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A case of nasopharyngeal carcinoma is presented. Epstein-Barr viral genome was identified in the neoplastic cells by in situ hybridization with digoxigeninlabelled polymerase chain reaction-generated probes. We report the development of this technique in paraffinembedded sections and propose that such identification may prove valuable for the diagnosis of this tumour in routine material.P. Delvenne is a research associate of the National Fund for Scientific Research (Belgium)  相似文献   

肺癌中EB病毒的原位杂交检测   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
为观察EB病毒在肺癌组织中的分布并探讨EB病毒感染与肺癌的关系,对87例肺癌组织中经多聚酶链反应(PCR)检测52例EB病毒阳性的石蜡包埋组织,用原位杂交技术进行定位检测。癌组织及癌旁肺组织原位杂交EB病毒阳性率分别为37.9%(33/87)和11.5%(IO/87);中、低分化癌与高分化癌EB病毒阳性率有显著差异,强阳性病例均为分化较差的肿瘤;累及胸膜、肋骨、隔肌的肺癌,其EB病毒阳性率明显高于未侵及者;随着EB病毒感染的加重,淋巴细胞浸润增多。结果表明:EB病毒感染与肺癌细胞的生物学特性及肺癌的发展有关。  相似文献   



Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a common cancer in Southeast Asia and is frequently associated with Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) infection. The primary aim of this study was to improve the method of EBV detection by exploring quantum dots in FISH detection, and compare QD-based FISH with conventional ISH.

Materials and methods

Biopsy specimens were retrospectively retrieved from 35 NPC patients as paraffin-embedded tissue blocks. QD-FISH was developed to detect the presence of EBV encoded small RNA (EBER) using biotin-labeled EBER oligonucleotide probe indirectly labeled with streptavidin-conjugated quantum dots. Conventional ISH was also performed using a commercial kit to assess concordance between the two methods.


All the 35 NPC cases were nonkeratinizing carcinoma (7 differentiated and 28 undifferentiated subtypes). EBER-positive signals were detected in 91.43% (32/35) and 80% (28/35) cases by QD-FISH and ISH, respectively. There was no significant difference in the number of EBER-positive cases by the two methods. A moderate concordance was found between QD-FISH and ISH for EBER status (κ = 0.55). Four EBER-negative cases by ISH showed EBER-positive signals when detected by QD-FISH.


EBV is closely associated with NPC in Chinese patients. QD-FISH is a novel effective method for EBER detection, and has a moderate concordance with conventional ISH.  相似文献   

肺癌组织中EB病毒感染的检测   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目的探讨原发性肺癌中EB病毒(Epstein—Barr virus,EBV)的存在情况及EBV与原发性肺癌的关系。方法唐山市人民医院和开滦医院病理科储存的2001--2006年肺癌手术切除石蜡包埋肺癌组织108份,癌旁组织22份,以EBV阳性鼻咽癌组织为阳性对照,用原位杂交法(ISH)检测肺癌患者石蜡包埋组织标本中EBV编码的小RNA(EBERl),并采用图像分析法进行形态学定量。结果癌组织及癌旁组织EBERl的阳性率分别为33.3%(36/108)和4.5%(1/22),二者间差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。鳞癌、腺癌、小细胞癌及大细胞癌中EBV感染率分别是35.9%(14/39)、31.6%(12/38)、31.0%(9/29)和1/2。EBV感染与患者年龄、性别和组织学类型无关,但与肺癌的部位、癌组织分化程度有关,右肺明显高于左肺,中低分化癌明显高于高中分化癌。结论唐山地区原发性肺癌组织中EBV感染率为33.3%,EBV感染可能是肺癌的潜在病因之一,在癌组织分化的不同阶段有不同的作用。  相似文献   

