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中国10个地区成年人食物摄入频率特征差异的分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的 描述中国慢性病前瞻性研究(CKB)项目10个地区人群食物摄入频率特征的地区差异。方法 CKB项目于2004-2008年在城市和农村各5个地区募集自愿参加的30~79岁常住居民进入队列并完成基线调查。本研究分析10个项目地区中512 891名30~79岁队列成员12组食物的摄入频率,描述各食物组摄入频率特征的地区差异。结果 南方城市(99.0%)和南方农村(99.9%)人群每天摄入的谷类食物以大米为主,北方农村(99.0%)和北方城市如青岛(88.4%)人群则以面食为主。河南人群每天摄入杂粮人群比例最高(98.8%)。甘肃人群每天摄入新鲜蔬菜比例最低(74.0%)。在南方城市人群每天摄入新鲜水果、腌制蔬菜、肉类及其制品比例高于农村地区,北方也存在相同现象。北方城市(37.1%)和农村(14.6%)人群每天摄入蛋类及其制品高于南方城市(6.5%)和农村(6.9%)。北方城市地区人群每天摄入豆制品、乳类及其制品比例最高,其中哈尔滨人群每天摄入豆制品比例最高(10.0%),青岛人群每天摄入乳类及其制品比例最高(34.3%)。结论 CKB项目研究人群谷类食物、蛋类及其制品、豆制品摄入频率存在南北差异,肉类及其制品、家禽及其制品、水产/海产品、新鲜水果、腌制蔬菜、乳类及其制品摄入频率存在城乡差异。  相似文献   

中国人群成年期体重变化现况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的 描述中国慢性病前瞻性研究(CKB)队列人群的成年期体重变化状况及其地区和人群差异。方法 采用自行设计的电子问卷进行面对面基线调查,收集调查对象25岁体重以及社会人口学特征、生活方式等信息,并测量调查对象当前体重。本研究剔除基线自报患有慢性病、重要变量缺失、年龄<35岁或者>70岁的个体,最终纳入360 903名研究对象。成年期体重变化定义为当前体重与25岁时体重的差值。结果 研究对象成年期平均增重4.9 kg。城市地区人群增重高于农村地区,北方地区高于南方地区。10个项目点中,青岛项目点成年期平均增重量最大(9.3 kg),甘肃项目点最低(1.5 kg)。出生年代越早者,25岁BMI较高。成年期增重量在45~50岁组最高。在调整了年龄和地区后,不同文化程度、职业、家庭年收入、体力活动水平、吸烟情况人群的成年期体重变化的分布差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。25岁时BMI水平越高者,成年期增重量越小;当前BMI水平越高者,成年期增重量越大(趋势P<0.001)。结论 CKB项目10个地区研究人群成年期体重变化存在明显的地区和人群差异。  相似文献   

目的 描述中国慢性病前瞻性研究(CKB)10个地区人群午睡行为的分布特征,探索我国成年人午睡习惯与主要慢性病的关系。方法 剔除基线调查时自报患有肿瘤的个体后,采用logistic回归描述调查对象午睡习惯的地区和年龄分布,分析午睡习惯与糖尿病、高血压、冠心病、脑卒中、慢性阻塞性肺疾病和慢性肝病的相关性。结果 共纳入510 145名研究对象,其中39.9%有夏季午睡习惯,20.8%有常年午睡习惯。夏季午睡和常年午睡的分布存在城乡差异,农村地区及苏州市项目点以夏季午睡为主,比例在32.9%~73.3%之间;海口市和柳州市常年午睡率较高,分别为60.4%和63.3%。常年午睡比例随年龄增加而增加(趋势P<0.001),以70岁组最高(31.9%)。夏季午睡与患糖尿病、高血压、冠心病及慢性肝病呈正相关,OR值(95%CI)分别为1.10(1.07~1.14)、1.03(1.02~1.05)、1.07(1.02~1.12)和1.07(1.00~1.14),常年午睡与糖尿病、高血压、冠心病、脑卒中、慢性阻塞性肺疾病及慢性肝病均呈正相关,OR值(95%CI)分别为1.33(1.29~1.37)、1.11(1.09~1.13)、1.39(1.33~1.45)、1.33(1.26~1.41)、1.12(1.08~1.16)和1.27(1.18~1.37)。结论 CKB项目的人群在午睡习惯上存在地区及年龄差异,午睡与主要慢性疾病呈正相关,且常年午睡与慢性病相关性更高。  相似文献   

