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目的 研究腰椎椎板、小关节形态随着年龄变化的规律。 方法 选取300例无腰椎疾患的正常人为研究对象,行腰椎正侧位X线检查。将研究对象根据年龄分为6个组:(组 I:<30岁, 组 II: 31~40岁, 组 III:41~50 岁, 组 IV: 51~60 岁, 组 V: 61~70岁, 组 VI:>70岁)。测量L4椎板腰部(a)与腰4下关节突尖端之间的距离(b)的比值。 结果 a/b的比值在6个年龄组分别为0.825±0.101、0.836±0.088、0.840±0.098、0.858±0.084、0.878±0.091、0.890±0.119。伴随着年龄的增长其呈现逐渐增大的趋势。大于70岁组比值最大,与组I到组IV存在统计学差异。 结论 伴随着年龄的增长,椎板腰部的距离与下关节突尖端之间的距离比值逐渐增大,这意味着椎管横径逐渐狭窄、小关节更偏向于矢状位,发生退行性滑脱的可能性较大。  相似文献   

身体姿势对腰椎小关节受力的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
目的 :分析脊柱处于不同姿势时腰椎小关节受力大小及变化情况。方法 :采用 8具新鲜脊柱腰骶段 (L1~S1)标本 ,在MTS系统上用压敏片测量L4、5小关节面在中立位和前屈、后伸位时受力大小。结果 :中立位时L4、5小关节受力为 (3 1.16± 7.15 )N ,占轴向压缩载荷的 15 % ;前屈时小关节受力减小 ,前屈 10°、2 0°时受力大小为 (18.3 2± 4.46)N、(9.3 8± 1.82 )N ,占压缩载荷的比例减为 9%、5 % ;后伸时小关节受力增大 ,后伸 10°、2 0°时受力大小为 (4 5 .92± 11.0 6)N、(65 .68± 10 .16)N ,占压缩载荷的比例增至2 3 %、3 3 %。结论 :腰椎小关节在中立位能承受脊柱的一部分压缩载荷 ,且随脊柱姿势不同小关节面受力也不同。  相似文献   

椎间盘髓核摘除对腰椎间小关节承载功能影响的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析椎间盘髓核摘除后腰椎小关节受力大小及变化情况。方法采用8具新鲜脊柱腰骶段(L1~S1)标本,在MTS系统上用压敏片分别测量L3-L4、L4-L5两个节段小关节面在中立位和前屈、后伸位时受力大小;摘除L4-L5椎间盘髓核,重复测量。结果完整脊柱标本中,L4-L5与L3-L4节段关节面受力大小相似:中立位时受力占轴向压缩载荷的15%;前屈10°、20°时受力占压缩载荷的比例减为9%、5%;后伸10°、20°时受力占压缩载荷的比例增至23%、33%。L4-L5椎间盘髓核摘除后,L4-L5节段小关节面在各个运动状态下受力均显著增大,而L3-L4节段小关节受力也有增加的趋势。结论腰椎小关节有一定的承载功能。腰椎间盘切除术后,同一平面及相邻平面小关节受力增加,可能引发腰痛。  相似文献   

腰椎退行性滑脱与小关节形态之间关系的临床研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:研究腰椎小关节形态变化与腰椎退行性滑脱之间关系。方法:通过X线、SCT等研究手段,分别测量89例腰椎退行性变滑脱病人与正常对照组之间的椎间盘高度比、小关节的角度以及小关节的横径等数据,结果行统计学处理与分析。结果:LDS组L3/4、L4/5、L5/S1节段的小关节角分别为(56.37±11.90)°、(61.30±13.41)°、(43.89±11.38)°;小关节的横径分别为(14.69±3.34)mm、(19.07±4.95)mm、(9.84±3.02)mm;椎间盘高度比分别为0.29±0.07、0.24±0.06、0.25±0.06。与正常对照组相比,LDS组的小关节角偏矢状角、椎间盘的高度比减少、小关节的横径增加;LDS组相应滑脱节段椎间盘全部变性。结论(:1)腰椎小关节基部横径越大,该小关节角度越趋于矢状位,腰椎滑移几率越高;(2)腰椎小关节与椎间盘退变之间关系密不可分;(3)腰椎小关节疾病的临床影像学缺乏科学的描述与支持,值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

