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A classic finding in perception of compound patterns is normal individuals cannot skip global analysis in local-oriented processing, but they can successfully resist local analysis in global-oriented processing-the so-called global interference [1]. Recently, studies examining the role of brain hemisphere activity in the Navon task have indicated that the processing of global and local information can be, respectively, attributed to the right and left hemispheres. Moreover, many neuroimaging researches have revealed that certain core symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are related to dysfunction of right hemisphere. These findings imply that global interference will be substantially less evident, and possibly even replaced by local interference in ADHD. The present study compared the performance of children with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder of the inattentive type (ADHD-I) in the processing of global and local information to examine the local interference hypothesis in ADHD. An ADHD-I group (n=15) and a paired control group (n=19) completed tasks using two versions of the Navon task, one requiring divided attention, in which no information was given to participants regarding the level at which a target would appear, and the other requiring selective attention, in which participants were instructed to attend to either the local or the global level. The results showed that children with ADHD-I exhibited local interference, regardless of which attention procedure was used. These results support the weak right hemisphere hypothesis in ADHD, and provide evidence against the deficit hypotheses for ADHD in the DSM-IV criteria [29], which postulates that inattention symptoms may manifest as a failure to provide close attention to details.  相似文献   

Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded to investigate whether the meaningfulness of experimental stimuli impacted performances during global/local visual tasks. Participants were presented with compound stimuli, based on either meaningful letters, meaningful objects, or meaningless non-objects. The ERP recordings displayed typical early components, P1 and N1, evoked by task-related processes that affected global and local processes differently according to the meaningfulness of the stimuli. The effect of meaningfulness of the stimuli during global processing showed that P1 amplitudes were larger in response to objects and non-objects compared to letters, while letters and objects elicited larger N1 amplitudes than non-objects. Second, during local processing, the mean amplitudes of the ERPs recorded for object and letter stimuli were systematically smaller than the amplitudes recorded for non-object stimuli for both P1 and N1 components. In addition, object and letter stimuli elicited comparable mean ERP responses during local processing. These results are discussed in terms of the influences of both attentional and top-down identification processes. Taken together, these findings suggested that looking for meaning is crucial in the perception of visual scenes and that the meaningfulness nature of the stimuli should be taken into account in future studies.  相似文献   

Volberg G  Hübner R 《Neuropsychologia》2004,42(13):1805-1813
It is widely assumed that the local and global levels of hierarchical stimuli are processed more efficiently in the left and right cerebral hemispheres, respectively. However, corresponding effects were not observed under all circumstances. In ERP studies, they occurred more often with centrally presented stimuli than with laterally presented ones, whereas reaction-time studies revealed that a response conflict between the levels is relevant. The present study examines which of these two factors is more important by presenting conflicting and non-conflicting stimuli to the left or right visual field and recording ERPs as well as collecting behavioral data. If a central stimulus position is crucial, then no effects should show up. Contrary to this prediction, the expected hemispheric differences were observed in the behavioral data as well as in the later occurring (N2 and P3) ERP amplitudes. However, in all variables, the effects were more pronounced for conflicting stimuli. The results suggest that response conflicts are more important for obtaining hemispheric differences in global/local processing than a central stimulus presentation. This is interpreted in the way that hemispheric differences vary with respect to the stimulus representation that is needed to select a proper response.  相似文献   

Han S  Jiang Y  Gu H 《Human brain mapping》2004,22(4):321-328
We investigated neural substrates of global/local processing of bilateral hierarchical stimuli using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Subjects were presented with two compound letters that were displayed simultaneously in the left and right visual fields, respectively. In a steady-state, block-design paradigm, hemodynamic responses were recorded while subjects detected infrequent global or local targets presented in one hemifield in separate epochs of trials. While behavioural responses were more accurate and faster to global than local targets, attention to the global level of bilateral visual inputs induced stronger activations in the left and right temporal cortex relative to attention to the local level. However, attention to the local level generated stronger activations in bilateral superior parietal cortex compared with attention to the global level. The results suggest that distinct neural substrates in the temporal and parietal cortices are preferentially engaged in the global and local processing of bilateral visual inputs, respectively.  相似文献   

