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Objective : The purposes of the study were to assess exclusive breastfeeding practice and examine the factors effect on nutritional status of children from 0 to 24 months age.Method : Data from a national survey entitled “Surveillance on Breastfeeding and Weaning Situation and Child and Maternal Health in Bangladesh were used to investigate the exclusive breastfeeding practice and to examine the factors having influence on child nutrition. Information was collected from mothers of 2781 children between 0 and 24 months of age.Results : It was that 16% of women still exclusively breastfed their children for less than 6 months. Of the children 38.1% were stunted and 38% were under weight for their age. Overall, 46% of children were suffering from diseases. Bivariate analysis showed that maternal education and family income were important correlates of exclusive breastfeeding (Chi-square p<0.001). Exclusively breastfed children were nutritionally better off (p<0.001). Logistic regression analysis showed that the children of illiterate women were nutritionally more vulnerable than children of women who had secondary and higher education (OR=1.69, 95% Cl=1.33–2.15). The children of older age women were less likely to be stunted than children of younger age women (OR=0.78, 95% CI=0.64–0.96).Conclusion : Despite efforts of different government agencies and NGOs, exclusive breastfeeding rate was still low in Bangladesh. Traditional cultural barriers still exist. In order to remove the harmful cultural beliefs and to spread the messages of the benefit of exclusive breastfeeding for survival and nutritional status of the children more behaviour change communication should be made to promote, protect and support breastfeeding.  相似文献   

AIM: In rural Gambia, birth season predicts infection-related adult mortality. Seasonal factors in early life may programme the immune system, possibly via an effect on thymic development. This study tested whether thymus size in rural Gambian infants is affected by birth season, defined as January-June (harvest, few infections) versus July-December (hungry, high infectious load). METHODS: Thymic volume (thymic index) was assessed sonographically at 1, 8, 24 and 52 wk in 138 singleton infants born over 14 consecutive months. Growth and morbidity were regularly assessed. RESULTS: Mean thymic index increased from 19.9 at 1 wk to 30.9 at 8 wk and 35.7 at 24 wk, then fell to 32.0 at 52 wk. Thymic index was associated with each preceding thymic index up to 24 wk. This tracking persisted after correcting for infant weight and month of measurement (p < 0.01). Thymic index at 1 wk was marginally but non-significantly lower in hungry season births (p = 0.06). Thymic index was lower in hungry season measurements; this effect persisted after adjusting for current weight and infection markers, and was strongest at 8 wk (p = 0.001). CONCLUSION: These results describe a pattern of thymic growth followed by diminution in size. An infant's thymic index tracks despite changes in body weight and season. Thymic index was lower in the hungry season. This appears not to be explained by infection or nutritional status. A possible influence of trophic factors in breast milk merits investigation.  相似文献   

Adequate maternal iodine intake is essential during pregnancy for the development of the foetus. To assess the extent of iodine insufficiency and its association with household iodized salt in rural Bangladesh, we measured urinary iodine and household salt iodine content among pregnant women in early (≤16 weeks, n = 1376) and late (≥32 weeks, n = 1114) pregnancy. Salt (~20 g) and a spot urine sample (~10 mL) were collected from women participating in a randomized, placebo‐controlled trial of vitamin A or beta‐carotene supplementation in rural northwestern Bangladesh during home visits in early and late pregnancy. Salt iodine was analyzed by iodometric titration, and urinary iodine by the Ohashi method. Almost all salt samples had some detectable iodine, but over 75% contained <15 ppm. Median (interquartile range) urinary iodine concentrations were 66 (34–133) and 55 (28–110) µg L?1 in early and late pregnancy, respectively; urinary iodine <150 µg L?1 was found in ~80% of women at both times in pregnancy. Although the risk of iodine insufficiency declined with increasing iodine content of household salt (P for trend <0.05), median urinary iodine did not reach 150 µg L?1 until iodine in household salt was at least 32 ppm and 51 ppm during early and late pregnancy, respectively. Despite a national policy on universal salt iodization, salt iodine content remains insufficient to maintain adequate maternal iodine status throughout pregnancy in rural northern Bangladesh. Alternative measures like direct iodine supplementation during pregnancy could be considered to assure adequate iodine status during this high‐risk period of life.  相似文献   



An idiopathic asymmetry in posture of the head is recognized as a risk factor to develop a deformational plagiocephaly (DP). In our neonatal follow-up clinic, an IA is often observed in infants born preterm at term-equivalent age (TEA).


