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北京大学生命科学学院植物基因工程和蛋白质工程国家重点实验室生物信息学中心的研究人员发现,人体大约400种基因似乎更容易使人对毒品上瘾。这一发现对治疗吸毒者以及对毒品上瘾的控制开创了新的方法。研究人员就四类上瘾物质(可卡因、鸦片、酒精以及尼古丁)进行了研究,并且构建出导致毒品上瘾的五种“分子路径”。  相似文献   

《吸毒成瘾认定办法》已经2010年11月19日公安部部长办公会议通过,并经卫生部同意,现予发布,自2011年4月1日起施行。  相似文献   

近年来,我国部分地区的药物滥用严重地危害社会安定、家庭幸福和滥用者本人身心健康,我省安顺市是全国成瘾物质滥用的高发地区之一。为进一步了解我省其它地区吸毒情况的严重程度和与之相关的基本情况,正确推断社区吸毒高危人群社区预防提供依据,为我省的禁毒戒毒工作提出合理建议,本研究对贵州省部分地区吸毒情况进行调查,现报告如下。  相似文献   

目的:了解甘肃省、内蒙古自治区、宁夏回族自治区(以下简称北方三省区)吸毒成瘾人群医疗用药物滥用现状及行为特征,为麻醉药品、精神药品监管提供技术支持.方法:采用抽样调查方法,抽取北方三省区15家强制隔离戒毒所内的5677例吸毒成瘾者为研究对象,使用自行设计的调查问卷开展流行病学调查.结果:(1)北方三省区滥用医疗用药品总...  相似文献   

吸毒成瘾是全球性的公共卫生问题,在世界范围内造成了巨大的健康负担。然而,由于吸毒成瘾行为的形成机制较为复杂,开发有效的治疗方法仍面临挑战,迫切需要剖析吸毒成瘾行为的发展和维持模式,以促进科学干预方法的发展。本文基于I-PACE模型,围绕“个体—情感—认知—行为”四个成分,构建了吸毒成瘾的机理模型,解析了各要素间的内在联系、逻辑关系,认为吸毒成瘾是诱发因素(如核心特质)、调节因素(如应对方式)和中介因素(如情境触发物的情感和认知反应)相互作用的结果,而执行功能的降低和注意偏向的增强可能会加强这些联系。尽管I-PACE模型有助于解析吸毒成瘾行为的机理,为临床干预提供理论依据,但其仍存局限。未来研究应关注毒品类型、性别和模型核心成分间的交互作用,以增强I-PACE模型在吸毒成瘾领域的解释力。  相似文献   

五省市吸毒人群中复方地芬诺酯使用情况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:调查吸毒人群使用复方地芬诺酯的现况、一般用药情况、用药目的及药物滥用潜力。方法:自行设计调查表,于2008年3月-7月,在北京、上海、广东、广西、山西等五个地区的戒毒所或社区美沙酮维持治疗门诊对戒毒人员或参加美沙酮维持治疗人员进行调查。采用视觉类比量表(VAS)评分评价使用复方地芬诺酯所产生的欣快效应。结果:在1147例有效被调查者中,有使用复方地芬诺酯经历者343例(占29.9%),全部为海洛因成瘾者,以31-40 a(占44.0%)、男性(占75.2%)、无业和个体经商(分别占30.1%和31.3%)、初中文化程度(占55.9%)以及已婚者(47.9%)为主。复方地芬诺酯的平均用量为8片.次-1,2次.d-1;75.5%为超常规大剂量用药者;98.8%以口服方式用药;73.6%从药店购买;20.8%同时合并使用其他药物;使用复方地芬诺酯的主要目的是"自行戒毒"(占88.0%)。VAS评分显示,滥用海洛因时产生的欣快感平均为6.2 cm,单独使用复方地芬诺酯时产生的欣快感平均为0.1 cm,两者比较有统计学差异(P<0.001)。根据每日用药剂量分组比较,超常规大剂量使用者产生的欣快感大于常规剂量用药者(P<0.05);且经Spearman等级相关分析显示,复方地芬诺酯的用量与欣快感之间存在正相关(P<0.05)。合并其他药物使用的欣快感大于单独使用(P<0.001)。结论:本调查人群中使用复方地芬诺酯主要目的是自行戒毒,大部分人属于非常规的大剂量用药。虽然该药的精神依赖性潜力不强,但大剂量使用或合并用药后会增加其滥用潜力。  相似文献   

