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We examined the relations among nesting success, egg viability, and blood and egg concentrations of As, Cd, Pb, Hg, and Se in a threatened population of spectacled eiders (Somateria fischeri) and a sympatric population of common eiders (S. mollissima) on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, USA, during 1995 and 1996. During the early breeding season, males and females had mean Se concentrations in their blood of 19.2 microg/g and 12.8 microg/g wet weight, respectively. Blood Se concentrations of females were correlated with egg concentrations. During brood rearing, blood Se levels were higher in adult females than in ducklings. Blood concentrations of Pb in spectacled eider females were higher than in common eider females captured at hatching, but blood concentrations of Se were similar. Trace element concentrations were not related to nest success or egg viability. We submit that nest success and egg viability of spectacled eiders are not related to concentrations of the trace elements we measured. Because blood Se concentrations declined rapidly through the breeding season and were not related to nest success or egg viability, we suggest that spectacled eiders are exposed to high concentrations of Se during winter that pose little threat to this population.  相似文献   

We determined concentrations of selected trace elements in tissues of king and common eiders at three locations in the Canadian arctic. Renal and hepatic cadmium concentrations in king eiders at a location in the eastern arctic were among the highest ever recorded in eider ducks: there, they were higher in king eiders than in common eiders. Cadmium concentrations were lower in king eiders from the western arctic than in those from the east. In the western arctic, cadmium concentrations did not differ between species. Hepatic mercury and zinc were higher in king eiders than in common eiders. Zinc and selenium were higher in eiders from the western arctic than in those from the eastern arctic. Trace element concentrations in these two duck species were below published toxicity thresholds. Positive correlations in trace element concentrations in both species were found between total and organic hepatic mercury, renal and hepatic cadmium as well as hepatic zinc, copper, mercury, and cadmium. Body mass of common but not king eiders and spleen mass of both species were negatively correlated with mercury concentrations. In common eiders, the number of nematode parasites was positively correlated with total and organic mercury. Histopathological evidence of kidney or liver lesions that are typical of trace metal poisoning was not found. We did not find evidence to support the hypothesis that trace metal exposure may be contributing to adverse effects on the health of individuals of these species. Received: 7 February 2001/Accepted: 14 May 2001  相似文献   

产妇毛发、静脉血及胎儿脐血微量元素相关性分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
目的研究必需和非必需微量元素在正常产妇毛发、静脉血及胎儿脐血间的分布规律,探讨胎盘屏障对母体和胎儿间微量元素转运的影响。方法选择60名健康住院分娩的产妇作为研究对象,分别采集每个产妇枕部毛发、静脉血和胎儿脐血,并对产妇日常生活中的洗发频率等因素进行问卷调查。实验室发样洗涤采用国际原子能机构推荐的洗涤程序进行,样品消化利用微波消化的方法,对样品中必需微量元素锌、铜、铬、锰、钴、钼,毒性元素铅、砷、镉、汞,以及稀土元素:镧、镨、钕、钇进行了ICP质谱分析。结果毛发中14种微量元素含量均显著高于静脉血和脐血;相关及偏相关分析均表明,产妇静脉血与胎儿脐血间锌、锰、钴、钼、铅、砷、汞、钇、镧、镨、钕显著正相关;毛发与胎儿脐血间铅、汞呈显著正相关;毛发与静脉血间锰和镉呈显著正相关。结论孕妇体内微量元素水平会直接影响到胎儿,毛发中微量元素含量可反应机体既往一定时期内的平均暴露水平。  相似文献   

