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Cocksfoot mottle virus (CfMV) localization in oat plants was analyzed during three weeks post infection by immunohistochemical staining to follow its spread through different tissues. In early stages of infection, the virus was first detectable in phloem parenchyma and bundle sheath cells of inoculated leaves. Bundle sheath and phloem parenchyma were also the cell types where the virus was first detected in stems and systemic leaves of infected plants. In later stages of infection, CfMV spread also into the mesophyll surrounding vascular bundles and was seldom detected in xylem parenchyma of inoculated leaves. In systemic leaves, CfMV was not detected from xylem. Moreover, sometimes it was found from phloem only. In straw and roots, CfMV was detected both from phloem and xylem. According to our observations, CfMV predominantly moves through phloem, which makes the systemic movement of CfMV different from that of another monocot-infecting sobemovirus, Rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV).  相似文献   

Rees MW  Short MN 《Virology》1982,120(2):500-503
The amino acid sequence of the coat protein of wild-type cowpea chlorotic mottle virus has been nearly completely determined by direct methods. The sites of amino acid replacements were identified in the coat proteins of an oxidation-sensitive mutant, a temperature-sensitive mutant, and a salt-stable mutant. The replacements are a cysteinyl residue for the arginyl residue at position 25 in the oxidation-sensitive mutant, glutamic acid and alanine, respectively, for lysine and valine at positions 21 and 87 in the temperature-sensitive mutant, and arginine for lysine at position 105 in the salt-stable mutant. The substitutions are consistent with point mutations.  相似文献   

Nodaviruses encode an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase called Protein A that is responsible for replication of the viral RNA segments. The intracellular localization of Protein A from a betanodavirus isolated from Atlantic halibut (AHNV) was studied in infected fish cells and in transfected mammalian cells expressing Myc-tagged wild type Protein A and mutants. In infected cells Protein A localized to cytoplasmic structures resembling mitochondria and in transfected mammalian cells the AHNV Protein A was found to co-localize with mitochondrial proteins. Two independent mitochondrial targeting signals, one N-terminal comprising residues 1–40 and one internal consisting of residues 225–246 were sufficient to target both Protein A deletion mutants and enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) to the mitochondria. The N-terminal signal corresponds to the mitochondrial targeting sequence of the Flock House Virus (FHV) Protein A while the internal signal is similar to the single targeting signal previously found in Greasy Grouper Nervous Necrosis Virus (GGNNV) Protein A.  相似文献   

Summary.  The coat protein (CP) genes of the genomic RNA of two Korean isolates of sweet potato feathery mottle potyvirus (SPFMV), SPFMV-K1 and SPFMV-K2, were cloned and their complete nucleotide sequences were determined. Sequence comparisons of the two Korean isolates showed 97.8% amino acid identity in the CP cistron, and 79.9% to 99.0% identity with those of 6 other known SPFMV strains. Of 74 amino acid changes totally among the SPFMV strains, 39 changes were located at the N-terminal region. Pairwise amino acid sequence comparison revealed sequence similarities of 48.6 to 70.2% between SPFMV and 20 other potyviruses, indicating SPFMV to be a quite distinct species. Multiple alignment of the CP cistrons from other potyviruses showed that most of the conserved amino acid residues of the genus Potyvirus are well preserved in the corresponding locations. Accepted November 13, 1997 Received September 1, 1997  相似文献   

Summary Recombinant DNA molecules containing cDNA of a sweet potato feathery mottle virus severe strain (SPFMV-S) RNA genome were constructed and the partial nucleotide sequences were determined for three DNA inserts, which cover 4.2 kb from the 3-terminus excluding the poly (A) tail. This region of the genome consists of an open reading frame of 1340 amino acids (a.a.) and a 3-non-translated region of 224 nucleotides. The protein products expected were 6K2 (53 a.a.) NIa, (435 a.a.), NIb (521 a.a) and CP (315 a.a.). Among NIa, NIb and coat proteins, the NIb protein was found to be the most conserved (59–68%) when compared to the corresponding proteins of other distinct potyviruses.  相似文献   

Summary. The disease caused by rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV) is a major, economically important constraint to rice production in Africa. RYMV is mechanically transmitted by a variety of agents, including insect vectors. The production of resistant rice varieties would be an important advance in the control of the disease and increase rice production in Africa. We produced transgenic plants of the Oryza sativa japonica variety, TP309, to express a RYMV coat protein gene (CP) and mutants of the CP under the control of a ubiquitin promoter. Transgenic plants expressing genes that encode wild-type CP (wt.CP), deleted CP (ΔNLS.CP), mRNA of the CP, or antisense CP sequences of the CP gene were characterised. Eighty per cent (80%) of independent transgenic lines analysed contained CP gene sequences. Transgenic plants were challenged with RYMV and produced two types of reactions. Most of the plants expressing antisense sequences of the CP and untranslatable CP mRNA exhibited a delay in virus accumulation of up to a week, and the level of virus accumulation was reduced compared with non-transgenic TP309 plants. Transgenic plants expressing RYMV wild-type CP (wt.CP) and deleted CP (ΔNLS.CP) accumulated the highest levels of virus particles. These results suggest that antisense CP and untranslatable CP mRNA induced moderate resistance, whereas transgenic CP enhanced virus infection.  相似文献   

