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Background: The purpose of this study was to determine systematically the highest minimal stimulation current threshold for regional anaesthesia in pigs. Methods: In an established pig model for regional anaesthesia, needle placements applying electric nerve stimulation were performed. The primary outcome was the frequency of close needle to nerve placements as assessed by resin injectates and subsequent anatomical evaluation. Following a statistical model (continual reassessment method), the applied output currents were selected to limit the necessary number of punctures, while providing guidance towards the highest output current range. Results: Altogether 186 punctures were performed in 11 pigs. Within the range of 0.3–1.4 mA, no distant needle to nerve placement was found. In the range of 1.5–4.1 mA, 43 distant needle to nerve placements occurred. The range of 1.2–1.4 mA was the highest interval that resulted in a close needle to nerve placement rate of ≥95%. Conclusions: In the range of 0.3–1.4 mA, all resin deposition was found to be adjacent to nerve epineurium. The application of minimal current intensities up to 1.4 mA does not obviously lead to a reduction of epineural injectate contacts in pigs. These findings suggest that stimulation current thresholds up to 1.4 mA result in equivalent needle tip localisation in pigs.  相似文献   

The existence of the overwhelming postsplenectomy infection syndrome in adults after traumatic splenectomy is controversial. Due to the similarity of the porcine immune system to man we chose the pig to study subsets of peripheral mononuclear cells after splenectomy and resistance to experimental Pneumococcal infection after splenic surgery and specific immunization. Female miniature pigs were assigned to four operative groups: sham operation, splenectomy, splenic resection, and heterotopic splenic autotransplantation. Hematologic and flow cytometric analysis of mononuclear cells and their subsets revealed a marked leukocytosis following splenectomy and autotransplantation but no significant shift in monocyte and B-cell numbers. Response of leukocytes to septicemia, bacterial elimination from peripheral blood, and mortality were not affected by splenectomy or spleen-preserving operations. Mortality of splenectomized animals was 18%, compared to 42% in sham-operated controls (difference not significant). Immunization protected animals from development of leukopenia, and led to an enhanced bacterial elimination, and a significantly decreased mortality of 5%, compared to 48% in nonimmune animals. Thus our data do not show significant effects of splenectomy on subsets of porcine mononuclear cells or on resistance to experimental Pneumococcal septicemia.  相似文献   



The epidural stimulation test can help detect if a catheter is correctly positioned in the epidural space. Previous studies showed that a current of up to 16 mA was required to elicit a motor response, but few peripheral nerve stimulators can produce a current this high. Manipulating pulse width can produce a positive response at a lower current. To clarify the effects of pulse width on the epidural stimulation test, we performed a single-blinded study in a porcine model to estimate the equivalent current needed at varying pulse widths.


After obtaining local ethics approval, an 18G insulated Tuohy needle was advanced into the epidural space at the lower lumbar spinal level, and a 20G stimulating epidural catheter was advanced 30 cm cephalad. A gradually increasing electrical current was applied, and a motor response was elicited at pulse widths of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, and 1 msec. This was followed by a 1-2 cm catheter withdrawal, and the process was repeated for a total of 15 locations per pig.


Recorded threshold currents ranged from 0.36-9.5 mA at a pulse width of 0.2 msec. Our results show a linear relationship between threshold current and pulse width.


