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上臂段桡神经损伤的显微外科治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的报道应用显微外科技术治疗桡神经损伤的临床效果。方法根据神经损伤类型,应用显微外科技术实施神经内、外松解术、直接缝合、神经移植治疗共64例。结果术后随访1.5年。15例桡神经松解术中,有13例的伸腕、伸拇、伸指肌力为M3~M5,虎口区感觉为S4,优良率86.7%。46例神经直接缝合中,有38例伸腕、伸拇、伸指肌力为M3-M5,41例虎口区感觉为S4,优良率82.6%。3例神经移植中,有1例伸腕、伸拇、伸指肌力为M3-M5,1例虎口区感觉S4,优良率33.3%。结论对桡神经损伤早期根据其损伤类型应用合适的显微外科治疗能取得满意的效果。  相似文献   

目的观察桡神经损伤后行神经松解、缝合和移植术的手术效果。方法根据损伤类型,对25例桡神经损伤患者采用神经内外松解术、直接缝合、神经移植术。结果术后随访1~10年,12例桡神经松解术,11例伸腕、伸拇、伸指肌力M3~M4,虎口区刺痛觉S3~S4;10例神经直接缝合者,8例伸腕、伸拇、伸指肌力为M3~M4,虎口区刺痛觉S3~S4;3例神经移植术中,2例伸腕、伸拇、伸指肌力为M3~M4,虎口区刺痛觉S3~S4。结论桡神经损伤早期,根据损伤类型进行合适的手术,均能取得满意疗效。  相似文献   

患者 男,38岁.因左伸腕、伸拇、伸指功能障碍6个月而来院就诊,拟诊为左桡神经深支卡压综合征收住入院.临床检查:左上臂外侧至左肘关节前外侧均有压痛;肱桡肌肌力M2,桡侧腕长、短伸肌M2,尺侧腕伸肌M2,拇长伸肌M2,指总伸肌M2;左上臂下端外侧Tinel征阳性;左虎口区皮肤感觉正常;屈指肌力正常.左肘关节X线片未见异常,神经电生理检查示左侧桡神经损伤.  相似文献   

目的 评价严重自体压迫性上臂桡神经损伤的手术疗效.方法 对2005年3月至2009年8月收治的8例自体压迫性桡神经损伤患者进行回顾性总结.8例中有5例是由于醉酒后致腕指下垂畸形,3例由外伤昏迷所致.发病距手术时间为2~6个月,平均3.6个月.手术探查发现上臂桡神经主干及深支上有受压病变,5例出现腊肠样改变,其中3例有2处呈腊肠样改变.3例行神经外膜松解术;5例将病变段神经切除,其中2例直接缝合,3例取腓肠神经移植修复.结果 术后随访9个月至3年,6例伸腕、伸指、伸拇肌力恢复至M3~M4,2例效果较差.根据中华医学会手外科学会上肢功能评定试用标准评定:优4例,良2例,可2例.结论 严重自体压迫性桡神经损伤手术治疗大部分患者可取得良好的疗效.  相似文献   

健侧颈7神经根移位同时修复两条神经的初步临床疗效   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
目的探讨用健侧颈,神经根移位同时修复2条上肢神经的临床效果。方法设计2种移位修复的方法。(1)合干法:健侧颈,前后股→尺神经→尺神经近端分2股分别和正中神经、桡神经(或肌皮神经)缝合,共5例。(2)分干法:健侧颈前后股→尺神经、腓肠神经→正中神经、桡神经(或肌皮神经),共3例。结果合干法4例术后随访12~19个月,1例尚在随访中。正中神经运动:2例已恢复屈腕、屈指,肌力M3。2例屈腕肌力为M1。正中神经感觉:3例为S2,1例为S0。桡神经运动:2例伸腕、伸指肌力为M2。1例伸肘肌力为M2,1例伸腕肌力为M1。桡神经感觉:1例为S2,1例为S1,2例为S0。分干法1例术后随访15个月,已恢复屈腕、屈指,肌力为M3。正中神经感觉为是。肌皮神经:屈肘肌力为M3。另2例术后时间短尚在随访中。结论健侧颈,神经根移位同时修复上肢2条主要神经的新术式,初步应用结果证实是可行的、有效的。  相似文献   

