哒普利对自发性高血压大鼠(SHR)左室肥厚和c-Jun表达的影响。方法选用13周龄的SHR 30只,雌性9只,雄性21只,体质量(229±39)g,随机分为3组:SHR组,厄贝沙坦组,咪哒普利组,每组雌性3只,雄性7只。另选同源同系、血压正常的Wistar-Kyoto大鼠(WKY)10只,雌性5只,雄性5只,体质量(206±49)g,作为正常对照组(WKY组)。实验期14周。观察指标:血压、左室质量/体质量(LVW/BW)、左室厚度/体质量、左心室肌c-Jun蛋白及mRNA水平。结果26周龄SHR组血压、LVW/BW与左室厚度/体质量均增高,左心室肌c-Jun蛋白和mRNA的表达明显增加;咪哒普利组、厄贝沙坦组血压、LVW/BW、左室厚度/体质量、左心室肌c-Jun蛋白和mRNA的表达均降低。结论自发性高血压可明显导致心肌肥厚,而咪哒普利、厄贝沙坦可明显降低血压、抑制心肌肥厚的发生。  相似文献   

A hypothalamic role in the aetiology of hypertension in the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) has been suggested by prior observations. In an attempt to determine whether the central control of prolactin (PRL) release is altered in the SHR we have compared the PRL response to immobilization stress, thyrotrophin releasing hormone (TRH), haloperidol, and L-DOPA in the SHR and in normotensive Wistar control rats. Carotid artery catheters were inserted 48 h prior to the PRL response studies and the catheters were maintained patent with heparinized saline. Timed blood samples were obtained in SHR and control rats weighing 180-225 g. The SHR demonstrated elevated basal serum levels of PRL and greater PRL responses to stress. However, administration of L-DOPA resulted in a similar suppression of serum PRL in the SHR and in the normotensive controls. These findings suggest alteration in the central control of PRL release in the SHR. Observations of elevated basal PRL, exaggerated PRL in response to L-DOPA in SHR are consistent with normal pituitary responsiveness to dopamine suppression of PRL release, but defective hypothalamic metabolism of dopamine. Alterations in central dopamine control mechanisms in the SHR may play a role in the pathogenesis of essential hypertension in these animals.  相似文献   

Spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) were more sensitive to the diabetogenic effects of streptozotocin than normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. Thus, 10 days after intravenous administration of 25 mg/kg streptozotocin in SHR, mean pancreatic insulin content was decreased by 42% (p less than 0.05), and mean plasma glucose concentration was increased from 85 to 215 mg/dl (p less than 0.001), whereas between 37.5 and 50 mg/kg of streptozotocin was required to produce similar effects in normotensive WKY rats. Also, there was a progressive decrease in blood pressure in SHR injected with 25, 35.7, or 50 mg/kg of streptozotocin, whereas blood pressure was progressively increased after streptozotocin in normotensive WKY rats. The opposite effects of streptozotocin-induced diabetes on blood pressure in SHR and WKY rats could be observed at similar degrees of hyperglycemia and are presently unexplained.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Increased apoptosis has recently been reported in the heart of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs). OBJECTIVE: To investigate the molecular basis of apoptosis in the left ventricle of SHRs in terms of the expression of Bcl-2 protein (which protects from apoptosis) and Bax protein (which acts as an apoptotic promoter). In addition, we analysed the involvement of alpha -adrenergic receptors in the left ventricular apoptosis of SHRs. METHODS: The study was performed in untreated SHRs (n=16) and SHRs that were orally treated with doxazosin (10 mg/kg body weight per day, for 15 days), a selective alpha1-receptor blocker (n=16). A group of Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats (n=16) was used as the control. RESULTS: The left ventricles of untreated SHRs showed a significant increase in Bcl-2 protein expression and a reduced presence of Bax protein. The ratio of Bcl-2:Bax in SHRs was higher than in WKY rats, suggesting an anti-apoptotic state. Paradoxically, both the number of apoptotic cardiac cells and the cleavage of an 85-kDa fragment of the poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), a marker of caspase-3 activity, were higher in the left ventricle of SHRs than in WKY rats, suggesting an apoptotic situation. Bax promotes cell apoptosis when it is bound to Bcl-2. We then determined the abundance of Bax-Bcl-2 complexes in the left ventricle of the two groups of animals. Bax-Bcl-2 complexes were more abundant in SHRs than WKY rats. In a second set of experiments, we analysed the role of alpha1-adrenergic blockade by doxazosin in the above-described mechanisms. Doxazosin treatment reduced the formation of Bax-Bcl-2 complexes in the left ventricle of SHRs, and this was accompanied by a decrease in the levels of 85kDa PARP and a reduction in apoptotic left ventricular cells. CONCLUSIONS: The present work suggests that the presence of Bax-Bcl-2 complexes in the left ventricle could be a more reliable marker of the apoptotic state than the determination of the absolute expression of Bcl-2 and Bax proteins. Moreover, the inhibition of alpha1 -adrenergic receptors by doxazosin decreased the abundance of BaxBcl-2 complexes and promoted a reduction of apoptosis in the left ventricle of SHRs.  相似文献   

