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Peri-epineurial tissue to supplement laser welding of nerve   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D H Kim  D G Kline 《Neurosurgery》1990,26(2):211-216
The principal difficulty with laser repair of nerves has been the inability to provide enough initial tensile strength to prevent separation of nerve ends. In previous experimental studies, dehiscence rates of laser-repaired nerves ranged between 12 to 25% whereas that for conventional epineurial suture repair was 0%. In our study, sciatic nerves of rats were transected bilaterally. Results of anastomosis by conventional epineurial suture on one side were compared with those of tissue welding by the CO2 laser using peri-epineurial sheath as a structural adjunct on the other side. At the time of reexploration at 7, 12, and 16 weeks, there was no dehiscence in nerves of either the laser with peri-epineurial sheath group or the suture repair groups. Electrophysiological and morphometric values after use of peri-epineurial tissue as an adjunct to tissue welding by the CO2 laser were comparable to those of conventional suture repair.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to compare laser nerve welding of hypoglossal-facial nerve to microsurgical suturing and a result of immediate and delayed repair, and to evaluate the effectiveness of laser nerve welding in reanimation of facial paralysis of the rabbit models. The first group of 5 rabbits underwent immediate hypoglossal-facial anastomosis (HFA) by microsurgical suturing and the second group of 5 rabbits by CO2 laser welding. The third group of 5 rabbits underwent delayed HFA by microsurgical suturing and the fourth group of 5 rabbits by laser nerve welding. The fifth group of 5 rabbits sustained intact hypoglossal and facial nerve as control. In all rabbits of the 4 different groups, cholera toxin subunit B (CTb) was injected in the epineurium distal to the anastomosis site on the postoperative sixth week and in normal hypoglossal nerve in the 5 rabbits of control group. Neurons labeled CTb of hypoglossal nuclei were positive immunohistochemically and the numbers were counted. In the immediate HFA groups, CTb positive neurons were 1416 +/- 118 in the laser welding group (n = 5) and 1429 +/- 90 in the microsurgical suturing group (n = 5). There was no significant difference (P = 0.75). In the delayed HFA groups, CTb positive neurons were 1503 +/- 66 in the laser welding group (n = 5) and 1207 +/- 68 in the microsurgical suturing group (n = 5). Difference was significant (P = 0.009). There was no significant difference between immediate and delayed anastomosis in the laser welding group (P = 0.208), but some significant difference was observed between immediate and delayed anastomosis in the microsurgical suturing group (P = 0.016). Injected CTb in intact hypoglossal neurons (n = 5) were labeled 1970 +/- 165. No dehiscence was seen on the laser welding site of nerve anastomosis in all the rabbits as re-exploration was done for injection of CTb. This study shows that regeneration of the anastomosed hypoglossal-facial nerve was affected similarly by either laser welding or microsurgical suturing in immediate repair; however, the welding was more effective especially in delayed repair.  相似文献   

Anomalies of the lumbosacral nerve roots. An anatomic investigation.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Some patients suffering from lumbar disk herniation do not manifest the typical clinical symptoms expected for this disorder. Lumbar disk surgery occasionally reveals anatomic abnormalities in the nerve roots of these individuals. Therefore, to gain greater medical insight into these anomalies, an investigation of the lumbar and sacral nerve roots of 60 fresh cadavers was performed. Anatomic specimens were obtained through postmortem examination within 24 hours of death. Wide deroofing of the T10 to S5 spinal segment exposed the spinal canal for thorough investigation of every lumbar and sacral nerve root, including a detailed examination of their intradural and extradural anastomosis. Findings included a 30% incidence of anomalies of the lumbar and sacral nerve roots. The incidence of anomalies of L4 to sacral nerve roots was 13.3%, comparable to statistics reported elsewhere. Six types of anomalies were classified. Complex anomalies were common.  相似文献   

