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目的 探讨地震伤致挤压综合征的诊断及治疗,为地震伤挤压综合征的救治提供参考.方法 对地震伤致严重挤压综合征1例治疗进行总结回顾,观察全身营养支持、积极局部创面处理辅助血液透析对挤压综合征伤员恢复的作用.结果 经过积极处理,局部坏死组织得到清除.心、肾功能进一步好转,为后续修复创面打下良好基础.结论 清除坏死组织、减少毒素吸收、辅助人工血液透析治疗,有利于提高挤压综合征伤员的救治成功率.  相似文献   

地震伤后挤压综合征154例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨地震伤后挤压综合征有效的诊断和治疗方法。方法:对154例地震伤后挤压综合征患者依据病史、症状、体征及实验室检查结果进行诊断,并主要针对急性肾损伤和局部创伤给予综合治疗。结果:154例中,128例基本治愈,26例行血液透析患者肾功能明显改善,无一例发生持续性肾功能损害和死亡。结论:采用以补液、利尿、血液透析、局部切开减压和全身营养支持为主的综合方法治疗挤压综合征并急性肾功能损伤患者可很好地控制病情发展,促进转归。  相似文献   

目的 探讨腕部挤压伤的治疗方法,为腕部挤压伤提供一种安全,有效的治疗方法。方法 对19例腕部挤压伤患者先运用骨科、显微外科技术彻底减压、重建骨骼结构、修复血管、神经、肌腱,清除坏死组织,辅助负压封闭引流技术Ⅰ期封闭创而、Ⅱ期扩创缝合或植皮修复创面。结果 19例患者腕部肿胀快速消退,通过Ⅱ期扩创缝合或植皮修复,外观和功能恢复满意。结论 早期的彻底减压、尽可能Ⅰ期修复组织及辅助负压封闭引流技术能使腕部挤压伤修复获得满意的效果。  相似文献   

汶川地震挤压综合征患者肌肉挤压伤的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 分析汶川地震挤压综合征患者肌肉挤压伤的特点.方法 回顾性分析2008年5月12日汶川地震后成都军区总医院收治的挤压综合征患者8例,男女各4例;年龄25~45岁,平均35.4岁.压埋时间9~152h,平均52h.均行筋膜切开手术,截肢者6例8肢.8例患者均行连续肾脏替代治疗.2例死于颅脑出血及肠穿孔.术后发生ARDS2例,DIC1例,气性坏疽1例.结果 汶川地震肌肉挤压伤的特点:(1)挤压时间超长,导致急性肾衰;(2)挤压伤因皮肤破损轻微而被误诊,延误病情;(3)受压深层肌肉常比浅层肌肉损伤更严重;(4)肌肉坏死区多发且呈不规律分布;(5)早期坏死组织与正常肌肉混杂造成治疗困难;(6)创面在坏死组织脱落后,可有继发性出血.结论 汶川地震中肌肉挤压伤有其自身特点.治疗中应注意观察,发现肌肉肿胀应行切开减压引流.创面易发生突发性出血及感染.隐匿的肌肉坏死区肌肉溶解、感染是长期发热的主要原因.肢体MR检查有助于发现病灶、及时处理肌肉坏死区.连续肾脏替代治疗是治疗挤压综合征的有效手段.  相似文献   

[目的]回顾性分析5·12汶川地震挤压伤患者高钾血症的救治情况、预后及相关危险因素,更好地指导类似灾害事件的救治工作.[方法]地震发生后1周内,本院收治挤压伤患者66例,根据患者伤情分3组:(1)单纯挤压伤,无挤压综合征;(2)挤压综合征,血钾浓度正常;(3)挤压综合征,高钾血症.针对性给予补液、利尿及碱化尿液、纠正电解质紊乱、血液透析、防治感染及支持治疗.探讨挤压时间、挤压部位与高钾血症发生的关系.[结果]66例患者中49例发生了挤压综合征,39例患者合并高钾血症.随着受累肢体的增加和受压时间的延长,患者发生挤压综合征、高钾血症的风险显著上升.经过积极有效的治疗,全部高钾血症患者均在入院后1 d内得以控制,3 d内完全纠正高钾.截止至2008年11月28日,66例患者无1例死亡.[结论]灾害现场救治时,通过患者挤压时间及受累部位可以迅速判断患者伤情,预测挤压综合征、高钾血症的发生,尽早采取措施.对于挤压综合征、高钾血症的治疗,应及时快速补液、利尿及碱化尿液、血液透析,适时骨筋膜室切开减压、截肢或关节离断,遵循抢救生命、挽留肢体、促进康复的原则.  相似文献   