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has been shown to be associated with numerous human malignancies including Burktt's lymphoma and nasopharyngeal lymphoepithelioma. In addition, some typical gastric adenocarcinomas were also recently reported to demonstrate EBV relevance. The present study was designed to detect EBV in primary gastric lymphoma, using the in situ hybridization (ISH) method, in which oligo-nucleotide probes for the EBERl RNA and the EBV DNA W region have been used. Of the 49 cases of primary gastric lymphoma studied, which all showed B cell immunopheno-type, EBER1 sequences could only be found in four cases, including two low-grade cases and two high-grade cases of histological subtypes while the number of positive cells was less than 50% of the tumor cells. In one case of low-grade mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma, the EBER1 -positive neoplastic cells were found in the regional lymph node, but the primary site of the stomach showed no positive signals. The EBV presence was further confirmed by the EBV DNA ISH. Using the ISH method, rare or occasional positive lymphoid cells (probably non-tumorous bystander cells) could be detected in 10 other cases including all histological subtypes. The present study shows that only a small proportion of primary gastric lymphoma is associated with EBV, and such positive cases could be found in both high- and low-grade histological subtypes. It is also suggested that the EBV presence in the neoplastic cells of some cases of primary gastric lymphoma is most likely a secondary phenomenon.  相似文献   

间接法原位PCR检测喉鳞癌组织HPV感染   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
建立稳定的原位PCR方法,并探讨HPV感染与喉鳞癌发生的关系。方法采用免疫组化、原位杂变、PCR和间接原位PCR技术,检测了50例喉鳞癌中的HPV感染情况。结果免疫组化衣壳抗原阳性者6例(12%),原位杂交阳性者13例(26%),PCR阳性者10例(20%),原位PCR阳性者17例(34%),综合上述方法的检出率为42%(21例)。结论HPV感染与喉癌有着明显的关系,间接原位PCR在检测HPV感染  相似文献   

原位杂交法检测肝组织中丁型和乙型肝炎病毒核酸   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用国外引进的重组质粒获得纯化基因片段,分别以随机引物法和PCR法制备地高辛素标记的HBVDNA探针和HDVcDNA探针。用原位杂交法检测了石蜡包埋的肝组织切片BVDNA和HDVRNA。49例感染肝组织分为两组:丁肝组23例;单纯乙肝组26例,HBVDNA的检出率丁肝组(78.26%)与乙肝组(76.92%)无统计学差异;而HDVNA的检出率丁肝组(60.87%)明显高于乙肝组(15.38%)。HBVDNA可见于受染肝细胞的胞核或胞浆内,而HDVRNA绝大部分见于肝细胞胞核。两种病毒核酸阳性细胞在肝组织中的分布特点大致相同:弥漫或散在地分布于肝小叶或假小叶内,或局灶性分布于小叶周边。HDVRNA阳性的肝组织都或多或少地同时存在HBVDNA。同一例肝组织中,HBVDNA阳性细胞从数量和颗粒密度上似略高于HDVRNA。将乙肝组和丁肝组两组病人肝内HB-sAg、HBcAg和HBVDNA及血清HBeAg作了比较,各指标阳性率虽有差异,但均无统计学意义。因此,未发现HDV感染对HBV的复制有明显抑制作用。此结果对以往用血清学或免疫组化方法对HDV的研究有所补充和深入,亦可为研究其它类型病毒性肝炎之间的重叠感染所借鉴。  相似文献   

Although the immunological response during infectious mononucleosis (IMN) has been studied in detail, little is known about the spread of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in lymphoid organs or the topographical distribution of the infected cells. In this study, EBV was detected in 11 lymph nodes, 4 tonsils, and 1 spleen of 16 patients with IMN. The predominant cell type positive for the EBV genome was identified as small lymphocytes localized chiefly within typical T areas, preferentially in perifollicular and interfollicular regions of the lymph node. A few endothelia of epithelioid venules were also found to be positive. Furthermore, a small number of sinus lining cells of lymph nodes exhibited labelling. Altogether, only a small number of cells, not exceeding 1 per cent of all cells, were infected with EBV. Our results show that only a small number of lymphocytes carry the EBV and that besides B lymphocytes, other cell constituents of lymphatic tissues are infected by EBV during IMN.  相似文献   