Persons with Williams syndrome (WS) demonstrate pronounced deficits in visuo-spatial processing. The purpose of the current study was to examine the preferred level of perceptual analysis in young adults with WS (n = 21) and the role of attention in the processing of hierarchical stimuli. Navon-like letter stimuli were presented to adults with WS and age-matched typical controls in an oddball paradigm where local and global targets could appear with equal probability. Participants received no explicit instruction to direct their attention toward a particular stimulus level. Behavioral and event-related potential (ERP) data were recorded. Behavioral data indicated presence of a global precedence effect in persons with WS. However, their ERP responses revealed atypical brain mechanisms underlying attention to local information. During the early perceptual analysis, global targets resulted in reduced P1 and enhanced N150 responses in both participant groups. However, only the typical comparison group demonstrated a larger N150 to local targets. At the more advanced stages of cognitive processing, a larger P3b response to global and local targets was observed in the typical group but not in persons with WS, who instead demonstrated an enhanced P3a to global targets only. The results indicate that in a perceptual task, adults with WS may experience greater than typical global-to-local interference and not allocate sufficient attentional resources to local information.  相似文献   

We investigated the neural basis of so-called “object-based attention” by examining patient D.F., who has visual form agnosia caused by bilateral damage to the lateral occipital (LO) area of the ventral visual stream. We tested D.F.’s object-based attention in two ways. In the first experiment, we used a spatial cueing procedure to compare the costs associated with shifting attention within versus between two separate outline figures. D.F. did not show the normal advantage of within-object over between-object attention shifts. In the second experiment, we used a complementary paradigm in which two separate stimuli, presented either on the same or on different objects, have to be identified as the same or different, We found no evidence for the normal pattern of superior performance for within versus between figure comparisons. In a third experiment, we checked that D.F. showed normal shift costs for invalid as opposed to valid cueing in a standard Posner spatial attention task. In a final experiment, we compared horizontal versus vertical attention shifting in group of healthy controls without the presence of outline rectangles, and found that their pattern of shift costs was indistinguishable from that seen in D.F. when the rectangles were present (Experiment 1). We conclude that whilst D.F. has a normal spatial orienting system this is completely uninfluenced by object structure. We suggest that area LO may mediate form processing precisely at the stage where visual representations normally influence the spread of attention.  相似文献   

IntroductionChronic sleep restriction has been linked to occupational errors and motor vehicle crashes. Enhancing slow wave sleep may alleviate some of the cognitive deficits associated with chronic sleep restriction. However, the extent to which acoustic stimulation of slow wave activity (SWA) may improve alertness and attention is not well established, particularly with respect to consecutive nights of exposure.MethodsTwenty-five healthy adults (32.9 ± 8.2 years; 16 female) who self-restricted their sleep during workdays participated in a randomized, double-blind, cross-over study. Participants wore an automated acoustic stimulation device for two consecutive nights. Acoustic tones (50 ms long) were delivered on the up-phase of the slow wave first and then at constant 1-s inter-tone-intervals once N3 was identified (STIM), until an arousal or shift to another sleep stage occurred, or at inaudible decibels during equivalent stimulation periods (SHAM). Subjective alertness/fatigue (KSS, Samn-Perelli) was assessed across both days, and objective measures of alertness (MSLT) and attention (PVT) were assessed after two nights of stimulation.ResultsAfter one night of acoustic stimulation, increased slow wave energy was observed in 68% of participants, with an average significant increase of 17.7% (p = 0.01), while Night 2 was associated with a 22.2% increase in SWA (p = 0.08). SWE was highly stable across the two nights of STIM (ICC 0.93, p < 0.001), and around half (56%) of participants were consistently classified as responders (11/25) or non-responders (3/25). Daytime testing showed that participants felt more alert and awake following each night of acoustic stimulation (p < 0.05), with improved objective attention across the day following two nights of acoustic stimulation.DiscussionConsecutive nights of acoustic stimulation enhanced SWA on both nights, and improved next day alertness and attention. Given large individual differences, we highlight the need to examine both the long-term effects of stimulation, and to identify inter-individual differences in acoustic stimulation response. Our findings suggest that the use of an acoustic device to enhance slow wave sleep may alleviate some of the deficits in alertness and attention typically associated with sleep restriction.  相似文献   

