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A review of the literature revealed high comorbidity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and states of anxiety and depression, indicative of excess, psychiatric morbidity in COPD. The existing studies point to a prevalence of clinical significant symptoms of depression and anxiety amounting to around 50%. The prevalence of panic disorder and major depression in COPD patients is correspondingly markedly increased compared to the general population. Pathogenetic mechanisms remain unclear but both psychological and organic factors seem to play a role. The clinical and social implications are severe and the concurrent psychiatric disorders may lead to increased morbidity and impaired quality of life. Furthermore, the risk of missing the proper diagnosis and treatment of a concurrent psychiatric complication is evident when COPD patients are treated in medical clinics. Until now only few intervention studies have been conducted, but results suggest that treatment of concurrent psychiatric disorder leads to improvement in the physical as well as the psychological state of the patient. Panic anxiety as well as generalized anxiety in COPD patients is most safely treated with newer antidepressants. Depression is treated with antidepressants according to usual clinical guidelines. There is a need for further intervention studies to determine the overall effect of antidepressants in the treatment of anxiety and depression in this group of patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine if the presence of depression in patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) would have an independent impact on mortality. METHOD: Prospective evaluation of the impact of depression according to the ICD-10 criteria for depression. Cox proportional hazards regression was used to evaluate the independent impact of depression after controlling for significant univariate clinical predictors in the data set. Consenting out-patients (n = 49) who meet the criteria for COPD between September 1997 and September 1998. There were no age limits (range: 53-90 years). The sample was 67% female. Survival status at follow-up after a mean of 803 days was measured. RESULTS: At follow-up, 16 patients had died. Depression significantly reduced the mortality risk at follow-up (hazard ratio, 0.30; 95% confidence interval, 0.10-0.93; P = 0.037). The impact of depression remained after control for forced expiratory volume during the first second (FEV1), the only multivariate significant predictor of mortality in the data set (hazard ratio, 0.27; 95% confidence interval, 0.09-0.84; P = 0.024). CONCLUSION: Depression in out-patients suffering from COPD appears to be an independent protector for mortality. Additional studies in larger samples are needed to replicate this finding and to determine possible underlying pathogenetic mechanisms.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We hypothesized that COPD patients with sub-threshold depression would have levels of disability and impaired quality of life approaching that for major depression and significantly greater than for non-depressed COPD patients. SETTING: A university teaching hospital METHOD: 137 outpatients (69 men), with a mean age of 73 years (range 60-89 years) with symptomatic irreversible, moderate to severe COPD were recruited. Subjects were interviewed using the Geriatric Mental State Schedule (GMS), a structured psychiatric interview schedule, along with its diagnostic algorithm AGECAT. A GMS/AGECAT score of 3 or more is indicative of a case-level of depression, a GMS/AGECAT score of 1-2 indicates sub-threshold depression and GMS/AGECAT of 0, no depression. Physical disability was measured by the Manchester Respiratory Activities of Daily Living questionnaire (MRADL) and quality of life was assessed by the Breathing Problems Questionnaire (BPQ). RESULTS: Mean (SD) one second forced expiratory volume was 0.89 (0.33) litres. The prevalence of GMS/AGECAT case-level depression (>or= 3) was 57 cases (42%); of GMS/AGECAT sub-threshold depression (1-2) 34 (25%); and GMS/AGECAT non-depression (0) 46 (33%). Comparison of MRADL score in the three groups (mean, 95% confidence intervals) revealed [GMS >or= 3 = 9.9 (8.4 to 11.3) vs GMS = 1-2, 12.9 (11.2 to 14.4) vs GMS = 0, 15.6 (14 to 16.6) p < 0.0001]. BPQ scores (mean, 95% confidence intervals) showed [GMS >or= 3 = 54 (50 to 57) vs GMS = 1-2, 40 (36.3 to 44) GMS = 0, 33 (30.6 to 36.7) p < 0.0001]. There was no significant difference in FEV(1) between the three groups. CONCLUSION: Sub-threshold depression accounted for 25% of the sample. In this study disability associated with sub-threshold depression in patients with COPD was intermediate to that associated with case-level depression and no with depression and significantly worse than in the latter group. Sub-threshold depression is associated with substantial morbidity in COPD.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To estimate the clinical effect of pulmonary rehabilitation (with or without education) on anxiety and depression in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Secondary outcomes were generic and disease-specific health-related quality of life (HRQOL). METHODS: Systematic review and meta-analysis of primary outcomes to calculate mean change effect sizes [standardized mean difference (SMD)] and associated 95% CIs. RESULTS: Six randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that compared pulmonary rehabilitation with standard care (with or without education) were included in the review. Three studies (n=269) showed that comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation was significantly more effective than standard care in reducing short-term anxiety (SMD=-0.33, 95% CI: -0.57 to -0.09, P=.008) and depression (SMD=-0.58, 95% CI: -0.93 to -0.23, P=.001). Education alone and exercise training alone were not associated with significant reductions in either anxiety or depression. When compared with standard care, comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation was also associated with short-term significant gains in both disease-specific and generic HRQOL. Studies that included long-term follow-up data showed that gains in both psychological health status and HRQOL were not sustained at 12 months. CONCLUSIONS: Rehabilitation programmes that include up to three sessions per week of incremental and supervised exercise, along with education and psychosocial support, significantly reduce anxiety and depression more than standard care in patients with COPD. Further research should focus on exploring effective and acceptable maintenance strategies along with evaluations of stepped care approaches for the management of psychological co-morbidity, especially among those with severe anxiety and depression.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to review research on psychological characteristics in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients and to summarize the findings of associations between psychological variables and various aspects of life, illness, and health in COPD patients. METHODS: The following databases were searched: Medline, PsycINFO, and the Cochrane Library. RESULTS: A total of 81 studies, published between 1968 and 2004, was identified. The reviewed studies indicated that patients suffering from COPD have a high prevalence of psychological disorders and may function at a reduced level of efficiency due to neuropsychological impairments. Psychological characteristics also seemed to be associated with functional disability and reduced quality of life. CONCLUSION: Psychological characteristics are important variables that interact with physical symptoms, and they should be taken into account when treating COPD patients. More studies with rigorous methodological designs are needed to describe the role of psychological variables in COPD accurately and reliably.  相似文献   