To explore (1) the prevalence of an idiopathic asymmetry in 192 infants (gestational age ≤ 32.0 weeks) at TEA and 6 months corrected age (CA), (2) whether demographical, perinatal, and medical factors were predictors of the asymmetry, and (3) differences in motor maturation between infants with and without asymmetry.


In a retrospective study, frequencies of idiopathic asymmetry and DP, putative predictors, and Alberta Infant Motor Scale scores at 6 months CA were abstracted and analyzed with Chi2, Mann–Whitney, logistic regression and T-test.


The prevalence rate of a positional preference of the head at TEA was 44.8% (n = 86), 10.4% (20/192) had a DP at TEA and 13% (25/192) at 6 months CA. Positional preference, multiple birth and male gender predicted the presence of DP (p < .05, odds ratio 3.0, 3.2, and 3.1 respectively). Gross motor maturity at 6 months CA was less developed in infants with a positional preference at TEA compared to preterm norms (p = 0.01).


The high prevalence of a positional preference in infants born preterm at term equivalent age requires extra alertness to prevent the development of a deformational plagiocephaly, especially in boys and twins. Although, considering the lower prevalence of plagiocephaly at 6 months CA, therapists should be aware of over treating these infants.  相似文献   

Aim: To construct distribution curves for birth weight, length and head circumference using a large sample of infants born at low (150 m) and high (3000–4400 m) altitude.
Methods: Cross-sectional analysis of a perinatal database. All live singleton deliveries from public hospitals during 2001–2006 (gestational age from 26 to 42 weeks) with no history of perinatal deaths or smoking and no current obstetric complications (n = 63 620) were included. Fractional polynomial regression models were used to smooth curves for each gestational age.
Results: Mean and median birth weight differences between those born at low and high altitudes reached statistical significance after 35 and 33 weeks, respectively. Values of the 10th percentile were higher at low altitude from 36 weeks, whereas values at the 90th percentile were different from 34 weeks. In the Peruvian growth curves, birth weight was greater at each gestational age than in the curves derived by Lubchenco.
Conclusion: Altitude affects growth patterns; these growth standards will provide useful references for the care of the newborn in highland populations. In addition, the data have implications for the antepartum management of pregnant patients undergoing sonographic evaluation of fetal weight in whom new definitions of what represents small or large for gestational age in utero can result in differences in time or mode of delivery.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe the heterogeneity in body proportions of infants born small for gestational age (SGA), defined by birthweight, and to study the relationship of placental size with neonatal anthropometric measurements. Anthropometry was evaluated in 107 symmetrically and asymmetrically growth-retarded infants born SGA (birthweight <-2 SD) and compared with 181 appropriate-for-gestational age infants (AGA; birthweight and length +/- 2 SD). Study children were born at Kaunas University Hospital during the period from 1 January 1998 to 25 August 2000. Two-thirds of SGA children were light (SGA(W)) and one-third was both light and short (SGA(WL)) for gestational age. Infants in both SGA groups were significantly leaner than AGA children. SGA(WL) infants had significantly larger heads in relation to their length compared with SGA(W) and even AGA children, probably indicating a brain-sparing effect. SGA(WL) children had the lowest mean placental weight, but the highest placental weight to birthweight (PW/BW) ratio. The PW/BW ratio was inversely correlated with most infant measurements; the strongest negative relationship was observed with birthlength and lower leg length. CONCLUSION: There is heterogeneity in children born SGA, defined by birthweight. It is suggested that the two SGA groups represent the continuum of intrauterine growth retardation, with an initial reduction in trophic growth and a subsequent retardation of linear growth. The PW/BW ratio is a strong indicator for impaired prenatal linear growth.  相似文献   

