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ObjectiveSmoking during pregnancy is the leading preventable cause of poor pregnancy outcomes in the U.S., causing serious immediate and longer-term adverse effects for mothers and offspring. In this report we provide a narrative review of research on the use of financial incentives to promote abstinence from cigarette smoking during pregnancy, an intervention wherein women earn vouchers exchangeable for retail items contingent on biochemically-verified abstinence from recent smoking.MethodsPublished reports based on controlled trials are reviewed. All of the reviewed research was conducted by one of two research groups who have investigated this treatment approach.ResultsResults from six controlled trials with economically disadvantaged pregnant smokers support the efficacy of financial incentives for increasing smoking abstinence rates antepartum and early postpartum. Results from three trials provide evidence that the intervention improves sonographically estimated fetal growth, mean birth weight, percent of low-birth-weight deliveries, and breastfeeding duration.ConclusionsThe systematic use of financial incentives has promise as an efficacious intervention for promoting smoking cessation among economically disadvantaged pregnant and recently postpartum women and improving birth outcomes. Additional trials in larger and more diverse samples are warranted to further evaluate the merits of this treatment approach.  相似文献   

Public opinion about doctors' incomes was examined in a national random sample of 843 respondents; 70.1 per cent of those questioned felt physicians are overpaid. There was a high degree of agreement among various groups that physicians are overpaid, but older people and Whites were more likely to think so than younger people and other ethnic groups. People who believe that the United States is characterized by unequal educational opportunity, unfair income distribution, and limited resources were also more likely to think physicians are overpaid.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study tested the effects of two organizational support processes, the provision of financial incentives for superior clinical performance and the availability of a patient (smoker) registry and proactive telephone support system for smoking cessation, on provider adherence to accepted practice guidelines and associated patient outcomes. METHODS: Forty clinics of a large multispecialty medical group practice providing primary care services were randomly allocated to study conditions. Fifteen clinics each were assigned to the experimental conditions "control" (distribution of printed versions of smoking cessation guidelines) and "incentive" (financial incentive pay-out for reaching preset clinical performance targets). Ten clinics were randomized to receive financial incentives combined with access to a centralized patient registry and intervention system ("registry"). Main outcome measures were adherence to smoking cessation clinical practice guidelines and patients' smoking cessation behaviors. RESULTS: Patients' tobacco use status was statistically significant (P < 0.01) more frequently identified in clinics with the opportunity for incentives and access to a registry than in clinics in the control condition. Patients visiting registry clinics accessed counseling programs statistically significantly more often (P < 0.001) than patients receiving care in the control condition. Other endpoints did not statistically significantly differ between the experimental conditions. CONCLUSIONS: The impact of financial incentives and a patient registry/intervention system in improving smoking cessation clinical practices and patient behaviors was mixed. Additional research is needed to identify conditions under which such organizational support processes result in significant health care quality improvement and warrant the investment.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This review discusses current published literature on population-based smoking cessation interventions that involve incentives and examines whether such interventions are effective in reducing the prevalence of smoking. SEARCH METHOD: Studies published between 1975 and Spring 1997 were identified through a computerized search of four electronic databases (MEDLINE, HEALTH, CINAHL, and PSYCINFO) and reference lists of key articles using the following key words: (smoking cessation OR quit smoking) AND (contest OR competition OR incentive OR lottery OR quit and win). This search yielded 79 articles. To be included, studies had to be published in English and had to have presented either quit rates or participation rates for an incentive-based program that used population-based recruitment. Of the 79 articles, 17 met these criteria. FINDINGS: Population-based interventions generally attract 1 to 2% of the target population, but these participation rates can potentially be increased through the use of innovative recruitment techniques. No specific type of recruitment strategy was shown to be consistently more effective than others. There is no evidence that particular types of incentives are able to influence participation or quit rates, but the size of an incentive does appear to be important, with larger incentives viewed as more effectively motivating smokers to quit and stay smoke free than smaller ones. Estimates of the cost per quitter have ranged from less than $20 to over $400. There are some indications that the costs of such programs compare favorably with smoking cessation classes or clinic-based approaches. CONCLUSION: Incentive-based smoking cessation programs that target an entire community have the advantage of reaching a large and diverse group of smokers. They may, however, attract only smokers who are already motivated to quit. Realistically, incentive-based programs aimed at the general population can expect 1% of all their smokers to quit smoking. Quit rates among participants may initially be high (i.e., mean quit rate of 34% at 1-month follow-up) but decrease over time (i.e., mean rate of 23% at 1 year). The results of this review suggest a continued need to establish standard and valid criteria for the evaluation of smoking cessation interventions. Methodological differences among existing studies make them difficult to compare and interpret.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Health professionals have important roles in helping smokers quit. However, it is not known how the public, especially smokers, view smoking cessation advice from different health professionals. METHODS: We added questions regarding opinions and experiences with health professionals' smoking cessation advice to the 2002 CAMH Monitor, an annual random-digit-dialled survey of adult Ontarians. We report on how good a source of advice physicians, pharmacists, and dentists are perceived to be, how likely smokers are to consult each of these professionals, who smokers would ask for advice on the use of NRT, and advice received by smokers in the past year. RESULTS: About two thirds of respondents viewed physicians as a very good source of advice on quitting, compared to just over one third and about one quarter who thought this of pharmacists and dentists, respectively. Over half of current smokers would be very likely to ask a physician for quit advice, compared to about 20% and only 3% for a pharmacist or a dentist, respectively. Among smokers, over 40% would first ask a physician for advice on NRT; about 20% would first ask a pharmacist. About 42% and 8% of current smokers reported that they received advice in the past year from a physician and pharmacist, respectively. INTERPRETATION: Smokers are receptive to quit advice from physicians, but less likely to ask other health professionals. Few smokers received advice from pharmacists and dentists. Increasing the reach of quit advice requires both increased professional intervention and education of the public.  相似文献   