目的:了解吸毒人群的肺结核知识知晓程度,为探索适合这一特殊群体的结核病健康教育方法提供依据。方法:采用现场问卷调查方式,在云南与四川两劳教所了解吸毒人员肺结核患者肺结核知识知晓情况。结果:155名调查对象肺结核知识综合得分(5.41±2.29)分,满分10分。文化程度越高,综合得分越高,高中及以上文化者综合得分明显高于初中及以下者(P〈0.01);农民得分最低,其次为商贩和打工人员,政府工作人员得分最高(P〈0.01);被调查者肺结核知识来源主要是医生(48.5%),其次是家人、亲朋好友的介绍(35.9%);只有25.2%的被调查者知道患肺结核后应去防疫部门或结防机构诊治。结论:吸毒人群对肺结核知识掌握程度很低,应采取适合这一特殊群体的结核宣教方式。  相似文献   

截至2011年3月底,中国内地28个省、区、市已开设了708个社区美沙酮维持治疗门诊,累计治疗吸毒成瘾病人306460人。目前正在治疗124862人,门诊平均在治人数176人,年保持率为70.9%。国家卫生部举行的通报会称,为遏制毒品蔓延、控制毒品引发的艾滋病流行,中国自2004年开展针对吸毒人群的社区美沙酮维持治疗工作。  相似文献   

我国吸毒现状、相关问题与对策   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
从20世纪80年代初吸毒在我国死灰复燃,我国的禁毒、戒毒工作已经有了20个年头,取得了许多宝贵的经验与教训,对毒品、禁毒、戒毒的认识有了较大的改变.检讨我们的禁毒、戒毒工作及相关政策,总结经验教训将对今后的工作有深刻的意义.  相似文献   

In an effort to dismantle the open drug market and improve public order, a large-scale police initiative named the Citywide Enforcement Team (CET), began in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside (DTES) on 7th April 2003. This research sought to assess the CET's impact upon drug consumption activities as well as access to sterile syringes and health services among injection drug users (IDUs). Ethnographic research methods including participant observation and semi-structured interviews were employed. Interviews were conducted with 30 individuals recruited from an ongoing cohort study of IDUs and nine individuals who provide health services to drug users. In addition, an ongoing participant-observation program investigating public drug use in the DTES yielded data during the period of the CET, as well as seven months prior to its commencement. With regard to drug use patterns, intensified police presence prompted ‘rushed’ injections, injecting in riskier environments, discouraged safer injection practices, and increased unsafe disposal of syringes. Service providers indicated that the CET negatively impacted contact between health services and IDUs, as outreach was compromised due to the displacement of IDUs. Police activities also negatively influenced IDUs’ access to syringes and their willingness to carry syringes, and syringe confiscation was reported. The intensification of police activities led to less drug related activity in the area where the drug market was traditionally concentrated, but widespread displacement of drug use activities to other locations also occurred. The adverse impact of concentrated police activities upon urban drug problems and the implications for both public order and public health should be recognized.  相似文献   

罕见病发病率低、病情复杂、诊断难度大,导致其治疗药物研发面临诸多困难。为满足临床迫切需求,鼓励罕见病药物研发,近年来国家出台一系列政策及技术指导原则。梳理了2015年至今的罕见病治疗药物研发激励政策,通过查阅文献及公开资料,整理2018—2023年批准上市的用于治疗第一批罕见病目录中罕见病治疗的药物信息,分析中国罕见病药物研发现状。建议定期更新罕见病目录,加强罕见病药物研发者权益保护,鼓励优质罕见病药物仿制,以推动罕见病药物研发产业创新发展、满足罕见病患者的用药需求。  相似文献   

毒品问题已经是我国不可回避的公共卫生与社会问题 ,对毒品认识不多是一个不争的事实 ,这也是造成我国灭绝毒品 30年后 ,毒品能再次蔓延的主要原因。很多青少年在无知、好奇、炫耀等不健康心理驱使下尝试吸毒而坠入万丈深渊 ,难以自拔。在现代社会里毒品离每一个人并非遥不可及 ,精神松懈、意志簿弱是毒品冲破的第一防线。因此 ,对大众进行必要的毒品知识教育 ,具有普遍意义。如何将预防毒品、拒绝毒品、消灭毒品等主题表达得清晰、明确、感人 ,使观众一目了然并记忆深刻 ,同时能够引发感情的共鸣及思考 ,是禁毒公益广告的宣传目的。1禁毒主…  相似文献   