目的 了解青岛市居民的水果摄入情况,探讨水果摄入与脑卒中发病的关联。方法 利用中国慢性病前瞻性研究项目(CKB)青岛项目点30~79岁调查对象的基线信息和随访获得的脑卒中发病事件,采用Cox比例风险回归模型,评估水果摄入与脑卒中发病风险之间的关联。结果 基线共调查35 509人,男女性别比为1∶1.27,年龄(50.3±10.2)岁。水果摄入频率较高的研究对象更年轻,更多的是女性、文化程度高和家庭收入高的人群(均P<0.05)。本研究随访过程共观察到脑卒中发病事件1 011例,脑卒中发病密度为387.63/10万人年。多因素Cox回归分析结果显示,在调整了相关混杂因素之后,增加水果的摄入频率对脑卒中发病具有保护作用。与几乎不吃水果的研究对象相比,≥4次/周频率组的研究对象脑卒中发病的风险降低了44%(HR=0.56,95% CI:0.50~0.62,P<0.05),在男性和女性中分别降低了46%(HR=0.54,95% CI:0.46~0.64)和42%(HR=0.58,95% CI:0.52~0.69)(均P<0.05)。进一步调整研究对象的腰围、BMI、SBP和随机血糖,没有改变水果摄入对于脑卒中发病的保护作用。结论 增加水果摄入能降低脑卒中的发病风险,我国居民应增加水果摄入,建立更健康合理的饮食习惯。  相似文献   

中国10个地区30~79岁成年人被动吸烟行为特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的 描述中国慢性病前瞻性研究(CKB)项目10个地区非吸烟人群被动吸烟行为特征的地区和人群分布差异。方法 分析10个地区317 486名30~79岁非吸烟者在基线调查时的被动吸烟行为信息,描述其被动吸烟行为特征的地区和人群分布差异。结果 按照全国人口普查结果进行标化,我国成年人被动吸烟率为56.7%,与吸烟者共同居住率为66.5%,其中农村高于城市。周被动吸烟频率、周被动吸烟累计时长、日均被动吸烟时长具有明显的地区差异,城市地区的周被动吸烟累计时长随周被动吸烟频率的增加而增加,女性中湖南省的周被动吸烟频率较高,但周被动吸烟累计时长较低,日均被动吸烟时长最低,河南省却与之相反;与吸烟者共同居住者的被动吸烟率是从未共同居住者的2.27倍(95% CI:2.24~2.29),且在女性中关联更强(OR=2.61,95% CI:2.58~2.64),而在男性中二者无关(OR=1.01,95% CI:0.95~1.06)。女性除日均被动吸烟时长小于男性外,其余指标均大于男性;且年龄较小、文化程度较低者的多数被动吸烟指标较高;家庭年收入较低者的被动吸烟率和与吸烟者共同居住率较低,但日均被动吸烟时长较高;女性在婚者的被动吸烟率、与吸烟者共同居住率较高,男性与之相反。结论 CKB项目10个地区非吸烟人群的被动吸烟率、周被动吸烟频率、周被动吸烟累计时长和日均被动吸烟时长以及与吸烟者共同居住率、共同居住年限均存在明显的地区和人群分布差异。  相似文献   

中国10个地区成年人跟骨骨密度的描述性分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的 描述中国慢性病前瞻性研究(CKB)10个地区人群跟骨骨密度的地区和人群分布差异。方法 在参与第二次重复调查的研究对象中,剔除重要指标缺失者后,分析10个地区38~87岁24 677人经定量超声骨密度仪测定的跟骨骨密度的地区和人群差异。结果 研究人群中,跟骨骨密度指标平均水平:宽带超声衰减(109.7±12.6)dB/MHz,超声声速(1 554.7±45.6)m/s,强度指数(88.3±18.8),T值(-0.74±1.28)。城市人群跟骨骨密度高于农村;男性高于女性。跟骨骨密度随着年龄增加而降低,女性随年龄降低的幅度比男性更为明显。吸烟者、绝经后妇女的跟骨骨密度更低;常饮牛奶和/或酸奶者、高体力活动水平者的跟骨骨密度更高。结论 CKB的10个项目地区人群的跟骨骨密度存在明显的地区和人群差异。  相似文献   