腰椎小关节穿刺的应用解剖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究腰椎小关节穿刺的解剖入路,供临床参考应用。方法:采用新鲜成人脊柱腰段标本35(男22、女13)例,通过横断断层解剖学方法,从横断面上对L1~2~L5~S1腰椎小关节的类型、关节角、上下关节突间距以及关节面的形态等进行观测。结果:①关节类型L1~2~L5~S1主要为上凹面型(82.6%)和平面型(17.4%),其中L5~S1有51.4%为上凹面型,48.6%为平面型;②关节角从L1~2至L5~S1腰椎关节突关节角逐渐增大,分别为26°、30°、35°、40°、45(°女性平均略大3°~5°);③关节的位置在后正中线外侧,相应的上、下腰椎棘突后缘中点之间,与后正中线的距离由上到下逐渐增加,分别为14.20、15.74、18.90、24.22、27.20mm;④穿刺要经过皮肤、浅筋膜、胸腰筋膜后层、竖脊肌、关节囊后壁。结论:腰椎小关节穿刺应根据关节的类型、关节角大小选择相应腰椎间隙中点的外14.20~27.20mm(平均20.05mm)处进行。  相似文献   

Back pain constitutes a major problem in modern societies. Facet joints are increasingly recognised as a source of such pain. Knowledge about the internal morphology and its changes with age may make it possible to include the facets more in therapeutic strategies, for instance joint replacements or immobilisation. In total, 168 facets from C6/7 and L4/5 segments were scanned in a micro-computed tomography. Image analysis was used to investigate the internal morphology with regard to donor age and gender. Additional data from trabecular bone of the vertebral core allowed a semi-quantitative comparison of the morphology of the vertebral core and the facets. Porosity and pore spacing of the cortical sub-chondral bone does not appear to change with age for either males or females. In contrast, bone volume fraction decreases in females from approximately 0.4 to 0.2 , whereas it is constant in males. Trabecular thickness decreases during the ageing process in females and stays constant in males , whereas trabecular separation increases during the ageing process in both genders. The results of this study may help to improve the understanding of pathophysiological changes in the facet joints. Such results could be of value for understanding back pain and its treatment.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to reveal the association between lumbar spondylolysis and several radiologic parameters, which had been suggested to be significant. The authors examine interfacet distance (IFD), facet joint orientation (FJO), and lumbar segmental lordosis (LSL) all together on the basis of lumbar computed tomography (CT) scan of 35 patients with L5 spondylolysis and 36 unaffected control groups. Thirty-five Korean military recruits, aged 19-23 (mean 20.9 years), were diagnosed as L5 spondylolysis by lumber CT scans. As a control group, 36 male Korean military recruits, aged 18-25 (mean 21.3 years), were reconfirmed as not affected by lumbar spondylolysis by CT scan when they visited our hospital complaining of back pain. This study compares IFD, FJO, and LSL for each lumbar segment between the spondylolytic and unaffected groups. We also propose the use of normal mean data of IFD, FJO, and LSL of lumbar vertebrae from 36 Korean young military recruits because each measurement has power as an absolute value, like data from an osteologic collection in other studies. Comparison of IFD between spondylolytic and unaffected individuals reveals significant differences at the L3, L4, and L5 level (P = 0.0384, P = 0.0219, and P < 0.0001, respectively). In the group of spondylolysis, the increase of IFD from L4 to S1 was less pronounced (P < 0.0001) and the LSL at L5-S1 was more lordotic (P = 0.0203). Interfacet distance and lumbar lordosis were significantly different between patients with L5 spondylolysis and individuals without pars defect on L5. In the spondylolysis group, and the increase of IFD from L4 to S1 was less pronounced and the LSL at L5-S1 was more lordotic.  相似文献   