Dye-enhanced laser welding for skin closure.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The use of a laser to weld tissue in combination with a topical photosensitizing dye permits selective delivery of energy to the target tissue. A combination of indocyanine green (IG), absorption peak 780 nm, and the near-infrared (IR) alexandrite laser was studied with albino guinea pig skin. IG was shown to bind to the outer 25 microns of guinea pig dermis and appeared to be bound to collagen. The optical transmittance of full-thickness guinea pig skin in the near IR was 40% indicating that the alexandrite laser should provide adequate tissue penetration. Laser "welding" of skin in vivo was achieved at various concentrations of IG from 0.03 to 3 mg/cc using the alexandrite at 780 nm, 250-microseconds pulse duration, 8 Hz, and a 4-mm spot size. A spectrum of welds was obtained from 1- to 20-W/cm2 average irradiance. Weak welds occurred with no thermal damage obtained at lower irradiances: stronger welds with thermal damage confined to the weld site occurred at higher irradiances. At still higher irradiances, local vaporization occurred with failure to "weld." Thus, there was an optimal range of irradiances for "welding," which varied inversely with dye concentration. Histology confirmed the thermal damage results that were evident clinically. IG dye-enhanced laser welding is possible in skin and with further optimization may have practical application.  相似文献   

A new 1.9 micron Raman-shifted neodymium:yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) laser was used for small vessel welding. Bursting pressures and stresses of sutured and laser-welded arteriotomies created in the rat femoral artery and aorta were measured. Sutured arteriotomies had a significantly higher burst stress than laser-welded arteriotomies. Although there were no significant differences in burst stress at the various laser powers tested, an optimal power was identified. The laser was also used to weld transected rat aortas. The average power delivered was 200 mW for 30 seconds per anastomosis. The average time for completing an anastomosis was 6 minutes compared with 18 minutes when sutures were used. In relation to proximal aortic diameter, there was a 7.9% decrease at the anastomosis immediately (n = 4), and a 6.6% and 4.9% increase occurred at 24 hours (n = 4) and 10 weeks (n = 5), respectively. Acute anastomotic compliance, and compliance at 24 hours and 10 weeks were decreased by 47.2%, 39.5%, and 47.8%, respectively, and were similar to sutured anastomoses. Histology showed little thermal denaturation of the aorta within 0.6 mm of the anastomosis, approximately 1 mm of medial cell death, and nearly normal elastic fiber alignment. One focal false aneurysm was noted at 10 weeks. Although the sutured and laser-welded anastomoses share similar compliance changes, the laser-welded anastomoses are more isodiametric. This preliminary experience with the 1.9 micron laser shows the distinct advantages of a handheld fiber, no requirement for cooling irrigation, speed, and no difference in compliance from sutured anastomoses.  相似文献   

In vitro laser welding of amniotic membranes.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVE: To test in vitro the feasibility of welding amniotic membranes using Nd:YAG laser energy. STUDY DESIGN: Fresh fetal membranes from term pregnancies were washed and cut into 1 cm2 pieces. Pooled cryoprecipitate (CPT), 50% albumin (Alb), or polytetrafluoroethilene (e-PTFE) were used as solder medium. The optimal settings of the laser were determined. Results were assessed quantitatively and semi-quantitatively using Pearson Chi-square analysis. RESULTS: Laser welding of amniotic membranes was successful in 82.6% of experiments with e-PTFE and in 10.7% of experiments with CPT (P < 0.001). The strength of the welding was also significantly better with e-PTFE (P < 0.001). Optimal results were obtained using 1-7 Watts and 0.1-1 seconds. Laser welding was unsuccessful in 100% of experiments with Alb. CONCLUSIONS: Laser welding of fetal membranes can be accomplished with e-PTFE and to a lesser degree with the CPT using Nd:YAG energy under low wattage-high exposure settings. Further studies are underway to test other grafting or soldering materials.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Several reports describe nerve coaptations by laser welding in combination with stay sutures and bonding material. This study was undertaken to obtain functional and morphologic information by using a nerve coaptation technique by epineurial CO(2) laser welding only. STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: The sciatic nerves of 24 rats were transected and epineurially coapted with the CO(2) laser at 60 mW or with microsutures as a control. Walking track analysis were carried out to evaluate the functional recovery, and the nerves were harvested for histology after 6 months of regeneration. RESULTS: None of the 24 nerves showed dehiscence of the coaptations, and all showed good nerve fiber regeneration. Better results were obtained for the functional evaluation of the sciatic function index (P < 0.02) and the toe spread index (P < 0.04) from the laser nerve coaptations. Likewise, the morphologic evaluations of the fiber density (P < 0.04) and area fraction (P < 0.002) were better in the laser group. CONCLUSION: CO(2) laser welded nerve coaptations are as successful as their sutured counterparts and may become a promising alternative in clinical practice.  相似文献   