The understanding, identification, quantification and control of impurities in drug substances are essential as new molecular entities are evaluated in clinical development. As chemical processes used to produce drug substances mature from the early phases of development through registration, a concomitant maturing of process-related impurity understanding and control is required. This paper outlines strategies available to pharmaceutical scientists to aid in that understanding. Methodology aspects for impurity investigations are discussed along with an emphasis on understanding the origin and fate of impurities to guide decisions on process controls and specifications. Orthogonal analytical approaches for impurity investigations to provide a complete understanding of a drug substance impurity profile and to aid chemical process development are described. Special considerations necessary for stereochemical impurity investigations are also discussed. Considerations for control of toxic impurities include sensitive and selective analytical methodology and determination of the process capability for removing the impurity. A case study is given where routine analytical testing for a toxic impurity was not required because a high impurity rejection efficiency of the synthetic process was demonstrated. Quality assessment of starting materials from multiple sources and the impact of starting material impurities on the impurity profile of the drug substance are discussed with illustrative examples. Knowledge gained from these investigations provides a sound basis for setting specifications for impurities in key starting materials.  相似文献   

Removal of legal barriers to syringe access has been identified as an important part of a comprehensive approach to reducing HIV transmission among injecting drug users (IDUs). Legal barriers include both “law on the books” and “law on the streets,” i.e., the actual practices of law enforcement officers. Changes in syringe and drug control policy can be ineffective in reducing such barriers if police continue to treat syringe possession as a crime or evidence of criminal activity. Despite the integral role of police officers in health policy implementation, little is known of their knowledge of, attitudes toward, and enforcement response to harm-minimisation schemes. We conducted qualitative interviews with 14 police officers in an urban police department following decriminalisation of syringe purchase and possession. Significant findings include: respondents were generally misinformed about the law legalising syringe purchase and possession; accurate knowledge of the law did not significantly change self-reported law enforcement behaviour; while anxious about accidental needle sticks and acquiring communicable diseases from IDUs, police officers were not trained or equipped to deal with this occupational risk; respondents were frustrated by systemic failures and structural barriers that perpetuate the cycle of substance abuse and crime, but blamed users for poor life choices. These data suggest a need for more extensive study of police attitudes and behaviours towards drug use and drug users. They also suggest changes in police training and management aimed at addressing concerns and misconceptions of the personnel, and ensuring that the legal harm reduction programs are not compromised by negative police interactions with IDUs.  相似文献   

抗骨质疏松药物研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
刘念  程泽能  李焕德 《中国新药杂志》2004,13(12):1243-1246
检索Medline和中国药学文摘,对抗骨质疏松药物的研究情况进行介绍.雌激素是治疗骨质疏松的重要药物,但是由于其具有子宫内膜增生等不良反应,因此,临床应用受到限制.这类药物的开发主要是新剂型的研究.雌激素受体调节剂、植物雌激素、中药用于抗骨质疏松药物具有很好的前景.其他药物如双膦酸盐类、钙制剂等对骨质疏松的治疗和预防较为肯定,但这类药物的开发进展不大.  相似文献   

药物代谢酶的差异是药物个体疗效和副作用差异的决定因素之一。作为I相药物代谢酶,细胞色素P450酶及其编码基因在不同种群、不同个体之间均存在着差异和突变,这种基因的多态性导致了肿瘤患者对抗肿瘤药物的敏感性及预后的不同,本文就CYP家族的基因多态性对抗肿瘤药物的药动学、药效学及不良反应的影响进行综述,以期为抗肿瘤药物的个体化给药提供参考。  相似文献   

Hess A  Amir M 《Substance use & misuse》2002,37(8-10):997-1034
Information and intelligence have always been, and will remain the most essential components of policing, and indeed all law enforcement and security work, including the variety of drug control efforts. Sources of information are many and varied, ranging from everyday interactions of officers of the law with the public, anonymous reports, the use of paid and unpaid informants from the criminal underworld, to the law enforcement and security services' use of agents. This presentation, based on interviews with "handlers" of informants who are offenders and who supply information and evidence against other criminals, who may have been his former "comrades" explores: the dilemmas that the informer, and the handler face at each stage of the "operation" from recruitment to operation in the field, until the agent "fingers" the targets, and becomes a State witness. During each stage of the operation the "agents" motivations, fears, sense of betrayal (being betrayed and betraying others), being a "snitch", the need to protect identity as well as dependency upon the "handler" are the primary issues to be considered and resolved. The "handler" may have to tolerate the agent's commission of crimes during the operation and often may also have to "treat" the informant's spouse. Borrowed identity, which is the main meaning and dynamic of the informant's actions, and of any undercover work, will also be analyzed.  相似文献   

Legal regulation of drugs in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has tended to centre on the criminalization of the production, supply, possession, purchase, use and abuse of drugs, in which women and men are generally treated similarly. Women have, however, received differential legal treatment in the context of their role as mothers, where drug use can result in what may be considered the ultimate sanction against drug use for a woman: the loss of custody of a child vis-à-vis another parent or guardian, an adopter or even the State. Even drug use prior to the birth of the child can be relevant.  相似文献   

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