桡神经损伤后伸腕、伸指、伸拇功能重建21例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前臂下 1/ 3段骨折中桡神经的损伤十分常见 ,损伤后早期探查桡神经一期可行神经松解术、神经端侧吻合术或神经移植修复术。手术中神经损伤严重 ,或是上述几种方法效果不显著的 ,可二期行肌腱转移伸腕、伸指、伸拇功能重建修复术[1] 。我院 1999年共行桡神经损伤后伸腕、伸指、伸拇功能重建术 2 1例 ,手术后随访 1~ 2年 ,功能恢复好 ,现报道如下。1 资料与方法1 1 一般资料本组 2 1例 ,男 15例 ,女 6例 ,年龄 18~ 6 7岁 ,平均37 8岁。致伤原因 :交通事故伤 10例 ,摔伤 5例 ,暴力打击伤 4例 ,挤压伤 2例。二次手术时间平均距离第一次手术 …  相似文献   

右骨间背神经自发性断裂1例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1病例资料骨间背神经损伤在临床上比较多见,多由外伤、卡压等引起。而骨间背神经自发性断裂比较少见,我院于2002年5月收治1例,现报告如下。患者,男性,43岁,因右手伸拇、伸指功能障碍4个月来诊。该患于4个月前因被动牵拉右前臂,致前臂中上1/3部背侧疼痛,3日后伸指、伸拇不能,疼痛消失。查体:右手伸拇、伸掌指关节不能,虎口区感觉正常,前臂背侧肌肉轻度萎缩,伸腕功能尚可,伴有桡偏,肘部活动正常。肌电图示:示指固有伸肌、指总伸肌、尺侧伸腕肌无动作电位,桡侧伸腕肌动作电位混合相。手术方式:臂丛神经阻滞麻醉下,于上臂中…  相似文献   

健侧颈7移位术后的远期功能随访   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
目的 随访全臂丛根性撕脱伤患者行健侧颈,移位术后远期功能恢复的情况,及该术式对健侧肢体的影响。方法 对28例行健侧颈,移位术的全臂丛损伤患者进行远期随访。其中健侧颈7移位于正中神经20例(一期手术2例,二期手术18例),桡神经3例,肌皮神经2例,同时移位于正中神经和桡神经2例,同时移位于正中神经和肌皮神经1例。随访内容:了解患肢受体神经所支配肌肉的肌力及其支配区域皮肤感觉恢复、电生理表现、双侧肢体协同活动和颈,神经根切断后对健侧肢体功能影响等情况。结果 术后28例患者远期随访发现,健侧肢体功能均无障碍。1.健侧颈7移位于正中神经:屈腕、指肌群电生理呈单纯相或单纯混合相10例(10/20),屈腕肌肌力达M3或以上者12例(12/20),屈指肌肌力达M1或以上者9例(9/20);感觉恢复达S3或以上者10例(10/20)。2.健侧颈7移位于肌皮神经:屈肘肌群电生理呈单纯相或单纯混合相2例(2/2),屈肘肌肌力均达M3以上;前臂外侧皮肤感觉达S3或以上者l例(1/2)。3.健侧颈7移位于桡神经:伸腕、指肌群电生理呈单纯相或单纯混合相1例(1/3),伸腕肌力达M3或以上者2例(2/3),伸指肌力达M3或以上者1例(1/3);感觉恢复达S3或以上者2例(2/3)。4.同时移位于正中神经和桡神经:屈腕肌肌力达M3或以上者2例(2/2),屈指肌肌力达M3或以上者1例(1/2);正中神经支配区感觉均为S2。而桡神经支配区伸腕、指肌力仅为M2和‰,感觉均为S1。5.同时移位于正中神经和肌皮神经1例,其电生理均呈单纯相,屈腕肌和肱二头肌肌力均已达M3。28例中能自主活动患肢者仅为6例(6/28),22例需靠健侧肢体带动以活动患肢。结论 健侧颈,移位术是治疗全臂丛根性撕脱伤的理想术式,分期手术效果更好。如需同时修复2根神经,则应选择相互无拮抗作用的受体神经。  相似文献   

不可逆桡神经损伤的手功能重建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的评估不可逆桡神经损伤后肌腱移位重建伸腕、伸拇及伸指功能的效果。方法1987年1月~2005年2月,用Riordan肌腱移位术治疗不可逆桡神经损伤25例。其中桡神经主干损伤19例,桡神经深支损伤6例;均伴伸拇及伸指功能障碍,肌力0~1级,前臂肌萎缩。肌腱移位术距神经损伤或修复时间为4个月~8年。结果术后23例经3~60个月随访,根据陈德松等制定的桡神经损伤后肌腱移位术疗效判定标准,优10例,良9例,手功能恢复基本满意;可2例,差2例,其中1例为移位肌腱张力不足,3例为移位肌腱粘连所致。结论Riordan肌腱移位术可作为不可逆桡神经损伤功能重建的首选方法。  相似文献   