To improve the welding strength, an in vitro study was performed to investigate the bonding strength of CO2 laser nerve welding (LNW), with and without the use of human albumin solution, dried albumin solution, egg white, fibrinogen solution, fibrin glue, and red blood cells as a solder. Fifteen different combinations of laser power (50, 100, and 150 mW) and pulse duration (0.1 to 3 s) were used with a spot size of 320 μm. The results have been compared to suture, fibrin glue, and laser-assisted nerve repair (LANR). The strongest welds (associated with whitening and caramelization of tissue) were produced at 100 mW with pulses of 1.0 s and at 50 mW with pulses of 3 s. The use of a dried albumin solution as a solder at 100 mW with pulses of 1 s increased the bonding strength 9-fold as compared to LNW (bonding strength 21.0 ± 8.6 g and 2.4 ± 0.9 g, respectively). However, positioning the nerves between cottons soaked in saline for 20 minutes resulted in a decrease of the bonding strength (9.8 ± 4.5 g). The use of a 20% albumin solution and egg white, both at 50 mW with pulses of 3 s, resulted in a bonding strength of, respectively, 5.7 ± 2.1 g and 7.7 ± 2.4 g. Other solders did not increase the bonding strength in comparison to LNW. The substantial increase in bonding strength for some solders suggests that it is worthwhile to investigate the dehiscence rate and nerve regeneration of solder enhanced LNW in an in vivo study. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Since 1978, 10 intercostal nerve-cauda equina anastomoses and 11 intercostal nerve-lumbar anastomoses were performed for thoracolumbar spinal cord transection. Three to four pairs of intercostal nerves above the traumatic level of the cord were anastomosed with two to four pairs of cauda equina or lumbar nerve roots below the traumatic level, using microsurgical technique. The surgical techniques used for the latter 11 cases were performed through an extraperitoneal approach. The operative technique is described in detail. These 21 cases have been followed-up for six to 48 months. Electromyography (EMG) shows that action potentials are present in several previously paralyzed muscles in 11 cases. Muscle strength of some previously paralyzed muscles in three cases recovered to Grades 1 to 3. There is evidence that intercostal-lumbar-spinal nerve anastomoses provide a chance for neuronal regeneration, but unsatisfactory functional results are still questions for further study.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that the addition of a protein solder to augment the laser tissue weld significantly improves postoperative results. Herein we describe a method for the preparation of human albumin for use as a laser tissue solder. We also review the brief history of laser tissue solders and discuss recent advances using this technology. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Changes in type I collagen following laser welding.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Selection of ideal laser parameters for tissue welding is inhibited by poor understanding of the mechanism. We investigated structural changes in collagen molecules extracted from rat tail tendon (> 90% type I collagen) after tissue welding using an 808 nm diode laser and indocyanine green dye applied to the weld site. Mobility patterns on SDS-PAGE were identical in the lasered and untreated tendon extracts with urea or acetic acid. Pepsin incubation after acetic acid extraction revealed a reduction of collagen alpha and beta bands in lasered compared with untreated specimens. Circular dichroism studies of rat tail tendon showed absence of helical structure in collagen from lasered tendon. No evidence for covalent bonding was present in laser-treated tissues. Collagen molecules are denatured by the laser wavelength and parameters used in this study. No significant amount of helical structure is regenerated on cooling. We conclude that non-covalent interactions between denatured collagen molecules may be responsible for the creation of tissue welding.  相似文献   

