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选用12只1~2kg重的来杭鸡,于颈部迷走神经干内注射CB-HRP,TMB法成色。结果见被标记的传入纤维主要分布于孤束和孤束核;在迷背核、孤束核和第四脑室膜三者之间分布有大量的标记终末和迷背核神经元树突;对侧孤束和孤束核中的标记范围与注射侧的相似,但较疏淡。此外,在三叉神经脊束、楔外侧核及第1、2颈髓的背索和背索核中发现有明显的标记终末;在迷背核中也有少量传入标记。  相似文献   

目的 研究鸡舌咽神经传出神经元在脑干的分布。方法 选用13只健康来抗鸡,分离暴露舌咽神经干,在岩神经节处注射4ulCB-HRP,动物存活约35h,灌注固定,取延髓作冰冻连续切片,TMB法呈色,光镜下观察。结果 舌咽神经传出神经元主要位于舌咽神经背运动核,部分位于迷走神经背运动核的前端和面神经腹侧核。结论 鸡舌咽神经背运动核和迷走神经背运动核有相互重叠的现象,其位置与哺乳类的明显不同。  相似文献   

沿迷走神经传入的心脏感觉纤维在豚鼠左心房的分布   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的:为了确定沿迷走神经传入的心脏感觉纤维在左心房的分布情况,将CT-HRP注入豚鼠迷走神经下神经节,顺行标记沿迷走神经传入的心脏感觉纤维在豚鼠左心房的分布。结果,在左心房壁内观察到了大量的HRP阳性的顺行标记神经纤维和终末样分支,对这一发现与以前用同样方法研究沿交感神经传入的心脏感觉纤维进行了比较,并对这些纤维的意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

大鼠胸腺传入纤维在中枢内的跨节投射——CB-HRP法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文将CB-HRP注入大鼠胸腺,研究了标记细胞在感觉神经节的分布及初级感觉终末在脊髓、脑干中的投射。结果表明:1.在双侧迷走神经结状节中有标记细胞;2.在C_1-T_5段双侧脊神经节中有标记细胞,推测这些标记细胞可能随交感神经传入,其中C_3-C_4段的投射可能随膈神经传入;3.脊髓中的标记终末,见于C_1-C_8节段,主要分布在Ⅰ层内;4.脑干中的标记终末,主要见于双侧孤束核的全长及连合核中。在疑核标记的节前神经元附近有的也可见终末分布,提示胸腺的一级传入与传出神经元间可能存在直接联系。  相似文献   

三叉神经脊束间质核是位于三叉神经脊束内的一些灰质团块,三叉神经的一睦分支和舌咽,迷走神经均有初级传入纤维投射于此核,为了更确切地认识这些传入投射在此核内的分布范围及其相互关系,本文在光学显微镜下详细观察了Nissl染色和未染色的透明大鼠脑切片,利用计算机图像分析技术首先重塑此核的立体构形,继之又重塑了经HRP跨节追踪方法显示的三叉神经分支的舌神经,眶下神经以及舌咽,迷走神经初级传入终末向此核内投射  相似文献   

章惠英  吴晋宝 《解剖学杂志》1992,15(4):259-262,T026
本文应用HRP逆行追踪技术,研究了蒙古种沙土鼠背海马传入纤维的来源。将HRP引入背海马后,在下列各核区发现有HRP标记细胞:1.同侧:内嗅皮层、视前大细胞核;2.双侧(以同侧为主):内侧隔核、斜角带核、上乳头体核、下乳头丘脑束核、兰斑核、中缝核;3.对侧:背海马CA_3、CA_4区。以上结果表明:蒙古种沙土鼠背海马传入来源与大白鼠近似。本文对于背海马传入通路的功能意义进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文用HRP逆行追踪法研究了大白鼠后海马的传入纤维来源。将30—50%HRP 0.03—0.1μl注入8只大白鼠的后海马内,在注射侧内侧隔区的中线旁部,Broca氏斜角带垂直支,对侧后海马CA_3—CA_4区,双侧乳头上核、乳头丘脑束下核及中央上核内看到HRP标记细胞。这一结果为研究后海马功能提供了形态学基础。  相似文献   