探讨地震伤后挤压综合症致急性肾损伤诊治和护理的有效方法,对中国经过汶川,玉树2次大地震后,医护人员紧急救援工作中积累了不少经验,地震伤后挤压综合征致急性肾衰竭患者依据症状、体征及实验室检查结果进行诊断治疗和护理,并主要针对急性肾损伤和局部创伤给予综合治疗.采用以补液、利尿、局部切开减压、血液透析和全身营养支持为主的综合疗法治疗挤压综合征并急性肾功能损伤可很好地控制病情发展.笔者通过对其进行总结以供进一步研究和交流.  相似文献   

目的 回顾性分析汶川地震所致肢体挤压伤及挤压综合征的危险因素,为地震挤压伤后的病情判断、挤压综合征的预防、早期诊断及治疗提供理论依据.方法 汶川地震后挤压伤、挤压综合征患者66例,挤压伤18例、挤压综合征48例.致伤原因均为地震中被倒塌房屋及重物压砸伤.对患者年龄、性别、受挤压时间、肢体受累及情况、获救后的心率、尿液颜色、血钾、尿素氮、肌酐、肌酸激酶检查结果,以及肢体治疗情况和最终治疗结果进行统计.结果 (1)挤压伤18例21肢,其中单侧下肢(小腿)11例11肢,单侧上肢(前臂)4例4肢,一侧上肢合并一侧下肢(小腿)2例4肢,双前臂1例2肢;挤压综合征48例76肢,单侧下肢24例24肢,一侧上肢合并一侧下肢7例14肢,双侧下肢11例22肢,双下肢合并一侧上肢4例12肢,双上肢2例4肢.(2)挤压伤患者受挤压时间平均7.6h,挤压综合征患者平均16.4h.(3)2例挤压伤患者出现尿液颜色浅红色,32例挤压综合征患者出现褐色尿.(4)挤压综合征患者肢体累及数量高于挤压伤患者.(5)挤压综合征患者血钾、尿素氮、肌酐、肌酸激酶水平较挤压伤患者高,差异均有统计学意义.结论 现场救援过程中或获救后可以通过对患者受挤压时间、累及肢体数、尿液颜色以及血钾、尿素氮、肌酐、肌酸激酶结果,初步判断患者病情严重程度、预后和帮助制定治疗方案.对指导地震等灾害性突发群体损伤事件的救治和提高患者救治效率、优化医疗资源配置将发挥一定的作用.  相似文献   

地震所致肢体软组织挤压损伤的特点与治疗分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨地震所致肢体挤压伤的软组织损伤特点和救治方法. 方法分析我院收治的202例肢体地震挤压伤的伤情特点,讨论治疗过程中的困难和问题,提出相应的处理措施. 结果 本组肢体挤压毁损伤16例(7.9%),开放性损伤60例(29.7%),闭合性损伤126例(62.4%).根据ISS评分,轻度损伤98例(34.7%),中度损伤54例(17.1%),重度损伤36例(44.9%),极重度损伤14例(3.3%),用SPSS 10.0软件对挤压时间与ISS评分的相关性进行秩和检验,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).行筋膜腔切开减压32例,坏死肌肉切除术15例31次.8肢进行了14次残端清创术. 结论 地震软组织挤压伤伤情严重,挤压伤程度与打压重量和挤压缺血时间有关.肌肉坏死特点是坏死范围广泛而界限不清;同一块肌肉的坏死肌肉束与正常肌肉束交织在一起,坏死面积表面小深层大,肌肉深层坏死较浅层严重.坏死肌肉需多次手术切除,CRRT治疗对挤压伤创面处理与预后有明显的影响.  相似文献   