Seaducks may be affected by harmful levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) at seaports near the Arctic. As an indicator of exposure to PAHs, we measured hepatic enzyme 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase activity (EROD) to determine cytochrome P4501A induction in Steller's eiders (Polysticta stelleri) and Harlequin ducks (Histronicus histronicus) from Unalaska, Popof, and Unga Islands (AK, USA) in 2002 and 2003. We measured PAHs and organic contaminants in seaduck prey samples and polychlorinated biphenyl congeners in seaduck blood plasma to determine any relationship to EROD. Using Akaike's information criterion, species and site differences best explained EROD patterns: Activity was higher in Harlequin ducks than in Steller's eiders and higher at industrial than at nonindustrial sites. Site-specific concentrations of PAHs in blue mussels ([Mytilus trossilus] seaduck prey; PAH concentrations higher at Dutch Harbor, Unalaska, than at other sites) also was important in defining EROD patterns. Organochlorine compounds rarely were detected in prey samples. No relationship was found between polychlorinated biphenyl congeners in avian blood and EROD, which further supported inferences derived from Akaike's information criterion. Congeners were highest in seaducks from a nonindustrial or reference site, contrary to PAH patterns. To assist in interpreting the field study, 15 captive Steller's eiders were dosed with a PAH known to induce cytochrome P4501A. Dosed, captive Steller's eiders had definitive induction, but results indicated that wild Steller's eiders were exposed to PAHs or other inducing compounds at levels greater than those used in laboratory studies. Concentrations of PAHs in blue mussels at or near Dutch Harbor (approximately 1,180-5,980 ng/g) approached those found at highly contaminated sites (approximately 4,100-7,500 ng/g).  相似文献   

Biomonitoring of chemical concentrations in humans is important for detecting, monitoring, and addressing a wide range of health threats. However, it is virtually absent across many African nations, including Ethiopia. This study aims to determine urinary concentrations for metals and trace elements in populations living in the central Ethiopian Rift Valley. The region is unindustralized, rural, and characterized by unique geologic rifting and volcanic activities that have produced vast pyroclastic materials, forming its aquifer and fertile agricultural soils. Millions of people in the region rely on wells for drinking water and are engaged in cereal-based subsistence agriculture. We enrolled a total of 386 residents aged 10–50 years old (201 females and 185 males). The levels of 23 elements except F were quantified in water and urine samples by ICP-MS. Mean concentrations of B, F, Ca, and Mg were measured in mg/L levels, while concentrations of Mo, Zn, Sr, Rb, and Li ranged between 100 and 700?μg/L. Mean concentrations between 5 and 15?μg/L were found for Ni, Cu, and Mn, while Ag, Be, Cd, Co, Pb, Sb, Th, TI, and U were all below 5?μg/L. Arsenic and Al had mean concentrations between 30 and 50?μg/L. Mean urinary concentrations of Ca, Cu, Mg, Pb, Sr, and Zn were significantly higher in males than females, whereas Co and Mn were higher in females. Finally, younger individuals (10–30 years) had significantly higher mean concentrations of B, Cd, Co, Mg, Mo, and Pb than those between 31 and 50 years, whereas only Ca was higher in the older age group. The concentration ranges of B, Mo, Mn, TI, Li, Zn, and in particular F (0.44–44.6?mg/L) and As (2.2–164?μg/L) in urine were higher than the reference ranges reported in healthy unexposed North American and European populations, while those for the remaining 16 elements were comparable to published reference ranges from such settings. The established concentration ranges are important to monitor future changes in exposure, and risk factors for disease, that might stem from the economic growth and industrialization that is currently underway in the region.  相似文献   

目的 分析产妇血、乳汁及婴儿血微量元素水平及相关性.方法 收集250例自然分娩产妇产后42 d血、乳汁及其婴儿血为标本,采用原子吸收光谱法测定其中所含的钙(Ca)、铁(Fe)、锌(Zn)、镁(Mg)与铜(Cu)的含量,并分析产妇血、乳汁与婴儿血微量元素相关性.结果 除产妇血钙与婴儿血钙水平差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)外,产妇血、乳汁及婴儿血中Ca、Fe、Zn、Mg、Cu水平两两比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);产妇血与婴儿血中Ca、Fe水平均呈正相关[Ca(r=0.221,P=0.047)、Fe(r =0.107,P=0.043)];产妇乳汁与婴儿血中Fe水平呈正相关(r=0.139,P=0.035);产妇血与其乳汁中Ca、Fe、Zn、Cu微量元素均呈正相关[Ca(r=0.016,P=0.007)、Fe(r =0.143,P=0.022)、Zn(r =0.162,P=0.019)、Cu(r =0.274,P=0.013)].结论 产后42 d妇女血微量元素与乳汁微量元素水平形成梯度,使乳汁维持微量元素一定比例,有助于婴儿的微量元素的吸收,与其生长发育密切相关,故定期测定孕期、产后妇女及婴儿微量元素水平,指导产妇平衡膳食,提倡母乳喂养,及时科学补充微量元素量,可早期预防婴儿早期钙、铁、锌等微量元素的缺乏.  相似文献   

