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The role of non-complement-activating alloantibodies in humoral graft rejection is unclear. We hypothesized that the non-complement-activating alloantibodies synergistically activate complement in combination with complement-activating antibodies. B10.A hearts were transplanted into immunoglobulin knock out (Ig-KO) mice reconstituted with monoclonal antibodies to MHC class I antigens. In allografts of unreconstituted Ig-KO recipients, no C4d was detected. Similarly, reconstitution with IgG1 or low dose IgG2b alloantibodies did not induce C4d deposition. However, mice administered with a low dose of IgG2b combined with IgG1 had heavy linear deposits of C4d on vascular endothelium. C4d deposits correlated with decreased graft survival. To replicate this synergy in vitro, mononuclear cells from B10.A mice were incubated with antibodies to MHC class I antigens followed by incubation in normal mouse serum. Flow cytometry revealed that both IgG2a and IgG2b synergized with IgG1 to deposit C4d. This synergy was significantly decreased in mouse serum deficient in mannose binding lectin (MBL) and in serum deficient in C1q. Reconstitution of MBL-A/C knock out (MBL-KO) serum with C1q-knock out (C1q-KO) serum reestablished the synergistic activity. This suggests a novel role for non-complement-activating alloantibodies and MBL in humoral rejection.  相似文献   

Antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) in human heart transplantation is an immunopathologic process in which injury to the graft is in part the result of activation of complement and it is poorly responsive to conventional therapy. We evaluated by immunofluorescence (IF), 665 consecutive endomyocardial biopsies from 165 patients for deposits of immunoglobulins and complement. Diffuse IF deposits in a linear capillary pattern greater than 2+ were considered significant. Clinical evidence of graft dysfunction was correlated with complement deposits. IF 2+ or higher was positive for IgG, 66%; IgM, 12%; IgA, 0.6%; C1q, 1.8%; C4d, 9% and C3d, 10%. In 3% of patients, concomitant C4d and C3d correlated with graft dysfunction or heart failure. In these 5 patients AMR occurred 56-163 months after transplantation, and they responded well to therapy for AMR but not to treatment with steroids. Systematic evaluation of endomyocardial biopsies is not improved by the use of antibodies for immunoglobulins or C1q. Concomitant use of C4d and C3d is very useful to diagnose AMR, when correlated with clinical parameters of graft function. AMR in heart transplant patients can occur many months or years after transplant.  相似文献   

Murine heterotopic cardiac allografts were used to reveal some of the fundamental interrelationships between donor-specific alloantibodies (DSA), chronic transplant arteriopathy (CTA) and capillary C4d deposition. B10.BR recipients of B10.A hearts developed transient DSA and C4d deposition that peaked on day 7 and became undetectable at day 56 while CTA developed progressively. Male cardiac grafts in female recipients showed similar degrees of CTA at day 56 but never developed DSA or C4d deposition, indicating that T cell-mediated mechanisms are sufficient to produce CTA. Passive transfer of monoclonal IgG2a anti-H-2K(k) into B6.RAG1 KO recipients of B10.BR hearts over 14-28 days led to progressive CTA. If treatment was stopped on day 14, lesions showed little progression and had no C4d deposition or detectable DSA on day 42. If treatment was stopped on day 28 when the lesions were fully developed, no regression occurred over the next 28 days, even though C4d deposition and circulating antibody became undetectable. Therefore, a minimum threshold of antibody exposure is needed to cause CTA. Once the CTA develops, C4d may become negative after DSA disappears. Thus, serial samples are needed in clinical studies to ascertain the relevance of alloantibody to the lesions of chronic graft rejection.  相似文献   

Priming of recipients by DST induces long-term survival of mismatched allografts in adult rats. Despite these recipients developing inducible T regulatory cells able to transfer long-term graft survival to a secondary host, a state of chronic rejection is also observed. We revisited the molecular donor MHC targets of the cellular response in acute rejection and analyzed the cellular and humoral responses in recipients with long-term graft survival following transplantation. We found three immunodominant peptides, all derived from LEW.1W RT1.Du molecules to be involved in acute rejection of grafts from unmodified LEW.1A recipients. Although the direct pathway of allorecognition was reduced in DST-treated recipients, the early CD4+ indirect pathway response to dominant peptides was almost unimpaired. We also detected early and sustained antidonor class I and II antibody subtypes with diffuse C4d deposits on graft vessels. Finally, long-term accepted grafts displayed leukocyte infiltration, endarteritis and fibrosis, which evolved toward vascular narrowing at day 100. Altogether, these data suggest that the chronic graft lesions developed in long-term graft recipients are the result of progressive humoral injury associated with a persisting indirect T helper response. These features may represent a useful model for understanding and manipulating chronic active antibody-mediated rejection in human.  相似文献   

Antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) consensus criteria are defined in kidney and heart transplantation by histological changes, circulating donor-specific antibody (DSA), and C4d deposition in affected tissue. AMR consensus criteria are not yet identified in small bowel transplantation (SBTx). We investigated those three criteria in 12 children undergoing SBTx, including one retransplantation and four combined liver-SBTx (SBTx), with a follow-up of 12 days to 2 years. All biopsies (91) were evaluated with a standardized grading scheme for acute rejection (AR), vascular lesions and C4d expression. Sera were obtained at day 0 and during the follow-up. C4d was expressed in 37% of biopsies with or without AR, but in 50% of biopsies with severe vascular lesions. In addition, vascular lesions were always associated with AR and a poor outcome. All children with AR (grade 2 or 3) observed before the third month died or lost the graft. DSA were never found in any studied sera. We found no evidence that C4d deposition was of any clinical relevance to the outcome of SBTx. However, the grading of vascular lesions may constitute a useful marker to identify AR that is potentially resistant to standard treatment, and for which an alternative therapy should be considered.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The effects of antibody-mediated rejection on long-term graft survival have not been fully investigated. The aim of this study is to clarify the influence on long-term survival of deposition of the complement split product C4d in allografts using polyclonal anti-C4d antibody. Inclusion criteria were recipients who underwent graft biopsy during acute deterioration of graft function within the first 2 yr after transplantation. Patients whose graft did not survive more than 1 yr and who received graft from an human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-identical sibling or an ABO-incompatible donor were excluded. Among the 92 recipients investigated, 22 (23.9%) had peritubular capillary C4d deposition, 15 (16.3%) had glomerular capillary C4d deposition and seven (7.6%) had both peritubular and glomerular capillary C4d deposition. Twenty of these 22 patients revealed acute cellular rejection, including borderline changes. There was no significant relationship between pathological severity of acute rejection and presence or absence of peritubular capillary C4d deposition. Graft survival was inferior in patients with peritubular capillary C4d deposition to that in patients without C4d deposition (p = 0.0419). Graft survival in patients with glomerular C4d deposition did not differ from that in patients without C4d deposition. In conclusion, C4d deposition in peritubular capillaries has a substantial impact on long-term graft survival.  相似文献   

Antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) is an immunopathologic process in which activation of complement often results in allograft injury. This study correlates C4d and C3d with HLA serology and graft function as diagnostic criteria for AMR. Immunofluorescence staining for C4d and C3d was performed on 1511 biopsies from 330 patients as part of routine diagnostic work-up of rejection. Donor-specific antibodies were detected in 95% of those with C4d+C3d+ biopsies versus 35% in the C4d+C3d– group (p = 0.002). Allograft dysfunction was present in 84% in the C4d+ C3d+ group versus 5% in the C4d+C3d− group (p < 0.0001). Combined C4d and C3d positivity had a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 99% for the pathologic diagnosis of AMR and a mortality of 37%. Since activation of complement does not always result in allograft dysfunction, we correlated the expression pattern of the complement regulators CD55 and CD59 in patients with and without complement deposition. The proportion of patients with CD55 and/or CD59 staining was highest in C4d+C3d− patients without allograft dysfunction (p = 0.03). We conclude that a panel of C4d and C3d is diagnostically more useful than C4d alone in the evaluation of AMR. CD55 and CD59 may play a protective role in patients with evidence of complement activation.  相似文献   