To determine whether chronic antihypertensive therapy prevents the progression of cardiac hypertrophy and the deterioration in cardiac performance observed in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) with long-term hypertension, 14-month-old female SHR and normotensive American Wistar rats (NWR) were treated for 10 months with an inhibitor of angiotensin I-converting enzyme, captopril (2 g/liter of drinking water). Captopril reduced the marked left ventricular hypertrophy of 24-month-old SHR (untreated, 4.37 +/- 0.2 mg/g of body weight; treated, 3.01 +/- 0.1 mg/g; P less than 0.02) to levels observed in 6-month-old SHR. Treatment prevented the reductions in baseline and maximal aortic blood flows that occurred in SHR between ages 12 and 24 months yet had no effect on the blood flows of NWR. The diminished maximal stroke volume of untreated SHR was ejected from a significantly increased left ventricular end-diastolic volume, so that the ejection-fraction index was markedly reduced (24-month-old untreated NWR, 84 +/- 3%; untreated SHR, 56 +/- 5%; P less than 0.001). Therapy restores this index in SHR to normal (77 +/- 4%). The relationship between ejection-fraction index, and afterload was also normal in treated SHR. Thus, chronic therapy with captopril produced a marked regression of cardiac hypertrophy and prevented the deterioration of cardiac performance in SHR with long-standing hypertension.  相似文献   

We examined the pulmonary vascular reactivity of normotensive rats (NR) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) to acute and chronic pressor stimuli. In rats kept at low altitude (1,520 m), SHR had a slight degree of right ventricular hypertrophy, but there was no difference between SHR and NR in either right ventricular systolic pressure or pulmonary artery wall thickness. When compared to blood-perfused lungs from low altitude NR, lungs from low altitude SHR were normoresponsive to acute airway hypoxia, hyporesponsive to intra-arterial angiotensin II, and hyperresponsive to intra-arterial prostaglandin F2alpha. After exposing rats to simulated high altitude (4--6 weeks at 4,270 m) to induce hypoxic pulmonary hypertension, SHR had a higher right ventricular systolic pressure, a greater degree of right ventricular hypertrophy, and more pulmonary artery medial thickening than did NR. The results indicate that although the pulmonary vasculature of SHR does not become hypertensive spontaneously, it might have an increased tendency to develop hypertension when exposed to an appropriate stimulus, i.e., chronic airway hypoxia.  相似文献   