Summary A peripheral neuropathy has been reported in patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It is mainly characterized by axonal degeneration, secondary demyelination and abnormal endoneurial vessels. The pathogenesis of these lesions remains obscure. To investigate whether relationships exist between neuritic and vascular lesions, a qualitative and quantitative ultrastructural study was performed on nerve biopsies in 13 patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency due to COPD, and in 9 normal controls without pulmonary lesions. A computer-assisted multiple regression analysis taking into account clinical, electrophysiological, biological and morphometric parameters was performed. Statistically significant differences in the endoneurial structure of microvessels were: (1) thickening of the basement membrane; (2) narrowing of the lumen; (3) mural pericytic debris deposits, occurring in the COPD group. In the latter, hypercapnia correlated positively with nerve fibers lesions (P=0.03) and endothelial area (P=0.03). No correlations were found between age and other parameters. These findings highlight the fact that the microangiopathy in peripheral nerves in patients with COPD may be diffuse and essentially due to hypoxia and reduction in blood flow, as in diabetic neuropathy.  相似文献   



Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a major health problem, especially in adults over 40 years of age, and has a great social and economic impact. The psychological morbidity of COPD patients with regard to anxiety and depressive symptoms has been extensively studied in the past. However, few studies have investigated the prevalence of alexithymia in these patients, as well as its association with this comorbidity. Based on this fact, we studied the prevalence of alexithymia and its association with anxiety and depressive symptoms in COPD outpatients.  相似文献   

Tissue wasting in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Malnutrition is common among individuals suffering from hypoxemic chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), advanced HIV disease, and in patients with chronic, severe congestive heart failure. Although increased morbidity and mortality has been associated with weight loss in these conditions, the pathophysiology of malnutrition remains somewhat unclear for each. In COPD, the primary postulated mechanism is hypermetabolism resulting in elevated total caloric expenditure arising from increased airway resistance, increased O2 cost of ventilation, increased dietary induced thermogenesis, inefficient substrate use and perhaps, increased levels of proinflammatory cytokines. In AIDS, postulated mechanisms include hypermetabolism arising from increased activation of proinflammatory cytokines, along with futile cycling of fatty acids and de novo lipogenesis early in the course of HIV infection; intestinal malabsorption and anorexia also play a role in many inflicted individuals. In cardiac cachexia, dietary and metabolic factors, and levels and activity of cytokines, thyroid hormone, catecholamines and cortisol have been suggested as being responsible for causing weight loss in a most cases.  相似文献   

