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Inhibitors of programmed cell death (apoptosis) may regulate tissue differentiation and aberrantly promote cell survival in neoplasia. A novel apoptosis inhibitor of the IAP gene family, designated survivin, was recently found in all of the most common human cancers but not in normal, terminally differentiated adult tissues. The expression of survivin in embryonic and fetal development was investigated. Immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization studies demonstrated strong expression of survivin in several apoptosis-regulated fetal tissues, including the stem cell layer of stratified epithelia, endocrine pancreas, and thymic medulla, with a pattern that did not overlap with that of another apoptosis inhibitor, bcl-2. A sequence-specific antibody to survivin immunoblotted a single approximately 16.5-kd survivin band in human fetal lung, liver, heart, kidney, and gastrointestinal tract. In mouse embryo, prominent and nearly ubiquitous distribution of survivin was found at embryonic day (E)11.5, whereas at E15 to -21, survivin expression was restricted to the distal bronchiolar epithelium of the lung and neural-crest-derived cells, including dorsal root ganglion neurons, hypophysis, and the choroid plexus. These data suggest that expression of survivin in embryonic and fetal development may contribute to tissue homeostasis and differentiation independently of bcl-2. Aberrations of this developmental pathway may result in prominent re-expression of survivin in neoplasia and abnormally prolonged cell viability.  相似文献   

Expression of dystrophin and the dystrophin-related protein utrophin has been studied in the human fetal brain both in vivo and in vitro. Results showed that both these proteins were developmentally regulated, even if their expression followed a different pattern. Utrophin was found since very early stages of development, reached a peak between week 15-20 of gestation, declining then, so that at week 32 was barely detectable. The protein was mainly found in neuronal cell bodies, partially associated to the plasma membrane, and in astrocytes cytoplasm. On the contrary, the brain form of dystrophin was first detectable at week 12, increased up to week 15 and then remained stable. Dystrophin localization was similar but not identical to utrophin. In neurons, it was also partially associated with the plasma membrane of cell body and axon hillock. However, the most was concentrated in the cytoplasm and in the processes, where it appeared associated to neurofilaments. Astrocytes were negative for brain dystrophin, but positive for the muscle isoform. Results suggest that utrophin and dystrophin are likely to play a key, though different, role in the immature brain. They help in understanding the basic mechanism(s) underlying cognition defects frequently observed in Duchenne and Becker dystrophic patients.  相似文献   

The gene family of heterotrimeric laminin molecules consists of at least 15 naturally occurring isoforms which are formed by five different alpha, three beta and three gamma subunits. The expression pattern of the individual laminin chains in the human thymus was comprehensively analysed in the present study. Whereas laminin isoforms containing the laminin alpha1 chain (e.g. LN-1) were not present in the human thymus, laminin isoforms containing the alpha2 chain (LN-2/4) or the alpha5 chain (LN-10/11) were expressed in the subcapsular epithelium and in thymic blood vessels. Expression of the laminin alpha4 chain seemed to be restricted to endothelial cells of the thymus, whereas the LN-5 isoform containing the alpha3 chain could be detected on medullary thymic epithelial cells and weakly in the subcapsular epithelium. As revealed by cell attachment assays, early CD4- CD8- thymocytes which are localized in the thymus beneath the subcapsular epithelium adhered strongly to LN-10/11, but not to LN-1, LN-2/4 or LN-5. Adhesion of these thymocytes to LN-10/11 was mediated by the integrin alpha6beta1. During further development, the cortically localized CD4+ CD8+ thymocytes have lost the capacity to adhere to laminin-10/11. Neither do these cells adhere to any other laminin isoform tested. However, the more differentiated single positive CD8+ thymocytes which were mainly found in the medulla were able to bind to LN-5 which is expressed by medullary epithelial cells. Interactions of CD8+ thymocytes with LN-5 were integrin alpha6beta4-dependent. These results show that interactions of developing human thymocytes with different laminin isoforms are spatially and developmentally regulated.  相似文献   