In situations where different pulse widths are needed, the nomograms presented here may be useful to estimate the equivalent threshold current which is required to elicit a motor response according to previously published criteria for epidural stimulation tests.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Sympathetic nerve activity was recorded in the leg during high thoracic epidural anesthesia with a segmental sensory blockade of the upper thoracic dermatomes to test the hypothesis that the sympathetic blockade accompanying thoracic epidural anesthesia includes caudal parts of the sympathetic nervous system. METHODS: Experiments were performed on 10 patients scheduled for thoracotomy. An epidural catheter was inserted at the T3-T4 or T4-T5 interspace. In the main protocol (seven patients), blood pressure, heart rate, and skin temperature (big toe, thumb) were continuously monitored, and multiunit postganglionic sympathetic nerve activity was recorded with a tungsten microelectrode in a muscle-innervating fascicle of the peroneal nerve. After baseline data collection, muscle sympathetic nerve activity was recorded for an additional 45-min period after epidural injection of 4-6 ml bupivacaine, 5 mg/ml. In an additional three patients, the effects of thoracic epidural anesthesia on skin-innervating sympathetic nerve activity were qualitatively assessed. RESULTS: Activation of thoracic epidural anesthesia caused no significant changes in peroneal muscle sympathetic nerve activity (n = 7), blood pressure, or heart rate. Skin temperature increased significantly in the hand 15 min after activation of the blockade, from 32.7 +/- 2.4 degrees C to 34.4 +/- 1.5 degrees C (mean +/- SD), whereas no changes were observed in foot temperature. The sensory blockade extended from T1 (C4-T2) to T8 (T6-T11). CONCLUSIONS: A high thoracic epidural anesthesia with adequate sensory blockade of upper thoracic dermatomes may be achieved without blockade of caudal parts of the sympathetic nervous system. This finding differs from that of earlier studies that used indirect methods to evaluate changes in sympathetic nerve activity.  相似文献   

Muscle twitches elicited with electrical stimulation (ES) during epidural insertion may indicate epidural needle location. We examined the potential application of ES at 5 mA as a continuous method of monitoring the response to epidural needle advancement in a porcine model. Five 20-kg pigs were used in this study. A needle with a stimulating current of 5 mA was inserted at 20 separate levels in each pig. The needle was advanced until a muscle twitch was observed without loss-of-resistance (LOR). The needle position was then assessed using LOR. At the end of the experiment, an autopsy was performed to assess the spinal cord for injury. A total of 100 needle insertions were performed in the 5 pigs. The threshold current in the epidural space was 3.6 +/- 0.6 mA. In 59 of the needle insertions, LOR was not obtained at the depth at which a muscle twitch was initially observed. However, after advancing these 59 needles another 1-2 mm, LOR was obtained. In the other 41 insertions, LOR was observed without further advancement of the needle. Autopsies indicated there were no dural punctures or spinal cord damage in any of the pigs. These observations suggest that ES can be used to signal that the epidural needle is in or approaching the epidural space. However, the high false positive predictive value (59%) makes it impractical and unreliable to detect the precise entry of a needle into the epidural space in pigs.  相似文献   