Capillary C4d deposition is a valuable marker of antibody-mediated rejection (AMR). In this analysis, flow cytometric detection of alloantibody-triggered C4d deposition to HLA antigen-coated microparticles ([C4d]FlowPRA) was evaluated for its value as a marker for C4d deposition in renal allografts. For comparative analysis, 105 first renal biopsies performed for graft dysfunction and an equal number of concurrent sera were subjected to immunohistochemistry and [C4d] plus standard [IgG]FlowPRA, respectively. C4d deposition/fixation was detected in 17 biopsies and, applying [C4d]FlowPRA HLA class I and II screening, also in a small number of corresponding sera (N = 20). IgG reactivity detected by standard [IgG]FlowPRA was more frequent (49% of sera). Comparing [C4d]FlowPRA screening with capillary C4d staining, we found a high level of specificity (0.92 [95% confidence interval: 0.86–0.98]), which far exceeded that calculated for [IgG]FlowPRA (0.60 [0.50–0.70]). [IgG]FlowPRA screening, however, turned out to be superior in terms of sensitivity (0.94 [0.83–1.05] vs. 0.76 [0.56–0.97] calculated for C4d-fixing panel reactivity). Remarkably, posttransplant single antigen testing for identification of complement-fixing donor-specific alloreactivities failed to improve the predictive value of FlowPRA-based serology. In conclusion, our results suggest that detection of complement-fixing HLA panel reactivity could provide a specific tool for monitoring of C4d-positive AMR.  相似文献   

The effect of de novo DSA detected at the time of acute cellular rejection (ACR) and the response of DSA levels to rejection therapy on renal allograft survival were analyzed. Kidney transplant patients with acute rejection underwent DSA testing at rejection diagnosis with DSA levels quantified using Luminex single-antigen beads. Fifty-two patients experienced acute rejection with 16 (31%) testing positive for de novo DSA. Median follow-up was 27.0 ± 17.4 months postacute rejection. Univariate analysis of factors influencing allograft survival demonstrated significance for African American race, DGF, cytotoxic PRA >20% (current) and/or >50% (peak), de novo DSA, C4d and repeat transplantation. Multivariate analysis showed only de novo DSA (6.6-fold increased allograft loss risk, p = 0.017) to be significant. Four-year allograft survival was higher with ACR (without DSA) (100%) than mixed acute rejection (ACR with DSA/C4d) (65%) or antibody-mediated rejection (35%) (p < 0.001). Patients with >50% reduction in DSA within 14 days experienced higher allograft survival (p = 0.039). De novo DSAs detected at rejection are associated with reduced allograft survival, but prompt DSA reduction was associated with improved allograft survival. DSA should be considered a potential new end point for rejection therapy.  相似文献   

C4d immunostaining in the peritubular capillaries (PTC) is a marker of antibody-mediated rejection (AMR). We evaluated the histopathologic diagnoses of 388 renal transplant biopsies since the implementation of routine C4d immunostaining at our center. Of these, 155 (40%) biopsies had evidence of acute cellular rejection (ACR), out of which 119 (77%) had pure ACR, 31 (20%) had ACR with concomitant features of AMR, and five (3%) had ACR with focal C4d staining. Sixty-four (16%) biopsies exhibited features of AMR [33 (52%) pure AMR, and 31(48%) concomitant AMR and ACR]. One hundred and fifty-five (40%) biopsies had features of interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy (IFTA). Of these, 20 (13%) had concomitant AMR [13 (8.5%) had pure AMR and seven (4.5%) had concomitant ACR and AMR]. Creatinine at the time of biopsy was higher in patients with mixed ACR and AMR and the clinical behavior of mixed lesions is more aggressive over time. Despite having a lower serum creatinine at the time of biopsy, patients with IFTA experienced gradual decline in graft function over time. The pathologic findings in renal allograft biopsies are often mixed and mixed lesions appear to have more aggressive clinical behavior. These findings suggest the need for change in the Banff classification system to better capture the complexity of renal allograft pathologies.  相似文献   