Process extension is a most marked and characteristic neuronal feature that is observed during the development, regeneration and plasticity of nervous system tissues. Neuro-p24, a novel membranous protein with a molecular weight of 24 kDa, is specifically localized in neurons, particularly in the neurites. Based on its molecular structure and distribution pattern in the brain we proposed that Neuro-p24 plays a role in neurite extension. In the present study we have made several findings that support this hypothesis; first, Neuro-p24 was abundant in motor axonal fibers, neurites of dorsal root ganglia neurons and apical dendrites of cerebral cortex neurons when their extension or arborization was proceeding very actively. Secondly, when COS-7 epithelial cells were transfected with either wild-type or deletion-mutated Neuro-p24 cDNAs, ectopic expression of wild-type cDNA caused morphological alterations resulting in a neuron-like appearance. These observations firmly support our proposal and indicate that Neuro-p24 plays an important role in the nervous tissue.  相似文献   

A screen of an expression library from the fourth larval stage (L4) of the parasitic nematode Brugia malayi resulted in the identification of a 727 bp full-length cDNA with 29-40% identity to members of the small heat shock family of proteins (Bm-hsp-s1). The open reading frame encoded a protein of approximately 18 kDA (Bm-HSP-s1). An alignment of the Bm-HSP-s1 sequence with the sequences of small HSPs from vertebrate and invertebrate species demonstrated that a majority of the identity was concentrated in the central alpha-crystallin domain. Bm-HSP-s1 was constitutively produced by L4 and adult parasites and at low levels by third-stage larvae (L3), but not by first-stage larvae (microfilariae). In adult parasites, Bm-HSP-s1 was localized to the body wall muscle cells and to the cells of the hypodermis/lateral cord. Bm-HSP-s1 production was induced in adult and L3 incubated at 42 degrees C and in L3s during the developmental transition from vector-stage to vertebrate-stage parasites at 37 degrees C. Neither increased nor decreased temperatures induced Bm-HSP-s1 production in microfilariae. Nitric oxide induced low-level, transient Bm-HSP-s1 synthesis in adults, but not in microfilariae. Bm-HSP-s1 did not function as a molecular chaperone to prevent heat-induced aggregation of a test substrate. The developmentally regulated expression and inducable nature of Bm-HSP-s1 suggests that it may have a stage-restricted role in maintaining parasite homeostasis.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein (P-gly) is the transmembrane efflux pump responsible for multidrug resistance in tumor cells. The activity of P-gly in mature peripheral lymphocytes is lineage specific, with CD8+ T cells and natural killer (NK) cells expressing high levels as compared to CD4+ T cells and B cells. We have now investigated P-gly activity in immature and mature subsets of mouse thymocytes. Our data indicate that P-gly activity is undetectable in immature CD4?8? and CD4+8+ thymocyte subsets. Among mature thymocytes, P-gly activity is absent in the CD4+ subset but present in the more mature (HSAlow) fraction of CD8+ cells. Furthermore, while thymic CD4?8? T cell receptor (TCR) γδ cells have little P-gly activity, a minor subset of CD4?8? or CD4+ TCR αβ+ thymocytes bearing the NK1.1 surface marker expresses high levels of P-gly activity. Collectively, our results indicate that P-gly activity arises late during thymus development and is expressed in a lineage-specific fashion.  相似文献   

The gamma delta T-cell receptor (TCR) is the first TCR to be expressed in ontogeny in all vertebrates in which it has been examined thoroughly. Murine gamma delta cell-surface protein is detected by the fourteenth day of gestation. In this work, the activation of gamma delta RNA has been studied. Data indicate that the first TCR protein to appear in the thymus is encoded by gamma genes that are activated after cells colonize the thymus. However, the sequential appearance of different gamma delta TCR proteins during thymic ontogeny cannot be readily explained by differential temporal activation of V gamma genes in the thymus. There are distinct patterns of gamma and delta gene expression during fetal liver development and in the fetal gut (or tissue associated with it). Cells apparent in the liver of mice at birth express gamma delta cell-surface protein, but they disappear from the liver very soon afterward. One V gamma gene is rearranged and expressed prethymically. In addition, gamma gene expression is detectable in the livers of newborn athymic mice. Together, these observations indicate a thymic-independent pathway of activation of TCR genes.  相似文献   

The cranial base, located between the cranial vault and the facial bones, plays an important role in integrated craniofacial development and growth. Transgenic Shh and Sox9-deficient mice show similar defects in cranial base patterning. Therefore, in order to examine potential interactions of Shh, Ihh, another member of the Hh family, and Sox9 during cranial base development and growth, we investigated their cellular mRNA expression domains in the embryonic (E) and early postnatal (PN) cranial base from E10 to PN5 using sectional radioactive 35-S in situ hybridization. Of the Hhs, Shh was observed in the foregut epithelium and the notochord, while Sox9 showed broad expression in the loose mesenchyme of the cranial base area during E10-E11. Subsequently, from E12 onward, all genes were observed in the developing cranial base, and after birth the genes were prominently colocalized in the prehypertrophic chondrocytes of the synchondroses. Collectively, these data suggest that Hh-Sox9 auto- and paracrine signaling interactions may provide a critical mechanism for regulating the patterning of the cranial base as well as for its development and growth.  相似文献   

