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Acupuncture therapy was adopted in treating 17 patients suffering from postherpeticneuralgia. Local acupoint was selected as the main point and some points on the related meridians asadjunct points, which were punctured once a day, 10 successive days as a treatment course. It was re-vealed that the total effective rate was 88. 24% and 22. 22% in acupuncture group and control grouprespectively (P<0. 01). And the high effective rates were observed in the 2nd and 3rd course of thetreatment and in the patients whose courses of diseases were in one month. lt is suggested thatacupuncture was simple, physiologically moderate and effective therapy in the treatment of posther-petic neuralgia.  相似文献   

通过植物神经功能状态的变化看针灸效应   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
朱江  马惠芳  付平  梁军  金春兰 《中国针灸》2002,22(12):16-24
以针灸治疗胃十二指肠溃疡和围绝经期综合征为例,看体质学说及植物神经平衡的综合指标测定法在针灸治疗中的应用。分析结果表明,体质-植物神经功能状态与针灸治疗有较为密切的关系。针灸临床,尤其是小型针灸诊所可将植物神经测定作为体质分类及辨证分型的参考依据。由于针灸对植物神经的调整作用亦是对体质的调整,所以针灸疗法不仅具有治疗疾病的作用,还可以预防疾病,并且预防疾病的复发。  相似文献   

贺君  唐庆芬  庄礼兴 《中国针灸》2004,24(8):553-554
目的:探讨晕针后临床疗效提高的机理.方法:对临床上晕针后疗效提高的32例患者在年龄、疾病种类、病情、病程等方面分别进行了归纳、总结.结果:晕针后患者症状明显改善或治愈的疾病,多为痛证患者及植物神经功能失调的疾病.结论:晕针现象是机体对针刺产生的一种过度的应激反应所致,其临床疗效提高可能与应激源(针刺)与体内适应反应之间的对抗上升到另一个新的稳态,机体的适应及对抗疾病的能力进一步得到巩固和加强有关.  相似文献   

针灸疗效已经得到世界公认,但其疗效的好坏取决于正确的辨证取穴.本研究试从针灸适宜的辨证方法着手,通过几则验案引出脏腑病、经络病取穴方法及取穴思路,以指导临床.  相似文献   

<正> 腹部针麻手术的成败与内脏牵拉反应和内脏痛有密切关系。我们根据针刺对机体的调整作用和针刺影响植物神经功能的理论,选择针刺内关、足三里穴,观察心率和肠咕噜声次数的变化与针麻效果的关系,较准确地选择针麻适应症,提高针麻手术效果。方法 (一)观察对象 1.受试者共212例,分观察组和对照组。观察组为腹部手术108例(包括子宫切除和胃大部分切除术)。对照组为颈、面部手术104例(包括甲状腺囊肿或肿瘤切除术,青光眼减压术等)。  相似文献   

AnothernameofBaihuipointisSanyang-wuhui.ItislocatedonthesitewherethethreeYangMeridiansofHandandFoot,theDumaiandthe-JueyinMeridiansofFootconverge.AlsoBaihuiisapointontheDumai,whichistheseaofYangMeridians.ThereforeBaihuipointcantreatmanydiseases.Theauthorshavetreatedsomedifficu1tandcomplicatedmiscellaneousdis-easesoftenmainlyusingBaihuipointcombinedwithotherpoints,achievingbettertherapeuticeffects.EXAMPLESOFCASES1.EpilepsyMs.Wang,female,a22-years-oldworker,visitedfirstonJuly4th,199…  相似文献   

关于颈肩腰椎病反应点规律研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的探讨临床颈肩腰椎病反应点规律研究。方法将606例患者按肩关节周围炎、颈椎病及腰椎病分类,观察各自反应点的分布规律,并统计临床疗效。结果和结论反应点是脏腑病变在体表的外在表现,大多数可作为该病的治疗靶点。  相似文献   

