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Pyogenic abscess of the psoas muscle is a rare disease. The Authors report a recently observed case which developed 10 years after ipsilateral nephrectomy for pyonephrosis, reviewing the pertinent literature. The culture of the pus extracted only reproduced Proteus mirabilis. The relation between psoas abscess and nephrectomy is unclear. To make diagnosis is important to consider this condition in differential diagnosis in presence of fever and flank tenderness in a nephrectomized patient.  相似文献   

Psoas abscess in children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In children, psoas abscess does not head the list in the differential diagnosis of the child who presents with a limp or lower abdominal pain. Therefore, the road to this diagnosis can be long and complicated leading to numerous studies and specialty consultations. Over a 7-year period, seven psoas abscesses have been drained surgically. All were Staphylococcal though one was mixed. In each case, the original admitting diagnosis was that of septic arthritis of the hip. In general, this diagnosis was ruled out by negative hip aspirations and bone scans. Often, the severity of symptoms led to persistent evaluation with noninvasive tests such as gallium scan, intravenous pyelogram, or barium enema. Though these tests were often suggestive, a positive ultrasound or CT scan was the key studies diagnostic enough to warrant surgical exploration and drainage. During this time period, there have been no negative explorations for psoas abscess. Upon surgical drainage, all patients improved, with subsequent recovery of hip function. The child who presents with a limp or painful hip should be considered for ultrasonography or computerized tomography once hip pathology is ruled out. We feel that the results of other tests such as gallium scan, IVP, or barium enema are not sufficiently specific to indicate surgery.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Surgeons are increasingly encountering psoas abscesses. METHODS: We performed a review of 41 adults diagnosed and treated for psoas abscess at a county hospital. Treatment modalities and outcomes were evaluated to develop a contemporary algorithm. RESULTS: Eighteen patients had a primary psoas abscess, and 23 had a secondary psoas abscess. Patient characteristics were similar in both groups. Intravenous drug abuse was the leading cause of primary abscesses. Secondary abscesses developed most commonly after abdominal surgery. Treatment was via open drainage (3%), computed tomography-guided percutaneous drainage (63%), or antibiotics alone (34%). Four recurrences occurred in the percutaneous group. Statistical analysis showed that the median size of psoas abscesses in the percutaneous group was significantly larger than in the antibiotics group (6 vs 2 cm; P < .001). The mortality rate was 3%. CONCLUSIONS: Initial management of psoas abscesses should be nonsurgical (90% success). Small abscesses may be treated with antibiotics alone, and surgery can be reserved for occasional complicated recurrences.  相似文献   

Psoas abscess is an infrequent clinical entity which poses diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. Few cases have been reported in chronic hemodialysis patients. We describe a case of psoas abscess in a dialysis patient with dialysis-related amyloidosis, successfully treated with percutaneous drainage and parenteral antibiotics.  相似文献   

A psoas abscess is, either primary or secondary, a rare entity for a general surgeon. Images by ultrasonography and computed tomography (CT) can help a general surgeon to make an accurate diagnosis when encountering the patient complaining of unilateral lower abdominal deep pain with fever. A case of pyogenic abscess of the psoas muscle as a result of sacroiliitis in a 22-year-old man is reported herein. The abdominal CT and magnetic resonance imaging scans demonstrated a large multilocular abscess extending along the iliopsoas muscle, and erosion and a widening of the left sacroiliac joint. The abscess was drained with an open surgical approach and the patient responded well to antibiotic therapy. Aggressive surgical and medical treatment is necessary in patients with psoas abscess to prevent complications. Received: March 5, 2001 / Accepted: November 20, 2001  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Iliopsoas abscess (IPA) is a rare condition with a reported worldwide incidence of 12 new cases per year with primary abscesses now predominating. The presentation is often vague and the diagnosis not considered. METHOD: The medical records of 15 consecutive patients presenting to our hospital in a 3-year period with IPA were reviewed. Demographic data, presenting features, predisposing factors and the investigations performed were recorded. Abscesses were classified as primary or secondary and the treatment provided and eventual outcomes were analysed. RESULTS: Fifteen patients (eight males) were included. Nine patients were pyrexial on admission, 14 were anaemic and all had raised inflammatory markers. Only five patients presented with the classical triad of pain, fever and limp. The median time to diagnosis was 3 days with a median hospital stay of 27 days (range 7-243 days). Fourteen patients were diagnosed by computed tomographic scan. Three patients were treated with antibiotics alone whilst 11 received percutaneous drainage (PCD) as well. Of these, five had recurrence following initial drainage, needing further PCD procedures but none needed open drainage. Only one patient underwent open drainage initially. The mortality rate was 20%. CONCLUSION: The incidence of IPA is probably under-reported. The vague presentation leads to delays in diagnosis and increases morbidity and a high index of suspicion is the key to early diagnosis. Percutaneous drainage with antibiotics is the first line of treatment although recurrence rate is high. Open drainage allows simultaneous treatment of underlying pathology in secondary abscesses.  相似文献   