患者 男 ,3 7岁。因左上肢伸腕、伸指受限 1 5个月就诊。自诉 1 5个月前在搅拌水泥时 ,其左上肢突发剧痛、麻木 ,腕关节及手指不能背伸。经当地医院诊治无效后住我院治疗。查体示 :左上肢三垂征阳征 ,伸腕、伸指、伸拇及肱挠肌肌力 0级 ,虎口区皮肤浅感觉减弱 ,左上臂中下 1/ 3桡神经走行区有压痛 ,Tinel’s征阳性。肌电图提示 :左桡神经损伤。于 1995年 10月 2 7日在臂丛麻醉下行桡神经探察术。术中见三角肌止点以下的桡神经有约 1cm长的明显环状凹陷 ,神经外膜连续 ,而束膜及轴突中断。切断神经断端至正常断面后 ,用 7 0无创缝线…  相似文献   

Posterior interosseous nerve palsies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
G Cravens  D G Kline 《Neurosurgery》1990,27(3):397-402
One hundred seventy patients with radial nerve disorders were reviewed at the Louisiana State University Medical Center over a 15-year period. Of these, 32 had involvement of the posterior interosseous nerve exclusively. Findings included weak wrist extension with a radial drift, inability to extend the fingers, paralysis of thumb extension, and weak thumb abduction. Causes included entrapment at the arcade of Froshe (14 patients), laceration (6 patients), fracture (6 patients), compression or contusion (3 patients), and loss associated with tumor (3 patients). The ratio of men to women was 2:1, and the right arm was involved twice as often as the left. Preoperative evaluation included physical examination, electrophysiological testing (electromyogram/nerve conduction velocity), and roentgenograms of the elbow and forearm. Of the 30 patients (2 patients had bilateral lesions), 26 underwent operation. In the operative series, all 28 nerves had a function of Grade 3 or more of a possible 5 after 4 years of follow-up. Seventeen had achieved Grade 4/5, and 7 had obtained Grade 5/5. At operation, 23 nerves were found to be in continuity. Fourteen lesions of nerves in continuity were associated with entrapment and, not unexpectedly, transmitted a nerve action potential with slowed conduction and low amplitude across the lesion. Four nerves in continuity that had lesions caused by injury had nerve action potentials and were treated by neurolysis, and another 4 had no nerve action potentials and were treated by graft or suture repair. Five injured nerves were not in continuity. Two could be repaired by end-to-end suture, and 3 required graft repair. A large ganglion cyst involving the posterior interosseous nerve was also resected.  相似文献   

This retrospective study is based on 23 males and one female, of an average age of 36.2 years that presented to us between 1982 and 2000 with an average follow up of 61 months, with fully established paralysis of wrist and fingers extension. Fourteen patients had isolated radial nerve palsy, while ten patients had brachial plexus lesions. 1) The tendon transfer for radial nerve palsy was: PT to ECRB, FCU to ED + EPL and PL to APL + EPB; 2) for brachial plexus injury, the tendon transfer was: PT (n = 4) or FDS III or IV (n = 5) to ECRB, FCU (n = 8) or FDS IV (n = 1) to ED + EPL, PL to APL + EPB and wrist arthrodesis with transfer of FDS IV to ED + EPL and PL to APL + EPB. The results were evaluated according to the degree of wrist movement, MP extension of long fingers, opening of first commissure, thumb opposition, grip power and the subjective evaluation of results. Concerning the radial nerve palsy: results are excellent in nine cases and good in one case. An active extension of the wrist of 38 degrees was obtained as well as MP extension of 0 degree with the wrist straightened. Thumb oppositioned was conserved (Kapandji = 8.2), opening of the first commissure 40 degrees and grip power was 20 kg. Concerning the brachial plexus lesions: results are excellent in five cases and good in the other five. An active wrist extension of 32 degrees was obtained, as well as MP extension deficit of 16 degrees with wrist straightened. Opposition was concerned (Kapandji = 7.2), opening of first commissure of 38 degrees and grip power of 13 kg. The functional results are satisfactory, but the analytic study shows some effect of tenodesis of MP extension.  相似文献   