Background: Erythropoietin (EPO) is a multifunctional cytokine with anti‐apoptotic, anti‐inflammatory, and organ protective effects. EPO protects against ischemia–reperfusion injuries, and recent reports suggest that EPO also prevents organ dysfunction in experimental sepsis. The aims of this study were to determine whether EPO prevents endotoxemia‐induced organ dysfunction in a porcine model and to characterize the immunomodulatory and anti‐apoptotic effects of EPO. Methods: Twenty‐eight pigs were randomly assigned to three groups: (1) endotoxemia treated with EPO 5000 IU/kg, (2) endotoxemia treated with placebo, and (3) a sham group anesthetized and submitted to sham operation without treatment. A laparotomy was performed, and a flow probe was placed around the left renal artery, which allowed renal blood flow (RBF) measurements. Endotoxemia was induced by an infusion of lipopolysaccharide. After 2 h, the infusion was reduced to a maintenance dose and the animals were fluid resuscitated. The glomerular filtration rate (GFR), RBF, renal oxygen consumption, and plasma cytokines [interleukin (IL)‐1β, IL‐6, IL‐8, IL‐10, and tumor necrosis factor‐alpha] were analyzed. Renal biopsies were analyzed for cytokine content and apoptosis. Results: Endotoxemia elicited impaired renal function, estimated as GFR, and increased the levels of renal apoptotic cells, with no modifying effect of EPO. Furthermore, EPO had no effect on RBF, renal oxygen consumption, or the systemic hemodynamic response to endotoxemia. EPO did not modify the inflammatory response, measured as changes in cytokine levels in plasma and organs. Conclusion: EPO did not confer renal protection in this fluid‐resuscitated porcine model of endotoxemia, and EPO did not modify the inflammatory response.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Epidural fentanyl after a lidocaine and epinephrine test dose, provides adequate analgesia and allows for ambulation during early labour. The current study was designed to determine the influence of hydromorphone added to an epidural fentanyl bolus (e.g., whether there is an increase in duration of analgesia). METHODS: Forty-four labouring primigravid women, at less than 5 cm cervical dilation, who requested epidural analgesia were enrolled in this randomized, double-blind study. After a 3 mL test dose of lidocaine with epinephrine, patients received fentanyl 100 microgram (in 10 mL volume). They randomly received the fentanyl with either saline or hydromorphone (300 microgram). After administration of the initial analgesic, pain scores and side effects were recorded for each patient at ten, 20, and 30 min, and every 30 min thereafter, by an observer blinded to the technique used. RESULTS: The patients were taller in the hydromorphone group (P < 0.04). There were no other demographic differences between the two groups. The mean duration prior to re-dose was not significantly different in the group that received hydromorphone (135 +/- 52 min) compared to the control group (145 +/- 46 min). Side effects were similar between the two groups. No patient in either group experienced any detectable motor block. CONCLUSION: In early labouring patients, the addition of hydromorphone (300 microgram) to epidural fentanyl (100 microgram after a lidocaine and epinephrine test dose) neither prolongs the duration of analgesia nor affects the ability to ambulate, and cannot be recommended according to the current study.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Although ropivacaine has been used to provide spinal anesthesia in the surgical population, its intrathecal administration for labour analgesia has only recently been described. We evaluated the effects of low dose intrathecal ropivacaine with or without sufentanil for labour analgesia. METHODS: Thirty-six term parturients in active labour were randomly assigned to receive 3 mg of intrathecal ropivacaine (group R) or 3 mg ropivacaine with 10 microg of sufentanil (group RS). Patients were evaluated by a blinded observer for hypotension, linear analogue score (VAS 0-100) for labour pain, motor power in the lower limbs, onset of analgesia, sensation to cold and pin prick, duration of analgesia, and neonatal Apgar scores. The following day patients were assessed for satisfaction, headache and neurologic deficit. RESULTS: The mean duration of analgesia in the R group was 41.4 +/- 4.9 min and 95.0 +/- 6.1 min in the RS group (mean +/- SEM, P=0.0001). All subjects had satisfactory analgesia at five minutes, although analgesia from the ropivacaine- sufentanil combination was superior to that provided by ropivacaine alone. Total duration of labour was no different between the groups (R- 306 +/- 34, RS- 384 +/- 44 min, P=0.17). No patient showed evidence of motor block. All patients were satisfied with the labour analgesia. No neurological complications were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Low dose ropivacaine provides effective analgesia during labour via the intrathecal route. It can be mixed with sufentanil in the above-mentioned concentrations to improve both the quality and duration of analgesia. Fetal outcome remains favourable. It may provide minimal or no motor block, to facilitate ambulation.  相似文献   

During normothermic cardiac arrest, a combination of active compression-decompression (ACD) cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) with the inspiratory threshold valve (ITV) significantly improves vital organ blood flow, but this technique has not been studied during hypothermic cardiac arrest. Accordingly, we evaluated the hemodynamic effects of ACD + ITV CPR before, and after, the administration of vasopressin in a porcine model of hypothermic cardiac arrest. Pigs were surface-cooled until their body core temperature was 26 degrees C. After 10 min of untreated ventricular fibrillation, 14 animals were randomly assigned to either ACD CPR with the ITV (n = 7) or to standard (STD) CPR (n = 7). After 8 min of CPR, all animals received 0.4 U/kg vasopressin IV, and CPR was maintained for an additional 10 min in each group; defibrillation was attempted after 28 min of cardiac arrest, including 18 min of CPR. Before the administration of vasopressin, mean +/- SEM common carotid blood flow was significantly higher in the ACD + ITV group compared with STD CPR (67 +/- 13 versus 26 +/- 5 mL/min, respectively; P < 0.025). After vasopressin was given at minute 8 during CPR, mean +/- SEM coronary perfusion pressure was significantly higher in the ACD + ITV group, but did not increase in the STD group (29 +/- 3 versus 15 +/- 2 mm Hg, and 25 +/- 1 versus 14 +/- 1 mm Hg at minute 12 and 18, respectively; P < 0.001); mean +/- SEM common carotid blood flow remained higher at respective time points (33 +/- 8 versus 10 +/- 3 mL/min, and 31 +/- 7 versus 7 +/- 3 mL/min, respectively; P < 0.01). Without active rewarming, spontaneous circulation was restored and maintained for 1 h in three of seven animals in the ACD + ITV group versus none of seven animals in the STD CPR group (not significant). During hypothermic cardiac arrest, ACD CPR with the ITV improved common carotid blood flow compared with STD CPR alone. Moreover, after the administration of vasopressin, coronary perfusion pressure was significantly higher during ACD + ITV CPR, but not during STD CPR. IMPLICATIONS: New strategies are needed to improve the efficiency of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in hypothermic cardiac arrest. Active compression-decompression CPR with the inspiratory threshold valve improved carotid blood flow (and coronary perfusion pressure with vasopressin) compared with standard CPR.  相似文献   