The expression of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) has been investigated during thymus ontogeny. NCAM mRNA was readily detectable at day 19 of gestation, the youngest age studied. Its level declined after birth to become undetectable at 3 weeks of age. Cell surface expression of NCAM protein was detected on 14% of day 15 fetal thymocytes and peaked during the perinatal period, when around 40% of the thymocytes expressed low to medium levels of NCAM. At postnatal day 2, the vast majority of the NCAM+ cells were also CD4+ and CD8+. At embryonic day 15, NCAM appeared also to be expressed by CD4- thymocytes since 14% of the cells were already NCAM+ whereas CD4 was virtually undetectable. In frozen section of the newborn thymus, surface staining for NCAM was present on a subpopulation of cells in the cortex, rare in the medulla and absent from the sub-capsular area. In conjunction with other cell adhesion molecules, NCAM could play a role in cell interactions during thymic development.  相似文献   

Igf2 and H19 are physically linked imprinted genes. In embryonic liver, their reciprocal expression (paternal for Igf2 and maternal for H19) is controlled by a paternally methylated region (H19 DMD) located 5' of H19. This region contains a methylation-sensitive insulator that prevents the Igf2 promoters being activated by downstream enhancers on the maternal chromosome. In adult liver, Igf2 is normally not expressed but is reactivated upon tumour formation. By analysing three deletions of the H19 locus, we investigated the mechanism regulating the imprinted expression of the Igf2 gene in the course of liver tumourigenesis. We observed that the role of the H19 DMD in the control of Igf2 expression changes during tumourigenesis. The H19 DMD is required on the paternal chromosome for Igf2 activation in the early stages while its maternal allele is necessary for maintaining Igf2 imprinting only in the late stages. A positive regulatory function of the paternal H19 DMD is also evident in normal neonatal liver, but its relevance for Igf2 expression becomes higher in the second post-natal week. Our results support a model in which both methylated and non-methylated parental copies of the H19 DMD have active roles in the regulation of Igf2 expression in the liver and these activities are under developmental control.  相似文献   

Lysosome‐associated membrane proteins 1 and 2 (LAMP‐1 and LAMP‐2) are implicated in a variety of normal and pathological processes. LAMP‐2 is proposed to participate in chaperone‐mediated autophagy. Autophagy regulates T‐lymphocyte homeostasis by promoting both survival and proliferation. The biological importance of this process in the thymic gland and especially the involvement of LAMPs are far from being elucidated. The aim of the study was to examine the parallel expression of LAMPs and ubiquitin, a key molecule in autophagy, in normal human thymic glands and thymomas. The immunohistochemical expression of both markers was compared with that of cyclin D1 – an important regulator of cell cycle progression. Novel evidence for differential expression of LAMPs and ubiquitin is presented. Most Hassal's corpuscules in thymoma were negative for LAMPs, but positive in normal thymus. Both lymphocytes and epithelial cells in pathological thymus showed higher intensity for LAMP‐2 compared with LAMP‐1. In thymoma, ubiquitin was more intensively positive in these cell types compared with the normal thymus, suggesting activated autophagy in the course of this pathological state. A deregulation in cyclin D1 expression in thymoma is also reported. The functional importance of these molecules in autoghagy accompanying normal and pathological processes in the thymic gland is reviewed.  相似文献   

Subsets of thymic epithellal cells were examined Immuno-histochemically to determine whether or not their pheno-types change during thymic growth and at early involution in terms of cytokeratin (CK) expression. Five monoclonal antibodies specific for CK4, CK8, CK13, CK18 and CK19 were used and applied for 16 neonatal, three Infantile and one adult thymus speeimen, which had been obtained at autopsy, that were normal macroscopically and microscopicaily. CK4, CK8, CK13, CK18 and CK19 were expressed simultaneously in the cortex, medulla and subcapsular area with the exception of CK4, which showed expression on the adult thymus. Light and electron microscopy showed that CK8 and CK19 expression was overlapped. Thus, It was thought that CK8 and CK19 formed complexes in the cytoplasm of thymic epithelial cells. The Immunoreactivity to CK4, CK13 and CK18 were attenuated or disappeared In the subcapsular area during the early involution stage. Interestingly, two patterns of CK18 expression were observed in the neonatal and Infantile thymus tissues, which Indicated that the thymic microenvironment was changeable even under normal conditions.  相似文献   