The relationship between women's empowerment and women's nutrition is understudied. We aimed to elucidate this relationship by quantifying possible pathways between empowerment and dietary diversity among women in rural Bangladesh. In 2015, we conducted a cross‐sectional survey of 2,599 married women ages 15–40 (median: 25) living in 96 settlements of Habiganj District, Bangladesh, as a baseline for the Food and Agricultural Approaches to Reducing Malnutrition trial. We collected data on women's empowerment (highest completed grade of schooling and agency), dietary diversity, and demographic factors, including household wealth. We used exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis on random split‐half samples, followed by structural equation modelling, to test pathways from schooling, through domains of women's agency, to dietary diversity. Factor analysis revealed 3 latent domains of women's agency: social solidarity, decision‐making, and voice with husband. In the adjusted mediation model, having any postprimary schooling was positively associated with voice with husband (β41 = .051, p = .010), which was positively associated with dietary diversity (β54 = .39, p = .002). Schooling also had a direct positive association with women's dietary diversity (β51 = .22, p < .001). Neither women's social solidarity nor decision‐making mediated the relationship between schooling and dietary diversity. The link between schooling and dietary diversity was direct and indirect, through women's voice with husband but not through women's social solidarity or decision‐making. In this population, women with postprimary schooling seem to be better able to negotiate improved diets for themselves.  相似文献   

Socioeconomic inequalities in child undernutrition remain one of the main challenges in Bangladesh. The social determinants of health are mostly responsible for such inequalities across different population groups. However, no study has examined the relative contribution of different social determinants to the socioeconomic inequality in child undernutrition in Bangladesh. Our objective is to measure the extent of socioeconomic‐related inequalities in childhood stunting and identify the key social determinants that potentially explain these inequalities in Bangladesh. We used data for children younger than 5 years of age for this analysis from 2 rounds of Bangladesh Demographic and Health Surveys conducted in 2004 and 2014. We examined the socioeconomic inequality in stunting using the concentration curve and concentration index. We then decomposed the concentration index into the contributions of individual social determinants. We found significant inequality in stunting prevalence. The negative concentration index of stunting indicated that stunting was more concentrated among the poor than among the well‐off. Our results suggest that inequalities in stunting increased between 2004 and 2014. Household economic status, maternal and paternal education, health‐seeking behavior of the mothers, sanitation, fertility, and maternal stature were the major contributors to the disparity in stunting prevalence in Bangladesh. Equity is a critical component of sustainable development goals. Health policymakers should work together across sectors and develop strategies for effective intersectoral actions to adequately address the social determinants of equity and reduce inequalities in stunting and other health outcomes.  相似文献   

In rural Bangladesh, intake of nutrient-rich foods, such as animal source foods (ASFs), is generally suboptimal. Diets low in nutrients and lacking in diversity put women of reproductive age (WRA) at risk of malnutrition as well as adverse birth outcomes. The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between maternal dietary diversity, consumption of specific food groups and markers of nutritional status, including underweight [body mass index (BMI) < 18.5 kg/m2], overweight (BMI ≥ 23 kg/m2) and anaemia (haemoglobin < 120 g/dl) among WRA in Bangladesh. This analysis used data from the third round of a longitudinal observational study, collected from February through May of 2017. Dietary data were collected with a questionnaire, and Women's Dietary Diversity Score (WDDS) was calculated. Associations between WDDS, food group consumption and markers of nutritional status were assessed with separate adjusted logistic regression models. Among WRA, the prevalence of underweight, overweight and anaemia was 13.38%, 40.94% and 39.99%, respectively. Women who consumed dark green leafy vegetables (DGLV) or eggs were less likely to be anaemic or underweight, respectively, and women who consumed ASFs, particularly fish, were less likely to be underweight compared with women who did not consume these foods. WDDS did not show any consistent relationship with WRA outcomes. Interventions that focus on promoting optimal nutritional status among WRA in Bangladesh should emphasise increasing consumption of specific nutrient-rich foods, including ASFs, DGLV and eggs, rather than solely focusing on improving diet diversity in general.  相似文献   

Mean birth weights and percentile charts are given for 161 singleton infants born between 24 and 30 weeks' gestation at the 2nd School of Medicine of Naples. This chart is the first for a Mediterranean population. Our data are similar to those reported from a United Kingdom population and from Japan, suggesting that ethnic differences in birth weight at this gestational age are unimportant.  相似文献   

