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植物药治疗前列腺增生症的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>良性前列腺增生(BPH)系指前列腺尿道细胞及周围细胞的良性肿瘤增生导致的疾病,是常见的老年男性多发病。据统计,60~69岁的老年人中重度BPH患病率可达50%~60%,而年龄范围在70~80岁的老年人患病率则高达80%以上。随着时代的发展,植物类药已逐渐成为治疗BPH的创新疗法,目前已占有了30%~50%的BPH治疗药物  相似文献   

儿童感染性疾病治疗中抗生素的使用存在很多误区及滥用现象,对儿童的身体健康造成极大的影响,滥用抗生素的原因有些是认识上或观念上的差距,而有些是受经济利益的影响,医务工作者应加强责任心及医德素养,充分考虑小儿生长发育的特点,严格掌握抗生素用要的指征,合理使用抗生素,以减少对儿童身心健康的影响,  相似文献   

目的:了解目前细菌感染性疾病的病原学种类、耐药情况,提高临床经验性治疗的用药水平。方法:用K-B法和MicroScan自动细菌鉴定系统测定各菌种的抑菌圈直径和MIC水平。结果:感染细菌占前八位的是大肠埃希菌、肺炎克雷伯菌、铜绿假单胞菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、鲍曼不动杆菌、粪肠球菌、阴沟肠杆菌和洛菲不动杆菌,GS^-杆菌以泰能最为敏感。GS^ 球菌以万古霉素和氧哌嗪青霉素/Tazo最为敏感。结论:抗生素的选择应有针对性,在治疗前需做细菌培养,经验性治疗应根据鉴定结果即时调整用药。  相似文献   

目的探讨儿科感染性疾病抗生素用药现状。方法选择笔者所在医院儿科2010年2~10月的门诊处方,回顾性分析抗生素的使用情况。根据小儿应用抗生素的种类,分为单一用药组与联合用药组,随访患者,调查临床治疗效果。结果呼吸道系统、泌尿系统和肠道感染居于儿科感染性疾病的前3位;抗生素使用率为97.80%,以头孢类、罗红霉素、青霉素等为主;使用抗生素≤3 d的112例,4~7 d的233例,≥7 d的101例;联合用药组有效率为96.59%,高于单一用药组(x2=26.679,P=0.000)。结论笔者所在医院抗生素使用率过高,应该合理应用;联合用药治疗严重感染性疾病效果好。  相似文献   

随着抗感染类药物的广泛使用,一系列的不良反应和耐药性等问题也不断产生,而中西医结合治疗感染性疾病可提高临床疗效,减少抗菌药物引起的不良反应,越来越受到临床工作者的重视。综述近几年来中西医结合模式治疗感染性疾病中的理论研究、临床研究、应用研究和实验研究等方面资料,分析其研究现状及进展。  相似文献   

目的探讨本院儿科感染性疾病抗生素使用的现状。方法选取本院儿科2009年1月~2011年12月收治的300例感染性疾病患者,通过医院电子信息系统调取病历,记录抗生素使用情况,包括使用种类频率、使用的剂量、平均使用天数、药物敏感性、使用抗生素与白细胞计数的关系以及是否联合用药。结果选取的300例患者均使用抗生素,抗生素使用率为100%。抗生素使用频率依次为头孢类、青霉素类、大环内酯类、氨基糖苷类。在构成比上。差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。抗生素二联和三联使用中35.41%出现第一类抗生素与第三类抗生素合用的现象。结论在儿科的感染性疾病的治疗中,本院使用抗生素的比例为100%,明显高于卫生部制定的《医院感染管理规范》50%的标准。  相似文献   

各类抗生素的应用无疑给临床大量的骨科感染性疾病带来福音,但如何合理、有效地应用抗菌药物却是一个不可忽视的重要问题.我们随机抽查了1997年骨科120例住院病历,其中应用抗生素的为100例,占83%.调查记录了病人姓名、性别、年龄、疾病,有否做药敏试验?抗生素的应用种类、方法、时间等项目.患者年龄最小6岁,最大84岁,男性68例,女性32例.现将骨科临床抗生素应用情况及存在问题分析讨论如下:  相似文献   

