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BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to examine fetal tolerance of high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), given directly at the time of intravascular transfusion, and its effects on fetal hemolysis and pregnancy outcome in the setting of alloimmunization to D. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Thirteen consecutive D+ fetuses requiring transfusion for maternal alloimmunization received high-dose IVIG (1.0 g/kg) and red cell transfusions. Twenty-four previous, consecutive fetuses with maternal anti-D served as controls. The schedules for subsequent transfusions were the same in the two groups. RESULTS: High-dose IVIG was well tolerated by all fetuses. In the IVIG group, daily decreases in hematocrit were smaller than those in controls after the second administration of IVIG (mean hematocrit decrease, 0.72 percent/day vs. 1.45 percent/day; p = 0.007). No significant difference was found in the total number of fetal transfusions, the gestational age at delivery, the duration of neonatal intensive care, the number of neonates requiring postnatal transfusion therapy, and perinatal mortality. CONCLUSION: In this small pilot study, direct administration to fetuses of IVIG with red cell transfusions was well tolerated and appeared to have a beneficial effect on fetal hemolysis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Allogeneic blood transfusions have been reported to increase susceptibility to postoperative infection, but the findings were inconclusive. This study was designed to investigate the effect of buffy coat-depleted allogeneic and autologous transfusion on postoperative infection in patients undergoing orthopedic surgery. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Patients (n = 385) undergoing elective orthopedic surgery (primary and revision joint replacement, spinal, or pelvic surgery) were included in a prospective observational study of the incidence of postoperative infection between April and December 1996. Infection rates in patients who received allogeneic buffy coat-depleted blood transfusions were compared with those in patients who received no transfusion or only autologous (buffy coat-depleted) blood. RESULTS: Patients without exposure to allogeneic blood (no blood or only autologous blood) had an infection rate of 3.9 percent, as compared to a rate of 12.2 percent for those with exposure to allogeneic blood (allogeneic blood, autologous plus allogeneic blood) (odds ratio 3.442; 95% CI, 1.349-10.40; p = 0.006). Of the 385 study patients, 309 underwent primary hip or knee replacement surgery. In this homogeneous subgroup, the postoperative infection rate was 4.6 percent after no transfusion or autologous transfusion and 11.9 percent after allogeneic transfusion (odds ratio 2.827; 95% CI 1.059-8.799; p = 0.036). Multivariate regression analysis confirmed buffy coat-depleted allogeneic blood transfusion as an independent variable associated with high risk for postoperative infection. CONCLUSION: Buffy coat-depleted allogeneic blood transfusion increases the incidence of postoperative infection in patients undergoing uncontaminated orthopedic surgery.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A hemolytic transfusion reaction (HTR) due to anti-IH is reported in a patient with sickle cell disease (SCD). CASE REPORT: An 18-year-old woman with SCD and a complete phenotype on file had been identified as group B-positive with negative antibody-screening tests and had received 1 unit of packed RBCs. Ten days later, she was readmitted in painful crisis with a Hb of 4.2 g per dL. Antibody-screening tests and panel cells were positive at all test phases with a negative autocontrol, which suggested alloantibodies. Phenotypically matched group O RBCs were issued emergently. After the transfusion of 100 mL, the patient had an HTR with chills, fever, and tachycardia and laboratory findings of hemoglobinemia, hemoglobinuria, and negative DATs. A high-titer, IgM anti-IH with a high thermal amplitude (reactive with group O, but not group B RBCs at 37 degrees C) was identified. Autologous RBCs appeared to have normal I antigen expression, but less H antigen than pooled group B RBCs. She was given group B RBCs, uneventfully, by use of a blood warmer. CONCLUSIONS: This is a rare case of anti-IH as the cause of a HTR, as a serologic problem that may be seen in SCD, and as an autoantibody that may mimic an alloantibody. Ironically, this HTR resulted from the effort to provide phenotypically matched RBCs, which necessitated the selection of group O RBCs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of these studies was to evaluate the functional properties of blood components collected with an automated collection system. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Single-donor platelets (n = 44) and packed red cell (RBC) units (n = 10) were collected. In vitro and in vivo assays were used to assess the function of single-donor platelet components stored for 5 days and of packed RBC units after storage for 42 days at 4 degrees C. RESULTS: Adverse events observed in the 44 study subjects were minor. The mean 24-hour recovery value for the packed RBC units stored for 42 days was 83.6 +/- 5.4 percent, with a mean percentage of hemolysis on Day 42 at 0.46 +/- 0.19 percent. The 25 patients receiving platelet components achieved a mean corrected count increment of 15.1 +/- 10.4 x 10(3). All platelet concentrates had less than 1 x 10(6) total white cells. CONCLUSION: Both in vitro and in vivo testing for the packed RBCs collected and stored for 42 days met the standards for both hemolysis and percentage of 51Cr 24-hour RBC recovery. The in vitro results and transfusion data on white cell-reduced platelet components transfused to thrombocytopenic patients were comparable to those on available platelet components.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study was performed to evaluate the capacity of oral and intravenous (i.v.) iron administration during autologous blood donation (ABD) to improve the efficacy of ABD and to prevent the need for allogeneic blood transfusion in patients without iron deficiency who are undergoing major elective surgery for which a minimum of 3 autologous units have been ordered. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: One hundred twenty-three patients were enrolled in an open-labeled, randomized, controlled trial and assigned to three treatment groups: patients in Group 1 received 3 x 100 mg of Fe2+ per day given orally for 5 weeks before operation; patients in Group 2 received 200 mg of Fe3+ given intravenously after each donation combined with initial i.v. iron supplementation in patients with hemoglobin under 15 g per dL; and patients in Group 3 were in the control group that received no iron medication. A modest ABD program involving weekly phlebotomy and threshold hemoglobin values for donation of 11.5 g per dL in women and 12.0 g per dL in men was performed. RESULTS: Ninety patients, 15 women and 15 men in each of the three groups, completed the study. The mean net red cell production during ABD was no higher (p>0.2) in the iron-treated groups (Group 1: 473 +/- 178 mL; Group 2: 436 +/- 170 mL; Group 3 (controls): 397 +/- 174 mL). The mean number of autologous units donated per patient did not differ (p>0.7) among the groups (Group 1: 3.1 +/- 0.6; Group 2: 2.9 +/- 0.7; Group 3: 3.0 +/- 0.7). The proportion of patients who needed allogeneic blood transfusion showed no significant (p>0.4) advantage for iron treatment, (Group 1: 7%; Group 2: 20%; Group 3: 10%). CONCLUSION: In non-iron-deficient patients undergoing modest ABD without erythropoietin therapy, neither oral nor i.v. application of iron during the preoperative period enhances the success of preoperative ABD.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The D antigen is a highly immunogenic human RBC antigen. Alloimmunization against the D antigen produces high-affinity antibodies that cause hemolytic transfusion reactions and HDN. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Cloning and subsequent sequence analysis of 11 new samples of monoclonal anti-D was performed in an attempt to identify V(D)J germline gene usage. Sequences were compared and analyzed with 37 previously published samples of anti-D for identification of V(H) and V(L) pairings, canonical structures, and conformation of restricted germline gene usage. RESULTS: The V(H) and V(L) pairings used by the new D MoAbs resulted in seven canonical combinations, three of which had not been described previously. Preferential usage of gene segments from the VH3 and VH4 families and of D3, D6, JH6, and DPK9 germline gene segments was also determined. Three samples of anti-D from different donors were found to use similar V(H) and V(kappa) germline genes, despite the fact that two of the antibodies recognized epD6/7 and the third recognized epD1. From the cumulative analysis of the anti-D IgG, 24 V(H) and V(L) gene pairings were identified, resulting in only 10 canonical structures. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the potential for diversity, only a minority of V(H) and V(L) germline genes are used by anti-D. Consequently, V(H) and V(L) pairings and the resulting canonical structures are similarly restricted.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Myelosuppression is the main hematotoxic effect of 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP), which is an antimetabolite chemotherapy drug. Immune hemolytic anemia associated with this drug has not been previously reported. CASE REPORT: A 67-year-old man with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia presented with anemia 2 weeks after 6-MP therapy had been initiated. Additional tests provided laboratory evidence of hemolysis. When treatment was stopped, the patient's condition and laboratory results showed a progressive improvement. RESULTS: The direct antiglobulin test was positive for IgG. The eluate and the serum were not reactive with panel red cells but reacted with 6-MP-treated red cells, while the normal serum pool was unreactive. The direct antiglobulin test was no longer positive by 20 days after the cessation of 6-MP therapy. CONCLUSION: This drug, 6-MP, should be added to the list of drugs that have been reported to cause immune hemolytic anemia by means of the so-called hapten mechanism.  相似文献   

