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目的:分析新型毒品滥用者的临床特点,探讨其人格特征。方法:对118例新型毒品滥用者进行临床问卷调查及艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)测验,EPQ 结果与正常对照组进行比较。结果:新型毒品滥用者平均受教育年限(6.95± s3.42)年;初吸平均年龄为(22.16± s5.14)年。92.4%患者为多物质滥用,主要以 K 粉、冰毒、摇头丸及麻古为主。滥用新型毒品后对患者的身心健康产生严重影响,包括脑神经衰弱症状、躯体损害、性格改变及精神活动的影响。EPQ 结果显示,新型毒品滥用者的内外向倾向(E)、情绪稳定性(N)、精神质(P)及说谎(L)分数均显著高于对照组。新型毒品滥用者的精神质及情绪稳定性维度均与滥用毒品年限存在显著正相关。结论:新型毒品滥用者受教育程度低、年轻、多物质滥用者居多,身心健康受到严重影响。存在明显的人格缺陷。治疗时应加强心理干预,重建其人格行为模式。  相似文献   

当前,我国毒品滥用呈现出传统毒品(以海洛因为代表)滥用问题尚未解决、新型毒品(以苯丙胺类物质为代表)滥用问题又来势迅猛的严峻现实[1]。截至2009年底我国登记在册的吸毒人员已达133.5万,其中海洛因滥用97.8万人,新型毒品滥用36万人[1]。新型毒品的吸食人群正以  相似文献   

目的:了解我省吸毒人员滥用合成毒品的情况及变化趋势,为禁毒工作提供方向性参考。方法:调查对象为獉獉獉獉2010-2014年度药物滥用监测机构收治/收戒的药物滥用者,回顾性地收集并分析调查对象所填写的《药物滥用监测调查表》,对近五年合成毒品滥用形势、特征等进行分析和对比。结果:近五年来,滥用合成毒品群体的平均年龄獉獉均比当年的药物滥用总群体小约3-4岁,滥用人员以男性为主,但滥用合成毒品的人群中女性所占的构成比高于总人群中女性的构成比,文化程度以初中为主,但合成毒品滥用群体高中以上者高于药物滥用的总群体,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。除2011年外,近五年来曾滥用合成毒品的人数逐年成倍上升。其中,"冰毒"的滥用频率最高,其次为"K粉",而"麻谷丸"和"摇头丸"保持较低的频率。调查对象主要分布在珠三角地区,历年构成比均在70%左右。结论:广东省合成毒品滥用形势严峻,呈迅速上升趋势,且以珠江三角洲地区最为严重。其中,"冰獉獉毒"是滥用频率最高的合成毒品。合成毒品的滥用人群具有年轻化、以男性为主的特点,但女性滥用的构成比较我省女性总体药物滥用情况严峻。  相似文献   

我们戒毒所现收治的“新型毒品”滥用病人数逐年呈增长的趋势,现将2008年1月至2008年12月在我所住院治疗的56例“新型毒品”滥用病人就诊特点进行研究分析:1资料和方法 1.1研究对象为2008年3月至2009年2月在孝感市康复医院戒毒所住院治疗的“新型毒品”滥用的病人。男32例,女24例,年龄最大的32岁,最小的17岁,  相似文献   

目的:通过认知功能检测结合PET影像学研究新型毒品滥用者大脑神经毒性损害的改变。方法:纳入华西医院精神卫生中心2010年1月-2010年5月新型毒品滥用者共18例,采用临床症状评估、认知功能检测和PET检查结合的方法,研究新型毒品滥用者的神经精神毒性损害的程度和相关脑区的改变。结果:在临床表现症状中,广泛性焦虑所占比例最高,达到72.2%的新型毒品依赖者出现广泛性焦虑症状。吸食新型毒品种类以冰毒为主,(在认知功能测验中,单字、单色、双色患者组均较对照组长,颜色字意的干扰、颜色记忆与对照组相比存在的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。PET的结果显示,糖代谢降低的区域主要集中在额叶组织,其余各个大脑区域(顶叶,颞叶,海马,大小脑等组织)均有不同比例的糖代谢降低。PET显示脑区(纹状体、海马、额叶)出现代谢性变化与认知功能(记忆、焦虑、注意力)损害相对应具有相关性,具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:新型毒品滥用者的PET显像各脑区均出现了有临床意义的改变,与认知损害结果一致,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

毒品滥用者的治疗与康复大体上讲包括两个方面:一是解除生理依赖,二是解除心理依赖,即一心瘾”。近年来,在各级专家和医务人员的共同努力下,各种新型戒毒药物层出不穷,解除生理依赖已不困难,一般经过2周药物治疗即可达到目的。据研究,目前彻底解除心理依赖非常困难,因为毒品滥用者,即便是在戒毒治疗后,仍会对毒品有渴求,这往往是导致复吸的主要原因。  相似文献   