At 2-weekly intervals from age 4–14 weeks, the possible effects on plasma copper concentration of gestation, multiple birth, fractional weight change from birth (W/BW) and, up to 10 weeks, average daily total copper intake from birth were explored in 43 preterm infants of very low birth weight. There was no significant association between the logarithm of the plasma copper concentration (ln Cu) and multiple birth at any time and no significant association between lnCu and gestation was found from 4–12 weeks. From age 4–10 weeks, there was a significant negative correlation between lnCu and W/BW and at 4, 6 and 10 weeks there was also a significant negative correlation between lnCu and copper intake. W/BW and copper intake were correlated throughout. At 14 weeks, lnCu correlated positively with gestation and negatively with W/BW but, at this age, gestation and W/BW were correlated. The maximum total variation (R2) in lnCu explained by its regression on gestation, multiple birth, W/BW and/or copper intake combined was only about 31% (at 10 weeks). The potential for copper depletion may be greater in rapidly growing infants.  相似文献   

Undernutrition may affect fecundability, but few studies have quantified this relationship. In rural Bangladesh, where newlywed couples face strong pressures to become pregnant, we assessed fecundability, estimated by time to pregnancy (TTP), and its association with preconceptional thinness among nulligravid, newlywed female adolescents. During 2001–2002, 5,516 newlywed women aged 12–19 years participated in a home‐based, 5‐weekly surveillance system for 5–6 years to enrol pregnant women into an antenatal vitamin A or β‐carotene supplementation trial. Thinness was defined as a left mid‐upper arm circumference (MUAC) ≤21.5 versus >21.5 cm. At each visit, staff obtained a monthly history of menstruation. Report of amenorrhea prompted a human chorionic gonadotropin urine test to confirm pregnancy. We derived hazard ratios (with 95% confidence intervals [CI]) for pregnancy and Kaplan–Meier curves for TTP. Ages of women at marriage and pregnancy detection (mean ± standard deviation) were 15.3 ± 1.9 and 17.0 ± 1.9 years, respectively. A total of 82.7% of thinner and 87.3% of better nourished women became pregnant. The unadjusted and multivariable relative hazard of ever becoming pregnant was 0.84 (95% CI [0.78, 0.89]) and 0.86 (95% CI [0.81, 0.92]), respectively, and TTP was 12 weeks longer (median [95% CI]: 63 [58–68] vs. 51 [49–54]) in women whose MUAC was ≤21.5 versus >21.5 cm. In rural Bangladesh, thin adolescent newlywed girls have a lower probability of becoming pregnant and experience a longer time to pregnancy.  相似文献   

Aim:  This study tested the hypothesis that, within a few hours of delivery, cardiorespiratory measure taken during feeding provides markers of group differences related to birth weight. A secondary hypothesis was that high-frequency heart period variability would be related to underlying differences in autonomic control associated with birth weight.
Methods and Subjects:  One hundred four term infants in the lowest, middle, and highest birth weight quintiles were enrolled. Exclusion criteria were evidence of drug abuse, congenital anomalies, Apgar scores less than 7 or admission to the neonatal intensive care unit. Within 96 h of delivery, heart and respiratory rates, blood pressures and heart period variability were measured before, during and after feeding.
Results:  Term babies in the lowest quintile of birth weights have lower heart rates prior to feeding but greater increases in heart rate during the early postprandial period. Assessments of high-frequency heart period variability suggest that small term infants have greater parasympathetic tone before feeding and more sustained parasympathetic withdrawal following feeding.
Conclusion:  Measurements of cardiorespiratory functions before and after feeding are related to birth weight and may provide markers that can help identify the most vulnerable of infants with small size at birth.  相似文献   

In many developing countries including Egypt, the birth weights (BWs) of most babies go unrecorded because they are born at home. Since it is difficult to record BW in the community setting, birth arm circumference (BAC) has been used as a valid proxy for BW to identify at risk babies with low birth weight (LBW). However, the validity of BAC as an indicator of the actual BW has not been assessed fully. We did this study among neonates in rural Bilbeis, Egypt, to examine the association between BW and BAC, to assess whether BAC can serve as an indicator of the actual BW, and to determine the validity indices of 3 different cut-off levels of BAC as indicators of LBW. During 1987–88, the weights and arm circumference of 148 neonates were recorded within 2 weeks of birth. We observed a strong and highly significant positive linear correlation between BW and BAC (r=0.6188, p=0.0001). The BAC cut-off value of <9.5 cm was associated with the optimal combination of sensitivity (50%) and specificity (88.4%) as an indicator of LBW. In linear regression analysis BAC was found to be a significant (p=0.00001) predictor of BW. The means of the model predicted weights for males, females, and both genders together were identical to the corresponding means of the observed values. In contingency table analysis, for 78 (52.7%) of the 148 neonates studied the observed and predicted BW categories were identical. For another 59 (39.9%) neonates, agreement with the next lower or higher BW category was observed. We feel that BAC can be used as an indicator of the actual BW in settings where routine recording of BW is currently not practicable.  相似文献   