Attention bias modification (ABM) is designed to modify threat-related attention bias and thus alleviate anxiety. The current research examined whether consistently directing attention towards targeted goals per se contributes to ABM efficacy. We randomly assigned 68 non-clinical college students with elevated social anxiety to non-valence-specific attend-to-geometrics (AGC), attention modification (AMC), or attention control (ACC) conditions. We assessed subjective, behavioral, and physiological reactivity to a speech task and self-reported social anxiety symptoms. After training, participants in the AMC exhibited an attention avoidance from threat, and those in the AGC responded more rapidly toward targeted geometrics. There was a significant pre- to post-reduction in subjective speech distress across groups, but behavioral and physiological reactivity to speech, as well as self-report social anxiety symptoms, remained unchanged. These results lead to questions concerning effectiveness of ABM training for reducing social anxiety. Further examination of the current ABM protocol is required.  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that, when operating in a distributed attention mode, the visual system automatically represents visual displays by their overall statistics, rather than their individual properties. Recent neuropsychological work shows partly preserved distributed attention in simultanagnosic patients, who are typically defined as only perceiving one object at a time. Here we assessed whether GK, a patient with simultanagnosia, shows averaging of stimulus properties when distributing his attention across a set of items. We manipulated different stimulus properties in two experiments: color shades and size. We found that, when GK was in a distributed mode of attention, he (incorrectly) identified the mean object from two classes of exemplars more than in a control condition, when only one exemplar class was present. Overall, this study suggests that automatic statistical processing of color and size is possible in simultanagnosia.  相似文献   

Amplified attention allocation to negative information in one’s environment has been implicated in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Attention bias variability (ABV), the magnitude of attention fluctuation between negative and neutral cues, has also been found to be elevated in PTSD. While eye-tracking methodology has been used in research on attention allocation in PTSD, ABV was only explored using manual reaction-time-based indices. Thirty-seven participants with PTSD, 34 trauma-exposed healthy controls (TEHC), and 30 non-exposed healthy controls (HC) completed an eye-tracking free-viewing task in which matrices comprised of neutral and negatively-valenced faces were presented. Threat-related attention allocation was calculated as the proportion of dwell time (DT%) on negatively-valenced faces. Eye-tracking-based ABV was calculated as the standard deviation of DT% across matrices. DT% on negatively-valenced faces was greater in participants with PTSD compared to both TEHC (p = .036, d = 0.50) and HC (p < .001, d = 1.03), with TEHCs showing a greater attentional bias compared to HCs (p = .001, d = 0.84). Controlling for average fixation duration, ABV was higher in both the PTSD and TEHC groups relative to the HC group (p = .004, d = 0.40), with no difference between the two trauma-exposed groups. Biased attention allocation toward negative social information is related to PTSD pathology, whereas elevated ABV measured with eye-tracking appear to be related to trauma-exposure per-se.  相似文献   

Patients with simultanagnosia often demonstrate 'local capture', meaning that they identify only the local elements of stimuli that contain a hierarchy of both local and global structures. Recent studies, however, have found that these patients may implicitly process the global form. We examined the general applicability of the concept of local capture, and specifically whether the global level of stimuli can be explicitly reported by patients with simultanagnosia. We tested a patient with simultanagnosia with globally biased stimuli such as hierarchical Arcimboldo faces and small, dense Navon letters. With Arcimboldo faces our patient often reported only the face and not the local elements--the first demonstration of global rather than local capture. With Navon letters, the patient's ability to report the global letter varied with stimulus density and inversely with stimulus size, so that local capture was found only with large and sparse stimuli. With both faces and letters, the likelihood of global capture by the patient was related to the ease of global reporting in controls, as indexed by their reaction times. This suggests that the patient's global perception is influenced by the same factors operating in healthy individuals. We conclude that attentional capture in simultanagnosia can be either global or local. Capture likely occurs because of a pathological restriction and/or rigidity of attention, but the type of capture depends upon the competitive balance between global and local salience.  相似文献   

Hsu SM  Pessoa L 《Neuropsychologia》2007,45(13):3075-3086
While the role of attention in determining the neural fate of unattended emotional items has been investigated in the past, it remains unclear whether bottom-up and top-down factors have differential effects in shaping responses evoked by such stimuli. To study the effects of bottom-up and top-down factors on the processing of neutral and fearful faces, we employed functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while participants performed attentional tasks that manipulated these factors. To probe the impact of top-down mechanisms on the processing of face distractors, target letters either had to be found among several distinct nontarget letters (attentional load condition) or among identical nontarget letters (baseline condition). To probe the impact of bottom-up factors, we decreased the salience of the targets by reducing their size and contrast relative to baseline (salience condition). Our findings revealed that bottom-up and top-down manipulations produced dissociable effects on amygdala and fusiform gyrus responses to fearful-face distractors when task difficulty was equated. When the attentional load of the main task was high, weaker responses were evoked by fearful-face distractors relative to baseline during the early trials. By contrast, decreasing target salience resulted in increased responses relative to baseline. The present findings suggest that responses evoked by unattended fearful faces are modulated by several factors, including attention and stimulus salience.  相似文献   

