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Lymphangioma is a congenital malformation of the lymphatic system and is thought to result from the failure of the lymphatic system to connect with the venous system. Lymphangioma of the chest wall is a very rare disease entity, and only a few cases have ever been documented in the literature. To the best of our knowledge, there have been few cases of recurrent cavernous lymphangioma after surgical excision of a cystic hygroma on the same side of the chest wall. Here, we report a case of a cavernous lymphangioma of the chest wall in a patient who had undergone surgical excision of a cystic hygroma 19 years earlier.  相似文献   

Desmoid tumors of the chest wall following chest surgery are a rare occurrence. A case of this disease is reported herein together with a review of the literature. A 74-year-old man, who had previously undergone a right lower lobectomy for squamous cell carcinoma of the lung, was referred to our hospital with an abnormal shadow on his chest X-ray. The tumor, located in the right lateral chest wall, was successfully resected by an aggressive, wide extirpation, and a final diagnosis of a desmoid tumor originating in the chest wall was made. When following up patients after surgery for lung cancer, the possibility of desmoid tumors developing in the incised chest wall should therefore be kept in mind.  相似文献   

A 63-year-old male patient underwent artificial pneumothorax for right pulmonary tuberculosis 39 years ago, and thereafter suffered from chronic empyema, though asymptomatic. In December, 1989, he was found to have a 5 cm tumor in his right chest wall. The tumor grew to 15 cm in 2 weeks and was associated with severe pain. A chest CT revealed that the tumor of the chest wall corresponded to the area of the wall affected by empyema. The patient underwent full thickness resection of the chest wall including the tumor and the empyematous wall (20 x 20 cm) on March 7, 1990. The tumor was 11 x 8 x 7 cm large and had developed from the empyematous wall to the lateral side of chest wall. There was no invasion of the thoracic cavity by the empyema. The lesion was pathologically diagnosed as diffuse, large to intermediate T-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Postoperatively the patient was treated with radiotherapy and VEPA therapy, but the tumor metastasized to both lungs, and the patient died 161 days after surgery. The majority of cases of malignant lymphoma reported to have originated in empyematous chest walls have been of the B-cell type. The T-cell type is rare, and the present case is only the second case reported. Chest CT was an effective method of diagnostic imaging in this disease.  相似文献   

We report a 58-year-old man who underwent surgical treatment of primary lung cancer arising from the wall of a giant bulla. Chest roentgenography and computed tomography revealed multiple emphysematous bullae in the bilateral upper lobes, and a right upper giant bulla with a mass measuring 6 cm arising on the bulla wall. Right upper lobectomy was performed, the postoperative pathological diagnosis was large cell carcinoma arising from the wall of a giant bulla. Although the postoperative course was uneventful and he was discharged, he underwent partial resection of the jejunum for recurrence of carcinoma in the jejunum, and postoperative chemotherapy, and he was alive 20 months after that operation. In general, patients with both pulmonary bullous disease and primary lung cancer have a very poor prognosis, because they receive treatment when the tumor is at an advanced stage. On the basis of our review of the literature, we recommend that middle-age male patients with a giant bulla who smoke should have annual chest roentgenography and/or chest computed tomography to screen for lung cancer arising in or close to the bullous disease, and that a giant bulla should be resected in patients older than 50 years because of the high incidence of coexisting cancer and bulla, to improve the prognosis of this disease.  相似文献   

We report a extremely rare case of a 57-year-old man who was found to have a solitary tumor in the right middle lobe of his lung during an annual check-up. Chest X-ray and CT scan showed a well-circumscribed spherical mass adjacent to the chest wall. The tumor, which was removed by thoracoscopic surgery, was a cystic mass, 17 x 15 mm. Histological examination confirmed the diagnosis of a pulmonary lymphangioma. A brief review of the available literature on this extremely rare type of lung tumor follows the case report.  相似文献   

