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In this article, the authors explore the narrative production of stroke from the perspectives of survivors, that is, the stroke itself, not its implications for the individual poststroke. In the vast amount of literature on both sudden onset and chronic illness, the narrative construction of the onset of the illness, for the most part, has been ignored by social scientists, most notably in qualitative research. This is certainly true of stroke. Drawing on existing literature in both chronic illness and the body, the authors extend this to explore the phenomenological construction of stroke onset. Using data gathered from in-depth interviews with 111 stroke survivors postdischarge, they suggest three narrative mechanisms are used in the construct of the sudden-onset event itself: the use of typifications to construct the body during stroke, stroke as an internal communicative act, and stroke as a physical sensation and the mechanisms used to minimize bodily concerns.  相似文献   

Quality of life of stroke survivors   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Adaptation to stroke requires complex, long-term change in stroke survivors' lives. This study aimed at identifying those factors that influence quality of life (QOL) of geriatric stroke survivors 1–3 years post-discharge. The objectives were: to describe the overall quality of life of stroke survivors; to examine the relationships between sociodemographic variables, neurological variables, functional status, social support, perceived health status, depression, and overall QOL; and to determine the best predictors of QOL. Data were collected on 50 stroke survivors using a cross-sectional design and standardized questionnaires, including the Quality of Life Index, the Functional Independence Measure, the Social Support Inventory for Stroke Survivors and the Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. The overall quality of life of the study participants was low. The most important predictors of QOL were depression, marital status, quality of social support, and functional status. Depression was the strongest predictor of QOL. By employing a multi-dimensional perspective, this study confirmed that adaptation to stroke involves much more than physical function. Thus, rehabilitation programs for this group would be more effective if they are based upon a holistic approach.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular risk in survivors of stroke   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Stroke survivors are at significant risk for recurrent stroke and cardiovascular disease. Inadequately managed modifiable risk factors increase the threat of recurrent stroke, development of new comorbidities, and double the risk of premature mortality. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of modifiable cardiovascular risk factors in stroke survivors who completed a research screening evaluation for entry into exercise rehabilitation studies. The sample collected between January 2001 and June 2005 evaluated 364 community-dwelling men and women aged 34 to 88 years living in Baltimore, Maryland. METHODS: Each participant's risk profile was evaluated from data obtained during a medical history and physical examination and from laboratory analysis of a fasting blood sample. Current practice guidelines were used to define risk categories. RESULTS: Ninety-nine percent of participants had at least one suboptimally controlled risk factor. Ninety-one percent had two or more concurrent risk factors inadequately treated. Eighty percent of the participants had prehypertension or hypertension, 67% were overweight or obese, 60% had suboptimal low-density lipoprotein, 45% had impaired fasting glucose, 34% had low high-density lipoprotein, and 14% were current smokers, while reportedly receiving routine medical care. CONCLUSIONS: These findings confirm that cardiovascular risk factors remain inadequately managed in stroke survivors, increasing the chance for repeat stroke and cardiovascular event. Systematic assessment of this vulnerable population is imperative at every healthcare encounter.  相似文献   

Studies on the interaction between physiotherapists and patients during treatment sessions have found low levels of communicative participation by patients and lack of direct influence by patients on the content of their treatment. This article reports the results of 7 counseling sessions in which physiotherapists and patients with stroke and their caregivers discussed the patients' postural control and balance, which had been tested and videotaped at different stages of the rehabilitation process. The physiotherapists' discourses relating to the videotaped test performances were either brief comments on the patient's performance or critical appraisals with references to difficulties encountered during performance. Performances of the easier tasks were treated by the physiotherapists with rhetorical questions. The second type of discourse consisted of the physiotherapists directing the patients' attention to their problems, and of the patients' and caregivers' initiatives leading to conversation about the patients' problems. The patients understood the significance of the test performance for their life at home in varying ways. The results of this study showed that successful counseling calls for physiotherapists to develop dialogic communication skills to help patients in coconstructing their home exercise together with their social network.  相似文献   

Stroke tends to result in a range of disabilities which have been shown to benefit from rehabilitation, in particular physiotherapy. Patients tend to have high expectations of the extent of recovery they can achieve through physiotherapy, and subsequently view discharge from physiotherapy before they have achieved that degree of recovery as disappointing and distressing. Current literature suggest that explicit discussion between physiotherapists and patients of the anticipated extent of recovery tends to be avoided during the programme of physiotherapy treatment, making discharge from physiotherapy the point at which potentially differing expectations might be expected to be confronted. This paper explores how the process of discharge is managed and experienced by patients and physiotherapists. It draws on Craib's (1994) ideas about how disappointment is managed in modern society. A qualitative longitudinal study was conducted with 16 stroke patients and their physiotherapists. These data comprise interview and observational material. The study found that the discharge of stroke patients from physiotherapy is not a point when patients' expectations and optimism about recovery are confronted. The notion of natural recovery that was raised with patients by physiotherapists at discharge and the information physiotherapists gave about exercise post-discharge had the effect of maintaining patients' high expectations and hopes about recovery. This has implications for the process of adaptation and adjustment that the patient eventually goes through in order to accommodate their altered abilities and identity. We argue that a number of factors contribute to the denial of disappointment within this interaction and that services need to be developed in ways that enable physiotherapists to engage with the possibility of disappointment about stroke outcome with patients, thereby making a positive contribution to the process of adaptation and adjustment that stroke survivors experience following discharge.  相似文献   