目的:探讨新生儿病房内采用单种抗生素治疗新生儿感染性疾病的可行性.方法:随机选取在广西壮族自治区妇幼保健院住院的新生儿115例,对入选病例均采用单种抗生素治疗,对所有病例均行无菌操作.结果:115例患儿经单种抗生素规律治疗后,除2例新生儿脐膨出术后感染外,其他疾病的血白细胞计数和C反应蛋白均发生明显变化,经统计学分析有显著差异(P<0.05,P<0.01);68例新生儿肺炎经1周治疗后,63例新生儿肺部炎症吸收好转,好转率92%;新生儿败血症惠儿15例,血培养表皮葡萄球菌4例,金黄色葡萄球菌1例,大肠埃希菌2例,变形杆菌1例,经改用敏感抗生素治疗1周血培养阴性;脑脊液提示化脓性脑膜炎3例,选用透过血脑屏障的敏感药物治疗2周后复查脑脊液正常.结论:在合理安排床位、净化病房环境和无菌操作前提下,病房内采用敏感单种抗生素是可行的,避免了抗生素滥用,不会延长住院时间.  相似文献   

目的:为鬼针草属植物药的综合开发与利用提供参考。方法:以"药理作用""鬼针草""婆婆针""三叶鬼针草""金盏银盘""Bidens""Pharmacological action""Research progress"等为关键词,组合查询2007年1月-2016年9月在Pub Med、中国知网、万方、维普等数据库中的相关文献,对婆婆针、三叶鬼针草、金盏银盘等鬼针草属常用植物药的药理作用研究进行综述。结果与结论:共检索到相关文献990篇,其中有效文献46篇。鬼针草属植物含有黄酮类、酚酸类、聚多炔类及挥发油化学成分。其中,婆婆针具有抑菌、保护心脑血管、保肝、抗肿瘤、抗炎镇痛、降血糖、降血脂、抗干眼等药理作用,三叶鬼针草具有保肝、抗肝纤维化、抗衰老、降血糖、抗肿瘤、镇痛、防石溶石等药理作用,金盏银盘对代谢失调紊乱性疾病(如糖尿病)可能具有治疗作用。目前对鬼针草属植物药在保肝、抗炎镇痛及抗肿瘤等药理作用研究较多,且以实验性研究为主,尚需进一步研究其药理作用机制。  相似文献   

老年感染性疾病抗生素合理应用调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国已进入老龄化社会,拥有世界上最多的老龄人口。目前,我国60岁以上老年人已达1.1亿,约占世界老龄人口的l/5,亚洲老龄人口的1/2[1]。老年人由于解剖生理功能衰退,防御机能下降,感染性疾病发生率显著升高,因此抗生素应用十分普遍。据报道,我国医院仅一般患病人群中抗生素应用就占购药总金额的40%,住院患者抗生素平均应用率大于70%[2],其中不合理应用率高达20.7%[3]。而对于老年患病人群,高感染率会导致抗生素更多应用,而且多种疾病重叠和多类药物合用,造成的不良后果,诸如药源性疾病、多重耐药、二重感染以及家庭和社会的经济负担、资源浪费可能更为严重。本文旨在对我院60岁以上老年患者感染性疾病抗生素应用现状进行分析和初探,以期发现问题,引起关注。  相似文献   

Introduction: Liposomal delivery systems have been utilized in developing effective therapeutics against cancer and targeting microorganisms in and out of host cells and within biofilm community. The most attractive feature of liposome-based drugs are enhancing therapeutic index of the new or existing drugs while minimizing their adverse effects.

Areas covered: This communication provides an overview on several aspects of liposomal antibiotics including the most widely used preparation techniques for encapsulating different agents and the most important characteristic parameters applied for examining shape, size and stability of the spherical vesicles. In addition, the routes of administration, liposome–cell interactions and host parameters affecting the biodistribution of liposomes are highlighted.