目的 描述1996至2010年北京市新生儿出生体重变化趋势,并分析其影响因素。方法 采用病例回顾分析方法,选取北京妇产医院和北京市海淀区妇幼保健院1996、1997、1998、1999、2000、2005、2010出生的活产新生儿63 661例,描述1996至2010年低出生体重发生率变化趋势。以2010年北京妇产医院出生的活产新生儿11 006例为研究对象分析出生体重的影响因素。结果 1996至2010年,北京市新生儿出生体重变化趋势表现为2000年以前快速递增,2000年以后缓慢递减,2010年新生儿出生体重均值为3 331 g,高于2005年全国九城市儿童体格发育调查城市出生体重水平。多元回归分析显示,新生儿出生体重与产妇年龄、文化程度、孕前BMI、孕期增重、胎数、孕次、产次、早产、羊水量、新生儿性别、妊娠糖尿病和妊娠高血压均有相关性。结论 北京市新生儿出生体重变化趋势表现为2000年前快速递增,2000年后缓慢递减。应加强孕前保持正常BMI范围、控制孕期增重、避免早产、预防妊娠糖尿病和妊娠高血压的科普宣传教育。  相似文献   

AIM: The study aimed at assessing clinical and nutritional features and socioeconomic characteristics of the first birth-order children (1-48 months) of adolescent mothers. METHODS: Five hundred and thirty-nine first birth-order children of both sexes, aged 1-48 month(s) were studied. All study children had adolescent mothers aged < or =19 years (when attending hospital), who attended (as a patient) the Dhaka hospital of ICDDR, B during 2000-2005. A similar group of children (n = 540) of mothers aged 25-29 years (when attending hospital) constituted the comparison group. RESULTS: Malnutrition indicated by underweight [OR 2.3, 95% CI 1.7-3.1, p < 0.001], stunting [OR 2.1, 95% CI 1.5-2.8, p < 0.001], wasting [OR 1.8, 95% CI 1.3-2.7, p = 0.001], infancy (<12 months old) [OR 2.8, 95% CI 2.1-3.9, p < 0.001], duration of hospitalization (> or =48 h) [OR 1.6, 95% CI 1.2-2.2, p = 0.001], DPT immunization [OR 1.8, 95% CI 1.3-2.5, p = 0.001] and maternal illiteracy (no formal schooling) [OR 1.5, 95% CI 1.1-2.0, p = 0.007] were significantly associated with children of adolescent mothers, after adjusting for co-variates in the logistic regression analysis. Similar results were also observed when different indices of malnutrition (stunting, underweight or wasting) were added separately to the different models. CONCLUSION: Children of adolescent mothers are likely to be more malnourished, have lesser opportunities for DPT immunization and have longer duration of hospitalization. Adolescent mothers were also more likely to be illiterate. Therefore, the development of preventive and therapeutic strategies will be required to reduce morbidity and improve the health and nutrition status of both children and their adolescent mothers.  相似文献   

Aim: To estimate the prevalence of infant anaemia and its association with iron deficiency, growth, infection and other micronutrient deficiencies. Methods: Using data from MINIMat, a randomized maternal food and micronutrient supplementation trial, we assessed the associations between anaemia (haemoglobin < 105 g/L) in 580 infants at 6 months and deficiencies of iron, vitamin A, vitamin B12, zinc and folate, infection and anthropometric indices. Variables associated with anaemia in bivariate analyses were evaluated in logistic regression models, adjusting for potential confounders. Results: Anaemia was found in 46% of the infants, and among these, 28% had iron deficiency (plasma ferritin <9 μg/L). Elevated C‐reactive protein (>10mg/L) (OR = 2.7, 95% CI: 1.6, 4.7), low birthweight (OR = 2.3, 95% CI: 1.5, 3.5) and iron deficiency (OR = 2.2, 95% CI: 1.4, 3.6) were independently associated with increased risk for anaemia. We also observed a seasonal variation in anaemia not mediated through the other factors studied. Conclusion: In a cohort in rural Bangladesh, anaemia at age 6 months was common and associated with infection, low birthweight and iron deficiency.  相似文献   