Phytoestrogens are a group of plant-derived substances that are structurally or functionally similar to estradiol. There has been much interest in the potential role of phytoestrogens in cancer prevention and treatment of estrogen-deficient states. This review summarizes the evidence for phytoestrogen risks and benefits relevant to the breast cancer survivor, including prevention of a second primary breast cancer or metastatic disease, reduction in menopausal symptoms, and interactions with tamoxifen. Epidemiological data suggest a breast cancer protective role for phytoestrogens, and there is some supporting clinical data, but they are far from conclusive. In addition, there is some evidence that genistein, the most prevalent isoflavone in soy, can stimulate estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancer growth and interfere with the antitumor activity of tamoxifen at low levels. Given current knowledge, women who have ER+ tumors should not increase their phytoestrogen intake. Several studies suggest an inhibitory effect on ER- breast cancer cell growth, and it may be reasonable for women with ER- tumors to safely consume soy and possibly other phytoestrogens. However, the optimal amount and source are not clear. More research is needed to clarify the role of phytoestrogens in breast cancer prevention and in treating estrogen-deficient diseases in women who have had breast cancer.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the costs and benefits of physiotherapy for stress urinary incontinence (SUI) in Australia. METHODS: We evaluated the costs and benefits of physiotherapy for the treatment of SUI using outcome data from a prospective multicentre observational study conducted in 1999/2000. Women presenting with SUI to physiotherapists trained in continence management in 35 centres across Australia were recruited into the study. The outcomes of treatment were assessed using subjective, objective and quality-of-life measures at the conclusion of treatment and with 12-month follow-up. The number of treatments in an average episode of care was calculated and adverse events were recorded. RESULTS: Of the 274 consenting subjects, 208 completed an episode of physiotherapy care consisting of a median (IQ range) of five (4-6) visits. The estimated average costs for an episode of ambulatory physiotherapy treatment were dollar 302.40. Based on 'intention to treat' principles, 64% of women were objectively cured. There was a clinically and statistically significant improvement (p < 0.05) in all outcomes after treatment and these were maintained at one-year follow-up. No adverse events were reported. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Specialised ambulatory physiotherapy for SUI in Australia is a low-cost, low-risk and effective treatment. These results provide evidence to support international recommendations that physiotherapy should be routinely implemented as first-line treatment before consideration of surgery. This information has important economic implications for planning future health services.  相似文献   

Stroke is a leading cause of disability in developing countries. It is crucial to identify factors influencing health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in stroke survivors in this setting so that such factors can be efficiently manipulated in order to maximize HRQOL improvement. This is the first study of these determinants in Nigerian stroke patients. One hundred consecutive consenting stroke survivors were studied in Ibadan. The stroke levity scale (SLS) was used to assess stroke severity. HRQOL was assessed using the psychometrically robust HRQOL in stroke patients (HRQOLISP) questionnaire. HRQOL determinants were sought among variables such as age, gender, socio-economic class (SEC), post-stroke duration, side, type and number of strokes, SLS, modified Rankin scale (mRS), social support, and Likert-graded responses to laughter and negative feelings frequencies. Gender, aphasia, handedness, stroke side, type and frequency as well as SEC had no significant impact on HRQOL. The determinants of HRQOL were SLS, mRS, social support, laughter and negative feelings frequencies. Aside from stroke levity and disability, psychosocial factors such as emotional responses and social support determine HRQOL in stroke survivors. Both neuroscience and clinical management of stroke might benefit from a corresponding broader integrative conceptual framework for life after stroke.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the ability of students in scoring an observational tool for measuring physical disability, the Motor Assessment Scale (MAS) for stroke, before and after training in order to establish whether current training and testing procedures for students are adequate. Sixteen students were tested using items 1-8 of the MAS before and after training. The students were required to observe the videotaped performance of four patients with stroke being assessed using the MAS and to score the performance of each patient. After training, the students were retested. The percent exact agreement between students' scores and criterion scores was calculated for each student and for each item. They were then compared before and after training using Student t test. When compared with criterion, the students achieved a mean of 79.6% (standard deviation, 10.8%) exact agreement before training and 83.9% (standard deviation, 6.7%) after training. While this increase in percent exact agreement was not statistically significant (p = 0.10), all students reached at least 75% exact agreement after training. Percent exact agreement on the items increased significantly (p = 0.03) so that seven of the eight items reached at least 75% exact agreement after training. The results of this study suggest that training is important to ensure that all students reach an acceptable standard.  相似文献   