We have examined the disposition of catecholamines in cardiac tissue, mesenteric arteries and ganglia from normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY), spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR-SP). The norepinephrine (NE) contents of mesenteric arteries from all three strains of rats adhered to a pattern which was characterized by the largest concentrations of the catecholamine in arteries from SHR and SHR-SP rats, and the smallest values present in mesenteric arteries from WKY rats. This pattern of NE disposition was not present in either ganglia or cardiac tissue from the three strains of rats. The results highlight two features of the hypernoradrenergic hypothesis in the SHR. Firstly, the enhanced NE contents observed in the blood vessels of the two hypertensive strains are not consistently increased in sympathetic cell bodies or cardiac tissue. Secondly, the significantly enhanced concentrations of NE in the vasculature parallel the elevated direct arterial blood pressure in the two strains of hypertensive rat when compared with the normotensive strain.  相似文献   

Blood pressure is reportedly elevated in the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) neonate, the etiology of which remains unclear. Aberrations in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis have been implicated, as it is well accepted that excess corticosteroids are associated with hypertension. We examined aspects of adrenocortical activity in the neonatal SHR 1 to 21 days old and its normotensive genetic control, the Wistar-Kyoto rat (WKY). We found a fourfold greater abundance of P450scc mRNA in adrenals of SHR versus WKY day 1 neonates, and increasing but comparable abundance of adrenal P450c11B mRNA on neonatal days 1 to 21. The pattern of P450c11AS mRNA expression was distinctly different in the adrenals of SHR and WKY neonates; the relative abundance of this mRNA in SHR increased 15-fold over the 21-day period examined, whereas that in WKY remained fairly stable. RT-PCR for the presence/abundance of adrenal P450c11B3 mRNA showed absence in day 1 SHR and WKY, comparable abundances on neonatal days 7 and 14, and a distinctly greater abundance in the day 21 SHR adrenals. Peripheral corticosterone levels were threefold greater in the day 1 SHR neonate; aldosterone levels were elevated in both the SHR and WKY day 1 neonate. Thereafter, corticosterone and aldosterone levels were comparable on days 7, 14, and 21, although the anticipated depression in circulating corticosterone levels typical of the stress hyporesponsive period was noted in both SHR and WKY neonates. Although patterns of adrenocortical activity differ in the newborn SHR and WKY rat, our findings do not support an etiologic role for corticosteroids in the reported hypertension of the SHR. However, observed differences in corticosteroid profiles may augment or have a permissive effect upon the etiologic factor(s).  相似文献   

Adrenal secretion rates of aldosterone, corticosterone, and deoxycorticosterone were studied sequentially in the spontaneously hypertensive rat and the normotensive Kyoto Wistar rat. Steroid secretion was studied at three different ages: 7-8, 11-13, and 22-25 weeks. Also, peripheral plasma levels of aldosterone and plasma renin activity were determined in both the spontaneously hypertensive and the normotensive rats at 7-8 weeks of age. Aldosterone secretion was elevated markedly in dexamethasone-morphine-treated spontaneously hypertensive rats at both 7-8 and 11-13 weeks of age but was not significantly different from control in 22-25-week-old spontaneously hypertensive rats. No statistically significant differences in corticosterone or deoxycorticosterone secretion rates were observed between the spontaneously hypertensive rats and the normotensive Kyoto Wistar controls; however, the data suggested that dexamethasone did not suppress adrenocorticotropic hormone in the 7-8- and 11-13-week-old spontaneously hypertensive rats to the same extent that it did in the normotensive Kyoto Wistar rats. Therefore, aldosterone secretion was reexamined in acutely hypophysectomized 7-8-week-old rats to eliminate completely the influence of the anterior pituitary; no differences in aldosterone, corticosterone, or deoxycorticosterone secretion rates were observed between hypophysectomized spontaneously hypertensive rats and normotensive Kyoto Wistar rats. Moreover, aldosterone secretion in the hypophysectomized 7-8-week-old spontaneously hypertensive rats was reduced markedly compared with that in the intact 7-8-week old spontaneously hypertensive rats, thus confirming the importance of the pituitary in these animals. Determinations of peripheral plasma aldosterone concentration and plasma renin activity in unstressed 7-8-week-old spontaneously hypertensive and normotensive rats revealed that both parameters were depressed significantly in the spontaneously hypertensive rats. Thus, the present data indicate that the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is suppressed in the spontaneously hypertensive rat but do not suggest that the system is critically involved in the hypertensive process in these animals  相似文献   

