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Cardiac nerves arising from the cervical and thoracic sympathetic chain, the vagi, and the recurrent laryngeal nerves of the dog were described. The findings are correlated with the nomenclature of the NA ('66) and proposals of the NAV ('67), and additional suggestions are made when appropriate. Although individual cardiac nerves were followed to specific areas of the heart, additional supplies to these areas were noted from the cardiac plexus. Sympathetic cardiac innervation arose primarily from the vertebral ganglion. Cranial vagal cardiac nerves on the left and caudal vagal cardiac nerves on the right contributed the majority of the parasympathetic cardiac innervation. Right cardiac nerves ramified primarily along the right coronary artery, left descending branch of the left coronary artery, circumflex branch of the left coronary artery on the left surface of the heart, and onto the right atrium. Left heart nerves, in addition to their direct contributions to all but the last area, proceeded along the circumflex branch of the left coronary artery on the caudal and right surfaces of the heart. Right nerves contributed more in the area of the S.A node, while left nerves formed a network in the area of the coronary sinus and A.V. node. Both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves were followed to each area. It was noted that pulmonary innervation via the cardiac plexus would be disturbed by the technique of cardiac denervation referred to as regional neural ablations.  相似文献   

Detailed morphological studies of the cardiac innervation of the cat were reported. Sympathetic cardiac nerves arose from the thoracic, cervicothoracic, vertebral, and intermediate ganglia. Parasympathetic cardiac nerves arose from the vagi, both cranial and caudal to the origin of the recurrent laryngeal nerves, and from the right recurrent laryngeal nerve. Left cardiac nerves passed primarily to the caudal and right surfaces of the left chambers while right ones ramified on the right chambers and left portion of the left chambers. Left cardiac nerves are more prominent around the coronary sinus and atrioventricular node, while right ones contribute more to the area of the sinoatrial node. Both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves were followed to each chamber. Interconnections through the cardiac plexus facilitated overlapping of nerve distributions.  相似文献   

Summary When acting upon the isolated heart or administered into the blood flow, concentrations of 2-methylnaphthoquinone (1: 50,000–1: 100,000) provoke a decrease and disappearance, first of the inotropic component of the parasympathetic effect, then the vagal arrest, and, lastly, the inhibition of chronotropic component. These changes are caused by the disturbance of the acetylcholine metabolism and the liberation of this substance in the nerve endings of the vagus. Besides, large concentrations (1: 10,000) render a nonspecific altering effect on the cardiac elements.(Presented by Active Member of the AMN SSSR V. V. Parin) Translated from Byulleten Èksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 71–75, April, 1960  相似文献   

Larval lampreys (Lampetra japonica) 13 and 21 mm in body length were examined by serial section electron microscopy and it was found that the young 13-mm larvae which was 26 days old had no nerves to, and in, the heart. However, the heart of 21-mm larval lampreys had two sets of nerve fibers entering the heart. One of the nerve fibers entered the heart via the porta venosa, ran along the vena jugularis impar, and ended in the sinus venosus. The other nerve entered with the porta arteriosa and terminated in the proximal region of the bulbus cordis. Two characteristic types of nerve endings were observed. One type of nerve ending contained numerous, small, clear vesicles about 40 nm in diameter. These endings were found only in the walls of the vena jugularis impar and the sinus venosus. The second type of ending characteristically contained distinctive large-cored vesicles 60–130 nm in diameter mixed with numerous small, clear vesicles. These endings were present in the walls of the vena jugularis impar, the sinus venosus, and the bulbus cordis. It should be emphasized that the bulbus contained only the second type of nerve ending. The nerves in the heart were confined to specific regions and those from the two sources remained separate. Furthermore, the atrium, ventricle, ducts of Cuvier, and hepatic veins were completely devoid of nerves. There were no ganglion cells in any region of the heart.  相似文献   

The nerve pattern of the bone marrow of the monkey, rabbit, rat and mouse was studied in serial sections specially stained to demonstrate myelinated and nonmyelinated nerve fibers. Features that are common to the different species studied were found in the bone marrow of the femur of the rat in a simple arrangement. A scheme is proposed based on thirteen photomicrographs demonstrating the nerve pattern of the bone marrow and the relation of the nerve fibers with the arterial tree, the sinusoids and the blood forming cells. This scheme shows that the necessary anatomical conditions exist permitting a direct influence of the nervous system on the function of the bone marrow. These conditions are the presence of myelinated nerve fibers traversing the parenchyma of the marrow, and the existence of nonmyelinated fibers ending in sphincterlike structures at the origin of the arterioles. Single myelinated nerve fibers and small bundles of both myelinated and nonmyelinated fibers lie in close contact with the endothelial wall of the sinuses during long trajects. Only the very thin endothelium of the sinuses separates the newly formed blood and the nerve fibers. An interaction between both elements is possible along these areas of contact.  相似文献   

Primary dysautonomias appear to be the result of initial damage to the protein synthetic pathway of a specific neuronal population, but despite detailed morphological study of several species there is, as yet, no indication of the precise lesion or the nature of the causal agent. The very marked similarities between the species with regard to lesion type, distribution, the age group affected and the geographical restrictions of occurrence would suggest a very similar, if not common, aetiology. There is no explanation, however, for the 70 year gap between its appearance in horses and its subsequent occurrence in other species or why it is these species, with very different physiology, habits and habitats, that are affected. No reference could be found in the literature to any infectious agent or toxin causing a similar range of structural effects with a similar species specificity or lesion distribution. Many questions about dysautonomias remain. Why is the lesion distribution so specific? At what level of the synthetic pathway does the primary lesion occur? What are the unusual compounds demonstrated in "acute phase" serum from affected horses; are they a neurotoxic agent(s) and/or its metabolites, or the abnormal product of an affected animal? Why did the experimental ponies which developed autonomic lesions not become ill? When do the clinical signs appear in relation to the occurrence of the primary lesion? Why are adolescent and young adult animals most commonly affected? As the general understanding of neuronal function and the numerous factors which influence it improves, the many subtle distinctions and similarities amongst the myriad sub-populations of neurones will become clearer and common features may emerge which will link the seemingly disparate neuronal types involved in the primary dysautonomias.  相似文献   