Objective: There have been few studies examining the relationship between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and psychiatric morbidity in Hong Kong. This study aimed to examine the prevalence of depressive disorders (major depression, dysthymia and adjustment disorder with depressed mood) in Chinese patients with COPD and explore their demographic and clinical correlates.Method: A total of 146 patients aged 50 years and above with COPD and 220 age and gender matched control subjects without COPD formed the study sample. Data of demographic and clinical characteristics were collected by a form designed for this study. Activity of daily living was assessed by the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale and life events were evaluated by the Life Event Scale. Depressive disorders were determined using the Chinese version of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV.Results: The point prevalence of DSM-IV depressive disorders in patients with COPD and controls were 15.1% and 3.6%, respectively. Multivariate analyses revealed that female sex and severe impairment in daily activity functioning were independently associated with depressive disorders. Only 22.7% of the depressed COPD patients had consulted psychiatrists in the past three months.Conclusion: Depressive disorders are significantly higher in COPD patients than controls. The low percentage of depressed patients with COPD seeking psychiatric treatment suggests that there is an unmet need in the psychiatric care of COPD patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of restless legs syndrome (RLS) in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and the relationship between RLS and clinical/laboratory findings of COPD. METHODS: One hundred and thirty-four COPD patients without secondary causes of RLS were included. Thirty-nine (29.1%) patients were diagnosed with RLS and classified as Group 1. The control group consisted of 65 age-matched COPD patients without RLS. Group 1 was divided into subgroups according to the Johns Hopkins Severity (JHS) scale. Patients with a score of 0, 1, or 2 were classified as JHS 0-2 and those with a score of 3 as JHS 3. Group 1 and the control group and subgroups were compared for clinical and laboratory characteristics. RESULTS: We found that the duration of COPD was longer and that airway obstruction, hypercapnia, and hypoxia were more evident in patients with RLS than those without. Similar differences were also detected between JHS subgroups 3 (more severe) and 0-2. Polyneuropathy frequency was significantly higher in Group 1 compared to controls. However, Group 1 subgroups showed a similar frequency of polyneuropathy. In a multivariate analysis, hypercapnia made a significant independent contribution to both JHS 0-2 and JHS 3 patients when RLS severity was set as the dependent variable. Polyneuropathy and the duration of COPD were significant independent variables for patients in the JHS 3 subgroup. Polyneuropathy was the strongest predictor for the JHS 3 patients. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that RLS is frequent in COPD, particularly in patients with severe hypoxemia/hypercapnia and in late stages of the disease.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare quadriceps muscle strength (maximal voluntary contraction, MVC), endurance (T(LIM)), and dynamic work capacity (W(LIM)) in 89 patients (57 men and 32 women) with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to 31 healthy controls (20 men and 11 women). Compared with the healthy subjects, COPD patients demonstrated statistically significant (P < 0.05) lower values for MVC, T(LIM) and W(LIM). The MVC was 20-30% lower, whereas T(LIM) and W(LIM) were 70-80% lower in the patients. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that pulmonary function variables contributed only partially to the explanation of variance in MVC, T(LIM), and W(LIM). Our results indicate that in patients with COPD, quadriceps muscle endurance and dynamic work capacity are impaired to a greater extent than is quadriceps muscle strength. For rehabilitation purposes, the findings may lead to more specific exercise programs, further enhancing rehabilitation outcomes in terms of functional abilities and social participation.  相似文献   