Abstract:  In order to evaluate the activation or inhibition of the later phases of classical complement cascade in renal allograft presenting with acute rejection, particularly with C4d deposition on the peritubular capillary (PTC), we observed the expression of CD59 and C5b-9 on the PTC. Subjective cases were divided into two groups, an acute rejection group, of 4 males and 6 females, and a normal donor group, of 5 males and 5 females. Renal biopsies were performed at the onset of acute rejection and at the transplant operation, before reperfusion. C4d deposition on PTC was found in three of 10 cases (30%) with biopsy proven acute rejection, whereas CD59 on PTC was positively expressed in all of the rejection cases. Although C5b-9 was not observed on PTC in the acute rejection group, it was intensively deposited on the tubular basement membrane (TBM) in five cases, including the three with positive C4d on PTC. In the normal donor group, CD59 on PTC was intensively observed, whereas C5b-9 was weakly expressed on TBM. CD59, a complement regulatory factor, works as an inhibitory factor against the formation of C5b-9, a membrane attack complex. From our data, we noted the dissociation between the depositions of C4d and C5b-9 on PTC. The substantially expressed CD59 on PTC may affect this dissociation between C4d and C5b-9 on PTC. The intensive deposition of C5b-9 on TBM in acute rejection cases may suggest an independent immunological injury attacking tubular cells.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C is the most common indication for liver transplantation. Recurrence of HCV is universal leading to graft failure in up to 40% of all patients. The differentiation between acute rejection and recurrent hepatitis C is crucial as rejection treatments are likely to aggravate HCV recurrence. Histological examination of liver biopsy remains the gold standard for diagnosis of acute rejection but has failed in the past to distinguish between acute rejection and recurrent hepatitis C. We have recently reported that C4d as a marker of the activated complement cascade is detectable in hepatic specimen in acute rejection after liver transplantation. In this study, we investigate whether C4d may serve as a specific marker for differential diagnosis in hepatitis C reinfection cases. Immunohistochemical analysis of 97 patients was performed. A total of 67.7% of patients with acute cellular rejection displayed C4d-positive staining in liver biopsy whereas 11.8% of patients with hepatitis C reinfection tested positive for C4d. In the control group, 6.9% showed C4d positivity. For the first time we were able to clearly demonstrate that humoral components, represented by C4d deposition, play a role in acute cellular rejection after LTX. Consequently C4d may be helpful to distinguish between acute rejection and reinfection after LTX for HCV.  相似文献   

While linear C4d staining in peritubular capillaries (PTC) is established as a marker of antibody‐mediated rejection, the significance of a distinct granular C4d deposition pattern has not yet been clarified. In this study, 329 renal allograft recipients who underwent indication biopsies were analysed for immunohistochemical C4d staining characteristics. Fifty‐six (17%) recipients showed granular C4d in PTC, without any relationship to conventional risk factors and morphological features of rejection. We found a strong association with long‐term overall graft survival (7‐year survival: 41% vs. 66% in granular C4d‐negative subjects, = 0.001), which was mainly driven by a greater risk of mortality [hazard ratio: 3.12 (95% confidence interval: 1.23–7.94); = 0.02]. Granular C4d was associated with delayed graft function [39% vs. 22% (C4d‐negative subjects), = 0.007], higher 1‐year serum creatinine [median 2.1 (interquartile range: 1.7–2.6) mg/dl vs. 1.6 (1.3–2.0) mg/dl, = 0.001] and a trend towards worse death‐censored graft survival (= 0.07). In support of a role of capillary immune complex formation, granular C4d was associated with electron‐dense deposits in PTC basement membranes, which were occasionally accompanied by focally distributed capillary IgG deposits. In conclusion, our study suggests clinical relevance of detecting capillary granular C4d deposition. Our results point to a pathogenetic role of alloimmune‐independent immune complex deposition.  相似文献   

Complement is a multifunctional system of receptors and regulators as well as effector molecules. Both the pathogenic and diagnostic power of complement is based on the capacity of the complement system to amplify innate and adaptive immunity. This amplification is accomplished through two strategies: (1) enzymatic reactions in the complement cascade, and (2) stimulation of leukocytes, platelets and parenchymal cells through specific receptors or receptor-independent pore formation. The mechanisms by which complement mediates and modifies nonspecific inflammation, antibody-mediated injury and T-cell responses are of particular significance to the pathogenesis of transplant rejection. Understanding the mechanisms by which complement integrates the interactions of leukocytes, platelets and parenchymal cells offers opportunities to further refine the diagnosis of rejection.  相似文献   