Huisman MA  Egberts J 《Transfusion》2000,40(11):1357-1362
BACKGROUND: In severely anemic fetuses of women alloimmunized to RBC antigens, transfused donor RBCs disappear faster than in adults. This may result from an accelerated linear or nonlinear decline with time. It was investigated whether changes in donor RBC age characteristics after circulation in the fetus may reflect the main type of cellular decline. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Donor RBC age characteristics (density, mean cell volume [MCV], and mean cell Hb content [MCHC]) were determined before intrauterine transfusions. Density gradient centrifugation was used to obtain RBCs of different ages. The results from gradient centrifugation were used to calculate mean values for the density, MCV, and MCHC to be expected after the transfusion interval, assuming a linear decline in RBCs of 1 percent per day. Donor and fetal RBCs, taken just before the second transfusion, were separated by agglutination with IgM D MoAb. For these donor cells, the observed mean values for density, MCV, and MCHC were compared with the calculated, expected values (n = 12). RESULTS: The mean +/- SD transfusion interval was 17.9 +/- 3.6 days. The Hb declined by 1.75 +/- 0.62 percent per day (n = 9). After the transfusion interval and contrary to the expected changes, cell density and MCHC decreased and MCV increased significantly (0. 001相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Second- and third-generation cephalosporins have been associated with immune-mediated hemolytic reactions. This report discusses two patients who developed clinically significant extravascular hemolysis while receiving the third-generation cephalosporin ceftizoxime (Ceftizox). This is believed to be the first time hemolysis has been described in patients receiving this drug. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Immunologic workup of drug-dependent antibodies was performed on blood samples using drug-coated and immune complex methodologies. Antibody classes and titers were analyzed. RESULTS: Both the patients' sera contained anti-ceftizoxime that reacted with red cells only when ceftizoxime was added to the sera ("immune complex" method). The patients recovered without complications following discontinuation of the drug. Each patient had IgM and IgG drug-dependent antibodies.The drug-induced antibodies from each patient cross-reacted with cefotaxime, which is structurally similar to ceftizoxime, but cross-reacted either weakly or not at all with ceftriaxone, which has a more complex side chain. CONCLUSION: This report describes the first cases of immune hemolytic anemia associated with ceftizoxime. In drug-induced hemolytic reactions, prompt recognition and discontinuation of the drug may be important factors in reducing the chance of serious sequelae.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: After allogeneic peripheral blood progenitor cell (PBPC) transplantation, a patient developed a severe hemolytic transfusion reaction due to passenger lymphocyte syndrome. CASE REPORT: A 50-year-old woman with secondary acute myeloid leukemia transforming from a myelodysplastic syndrome received an ABO-compatible PBPC graft from her HLA-identical sister. For prophylaxis of GVHD, the patient was treated with cyclosporine and methotrexate. Eighteen days after the transplant, the patient experienced a severe hemolytic transfusion reaction due to an alloantibody (anti-Jk(a)) produced by donor lymphocytes. RESULTS: The patient was typed as group A, Jk(a+) before transplantation; the donor was typed as group A, Jk(a-). On Day 18 after transplantation, the immunohematologic screening revealed a positive DAT (C3d 3+) and an alloanti-Jk(a). Hemolysis in the patient at that time was indicated by a drop in the Hb and an increase in the LDH level (maximum, 592 IU/L on Day 23). CONCLUSION: The course of hemolysis and the time of appearance of an alloantibody in this patient meet the criteria for passenger lymphocyte syndrome. In most cases, this syndrome is triggered by ABO system antibodies. This is the first reported case of passenger lymphocyte syndrome after PBPC transplantation that was due to an alloantibody that did not belong to the ABO system.