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Objectives: To identify predictors of successful trial of labor in women after one low transverse Cesarean delivery and no prior deliveries, and to assess perinatal morbidity associated with a failed vaginal birth after Cesarean delivery (VBAC).

Methods: Retrospective chart review of women with one low transverse Cesarean delivery in their first pregnancy who delivered their next pregnancy at our institution. Clinical characteristics and intrapartum data were reviewed to identify predictors of successful VBAC. Perinatal outcomes were reviewed to assess morbidity associated with VBAC attempt and failed VBAC.

Results: Of 768 women studied, 522 (68%) attempted VBAC and 344 (66%) of these were successful. Uterine rupture occurred in 0.8% of the VBAC group. On initial examination, women with cervical dilation >?1?cm, effacement >?50% and station lower than –?1 were more likely to deliver vaginally. Women with successful VBAC?had more spontaneous labor (85.2 vs. 76.4%, p?=?0.02) and less oxytocin use (49.7 vs. 70.8%, p?<?0.0001). There were no differences in outcomes between failed and successful VBAC, except more frequent 1-min Apgar scores <?5 (10.1 vs. 4.1%, p?=?0.01) and increased endometritis (9.6 vs. 2%, p?=?0.0002) with failed VBAC. Compared with elective repeat Cesarean delivery, VBAC attempt was associated with amnionitis (5.9 vs. 0%, p?<?0.0001) and low 1- and 5-min Apgar scores (6.1 vs. 2.4%, p?=?0.03 and 2.3 vs. 0%, p?=?0.01, respectively), but not endometritis, admission to a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), ventilation, intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) or seizures. Failed VBAC?had more amnionitis (7.3 vs. 0%, p?<?0.0001), postpartum fever (11.2 vs. 2.4%, p?=?0.0003) and endometritis (9.6 vs. 2.0, p?=?0.0007) than elective repeat Cesarean delivery and was associated with low 1- and 5-min Apgar scores (10.1 vs. 2.4%, p?<?0.001 and 2.8 vs. 0%, p?=?0.01, respectively), but not NICU admission, ventilation, IVH or seizures.

Conclusions: Favorable initial pelvic examination, spontaneous labor and a lack of oxytocin use are associated with successful VBAC in women with a single prior low transverse Cesarean delivery and no prior vaginal deliveries. While attempted VBAC and failed VBAC?have more maternal infectious morbidity and lower Apgar scores, infant outcomes are similar to those of elective repeat Cesarean delivery.  相似文献   

Objective: To compare maternal and fetal outcomes after elective repeat Cesarean section versus a trial of labor in women after one prior uterine scar.

Study design: All women with a previous single low transverse Cesarean section delivered at term with no contraindications to vaginal delivery were retrospectively identified in our database from January 1995 to October 1998. Outcomes were first analyzed by comparing mother–neonate dyads delivered by elective repeat Cesarean section to those undergoing a trial of labor. Secondarily, outcomes of mother–neonatal dyads who achieved a vaginal delivery or failed a trial of labor were compared to those who had elective repeat Cesarean delivery.

Results: Of 1408 deliveries, 749/927 (81%) had a successful vaginal birth after a prior Cesarean delivery. There were no differences in the rates of transfusion, infection, uterine rupture and operative injury when comparing trial of labor versus elective repeat Cesarean delivery. Neonates delivered by elective repeat Cesarean delivery were of earlier gestation and had higher rates of respiratory complications (p?<?0.05). Mother–neonatal dyads with a failed trial of labor sustained the greatest risk of complications.

Conclusion: Overall, neonatal and maternal outcomes compared favorably among women undergoing a trial of labor versus elective repeat Cesarean delivery. The majority of morbidity was associated with a failed trial of labor. Better selection of women likely to have a successful vaginal birth after a prior Cesarean delivery would be expected to decrease the risks of trial of labor.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) revised its practice bulletin on vaginal birth after Cesarean (VBAC) in October 1998 and July 1999 to require the presence of a surgeon, anesthesiologist and operating personnel throughout the trial of labor for patients with prior Cesarean. This study measures the change in VBAC rates from 1998 to 2001 and examines possible reasons for this change. STUDY DESIGN: We examined birth certificate and hospital data in the State of Maine from 1998 to 2001. Hospital-specific rates for primary Cesareans, total Cesareans, repeat Cesareans and vaginal deliveries after previous Cesarean were obtained. Additionally, we surveyed current obstetric-care providers in Maine regarding reasons for change in VBAC rates at their institutions. RESULTS: VBAC rates declined by over 50% from 30.1 to 13.1%. The total Cesarean rate climbed from 19.4 to 24.0%. The most commonly reported reason for decrease in VBAC varied depending on whether a practitioner's hospital met ACOG guidelines. CONCLUSION: A marked decline in VBAC occurred after the change in ACOG vaginal birth after Cesarean policy. Multiple factors have contributed to this decline, including patients refusing VBAC after counseling and inability of institutions to meet ACOG guidelines.  相似文献   