Decreased ventilatory responses to carbon dioxide (CO2) correlate with elevated scores on tests for depression in normal subjects and with episodes of endogenous depression in psychiatric patients. Patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) frequently develop resting hypercapnia due to impaired ventilatory mechanics or drive, and may also have elevated scores on tests for depression. Tricyclic antidepressant drugs can improve ventilatory mechanics and possibly drive. We hypothesized that antidepressant drugs might enhance ventilatory drive and improve arterial blood gases in patients with severe COPD and that these improvements might correlate with improvement in depression scores. Therefore, we studied the effects of desipramine versus placebo on spirometry, resting arterial blood gases, hypercapnic ventilatory and mouth occlusion pressure responses, and scores on the Beck and Zung self-rated depression scales. In our patients the resting arterial CO2 (PaCO2) was found to depend almost equally on ventilatory mechanics and drive. In addition, patients with higher depression scores tended to have a lower PaCO2 when the severity of airways obstruction was taken into consideration. In a 16-week, double-blind, crossover comparison of desipramine with placebo, both treatments led to significant improvement in depression scores. Desipramine had no effects on resting PaCO2, spirometry, or ventilatory control.  相似文献   

Introduction: The most common etiology of hypercapnic respiratory failure is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, the differential diagnosis also includes neuromuscular disorders. We studied the specificity of reduced amplitude phrenic nerve compound motor action potential (CMAP) to diagnose neuromuscular disorders. Methods: A group of patients with advanced COPD were recruited prospectively and compared with controls. Phrenic nerve CMAPs were measured bilaterally using supraclavicular surface stimulation and bipolar recording (G1: 5 cm above the xiphoid; G2: 16 cm from G1). Results: A group of 20 patients (15 men) and a group of 29 controls (15 men) were included. Phrenic nerve CMAPs of patients with COPD had significantly longer latency and higher amplitude. Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that patients with hypercapnic respiratory failure and reduced phrenic nerve CMAP amplitude most probably have a neuromuscular disorder affecting the diaphragm and not COPD or another lung disorder. Muscle Nerve 47: 504–509, 2013  相似文献   

Summary The prevalence of clinical and electrophysiological signs of peripheral nerve disease was evaluated in 151 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Patients with concomitant disorders affecting the peripheral nervous system were excluded. Thirty patients had clinical signs of a mild sensorimotor and distal neuropathy and 13 additional patients had only electrophysiological abnormalities. The rate and the severity of the neuropathy correlated with the severity of chronic hypoxaemia. Three out of 20 patients with mild hypoxaemia (PaO2 less than 15 mm Hg below normal) had polyneuropathy as compared with 15 out of 36 with severe hypoxaemia (PaO2 more than 30 mm Hg below normal (rates different at the 10% level)). PaO2 and age were the only variables discriminating between patients with and without peripheral neuropathy.Supported by the Insitut de Recherches Internationales Servier 92202 Neuilly, France. Presented in part at the inaugural meeting of the European Neurological Society, Nice, France, June 1988  相似文献   

An earlier study by the authors had demonstrated neuropsychological impairment among 66 clinically stable patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and had found that the deficits were directly associated with the amount of oxygen available to body tissue. We were able to follow 62 of the patients for three years when retrospective analyses were performed to determine the relationship of the neuropsychological test scores with the patients' three-year survival status. Patients who survived had scored significantly (p less than 0.01) higher on the neuropsychological tests than those who had died. Individual analyses of variance indicated that the significant relationship between the neuropsychological tests and survival status was attributable primarily to the Benton Visual Motor Retention Test and the digit symbol subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. The latter test had, in the earlier study, shown the strongest relationship with partial pressure of oxygen and with a pulmonary function test. These findings suggest that certain neuropsychological tests may reflect both the progress of COPD and three-year survival probability among the patients.  相似文献   

The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) is a widely used screening instrument for depression and anxiety in medically compromised patients. The purpose of this study was to examine the differential item functioning (DIF) of the anxiety subscale of the HADA (HADS-A). A research assistant administered the HADS-A to 166 Chinese patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who were consecutively admitted to a rehabilitation hospital. Although the HADS-A was overall uni-dimensional, there were one mute item and two items with borderline misfit. Only one item had a DIF for arterial oxygen saturation. No item had DIF for other indicators of the severity of COPD. In conclusion, this study found that for one item the HADS-A has significant item bias for the severity of disease in patients with COPD.  相似文献   

Fifty consecutive outpatients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were evaluated for lifetime prevalence of psychiatric morbidity. Eight percent had a diagnosis of panic disorder. This finding suggests that this patient population should be monitored for panic disorder.  相似文献   

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