A method of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis was used to estimate the amount of genetic divergence between the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) strain and the Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) strain. DNA from each strain was digested with eight restriction endonucleases and hybridized with six single copy gene sequences. The number of hybridization bands in each digestion was used to estimate the total number of bases analyzed and RFLPs were scored as single mutations. Divergence was then estimated by dividing the number of mutations by the number of bases analyzed. In a total of 808 bases analyzed in WKY rats, a minimum of 13 mutations were scored in SHR, which yields a nucleotide divergence of 1 change per 62 bp. This is an extremely high amount of divergence given the known origin of these two strains and is comparable to the maximum divergence possible between unrelated humans.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To evaluate the effects of hyperinsulinemia on left ventricular (LV) structure and function in older hypertensive subjects METHODS: Thirty-seven hypertensive subjects (17 men/20 women) aged 50 to 80, were studied. LV mass were evaluated echocardiographically according to the Penn convention. A 75-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was performed after overnight fasting, and both blood glucose and insulin concentrations were assayed at 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 180 minutes. Comparison between groups was performed by analysis of variance. A P value of .05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS: When the hypertensive patients were divided into two groups according to the median value of 2-hour post-loading plasma insulin, there was no difference in blood pressure levels between the groups. However, hyperinsulinemic hypertensive subjects had an increased LV mass (P < .05), mean wall thickness, and interventricular septum thickness (P < .05 for both parameters) and had better systolic function-ejection and shortening fractions (P < .0001 for both indices). CONCLUSIONS: Hyperinsulinemia may be associated with increased left ventricular mass and with a better systolic performance in older hypertensive subjects.  相似文献   

Genetic heterogeneity of the spontaneously hypertensive rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examined DNA fingerprints of the spontaneously hypertensive rat from Shimane Institute of Health Science, Izumo, Japan, including seven substrains that were separated in the early stages of the establishment of the stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rat, and compared their fingerprints with those of rats from other sources. Obtained DNA fingerprints revealed that, in both the stroke-resistant spontaneously hypertensive rat and the Wistar-Kyoto rat, there is a substantial genetic difference between the rats from the National Institutes of health and from Shimane Institute of Health Science. By contrast, only a small genetic difference was observed either between the rats from the National Institutes of Health and Charles River Laboratories or among the substrains of the spontaneously hypertensive rat in the Shimane Institute of Health Science. Further, in the strains from the Shimane Institute of Health Science, there were fingerprinting bands that could distinguish either the Wistar-Kyoto rat from all the substrains of the spontaneously hypertensive rat or the stroke-prone from the stroke-resistant spontaneously hypertensive rat in spite of their close genetic backgrounds. From the observations above, we concluded 1) that there is substantial genetic variance of the spontaneously hypertensive rat between the two major sources in the world, the National Institutes of Health and the Shimane Institute of Health Science and 2) that by DNA fingerprinting analysis, it is possible to identify the restriction fragment length polymorphisms that are specific for the spontaneously hypertensive rat or the stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rat. These polymorphisms can be applied in the segregation study of the F2 generation.  相似文献   