Objective: To compare the success and complication rates of prostaglandin E2 tablets (PGE2) and a Foley catheter for the ripening of the uterine cervix in post-Cesarean section parturients. Study design: The study population in this retrospective cohort study consisted of parturients in their second pregnancy who had undergone Cesarean section in their previous delivery and who underwent ripening of the uterine cervix by using PGE2 (n = 55) or Foley catheter (n = 161) in the current pregnancy. The control group consisted of 1432 post-Cesarean section parturients without induction of labor. We compared the rates of placental abruption, non-reassuring fetal heart rate patterns, intrapartum fetal deaths (IPFD), uterine rupture, Apgar scores, labor dystocia, severe birth canal lacerations, vacuum deliveries and repeated Cesarean section rates in the three groups by using ANOVA, χ2 analysis and Fisher's exact test when appropriate. Results: A significant increase in the rates of labor dystocia during the first stage (30.4% vs. 11.6%, p < 0.01) and repeated Cesarean deliveries (49.1% vs. 35.2%, p < 0.01) were observed in women in whom the Foley catheter was used as compared to controls, respectively. No such changes were demonstrated in the PGE2 group as compared to the controls. No significant differences were found between the PGE2 group and Foley catheter group as compared to the controls in rates of placental abruption, IPFD, uterine rupture, fetal distress, birth canal lacerations, vacuum deliveries and Apgar scores. Conclusions: PGE2 was found to be superior to the Foley catheter for ripening of the uterine cervix in a post-Cesarean parturient, as demonstrated by a lower repeated Cesarean delivery rate.  相似文献   

Background: The optimal mode of delivery in twin gestations remains undefined, particularly for twins weighing less than 1500 g. Objective: To evaluate the impact of the mode of delivery on neonatal outcome in twins below 1500 g. Materials and methods: In this multicenter cohort study during 1999, 66 sets of twins born in hospital and weighing below 1500 g formed our study group. Antenatal and neonatal parameters and their relationship to mode of delivery were studied, based on a factor analysis. Analysis of covariance was used to assess the effect of the mode of delivery on postnatal factors, with antenatal parameters used as covariates. Results: Statistical analysis showed that infants delivered vaginally had significantly more periventricular leukomalacia than those children delivered by Cesarean section (p = 0.03). The estimated odds for leukomalacia were higher in the vaginal than in the Cesarean group when adjusted for covariates (OR = 4.7; 95% CI = 1.0, 25.15). Conclusion: Routine Cesarean section should be recommended in twin gestations with infants weighing less than 1500 g, regardless of gestational age or fetal presentation.  相似文献   

The macrosomic fetus of a diabetic woman faces increased risk for injury at the time of vaginal birth. Cesarean section offers the promise of avoiding trauma to the fetus, but can result in increased morbidity in the mother as compared to vaginal delivery. In this article, the advantages and disadvantages of the two routes of delivery for the overgrown fetus of a diabetic mother are discussed. Specifically, data regarding risk of permanent neurological damage to the infant from vaginal delivery, and maternal morbidity from elective, pre-labor Cesarean delivery are critically examined. In addition, methods for diagnosing macrosomia by ultrasound are discussed, along with the benefits and pitfalls of ultrasonic fetal weight estimation in the setting of diabetes. Finally, management approaches for selecting route of delivery for the macrosomic fetus are described and analyzed.  相似文献   

Recent research concluded that VBACs are riskier in a birth center than in the hospital. This conclusion is only true if the woman is sure she will not have any more pregnancies and if she does not suffer from "Fear of Hospitals." Since childbirth centers offered a VBAC rate of 87%, whereas US hospitals currently offer a VBAC rate of less than 10%, the woman has a much higher risk of a repeat cesarean if she delivers in hospital, which increases her risk on subsequent pregnancies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the fetal weight beyond which women with one previous cesarean delivery (CD) are most likely to have a repeat CD. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study of 586 women who had one previous CD and were undergoing trial of labor was conducted in Accra, Ghana. Following delivery, the women were allocated to one of three groups according to whether they had a successful vaginal delivery, underwent a CD for cephalopelvic disproportion, or underwent a CD for another indication. The groups were then compared using analysis of variance or Kruskal-Wallis tests. Multiple logistic regression was used to assess the effect of fetal weight on the odds of having a repeat CD. RESULTS: A fetal weight greater than 3.45 kg tripled the odds of having a repeat CD, and the probability of having a repeat CD were 50% for a fetal weight of 3.70 kg. CONCLUSION: In settings similar to those in Ghana, women who have undergone a previous CD whose fetuses weigh more than 3.70 kg are likely to have less than a 50% chance of having a successful vaginal delivery.  相似文献   