Expert opinion: Liposomes are safe and suitable for delivery of variety of molecules and drugs in biomedical research and medicine. They are known to improve the therapeutic index of encapsulated agents and reduce drug toxicity. Recent studies on liposomal formulation of chemotherapeutic and bioactive agents and their targeted delivery show liposomal antibiotics potential in the treatment of microbial infections.  相似文献   

This review discusses the recent development of multivalent antibiotics as potential therapeutic agents against infections caused by antimicrobial drug resistant microbes. The discussion focuses on vancomycin because of its important clinical relevance and well-elucidated molecular mechanism of antimicrobial drug resistance. The first section recounts the increased occurrence of vancomycin resistance in the world; the second section briefly discusses the mechanistic study of vancomycin resistance; the third section presents the currently established design principles of multivalent vancomycins; the fourth section examines the structural-activity relationships of multivalent vancomycins; the fifth section describes relevant studies on multivalent antibiotics; and the last section summarizes advantages and limitations of multivalent antibiotics.  相似文献   

Phospholipids and other polar lipids can form liposomes and similar colloidal particles that can be used as drug carrier systems. The potential of liposomal delivery systems to increase the therapeutic index (efficacy to safety ratio) of clinically important drugs has been realised with the recent approval of liposomal oncologic and antifungal drugs. The application of liposomes to the treatment of infectious diseases initially focused on intracellular pathogens, based on the natural targeting of liposomes to phagocytic cells and on the antifungal drug amphotericin B, based on its unique affinity for lipids. Recent studies with small, low-clearance liposomes have shown that more specialised formulations may provide benefits over simpler ‘first generation’ liposomes for the treatment of infectious diseases, including prolonged residence in plasma, increased tissue exposure and targeting to sites of infection. These improved biopharmaceutical properties have been associated with both curative and prophylactic activity against a range of non-intracellular pathogens, including Staphylococcus and Klebsiella. These and other highly engineered liposome formulations may provide effective delivery systems for specific antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral indications in the future. Adequate patent protection will be crucial in fully exploiting these advanced liposome technologies and in maintaining market share for liposomal products. This review discusses some of the patent issues related to liposomes and their use in the treatment of infectious diseases.  相似文献   

In reviewing the literature about the potential of liposomes in the therapy of infections caused by protozoa, bacteria, fungi and viruses, it can be concluded that liposomal encapsulation may improve the therapeutic index of anti-infectious drugs. The improved therapeutic index may be a result of a reduction in drug toxicity and/or an enhanced drug delivery at the intracellular site of infection. Furthermore, attention is paid to the therapeutic utility of liposome-encapsulated immunomodulators in treatment of infections.  相似文献   

The human immunoglobulin (SM-4300), which was developed by Travenol Laboratories, Inc. U.S.A., was used with antibiotics on 12 cases of severe surgical infectious disease. The method of administration and the evaluation of clinical effect of gammaglobulin (SM-4300) were made based upon the criteria of the SM-4300 study group. The clinical evaluation of the effect was classified in 5 grades; excellent, good, fair, poor and unknown. Three types of administration dose schedules were employed. Severe surgical infections were 3 cases of postoperative pneumonia, 3 cases of sepsis with pneumonia, 3 cases of peritonitis, 1 case of cholangitis, 1 case of sepsis with perinephritis and 1 case of subphrenic abscess. Bacterial and immunological examination were also performed before and after the administration of SM-4300. Evaluable cases were 10 cases out of 12 cases. Clinical effects of the administration of SM-4300 were evaluated as excellent in 1 case, good in 3, fair in 2 and poor in 4.  相似文献   

Dapsone is known as useful in the treatment of infectious diseases. The use of the drug in infectious and inflammatory diseases in dermatology is reviewed.  相似文献   

Bispecific antibodies are in clinical and preclinical development for the treatment of various cancers and life-threatening infectious diseases. Designed to direct and enhance the body’s immune response to specific tumours and pathogens, bispecific antibodies have shown promising results in Phase I and Phase II clinical trials, leading in some cases to complete or partial responses in cancer patients. These bispecific antibodies consist of a ‘targeting’ domain, typically a fragment of a monoclonal antibody that binds to a tumour, linked to a ‘triggering’ arm that is specific for a molecule capable of mediating a phagocytic or lytic response by macrophages, natural killer cells, T-cells or other effector cells. By mediating an immune assault on tumours or pathogens, bispecific antibodies may also lead to antigen presentation and a vaccine-like response in patients. Over the next few years, we expect several bispecific antibodies to enter the late stages of clinical trials and ultimately emerge as new pharmaceutical products.  相似文献   

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