目的评估地震致挤压综合征血液透析患者营养状态,为临床提供治疗依据。方法收集我院2008年5月12日后收治的汶川地震所致挤压综合征接受血液透析的患者24例,用比色法测量相关生化指标进行营养评估。结果所有患者血尿素氮、血肌酐、血白介素-6、C反应蛋白均升高;95.8%的患者血清白蛋白减低,100%的患者血清铁及转铁蛋白饱和度降低,87.5%的患者血清前白蛋白降低,92.9%的患者转铁蛋白降低,56.3%的患者总胆固醇降低。结论地震所致挤压综合征透析患者均存在营养不良,应对地震急性挤压伤透析患者加强营养支持治疗。  相似文献   

目的 探讨缺血超出救治时限(≥8 h)的严重碾挫挤压伤患肢的治疗对策和疗效。方法 保肢救治20例严重碾挫挤压伤肢体缺血时间超出救治时限的患者,记录保肢情况以及伤肢功能恢复情况。结果 19例患者保肢成功,1例截肢。患者均获得随访,时间20~36个月。19例保肢成功的患者中,末次随访时10例创面皮肤感觉及相邻关节活动良好,9例遗留不同程度的功能障碍。9例合并关节损伤的患者中,末次随访时5例关节功能良好,4例遗留不同程度的功能障碍。结论 对于缺血超出救治时限的严重碾挫挤压伤患肢在注重维系患者生命体征稳定安全的前提下应行保肢治疗。延迟性修复血管损伤的同时,还应处理好神经、复杂软组织损伤、骨折等,尤其注意预防骨筋膜室综合征的发生,才可获得肢体功能较好康复。  相似文献   

地震灾害中挤压综合征伤员的早期处理与疗效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨在地震灾害中挤压综合征伤员的早期处理方案及治疗效果.方法 对"5.12"四川大地震中收治的32例挤压综合征伤员的早期治疗方案及短期疗效进行分析.结果 1例伤员死亡,22例患肢行筋膜室切开减压术后感觉运动功能不同程度恢复,保肢成功;5例伤员行伤肢截肢手术;24例伤员实验室检验指标恢复正常,7例伤员实验室检验指标不同程度恢复.2例伤员切口感染,经治疗后感染控制.结论 地震灾害中挤压综合征伤员的早期处理对预后有重要影响及早行筋膜室切开减压及血液透析治疗能够有效降低死亡率,改善预后.  相似文献   

[目的]分析肾脏替代治疗对挤压综合征患者伤口的影响,为今后治疗挤压综合征以及制定治疗策略提供更好的临床依据。[方法]收集汶川地震中本院收治的挤压综合征患者临床资料和相关治疗结果,将入选的患者分成肾脏替代治疗组和非肾脏替代治疗组,对比分析伤口感染率、伤口活动性动脉出血发生率、小腿减压切口渗液量的差异。[结果]肾脏替代治疗组和非肾脏替代治疗的伤口感染率差异有统计学意义(P=0.006)。肾脏替代治疗组培养出的致病菌前3位依次是不动杆菌属、铜绿假单胞菌和肠杆菌属,为多重耐药菌株。肾脏替代治疗组创面渗液量显著高于非肾脏替代治疗组(P=0.000)。[结论]肾脏替代治疗易导致挤压综合征患者开放创面渗液量增多、感染率高以及多重耐药菌株混合感染。  相似文献   

Objective:To analyze the results of clinical and bacteriological examinations in patients with crash syndrome who suffered infectious complications after an earthquake in Sichuan,China.Methods:A total ...  相似文献   