The relationship between tachyphylaxis (measured as a decrease in the rate of regression of sensory levels of analgesia) during repeated epidural injections of lidocaine and both the distribution of lidocaine within the epidural space (as measured by spread of simultaneous injection of the tracer technetium-99m diethylenetriaminepentaacetate [99mTc-DTPA]) and elimination of lidocaine from the epidural space (as measured by serum concentrations of lidocaine) was investigated in 18 patients undergoing minor surgery during lumbar epidural analgesia. Twelve patients received four injections of 20 mL of 2% lidocaine at 2-hr intervals. Epidural distribution was assessed by injection of 99mTc-DTPA diluted in saline on the preoperative day and diluted in an equal volume of 2% lidocaine on the morning before surgery and again after the fourth injection of lidocaine 6 hr later. The distribution of 99mTc-DTPA in the epidural space was unchanged during the three measurements despite significant tachyphylaxis in both sensory analgesia and motor blockade (11 of 12 patients had sensory analgesia 2 hr after the first injection in contrast to only 3 of 12 patients during the third injection). In another six patients 20 mL of 2% lidocaine were injected three times at 2-hr intervals before surgery, with measurements of serum concentrations of lidocaine after the first and last injections. Despite tachyphylaxis (no patient had sensory analgesia 2 hr after the third injection), there was no difference in the rate of disappearance of lidocaine from the epidural space as assessed by plasma lidocaine concentration curves during the first and third injection (0.5 +/- 0.1 and 0.3 +/- 0.04 microgram.mL-1.min-1, respectively).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Experimental Bacteroides fragilis bacteremia was studied in subhuman primates. Following intravenous infusion of viable B. fragilis there was an exponential clearance of organisms from the bloodstream. The major clearance organ was the liver, which accumulated 68.2% of the total inoculum. The most efficient clearance was exhibited by the spleen, with uptake of 1.16% gm tissue. Hemodynamic studies revealed no significant changes in heart rate, mean arterial pressure, or cardiac output following B. fragilis infusion. Complement activity as measured by CH50, alternative pathway hemolytic activity, granulocyte aggregometry, C4, C3, properdin, and Factor B levels were similarly unaffected by infusion of B. fragilis. In contrast, profound hemodynamic changes and a consistent decrease in complement activity was noted after challenge with S. minnesota. The results of this study suggest that B. fragilis bacteremia has a minor role in producing the acute hemodynamic changes associated with the septic shock syndrome.  相似文献   

We have investigated the hypothesis that the calcium antagonist verapamil might be useful for prevention or treatment of malignant hyperthermia (MH) in MH-susceptible (MHS) swine. MH episodes were triggered in four groups of four swine with halothane alone or combined with succinylcholine (SCh) and, with and without verapamil. MH episodes were reversed by therapy with dantrolene and NaHCO3 in all groups. Verapamil did not alter MH episodes triggered by halothane alone or combined with SCh. The dantrolene-NaHCO3 requirements for reversal of MH were greater for the groups receiving halothane-SCh, but did not differ in groups pretreated with and without verapamil. In vitro verapamil (25 microM) did not reduce responses of intact muscle fibers to halothane and, in fact, exaggerated some halothane-induced responses. High concentrations of verapamil (0.5 mM) caused contractures in MHS but not in normal muscles. Neither our in vivo nor in vitro results support the use of verapamil in the treatment of MH. Further, doses of dantrolene used to reverse these MH episodes, although admittedly small (1-2 mg/kg), did not produce myocardial depression when used in combination with verapamil.  相似文献   