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Anti-Tc(a) detects a high-incidence antigen in the Cromer blood group system. Cromer system antibodies have not usually been associated with hemolytic transfusion reactions or hemolytic disease of the newborn. CASE REPORT: Anti-Tc(a) (initially identified in the patient's serum in 1982) was not detected when she was admitted to the hospital with upper gastrointestinal. bleeding. Three units of red cells were administered. The patient was discharged, but was readmitted to the hospital after her hemoglobin fell to 7.1 g per dL. Antibody detection tests remained negative and three additional units were transfused. Over the next 7 days, her hemoglobin steadily fell to 5.5 g per dL. The level of lactate dehydrogenase rose to 1257, the plasma hemoglobin rose to >16 mg per dL, and the haptoglobin decreased to <6 mg per dL. Five days after transfusion, her direct antiglobulin test was weakly reactive with complement-specific antiglobulin reagents. Eluates were nonreactive. Anti-Tc(a) was detected in her serum; no other antibodies were detected. Differential typing failed to detect any circulating Tc(a+) red cells. The antibody was strongly reactive in a monocyte monolayer assay. CONCLUSION: Although Cromer system antibodies have generally not been proven to be clinically significant in transfusion therapy, the destruction of red cells from six units of transfused Tc(a+) red cells in this patient indicates that anti-Tc(a) may have destructive potential in some patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Most sickle cell anemia patients undergo transfusion therapy to prevent complications. The Stroke Prevention Trial in Sickle Cell Anemia showed that transfusion therapy is effective in the primary prevention of stroke. Despite its efficacy, transfusion therapy is limited by alloimmunization. The purpose of this study was to determine if a multicenter trial could implement a transfusion program utilizing phenotypically matched blood to reduce alloimmunization. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: One hundred thirty children underwent RBC phenotyping and antibody screening with review of blood bank records. The protocol required use of WBC-reduced RBCs, which were matched for E, C, and Kell. Monthly alloantibody testing and review of transfusion forms were performed to determine compliance and the occurrence of any adverse events. RESULTS: Patient RBCs expressed a low frequency of Kell (2%), E (20%), and C (25%) antigens. Sixty-one patients received 1830 units. Ninety-seven percent of all units were WBC reduced. Only 29 units were inadvertently not matched for E, C, and Kell. Five patients (8%) developed a clinically significant alloantibody. Four developed a single antibody to E or Kell. Three patients (5%) developed a warm autoantibody. There were 11 transfusion reactions and 8 transfusion-associated events. Transfusion reactions included 6 febrile reactions (0.33%/unit), 3 allergic (0.16%/unit), and 2 hemolytic (0.11%/unit). Associated events included 4 episodes of hypertension (0.22%/unit), 3 crises (0.16%/unit), and 1 transient ischemic attack (0.05%/unit). CONCLUSION: This is the first multicenter study to show that extended RBC phenotyping can be implemented nationwide. Compared to studies, the alloimmunization rate dropped from 3 percent to 0.5 percent per unit, and hemolytic transfusion reactions dropped by 90 percent. It is recommended that all transfused sickle cell anemia patients be antigen matched for E, C, and Kell. Patients should be closely monitored during transfusions to avoid preventable risks.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Severe hypotensive reactions have been described after the transfusion of platelets or red cells through negatively-charged bedside white cell-reduction filters. The possibility of a role for bradykinin (BK) in the genesis of these reactions has been raised. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: To understand if an anomaly of BK metabolism is associated with these reactions, the metabolism of BK and des-Arg9-BK was studied in the sera of four patients who presented with a severe hypotensive transfusion reaction. Tests were performed in the absence and the presence of complete in vitro inhibition of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity by enalaprilat. RESULTS: In the presence of ACE inhibition (enalaprilat), the half-life (t1/2) of BK measured in the sera of patients who presented with a severe hypotensive transfusion reaction (361 +/- 90 sec) was not significantly different from that measured in the sera of normal controls (249 +/- 16 sec). In the presence of ACE inhibition (enalaprilat), the t1/2 of des-Arg9-BK was significantly greater in patients who presented with a severe hypotensive transfusion reaction (1549 +/- 319 sec) than in normal controls (661 +/- 38 sec) (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: A metabolic anomaly mainly affecting the degradation of des-Arg9-BK could be responsible for its accumulation in vivo. Des-Arg9-BK could be responsible, at least in part, for severe hypotensive transfusion reactions.  相似文献   

Arndt PA  Leger RM  Garratty G 《Transfusion》1999,39(11-12):1239-1246