文题释义:CT多平面重组技术:是将扫描范围内所有的轴位图像叠加起来在对某些标线标定的重组线所指定的组织进行冠状位、矢状位及任意角度斜位图像重组,以在不同角度观察影像学图像。 经皮椎弓根螺钉:该技术采用在术中影像检查设备引导下经皮肤小切口置入椎弓根螺钉,与常规开放置钉手术相比明显减少了对椎旁肌的损伤程度,既往学者多关注螺钉与椎弓根壁的位置关系,而较少关注其与关节突关节的位置关系。 背景:经皮椎弓根螺钉内固定技术被广泛应用于治疗腰椎疾病。经皮椎弓根螺钉由于是在术中C形臂X射线引导下操作,对螺钉与关节突关节之间的位置关系难以完全控制,可能导致关节突关节损伤。既往有学者认为体质量指数>29.9 kg/m2、小关节角>35°及年龄<65岁是经皮椎弓根螺钉损伤关节突关节的高危因素。由于不同腰椎椎弓根轴线与关节突关节的位置关系不同,螺钉对关节突关节的破坏是否存在差异目前尚无相关报道。 目的:探讨腰椎CT多平面重建技术在腰椎经皮椎弓根钉置入术前预估螺钉损伤腰椎关节突关节中的价值。 方法:选择100例行经皮椎弓根钉置入内固定治疗腰椎骨折及腰椎退行性疾病的患者,对治疗方案均知情同意,且得到医院伦理委员会批准。于术前CT斜轴位、斜矢状位及斜冠状位调整多平面重建的定位线,重建出椎弓根的切面断层,以斜冠状位线为中心设置直径为6.5 mm的标定圆模拟经皮椎弓根钉轴向截面,观察标定圆侵犯关节突关节程度,设为术前组;术后行腰椎CT检查观察螺钉损伤关节突关节程度,设为术后组。评价2组间不同节段关节突关节损伤螺钉数及组内不同节段关节突关节破坏比率的差异。 结果与结论:①共计置钉478枚,术前组显示标定圆侵犯关节突关节109枚,占比22.8%,其中L1-L5标定圆侵犯关节突关节螺钉数及占比分别为6枚(6.8%)、9枚(10.5%)、19枚(18.3%)、30枚(30.0%)和45枚(45.0%);②术后组显示关节突关节损伤115枚,占比24.1%,其中L1-L5螺钉损伤关节突关节螺钉数及占比分别为10枚(11.4%)、7枚(8.1%)、15枚(14.4%)、26枚(26.0%)和41枚(41.0%);③McNemar 配对χ2检验不同腰椎节段P值分别为:L1 P=0.08,L2 P=0.22,L3 P=0.20,L4 P=0.05,L5 P=0.08,2组结果比较差异均无显著性意义;④Kappa检验2组一致性分别为:L1 Kappa值=0.67,L2 Kappa值=0.80,L3 Kappa值=0.80,L4 Kappa值=0.87,L5 Kappa值=0.92;术前组及术后组组内不同节段间关节突关节损伤比率比较差异有显著性意义(P=0.000);⑤提示腰椎CT多平面重建技术可较为准确地判断经皮椎弓根螺钉与关节突关节的位置关系,为判断术后螺钉是否可能侵犯关节突关节提供了一种可靠的预估方法。 ORCID: 0000-0003-4872-2726(张晓芸) 中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:人工关节;骨植入物;脊柱;骨折;内固定;数字化骨科;组织工程  相似文献   

文题释义:腰椎小关节:为相近节段腰椎上位椎体的下关节突与下位椎体的上关节突组成的腰椎后外侧关节,将一个腰椎的椎弓与相邻腰椎的椎弓相连,在腰椎运动中占据着重要的地位。 生物力学:是应用力学原理和方法对生物体中的力学问题定量研究的生物物理学分支,研究范围从生物整体到系统组织,其研究重点是与生理学、医学有关的力学问题。 背景:腰椎小关节退变近年来成为学者们研究的重点,认识腰椎小关节退变的危险因素对于预防以及减少脊柱损害具有关键性作用,并且了解其解剖结构对于治疗脊柱相关疾病及手术实施有着重要的指导意义。 目的:简述腰椎小关节解剖学、组织学特性,总结能够引起腰椎小关节退变的相关危险因素。 方法:利用计算机检索CNKI、万方、维普、PubMed、Elsevier和Web of Science数据库2018年3月至2019年9月有关腰椎小关节退变的文章,检索词为“腰椎小关节,关节囊,关节面方向,神经支配,骨性关节炎,生物力学,下腰痛,椎间盘退变,腰椎滑脱,腰椎退行性脊柱侧弯,lumbar facet joint,joint capsule,articular direction,eneurosis,osteoarthritis,biomechanics,low back pain,intervertebral disc degeneration,umbar spondylolisthesis,lumbar degenerative scoliosis”。查阅相关文章,包括综述、基础研究及临床研究,通过阅读标题及摘要进行初步筛选,排除与主题相关度低的文献,最终共纳入60篇文献进行结果分析。 结果与结论:①腰椎小关节退变的主要危险因素包括年龄、性别、异常应力、关节面方向、关节不对称性、腰椎节段和椎间盘退变;②关节退变后会导致下腰痛、椎间盘退变、腰椎滑脱、退行性脊柱侧弯等临床疾病的发生和发展,严重影响患者的日常生活和工作,降低生活质量。因此,腰椎小关节在脊柱相关疾病的治疗中不应该被忽视。 ORCID: 0000-0002-5700-8674(文王强) 中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:人工关节;骨植入物;脊柱;骨折;内固定;数字化骨科;组织工程  相似文献   