研究大鼠眶皮质各区的端脑传入纤维联系。方法HRP逆行示踪法。结果将HRP泳入右侧眶皮质各区,在双侧额前皮质,扣带回,梨状区,额叶,顶叶,颞叶及部分岛叶皮质中有程度不同的标记细胞,在同侧皮质下端脑的屏状核,苍白球,斜角带核,无名质  相似文献   

将HRP分组给予家兔颈交感干、颈上神经节和部分颈部脏器,观察颈及上胸段脊神经后根节标记神经元胞体分布。结果提示颈段脊神经后根节内有内脏感觉神经元胞体,其周围突可经颈上神经节或颈交感干到达某些颈部脏器。对颈脊神经后根节与颈交感干间内脏传入纤维的可能经行途径进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

Summary In continuation of earlier studies on the innervation of the sternomastoid muscle of the rat, a detailed morphometric analysis was performed on the unmyelinated axons of the nerve, in normal rats and after extensive cervical sympathectomy.In 4 normal rats an average of 314 myelinated and 319 unmyelinated axons were present. 42 days after surgery, the 3 animals showed Horner's syndrome and a highly significant 40% loss of unmyelinated axons. We therefore suggest that 40% of the C-fibers in this nerve are postganglionic sympathetic efferents and that the remaining 60% are type IV fibers, i.e., unmyelinated afferents. Our counts also indicate that part of the Remak bundles of the Schwann cells contain only sympathetic axons, whereas others contain mixed groups of sympathetic and afferent axons. Myelinated nerve fibers were not lost due to sympathectomy.Unexpectedly, the 3 animals analyzed 7–13 days after surgery showed Horner's syndrome but only a 16% loss of unmyelinated axons, which was not even statistically significant. Morphological signs of degeneration and sprouting did not provide any clue, but a possible explanation would be that a transitory sprouting of the remaining afterent C-fibers or Schwann cells occurred.  相似文献   

舌咽神经及鼓室神经切除手术入路的应用解剖   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在100个成年颅骨和24侧尸头上对舌咽神经及鼓室神经切除术的应用解剖进行了研究,提出了乳突、鼓板下缘、茎突等骨性标志可作为手术入路的导向。鼓板下缘距鼓室底的距离为9.4±1.9mm,最小值为5.3mm。舌咽神经干在颈动脉鞘的前内侧易与颈动脉鞘分离。舌咽神经在近颈静脉孔处膨大形成下神经节,鼓室神经自下神经节的外侧发起者占42.8%,后方发起者为42.9%,前方发起者14.3%。本文还对手术入路和手术技术问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

舌咽神经阻滞入路相关结构的应用解剖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :为舌咽神经阻滞的进针入路和预防并发症的发生提供解剖学基础。方法 :观测了30侧成人头、颈部标本舌咽神经的毗邻结构。结果 :舌咽神经阻滞进针的深度 :乳突尖端与下颌角之间连线的中点至颈静脉孔的距离 ,左侧为 (2 3 .2± 0 .4)mm(17.0~ 30 .1mm) ,右侧为 (2 3.0± 0 .4)mm(16 .5~33 .3mm)。获得了舌咽神经的毗邻结构的观测结果。结论 :为舌咽神经阻滞的进针深度和预防并发症提供了解剖学依据。  相似文献   

Summary The Auerbach's plexus of the gizzard was stained in toto in adult chicken and in young and newly-hatched chicks. The plexus lies immediately beneath the serosa and extends over 55% of the surface of the organ, covering its cranial and caudal poles and the two curvatures. The areas into which the plexus does not extend (i.e., most of the ventral and the dorsal surface) are those where the muscle is covered by the laminar tendon of the gizzard. The ganglia are large, often with hundred of neurons, and have short and broad connecting strands. They are surrounded by a capsule of connective tissue. The ganglion neurons are discoidal and in the adult they measure up to 50 m in diameter, each being surrounded by a set of glial cells. A few small neurons persist in the adult; in the newlyhatched chick these are predominant, but some large neurons up to 25 m in diameter are already present. The ultrastructural features of the ganglia of the Auerbach's plexus include the abundance of axo-somatic synapses, as well as numerous axo-dendritic synapses, the presence of intraganglionic bundles of collagen fibrils and blood vessels, the abundance of glial cells. In addition to the plexus beneath the serosa, the gizzard has many small intramuscular ganglia located throughout the musculature (which is exclusively circular). These ganglia do not have a connective tissue capsule and are made of small and tightly packed neurons.  相似文献   