Because of its anatomical location, the superficial radial nerve is vulnerable to trauma as well as injury during various surgical procedures. Once the nerve adheres to surrounding scar tissue, radiating pain often occurs due to nerve traction caused by loss of smooth gliding. Since it has been reported that the success rate with neurolysis only is lower, additional preventive procedures for recurrent neural readhesion are recommended. In the current report, we describe our experience performing neurolysis followed by nerve coverage using a free temporoparietal fascial flap for recurrent neural adhesion of the superficial radial nerve. A 45‐year‐old male complained of motion pain of the left wrist and thumb joints caused by recurrent neural adhesion of the superficial radial nerve after a chain saw trauma and following multiple reconstructive procedures. The radiating pain completely disappeared after neurolysis performed by a previous surgeon; however, it recurred 4 weeks later. Four months after the previous neurolysis the patient underwent external neurolysis and covering of the nerve with a free temporoparietal fascial flap to prevent neural readhesion because local soft tissue could not be used due to the massive scar tissues on the forearm. One year after the secondary neurolysis, the symptoms of radiating pain during wrist and thumb motion were drastically improved. A free adipofascial flap such as a temporoparietal flap may be an option for prevention of neural readhesion after neurolysis of the superficial radial nerve in cases where a local flap cannot be used on the forearm. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microsurgery 35:489–493, 2015.  相似文献   

Eighteen cases of tendon transfer for isolated radial or posterior interosseous nerve palsy have been carried out in our unit over a period of 21 years. Fifteen patients were reviewed with a mean follow-up of 9.5 years. Nine had sustained high and six low radial nerve injury. We achieved 11 excellent, two good, one fair and one bad result. The main problems were loss of power of gripping and the occurrence of radial deviation, particularly in patients with flexor carpi ulnaris transfer to the extensor digitorum communis. During this time, our technique has evolved, including changes of the tendons transferred. Our final preference is a modified Tsuge procedure, using the pronator teres to restore extension of the wrist, the flexor carpi radialis for extension of the fingers and the palmaris longus for extension of the thumb. Abduction of the thumb is restored by a tenodesis of the abductor pollicis longus to the brachioradialis. This review justifies the final policy, in particular the preservation of flexor carpi ulnaris to maintain wrist stability and flexion.  相似文献   

Amr SM  Moharram AN 《Microsurgery》2005,25(2):126-146
Eleven brachial plexus lesions were repaired using end-to-side side-to-side grafting neurorrhaphy in root ruptures, in phrenic and spinal accessory nerve neurotizations, in contralateral C7 neurotization, and in neurotization using intact interplexus roots or cords. The main aim was to approximate donor and recipient nerves and promote regeneration through them. Another indication was to augment the recipient nerve, when it had been neurotized or grafted to donors of dubious integrity, when it was not completely denervated, when it had been neurotized to a nerve with a suboptimal number of fibers, when it had been neurotized to distant donors delaying its regeneration, and when it had been neurotized to a donor supplying many recipients. In interplexus neurotization, the main indication was to preserve the integrity of the interplexus donors, as they were not sacrificeable. The principles of end-to-side neurorrhaphy were followed. The epineurium was removed. Axonal sprouting was induced by longitudinally slitting and partially transecting the donor and recipient nerves, by increasing the contact area between both of them and the nerve grafts, and by embedding the grafts into the split predegenerated injured nerve segments. Agonistic donors were used for root ruptures and for phrenic and spinal accessory neurotization, but not for contralateral C7 or interplexus neurotization. Single-donor single-recipient neurotization was successfully followed in phrenic neurotization of the suprascapular (3 cases) and axillary (1 case) nerves, spinal accessory neurotization of the suprascapular nerve (1 case), and dorsal part of contralateral C7 neurotization of the axillary nerve (2 cases). Apart from this, recipient augmentation necessitated many donor to single-recipient neurotizations. This was successfully performed using phrenic-interplexus root to suprascapular transfers (2 cases), phrenic-contralateral C7 to suprascapular transfer (1 case), and spinal accessory-interplexus root to musculocutaneous transfer (1 case). Both recipient augmentation and increasing the contact area between grafts and recipients necessitated single or multiple donor to many recipient neurotizations. This was applied in root ruptures (3 cases), with results comparable to those obtained in classical nerve-grafting techniques. It was also applied in ventral C7 transfer to the lateral or medial cords (3 cases) with functional recovery occurring in the biceps and pronator teres muscles, but not in dorsal C7 transfer to the axillary and radial nerves (3 cases) with functional recovery occurring in the deltoid and triceps muscles, and in whole C7 transfer to C5, 6, 7, 8T1 roots with functional recovery occurring in the deltoid (M4), biceps (M4), pronator teres (M4), and triceps (M3) (3 cases), and less so in the flexor carpi ulnaris and FDP (M3) (1 case) and the extensor digitorum longus (M3) (1 case). Contralateral C7 transfer to the lateral and posterior cords (4 cases) was followed by cocontractions that took 1 year to improve and that involved the rotator cuff, deltoid, biceps, and pronator teres (all agonists). Functional recovery in the triceps muscle was less than in the above muscles. Contralateral C7 transfer to C5-7 (1 case) was followed by cocontractions that took 1 year to resolve and that occurred between the deltoid, biceps, and flexor digitorum profundus. Interplexus root neurotization was done only in conjunction with other neurotization techniques, and so its role is difficult to judge. Though the same applies to regenerated lateral cord transfer to the posterior cord (2 cases), the successful results obtained from medial cord neurotization to the axillary, musculocutaneous, and radial nerves (1 case), and from ulnar and median nerve neurotization to the radial nerve (1 case), show that neurotization at the interplexus cord level may play a role in brachial plexus regeneration and may even be used to neurotize nerves and muscles distal to the elbow. The timing of repair was within 6 months after injury, except for 2 cases. In the first case, contralateral C7 transfer was successfully performed more than 1 year after injury. The second case was an obstetric palsy operated upon at age 8. Deterioration in motor power of the donor muscles that improved in 6 months was observed in 2 cases of interplexus neurotization at the cord level, because of looping the sural nerve grafts tightly around the donor nerves. Deterioration in donor-muscle motor power as a consequence of end-to-side neurorrhaphy was noted in the obstetric palsy case, when the flexor carpi radialis (donor) became grade 3 instead of grade 4. This was associated with cocontractions between it and the extensors. It took nearly 1 year to improve.  相似文献   