Summary.  A cDNA library was generated from purified RNA of watermelon leaf mottle virus (WLMV) (Genus Potyvirus). Two overlapping clones totaling 2,316 nucleotides at the 3′terminus of the virus were identified by immunoscreening with coat protein antiserum. The sequence analyses of the clones indicated an open reading frame (ORF) of 2,050 nucleotides which encoded part of the replicase and the coat protein, a 243-nucleotide non-coding region (3′UTR), and 23 adenine residues of the poly (A) tail. The taxonomic status of WLMV was determined by comparisons of the sequence of the cloned coat protein gene and 3′UTR with potyvirus sequences obtained from GenBank. The nucleotide sequence identities of WLMV compared with 17 other potyviruses ranged from 55.6 to 63.5% for the coat protein, and from 37.2 to 48.3% for the 3′UTR. Phylogenetic analyses of the coat protein region and the 3′UTR indicated that WLMV did not cluster with other potyviruses in a clade with high bootstrap support. The coat protein gene was expressed in Escherichia coli and a polyclonal antiserum was prepared to the expressed coat protein. In immunodiffusion tests, WLMV was found to be serologically distinct from papaya ringspot virus type W, watermelon mosaic virus 2, zucchini yellow mosaic virus, and Moroccan watermelon mosaic virus. In Western blots and ELISA, serological cross-reactivity with other cucurbit potyviruses was observed. Serological and sequence comparisons indicated that watermelon leaf mottle virus is a distinct member of the Potyvirus genus. Accepted September 23, 1999  相似文献   

C W Collmer  V M Vogt  M Zaitlin 《Virology》1983,126(2):429-448
H protein, a minor protein found associated with virions of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) at an average of about one copy per virion and previously believed to be host-coded (Asselin and Zaitlin, 1978, Virology 91, 173-181), has been shown to contain sequences of the viral capsid protein. Two-dimensional tryptic peptide maps of 125I-labeled H protein (Mr 26,500) and coat protein (Mr 17,500) from TMV strains U1 and Dahlemense show that the respective H proteins contain most if not all of the labeled peptides of the coat proteins in addition to 2-3 unique peptides. The H proteins also contain unique antigenic determinants, as antibodies can be isolated which react strongly with the H protein but not with the coat protein of Dahlemense TMV. Finally, amino acid composition analysis of the U1-TMV H protein has shown the presence of methionine and histidine, amino acids not present in the coat protein of that strain. H protein appears to contain the same NH2 terminus as coat protein, as there is an H protein tryptic peptide that both comigrates in a two-dimensional system and produces the same acid cleavage product as the NH2-terminal tryptic peptide of coat protein. H protein also seems to have the same COOH terminus as coat protein, as cyanogen bromide digestion of Dahlemense-TMV coat protein and H protein indicates that each has a methionine about 12 amino acids from one terminus (known to be the COOH terminus of the coat protein). Thus, H protein is not structurally equivalent to coat protein with an addition on either its NH2 or COOH terminus. However, H protein does not appear to be a noncovalent aggregate of coat protein and some other protein. Rather, the model we favor for H protein structure is that of a branched fusion product between coat protein and another polypeptide of host or viral origin.  相似文献   

Bovine herpesvirus-1 infected cell protein 27 (BICP27) was detected predominantly in the nucleolus. The open reading frame of BICP27 was fused with the enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP) gene to investigate its subcellular localization in live cells and BICP27 was able to direct monomeric, dimeric or trimeric EYFP exclusively to the nucleolus. By constructing a series of deletion mutants, the putative nuclear localization signal (NLS) and nucleolar localization signal (NoLS) were mapped to 81RRAR84 and 86RPRRPRRRPRRR97 respectively. Specific deletion of the putative NLS, NoLS or both abrogated nuclear localization, nucleolar localization or both respectively. Furthermore, NLS was able to direct trimeric EYFP predominantly to the nucleus but excluded from the nucleolus, whereas NoLS targeted trimeric EYFP primarily to the nucleus, and enriched in the nucleolus with faint staining in the cytoplasm. NLS + NoLS directed trimeric EYFP predominantly to the nucleolus with faint staining in the nucleus. Moreover, deletion of NLS + NoLS abolished the transactivating activity of BICP27 on gC promoter, whereas deletion of either NLS or NoLS did not. The study demonstrated that BICP27 is a nucleolar protein, adding BICP27 to the growing list of transactivators which localize to the nucleolus.  相似文献   