We evaluated the functional dependence of stroke survivors from the Study of Stroke Mortality and Morbidity, using the Rankin Scale. Out of 355 ischemic stroke survivors (with a mean age of 67.9 years), 40% had some functional dependence at 28 days and 34.4% had some functional dependence at 6 months. Most predictors of physical dependence were identified at 28 days. These predictors were: low levels of education [illiterate vs. > 8 years of education, multivariate odds ratio (OR) = 3.7; 95% confidence interval (95%CI): 1.60-8.54] and anatomical stroke location (total anterior circulation infarct, OR = 16.9; 95%CI: 2.93-97.49). Low levels of education and ischemic brain injury influenced functional dependence in these stroke survivors. Our findings reinforce the necessity of developing strategies for the rehabilitation of stroke patients, more especially in formulating specific strategies for care and treatment of stroke survivors with low socioeconomic status.  相似文献   

This article estimates the effects of heavy alcohol consumption on Social Security Old-Age and Survivor Insurance (OASI) contributions and benefits. The analysis accounts for differential earnings and mortality experiences of individuals with different alcohol consumption patterns and controls for other characteristics, including smoking. Relative to moderate drinkers, heavy drinkers receive fewer OASI benefits relative to their contributions. Ironically, for each cohort of 25-year-olds, eliminating heavy drinking costs the program an additional $3 billion over the cohort's lifetime. Public health campaigns are designed to improve individual health-relevant behaviors and, in the long run, increase longevity. Therefore, if programs for the elderly are structured as longevity-independent defined benefit programs, their success will reward healthier behaviors but increase these programs' outlays and worsen their financial condition.  相似文献   

The poor health status of citizens in post-Soviet states has been reported but few studies have investigated the illness experiences of people in those countries. This paper reports findings from an interview study conducted with stroke patients in Riga, Latvia, who were part of a cohort recruited over 1 year for a European study comparing the provision of care, outcomes and resource use. The interview study aimed to elicit stroke patients' own perceptions of the impact of stroke 1 year after the event. Adopting a phenomenological perspective we illustrate how the particular social setting shapes stroke as an illness, its influences on access to health care and on consideration of the impact of stroke. We argue that for stroke survivors and their relatives in post-Soviet Latvia this disorder acquires a meaning that transcends the individual biography and signifies an upheaval of social life in general. The meanings attributed to stroke by interviewees are developed in the context of the momentous recent historical events which participants lived through. In this sense, stroke has become an idiom of a disruption in social biography rather than individual biography alone. Most participants were pensioners and their main concern was their own poverty. Some complained of their inability to meet their basic needs, much less pay for on-going medication and therapy. Only one person was 'severely disabled', using a standard neurological definition, but about half of those interviewed regarded the stroke as a sign foretelling their own death. Although this generation had expected to be cared for in their older age under the Soviet regime, the much longed for Latvian independence was seen to have brought unexpected hardships for those who were old and sick.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to investigate whether the dependency of midlife stroke survivors had any long-term impact on their spouses’ QALY-weights.


Data on stroke survivors, controls, and spouses were collected from the 7-year follow-up of the Sahlgrenska Academy Study on Ischemic Stroke. Health-related quality of life was assessed by the SF-36, and the preference-based health state values were assessed with the SF-6D. Spouses of dependent and independent stroke survivors were categorized according to their scores on the modified Rankin Scale. An ordinary least squares regression analysis was used to evaluate whether the dependency of the stroke survivors had any impact on the spouses’ QALY-weights.


Cohabitant dyads of 247 stroke survivors aged <70 at stroke onset and 245 dyads of controls were included in the study. Spouses of dependent stroke survivors (n = 50) reported a significant lower mean QALY-weight of 0.69 in comparison to spouses of independent stroke survivors (n = 197) and spouses of controls, (n = 245) who both reported a mean QALY-weight of 0.77. The results from the regression analysis showed that higher age of the spouse and dependency of the stroke survivor had a negative association with the spouses’ QALY-weights.


The QALY-weights for spouses of dependent midlife stroke survivors were significantly reduced compared to spouses of independent midlife stroke survivors. This indicates that the inclusion of spouses’ QALYs in evaluations of early treatment and rehabilitation efforts to reduce stroke patients’ dependency would capture more of the total effect in dyads of stroke survivors.

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