We describe psoas abscess with concomitant septic hip arthritis in 2 infants, 3 and 7 months old. The common clinical features were a palpable mass in the inguinal region, irritable hip, and delayed treatment. The diagnosis of septic hip was delayed in one child, and they both had residual hip deformity at follow-up. It is possible that initial delay in diagnoses resulted in the concurrent pathologic condition because of spread of infection. These 2 cases demonstrate the first known reports of concurrent psoas abscess and septic hip arthritis in infancy. Magnetic resonance imaging is a valuable method to identify these concurrent pathologic conditions. A proposed etiologic mechanism is also discussed in the article.  相似文献   

Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis is a rare disease in childhood. Because the symptoms and signs are chronic and non-specific, preoperative diagnosis is usually difficult. We report an 8-year-old boy who had an abdominal mass and anemia for more than 6 months. Fever and dyspnea occurred 4 days prior to admission. Ultrasonography revealed an enlarged right kidney with multiple parenchymal hypoechogenic areas, absence of normal parenchymal structures, and perinephric thickening with multiple calcifications. An abdominal computed tomogram demonstrated an irregular, enlarged right kidney with multiple low-density round areas consistent with hydronephrosis and calculi. Diminished excretion of contrast media and a severe perinephric inflammatory reaction were present. Poor right kidney function was demonstrated by Tc99m -diethylenetriamine penta-acetic acid split renal function examination. We diagnosed xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis preoperatively based on the clinical and radiological features. The child first had drainage of an extrarenal abscess and antibiotic therapy, followed by definitive nephrectomy. The hospital course was complicated with pleural effusion, peritonitis, pelvic abscess, and sepsis. A two-stage nephrectomy requiring less radical resection and decreasing the surgical complications would have been preferable.  相似文献   

Many patients undergoing long-term bladder catheterisation experience blockage and encrustation of their catheters. The problem stems from infection by urease producing bacteria, particularly Proteus mirabilis. Bacterial biofilms colonise the catheters, the activity of urease raises the pH and induces the deposition of calcium and magnesium phosphate crystals. In this study, a laboratory model of the catheterised bladder has been used to examine the early stages in the formation of the crystalline biofilms. The results show that initial cell adhesion is to the irregular surfaces surrounding the catheter eye-holes. Microcolonies form in depressions in these surfaces and spread to cover the entire surface of the rims around the eye-holes. Crystals then form around the bacterial populations and the biofilm starts to move down the lumenal surfaces of the catheters. The encrustation develops most extensively and generally blocks the catheter at or just below the eye-hole. There is a need to improve catheter design and manufacturing procedures for the eye-holes if the problems associated with the current devices are to be reduced.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to examine whether a daily instillation of tetra sodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) solution could reduce the rate at which encrustation by crystalline Proteus mirabilis biofilms blocks urinary catheters. Sets of three bladder models were fitted with size 14 all-silicone catheters. Tetra sodium EDTA solution was instilled into the catheter following biofilm development. Catheters were examined by digital photography and scanning electron microscopy for evidence of encrustation. The results showed that the mean time to blockage of the control catheters was 45 h for saline, 57 h for water and 67 h for those exposed to daily instillations of the EDTA solution. Statistical analysis confirmed that the mean encrustation rate on the EDTA-treated catheters was significantly lower than on the control-treated devices (P = 0.047). This in vitro study indicates that EDTA may have beneficial effects in reducing the complication of catheter encrustation and blockage by crystalline biofilms.  相似文献   

Weekly urinalysis was conducted for 12 weeks on a group of 21 long-term catheter users with confirmed catheter encrustation and urinary tract colonization with urease-positive bacteria, in order to explore the cause of considerable variation in the severity of encrustation between sufferers. The rapidity of catheter blockage correlated significantly with the pH above which crystals precipitated from urine (the nucleation pH) but not the pH of the voided urine itself. Linear regression showed the nucleation pH to be significantly predicted by a combination of urinary calcium and magnesium concentrations, with calcium being the more influential variable. Reducing the rate of catheter encrustation could be achieved by lowering the urinary concentration of calcium and magnesium, which may only require catheter users to increase their fluid intake.  相似文献   

A case of an amebic abscess localized in the lesser omentum is reported. There was no sign of a liver abscess in the imaging examination or the operative findings. However, it is likely that the amebic infection occurred after a liver abscess ruptured into the abdominal cavity. Early diagnosis and therapy are required when an abscess of unknown origin borders the liver, given the possibility of amebic abscess.  相似文献   