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a relatively common condition characterized by abdominal pain, among other symptoms, that significantly impacts the quality of life of IBS patients. Therapeutic treatment of IBS results in limited success, and the focus is placed on relieving patients of some of the symptoms, visceral pain in particular. Acupuncture is commonly used as a treatment modality of choice. However, the debate on whether acupuncture can be effectively used for this purpose is ongoing. In this work, we critically review the available literature to establish a potential mechanism of action in treating visceral pain in IBS using acupuncture. The sources used are Google Scholar, EBSCO, Cochrane Library and PubMed as well as Chinese database sources. The keywords used in the literature search are “acupuncture,” “IBS,” “Irritable Bowel Syndrome,” and “visceral pain.” We find that the literature strongly indicates that acupuncture, by stimulating points located on the dermatomes proximal to the spinal level of the area where the sympathetic outflow of the particular gut area affected by the pain is, can interfere with the efferent signal that transports information about the noxious stimuli and interrupt the “connectivity” between the gut and brain, and as a final result, reduce or stop IBS pain. Our findings justify that clinical trials are conducted to test the utility of acupuncture in treating abdominal visceral pain in IBS.  相似文献   

Acupuncture, a method of traditional Chinese medicine that uses Back-Shu and Huatuo-Jiaji points, is especially effective for treating diseases of the visceral organs. Applying acupuncture on Back-Shu points affects visceral organs in many ways. For example, it dilates the bronchus, affects the heartbeat, stomach motility, urinary bladder contractions and so on. Acupuncture's effects can be explained as viscero-cutaneous, cutaneo-visceral, cutaneo-muscular, and viscero-muscular reflexes. Segmental dispersion of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems is related to the location of Back-Shu points. Changes in visceral organs caused by application of acupuncture can be explained as modulation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.  相似文献   



Several auricular maps representing the somatotopic organization of the human body on the outer ear were developed after the discovery made by Paul Nogier in 1957 and published for wide distribution in 3 different issues of the journal Deutsche Zeitschrift für Akupunktur (DZA). The worldwide diffusion of this technique over the last 50 years has induced physicians to confront themselves mainly with two different systems for diagnosing and treating diseases: the western and the eastern systems of Ear acupuncture – the western directly deriving from Nogier's experiences, the eastern deriving from the first Chinese publications.


To compare the western and eastern auricular maps and identify the differences effectuated during time.

Materials and methods

The topography of points and areas proposed by the Chinese standardisation process of nomenclature and location of Ear Acupuncture points (1993) was compared with that of Nogier's first maps (1957) and with that proposed by Nogier and his collaborators in later times.


There is striking evidence in the fact that the current Chinese standardized areas correspond faithfully to those of Nogier's first maps, especially regarding the visceral zones. This correspondence is less consistent when comparing the current Chinese standardized areas with the maps developed later by Nogier and his collaborators. Some disagreement has been maintained since the beginning on the representation of the thoracic-lumbar-sacral spine and the lower limb.The other currently existing divergences are probably related with an incomplete citation of points/areas in the first DZA maps and their subsequent citation on later maps made by Nogier and his collaborators, which does not fit with the interpretation proposed by Chinese authors. The Chinese standardisation of the medial surface of the ear is questionable and should be verified more scientifically.


The persistence of some disagreement between western and eastern maps calls for a systematic and rigorous clinical validation, taking into account the different historical and medical backgrounds when categorizing diseases and clinical syndromes.  相似文献   

将36例糖尿病Ⅱ型患者分为西药组和针刺组,分别予降糖药物和针刺治疗.治疗前患者血糖、HbA1,各项心脏植物神经功能试验均异常.治疗1个月西药组血糖及HbA1显著下降,而其余各项指标均无显著变化.针刺组血糖HbA1无显著变化,但乏氏指数、立卧位心率差、30/15R-R期间比值、异常项目数均显著改善.说明针刺可以改善心脏植物神经功能.  相似文献   

The article introduces Prof.Weijia's experience in using Fengchi(GB 20)totreat gastric ulcer,bronchial asthma,sciatica,and alopecia,etc.He considers that the point has seven general functions of dispelling pathogenic wind,purging pathogenic fire,relieving the depressedliver-Qi,resolving the phlegm,activating the blood,tranquilizing the mind,and checking spasm andconvulsion.It also introduces some common diseases treated with needling Fengchi and adjunctpoints,manipulations,and precautions,etc.It Is a comparatively comprehensive summary of Prof.Wei Jia's individual experience in wonderfully using Fengchi.  相似文献   