B细胞淋巴瘤与EB病毒关系的观察   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为了了解我国非免疫缺陷相关B淋巴瘤是否与EBV有关,我们采用EBVencodedsmallRNA(EBER-1)原位杂交对127例非免疫缺陷相关B淋巴瘤进行了研究。结果显示,其中8例瘤细胞核内有EBER-1的表达(中心母细胞型4例;淋巴浆细胞样型、浆细胞型、免疫母细胞型和不能分型的高度恶性B细胞淋巴瘤各1例),检出率为6.3%。这一结果与欧美的情况一致(5%左右).但明显低于我国何杰金病(82%)及T淋巴细胞(62%)的检出率,因此提示EBV在非免疫缺陷B淋巴瘤发病中的作用是有限的,主要致病因素还有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

应用地高辛标记探针原位杂交法和单克隆抗HCV-NS3-HRP建立直接酶标免疫组化法分别测定52例肝炎患者肝组织HCVRNA和HCAg-NS3。结果抗HCV阳性组HCVRNA检出率57.1%(16/28),HCAg-NS3检出率53.6%(15/28);抗HCV阴性组其两项检出率均为12.5%(3/24)。肝组织中HCVRNA阳性物呈蓝紫色细小颗粒存在于肝细胞核或胞浆内,其在肝小叶中的分布可分为3型,即弥漫型、局灶型、散在型。肝组织中HCAg-NS3阳性物呈棕黄色细小颗粒分布于肝细胞核或胞浆内,以单个或数个阳性细胞散布于肝小叶中。23例HCVRNA或/和HCAg-NS3阳性病例以肝炎后肝硬化(LC)病例占多数(14/23),其次为慢性重型肝炎(CSH)和中度慢性肝炎(CAH)。此两种检测方法具有较高符合率(90.4%,47/52),表明病毒核酸及其表达产物均存在于肝细胞内,与HCV感染密切相关。这为HCV感染诊断提供了直接依据,有利于研究HCV感染中病毒复制、慢性化进程、抗病毒治疗监测及重叠感染时病毒相互关系。  相似文献   

原位杂交检测HPV-16E6,-18E6在喉癌组织中的表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 检测HPV L1和16/18DNA在喉癌组织中的表达,探讨HPV在喉癌发生中的作用.方法 用原位杂交(ISH)检测123例喉癌组织及123例"正常人"的喉粘膜上皮组织中HPV-16/18 mRNA.结果 在123例喉癌标本中,ISH检出HPV-16E6的阳性率为46.34%,HPV-18E6的阳性率为35.77%.123例"正常人"的喉粘膜ISH结果表明:低危型HPV的阳性率与喉癌相近;高危型HPV的阳性率虽远远低于喉癌,但随着组织病变程度加重阳性率逐渐升高.对上述结果用SPSS 10.0软件进行case-control X2分析,HPV-16感染会增加喉上皮病变的风险(OR=14.58),感染HPV-18时,喉上皮病变的风险(OR=10.77).结论 HPV-16感染是重庆地区喉癌的重要发病因素;HPV-16感染后E6片段的保留并持续表达与喉组织的癌变进程密切相关;HPV-16感染会增强喉上皮病变的风险,而HPV-18有协同作用.  相似文献   

荧光原位杂交检测卵巢癌8号染色体畸变   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:探讨卵巢癌染色体改变与卵巢癌发生、发展及预后的关系。方法:应用荧光原位杂交技术对卵巢癌、卵巢良性肿瘤及正常卵巢标本各12例进行8号染色体检测。结果:本组12例卵巢癌8号染色体出现单体、三体或四体畸变,畸变率100%(12/12);卵巢良性肿瘤8号染色体出现三体畸变,畸变率25%(3/12);正常卵巢8号染色体无畸变,卵巢癌与卵巢良性肿瘤及正常卵巢比较,差异有显著性(P<0.001)。结论:卵巢癌第8号染色体畸变与卵巢癌发生、发展密切相关,其改变发生在卵巢癌早期,与患者临床分期、病理分化相关。  相似文献   