Biochemical and physical parameters of cardiac hypertrophy accompanying hypertension were studied in water deprived versus non-deprived immature spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and their normotensive progenitor strain, Wistar Kyoto (WKY). A 23.5 hour/day water deprivation schedule was maintained from 5 to 13 weeks of age in 23 SHR and 8 WKY rats to compare the non-deprived animals (16 SHR and 8 WKY controls). Water deprived SHR had lower left ventricular weight, lower total protein and hydroxyproline and the same total DNA as the non-deprived SHR. DNA concentration was higher in the deprived SHR than in the non-deprived SHR. No differences were found among the four groups in right ventricular weight or DNA concentration. Left to right ventricular weight ratio was significantly lower and left to right ventricular DNA concentration ratio significantly higher in the deprived SHR relative to non-deprived SHR. These data indicate that the water deprived SHR, which was less hypertensive than the non-deprived SHR, had less hypertrophy of their left ventricles. While water deprivation lowered mean arterial pressure in the WKY, also, there was no effect on left ventricular weight or biochemical indices of left ventricular cell size and cell number.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the noradrenergic sympathetic hyperinnervation in the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR), a genetic model of essential hypertension, is associated with changes in neurotrophin 3 (NT3) concentrations. METHODS: NT3 levels were measured using a sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in the superior cervical ganglia (SCG), heart, mesenteric artery (MA) and blood of postnatal and mature SHR and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: NT3 levels in SHR are significantly higher in the SCG during the first 4 postnatal weeks, and in the heart and MA from 2 to 10 weeks of age, compared with levels in WKY rats. The elevated NT3 found in the sympathetic ganglia and hyperinnervated organs of SHR indicates that NT3 may play an important role in the development of hyperinnervation, possibly by enhancing the survival and/or nerve sprouting of sympathetic neurons.  相似文献   

To determine experimentally if insulin resistance is associated with spontaneously occurring hypertension, insulin-stimulated glucose metabolism was studied in an animal model of genetic hypertension. The spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) and its genetic control, the Wistar-Kyoto strain (WKY) were studied with the euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp technique. Clamp studies demonstrated reduced insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in SHR (P less than .001). These data indicate that SHR is insulin-resistant when compared with WKY. A reduction of insulin-stimulated glucose metabolism occurred in older animals of both strains, providing evidence of an aging effect on insulin-stimulated glucose metabolism. However, the reduction of insulin-stimulated glucose metabolism was more pronounced in the hypertensive animals. This study demonstrates the presence of peripheral (skeletal muscle) insulin resistance in the SHR.  相似文献   

Compared with hearts from normotensive rats isolated, perfused hearts from spontaneously hypertensive rats exhibit a rightward shift of the Frank-Starling curve in the lower range of filling pressures, that is, up to 10 mm Hg. The extent of this shift is proportional to the degree of left ventricular hypertrophy. This is suggested to be a consequence of an altered relation between end-diastolic pressure and end-diastolic tension of the progressively more thick-walled left ventricle. Furthermore, the cardiac function curves revealed that maximal cardiac performance is apparently better in spontaneously hypertensive rats than in normotensive rats at increased levels of afterload. Therefore, left ventricular hypertrophy in established hypertension seems to contribute to adjustment of cardiac performance to the enhanced pressure work in hypertension; however, this occurs at the expense of a rightward shift of the Frank-Starling curve. In spontaneously hypertensive rats studied in vitro, coronary vascular resistance per unit weight of tissue was increased at maximal dilation, as was maximal pressor response. This may reflect the same type of structural vascular adaptation that occurs in most systemic vascular beds in hypertension and that contributes to maintenance of increased vascular reactivity and flow resistance in both hypertensive patients and spontaneously hypertensive rats. Apparently as a consequence of this adaptation, splanchnic nerve stimulation at an increasing rate caused exaggerated increases in resistance in anesthetized hypertensive rats by comparison with findings in normotensive rats. However, the effect of capacitance vessel constriction on stroke volume caused by splanchnic nerve stimulation was less pronounced in hypertensive rats. This relative “hyporeactivity” of the capacitance vessels also suggests an altered relation between cardiac filling pressure and stroke volume of the hypertrophied left ventricle in the spontaneously hypertensive rat.  相似文献   