A 33-year-old asymptomatic woman was referred to our hospital for evaluation of an abnormal shadow on a chest radiograph. A chest-computed tomogram revealed a cystic, partially solid tumor in the right inferior mediastinum. Following an initial diagnosis of cystic teratoma, surgery was performed. The tumor, a well-encapsulated, thin-walled cyst located within the right inferior lobe of the thymus, was extirpated by partial resection of the thymus. The cut surface revealed a unilocular cyst containing multiple grayish-white tumors on the inner cyst walls. Some tumors detached from the wall owing to loose connections. Microscopic findings revealed that the cyst was lined with squamous epithelium. The tumor on the cyst wall was diagnosed to be a type B1 thymoma. Based on these findings, we diagnosed this case as a thymoma originating from the wall of a thymic cyst, accompanied by intracystic dissemination from the tumor.  相似文献   

Liposarcoma is one of the most common primary retroperitoneal neoplasms, and the perinephric region is a frequent location for them. Liposarcomas show a variety of radiographic features in terms of histological types and tumor sizes, so the specific diagnosis of liposarcoma is often difficult. We present a unique case of perinephric dedifferentiated liposarcoma mimicking cystic renal tumor. A 71-year-old man presented himself at our hospital with a palpable mass in his upper right abdomen. Abdominal computerized tomography (CT) revealed a well-defined cystic mass at the lower pole of the right kidney that contained heterogeneous solid components and small foci of fat. There were no signs of lymphadenopathy or tumor thrombus in the renal vein. Metastatic evaluation by chest x-ray and bone scan was negative. The probable diagnosis was cystic renal cell carcinoma or atypical angiomyolipoma. Because we could not exclude the possibility of cystic malignancy, a right radical nephrectomy was performed. Grossly, the tumor was predominantly encapsulated by a unilocular fibrous capsule and was filled with bloody fluid and debris. The anterior portion of the tumor was composed of various-sized soft and rubbery masses covered with necrotic tissue. The histological diagnosis was dedifferentiated liposarcoma arising in the perinephric retroperitoneum with extensive necrosis, and the cyst wall was composed of a necrotic tumor with a well differentiated liposarcoma and a fibrous capsule. Although the tumor widely covered the right kidney, there was no microscopic invasion of the kidney. No signs of tumor recurrence were noted six months after the operation.  相似文献   

A rare case of recurrence of a metastatic brain tumor which disappeared due to chemotherapy only is reported. A 52-year-old male was noticed to have an abnormal shadow in his chest X-P at a routine medical examination, so a close examination was made. He was diagnosed as having right renal cell carcinoma which had metastasized to the lung. He was treated by intra-arterial infusion of anti-cancer drugs and embolization of the right renal artery. No renal symptom was seen, growth of the primary tumor stopped, and the abnormal shadow in his chest diminished. However, weakness in the left hand appeared 19 months after the first examination and he was admitted to our clinic. He was alert, but slight left hand weakness was observed. CT scan revealed a diffusely enhanced mass in the right parietal lobe. Total removal of the brain tumor was performed and the histology was metastasis of renal cell carcinoma. He was discharged and was able to walk but he had slight left hemiparesis. UFT 6 capsules a day were administrated in our out-patient clinic. However, CT scan revealed recurrence of the tumor 2 weeks after discharge, we followed up with conservative treatment, and no growth of the tumor was seen. It disappeared 5 months after discharge after being treated with UFT only. We regard UFT as having been effective in this case.  相似文献   

We report a case of a 50-year-old man with multiple glomus tumors of the chest wall and buttocks. He was admitted to our hospital because of right chest pain for 10 years. The chest pain was lancinating and gradually increasing. A computed tomography (CT) showed a mass in the right 3rd intercostal space and a mass in the right buttocks. The chest tumor was enhanced with contrast medium on chest CT. Two tumors were resected completely including the 4th rib. Histological examination showed numerous vascular space lined with sheets of epithelial cells (glomus cells), so they were diagnosed as glomus tumor. The postoperative course was well, and the pain disappeared after resection. The glomus tumor of chest wall could be diagnosed as malignant tumor, based on the criteria of the size more than 2 cm and deep location. The glomus tumors which occurred in the chest wall and buttocks were very rare. We presented the case with reference to the literature.  相似文献   