目的:通过三维有限元的方法研究正常椎间盘、髓核摘除、人工腰椎间盘三组小关节的应力分布,探讨人工腰椎间盘植入小关节应力分布的影响.方法:利用有限元软件MSC.MARK,建立正常椎间盘、髓核摘除、人工腰椎间盘及L4~5运动节段的三维模型,然后模拟腰椎节段的运动,进行小关节应力分布的比较研究.结果:在各种运动状态下髓核摘除组小关节的应力最大,人工腰椎间盘组的小关节应力比正常椎间盘高,但明显小于髓核摘除组,但在旋转状态下,人工腰椎间盘小关节的中心部位承受的应力最大.结论:人工腰椎间盘植入后与髓核摘除组相比可降低小关节的应力,但仍高于正常的腰椎间盘组;人工腰椎间盘组的抗旋转能力明显低于正常腰椎间盘组和髓核摘除术后组,由此可见,目前的人工腰椎间盘具有腰椎间盘大部分的力学功能,与真正的腰椎间盘仍有差别.  相似文献   

腰椎退变与不稳的影像学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:探讨椎间盘退变、小关节骨关节炎与腰椎退变性不稳3者之间的关系。方法:分析120个下腰痛患者的核磁共振影像与脊柱功能位X线片,腰椎不稳分为成角不稳,旋转不稳和水平不稳;椎间盘退变根据T2加权相被分为5级;小关节骨关节炎在T1加权相上被分为4级。结果:椎间盘退变程度和年龄成正相关,差异有显著性意义(P〈0.01);有26.8%(93个)节段出现腰椎不稳,其中以椎间盘退变程度为1,2级的节段最为多见,与其他各级相比差异有极显著性意义(P〈0.01);椎间盘退变和小关节骨关节炎呈正相关(J=0.937,P〈0.05),向前水平不稳和椎间盘退变和小关节骨关节炎明显相关,差异成极显著性(P〈0.01)。结论:放射影像测量的腰椎不稳定和小关节骨关节炎和椎间盘退变有明确的相关性。  相似文献   

不同位置植入SMH人工腰椎间盘对小关节应力分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:通过三维有限元方法研究正常椎间盘、SMH人工腰椎间盘前置、中置和后置四组模型中小关节的应力分布情况,探讨不同位置植入SMH人工腰椎间盘对小关节应力分布的影响。方法:建立正常腰椎间盘、人工SMH腰椎间盘前置、中置和后置的三维模型,然后模拟腰椎节段的运动,进行小关节应力分布的比较研究。结果:与正常L4/5椎间盘模型相比,除SMH人工腰椎间盘前置模型前屈时比正常模型小关节应力小外,其余运动时SMH人工腰椎间盘前置、中置和后置模型中小关节的应力均高于正常腰椎间盘组,但后置SMH人工腰椎间盘组则相对较小。结论:SMH人工腰椎间盘后置可以更好地预防小关节的退变;人工椎间盘植入位置的不同对人工腰椎间盘术远期疗效的预测具一定的作用。  相似文献   