To observe cardiac changes in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) functionally, the vectrocardiographic approach was tried, applying the Takayasu lead system to rats. This vectrocardiogram (VCG) was shown to be sufficiently good to detect left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) in SHR. VCG in SHR showed specific features, some of which were left upward deviation of the maximum QRS vector in the frontal plane, an increased magnitude of the maximum spatial QRS vector, and prolongations of such indices as the QRS duration, time to the maximum spatial QRS vector and QT interval with abnormal ST-T changes. The P wave of SHR in the X scalar electrocardiogram, lower and wider than that of Wistar-Kyoto rats may also be a significant feature of LVH in SHR. The angle of the maximum QRS vector in the horizontal plane was not proven to be a suitable index of LVH in SHR. Most of the histometrical findings were closely correlated to blood pressure. Some of the vectrocardiographic findings were significantly correlated both to blood pressure and to some of the characteristic findings of LVH, such as the weights of the heart and the left ventricle and so forth. This experiment also indicated that LVH in SHR was not limited only to quantitative myocardial hypertrophy. It also seemed to be related to reversible or irreversible qualitative changes of coronary arteries or myocardium, such as myocardial fibrosis. This vectrocardiographic method was shown to be useful in obtaining various information about the cardiovascular system in rats, especially in SHR, and it seemed to be helpful for further understanding hypertensive cardiac diseases in humans.  相似文献   

目的 比较地尔硫卓与卡托普利对高血压左室肥厚的消退作用。方法 观察32例高血压患者口服地尔硫卓12周后左室形态结构和左室功能变化,并与34例卡托普利治疗对比。结果 地尔硫卓组与卡托普利组治疗后LVMI分别降低6.3%和17.9%(P<0.05,P<0.01),E/A比值分别升高22.3%和22.1%(P<0.01)。结论 提示两药均能逆转左室肥厚和改善左室舒张功能。卡托普利对逆转左室肥厚更具优点,并探讨其作用机制。  相似文献   

目的观察沉默信息调节因子相关酶3(sirtuin3)在自发性高血压大鼠(SHR)心肌中的表达,并探讨sirtuin3在高血压所致左心室肥厚(LVH)中的作用。方法 24只29周龄SHR随机分为SHR30周龄组(喂养1周,n=11)和SHR38周龄组(喂养9周,n=13),另选20只29周龄Wistar-Kyoto(WKY)大鼠随机分为WKY30周龄组(喂养1周,n=10)和WKY38周龄组(喂养9周,n=10)作为正常对照。各组测定尾动脉收缩压和左心室质量(LVM)/体质量。Masson染色法分析左心室肌间质纤维化程度,心脏超声测定心功能。采用免疫组化,Western-blot及实时荧光定量PCR来检测心肌组织中sirtuin3的蛋白及mRNA表达。结果与WKY30、38周龄组大鼠比较,SHR30、38周龄组的收缩压[30周龄(189.0±6.8)比(103.4±3.6)mmHg;38周龄(205.6±10.9)比(116.3±4.3)mmHg]、LVM/体质量[30周龄(2.94±0.11)比(2.56±0.21);38周龄(3.21±0.15)比(2.68±0.24)]、左心室收缩末期内径[30周龄(4.27±0.13)比(3.59±0.08)mm;38周龄(5.46±0.14)比(4.21±0.08)mm]、舒张末期室间隔厚度[30周龄(2.63±0.15)比(2.09±0.06)mm;38周龄(2.82±0.09)比(2.35±0.08)mm]、舒张末期左心室后壁厚度[30周龄(2.78±0.12)比(2.15±0.09)mm;38周龄(2.99±0.12)比(2.44±0.07)mm]、sirtuin3mRNA和蛋白表达升高(均P<0.05);左心室短轴缩短率、左心室舒张末期内径降低(均P<0.05),SHR大鼠表现出左心室明显肥厚,左心室收缩及舒张功能明显减低,并随着周龄的延长,心肌肥厚及心功能障碍加重(P<0.05)。结论心肌组织sirtuin3高表达与左心室肥厚密切相关。  相似文献   

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