原位杂交法检测非甲~庚型肝炎患者肝组织中TT病毒DNA   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 证实在非甲-庚型病毒性肝炎患者肝组织中TT病毒(transfusion-transmitted virus,TTV)的存在。方法 采用地高辛素标记TTV DNA探针以原位杂交技术对51例血清学病毒标记非甲-戊型、免疫组化检测肝组织中HBsAg、HCV NS3Ag及HGV N55Aag阴性的病毒性肝炎患者石蜡包埋肝组织进行了检测。结果 各型病毒性肝炎肝组织中TTV基因的总检出率为27.5%,其中急性轻型肝炎的检出率为30.8%(4 /13),急性重型肝炎为1/8,亚急性重型肝炎为3/7,慢性肝炎为2/6,活动性肝硬化为2/9,慢性重肝肝炎为1/4,原发性肝癌为1/4。TTV DNA表达于肝细胞核或胞质内,以核型多见。在急性肝炎,TTV阳性细胞弥漫分布于肝小叶内,慢性肝炎于汇管区附近较为密集,而在肝硬化病例,阳性细胞在假小叶内多呈片族状不规则分布。结论 在不明原因病毒性肝炎患者血清及肝组织中TTV DNA的检出表明TTV为一种新型的肝炎病毒,TTV为一种嗜肝性病毒。  相似文献   

横纹肌肉瘤中MDM2及p53基因表达的原位杂交检测   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Lai R  Wang Z  Zhe X 《中华病理学杂志》1998,27(2):127-129
目的观察MDM2、p53癌基因在横纹肌肉瘤(RMS)发病中的作用及其与临床病理、预后间的关系。方法对确诊并有随访的31例RMS标本,用原位杂交技术进行MDM2、p53定位观察。结果发现MDM2及p53癌基因表达阳性率分别为774%(24/31例)和667%(21/31例),其阳性率与年龄、性别和RMS组织类型无明显关联(P>0.05),但阳性率及其强度与RMS分化程度(Ⅰ级与Ⅲ级),转移与否及存活率差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论MDM2、p53阳性检出率有助于判断RMS恶性程度及预测肿瘤的转移和预后。  相似文献   

Summary Seven cases of visceral herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection were observed in five cases of hematopoietic disease and in one case each of a newborn baby and a pregnant woman. These seven cases were studied with an immunoperoxidase method and in situ hybridization. In HSV lesions of squamous epithelium, the immunoperoxidase method using rabbit anti-human HSV revealed positive staining, mainly in the nucleus but with some cytoplasmic staining. DNA in situ hybridization revealed stronger positive staining in the nucleus. In HSV hepatitis positive staining was seen in the nucleus and cytoplasm, both by immunoperoxidase and in situ hybridization methods. In the newborn baby, HSV lesions were observed in the brain only, with numerous positive astrocytes identified by the immunoperoxidase method and a few positive astrocyte nuclei by in situ hybridization. Cultured human fetal fibroblasts from the lung were infected with HSV. The immunoperoxidase method revealed diffuse positive staining in the nucleus and in the cytoplasm whereas in situ hybridization revealed fibrillar positive staining in the nucleus only. Thus, the immunoperoxidase method using rabbit antihuman HSV can detect the presence of HSV protein more sensitively than in situ hybridization, probably because of the greater quantity of HSV protein compared with HSV DNA in infected cells.  相似文献   

The detection is described of hepatitis B virus (HBV)-DNA in preserved hepatocellular carcinoma tissues, which were derived from 14 HBV-seropositive patients. Detection was by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of the target sequence, followed by specific localization of the PCR product with in situ hybridization. PISH (PCR-in situ hybridization) yielded strong positive signals in most of the tumor tissues despite very low copy numbers of chromosome-integrated HBV genome, whereas no signal was detected in control samples, indicating that the signals were specific for HBV. Positive signals were sometimes detected in cirrhotic nodules surrounding the tumor regions, indicating that HBV had infected non-transformed liver cells. HBV-DNA was detected in both nucleus and cytoplasm in some specimens, possibly representing HBV at different stages of the life cycle. In one case, a gradient of viral DNA was revealed, with the highest DNA signal centered at the site of viral antigen expression. Taken together, PISH is shown to be a highly sensitive molecular detection method that is capable of detecting the presence of a low copy number viral genome in situ.  相似文献   