新型毒品又称为"俱乐部药(club drugs)"、"舞会药(party drugs)"、"休闲药(recreational drugs)"等,是相对于海洛因、鸦片等传统毒品而言,主要指人工化学合成的致幻剂、兴奋剂类毒品,是由国际禁毒公约和我国法律法规所规定管制的、直接作用于人的中枢神经系统,使人兴奋或抑制,连续使用能使人产生依赖性的精神药品(毒品),其中包括一些可供医疗使用的管制药品。  相似文献   

目的:了解氯胺酮滥用的人口学特征,加强管理预防。方法:对广州市白云区自愿戒毒医院的氯胺酮滥用者进行调查,收集人口学资料进行分析。结果:氯胺酮滥用者男性与女性在受教育程度、受教育年限和婚姻状况方面有显著差异(P<0.05).氯胺酮滥用者首次吸食K粉年龄19.72±4.51岁,其中小于25岁的青少年男性占大部分(90.8%).氯胺酮滥用者以无业(27.3%)和个体经营为主(30.9%),他们的工作多元化,涉及社会各阶层,收入多不稳定。结论:氯胺酮滥用者主要为青少年男性,首次吸食年龄轻,需加强对青少年氯胺酮相关知识的宣传教育,以预防氯胺酮滥用的不断蔓延。  相似文献   

目的獉獉:本研究调查了138名甲基苯丙胺滥用者,旨在了解他们对新型毒品的认知、态度、滥用倾向以及对未来的看法。方法獉獉:采用结合文献自行设计的调查问卷,内容包括被调查者的社会人口学特征、对新型毒品的认知、对待新型毒品的态度、滥用新型毒品的倾向以及对未来的看法。结果獉獉:研究结果显示42.8%的甲基苯丙胺滥用者认为吸食新型毒品不会成瘾,认为吸食新型毒品是可以自己控制的高达80.4%,认为新型毒品对身体的危害远远小于海洛因等传统毒品的占68.1%。在对待新型毒品的态度方面,47.1%的认为吸食新型毒品可以消除烦恼,42.8%的认为吸食新型毒品显得有个性、与众不同,42.0%的认为吸食新型毒品是一种身份地位的象征,32.6%的认为吸食新型毒品很新潮、时尚。研究显示有超过一半的研究对象在假定的情景下选择有可能会吸食新型毒品。另外超过1/3的滥用者认为未来毫无希望或对未来不确定。结论獉獉:本研究提示应探寻有效的健康教育、心理咨询和治疗用来纠正甲基苯丙胺滥用者错误的认识,改变他们对待新型毒品以及治疗的态度,帮助他们树立对未来积极的看法以及信心从而帮助甲基苯丙胺滥用者彻底摆脱毒品。  相似文献   

海洛因(heroin)依赖脱毒期间最常见的症状之一是疼痛。同时伴强烈的情绪反应。为减轻症状海洛因依赖滥用镇痛药现象相当普遍,多数海洛因依赖及其家属认为是药物不是毒品而不加控制使用,严重影响戒毒效果。本总结219例首次入院的强制戒毒人员镇痛药滥用情况,报告如下。  相似文献   

目的:分析梧州市注射吸毒人群中艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者和艾滋病(AIDS)病人(简称HIV/AIDS)的死亡獉獉情况。方法:从"艾滋病综合防治信息系统"收集截至2017年12月31日现住址为梧州市和传播途径为注射吸毒獉獉人员的HIV/AIDS死亡病例资料进行分析。结果:截至2017年12月31日,梧州市累计报告554例注射吸毒人员獉獉死亡病例,累计病死率为46. 21%(554/1199);死亡前最后一次CD4+T淋巴细胞≤200个/μl占52. 04%(191/367);死亡病例确认阳性后1年内死亡的仅占17. 32%(96/554);存活5年以上的占45. 85%(254/554)。结论:梧獉獉州市注射吸毒人群HIV/AIDS确证阳性后的生存时间中位数及存活5年以上的比例,均高于梧州市其他感染途径的HIV/AIDS,有关注射吸毒人群HIV/AIDS的生存研究值得今后进一步深入探究。  相似文献   

Surveillance data suggests that club drug use (Ecstasy, GHB, ketamine, LSD, methamphetamine, PCP and flunitrazepam) has been a predominantly White adolescent and young adult phenomenon in the United States. The authors investigated the use of club drugs among 323 street-recruited minority substance users in northern New York City (66.3% were Hispanic, 23.8% were Black, and 9.9% were White/other race; median age = 32 years old). While Whites were more likely than others to have used club drugs, club drug use among Hispanics and Blacks was not uncommon; 45.3% Hispanics and 56.4% of Blacks reported a lifetime history of club drug use. PCP was the most commonly reported club drug used among all racial/ethnic groups. Further investigation of club drug use in minority populations is warranted.  相似文献   