AIMS: Women with a single prior Caesarean section (CS) in a subsequent pregnancy will be offered either a planned elective repeat CS or vaginal birth after Caesarean (VBAC). Recent reports of VBAC have highlighted risks of increased morbidity, including uterine rupture, and adverse infant outcome. A survey of practice was sent to fellows and members of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists to determine current care for women in a subsequent pregnancy with a single prior CS, and to assess variations by length and type of obstetric practice. METHODS: Questions asked about the safety of VBAC, induction of labour with a uterine scar, and requirements to conduct VBAC and elective repeat CS. RESULTS: A total of 1641 surveys were distributed, with 1091 (67%) returned, 844 from practicing obstetricians (51% of college membership). Almost all respondents (96%) agreed or strongly agreed that VBAC should be presented as an option to the woman, varying from 90% where the indication for primary CS was breech, 88% for fetal distress, and 55% for failure to progress. Forty percent of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that VBAC was the safest option for the woman, and associated with fewer risks than CS. In contrast, 44% of respondents disagreed or strongly disagreed that VBAC was the safest option for the infant, and opinions varied as to whether risks of VBAC outweighed those of CS for the infant. Almost two-thirds of practitioners would offer induction of labour to a woman with a prior CS in a subsequent pregnancy, one-third indicating a willingness to use vaginal prostaglandins, and 77% syntocinon. Most respondents preferred to conduct VBAC in a level two or three hospital (86%); required the availability within 30 min of an anaesthetist (81%), a neonatologist (84%), and operating theatre (97%); recommended continuous electronic fetal heart rate monitoring (86%); intravenous access (90%); and routine group and hold (79%) during labour. For an elective repeat CS, most practitioners request routine blood for group and hold (78%), a neonatologist in theatre (77%), the use of an in-dwelling urinary catheter (96%), and the use of intraoperative antibiotics (82%). CONCLUSIONS: Most obstetricians indicated VBAC to be the safest option for the woman, but were less certain about benefits and risks for the infant. The consensus of practice is to present VBAC as an option and induce labour if needed. Vaginal birth after Caesarean is preferred in a level two or three hospital, with an anaesthetist, neonatologist and operating theatre available within 30 min. The use of continuous electronic fetal heart rate monitoring and intravenous access are recommended. In planned CS, a neonatologist in theatre is preferred, and an in-dwelling urinary catheter an;! intraoperative antibiotics will be used.  相似文献   

AIMS: To assess the benefits and harms of planned elective repeat Caesarean section with planned vaginal birth after Caesarean section (VBAC). METHODS: The Cochrane controlled trials register and MEDLINE (1966-current) were searched using the following terms: vaginal birth after C(a)esare(i)an; trial of labo(u)r; elective C(a)esare(i)an; C(a)esare(i)an section, repeat; randomis(z)ed controlled trial; randomis(z)ed trial; clinical trial; and prospective cohort study, to identify all published randomised controlled trials and prospective cohort studies. Primary outcomes related to success of trial of labour, need for Caesarean section, maternal and neonatal mortality, and morbidity. RESULTS: There were no randomised controlled trials identified that compared planned elective repeat Caesarean birth with planned vaginal birth. Two prospective cohort studies were identified where all 449 women compared had a single prior Caesarean section in their immediately preceding pregnancy and were suitable for an attempted VBAC in their next pregnancy. For all outcomes, data were available from a single study only. Reported outcome data were available for maternal deaths (0/137 women), in utero fetal deaths (2/312 fetuses), neonatal deaths (0/137 infants), uterine scar dehiscence (2/137 women), uterine scar rupture (1/312 women), and infant Apgar score of less than seven at 5 min of age (9/312 infants). There were no statistically significant differences between planned elective repeat Caesarean section and planned VBAC. CONCLUSIONS: There is a paucity of quality information available to assist women and their caregivers regarding optimal mode of birth for women with a single prior Caesarean section in their next pregnancy.  相似文献   