目的 通过检测0~12岁少儿血中钙、铁、锌、镁、铜、铅和镉水平,为预防疾病,科学合理的膳食提供理论依据。方法 收集灞桥区0~12岁少儿手指血样4 210例,进行微量元素和重金属元素的检测,分为4个年龄组,分别为0~1岁,1~3岁,3~7岁,7~12岁,进行资料收集和统计分析。结果 不同年龄段儿童的微量元素和重金属元素的平均值之间存在统计学差异(P<0.05);0~12岁儿童钙、铁和锌元素的总体缺乏率分别为24.94%,19.19%和13.85%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);镁和铜元素的缺乏率在不同年龄段中无统计学差异;未见铅镉水平超标;男童和女童在钙、铁、锌元素的缺乏率上存在差异,镁和铜元素在男女童之间无明显差异。结论 灞桥区儿童钙、铁缺乏较为明显,锌其次,铜和镁元素基本不缺乏。应提高家长和民众对微量元素和重金属元素的认识,同时发现微量元素的缺乏,应该尽早纠正,科学补充微量元素。  相似文献   

Geology, trace elements and health   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Both animal and vegetable life depend for their existence on appropriate amounts of various trace elements, albeit in very small amounts. This paper lists some of these trace elements and the ailments in which they play an important role. The elements discussed are gold, platinum, copper, lead, zinc, aluminium, silica, mercury, cadmium, selenium, arsenic, and iodine. The diseases involved range from multiple sclerosis, various cancers, arthritis, goitre, Down's Syndrome, and mental retardation. Less well known are Keshan, Alzheimer's, Itai-Itai, and Minamata diseases. Of particular interest in the latter part of the twentieth century is the discovery that serious deficiencies of either copper or zinc in the diet of animals may break down their immune defence mechanisms. The ability of certain plants selectively to concentrate particular heavy metals in their tissues and pollen is discussed.  相似文献   

目的:探讨阿特拉津对小鼠血中微量元素的影响及其在生理和病理过程中的作用。方法:将小鼠按体重随机分为5组,各组染毒剂量分别为350、175、87.5 mg/kg,阳性对照组和阴性对照组,21 d处死,用原子吸收分光光度法测定血中元素的含量。结果:小鼠经口给予阿特拉津后,血中Fe、Zn、Mn、Co、Ca、Mg与阴性对照组比较,差异均有显著性(P<0.05);血中Cu含量没有明显变化。结论:阿特拉津对小鼠血中微量元素Fe、Zn、Mn、Co、Ca、Mg含量有影响,可能引发疾病。  相似文献   

【目的】调查母乳中铅、砷、镉、锌、铜、锰等多种微量元素间的相关性,及与母血中相应元素之间的关系。【方法】收集200名产妇的母乳与母血标本,采用微波消解-电感耦合等离子质谱法测定其中的铅、砷、镉、锌、铜、锰含量,并对其相关性进行探讨。【结果】母乳与母血中营养元素间未发现相关,而污染元素砷与镉在母乳与母血间存在相关(砷:r=0.317,P=0.00,镉:r=0.333,P=0.00)。在母乳标本中,一些微量元素之间存在显著的相关,如铅与镉(r=0.159,P=0.038),铅与锰(r=0.298,P=0.00),砷与镉(r=0.352,P=0.00),锌与镉(r=0.205,P=0.00),铜与镉(r=0.299,P=0.00),锰与镉(r=0.387,P=0.00),砷与铜(r=0.158,P=0.026),锌与锰(r=0.350,P=0.00)。【结论】母乳与母血中元素间的相关与否可能提示元素从血到母乳不同的转运机制,而母乳中各元素间的相关则揭示可能存在的交互作用。  相似文献   