目的 描述中国慢性病前瞻性研究(CKB)10个地区人群肺功能指标水平和气流受限现患率的地区差异。方法 剔除基线调查时肺功能指标异常个体后,分析10个地区512 495名30~79岁调查对象肺功能指标水平(FEV1和FVC)和气流受限(分别采用GOLD标准和LLN标准进行判断)现患率的地区差异。结果 10个地区男性的FEV1(2.66 L)和FVC(3.16 L)均高于女性(1.99 L和2.35 L);河南和哈尔滨人群FEV1和FVC高于其他地区。基于GOLD标准的气流受限现患率:男性(5.13%)高于女性(3.75%);农村人群高于城市(男性:6.32% vs. 3.47%;女性:4.26% vs. 2.97%);四川人群现患率最高(男性为13.34%,女性为10.70%),其次是苏州、河南和湖南。基于LLN标准的气流受限现患率(男性为6.93%,女性为6.29%)略高于GOLD标准,但地区差异近似。结论 CKB的10个地区人群无论在肺功能指标水平和气流受限现患率上均存在明显的地区差异。  相似文献   

目的 描述中国慢性病前瞻性研究(CKB)10个项目地区成年人群饮茶行为特征的地区差异。方法 分析CKB 10个项目地区512 891名30~79岁队列成员基线调查时饮茶行为信息,重点描述饮茶者每周饮茶行为特征的地区差异。结果 10个项目地区全部队列成员中,男性每周饮茶率(50.7%)高于女性(21.3%)。其中湖南项目地区调查人群每周饮茶率最高(男性74.3%,女性76.6%),河南项目地区最低(男性5.5%,女性1.0%)。除浙江和海口以外的其他8个项目地区,每周饮茶者以饮绿茶为主。青岛项目地区平均每次(男性3.8 g,女性3.1 g)、每日(男性6.2 g,女性4.1 g)和每周(男性38.4 g,女性25.0 g)茶叶消耗量均最高。结论 CKB 的10个项目地区研究人群在饮茶频率、品种、消耗量和浓淡喜好等特征上均存在较为明显的地区差异。  相似文献   

目的 描述中国慢性病前瞻性研究(CKB)队列的10个地区人群中高血压的患病、知晓、治疗和控制现状及其地区差异。方法 CKB项目于2004-2008年在10个项目地区募集512891名30~79岁队列成员并完成基线调查。本研究利用CKB项目的基线信息,比较对年龄和/或性别进行调整后高血压患病率、知晓率、治疗率及其控制情况的地区差异。结果 10个项目地区中,高血压患者共180621人(35.2%),其中浙江项目地区患病率最高(44.4%),海口项目地区患病率最低(22.0%)。农村地区人群患病率(35.1%)高于城市(32.1%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。在高血压人群中,知晓率为33.1%(59703/180621),治疗率为36.1%(65172/180621),控制率为12.4%(22329/180621),服用降压药物的人群中控制率为30.5%(19884/65172),其中苏州项目地区的男性控制率(17.4%)和服药控制率(39.1%)高于其他地区,柳州项目地区的女性控制率(23.5%)和服药控制率(42.6%)高于其他地区。结论 CKB项目10个地区人群中高血压患病率较高,知晓率、治疗率和控制率偏低,研究人群的高血压患病、知晓、治疗和控制情况存在明显地区差异。  相似文献   

目的 描述中国慢性病前瞻性研究(CKB)项目10个地区人群超重/肥胖现状的地区差异。方法 CKB项目于2004-2008年在城市和农村各5个地区募集30~79岁队列成员并完成基线调查,剔除BMI异常个体后,分析10个地区中512 489名队列成员基线调查时的BMI和WC及其对应的超重/肥胖和中心性肥胖分组情况的地区差异。结果 10个地区女性的超重/肥胖(45.3%)和中心性肥胖(44.6%)水平均高于男性(41.7%和38.3%)。青岛项目点人群的超重/肥胖率(男性为66.9%,女性为67.5%)和中心性肥胖率(男性为63.3%,女性为64.9%)均为最高。超重/肥胖的地区差异在男性中更为明显;除河南以外的农村项目点超重/肥胖率相对较低。在BMI< 24.0 kg/m2的非超重/肥胖人群中,部分个体达到中心性肥胖标准(男性为9.8%,女性为15.3%);该比例在青岛项目点更高(男性为22.2%,女性为23.2%)。结论 CKB项目10个地区研究人群的超重/肥胖情况存在明显的地区差异。  相似文献   