We present a case of a 6 year-old boy who presented with a huge mass in the right side of the neck and changes its size with respiration and with straining. Computed tomography of the chest and neck showed a huge mass that was thought to be cystic hygroma. It was excised by both median sternotomy and a right cervical incision. Pathology revealed a thymic cyst.  相似文献   

目的 提高多房性囊性肾癌的诊治水平.方法多房性囊性肾癌患者1例,男,49岁.体检B超偶然发现右肾下极多囊性肿物1个月.囊内无回声区,其间混杂低回声区;CT检查右肾下极见多囊性低密度病变,边界清楚、光整,内见薄壁分隔,增强扫描分隔可见强化;MRI检查示右肾下极多囊性病变,增强扫描囊壁可见强化.行右肾部分切除术,完整切除肿瘤.结果 病理报告:肾被膜下见多房状肿物,大小约3.0 cm×2.0 cm×2.0 cm,囊壁光滑,腔内含清亮的浆液性及血性液体,囊壁厚约0.1~0.2 cm,与肾周脂肪粘连.镜下多数囊腔内衬单层或复层立方状透明细胞,细胞核小而圆,位于细胞中央,无明显核仁;有的囊腔内衬扁平上皮细胞或无内衬上皮,偶见由透明细胞覆盖的小乳头;囊腔间隔由胶原纤维组成,部分间隔内可见灶状透明细胞,但未形成肉眼可见的结节.病理诊断:多房性囊性肾癌.术后随访20个月未见复发和转移.结论 多房性囊性肾癌是肾癌的一种罕见亚型,发病率低,是一种完全由囊腔构成的肿瘤;影像学检查可提供直接依据,确诊需依靠病理学检查;外科手术治疗预后良好.  相似文献   

The expressions of some growth factors have been immunohistochemically confirmed in several kinds of tumors, and in particular the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been reported to be closely related to tumor cell proliferation. We report herein a case of undifferentiated spindle-cell sarcoma arising in the chest wall with VEGF expression. A 67-year-old man, who presented with coughing, was found to have an abnormal shadow on his right chest wall. He was admitted to Chiba Rosai Hospital and preoperative diagnosis of the tumor was sarcoma. The tumor was thus resected along with the right chest wall and right lower lobe of the lung. Histopathologically, the tumor cells were spindle-shaped and showed severe atypism. The tumor cells were positive for vimentin and VEGF antibody with immunohistochemical staining, but they did not show differentiation to any special type of sarcoma. The tumor was diagnosed to be undifferentiated spindle-cell sarcoma. The microvessel density of the tumor was measured using CD34 and it was found to be higher than the average density of usual sarcomas. The prognosis of this case was poor. The patient died of tumor metastasis to the lung and bone 1 year later in spite of the fact that the tumor was resected. Received: September 1, 1999 / Accepted: March 24, 2000  相似文献   

A 40-year-old male was detected his right apical lung tumor by roentgenographic screening on January 1997, but he did not refer to a hospital since he had no symptom. He went a orthopedics because of his right chest, back, and arm pain on October 1997, and he received traction and physical therapy. He went roentgenographic screening again on January 1998 and he was pointed out that the tumor increased. He admitted our hospital. Biopsy using bronchofiberscopy revealed adenocarcinoma and induction radiotherapy (40 Gy) was performed. Right upper lobectomy with chest wall resection and lymph node dissection was performed under hook approach. This approach was useful to dissect the tumor from the invaded plexus brachialis. Postoperative radio-chemotherapy was added but the patient died 7-postoperative months because of multiple metastases. Early detection should be led to early starting of the therapy.  相似文献   

A 33-year-old man showing the right anterior mediastinal mass on his chest x-ray film admitted to our hospital. At thoracotomy extirpation of the cystic tumor was performed. The tumor was 7 x 7 x 5 cm in size and contained coffee-coloured fluid. Histological examination confirmed undifferentiated carcinoma. Postoperatively he was treated with 60Co 50 Gy and chemotherapy. He has been well 4 years after operation.  相似文献   