Objective To study the role of serum prealbumin in nutritional treatment of low birth weight premature infants of parenteral nutrition.Methods A total of 61 eases of low birth weight premature infants were divided into two groups: partial parenteral nutrition group(PPN group) and total parenteral nutrition group (TPN group). We detected the levels of serum prealbumin and albumin at the age of 20 hours and 7 days after birth of all infants respectively, at the same time,we observed the infants with body weight change and total caloric intake. Results Before the application of parenteral nutrition,the serum levels of prealbumin were(88.0 ± 9.1)mg/l in PPN group and (87.0± 8.7)mg/l in TPN group, and there were no significant difference between two groups(P > 0.05). Prealbumin levels of PPN group at the 7th day after birth were significantly higher than those of TPN group, which were (128.0 ± 10.8)mg/l in PPN group and (106.0 ± 10.9)mg/l in TPN group(t = 2.67, P < 0.05), and the serum levels of albumin between two groups were not significantly different.The body weight of PPN group was (1832 ± 185)g,close to or regain birth weight,and the body weight of TPN group was significantly lower than birth weight (t = 8.27, P < 0.01).The caloric intake of PPN group was significantly higher than that of TPN group (t = 2.81, P < 0.05) . Conclusion Prealbumin can better reflect the recent nutritional level than the albumin,and can act as the sensitive indicator for monitoring nutritional status of protein.  相似文献   

Aim: The study aimed at determining whether there is an association between paternal smoking and nutritional status of children aged 0–59 months. Furthermore, the study looked at the presence of any nutritional differentials within different socio‐economic groups. Methods: Secondary analysis of data on children aged 0–59 months enrolled in the Hospital Surveillance System of International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Dhaka Hospital, Bangladesh, during 1996–2006. Results: Among 13,555 under‐five children, fathers of 49% were smokers. In multivariate logistic regression models adjusting for potential confounders, fathers’ smoking was significantly associated with increased risk of moderate underweight (OR 1.16, 95% CI 1.08–1.25), severe underweight (OR 1.15, 95% CI 1.06–1.26), moderate stunting (OR 1.15, 95% CI 1.06–1.23) and severe stunting (OR 1.13, 95% CI 1.03–1.25). In middle and lower socio‐economic strata, risk of moderate and severe child malnutrition was found to be significantly increased in the group where the father was a smoker. Conclusion: Results indicate that there is an association between fathers’ smoking and malnutrition of under‐five children particularly in lower socio‐economic group. A possible mechanism – if this association is causal – may be through a negative effect on family economy.  相似文献   

Objective To study the role of serum prealbumin in nutritional treatment of low birth weight premature infants of parenteral nutrition.Methods A total of 61 eases of low birth weight premature infants were divided into two groups: partial parenteral nutrition group(PPN group) and total parenteral nutrition group (TPN group). We detected the levels of serum prealbumin and albumin at the age of 20 hours and 7 days after birth of all infants respectively, at the same time,we observed the infants with body weight change and total caloric intake. Results Before the application of parenteral nutrition,the serum levels of prealbumin were(88.0 ± 9.1)mg/l in PPN group and (87.0± 8.7)mg/l in TPN group, and there were no significant difference between two groups(P > 0.05). Prealbumin levels of PPN group at the 7th day after birth were significantly higher than those of TPN group, which were (128.0 ± 10.8)mg/l in PPN group and (106.0 ± 10.9)mg/l in TPN group(t = 2.67, P < 0.05), and the serum levels of albumin between two groups were not significantly different.The body weight of PPN group was (1832 ± 185)g,close to or regain birth weight,and the body weight of TPN group was significantly lower than birth weight (t = 8.27, P < 0.01).The caloric intake of PPN group was significantly higher than that of TPN group (t = 2.81, P < 0.05) . Conclusion Prealbumin can better reflect the recent nutritional level than the albumin,and can act as the sensitive indicator for monitoring nutritional status of protein.  相似文献   

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