IntroductionRemoval of necrotic tissue is a vital step in the treatment of full-thickness burn wounds, with surgical debridement being the most effective method. Since minor burn wounds are typically treated on an outpatient basis where surgical capabilities can be limited there is a need for alternative treatment options. In this study we aim to evaluate the use of amino acid buffered hypochlorite (AABH) as a chemical enhancement for wound debridement in a porcine infected burn wound model.MethodA total of 60 full-thickness burn wounds, 3 cm in diameter, were created on four pigs using a standardized burn device. The wounds were inoculated with 107 colony-forming units (CFU) of S. aureus. The experimental groups included wounds debrided with a plastic curette, wounds debrided after pretreatment with AABH, and control wounds wiped with gauze. Wounds were treated twice per week for three weeks. Debridement, healing, and infection parameters were evaluated over time.ResultsAfter one week, but not after two and three weeks, the curette and AABH groups had higher debrided weights compared to control (p < 0.05). Percentage of wound area adequately cleared from necrotic tissue was higher in the AABH-group compared to the curette-group and control, after one week. The earliest healing was measured in the AABH group after two weeks (5 % of wounds), which also had the most healed wounds after three weeks (55 %). In both the AABH and the curette groups, bacterial load had fallen below 105 CFU/g after two weeks. No CFU were detectable in the AABH group after three weeks. The AABH-group was also the easiest to debride.ConclusionOur results indicate that AABH facilitates wound debridement and could be a helpful addition to an effective treatment modality for removal of necrotic tissue in full-thickness burns.  相似文献   

《Renal failure》2013,35(8):655-661
Aims. There are not enough data about the type of the membrane that should be used in acute intermittent hemodialysis (IHD) in patients with crush syndrome where intradialytic complication rate is high. The effects of dialyzers on outcome have been investigated in this study.?Methods. Patients who required IHD due to crush syndrome after a big earthquake that struck Marmara in 1999 have been studied. Hemodynamic and biochemical analyses at the time of admission were examined. The patients were divided into three groups according to the type of dialyzers (viz., hemophan, polysulfone, and combined).?Results. Forty-five patients were included in the study (mean age: 33.9 ± 13.3 years, mean HD session per patient: 8.8 ± 6.1). In all, 408 dialyzers were used during IHD therapy (21% hemophan). The types of dialyzers used were hemophan (8 patients), polysulfone (18 patients), and the combination of the two (19 patients). The demographic and biochemical parameters related to crush syndrome were not different statistically. All sessions were anticoagulant-free. Hypotension and coagulation of sets were the main intradialytic complications. Five (11%) patients died, but there was no correlation between mortality rates and the type of the dialyzer used. Serum albumin, blood pressure, and thrombocyte counts were found to be related to mortality.?Conclusion. No effect of the type of dialysis membrane on outcome was detected in patients with crush syndrome. Other potential factors, which may responsible for the complications and mortality, should be investigated.  相似文献   

Zhang L  Fu P  Wang L  Cai G  Zhang L  Chen D  Guo D  Sun X  Chen F  Bi W  Zeng X  Li H  Liu Z  Wang Y  Huang S  Chen X 《Injury》2012,43(9):1470-1475
BackgroundOn May 12, 2008, a devastating earthquake hit Wenchuan county of China's Sichuan province. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is one of the most lethal but reversible complications of crush syndrome after an earthquake. However, little is known about the epidemiological features of elderly crush patients with AKI. The aim of the present study is to compare clinical features and outcome of crush related AKI between elderly and younger adults in the Wenchuan earthquake.Materials and methodsA questionnaire was sent to 17 reference hospitals that treated the victims after the earthquake. Clinical and laboratory characteristics of crush patients with AKI were retrospectively analysed.Results228 victims experienced crush related AKI, of which 211 were adults, including 45 elderly (age  65 years) and 166 younger adults (age, 15–64 years). Compared with the resident population, the percentage of patients was higher amongst elderly (19.7% versus 7.6%, P < 0.001). The distribution of gender was similar in elderly and younger adults. Mean systolic blood pressure was higher in elderly groups. Although no statistical differences in number of injury and injury severity score were observed between elderly and younger adults, elderly victims had lower frequency of extremities crush injury; higher incidences of thoracic traumas, limb, rib, and vertebral fractures; lower serum creatinine, potassium and creatinine kinase levels; lower incidence of oliguria or anuria; lower dialysis requirement; underwent less fasciotomies and amputations, received less blood and plasma transfusions. Mortality were 17.8% and 10.2% in elderly and younger adults, respectively (P = 0.165). Stratified analysis demonstrated the elderly receiving dialysis had higher mortality rate compared with younger patients (62.5% versus 10.5%, P < 0.001). Multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that need for dialysis and sepsis were independent risk factors for death in the elderly patients.ConclusionsElderly crush victims more frequently developed AKI in the Wenchuan earthquake, and they differ from younger adults in injury patterns and treatment modalities. The elderly patients with AKI requiring dialysis were at a relatively high risk of mortality.  相似文献   