目的 研究人工腰椎间盘置换术对上位相邻节段关节突关节内应力(FS)的影响,并与腰椎融合术进行比较,为人工腰椎间盘的临床应用提供理论依据。 方法 选取6具新鲜成人尸体的腰骶段(L2~S1)标本,将每具标本依次制作成L4/5椎间盘完整(对照组)、L4/5椎间盘置换和L4/5椎间融合模型,并依次进行生物力学实验,将压力传感器置入L3/4关节突关节,以400 N的恒定轴向载荷,±7.5 Nm的力矩模拟生理状态下轴向、后伸和左右侧弯4种运动,分别测量3种模型在各种运动下L3/4关节突关节内压力。 结果 在模拟生理载荷的各种运动下,人工椎间盘置换组与椎间盘完整组相比较,上位关节突关节内压力差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),而腰椎间融合组相对于椎间盘完整组和人工椎间盘置换组,上位关节突关节内压力均显著增加,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 人工腰椎间盘置换术后,上位相邻节段关节突关节内压力与正常腰椎相比无明显改变,而腰椎间融合术后,上位相邻节段关节突关节内压力则显著增加。  相似文献   

The articular facet joints (AFJ) play an important role in the biomechanics of the spine. Although it is well known that some AFJ dimensions (e.g. facet height/width or facet angles) play a major role in spinal deformities such as scoliosis, little is known about statistical correlations between these dimensions and the size of the vertebral bodies. Such relations could allow patient-specific prediction of AFJ morphometry from a few dimensions measurable by X-ray. This would be of clinical interest and could also provide parameters for mathematical modeling of the spine. Our purpose in this study was to generate prediction equations for 20 parameters of the human thoracic and lumbar AFJ from T1 to L4 as a function of only one given parameter, the vertebral body height posterior (VBHP). Linear and nonlinear regression analyses were performed with published anatomical data, including linear and angular dimensions of the AFJ and vertebral body heights, to find the best functions to describe the correlations between these parameters. Third-order polynomial regressions, in contrast to the linear, exponential and logarithmic regressions, provided moderate to high correlations between the AFJ parameters and vertebral body heights; e.g. facet height superior and interfacet width (R2, 0.605-0.880); facet height inferior, interfacet height and sagittal/transverse angle superior (R2, 0.875-0.973). Different correlations were found for facet width and transverse angle inferior in the thoracic (R2, 0.703-0.930) and lumbar (R2, 0.457-0.892) regions. A set of 20 prediction equations for AFJ parameters was generated (P-values < 0.005, anova). Comparison of the AFJ predictions with experimental data indicated mean percent errors <13%, with the exception of the thoracolumbar junction (T12-L1). It was possible to establish useful predictions for human thoracic and lumbar AFJ dimensions based on the size of the vertebral bodies. The generated set of equations allows the prediction of 20 AFJ parameters per vertebral level from the measurement of the parameter VBHP, which is easily performed on lateral X-rays. As the vertebral body height is unique for each person and vertebral level, the predicted AFJ parameters are also specific to an individual. This approach could be used for parameterized patient-specific modeling of the spine to explore the clinically important mechanical roles of the articular facets in pathological conditions, such as scoliosis.  相似文献   

The ligaments of the lumbar neural foramina have not been systematically described. We sectioned the lumbar spines of 15 cadavers in the sagittal plane with a cryomicrotome and identified the ligaments in the neural foramina. Fibrous ligaments were identified in every lumbar neural foramen. The most constant ligament was a band of fibrous tissue behind the anulus fibrosus and distinct from it, originating in one vertebral body and inserting in the next. Ligaments connecting the posterior disc margin and the superior articular process were found in 48% of the neural foramina. A band of fibrous tissue originating from the anulus fibrosus and inserting along the pedicle and superior articular process was found in 44% of the foramina. Three other distinct types of ligament were found less commonly. Ligaments, which some investigators believe may contribute to lateral spinal stenosis, are commonly present in the neural foramina.  相似文献   

腰椎间关节及部分相关结构的神经支配   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在20具成人腰骶部脊柱标本上,观察了腰椎间关节及部分相关结构的神经分布.腰椎间关节主要由腰神经后内侧支支配,为单源多节段分布模式。后内侧支的行程为双“S”形,可使神经缓冲牵拉免受损伤,它经过狭窄弯曲的骨纤维管时可能易受嵌压导致下背痛.  相似文献   



The authors investigated the effect of lumbar facet tropism (FT) on intervertebral disc degeneration (DD), facet joint degeneration (FJD), and segmental translational motion.