Motivation for drug use treatment is widely regarded as crucial to a client's engagement in treatment and success in quitting drug use. Motivation is typically measured with items reflecting high treatment readiness (e.g., perceived need for treatment and commitment to participate) and low treatment resistance (e.g., skepticism regarding benefits of treatment). Building upon reactance theory and the psychotherapeutic construct of resistance, we conceptualized these two aspects of treatment motivation - readiness and resistance - as distinct constructs and examined their predictive power in a sample of 1295 drug-using offenders referred to treatment while on probation. The sample was 60.7% African Americans, 33.5% non-Hispanic Whites, and 21.2% women; their ages ranged from 16 to 63 years old. Interviews occurred at treatment entry and 6 months later. Readiness (but not resistance) predicted treatment retention during the 6-month period. Resistance (but not readiness) predicted drug use, especially among offenders for whom the treatment referral was coercive. These findings suggest that readiness and resistance should both be assessed among clients entering treatment, especially when the referral is coercive. Intake and counseling protocols should address readiness and resistance separately.  相似文献   

Heterosexual transmission of HIV infection is closely linked with intravenous drug use. This study investigated the sexual behaviors of intravenous drug users (IVDUs) in New York City. In 1986, 284 IVDUs were recruited from newly enrolled patients in methadone treatment clinics. A questionnaire asking for information on sexual behaviors was administered and sera were collected and tested by ELISA and Western Blot techniques. Associations between behavioral data and HIV serology were evaluated using univariate methods of analysis. HIV infection was significantly associated with age (p = 0.01). Subjects not claiming prostitution were also significantly more likely to be infected (p = 0.01). Subjects reporting condom use and oral sex had lower infectivity rates. Higher infection rates were observed in subjects reporting anal sex and homosexual or bisexual sexual behavior. The findings of this study suggest that greater efforts to isolate those sexual behaviors that are predictors or correlates of heterosexual transmission of HIV infection is much needed in order to design behavioral interventions that will effectively curtail the spread of this virus.  相似文献   

Ninety-two intravenous drug users (IVDUs) were identified from a study of 1,640 relatives of treated alcoholics and felons. Nearly all of the IVDUs (90%) reported a lifetime history of some degree of physical, psychological, or social difficulty related to drug abuse, but only 35% had ever received treatment for drug abuse. Overall, compared to subjects with a history of substantial illicit drug use who had never injected, IVDUs were significantly more likely to report all drug-related problems assessed. Even in populations of drug users not selected through treatment, any history of intravenous (IV) drug use is strongly indicative of a lifetime occurrence of complications of drug use.  相似文献   

In this study, help-seeking was significantly more likely for African American drug users with more formal education and those scoring higher on both drug-related problem recognition and ethnic identity. This latter result suggests that ethnic identity, despite having no main effect on help-seeking in this sample, may nonetheless make an important contribution to help-seeking by "potentiating" the influence of drug problem recognition.  相似文献   

Self-reports of drug use frequency are central to treatment outcome evaluations, estimates of the prevalence of heavy use, estimates of treatment need, and other questions with direct relevance to drug policies. Nevertheless, surprisingly little is known about the validity of these self-reports. This study examines the accuracy of 701 frequency self-reports made by a sample of methadone maintenance clients. Self-report accuracy is evaluated by comparing rates of positive urinalyses found for each case with rates that would be expected had drug use occurred only as often as reported. Expected rates of positive urinalyses are derived from conservative Monte Carlo models of drug use for each case. This procedure reveals extensive heroin and cocaine use frequency underreporting. After adjusting for frequency underreporting, 51% of 279 cases reporting only occasional heroin use (1-10 days in the past 30), and 22% of the 157 cases reporting occasional cocaine use, are found to be using these drugs with frequencies corresponding to what the Office of National Drug Control Policy defines as 'hardcore use' (more than 10 days in the past 30). Drug use frequency underreporting appears substantial, and might constitute an important threat to the validity of some treatment outcome evaluations, needs assessments and other analyses that rely on drug use frequency self-reports.  相似文献   

BackgroundMedical care has long been depicted by social scientists as a field of social control, as well as a branch of Foucauldian disciplinary power. This report focuses attention on the hospital, a highly regulated place in the United States, and examines how injection drug users (IDUs) negotiate the medical social control and institutionalised disciplinary power they encounter in this place.MethodsTwenty-eight qualitative interviews were conducted in New York City with low-income people who inject drugs on a regular basis. Interview questions focused on their health and drug use and interactions with health care providers.ResultsA variety of practices were employed to avoid, defy and subvert medical power. Study participants reported leaving the hospital when they felt ready rather than waiting to be discharged, actively seeking the type of care they wanted and ignoring medical advice.ConclusionThe hospital is not a site of total control in the narratives of IDUs, but rather a space to seek a self-determined amount and type of care. These results can re-orient providers of health care services towards understanding the productivity of the relationship between IDUs and the hospital.  相似文献   

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