目的 回顾性分析汶川地震挤压综合征(CS)的治疗结果,为指导类似灾难性事件中挤压伤、cs的救治提供理论依据和指导.方法 2008年5月12口汶川地震后所致49例合并急性肾脏功能衰竭(ARF)的cS患者,致伤原因均为地震中被重物砸伤;受挤压时间4~102 h,平均24.7 h.男27例,女22例;年龄6.8~76.0岁,平均31.8岁.平均累计肢体1.5肢.49例存在ARF,血Cr平均365.6μmol/L(169~842 μmol/L),CK平均64 022 U/L(34 571~76 836 U/L),均出现肌红蛋白尿,39例合并有高钾血症(血钾5.23~6.38 mmoL/L).所有患者均予持续肾脏替代疗法(CRRT)治疗,补液、利尿、碱化尿液和纠正电解质紊乱、输血、改善低蛋白血症、预防或治疗创面感染治,扩创换药、扩创缝合.结果 CRRT治疗49例,肾脏功能在11~37 d恢复.高钾血症均在入院后当天纠正.CK在人院后13~45 d恢复正常.无1例死亡.骨筋膜间室切开减压30例52肢,截肢35例45肢.5例因感染、肢体坏死行二次截肢手术.24例创而经换药、扩创或植皮愈合,8处创面(4例)因感染、组织坏死或创面过大等原因未愈合,均为长时间(>20 d)接受CRRT治疗患者,并合并有其他系统、器官损伤.结论 及时明确诊断、积极有效的早期局部和全身治疗,是成功治疗CS,降低并发症发生率和病死率的关键.CS时创面愈合与长时间CRRT治疗之间的协调,是目前部分尚存创而患者治疗的难点.  相似文献   

Li T  Jiang X  Chen H  Yang Z  Wang X  Wang M 《Injury》2012,43(6):886-890
ObjectiveBy analysing the injuries of the orthopaedic wounded during the 2010 Yushu earthquake, we aim to provide useful medical information for the rational application and allocation of medical resources and better implementation of medical relief in earthquake-stricken areas.Patients and methodsFive hundred and eighty-two orthopaedic patients injured during the earthquake. The clinical data, injury conditions and epidemiological features (including age composition, gender ratio, distribution of injury, etc.) were collected and analysed.ResultsAltogether 582 orthopaedic patients were analysed. The average age for all patients was 38.8 ± 13.08 years (0–86 years). Adults accounted for 81.62%. There was no gender difference. The most common injuries included limb fractures, pelvic/acetabular fractures and spinal fractures. Fractures accompany with nerve injury were relatively low, only 17 patients account for 2.92%. Fractures complicated by crush syndrome were even lower, only 7 patients account for 1.20%.ConclusionThe patients who experienced fractures in the Yushu earthquake were mostly adults. This was correlated with population composition in Yushu area. This time all the orthopaedic injuries were relative mild with less complication as nerve injury or crush syndrome mainly because of the characteristics of the house structure in Yushu area.  相似文献   

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