BACKGROUND: First-generation cephalosporins rarely caused immune hemolytic anemia (IHA). Second- and third-generation cephalosporins, especially cefotetan and ceftriaxone, are increasingly associated with severe, sometimes fatal IHA. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Samples from 53 patients with drug-induced IHA and/or positive direct antiglobulin test (DAT) were tested. Patients' sera were tested against drug-treated red cells (RBCs) and untreated or enzyme-treated RBCs, with and without the addition of drug solution. Eluates from patients' RBCs were tested against drug-treated and untreated RBCs. RESULTS: Forty-three patients had antibodies to cefotetan, 8 to ceftriaxone, 1 to cefoxitin, and 1 to cefotaxime. All patients had a positive DAT; only anticefoxitin and anti-cefotetan were demonstrable in RBC eluates. Sera containing anti-cefoxitin, anti-cefotaxime, and anti-cefotetan reacted with drug-treated RBCs (100%) and untreated or enzyme-treated RBCs in the presence of drug (98% or 100%, respectively). All of the ceftriaxone antibodies reacted with untreated or enzyme-treated RBCs in the presence of drug, but those tested did not react with ceftriaxone-treated RBCs. In addition to cefotetan-dependent antibodies, 19 (44%) and 14 (33%) of 43 sera contained drug-independent antibodies when tested with and without the presence of a polyethylene glycol potentiator, respectively. CONCLUSION: Cefotetan is by far the most common cause of drug-induced IHA. All cefotetan antibodies and the single examples of cefoxitin and cefotaxime antibodies reacted with drug-coated RBCs, and most, in contrast to the reactions of antibodies to first-generation cephalosporins (e.g., cephalothin), also reacted with RBCs (not treated with drug) in the presence of the drug. Ceftriaxone antibodies reacted only by the latter mechanism. Drug-independent antibodies (i.e., those reacting without any drug being present) were detected in 33 to 44 percent of patients' sera containing cefotetan antibodies, depending on the sensitivity of the method used.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The D immunoprophylaxis program has successfully reduced the incidence of Rh hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN), but it has also reduced the availability of plasma-derived polyclonal anti-D, which constitutes the current therapeutic product. Human monoclonal anti-D from hybridoma cell lines may be an acceptable alternative, and clinical efficacy of each anti-D is being evaluated in several centers. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: This study represents the largest assessment (outside of the International Workshops) of human D monoclonal antibodies for potential therapeutic use. The in vitro biologic activity and immunologic and serologic reactivity of a coded panel of 20 D antibodies (THERAD) was investigated. The bioassays used were lymphocyte (K-cell) antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC), monocyte ADCC, and monocyte chemiluminescence, which together reflect the processes involved in antibody-coated red cell destruction in vivo. From this panel, six antibodies (THERADs 14, 19, 22, 23, 27, and 28, comprising 3 IgG1 and 3 IgG3 D monoclonal antibodies) were further selected to investigate the effects of blending in the three bioassays. RESULTS: Several THERAD blends displayed greater activity than their component parts, in the range of 6 to 124 percent. There was no evidence to suggest functional blocking effects with this restricted panel of antibodies. CONCLUSION: The THERAD blends containing both IgG1 and IgG3 anti-D appeared to be the most functionally active, as did blends containing antibodies to two distinct D epitopes. This in vitro evidence has important implications for the future formulation of an effective monoclonal preparation for the prevention of Rh HDN.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Identifying the isotype of an immunoglobulin (IgM vs. IgG) detected in a patient sample is especially important in anticipating the risk of hemolytic disease of the newborn. Currently, 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) treatment of a sample is used in the authors' laboratory to degrade IgM, and this is followed by retesting. This method has multiple drawbacks. The purpose of this study was to develop a flow cytometry (FC) assay that would replace the 2-ME treatment protocol (2-ME treatment). STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: A preliminary FC assay was developed, modified, and refined through the use of stock antibodies. Then, 10 samples containing antibodies were tested in parallel by the FC assay and 2-ME treatment. RESULTS: When a 10-unit mean channel fluorescence change was used as an index of a positive result, the FC assay detected all isotypes identified by 2-ME treatment. The FC assay was also able to identify mixtures of isotypes. One antibody that had not reacted in conventional agglutination testing was detected by the FC assay. The amount of fluorescence and the agglutinating strength of the antibody did not parallel each other. In one case, this discrepancy may have reflected an antibody that was primarily IgA. CONCLUSIONS: The FC assay appears to be as accurate as 2-ME treatment in differentiating IgG from IgM. The FC assay produces a positive endpoint for both isotypes, will identify IgA, requires less sample, and has no odor.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Multicomponent apheresis is an alternative way of preparing blood components that avoids the delay between collection and separation seen with standard whole-blood techniques. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: An apheresis device has been modified to facilitate the combined collection of a unit (250 mL) of red cells (RBCs) and a high-volume unit (475 mL) of plasma. The procedure, using 8-percent ACD-A, has been tested in two European blood centers. Each center performed 20 procedures for in vitro evaluation of collected RBCs and plasma and 10 procedures for evaluation of in vivo RBC recovery. All RBCs were white cell reduced by filtration. One-half of the RBC units were stored in the additive solution Adsol and one-half in another such solution (Erythro-Sol). RESULTS: The target volumes of RBCs and plasma were obtained in 27 minutes (range, 20-44 min) by using three to six cycles in a single-needle procedure. Saline (275 mL) was used to replace fluid volume withdrawn in excess of standard whole-blood donation. No side effects occurred, with the exception of minor signs of hypocalcemia. RBC ATP was well maintained (>65% at Day 42) during storage; 2,3-DPG was less well maintained, with virtually none remaining at Day 21 in either Adsol or Erythro-Sol. The RBC in vivo recoveries, after 42 days of storage at 4+/-2 degrees C determined by the single-label method, were 86.7+/-7.2 percent (Erythro-Sol) and 84.4+/-8.1 percent (Adsol). Mean plasma factor VIII levels were >100 percent in all test groups. CONCLUSION: A novel automated technique for the simultaneous collection and preparation of RBCs and plasma has been evaluated. The apheresis procedure was acceptable and well tolerated by donors, and it resulted in high-quality blood components. Further optimization of the system should yield a practicable component suitable for routine use in blood banks.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Intraoperative blood salvage is contraindicated in cancer surgery because of contaminating tumor cells and the risk of systemic dissemination. On the basis of the radiosensitivity of cancer cells, irradiation of salvaged blood with 50 Gy is proposed as a way to allow return of salvaged blood. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Elimination of tumor cells by blood irradiation was studied in vitro with cells from 10 cell lines and from 14 tumor preparations after their addition to red cells in high numbers, or with blood shed during cancer surgery. Before and after gamma radiation, tumor cells were isolated by density gradient centrifugation and tested for their proliferative capacity in a cell colony assay. DNA metabolism was analyzed by incorporation of 5' bromodesoxyuridine. RESULTS: Survival curves of cells from various tumors confirmed D0 (the dose required to reduce the fraction of surviving cells to 37 percent of the original value) values in the range of 1.2 to 2.2 Gy. After irradiation of tumor cell-contaminated blood with 50 Gy, no cell colony formation was observed, which indicates a reduction rate exceeding 10 log. Irradiated cancer cells showed viability, but no residual DNA metabolism. CONCLUSION: The level of inactivation by a 50-Gy dose far exceeds that needed to inactivate the number of proliferating tumor cells observed or expected in wound blood. These results provide the experimental basis for the clinical application of blood irradiation for intraoperative blood salvage in cancer surgery.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Donor white cells (WBCs) contained in red cell (RBC) transfusions are thought to provoke down-regulation of T-cell-mediated immunity. This study investigated this topic in otherwise healthy patients receiving buffy coat-depleted or WBC-filtered RBCs and undergoing standardized perioperative management. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Patients undergoing elective orthopedic surgery (primary hip and knee replacement surgery) were enrolled in a prospective study. Perioperative changes in T-cell proliferation (stimulation with phytohemagglutinin and mixed lymphocyte culture) and T-cell balance (T-lymphocytes, helper T cells, and suppressor T cells) were compared after random assignment to allogeneic buffy coat-depleted (Group 2, n = 8) or WBC-reduced RBC (Group 3, n = 11) transfusion regimens. Recipients of autologous buffy coat-depleted RBC transfusions (n = 15) served as controls (Group 1). RESULTS: Compared to that in autologous transfusion recipients, alloantigen-induced T-cell proliferation was significantly reduced in recipients of allogeneic WBC-reduced RBCs (Day 3, p = 0.0274). After the transfusion of allogeneic buffy coat-depleted RBCs, a weak trend toward decreased T-cell proliferation was observed (p = 0.0933) and the numbers of CD4+ T cells were also significantly lower (Day 7, p = 0.0389). On Day 10, alloantigen-induced T-cell proliferation remained significantly below baseline after transfusion of WBC-reduced RBCs (p = 0.05), the numbers of CD3+ cells decreased in allogeneic RBC recipients (Group 2, p = 0.078; Group 3, p = 0.05), and those of CD8+ cells decreased significantly after the transfusion of allogeneic buffy coat-depleted RBCs (p = 0.0234) concomitant with an increased CD4:CD8 ratio (p = 0.0391). CONCLUSION: Results of the present study confirm the hypothesis of impaired T-cell-mediated immunity after allogeneic transfusion.  相似文献   

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