EB病毒感染对鼻咽癌细胞生长和凋亡的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
目的:探讨EB病毒(EBV)感染对鼻咽癌细胞系生长和细胞凋亡的影响。方法:用EBV直接感染人鼻咽癌细胞系CNE1;用免疫组化(LSAB)法检测EBV-LMP1和bcl-2蛋白的表达;用MTT法测定鼻咽癌细胞系的生长能力;用流式细胞术和TUNEL法检测癌细胞凋亡。结果:感染EBV的鼻咽癌细胞系(E-CNE1)的EBV-LMP1表达阳性,生长能力较未感染EBV的CNE1明显增强(P<0.01),2种鼻咽癌细胞系均无凋亡发生,而均仅有2%~3%的细胞表达bcl-2蛋白。结论:EBV感染和LMP1表达可促进鼻咽癌细胞生长,但对鼻咽癌细胞的bcl-2表达和细胞凋亡无影响。  相似文献   

目的:探讨EB病毒(EBV)感染对鼻咽癌细胞系生长和细胞凋亡的影响。方法:用EBV直接感染人鼻咽癌细胞系CNE1;用免疫组化(LSAB)法检测EBV-LMP1和bcl-2蛋白的表达;用MTT法测定鼻咽癌细胞系的生长能力;用流式细胞术和TUNEL法检测癌细胞凋亡。结果:感染EBV的鼻咽癌细胞系(E-CNE1)的EBV-LMP1表达阳性,生长能力较未感染EBV的CNE1明显增强(P<0.01),2种鼻咽癌细胞系均无凋亡发生,而均仅有2%~3%的细胞表达bcl-2蛋白。结论:EBV感染和LMP1表达可促进鼻咽癌细胞生长,但对鼻咽癌细胞的bcl-2表达和细胞凋亡无影响。  相似文献   

The Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) is associated with an increasing range of reactive and neoplastic lesions. There is a need for a sensitive and specific method for detecting latent EBV in routine histological sections. We report the use of a highly sensitive paraffin section RNA/RNA in situ hybridization (ISH) technique using digoxigenin-labelled antisense riboprobes for demonstrating EBV encoded-small RNAs (EBERs), EBV gene products that are transcribed in abundance during latent EBV infection. We applied EBER-ISH to 846 paraffin embedded specimens, including cases of reactive lymphoid hyperplasia ( n = 28), infectious mononucleosis (16), Burkitt's lymphoma (44), immunodeficiency-associated lymphomas in transplant recipients (9) and AIDS patients (128), Hodgkin's disease (130), CD30 antigen positive lymphomas (106), peripheral T-cell lymphomas (104), sporadic B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (162), undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma (86), salivary gland lymphoepithelioma (11), and oral hairy leukoplakia (5). Strong, reproducible EBER staining was seen in EBV latently infected cells in archival surgical biopsy and autopsy specimens. EBER-ISH is specific, has a sensitivity comparable to that of the polymerase chain reaction, and is now the method of choice for the in situ detection of latent EBV infection.  相似文献   

A case of undifferentiated carcinoma of the salivary gland occurring in the parotid gland of a southern Chinese was reported. Tumour cells showed immunofluorescence for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-associated nuclear antigen, and DNA hybridization demonstrated the presence of EBV-DNA in tumour tissue. The findings in this case, together with previous reports, suggest a causal relationship between EBV and salivary gland carcinoma. The relationships between EBV and undifferentiated epithelial tumours of the salivary glands, nasopharynx and thymus are also discussed.  相似文献   

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