Acutebacillarydysenteryisancommonlyseenacuteepidemicdisease.FromJuly,l994toSeptember,1995,wetreated55casesofacutebacillarybysenterybyapplyingacupuncture,whichwasapprovedtobeaneffectiveapproach.Thefollowingisthereport:GENERALDATAThepresentobservationwascarriedoutin55trialeandfemaleadultpatients,including2oin-patientsand35out-patients.Amongthem,theyoungestwas18years-old,theoldestwas4oyearswiththeaverageageof22years.Thirty-eightofthemwasaffectedinsummerandau-tumn(June-September),theother17…  相似文献   

表观遗传学是指在DNA序列不改变的情况下,基因功能发生稳定的、可遗传的变化。内脏高敏感是肠易激综合征重要的发病机制,表观遗传修饰在慢性内脏疼痛中发挥重要作用。针灸可以有效缓解内脏高敏感,但其机制尚不明确。本文主要从DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰、microRNA调控在内脏高敏感中的机制以及针灸可能的干预机制进行探讨,为针灸治疗内脏高敏感的机制研究提供新视角。  相似文献   

Facial spasmis a common disease present especiallyinthe middle and agedfemale marked by paroxysmal ,invo-luntarytic which starts fromthe eyelid orbicular muscle like eyelid twitching at the beginning,and developswith other facial muscles involved graduall…  相似文献   

钙离子在生命活动中具有重要作用。本文系统介绍了团队前期研究成果,并结合国内外相关研究,基于生物化学对钙离子与经络腧穴关系,从经穴钙离子分布、针刺对经穴钙离子浓度的影响、脏腑病变时外周经穴钙离子浓度变化、络合钙离子对针刺效应的影响以及钙离子与神经、肥大细胞的关系等方面进行了全面的论述,以期推动经穴物质基础的研究,为经络腧穴的研究提供依据。  相似文献   

针刺病变局部与循经穴穴位为主,辅以阿是穴,如肩关节病变取肩髃,肩内陵和肩贞,踝及趾关节病变取昆仑,照海,丘墟,八风和阿是穴,并加用电针和微波照射.治疗了118例类风湿性关节炎患者,结果治愈12例,显效38例,好转62例,无效6例,总有效率97.9%.  相似文献   

澄江学派传人陈应龙先生针灸学术特色   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
孟宪军  孙孝忠 《中国针灸》2012,32(7):653-656
陈应龙先生是我国近现代著名的针灸学家、澄江针灸学派创始人承淡安先生的亲传弟子之一。通过收集整理陈应龙先生的论文和医案,梳理其对澄江针灸学派的继承和发扬,发现其针灸学术特色主要表现为:注重练气练指力,手法善用子午补泻,疑难杂病善用灸法,慢性病善用组穴治疗,善治狂疾,常深取风府。  相似文献   

Softtissueinjury ,acommonlyseendiseaseinthedepartmentoftraumatology ,whichbe longstotendoninjuryinTCMcanbedividedin toacuteandchronicones.Acupunctureandmoxibustionhaveadefiniteeffectonsofttissueinjurywhiledifferentacupointaffecttherapeuticeffectdirectly…  相似文献   

In the present paper the author reviews the viewpoint of “preventive treatment of diseases” in the ancient literature of traditional ① Chinese medicine (TCM) and its clinical application from prevention first before the occurrence of diseases; and ② preventing development after onset of diseases. In the preventive treatment of diseases, the ancient Chinese doctors usually ① regulated qi of both Conception Vessel and Governor Vessel for health care; ② performed regular moxibustion; and ③ applied plaster to the acupoint in summer for treating winter-diseases. In the treatment of diseases after onset, the ancient Chinese usually ① tried best to make early diagnosis and early treatmerit;and ② strengthened the related internal organ in advance to check their development; and ③ employed appropriate remedies to recuperate the patient‘s health.  相似文献   

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