Electric shocks applied to the skin evoke well aimed wiping reflexes in the frogs, Discoglossus pictus and Rana esculenta. In skin-grafted animals, moreover, wipes were misdirected from those areas which gave misdirected responses to tactile stimulation. Recordings from cutaneous sensory neurons revealed that only one action potential, with varying latency, was evoked per shock in any given unit. It is concluded that the capacity for sensory localization in anurans cannot depend upon specific patterns of afferent nerve impulses.  相似文献   

Summary Cell bodies of sensory neurons of the rat's hypoglossal nerve were demonstrated by the somatopetal horseradish peroxidase (HRP) transport technique. Labelled perikarya were found within the second and third cervical spinal ganglia and in the vagal sensory ganglia.After application of HRP to the cut peripheral trunk of the hypoglossal nerve about 200 labelled cell bodies were counted in each animal. The vast majority of the axons from cervical spinal ganglion cells reach the hypoglossal nerve via the descending ramus (N. descendens hypoglossi). However, there may exist an additional pathway, probably via the cervical sympathetic trunk.Application of HRP to the medial and lateral end branches led to a labelling of much fewer spinal ganglion cells while the number of labelled vagal sensory neurons remained unchanged. Thus, it is suggested that the majority of the cervical afferents of the hypoglossal nerve originates within the extrinsic tongue musculature and the geniohyoid muscle, whereas the vagal afferents may perhaps derive exclusively from the intrinsic muscles.Histograms of the mean diameters of labelled cell bodies show a predominance of very small perikarya. This contrasts with the diameter distribution of sensory perikarya labelled after HRP application to nerves supplying other skeletal muscles. It is therefore assumed that the afferent component of the hypoglossal nerve is composed mainly of small-calibre axons.Supported by the Hartmann Müller-Stiftung, ZürichPart of this work was presented at the 74. Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft in Regensburg, March 1979  相似文献   

何小花  郑金华  李艳芳  王晓民 《解剖学研究》2007,29(2):122-124,F0003
目的观察延髓区舌咽神经根滋养动脉的来源及与神经根的毗邻关系,探讨原发性舌咽神经痛的可能病因。方法采用成人头颅标本10例20侧,在手术显微镜下对双侧滋养动脉进行解剖学观察和测量。结果舌咽神经根的滋养动脉主要由小脑下后动脉、延髓背外侧动脉和小脑下前动脉3支或2支共同组成,其中14侧来自小脑下后动脉,占70%,共52支;其次,9侧来自延髓背外侧动脉,占45%,共21支;8侧来自小脑下前动脉,占40%,共18支。舌咽神经根与以上3支滋养动脉接触或压迫的约占30%。结论部分舌咽神经痛病因可能与舌咽神经根和滋养动脉接触或压迫有关。  相似文献   

Responses of neurons in the anterior, middle, and posterior hypothalamus to electrical stimulation of the aortic nerve were studied. Two groups of neurons were distinguished in the pressor zones of the hypothalamic region. Changes in the discharges of one group of neurons preceded a fall of arterial pressure in response to stimulation of the aortic nerve. Changes in activity of the other group of neurons occurred after the fall of blood pressure. It is concluded that excitation evoked by stimulation of the aortic depressor nerves and afferent influences from the baroreceptors of the blood vessels arriving during the depressor response spread to neurons of the supraoptic, paraventricular, and ventromedial nuclei of the hypothalamus, the anterior and lateral hypothalamic field, and the supramamillary region.P. K. Anokhin Institute of Normal Physiology, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. (Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR N. A. Yudaev.) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 83, No. 6, pp. 643–646, June, 1977  相似文献   

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