The hanging-drop (HD) technique has been attributed to a negative epidural pressure induced by making a tent of the dura by the Tuohy needle. We, therefore, hypothesized that the HD technique would result in more successful intrathecal placement of the spinal needle in combined spinal-epidural anesthesia (CSEA) compared with the loss-of-resistance (LR). Seventy patients received CSEA using the needle-through-needle method with a spinal needle extending 9 mm beyond the Tuohy needle. Success rate in obtaining cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) at the first attempt was considerably low; 60% in HD and 57% in LR, which was not significantly different. Failure to obtain CSF after 3 attempts was not significantly different between the two techniques; 26% and 31% in HD and LR, respectively. In conclusion, there was no advantage of the HD technique for obtaining CSF in CESA compared with the LR. It seems that spinal needle length beyond the Tuohy needle should be more than 9 mm.  相似文献   



Advanced esophageal dysplasia and early cancers have been treated traditionally with esophagectomy. Endoscopic esophageal mucosectomy (EEM) offers less-invasive therapy, but high-degree stricture formation limits its applicability. We hypothesized that placement of a biodegradable stent (BD-stent) immediately after circumferential EEM would prevent stricturing.


Ten pigs (five unstented controls, five BD-stent) were utilized. Under anesthesia, a flexible endoscope with a band ligator and snare was used to incise the mucosa approximately 20?cm proximal to the lower esophageal sphincter. A 10-cm, circumferential, mucosal segment was dissected and excised by using snare electrocautery. In the stented group, an 18-×120-mm, self-expanding, woven polydioxanone stent (ELLA-CS, Hradec-Kralove) was deployed. Weekly esophagograms evaluated for percent reduction in esophageal diameter, stricture length, and proximal esophageal dilation. Animals were euthanized when the stricture exceeded 80?% and were unable to gain weight (despite high-calorie liquid diet) or at 14?weeks.


The control group rapidly developed esophageal strictures; no animal survived beyond the third week of evaluation. At 2?weeks post-EEM, the BD-stent group had a significant reduction in esophageal diameter (77.7 vs. 26.6?%, p?<?0.001) and degree of proximal dilation (175 vs. 131?%, p?=?0.04) compared with controls. Survival in the BD-stent group was significantly longer than in the control group (9.2 vs. 2.4?weeks, p?=?0.01). However, all BD-stent animals ultimately developed clinically significant strictures (range, 4?C14?weeks). Comparison between the maximum reduction in esophageal diameter and stricture length (immediately before euthanasia) demonstrated no differences between the groups.


Circumferential EEM results in severe stricture formation and clinical deterioration within 3?weeks. BD-stent placement significantly delays the time of clinical deterioration from 2.4 to 9.2?weeks, but does not affect the maximum reduction in esophageal diameter or proximal esophageal dilatation. The timing of stricture formation in the BD-stent group correlated with the loss radial force and stent disintegration.  相似文献   

Estrogen influences the calcium-induced suppressibility of parathyroid hormone (PTH) in postmenopausal women. We tested the hypothesis that parathyroid gland function is also sensitive to the anabolic steroid, stanazolol. The calcium-induced suppressibility of PTH was investigated in 11 osteoporotic postmenopausal women on two occasions, before and after 1 month's oral treatment with stanazolol. Compliance to treatment was checked by the determination of serum luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone. Serum intact PTH and ionized calcium were estimated before and 5, 60, and 120 minutes after I.V. calcium load. Calcium-induced PTH suppression was of a similar magnitude before and after stanazolol, although calcium increments were identical. The results imply that stanazolol—at biologically effective doses—does not affect PTH responsiveness to hypercalcemia in postmenopausal women.  相似文献   

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