The Sooty Shearwater (Puffinus griseus, commonly known as Mutton bird) is a migratory wild seabird, annually harvested for food by certain native groups in New Zealand and Australia and in many parts of the world. The concentrations of 22 elements and several organochlorine pesticides [2,2-bis(chlorophenyl)-1,1,1-trichloroethane (DDT), its derivatives dichlorodiphenyldichloroethene (DDE) and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDD), aldrin, chlordane, dicofol, lindane, and methoxychlor] in Mutton bird were determined over two consecutive years to evaluate its safety for human consumption. Twenty bird carcasses were purchased in each of 2007 and 2008 from a local source. No significant year effect (P>0.05) was found in the following nine trace elements: Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Se. The concentrations of Hg, Li and Na were higher (P<0.05) in 2008 samples compared to 2007. The toxic trace elements (mg/kg wet weight) in all the samples were below the maximum residual level (MRL). The concentration of Fe, Ca and Se in Mutton bird was higher than that in domestic land animal meats reported in literature. The residual organochlorine concentrations were all below the recommended MRL. Thus Mutton bird meat is high in essential nutrient elements and of low toxicological risk. Due to active use of agrochemical in New Zealand, a monitoring program for contaminants in Mutton birds is recommended.  相似文献   

目的:探讨肺炎患儿全血锌、铜、铁、钙、镁含量的变化。方法:采用火焰原子吸收法检测32例肺炎患儿和30例健康小儿的全血微量元素含量。结果:肺炎患儿全血锌、铁含量明显低于健康儿童(t分别=5.538和3.282,P=0.000和0.002),而血铜、钙、镁含量无明显差别(P均>0.05)。结论:肺炎患儿体内存在不同程度的锌、铁缺乏,对肺炎患儿应常规检查微量元素,适当补充锌、铁等金属元素以辅助治疗。  相似文献   

目的:检测学龄前儿童末稍血中钙、铁、锌、镁、铜元素的水平,为预防疾病提供科学依据。方法:采用MP-2型溶出分析法检测。结果:各种元素构成比正常;<2岁组、2~5岁组、>5岁组儿童钙、铁、锌、铜构成比比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);镁元素在3个年龄组儿童构成比比较差异有统计学意义,>5岁组与≤5岁组比较差异有统计学意义,镁元素缺乏率高。结论:营养素钙、铁、锌、铜在学龄前儿童体内的分布合理;镁元素的缺乏在学龄前儿童中占有一定的比例,机体可存在长期缺镁而无低镁血症现象,建议将营养素的检测纳入学龄前儿童保健常规检查项目。  相似文献   

目的:探讨大连市的儿童血铅水平对矿物质和微量元素的影响变化。方法:选择来医院就诊的592例2~18岁患儿为研究对象。根据铅中毒诊断标准,将患儿分为铅中毒组和铅暴露对照组。结果:铅中毒组血清锌和硒水平(1096.08±221.46μg/L、92.88±16.06μg/L)与铅暴露对照组(1081.86±234.80μg/L、92.58±19.21μg/L)差异无显著性(P>0.05),铅与血钙存在显著负相关关系(R=-2.14,P<0.005)。对各组儿童年龄进行分段(学龄前期<7岁、学龄期8~12岁、青少年期13~18岁)比较,发现铅中毒对微量元素的影响主要发生在学龄前期和青春发育期。结论:铅中毒患儿的防治中应首先纠正锌、硒等微量元素的缺乏和不足,同时适当补钙以驱铅治疗。在大连市的铅防治中更应重视纠正硒的缺乏和不足,避免单纯补锌而加剧硒代谢的紊乱。  相似文献   

儿童贫血与血铅及微量元素水平的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究儿童贫血与血铅、铁、铜、钙、镁、锌水平之间的关系。方法:随机选择武汉市妇女儿童医疗保健中心就诊儿童90例,采集静脉血分别检测血常规及血铅的含量,采集末梢血检测铁、铜、钙、镁、锌的浓度。根据血常规的结果将研究对象分为贫血组和对照组,贫血组又进一步分为轻度、中度、重度3组。同时,根据血铅的检测结果将研究对象分为低铅组和高铅组。结果:血铅范围在100~200μg/L范围与轻度贫血有明显的相关性。低铅组和对照组与高血铅组和贫血组相比较,铁和锌的水平明显偏低,但钙、镁、铜含量无统计学差异。血铅的水平与Hb、Hct、MCV、MCH呈现明显的负相关性,与RDW-CV呈现正相关性。结论:血铅水平>100μg/L明显与贫血相关,高血铅降低铁和锌的吸收,从负面影响血液学参数。  相似文献   