Dupuytren'S disease affecting the thumb and first web of the hand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The clinical distribution of the Dupuytren's disease cords in the thumb and first web was examined in 100 consecutive patients with Dupuytren's disease. The precise anatomical relations of the cords were then studied in 25 patients undergoing Dupuytren's surgery for thumb and first web space disease. Thumb and first web space involvement was found in 28% of hands affected by Dupuytren's disease, and was the third most common site after the ring and little fingers. Operative findings showed that two major cords could be distinguished. One lying in the first web space and passing towards the insertion of the first dorsal interosseous muscle on the radial side of the index finger and the other lying on the radial aspect of the thumb.  相似文献   

IntroductionPeripheral nerve injury due to animal bite is a rare phenomenon. Most animal bites are from dogs. Monkey bites constitute a common risk, second only to dog bites, among travelers. Peripheral nerve injuries may occur due to a combination of monkey's strong jaws and sharp long teeth penetrating deep into the soft tissues. Such injuries are associated with increased perineural fibrosis. Human amniotic membrane (HAM) wrap around the nerve repair site reduces fibrotic response, prevents adhesions and scar formation thereby improving outcome. We report a case of “High Radial nerve palsy due to monkey bite, treated by neurorrhaphy with HAM wrap”.MethodA 3-year old boy presented with wrist drop, and inability to extend the fingers and thumb of his right dominant hand, following a monkey bite over the distal arm. The diagnosis of high radial nerve injury was corroborated by high frequency ultrasound and electrodiagnostic studies. On exploration the radial nerve was found to be transected. An end to end repair was performed, with HAM wrap around the neurorrhaphy.ResultsWrist dorsiflexion recovered at 2.5 months followed by active finger and thumb extension at 4 months with no infection or immune rejection.ConclusionNerve regeneration in our patient occurred at a faster rate as compared to the conventional 1 mm/day. This could be attributed to decreased perineural fibrosis, improved neurotropism due to the HAM wrap and neuronal plasticity in young brain in addition, the patient being a small child having better regenerative ability in comparison to an adult.  相似文献   

Surgical reconstruction of the hand with triple nerve palsy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Simultaneous paralysis of the ulnar, median and radial nerves is seen in about 1% of hands with nerve involvement in Hansen's disease. Forty such cases were treated between 1955 and 1976; 35 of these have been followed up. In two hands there was a high radial, median and ulnar palsy and these left no scope for reconstruction. The other 33 cases which underwent two-stage reconstructive surgery are presented here. The first stage consisted of restoring active extension of the wrist, fingers and thumb: for this purpose the ideal muscles for transfer are pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis and palmaris longus respectively, and muscle power exceeding Grade 3 (on the MRC classification) was achieved in 89%, 96%, and 100% of these individual transfers. Arthrodesis of the wrist is not recommended when suitable muscles are available for transfer. The second stage of reconstruction attempts to restore intrinsic function of the fingers and opposition of the thumb; the sublimis is ideal for both purposes and satisfactory restoration of function was achieved in 89% and 85% of cases respectively. Ten of the 18 hands in which all five tendons were transferred had good or excellent results.  相似文献   

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