Tumours in large domestic animals in the Netherlands   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

In this study, a geometric recognition of the ascending colons of some domestic animals such as pig, ruminants (only the ansa spiralis coli) and dog is presented. The ascending colon of these animals can be considered a tubular shape along a special curve.  相似文献   

The purpose of this comparative study was to evaluate morphological differences between the cartilages of the third eyelid in dogs, cats, pigs, cows, small ruminants and horses. For that reason a total of 83 third eyelids were investigated. By the aid of a modified maceration technique, the three-dimensional form of the cartilage could be demonstrated for the first time. Generally, the cartilage consists of a long narrow appendix which is followed by a variable crossbar. In dogs the appendix is cone shaped in the basal end and extends to form a triangular plate. The former is crescent-like in shape and has a marked bulge. The cartilage of the cat consists of an appendix which is enlarged in the proximal end as compared to the dog. The crossbar resembles a reverse s-form with ends tapering off to a point. In contrast pig and cow cartilage possess a typical anchorform whereas the cartilage of small ruminants starts with a thin rod which extends in a slightly curved form ending in an oval plate. The crossbar is crescent-like in these animals. In the horse the base of the cartilage is surrounded by a massive fatty tissue and the crossbar has a characteristic hook-form. Moreover, there are significant differences in regard to the quality of the cartilage, especially concerning the presence and distribution of elastic fibres. In cats and horses the elastic fibres of the adjacent connective tissue penetrate the perichondrium. Additionally, the centre of the cartilage shows a very dense network consisting of fine elastic fibres. In dogs, pigs, cows and small ruminants the cartilage consists of hyaline quality and only in the neighbouring connective tissue are some elastic fibres detectable.  相似文献   

Serological examination of 420 domestic animals for the presence of antilegionella antibodies indicates their high exposure to legionellae. On examination by the microagglutination reaction with a serum dilution of 1:64 or more the highest positive values were recorded in horses which reacted with antigens of L. pneumophila 1-14 in 36.2% and with antigens of another 19 types of legionellae in 47.8%. In pigs positive values recorded in 16.2% and in 21.1%; in cattle in 3.8% and 29.5%, in sheep in 7.5% and 11.3% and laboratory rabbits were quite negative. The importance of these findings with regard to the possible role of animals in the ecology of legionellae is obscure.  相似文献   

Epithelial odontogenic tumours in domestic animals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Epithelial odontogenic tumours are uncommon, poorly understood and often difficult to diagnose, oral neoplasms. Dental organ pre-ameloblasts and basal lamina induce development of mesenchymal cells into odontoblasts, which produce dentin and induce pre-ameloblasts to mature into secretory ameloblasts. These reciprocal sequential inductive interactions between dental epithelium and mesenchyme form the basis for classifying epithelial odontogenic tumours. There are three tumours classified as non-inductive: ameloblastoma characterized by cords and islands of stellate reticulum with peripheral palisades of polarized columnar cells, adenomatoid ameloblastoma which has acini, rosettes and ducts of polarized columnar cells and stellate reticulum and calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour which contains foci of Congo-red-positive material surrounded by pleomorphic polygonal epithelial cells. There are five tumours in which induction of mesenchymal tissue is evident: ameloblastic fibroma with characteristics of ameloblastoma plus proliferation of closely associated pulp-like mesenchyme; dentinoma consisting of masses of dentin, often with minimal cellular component; ameloblastic odontoma which contains palisaded epithelium and stellate reticulum as in ameloblastoma, as well as foci of dentin and/or enamel; complex odontoma which is a disorderly array of dentin, enamel, ameloblastic epithelium and odontoblasts; and compound odontoma containing denticles with well-organized tooth morphology. This paper reviews the embryogenesis of teeth and describes six types of epithelial odontogenic tumours in 13 animals. The literature concerning these tumours in nearly 250 animals is reviewed. The most commonly reported tumour is ameloblastoma and the species in which all types are most commonly reported is the dog.  相似文献   

Injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into the right or left ovary of the rat produced labeling of perikarya in both nodose ganglia and ipsilateral dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) from T10 to L2. The greatest concentration of labeled cells was in T13 and L1, DRGs. It is suggested that visceral afferent fibers from the ovary may mediate visceral reflexes that modulate ovarian function.  相似文献   

The previously described ability of reserpine and parachlorophenylalanine to induce the accumulation of lipid droplets in ventricular cardiac muscle cells of the bat was investigated. Lipid droplet accumulation was assessed qualitatively by light microscopy and quantitatively by morphometric analysis of electron micrographs. An hypothesis that the action of the drugs was an indirect one, mediated by the cardiac adrenergic innervation, was framed and tested. Lipid droplet accumulation occurred during a time of intense sympathetic activity, that of arousal from hibernation. The ability of the two drugs to produce the effect was antagonized by prior sympathectomy with 6–dopamine. The effect was mimicked by administration of exogenous norepinephrine together with inhibitors of its catabolic enzymes, monoamine oxidase and catechol-omethyl transferase. These observations are all consistent with the initial hypothesis and raise the possibility that endogenous norepinephrine in the cardiac sympathetic innervation might be, at least potentially, auto-toxic.  相似文献   

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