OBJECT: The objectives of this study were to examine whether the systemic administration of recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) and its long-lasting derivative darbepoetin alfa expedited functional recovery in a rat model of sciatic nerve injury, and to compare the effects of these agents in the model. METHODS: Thirty male Sprague-Dawley rats received a crush injury to the left sciatic nerve and subsequently underwent either placebo treatment, daily injections of rHuEPO, or weekly injections of darbepoetin alfa. RESULTS: Both rHuEPO and darbepoetin alfa were effective in reducing neurological impairment and improving compound muscle action potentials following nerve injury. Darbepoetin alfa, however, shortened the duration of peripheral nerve recovery'and facilitated recovery from the neurological and electrophysiological impairment following crush injury significantly better than rHuEPO. Examination of the footprint length factor data revealed that darbepoetin alfa-treated animals recovered preinjury function by postoperative Day 10, 4 days earlier than animals treated with rHuEPO and 11 days earlier than animals treated with placebo. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that recovery of neurological function in a model of peripheral nerve injury is more rapid with weekly administration of darbepoetin alfa than with daily rHuEPO treatment. Agents that facilitate nerve regeneration have the potential to limit the extent of motor endplate loss and muscle atrophy. The administration of EPO in its long-lasting recombinant forms affords significant neuroprotection in peripheral nerve injury models and may hold promise for future clinical applications.  相似文献   

Although microsurgical techniques of nerve suture are now widely practiced, the prognosis is not always satisfactory. We have therefore developed a new method using CO2 laser and fibrin film to evaluate its clinical availability by determining its adhesiveness and axonal regeneration. The sciatic nerve of Wistar rats was cleanly cut. Fibrin films that are not themselves at all adhesive were placed on the suture site and were firmly anastomosed by irradiating them with 70 mW laser energy. Measurement of the tensile strength has demonstrated that effective adhesiveness may be obtained for nerve repair. According to the postoperative quantitative evaluation of the number of myelinated fibers of larger size and the mean diameter of myelinated fibers, the laser method appears to be significantly better than the conventional suture methods. In conclusion, this laser method is useful for clinical application.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The success of laser tissue welding or soldering depends on optimal laser settings, solder material, and tissue type and geometry. To develop a practical laser welding technique for ureteral repair, an intraluminal albumin stent was designed to enhance the welding effects on ureteral end to end anastomosis. STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: In vitro porcine ureters were anastomosed using an albumin stent alone, the albumin stent plus a solder, and the solder alone. All welding was performed with an 810-nm diode laser with either a continuous wave (1 W, CW) or two pulse modes (2 W, 3.3 Hz; 1 W, 5 Hz). Laser parameters, tensile strength (TS) and burst pressure (BP) of the ureteral anastomosis, and tissue thermal injury were measured. RESULTS: In the 2-W pulse mode, BP in the albumin stent plus solder group (mean 185 mmHg) and the stent only group (mean 133 mmHg) were significantly higher than the solder only group (mean 77 mmHg, P < 0.05). Laser ureteral anastomosis with the stent plus solder group at 1-W CW and 2-W pulse laser modes yielded the highest TS (mean 97, 82 g) and BP (mean 183, 185 mmHg). Among the three modes, the 1 W pulse delivered the lowest energy and yielded the lowest TS and BP in ureteral anastomosis. There was no significant difference in the thermal damage to the tissue among the modes and groups. CONCLUSIONS: Using the albumin stent increased the reliability of ureter end-to-end laser anastomosis. Further studies will be warranted in vivo and other tubular organs as well.  相似文献   



The common peroneal nerve is the most commonly injured nerve in the lower limb. Nerve transfer using expendable donor nerves is emerging in the literature as an alternative surgical procedure to traditional treatments.