The factors controlling the rate at which crystalline bacterial biofilms develop on indwelling bladder catheters are poorly understood. It is known that normally the pH of voided urine (pHv) is lower than the pH at which calcium and magnesium phosphates come out of urine solution (pHn). In patients who develop infections with urease producing bacteria, however, the pHv rises above the pHn and precipitation of the phosphates occurs in the urine and the biofilm. The aim of this study was to examine ways of manipulating the pHn of urine so that more of its calcium and magnesium remain in solution under alkaline conditions. The experimental data show that pHn can be elevated by decreasing the calcium, magnesium and phosphate concentrations. Increasing the fluid intake of a human subject so that the urinary calcium fell from 120 mg/l to 25 mg/l, for example, resulted in the pHn increasing from 6.48 to 8.22. The addition of citrate to urine also produced a rise in the pHn. The daily consumption of 500 ml of fresh orange juice increased urinary citrate concentrations from 0.35 to around 1.21 mg/ml and the pHn rose from 7.24 to 8.2. The pHn of urine is thus a highly variable parameter. It can be manipulated by controlling the urinary concentrations of magnesium, calcium, phosphate and citrate ions. We suggest that increasing fluid intake with citrate containing drinks would reduce the extent of encrustation on catheters in patients infected with urease producing bacteria.  相似文献   

An 84-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital with high fever, and she suddenly complained of severe abdominal pain the next day. Computed tomography revealed a gas-containing abscess in the lateral segment of the liver, with spontaneous pneumoperitoneum. An emergency lateral segmentectomy was performed, and Klebsiella pneumoniae was cultured from the liver tissue, abscess, and blood. The patient made a satisfactory recovery and was discharged on the thirty-first postoperative day. Pneumoperitoneum caused by the rupture of a gas-containing liver abscess is rare, and to our best knowledge, this is the first report, in the English-language literature, of a patient who has undergone successful hepatectomy for such a condition.  相似文献   

A simple technique for studying struvite crystal growth in vitro   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Struvite urolithiasis forms as a consequence of a urinary tract infection by urease-producing species of bacteria such as Proteus mirabilis. Ammonia, produced by the enzymatic hydrolysis of urea, elevates urine pH causing a supersaturation and precipitation of Mg++ as struvite (NH4MgPO4). Calcium often precipitates as well, forming the mineral carbonate-apatite (Ca10(PO4)6CO3). We have developed a procedure based on direct observation by light microscopy whereby struvite crystal growth can be quickly monitored in response to chemical changes in urine. As struvite crystals assume a characteristic shape or crystal habit based on their growth rate, the effect of urine chemistry and the action of various crystallization or urease inhibitors on struvite formation can be quickly shown. In addition preliminary effects of alkaline pH, or the presence of toxic compounds on bacteria can also be shown through their loss of motility.  相似文献   

Intramedullary spinal cord abscess (ISCA) in children is extremely a rare infection of the central nervous system (CNS); and probably a devastating neurological condition. Clinical awareness of patients at risk is crucial for early diagnosis and intervention; as this entity is one of the treatable conditions of paraparesis. Association with congenital neuro-ectodermal abnormality in children is frequent. This pathology highlights the importance of complete neurological checks of infants as a part of their routine physical examination and early management of patients with congenital dermal sinus, prophylactic surgical resection of such a congenital anomaly is recommended by most authors to prevent serious infections of the CNS. However, once the abscess is established; immediate surgical drainage along side adequate antibiotics should be instituted. This may guarantee improving neurological outcome. In this communication, the authors present their experience with four cases of ISCA in children treated successfully with surgical drainage, intravenous antibiotics and neuro rehabilitation between 2001 and 2006 and discuss their results. We concluded that early diagnosis and treatment is essential; before a devastating mechanico-vascular insult of the spinal cord is established from rapid formation of the abscess and a swift expansion of the spinal cord within the limited intraspinal space.  相似文献   

We report two British cases of liver abscess, due to Klebsiella pneumoniae and associated with synchronous infection elsewhere, which required liver resection for definitive treatment. They illustrate the geographic spread of aggressive K pneumoniae liver infection and demonstrate the importance of early aggressive treatment.  相似文献   

(Received for publication on Mar. 11, 1998; accepted on Jan. 7, 1999)  相似文献   

Summary We report a rare case of Nocardia farcinica occipital brain abscess in an immunocompetent patient with no underlying risk factors successfully treated with the antibiotic moxifloxacin. The patient underwent craniotomy and abscess drainage. Initial post-operative treatment with co-trimoxazole produced a limited response. Despite the development of skull base meningitis and ventriculitis subsequent addition of moxifloxacin produced an excellent outcome. Correspondence: Dr. R. P. D. Cooke, FRCPath, Department of Clinical Microbiology, University Hospital Aintree, Lower Lane, Fazakerley, Liverpool L9 7AL, UK.  相似文献   

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