Nuclear targeting of bacterial proteins is an emerging pathogenic mechanism in bacteria. However, due to the absence of an appropriate screening system for nuclear targeting proteins, systematic approaches to nuclear targeting of bacterial proteins and subsequent host cell pathology are limited. In this study, we developed a screening system for nuclear targeting proteins in Acinetobacter baumannii using a combination of bioinformatic analysis based on nuclear localization signal (NLS) and the Gateway® recombinational cloning system. Among 3367 open reading frames of A. baumannii ATCC 17978, 34 functional or hypothetical proteins were predicted to carry the putative NLS sequences. Of the 29 clones generated by the Gateway® recombinational cloning system, 14 proteins tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP) were targeted to nuclei of host cells. Among the 14 nuclear targeting proteins, S21, L20, and L32 ribosomal proteins and transposase carried putative nuclear export signal (NES) sequences, but only transposase harbored the functional NES. After translocation to nuclei of host cells, four A. baumannii proteins induced cytotoxicity. In conclusion, we have developed a screening system for nuclear targeting proteins in A. baumannii. This system may open the way to a new field of bacterial pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The Drosophila PBC protein Extradenticle (Exd) is regulated at the level of its subcellular distribution: It is cytoplasmic in the absence of Homothorax (Hth), a Meis family member, and nuclear in the presence of Hth. Here we present evidence that, in the absence of Hth, Exd is exported from nuclei due to the activity of a nuclear export signal (NES). The activity of this NES is inhibited by the antibiotic Leptomycin B, suggesting that Exd is exported by a CRM1/exportin1-related export pathway. By analyzing the subcellular localization of Exd deletion mutants in imaginal discs and cultured cells, we identified three elements in Exd, a putative NES, a nuclear localization sequence (NLS), and a region required for Hth-mediated nuclear localization. This latter region coincides with a domain in Exd that binds Hth protein in vitro. When Exd is uncomplexed with Hth, the NES dominates over the NLS. When Exd is expressed together with Hth, or when the NES is deleted, Exd is nuclear. Thus, Hth is required to overcome the influence of the NES, possibly by inducing a conformational change in Exd. Finally, we provide evidence that Hth and Exd normally interact in the cytoplasm, and that Hth also has an NLS. We propose that in Exd there exists a balance between the activities of an NES and an NLS, and that Hth alters this balance in favor of the NLS.  相似文献   

Summary.  A novel virus we call zucchini green mottle mosaic virus (ZGMMV) was isolated from zucchini squash and its properties were determined. The size and shape of its virions, and other properties suggest that the virus is a tobamovirus. The coat protein (CP) genes of ZGMMV and kyuri green mottle mosaic virus (KGMMV), which also infects zucchini squash plants, were cloned and their nucleotides sequences were determined. The CP genes of ZGMMV and KGMMV are composed of 161 amino acid residues, and they share 77.6% amino acid identity. Western blot analysis showed that the two viruses are serologically related but not identical. Comparison of the sequences with those of sixteen other tobamoviruses revealed that the two viruses had much higher identity to cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV), another tobamovirus infectious to cucurbit plants, than other tobamoviruses. The nucleotide and amino acid sequences of ZGMMV were from 29.5 to 78.4% and from 29.3 to 77.6% identical, respectively, to those of other tobamoviruses. The predicted virion assembly origins of the two tobamoviruses were located in the CP region of the genomic RNAs, and the predicted secondary structures were more similar to that of CGMMV than those of other tobamoviruses. The seventeen tobamo-viruses could be classified into three main subgroups based on the cphylogenetic tree analysis on the CP gene, and ZGMMV and KGMMV formed a third subgroup together with CGMMV and sunn-hemp mosaic virus (SHMV). These results show that ZGMMV is a previously unknown member of the Tobamovirus genus. Received February 14, 2000/Accepted May 11, 2000  相似文献   

