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探讨了Internet/Intranet上实现数据库发布的几种解决方案的不同特点,详细地阐述了ASP/ADO技术在开发基于Web的证券信息数据库查询系统中的应用,同时给出了不同数据库系统之间进行转换的技术.  相似文献   

解决了全中文通用灵活查询在实现中的几个问题,并用FOXPROFORWINDOWS2.5设计了一个实用的灵活查询系统。  相似文献   

利用模糊神经网络构建了酵母流加发酵过程的网络模型.通过建立优化子网络,探讨了不同时刻的最佳底物浓度.在模拟网络的基础上,利用遗传算法对流加策略进行了优化研究.  相似文献   

背景:在全球迈向老年化社会的今天,骨质疏松已成为威胁人类健康、严重影响老年人生活质量的主要疾病之一,骨质疏松症也是医学研究热点之一。目的:初步分析骨质疏松症的研究现状及最新进展,为该领域预防、临床和科学研究提供一定参考。方法:采用Web of Science数据库(简称WoS数据库)核心合集中子库SCI-EXPANDED(SCIE)为研究对象,根据引文分析法统计2009年至2018年近十年间以骨质疏松为主题相关文献,分析WoS数据库核心合集收录骨质疏松领域研究文献状况,包括文献发表出版年、机构、来源出版物、国家地区、研究方向、作者、基金资助等分布情况。结果:通过WoS数据库观察到骨质疏松领域近十年间国内外发表论文共40436篇,相关文献发表在117个国家的2946种期刊中,高产作者中英国的Cooper C发文量最多,与英国的Kanis JA及比利时的Boonen S为重要核心领军人物;科研机构均是大学研究机构,《国际骨质疏松杂志》、《骨与矿物研究杂志》、《骨骼》等业内期刊收录文献最多;研究方向中内分泌代谢与骨质疏松有相当密切关系;基金资助机构主要在国家基金机构或世界百强生物药企;高被引论文多发表在知名度很高的主流及顶尖期刊。结论:近十年我国骨质疏松类论文在该数据库发文量迅猛增长,位居第二位,但被引频次、篇均被引频次和h指数并不高,在论文研究深度与高产作者等方面还存在一定距离,说明总体研究实力还需进一步加强,有较大提升空间。  相似文献   

以一个汽车零部件网站为例,介绍了基于XML的数据存储,结合关系数据库、MSXML提供的JAVA类等工具,实现了XML信息查询的技术.  相似文献   

尊敬的各位读者、作者: 为了方便您检索本刊,现将检索方法介绍如下 1.本刊可在国家新闻出版广电总局查到。登陆国家新闻出版广电总局官方网站http://www.gapp.gov.cn,  相似文献   

《中国骨伤》杂志社开通的网站可进行稿件查询,欢迎作者上网查询稿件审理的进度。请登陆http://www.zggszz.com。同时也欢迎作者网上投稿,投稿信箱:E—mail:tgzggs@163.com。  相似文献   

《中国骨伤》杂志社开通的网站可进行稿件查询,欢迎作者上网查询稿件审理的进度。请登陆http://www.zggszz.com。同时也欢迎作者网上投稿,  相似文献   

《中国骨伤》杂志社开通的网站可进行稿件查询,欢迎作者上网查询稿件审理的进度。请登陆http://www.zggszz.com。同时也欢迎作者网上投稿,投稿信箱:E—mail:tgzggs@163.com(投稿时请务必写清作者姓名、单位、邮编等联系方式)。  相似文献   

《中国骨伤》杂志社开通的网站可进行稿件查询,欢迎作者上网查询稿件审理的进度。请登陆http://www.zggszz.com。同时也欢迎作者网上投稿,投稿信箱:E-mail:tgzggs@163.com(投稿时请务必写清作者姓名、单位、邮编等联系方式)。  相似文献   

应用喷雾干燥技术制备雏生素A微胶囊,以进风温度、出风温度,第一次均质压力和第二次均质压力为自变量,以微胶囊化效率、产率、贮藏保留率为评价指标,利用模糊数学的理论和方法处理实验数据,以模糊综合评价值为目标函数对喷雾工艺参数进行优化,确定了最佳工艺参数。  相似文献   

Abstract: The Revlon/UCLA Breast Center has started a multidisciplinary research program in order to explore all aspects of breast diseases and the care of women. Due to the many specialized fields in medicine, the data involved in research studies is likely to be managed by different organizations and by different computers. This sorely limits the ability to carry out studies that are concerned with the mass screening of very diverse types of data according to different patient conditions, treatment profiles, or both. To support its program, the Revlon/UCLA Breast Center has developed a research database that includes every breast patient and that is linked to the UCLA clinical hospital information system and radiology information system. Research data is collected using a Patient Intake Questionnaire that is completed by every patient before being archived in the Breast Center research database. We have developed a Database Integration System to allow the Breast Center research database to automatically acquire and integrate clinical data generated by consultations, treatments, procedures, and surgeries occurring at the UCLA Medical Center. The Database Integration System is based on a screen capture method and uses the generally available clinical application display programs. The system was rapidly and cost-effectively developed using commonly available computer tools. Moreover, it does not require any changes in the participating remote hospital computer systems. The Revlon/UCLA Breast Center database system is available to researchers through a simple graphical user interface. Complex research queries are conveniently handled using the advanced database Structured Query Language (SQL). Our integrated research/clinical database system is now operational and it gives the unique ability to research teams in several disciplines to rapidly search the whole patient population according to any patient profile, disease, or treatment condition defined by a study.?  相似文献   

基于Fuzzy集合理论,设计了一种新型的PID自整定调节器。给出了辨识该调节器模糊模型的方法。计算机仿真结果表明,该方法是可行的。  相似文献   

Dynamic optimization problems based on computationally expensive models that embody the dynamics of a mechatronic system can result in prohibitively long optimization runs. When facing optimization problems with static models, reduction in the computational time and thus attaining convergence can be established by means of a metamodel placed within a metamodel management scheme. This paper proposes a metamodel management scheme with a dedicated sampling strategy when using computationally demanding dynamic models in a dynamic optimization problem context. The dedicated sampling strategy enables to attain dynamically feasible solutions where the metamodel is locally refined during the optimization process upon satisfying a feasibility‐based stopping condition. The samples are distributed along the iterate trajectories of the sequential direct dynamic optimization procedure. Algorithmic implementation of the trajectory‐based metamodel management is detailed and applied on two case studies involving dynamic optimization problems. These numerical experiments illustrate the benefits of the presented scheme and its sampling strategy on the convergence properties. It is shown that the acceleration of the solution time of the dynamic optimization problem can be achieved when evaluating the metamodel that is lower than 90% compared to the computationally expensive model.  相似文献   

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