A 50-year-old man sustaining bilateral chest wall angiosarcomas at intervals of several months underwent lesion resection. Angiosarcoma is so rare that we found no case in the literature who had undergone bilateral chest wall surgery for such tumors. His second tumor was thought to be metastatic rather than primary. Despite the 2 surgeries, irradiation, and chemotherapy, however, his prognosis was grave, as in other reports on angiosarcoma.  相似文献   

Angiosarcomas rarely develop within a peripheral nerve or a peripheral nerve sheath tumor. A 68-year-old woman was admitted for right hemothorax. She had suffered from the left thoracic empyema and the right chest wall tumor which had been regarded as schwannoma clinically. Anemia got serious due to continuous bloody effusion. Although bleeding point was not detected by thoracotomy. The right chest wall tumor was resected. Postoperatively bloody effusion still drained continuously, she died ten days after the operation. Resected tumor was almost necrotized. The tumor was diagnosed as angiosarcoma pathologically, in which a part of schwannoma component resided. It is indicated that angiosarcoma in this case arised from degenerated schwannoma. It is necessary to consider angiosarcoma, rarely arised from degenerated schwannoma, during conservative, long-term observation on the care of schwannoma.  相似文献   

Even when gross pathologic specimens are available, evaluation is always complicated due to the difficulty in distinguishing the pathologic diagnosis of an adenocarcinoma as a pulmonary metastasis of the breast or lung. In this paper, we describe the usefulness of a preoperative immunohistochemical study using gross cystic disease fluid protein-15 (GCDFP-15). A 50-year-old woman, who had undergone a right radical mastectomy due to an infiltrating ductal carcinoma 4 years previously, was admitted because of an abnormal shadow on chest roentgenography. A chest CT scan showed a nodule 20 mm in diameter with an irregular margin and vascular involvement in the S3 region of the right lung. Though the specimen from a percutaneous CT guided needle biopsy revealed characteristic pathologic findings of a primary lung adenocarcinoma under H.E. stain, which was recommended for lobar resection, we re-examined that specimen immunohistochemically, which disclosed that the tumor cells were negative for the antibody to pulmonary surfactant apoprotein and were positive for GCDFP-15 antibody. Therefore, the diagnosis of a metastatic breast carcinoma in the lung was established. Upon her request, a wedge resection of the right upper lobe including the tumor was performed under video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS). Her postoperative course was uneventful.  相似文献   

A case report of a leiomyoma of the chest wall is presented. So far as we examined, this is the first case of the leiomyoma of the chest wall in Japan. A 40-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital because of an abnormal shadow in the right upper lung area in a chest X-ray film. The thoracic CT and MRI demonstrated a tumor of the chest wall projecting into the thoracic cavity. The tumor was excised. Histological examination indicated that the tumor was a benign leiomyoma. This tumor seems to originate from the wall of the small vessels histologically. The patient's postoperative course is uneventful.  相似文献   

Bronchogenic cysts are developmental foregut anomalies usually located within the mediastinum or lung parenchyma. An isolated bronchogenic cyst of the diaphragm is very rare. Our case was a 56-year-old female patient who presented with pleuritic chest pain in her right chest. Chest and abdominal computed tomography revealed a large lobulated cystic mass that was accompanied with pleural effusion in the right lower hemithorax. The tumor showed focally calcified areas in the wall and abutted against the diaphragm. We performed complete excision of the cyst including a portion of the diaphragm attached to it. The pathological diagnosis was established as the bronchogenic cyst originating from the diaphragm. We report this case with a review of the literature.  相似文献   

Solitary osteochondroma of the rib is a rare primary chest wall tumor. Herein, we report a case of a successfully resected osteochondroma of the rib. The patient was a 73-year-old asymptomatic woman who came to our hospital regularly for treatment of hypertension and hyperlipidemia. A checkup chest roentgenogram showed a shadow at the right anterior chest wall consistent with a mass, and computed tomography showed a tumor arising from the right fourth rib. Because it was impossible to exclude completely the diagnosis of a well-differentiated chondrosarcoma, we performed resection of the right anterior chest wall and a re construction with a rigid prosthesis. The post operative course of the patient was unremarkable. The final pathological diagnosis of the rib tumor was osteochondroma.  相似文献   

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