Both optimism bias and reward-related attention bias have crucial implications for well-being and mental health. Yet, the extent to which the two biases interact remains unclear because, to date, they have mostly been discussed in isolation. Examining interactions between the two biases can lead to new directions in neurocognitive research by revealing their underlying cognitive and neurophysiological mechanisms. In the present article, we suggest that optimism bias and reward-related attention bias mutually enforce each other and recruit a common underlying neural network. Key components of this network include specific activations in the anterior and posterior cingulate cortex with connections to the amygdala. We further postulate that biased memory processes influence the interplay of optimism and reward-related attention bias. Studying such causal relations between cognitive biases reveals important information not only about normal functioning and adaptive neural pathways in maintaining mental health, but also about the development and maintenance of psychological diseases, thereby contributing to the effectiveness of treatment.  相似文献   

Many current models of working memory (WM) emphasize a close relationship between WM and attention. Recently it was demonstrated that attention can be dynamically and voluntarily oriented to items held in WM, and it was suggested that directed attention can modulate the maintenance of specific WM representations. Here we used event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging to test the effects of orienting attention to a category of stimuli when participants maintained a variable number of faces and scenes in WM. Retro-cues that indicated the relevant stimulus type for the subsequent WM test modulated maintenance-related activity in extrastriate areas preferentially responsive to face or scene stimuli - fusiform and parahippocampal gyri respectively - in a categorical way. After the retro-cue, the activity level in these areas was larger for the cued category in a load-independent way, suggesting the modulation may also reflect anticipation of the probe stimulus. Activity in associative parietal and prefrontal cortices was also modulated by retro-cues, and additionally co-varied with the number of stimuli of the relevant stimulus category that was being maintained. The findings suggest that these associative areas participate in maintaining the relevant memoranda in a flexible and goal-directed way to guide future behaviour.  相似文献   

Our visual world is hierarchically organized. Hierarchical processing is frequently investigated using Navon figures (large letters made up of smaller ones). In young adults, many studies reported faster reaction times (RT) to target letters presented at the global level [i.e., global precedence (GP)]. Furthermore, an age-related decline of this GP has been reported. We tested whether deficits in perceptual grouping via Gestalt laws (Gestalt principles of Proximity and Continuity) might contribute to this decline. In a directed attention task with valid and invalid cues, 20 young (mean age 22) and 20 older (mean age 57) male subjects had to indicate whether a target letter appeared at the global or local level of a Navon figure. The number of local letters forming the global figure was modulated in 5 steps. As expected, during valid trials, young adults showed a GP that linearly increased with increasing numbers of local letters (i.e., GP enhancement). This suggests that GP is related to perceptual grouping via Gestalt laws. By contrast, the group of older subjects demonstrated no precedence effect in RT and a non-significant trend toward GP in error rates (ER). No GP enhancement with an increasing number of local elements was observed. Exploratory analysis revealed that individual insensitivity to the modulation of matrix density, as revealed by a lack of global RT acceleration, was restricted to subjects that showed an overall local precedence (LP). Because older subjects tended to more frequently display an insensitivity to matrix modulation and an LP, we conclude that deficient Gestalt detection as indicated by non-enhanced global RT might contribute to the RT-related decline of GP with age.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of aging on the involuntary capture of attention by irrelevant sounds (distraction) and the use of these sounds as warning cues (alertness) in an oddball paradigm. We compared the performance of older and younger participants on a well-characterized auditory-visual distraction task. Based on the dissociations observed in aging between attentional processes sustained by the anterior and posterior attentional networks, our prediction was that distraction by irrelevant novel sounds would be stronger in older adults than in young adults while both groups would be equally able to use sound as an alert to prepare for upcoming stimuli. The results confirmed both predictions: there was a larger distraction effect in the older participants, but the alert effect was equivalent in both groups. These results give support to the frontal hypothesis of aging [Raz, N. (2000). Aging of the brain and its impact on cognitive performance: integration of structural and functional finding. In F.I.M. Craik & T.A. Salthouse (Eds.) Handbook of aging and cognition (pp. 1-90). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum; West, R. (1996). An application of prefrontal cortex function theory to cognitive aging. Psychological Bulletin, 120, 272-292].  相似文献   