Tissues of rats and mice fed a nonessential metal in drinking water for life were analyzed for the essential metals chromium, copper, manganese and zinc. The study involved 505 rats and 843 mice. Livers, lungs, hearts, kidneys and spleens were pooled in groups according to age at death, averaging 5 for rats and 8 for mice, in order to provide adequate sample weight. Copper was significantly higher in livers of rats fed tin, germanium, niobium and zirconium than in controls. Similarly, niobium was associated with deposition of manganese in heart and zinc deposition in liver. Chromium levels were depressed in heart, kidney and spleen by germanium. In mice the greatest effects occurred when indium and rhodium were fed, all four essential trace metals exhibiting raised levels principally in kidney but also in heart and spleen. Chromium levels were raised in all organs but heart when hexavalent chromium was fed. From these data it is apparent that the ingestion of a nonessential metal can enhance the retention of an essential trace metal, perhaps thus avoiding toxicity from the nonessential one.  相似文献   

Maternal and umbilical cord blood levels of mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and the trace elements copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and selenium (Se) are reported for Inuit, Dene/Métis, Caucasian, and Other nonaboriginal participants from Arctic Canada. This is the first human tissue monitoring program covering the entire Northwest Territories and Nunavut for multiple contaminants and establishes a baseline upon which future comparisons can be made. Results for chlorinated organic pesticides and PCBs for these participants have been reported elsewhere. Between May 1994 and June 1999, 523 women volunteered to participate by giving their written informed consent, resulting in the collection of 386 maternal blood samples, 407 cord samples, and 351 cord:maternal paired samples. Geometric mean (GM) maternal total mercury (THg) concentrations ranged from 0.87 microg/L (SD = 1.95) in the Caucasian group of participants (n = 134) to 3.51 microg/L (SD = 8.30) in the Inuit group (n = 146). The GM of the Inuit group was 2.6-fold higher than that of the Dene/Métis group (1.35 microg/L, SD = 1.60, n = 92) and significantly higher than those of all other groups (P<0.0001). Of Inuit women participants, 3% (n = 4) were within Health Canada's level of concern range (20-99 microg/L) for methylmercury (MeHg) exposure. Of Inuit and Dene/Métis cord samples, 56% (n = 95) and 5% (n = 4), respectively, exceeded 5.8 microg/L MeHg, the revised US Environmental Protection Agency lower benchmark dose. GM maternal Pb was significantly higher in Dene/Métis (30.9 microg/L or 3.1 microg/dL; SD = 29.1 microg/L) and Inuit (31.6 microg/L, SD = 38.3) participants compared with the Caucasian group (20.6 microg/L, SD = 17.9) (P < 0.0001). Half of all participants were smokers. GM blood Cd in moderate smokers (1-8 cigarettes/day) and in heavy smokers (> 8 cigarettes/day) was 7.4-fold higher and 12.5-fold higher, respectively, than in nonsmokers. The high percentage of smokers among Inuit (77%) and Dene/Métis (48%) participants highlights the need for ongoing public health action directed at tobacco prevention, reduction, and cessation for women of reproductive age. Pb and THg were detected in more than 95% of all cord blood samples, with GMs of 21 microg/L and 2.7 microg/L, respectively, and Cd was detected in 26% of all cord samples, with a GM of 0.08 microg/L. Cord:maternal ratios from paired samples ranged from 0.44 to 4.5 for THg, from 0.5 to 10.3 for MeHg, and 0.1 to 9.0 for Pb. On average, levels of THg, MeHg, and Zn were significantly higher in cord blood than in maternal blood (P < 0.0001), whereas maternal Cd, Pb, Se, and Cu levels were significantly higher than those in cord blood (P < 0.0001). There was no significant relationship between methylmercury and selenium for the range of MeHg exposures in this study. Ongoing monitoring of populations at risk and traditional food species, as well as continued international efforts to reduce anthropogenic sources of mercury, are recommended.  相似文献   

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