Nortriptyline (Pamelor), in combination with weekly behavioral therapy, is effective in helping highly motivated smokers to quit. The medication may be an alternative for patients who cannot tolerate or do not benefit from bupropion. Given the high motivation of the group and the extensive behavioral therapy they also received, results are not likely to be as good in typical practice.  相似文献   



Diseases associated with smoking are a foremost cause of premature death in the world, both in developed and developing countries. Eliminating smoking can do more to improve health and prolong life than any other measure in the field of preventive medicine. Today's medical students will play a prominent role in future efforts to prevent and control tobacco use.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study examined the effect of program format and incentives on participation and cessation in worksite smoking cessation programs. METHODS: Twenty-four worksites were randomized to 6 conditions that differed in cessation program format and the use of incentives. Programs were offered for 18 months in each worksite. A total of 2402 cigarette smokers identified at baseline were surveyed 12 and 24 months later to assess participation in programs and cessation. RESULTS: A total of 407 (16.9%) of the smoker cohort registered for programs; on the 12- and 24-month surveys, 15.4% and 19.4% of the cohort, respectively, reported that they had not smoked in the previous 7 days. Registration for programs in incentive sites was almost double that of no-incentive sites (22.4% vs 11.9%), but increased registration did not translate into significantly greater cessation rates. Program type did not affect registration or cessation rates. CONCLUSIONS: Although incentives increase rates of registration in worksite smoking cessation programs, they do not appear to increase cessation rates. Phone counseling seems to be at least as effective as group programs for promoting smoking cessation in worksites.  相似文献   

In an effort footline to motivate smokers across New York State to stop smoking, tobacco control programs across the state held 'Quit and Win' incentive-based stop-smoking contests. These contests encouraged smokers to make a quit attempt by offering a chance to win cash prize (usually 1,000 dollars) for successfully stopping smoking for at least 1 month. Between 2001 and 2004, 11 different Quit and Win Contests involving 5,504 adult smokers were sponsored in different communities across New York State. Follow-up surveys were conducted 4 to 6 months after each contest ended to evaluate participants' success in quitting smoking. Expenditures for promoting contests varied from a high of 91,441 dollars to a low of 4,345 dollars, with a median of 25,928 dollars. An average of 0.55 percent of smokers was recruited to join contests across the 11 communities. Among smokers who enrolled in a contest, 9 out of 10 reported making a quit attempt, and between 53 percent and 72 percent reported quitting for the full month of the contest. At 4 to 6 months follow-up, self-reported quit rates (7-day point prevalence) among contestants ranged from 22 percent to 49 percent, with an average of 31 percent. Based on a statewide population survey, 8 of the 11 programs showed quit rates that were significantly higher (P < .001 by Wilcoxon rank-sum test) than the estimated quit rate of 21 percent seen among smokers making a quit attempt in the past year. This study shows that for a relatively modest investment of resources, thousands of smokers can be recruited to make a serious quit attempt, with many remaining smoke-free months later.  相似文献   

目的:了解承德市医疗机构人员吸烟和被动吸烟情况以及医务人员提供戒烟服务的现状,为制定针对性的戒烟干预措施提供依据。方法:采用随机抽样方法调查承德5个医疗机构医务人员,进行面对面问卷调查。结果:共调查485名(包括卫生行政人员),吸烟率19.6%,男性吸烟率显著高于女性(男性61.37%、女性1.8%),戒烟率为2.7%(男性1.6%,女性1.0%)。不同性别吸烟率差别有统计学意义(P0.01)。结论:承德市医务人员吸烟人群中以男性为重点人群,应加强对医务人员的健康教育和戒烟知识培训,以提高医务人员戒烟率和戒烟服务能力。  相似文献   

Previous surveys have documented a substantial gap in the public's understanding and attitudes about public health (1). The Pew Charitable Trusts, a Philadelphia-based philanthropy that supports nonprofit activities in the areas of culture, education, the environment, health and human services, public policy, and religion, commissioned two firms, the Mellman Group and Public Opinion Strategies, to conduct both qualitative and quantitative research in 1999 to characterize the public's attitudes about public health. In particular, the Pew Charitable Trusts asked the groups to explore 1) perceptions about public health in general, including levels of support and importance compared with other national priorities; 2) opinions about environmental health and its role in causing disease and promoting health; and 3) opinions about the public health infrastructure. This report summarizes the results of this survey, which indicate that the term "public health" is misunderstood, persons are concerned about the quality of the public health system, increased government spending for public health is a greater priority than other key national concerns, and that the public regard environmental factors as important contributors to certain health problems.  相似文献   

The relationship of worksite and occupational norms about smoking to workers' attitudes toward smoking cessation was studied in a defined population. From smokers identified in a self-administered questionnaire circulated to all employees of 10 worksites in suburban Minneapolis, 447 smokers were randomly selected and interviewed. Attitudes and social norms about smoking cessation were compared by occupation and worksite using analysis of covariance, controlling for age, sex, and education. Similarly, the relationships of social norms to attitudes were examined using multiple regression analysis. Interest in quitting smoking, confidence in the ability to quit, and coworker support of prior quit attempts were equally pervasive among workers from blue collar and white collar occupations. Yet substantial differences between worksites in attitudes and norms about smoking cessation suggest the importance of the unique social milieu of individual worksites. Of particular importance is the impact of coworker discouragement of prior quit attempts, which varied across worksites and was directly related to confidence in the ability to quit and the desire to seek formal help in future quit attempts. These findings point to the relevance of intervention programs aimed at changing worksite norms about smoking and smoking cessation.  相似文献   

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