Han S  He X 《Human brain mapping》2003,19(4):273-281
The global precedence effect refers to the findings that responses are faster to a global structure than to its local parts and local responses are slowed by incongruent global information. We recorded high-density event-related potentials (ERPs) to study the role of enhanced local selection in the global precedence effect. Hierarchical stimuli were compound letters in which the local letters were either identical (homogeneous stimuli) or the central local letter was brighter than (bright stimuli) or different in color from the others (red stimuli). Subjects were asked to attend to the pop-out local letter of the red and bright stimuli during the local task whereas there was no such instruction for the homogeneous stimuli. Top-down attention to the pop-out local item weakened the global reaction time advantage and the interference effect. The enhanced local selection decreased the amplitude of an occipito-temporal negativity between 240-360 msec but increased the amplitude of a frontal-central negativity between 260-320 msec related to local processing. The incongruency between global and local letters enlarged the posterior N2 in the local condition and this effect was eliminated by enhanced local selection. These effects were evident regardless of whether the pop-out local letter was defined by color or luminance difference. The results support the proposal that distinct neural mechanisms over the posterior and anterior areas are engaged in the selection process that contributes to local processing of compound stimuli.  相似文献   

Spatial bias may occur in subjects performing a number of cognitive and visual-motor tasks. These include coordinate visuospatial computations (e.g. bisecting a line) and categorical representations of syntactic information (e.g. drawing a picture depicting the action of a sentence). Readers of European languages scan from left-to-right and this learned visual scanning may contribute to leftward spatial bias. In 30 subjects who first learned to read in a top-to-bottom, right-to-left direction (right-left vertical readers, RL), we tested spatial-syntactic bias by reading sentences to subjects, who drew pictures depicting the actions. We noted whether the subject of the sentence was located leftward or rightward of the object. We assessed visual-spatial bias by measuring subjects' accuracy at bisecting lines, and by measuring how closely their drawings on the house-tree-person test were centered on the page. On the spatial-syntactic task, the RL were not right- or left-biased (P=0.581). Korean controls (left-right horizontal readers, LR) also showed no significant spatial-syntactic bias. RL only tended to bisect lines leftward, but displaced house-tree-person drawings left of page center (P<0.001). LR erred leftward on line bisection, and had a smaller magnitude leftward bias on drawing tasks. We conclude that a leftward spatial-syntactic bias may not be innate and does not appear to be influenced by learned reading direction. In contrast, the leftward visual-spatial bias may occur in subjects whose cultural and reading background is neither western nor left-to-right.  相似文献   

Background: People who report mild anomia following stroke often score near or within normal limits on traditional assessments of language. Based on evidence of cognitive influences on linguistic production in people with aphasia, this study examined non-linguistic, cognitive function and its potential influence on word retrieval in individuals with mild anomia.

Aims: This study explored the following research questions: Do people with mild anomia have impaired performance on tasks which require (a) automatic vs controlled processing and/or (b) selective attention relative to neurologically typical controls?

Methods & Procedures: A total of 14 participants with mild anomia and 9 neurologically typical controls were tested using Covert Orienting of Visuospatial Attention Test (COVAT), alone and with linguistic interference, at two interstimulus intervals (ISI) representing automatic and controlled processing.

Outcomes & Results: Participants with anomia showed significantly slower responses on COVAT alone at 100 ms ISI (automatic processing) compared with controls. The groups did not differ significantly during COVAT alone at 800 ms ISI (controlled processing). Additionally, similar priming patterns were exhibited by both groups on COVAT alone during both interstimulus intervals, indicating an intact validity effect. However, participants with anomia demonstrated significantly delayed response times during the COVAT with linguistic interference, regardless of ISI.

Conclusions: Overall, participants with mild anomia demonstrated impairments most notably when interfering stimuli were present, indicating deficits in automatic processing and selective attention. Study results support clinical evaluation of non-linguistic cognitive abilities in individuals reporting anomia who score near or within normal limits on language assessments.  相似文献   

Behavioral studies have documented a relative advantage in some aspects of visuospatial cognition in autism although it is not consistently found in higher functioning individuals with autism. The purpose of this functional neuroimaging study was to examine the neural activity in high functioning individuals with autism while they performed a block design task that systematically varied with regard to whether a global pattern was present. Participants were 14 adults with high-functioning autism and 14 age and IQ matched typical controls. The task was to identify a missing block in target figures which had either an obvious global shape or was an arbitrary array of blocks. Behavioral results showed intact, but not superior, performance in our participants with autism. A key group difference was that the participants with autism showed reliably greater activation in occipital and parietal regions in both tasks suggesting an increased reliance of the autism group on posterior brain areas to mediate visuospatial tasks. Thus, increased reliance on relatively posterior brain regions in itself may not guarantee superior performance as seen in the present study.  相似文献   

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