Materials and Methods

Using kinetic MRI (KMRI), lumbar FT, which was defined as a difference in symmetry of more than 7° between the orientations of the facet joints, was investigated in 900 functional spinal units (300 subjects) in flexion, neutral, and extension postures. Each segment at L3-L4, L4-L5, and L5-S1 was assessed based on the extent of DD (grade I-V) and FJD (grade 1-4). According to the presence of FT, they were classified into two groups; one with FT and one with facet symmetry. For each group, demographics, DD, FJD and translational segmental motion were compared.


The incidence of FT was 34.5% at L3-L4, 35.1% at L4-L5, and 35.2% at L5-S1. Age and gender did not show any significant relationship with FT. Additionally, no correlation was observed between DD and FT. FT, however, wasfound to be associated with a higher incidence of highly degenerated facet joints at L4-L5 when compared to patients without FT (p < 0.01). Finally, FT was not observed to have any effects upon translational segmental motion.


No significant correlation was observed between lumbar FT and DD or translational segmental motion. However, FT was shown to be associated significantly with the presence of high grades of FJD at L4-L5. This suggests that at active sites of segmental motion, FT may predispose to the development of facet joint degeneration.  相似文献   

背景:经椎板关节突关节螺钉固定、椎间植骨融合治疗脊柱疾患是一种独特的固定方法,可用于退变性腰椎的融合。 目的:比较采用微创经腰椎间孔椎体融合联合单侧椎弓根螺钉及经椎板关节突螺钉固定与常规开放后路腰椎体间融合术联合双侧椎弓根螺钉固定治疗下腰痛疾病的临床效果。 方法:纳入2010年6月至2012年6月于武警广东总队医院就诊的腰椎间盘突出伴腰椎轻度不稳患者49例,均采用后路减压椎间融合器植骨内固定治疗。其中24例采用微创经椎间孔椎体融合术联合单侧椎弓根螺钉及经椎板关节突螺钉固定,25例采用常规开放后路腰椎体间融合术联合双侧椎弓根螺钉固定,比较两种固定方法的临床疗效。 结果与结论:两种固定方法术后椎体融合率、日本矫形外科协会评分及疼痛目测类比评分改善率差异均无显著性意义(P > 0.05)。可见对无严重不稳的单节段退变性腰椎疾病患者,两种治疗方法的效果相当,均能有效提高椎间融合率,使小关节稳定,解除临床症状,门诊随访满意。但采用微创经椎间孔椎体融合术联合单侧椎弓根螺钉及经椎板关节突螺钉固定的患者手术切口长度、手术时间、术中出血量、术后切口引流液量明显减少(P < 0.05),说明该方法具有创伤小、操作简单的优势。  相似文献   

腰椎关节突关节形态变化及其对腰椎退行滑脱的影响   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
目的:研究腰椎关节突关节形态变化及其对腰椎退行性变滑脱的影响。方法:随机抽取42例腰椎退行性变滑脱(LDS)、52例腰椎间盘突出症(LDH)的病人的X光、CT进行测量其椎间盘的高度比、关节突关节的角度以及关节突关节的横径数据进行统计处理与分析。结果:与LDH组相比,LDS组的关节突关节角偏矢状角,其椎间盘的高度比以及关节突关节的横径均较少。结论:腰椎关节突关节宽基部横径越小,该关节角度越趋于矢状位,腰椎滑移几率越高。  相似文献   

Lumbago is the pain of variable duration in the lumbar region of dorsal spine. It is a leading cause of physical morbidity and disability. In recent times it has become a major medical concern across the globe specially in developed and industrialized countries. The ailment is of multifactorial origin but the degenerative changes are on the pinnacle. Out of the three major degenerative changes, viz: disc degeneration, spinal stenosis and facet joint arthrosis, the later two have been reviewed and analyzed in detail as a part of Ph.D thesis work of the second author under supervision of the first author. On analysis, it is found that: a. With the advent of recent imaging techniques there has been a major paradigm shift in the diagnosis and treatment of lumbago. b. Spinal stenosis with facet joint arthrosis is always associated with lumbago whereas spinal stenosis alone may or may not be. c. The kinesiology of the spine plays an important role in the degenerative process of the spine.  相似文献   

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