Background: Acute rejection constitutes a significant proportion of renal allograft loss. Peritubular capillary deposition of C4d has been recognized as the footprint of humoral alloimmunity and proven to be a sensitive and specific marker for humoral rejection in the appropriate clinical context. Its presence in indication biopsies is the most important independent risk factor for graft failure. Data are, however, scarce among Chinese subjects. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed all renal graft biopsies performed from 1 April 2002 to 31 March 2006 for unexplained acute renal dysfunction or delayed graft function. Renal outcomes were assessed at the time of renal biopsy and at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year afterwards. Survival was assessed by Kaplan–Meier analysis. Multivariate analysis was used to determine if C4d positivity is an independent risk factor for poor renal outcome. Results: Fifty‐two biopsies were included, of which 16 were positive for peritubular capillary C4d. Peritubular capillary C4d was associated with lower glomerular filtration rate and higher serum creatinine at 6 and 12 months after renal biopsies. The C4d‐positive group fares worse in terms of death‐censored graft failure, doubling of serum creatinine and reaching 50% of glomerular filtration rate at the end of the study. Peritubular capillary C4d deposition was the only significant risk factor that predicts graft failure in multivariate analysis. Conclusion: Our findings confirmed the independent prognostic value of peritubular capillary C4d staining on renal allograft survival in Chinese.  相似文献   

Severe allograft dysfunction after heart transplant (HT), without ischemia or evidence of cellular rejection upon endomyocardial biopsy (EMB), is a rare but potentially fatal condition that suggests humoral rejection (HR). Its incidence, and the methods of choice for its diagnosis and management, remain uncertain. We retrospectively studied 445 HT patients (April 1991-December 2003) to determine incidence of HR diagnosed by clinical and conventional histopathological criteria. We used immunofluorescence (IF) techniques to test archived frozen EMB issue for IgM, IgG, C1q, C3, fibrin and C4d. Twelve patients (2.7%) fulfilled the criteria for HR after a mean time post-HT of 21.3 +/- 24.7 months (range: 2-72 months). Patients were treated with high doses of steroids and plasmapheresis, with successful recovery in 11 cases. IF studies using classical markers were mainly negative for the six patients with enough EMB tissue for testing. All six patients showed positivity for C4d during the HR episode but not before or after. Humoral rejection was observed in less than 3% of HT patients. Plasmapheresis treatment was highly effective. Classical IF tests were not useful for diagnosis, but C4d appears to be useful both for confirmation of diagnosis and for monitoring response to treatment.  相似文献   

Acute humoral rejection (AHR) is currently perceived as an immunological reaction against donor antigens mediated by complement-binding antibodies. C4d, a split product of complement activation and bound to endothelial cells of the peritubular capillaries, is used as a diagnostic marker for AHR. We report on three patients with biopsy-proven acute humoral rejection who were treated initially with plasmapheresis (PS). As two of the patients did not recover renal function, and biopsy showed persistent C4d staining after PS, immunoadsorption (IAS) was additionally performed on them. In all patients, renal function recovered, and follow-up biopsies in two patients showed complete disappearance of C4d, 29 days and 58 days after transplantation and only minimal residual C4d deposits in one patient 48 days after transplantation. We conclude that successful treatment of AHR is followed by complete resolution of serological and histological markers of AHR, displayed by the disappearance of C4d.  相似文献   

The true incidence of positive C4d staining in the peritubular capillaries of biopsies with chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN) and transplant glomerulopathy (TGP) remains controversial. We retrospectively reviewed all transplant biopsies performed at Saint Louis University Hospital between June 2002 and May 2004. We examined the incidence of positive C4d staining in the peritubular capillaries of biopsy specimens with pure CAN with or without features of TGP. We identified 54 biopsies in 43 patients showing CAN. The average age was 46 ± 13 years. The average creatinine at the time of biopsy was 308 ± 211 μmol/l (3.5 ± 2.4 mg/dl). Twenty (37%) biopsies exhibited features consistent with TGP. Only two biopsies had positive C4d staining in the peritubular capillaries. The C4d positive biopsies were from two different patients; one patient had donor specific antibodies (DSA) against HLA class 1 at the time of biopsy and the other patient had no detectable DSA. None of the TGP biopsies showed peritubular C4d staining. C4d staining of the peritubular capillaries appears to be rare in patients with pure CAN with and without TGP features.  相似文献   

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