We found that an L 3 resistance-breaking field isolate of Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV), designated PMMoV-Is, had two amino acid changes in its coat protein (CP), namely leucine to phenylalanine at position 13 (L13F) and glycine to valine at position 66 (G66V), as compared with PMMoV-J, which induces a resistance response in L 3 -harboring Capsicum plants. The mutations were located to a CP domain corresponding to the outer surface of PMMoV particles in computational molecular modeling. Analyses of PMMoV CP mutants containing either or both of these amino acid changes revealed that both changes were required to efficiently overcome L 3 -mediated resistance with systemic necrosis induction. Although CP mutants containing either L13F or G66V could not efficiently overcome L 3 -mediated resistance, these amino acid changes had different effects on the elicitor activity of PMMoV CP. L13F caused a slight reduction in the elicitor activity, resulting in virus restriction to necrotic local lesions that were apparently larger than those induced by wild-type PMMoV, while G66V rendered wild-type PMMoV the ability to overcome L 3 -mediated resistance, albeit with a lower efficiency than PMMoV with both changes. These results suggest that a cooperative effect of the L13F and G66V mutations on the elicitor activity of CP is responsible for overcoming the L 3 -mediated resistance.  相似文献   

Bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) VP8 is found in the nucleus immediately after infection. Transient expression of VP8 fused to yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) in COS-7 cells confirmed the nuclear localization of VP8 in the absence of other viral proteins. VP8 has four putative nuclear localization signals (NLS). Deletion of pat4 ((51)RRPR(54)) or pat7 ((48)PRVRRPR(54)) NLS2 abrogated nuclear accumulation, whereas deletion of (48)PRV(50) did not, so pat4 NLS2 is critical for nuclear localization of VP8. Furthermore, NLS1 ((11)RRPRR(15)), pat4 NLS2, and pat7 NLS2 were all capable of transporting the majority of YFP to the nucleus. Finally, a 12-amino-acid peptide with the sequence RRPRRPRVRRPR directed all of YFP into the nucleus, suggesting that reiteration of the RRPR motif makes the nuclear localization more efficient. Heterokaryon assays demonstrated that VP8 is also capable of shuttling between the nucleus and cytoplasm of the cell. Deletion mutant analysis revealed that this property is attributed to a leucine-rich nuclear export sequence (NES) consisting of amino acids (485)LSAYLTLFVAL(495). This leucine-rich NES caused transport of YFP to the cytoplasm. These results demonstrate that VP8 shuttles between the nucleus and cytoplasm.  相似文献   

SRSF4 is one of the members of serine‐/arginine (SR)‐rich protein family involved in both constitutive and alternative splicing. SRSF4 is localized in the nucleus with speckled pattern, but its nuclear localization signal was not determined. Here, we have identified nuclear localization signals (NLSs) of SRSF4 by using a pyruvate kinase fusion system. As expected, arginine‐/serine (RS)‐rich domain of SRSF4 confers nuclear localization activity when it is fused to PK protein. We then further delineated the minimum sequences for nuclear localization in RS domain of SRSF4. Surprisingly, RS‐rich region does not always have a nuclear localization activity. In addition, basic amino acid stretches that resemble to classical‐type NLSs were identified. These results strongly suggest that SRSF4 protein uses two different nuclear import pathways with multiple NLSs in RS domain.  相似文献   

To investigate the mode of gene expression of red clover mottle virus (RCMV) middle component (M) RNA, we have synthesized an oligopeptide corresponding to the predicted carboxy-terminus of the RCMV counterparts of the cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) 48K and 58K proteins. Using an antiserum raised against this synthetic oligopeptide, we have detected a 43-kDa protein in the 30,000 g pellet from extracts of RCMV-infected cowpea protoplasts. Immunogold cytochemistry further localized this protein to the plasmodesmata of RCMV-infected pea tissue. This subcellular location, taken together with other evidence, suggests that this 43-kDa protein has a role in the cell-to-cell spread of RCMV.  相似文献   

Infectious salmon anemia virus (ISAV) is the type species of the genus Isavirus belonging to the Orthomyxoviridae, and causes serious disease in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). This study presents the expression and functional analysis of the ISAV genome segment 3, and provides further evidence that it encodes the viral nucleoprotein (NP). The encoded protein was expressed in a baculovirus system, and Western blot analysis showed that it corresponds to the 66-71 kDa structural protein previously found in purified ISAV preparations. RNA-binding activity was established by the interaction of viral and recombinant NP with single-stranded RNA transcribed in vitro. Immunofluorescence studies of infected cells showed the ISAV NP to be an early protein. It locates to the nucleus of infected cells before it is transported to the cytoplasm prior to virus assembly. A similar localization pattern was observed in cells transfected with the NP gene, confirming that the encoded protein has an intrinsic ability to be imported into the nucleus. Two monopartite nuclear localization signals (NLS) at amino acids (230)RPKR(233) and (473)KPKK(476) were identified by computer analysis, and validated by site-directed mutagenesis. In contrast to other orthomyxovirus-NPs, that have several NLSs that function independent of each other, both NLSs had to be present for the ISAV NP protein to be transported into the nucleus, indicating that these motifs cooperate to target the protein to the nucleus.  相似文献   

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