Our objective was to describe the outcomes of intended home birth among 57 women with a previous cesarean birth. Data were drawn from a larger prospective study of intended homebirth in nurse-midwifery practice. Available data included demographics, perinatal risk information, and outcomes of prenatal, intrapartum, postpartum, and neonatal care. The hospital course was reviewed for those transferred to the hospital setting. Fifty-three of 57 women (93%) had a spontaneous vaginal birth, 1 had a vacuum-assisted birth, and 3 (5.3%) had a repeat cesarean birth. Thirty-one of 32 (97%) women who had a previous vaginal birth after cesarean birth (VBAC) had a successful VBAC; 22 of 25 (88%) women without a history of VBAC successfully delivered vaginally. Fifty (87.7%) of these women delivered in the home setting, whereas 7 (12.3%) delivered in the hospital setting. None of the women experienced uterine rupture or dehiscence. One infant was stillborn. This event was attributed to a postdates pregnancy with meconium. Certified nurse-midwives with homebirth practices must be knowledgeable about the risks for mother and baby, screen clientele appropriately, and be able to counsel patients with regard to potential adverse outcomes. Given what is presently known, VBAC is not recommended in the homebirth setting. It is imperative in the light of current evidence and practice climate to advocate for the availability of certified nurse-midwife services and woman-centered care in the hospital setting.  相似文献   



To report a live birth resulting after strontium chloride (SrCl2) oocyte activation in a couple with complete fertilization failure or low fertilization rates following intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) of frozen-thawed testicular spermatozoa.


The couple underwent ICSI of frozen-thawed testicular spermatozoa. After ICSI, the oocytes were artificially activated by SrCl2 because the results of fertilization were not satisfactory in the previous cycles. The main outcome measures were fertilization, pregnancy, and birth.


In the first and second cycles performed previously at another clinic, fertilization rates were 9.1 % and 0.0 %, respectively. In the third cycle, 31 metaphase II oocytes were retrieved. After sperm injection, all of the oocytes were stimulated using SrCl2 for activation. Sixteen oocytes were fertilized (51.6 %), and a single embryo was transferred into the uterus on Day 3. A healthy girl weighing 2750 g was born at 40 weeks of gestation by caesarean section.


This result suggests that SrCl2 could be useful for oocyte fertilization in case of repeated complete fertilization failure or low fertilization rates following ICSI of frozen-thawed testicular spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Objective.?To determine if vaginal ultrasound for cervical length measurement induces the release of vaginal fetal fibronectin (fFN), leading to a false-positive fFN test.

Methods.?Participants included women with singleton pregnancies at 24–34 weeks' gestation who presented with uterine contractions without bleeding or membrane rupture. Women who had had intercourse or underwent pelvic examination less than 24?h previously were excluded. The first fFN test was followed immediately by vaginal ultrasonography with a transvaginal probe (three images per patient) and, thereafter, a second fFN test.

Results.?The first fFN test was positive in three patients, and in all, the second, post-ultrasound, fFN test was also positive. In all women with a negative baseline fFN test (n?=?25), the second, post-ultrasound, fFN test was also negative.

Conclusion.?Vaginal ultrasound examination does not artificially change the fFN status. This is in contrast to common understanding and may permit the performance of ultrasound examination before fFN, which can be restricted to cases of short cervix.  相似文献   

Objective.?To estimate whether maternal race/ethnicity is independently associated with successful vaginal birth after cesarean delivery (VBAC).

Study design.?A retrospective cohort study from January 1, 1997 to July 30, 2002 of women with singleton pregnancies and a previous cesarean delivery. The odds ratio (OR) for successful VBAC as a function of ethnicity was corrected for age >35 years, parity, weight gain, diabetes mellitus, hospital site, prenatal care provider, gestational age, induction, labor augmentation, epidural analgesia, and birth weight >4000 g.

Results.?Among 54 146 births, 8030 (14.8%) occurred in women with previous cesarean deliveries. The trials of labor rates were similar among Caucasian (46.6%), Hispanic (45.4%), and African American (46.0%) women. However, there was a significant difference among ethnic groups for VBAC success rates (79.3% vs. 79.3% vs. 70.0%, respectively). When compared to Caucasian women, the adjusted OR for VBAC success was 0.37 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.27–0.50) for African American women and 0.63 (95% CI 0.51–0.79) for Hispanic women.

Conclusion.?African American and Hispanic women are significantly less likely than Caucasian women to achieve successful VBAC.  相似文献   

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