This study investigated the association between pickled vegetable consumption and the risk of breast cancer using a validated food frequency questionnaire. A total of 358 patients with breast cancer who were matched to 360 healthy controls by age (using a 5-yr age distribution) were recruited from the National Cancer Center in South Korea. After adjusting for nondietary risk factors, total vegetable intake was inversely associated with risk of breast cancer. However, unlike nonpickled vegetables, pickled vegetable intake and its proportion relative to total vegetables were positively associated with the risk of breast cancer, and this association was more profound and consistent when pickled vegetable intake was considered as a proportion relative to total vegetables (odds ratio [OR] = 6.24, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 3.55–10.97; P for trend <0.001 for highest vs. lowest quartiles of intake) than as the absolute consumed amount (OR = 2.47, 95% CI = 1.45–4.21; P for trend = 0.015 for highest vs. lowest quartiles of intake). These results suggest that not only the amount of total vegetable intake but also the amounts of different types of vegetable (i.e., pickled or nonpickled) and their proportions relative to total vegetables are significantly associated with the risk of breast cancer.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate the effectiveness of repeated exposure to multiple vs single target vegetables in increasing young children's vegetable intake.MethodsA pilot randomized controlled trial (children aged 4–6 years, n = 32) was conducted, which exposed children at home 15 times over 5 weeks to either 1 (single target) or 3 (multiple target) vegetables. A comparison group did not change eating habits. Vegetable intake was measured by (1) a dinner meal consumed at research facilities, (2) 3-day weighed food records, and (3) usual vegetable intake (parent report). Measures were collected at baseline and either immediately after intervention (1), at 3-month follow-up (3) or both (2).ResultsThere were no differences between groups at baseline in vegetable intake. Usual vegetable intake increased in the multiple target group from .6 to 1.2 servings/d and did not change in other groups (P = .02). Food record data were not significant but underpowered. Vegetable intake from dinner meals was not significantly different between groups.Conclusions and ImplicationsExposure to multiple vegetables simultaneously may be more effective than a single vegetable to increase young children's intake. Larger scale research is recommended to confirm the effectiveness of offering variety in exposure and to enhance the understanding of the mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