To identify potential donors of motor axons from the tibial nerve that can be transferred to the common peroneal nerve branches.


Using 10 human cadaveric lower extremities, all motor nerve branches of the tibial nerve were identified and biopsied. These were compared with the motor branches to tibialis anterior and extensor hallucis longus (branches of the deep peroneal nerve).


The most suitable donor nerves with respect to cross-sectional area to tibialis anterior (cross sectional area [mean ± SD] 0.255±0.111 mm) was the motor branch to lateral gastrocnemius (0.256±0.105 mm). When comparing the total number of axons, the branch to the tibialis anterior had a mean of 3363±1997 axons. The branch to the popliteus was most similar, with 3317±1467 axons. The most suitable donor nerves for the motor branch to extensor hallucis longus (cross sectional area 0.197±0.302 mm) with respect to cross-sectional area was the motor branch to flexor hallucis longus (0.234±0.147 mm). When comparing the total number of axons, the branch to the extensor hallucis longus had an average of 2062±2314 axons. The branch to the lateral gastrocnemius was most similar with 2352±1249 axons and was a suitable donor.


Nerve transfers should be included in the armamentarium for lower extremity reinnervation, as it is in the upper limb.  相似文献   

Conventional vascular anastomoses between autogenous vessels are performed with nonabsorbable sutures. Recently, use of absorbable sutures and laser-assisted vascular anastomoses has been advocated because of their improved healing characteristics. This study compared arterial repairs with the argon laser, absorbable suture, and nonabsorbable suture for technical characteristics including additional suture and overall success rates, burst strength, and cost. Absorbable and nonabsorbable suture closures were comparable with respect to technique, but laser-assisted vascular anastomosis was technically more demanding and required almost twice as much time for completion. The argon laser successfully closed only 58.6% of the arteriotomies, and 90% of the closures required additional sutures for complete hemostasis. All sutured arteriotomies were successfully completed by use of either absorbable or nonabsorbable suture. Burst strength was similar for all groups, but was uniformly greater than 300 mm Hg for sutured repairs, whereas two of five laser-assisted closures burst below 300 mm Hg. Finally, costs for purchasing ($35,000) and operating ($300/hr.) an argon laser make laser-assisted vascular anastomosis much more expensive than sutured repair. These data suggest argon laser-assisted vascular anastomoses are more technically demanding, less successful, and more expensive than conventional sutured anastomoses when evaluated in large caliber arteries in a canine model. Absorbable suture, however, is comparable to conventional nonabsorbable sutured arterial repairs in expense, handling characteristics, and success rates with the added advantage of eliminating permanent foreign body in the arterial wall when it is absorbed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: A semi-solid albumin solder formulated with hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) was designed to improve the characteristics of liquid and solid solders. STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: Acute tensile strengths were determined on canine small bowel in vitro by using liquid 50% bovine serum albumin (BSA), semi-solid 48% BSA with HPMC, and solid 60% BSA solder. Long-term healing of liquid and semi-solid solders, compared with a suture control, was evaluated in a porcine skin model, with tensile strength as well as histologic findings obtained on postoperative day 7. RESULTS: Acutely, semi-solid solder demonstrated a significantly (P < 0.05) higher tensile strength when compared with liquid or solid solder. At 7 days, HSA semi-solid and BSA semi-solid had significantly (P < 0.05) higher tensile strength than suture control; however, no differences were seen for liquid or solid solder groups. No differences in histology were appreciable between any of the solder groups in a porcine skin model. CONCLUSION: Acutely and at 7 days, semi-solid solder was stronger than 50% liquid albumin with better handling characteristics.  相似文献   

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