PD-1, a member of the Ig superfamily, was previously isolatedfrom an apoptosis-induced T cell hybridoma 2B4.11 by subtractivehybridization. Expression of the PD-1 mRNA is restricted tothymus in adult mice. Using an anti-PD-1 mAb (J43), we examinedexpression of the PD-1 protein during differentiation of thymocytesin normal adult, fetal and RAG-2-/- mice with or without anti-CD3mAb stimulation. While PD-1 was expressed only on 3–5%of total normal thymocytes, –34% of the CD4-CD8- double-negative(DN) fraction are PD-1+ cells with two distinct expression levels(low and high). PD-1high thymocytes belonged to TCR lineagecells. In the DN compartment of the TCR ß lineage,PD-1 expression started at the low level from the CD44+CD25+stage and the majority of thymocytes expressed PD-1 at the CD44-CD25-stage in which thymocytes express TCR ß chains. Theanti-CD3 antibody administration augmented the PD-1 expressionas well as the differentiation of the CD44-CD25+ DN cells intothe CD44-CD25- DN stage, not only in normal mice but also inRAG-2-deficient mice. The fraction of the PD-1low cells in theCD4+CD8+ double-positive (DP) compartment was very small (>5%)but increased by stimulation with the anti-CD3 antibody, althoughthe total number of DP cells was drastically reduced. The resultsshow that PD-1 expression is specifically induced at the stagespreceding clonal selection.  相似文献   

Cyclooxygenase (COX)-1 and -2 catalyze the formation of prostaglandins (PG). Given the role of COX and PG during intrathymic T cell development in the mouse, we investigated the expression and localization of these isozymes in the human thymus. mRNA and proteins correspondent to COX-1 and -2 were observed from whole thymus extracts. By immunohistochemistry, COX-2 was selectively localized in the medulla and it was predominant in a subset of stromal cells. By contrast, COX-1 was diffusely and exclusively present in the cortex, both in thymocytes at early stages of differentiation and in cytokeratin-positive epithelial cells, as demonstrated by double immunostaining and flow cytometry analysis. COX-2-positive cells in the medulla expressed cytokeratin and HLA-DR molecules, but they were negative for dendritic or macrophagic antigens. In addition, COX-2-positive cells expressed both the epidermal growth factor receptor and its ligand, the transforming growth factor-alpha. The inducible isoform of the PGE(2) synthase was also present in the same cells, while was absent from COX-1-expressing cells of the cortex. Finally, electron microscopy confirmed that COX-2 was mainly localized in the cytoplasm of cytokeratin-positive cells, along the rough endoplasmic reticulum. In conclusion, COX-2 and the inducible isoform of PGE(2) synthase appear to be constitutively and selectively present in medullary epithelial cells of the human thymus, whereas COX-1 is predominantly present in the thymic cortex, both in the stroma and in developing thymocytes.  相似文献   

目的:探讨活化淋巴细胞中Survivin蛋白诱导表达的信号转导通路、分子级联反应和生物效应,揭示Survivin蛋白表达调控的分子机制.方法:用PHA和rhIL-2刺激培养人外周血单个核细胞,附加JAK抑制剂-AG490的处理,以Western blot检测Survivin和相关蛋白的表达;以流式细胞术(FCM)分析细胞周期和细胞分裂增殖.结果:刺激培养的细胞按照时序先后出现的分子和细胞学反应为:Stat3和Stat5磷酸化→CyclinD3、CyclinE蛋白水平上调→细胞进入S期及Survivin蛋白起始表达→细胞有丝分裂及Survivin蛋白表达水平增加.AG490对于上述反应均呈现明显的抑制作用,但对周期抑制蛋白P21和抗凋亡蛋白Bcl-2的表达水平没有影响.结论:Survivin蛋白的表达依赖JAK-Stat信号转导通路的早期活化,通过上调CyclinD3和CyclinE周期蛋白水平,启动细胞周期的运行,诱导Survivin蛋白的周期时相依赖性表达,参与细胞有丝分裂与增殖.  相似文献   

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