Aim: To evaluate the use of food experience, multimedia and role models for promoting fruit and vegetable consumption in kindergarten children. Methods: A quasi-experimental study was conducted. A Bangkok public primary school was randomly selected and one of the kindergarten levels was purposively chosen. Program implementation consisted of 11 activities over an eight-week period from July to September, 2003. Data on demographic variables, and types and amounts of fruit and vegetables consumed and frequency of fruit and vegetables served were collected before and after the intervention. Program evaluation consisted of an analysis of the pre- and post-test data. Results: After the intervention, fruit and vegetable eating behaviour scores (median ± interquartile range) revealed significant changes from 3 ± 8 to 7 ± 8 for vegetables and 6 ± 8 to 9 ± 8 for fruit (P-value < 0.001); the different types of consumed vegetables were increased from two to four (P-value ≤ 0.001); and the fruit and vegetable intake was significantly increased from 53 g to 77 g and from 11 g to 23 g respectively (P-value < 0.005). Conclusions: Results of this pilot study were effective in increasing fruit and vegetable consumption in the kindergarten, however, longer-term evaluation and assessment of the impact on the home environment are required. The inclusion of nutrition education and instruction on healthy eating habits in the course curriculum combined with social support from teachers and families may improve and sustain fruit and vegetable eating behaviours.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo increase fruit and vegetable (FV) consumption of youth in Body Quest: Food of the Warrior (BQ), a childhood obesity prevention program.DesignQuasi-experimental.SettingSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program–Education eligible schools (n = 60).ParticipantsThird-grade students (n = 2,477).InterventionTreatment groups (n = 1,674) self-reported foods consumed through the School Lunch Program for 17 weekly assessments; they participated in BQ curriculum, iPad app education, and weekly FV tastings. Control groups (n = 803) completed only pre- and post-assessments.Main Outcome MeasureWeekly FV consumed through School Lunch Program.AnalysisANCOVA and growth modeling.ResultsFrom before to after the program, the treatment group demonstrated significant, moderate increases in fruit (P < .01) and vegetable (P < .001) consumptions, increasing from 7 to 8 weekly FV servings. After the program, the treatment group consumed significantly (P < .001) more FV than the control group. Fruit and vegetable consumption increased to class 10 and then stabilized. From before to after the program, all FV predictors were significantly higher and included gender (vegetables), race (FV), and free/reduced lunch (fruit).Conclusions and ImplicationsNutrition programs can increase FV intake. Even moderate increases in FV intake can be an initial step for the prevention of chronic disease.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo test whether adding herbs and spices to school lunch vegetables increases selection and intake compared with lightly salted control versions among rural adolescents.DesignThis study compared intake of vegetables with herbs and spices with lightly salted controls (phase I) and tested whether 5 repeated exposures would increase students’ intake of herb and spice seasoned vegetables (phase II).Participants and SettingA total of 600–700 students at a rural middle/high school (age 11–18 years).InterventionIn phase I, herbs and spices were added to 8 vegetables and outcomes were compared with 8 control recipes. In phase II, the impact of repeated exposure to herb and spice blends served on different vegetables was assessed.Main OutcomesVegetable selection rates, weighed intake, and willingness to eat again.AnalysisTwo-way ANOVAs tested effects of condition (herbs and spices vs control; before vs after exposure) and age (middle vs high school) on selection and intake.ResultsIn phase I, students ate more control than seasoned broccoli (P = .01), cauliflower (P = .006), and green beans (P = .01), and high schoolers generally consumed more seasoned vegetables than did middle schoolers (P < .03). In phase II, repeated exposure to herbs and spices increased reported willingness to eat again for seasoned broccoli (P = .003).Conclusions and ImplicationsIn a short-term intervention, herbs and spices did not produce robust increases in school lunch vegetable intake among rural adolescents, but limited repeat exposure may increase students’ willingness to consume these flavors. Additional work is needed to identify individual and school-level characteristics that affect students’ willingness to select and consume vegetables with herbs and spices.  相似文献   

Research supports the importance of adequate fruit and vegetable intake during childhood. The current study examines relationships between physical activity, sedentary behavior, sleep, food insecurity, and fruit and vegetable intake in a sample of low-income, elementary-aged children. 148 participants were recruited from several agencies serving low-income families in a large midwestern metropolitan area. A measurement model was specified to ensure good fit between the data and predictive model. A structural model was run and several significant findings emerged. Food insecurity significantly predicted vegetable intake (latent regression coefficient = ?0.18, p < 0.05), such that children with higher food insecurity consumed fewer servings of vegetables. Physical activity also significantly predicted fruit intake (latent regression coefficient = 0.32, p < 0.01) and vegetable intake (latent regression coefficient = 0.26, p < 0.01), such that children who were more physically active consumed more servings of fruits and vegetables. Data indicate that children with high food insecurity consumed fewer vegetables, and that physical activity is significantly related to fruit and vegetable intake. Possible implications for public policy are discussed.  相似文献   

目的 了解贵州省黔东南地区少数民族居民代谢相关脂肪性肝病(metabolism - associated fatty liver disease, MAFLD)患病现状及与饮食因素间的关系。方法 通过现场调查方式对贵州省黔东南地区 30~79 岁的10 810名苗族侗族人群进行问卷调查和体格检查,二元logistic回归分析该地区MAFLD的饮食影响因素。结果 当地人群MAFLD患病率为14.93%。腊肉摄入频率达到每月均吃(OR = 1.28,95%CI:1.02~1.61)以及腌制蔬菜(OR = 1.39,95%CI:1.11~1.73)和油茶(OR = 1.35,95%CI:1.16~1.57)的摄入频率>2次/月时均可能会增加MAFLD的患病风险,而食用白酸汤(OR = 0.76,95%CI:0.64~0.90)和蕨菜(OR = 0.80,95%CI:0.65~0.99)的摄入频率>2次/月则均会降低MAFLD患病风险。结论 过量频率的腊肉、腌制蔬菜以及油茶摄入可能会增加苗族侗族人群MAFLD的患病风险,而摄入适量的蕨菜、白酸汤则可能对该病有益。  相似文献   

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